Displaying all 9 publications

  1. Pang T, Pothocheary SD
    PMID: 2672364
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  2. Lee WS, Puthucheary SD, Parasakthi N, Choo KE
    J Trop Pediatr, 2003 Feb;49(1):37-41.
    PMID: 12630719
    There is widespread resistance of Salmonella species to commonly prescribed antimicrobials the world over. We aimed to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility and serovar distribution of non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) isolated from blood cultures of Malaysian children. Positive isolates of NTS from blood cultures obtained from children admitted to the pediatric wards of University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), a large urban hospital from Kuala Lumpur (1991-2001), and Hospital Kota Bharu (HKB), from the predominantly rural state of Kelantan (1991-1999), Malaysia, were reviewed retrospectively. Serovar distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility were ascertained. A total of 64 and 55 isolates of NTS were obtained from blood cultures of children admitted to UMMC and HKB, respectively. The commonest serovar isolated was Salmonella enteritidis in both centers. The NTS isolated were highly sensitive to the antimicrobials tested: ampicillin 98 per cent, chloramphenicol 98 per cent, gentamicin 97 per cent, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) 98 per cent, and ceftriaxone 100 per cent in UMMC; ampicillin 100 per cent, chloramphenicol 87 per cent, kanamycin 100 per cent, streptomycin 96 per cent, TMP-SMX 93 per cent, and tetracycline 89 per cent in HKB. There were only one and five multi-resistant isolates in UMMC and HKB, respectively. In conclusion, NTS isolated from blood cultures of Malaysian children from Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bharu were highly sensitive to commonly prescribed antibiotics. We speculate that this is due to the restriction of sales of antimicrobials in Malaysia except by prescription. Continuing vigilance and frequent antmicrobial surveillance is necessary.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  3. Joseph PG, Anwar M, Jegathesan M
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1978 May;27(3):562-6.
    PMID: 354419
    A total of 860 Salmonella isolations were made in Peninsular Malaysia from 15 animal species (domestic and wild), eggs, molluscs, flies, and animal feed. The isolations were distributed among 31 serotypes in eight groups. The most common serotype isolated was Salmonella pullorum, followed by S. choleraesuis and S. infantis. S. typhimurium had the widest zoological distribution. The importance of controlling animal salmonellosis is emphasized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  4. Ngoi ST, Thong KL
    Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis, 2013 Dec;77(4):304-11.
    PMID: 24139970 DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2013.09.004
    Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) is the most common causative agent of non-typhoidal salmonellosis in Malaysia. We aimed to characterize S. Enteritidis isolated from humans and animals by analyzing their antimicrobial resistance profiles and genotypes. A total of 111 strains were characterized using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Both typing methods revealed that genetically similar S. Enteritidis strains had persisted among human and animal populations within the period of study (2003-2008). Only 39% of the strains were multi-drug resistant (i.e., resistant to 3 or more classes of antimicrobial agents), with a majority (73%) of these in low-risk phase (multiple antibiotic resistant index <0.20). Limited genetic diversity among clinical and zoonotic S. Enteritidis suggested that animals are possible sources of human salmonellosis. The degree of multi-drug resistance among the strains was generally low during the study period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  5. Johan AJ, Hung LC, Norlijah O
    PMID: 24050077
    Salmonella sp are important causes of meningitis among neonates and young children in Malaysia. We present a case of Salmonella enteritidis meningitis in a six week old female who presented with a one week history of fever, diarrhea and seizures which was unsuccessfully treated with a third generation cephalosporin. She had a relapse of meningitis complicated with ventriculitis and hydrocephalus, requiring an eleven week course of meropenem. She improved clinically, but did not have improvement in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose level despite prolonged antibiotic use. This case illustrates the dilemma in determining the duration of antibiotic needed to successfully treat Salmonella enteritidis ventriculitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification*
  6. Zakaria Z, Hassan L, Sharif Z, Ahmad N, Ali RM, Husin SA, et al.
    BMC Vet Res, 2020 Oct 17;16(1):393.
    PMID: 33069231 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-02605-y
    BACKGROUND: Salmonella is a very important foodborne pathogen causing illness in humans. The emergence of drug-resistant strains also constitutes a serious worry to global health and livestock productivity. This study investigated Salmonella isolates from chicken and chicken meat products using the phenotypic antimicrobial screening as well as the molecular characteristics of Salmonella isolates. Upon serotyping of the isolates, the antimicrobial susceptibility profiling using a panel of 9 commonly used antimicrobials was done. Subsequently, the molecular profiles of all the isolates were further determined using Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and the Whole Genome Multi-Locus Sequence Type (wgMLST) analysis in order to obtain the sequence types.

    RESULTS: The PFGE data was input into FPQuest software, and the dendrogram generated was studied for possible genetic relatedness among the isolates. All the isolates were found to belong to the Salmonella Enteritidis serotype with notable resistance to tetracycline, gentamycin, streptomycin, and sulfadimidine. The S. Enteritidis isolates tested predominantly subtyped into the ST11 and ST1925, which was found to be a single cell variant of ST11. The STs were found to occur in chicken meats, foods, and live chicken cloacal swabs, which may indicate the persistence of the bacteria in multiple foci.

    CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate the presence of S. Enteritidis among chickens, indicating its preference and reservoir status for enteric Salmonella pathogens.

    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification*
  7. Mohan A, Munusamy C, Tan YC, Muthuvelu S, Hashim R, Chien SL, et al.
    BMC Infect Dis, 2019 Apr 18;19(1):330.
    PMID: 30999894 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-019-3963-x
    BACKGROUND: Invasive Salmonella infections result in significant morbidity and mortality in developing countries. In Asia, typhoid and paratyphoid fever are reported to be the major invasive Salmonella infections, while invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS) infections are believed to be uncommon. Data from Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo, are limited.

    METHODS: A retrospective study identifying all children aged Salmonella infections from 2011 to 2016 was conducted in Bintulu Hospital in Sarawak. Population incidences, clinical and bacterial characteristics were examined.

    RESULTS: Forty-four patients were identified during the 6-year study period: 43 had iNTS infection and 1 had typhoid fever. The average annual iNTS incidence was 32.4 per 100,000 children aged Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Java were the commonest NTS serovars identified. Pneumonia was the most common manifestation of iNTS disease, present in 20 (47%) children. Other manifestations included gastroenteritis, fever without a source, septic arthritis and meningitis. Salmonella Enteritidis was identified in 76% of those with pneumonia, significantly more frequently than in children with other manifestations. Over 25% of children with iNTS developed severe disease and nearly 10% suffered long term morbidity or mortality. While 78% of Salmonella Java isolates were multi-drug resistant, nearly all other isolates were susceptible to most antimicrobials, including ampicillin.

    CONCLUSIONS: Bintulu Division in Sarawak observed a very high incidence of childhood iNTS infections. Enteric fever was uncommon. The epidemiology of invasive Salmonella infections in Malaysian Borneo differs considerably from that of neighbouring countries in Asia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  8. Hasan MR, Pulingam T, Appaturi JN, Zifruddin AN, Teh SJ, Lim TW, et al.
    Anal Biochem, 2018 08 01;554:34-43.
    PMID: 29870692 DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2018.06.001
    In this study, an amino-modified aptasensor using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)-deposited ITO electrode was prepared and evaluated for the detection of pathogenic Salmonella bacteria. An amino-modified aptamer (ssDNA) which binds selectively to whole-cell Salmonella was immobilised on the COOH-rich MWCNTs to produce the ssDNA/MWCNT/ITO electrode. The morphology of the MWCNT before and after interaction with the aptamers were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques were used to investigate the electrochemical properties and conductivity of the aptasensor. The results showed that the impedance measured at the ssDNA/MWCNT/ITO electrode surface increased after exposure to Salmonella cells, which indicated successful binding of Salmonella on the aptamer-functionalised surface. The developed ssDNA/MWCNT/ITO aptasensor was stable and maintained linearity when the scan rate was increased from 10 mV s-1 to 90 mV s-1. The detection limit of the ssDNA/MWCNT/ITO aptasensor, determined from the sensitivity analysis, was found to be 5.5 × 101 cfu mL-1 and 6.7 × 101 cfu mL-1 for S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium, respectively. The specificity test demonstrated that Salmonella bound specifically to the ssDNA/MWCNT/ITO aptasensor surface, when compared with non-Salmonella spp. The prepared aptasensor was successfully applied for the detection of Salmonella in food samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
  9. Thong KL, Ngeow YF, Altwegg M, Navaratnam P, Pang T
    J Clin Microbiol, 1995 May;33(5):1070-4.
    PMID: 7615707
    A total of 61 isolates of Salmonella enteritidis were analyzed by the techniques of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and ribotyping. Twenty-three of the isolates were from Zurich, Switzerland, and 38 isolates were from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Five of the Malaysian isolates were hospital-related outbreak strains and were shown to be indistinguishable by PFGE analysis following digestion with three different restriction endonucleases, XbaI (5'-TCTAGA-3'), SpeI (5'-ACTAGT-3'), and AvrII (5'-CCTAGG-3'). The PFGE pattern of an isolate from a suspected carrier staff nurse was found to be identical to those of the hospital outbreak isolates. These isolates were also indistinguishable by ribotyping with SmaI and SphI. The same single PFGE pattern was also detected in 29 of 32 sporadic isolates of S. enteritidis. Four closely related ribotypes were detected among these 29 isolates. Similarly, outbreak-related strains from Switzerland showed close genetic identity by PFGE and ribotyping. Strains obtained from poultry showed more variations in their PFGE patterns and ribotypes, although the patterns were still closely related. In addition, SphI ribotypes A and D among the Swiss strains correlated with phage types 4 and 8, respectively. No correlation of phage types with PFGE pattern was noted. Both PFGE and ribotyping indicate that the S. enteritidis strains circulating in Malaysia and Switzerland are very similar and may be clonally related. Comparison of the PFGE patterns with the ribotypes for 23 Swiss and 16 Malaysian isolates showed that there was a 69% concordance in the grouping of isolates. We conclude that the close genetic similarity observed between epidemiologically unrelated and outbreak-related isolates of S. enteritidis suggests that both PFGE and ribotyping are of limited value in the epidemiological analysis of these particular isolates, possibly because of the highly clonal nature of pathogenic strains of S. enteritidis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification
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