Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 825 in total

  1. Vijayasingham L, Bischof E, Wolfe J, Gender and COVID-19 Research Agenda-setting Initiative
    Lancet, 2021 Mar 13;397(10278):966-967.
    PMID: 33684351 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00384-6
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  2. Sun Y, Zhong Y, Sun W, Chu L, Long J, Fan XW
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1167234.
    PMID: 37521991 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1167234
    BACKGROUND: Adolescent depression has become a leading problem around the world, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic has remained prevalent and heavily influenced people's mental health. While gender difference has always been a topic in the field of psychiatry, there are cultural differences across the world that must be taken into account. The current study is examining gender differences in symptoms of Chinese adolescents with depression.

    METHODS: The sample was obtained from a total of 574 adolescent patients (172 males and 402 females) diagnosed with depression following the DSM-IV/ICD-10 diagnostic criteria; patients who also had other severe mental or physical illnesses were excluded. The ages of participants ranged from 10 to 19 years. Additionally, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to examine differences in symptoms between different gender and age groups. The LPA was used to examine whether females and males were having different patterns of symptoms.

    RESULTS: Our analysis showed that compared to males, females exhibited higher rates of depression and more severe depressive symptoms across age groups. Likewise, the analysis also revealed an earlier onset of depression among Chinese adolescents compared to that in Western countries in previous studies. Finally, the LPA showed that mild to moderate depression was predominant in male patients, while severe depression was predominant in female patients.

    CONCLUSION: This study highlights the gender differences in the prevalence and severity of depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents. The current study highlighted the importance of gender equality and developing gender-friendly interventions in maintaining the overall mental health of adolescents in China.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  3. Power S, Biondi A, Saatci I, Bennett K, Mahadevan J, Januel AC, et al.
    Interv Neuroradiol, 2022 Jun;28(3):311-322.
    PMID: 34516279 DOI: 10.1177/15910199211030783
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Women's representation in medicine has increased over time yet the proportion of women practicing neurointervention remains low. We conducted an anonymous online survey through which we could explore the gender gap in neurointervention, identify potential issues, difficulties, or obstacles women might face, and evaluate if men encounter similar issues.

    METHODS: An online questionnaire was designed in SurveyMonkey®. Invitation to participate was emailed through national and international neurointerventional societies as well as directly through private mailing lists to men and women working in neurointervention. Responses were collected from 10 May 2019 to 10 September 2019.

    RESULTS: There were 295 complete responses, 173 (59%) male and 122 (41%) female. Most respondents (83%) fell within age categories 35-60 years, with representation from 40 countries across five continents. In all 95% were working full time, 73% had worked as a neurointerventionalist for >6 years, 77% worked in University-affiliated teaching institutions. Almost half of the respondents indicated no female neurointerventionalist worked in their center. Female respondents were younger and age-adjusted analysis was undertaken. Significantly fewer females than males were married and had children. Significantly fewer females held supervisory roles, held academic titles, and significantly less had a mentor. Females were less satisfied in their careers. More females felt they receive less recognition than colleagues of the opposite sex. Males had a greater proportion of work time dedicated to neurointervention. Similar proportions of both genders experienced bullying in work (40%-47%); however, sexual harassment was more common for females. There were no differences between genders in how they dealt with complications or their effects on mental well-being.

    CONCLUSION: There are many potential reasons why women are underrepresented in neurointervention, however, the literature suggests this is not unique to our specialty. Multiple long-term strategies will be necessary to address these issues, some of which are discussed in the article.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  4. Hitchman SC, Fong GT
    Citation: Hitchman SC, Fong GT. The Bad With the Good? The Relation Between Gender Empowerment and Female-to-Male Cigarette Smoking Rates Across 74 Countries. ITC Project Working Paper Series. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.; 2010

    Objective: Worldwide it is estimated that men smoke at nearly five times the rate of women. However, there is wide variation across countries in the gender smoking ratio (ratio of female-to-male smoking prevalence rates). Lower smoking rates among women have been attributed to social norms against women smoking, and women’s lower social status and economic resources. We tested the hypothesis that in countries with higher gender empowerment, the gender smoking ratio would be closer to 1.
    Methods: We correlated the gender smoking ratio (calculated from the 2008 WHO Global Tobacco Control Report) and the United Nations Development Programme’s Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM). Because a country’s progression through stages of the tobacco epidemic and its gender smoking ratio has been attributed to its level of development, we also examined this relation partialling on economic development (Gross National Income (GNI) per capita), and income inequality (Gini).
    Findings: The gender smoking ratio was significantly and positively correlated with the GEM. GEM was also the strongest predictor of the gender smoking ratio when controlling for GNI per capita and Gini in a multiple regression analysis.
    Key Conclusions: The findings identify a challenge for countries undergoing economic development and greater gender equality: can such progress take place without a corresponding increase in smoking rates among women? These findings thus highlight the need for strong tobacco control in countries in which gender equality is increasing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  5. Hairi NN, Cumming RG, Blyth FM, Naganathan V
    Maturitas, 2013 Jan;74(1):68-73.
    PMID: 23103063 DOI: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2012.10.001
    To establish if there is any gender difference in associations between chronic pain, impact of pain and pain severity with physical disability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  6. Ibrahim A, Singh DKA, Shahar S
    PLoS One, 2017;12(10):e0185641.
    PMID: 28972994 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185641
    AIMS: The aim of this study was to establish 'Timed up and Go' test (TUG) normative data among community dwelling older adults stratified based on cognitive status, gender and age groups.

    METHODS: A total of 2084 community dwelling older adults from wave I and II were recruited through a multistage random sampling method. TUG was performed using the standard protocol and scores were then stratified based on with and without mild cognitive impairment (MCI), gender and in a 5-year age groups ranging from ages of 60's to 80's.

    RESULTS: 529(16%) participants were identified to have MCI. Past history of falls and medical history of hypertension, heart disease, joint pain, hearing and vision problem, and urinary incontinence were found to have influenced TUG performance. Cognitive status as a mediator, predicted TUG performance even when both gender and age were controlled for (B 0.24, 95% CI (0.02-0.47), β 0.03, t 2.10, p = 0.36). Further descriptive analysis showed, participants with MCI, women and older in age took a longer time to complete TUG, as compared to men with MCI across all age groups with exceptions for some age groups.

    CONCLUSION: These results suggested that MCI needs to be taken into consideration when testing older adults using TUG, besides age and gender factors. Data using fast speed TUG may be required among older adults with and without MCI for further understanding.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors*
  7. Aziz ZA, Lee YY, Sidek NN, Ngah BA, Looi I, Hanip MR, et al.
    Neurol Res, 2016 May;38(5):406-13.
    PMID: 27142804 DOI: 10.1080/01616412.2016.1178948
    Gender as an independent predictor in stroke has been well documented. However, data on gender differences among first-ever ischemic stroke in developing country are limited. We aim to describe gender effects on clinical characteristics, thrombolysis treatment received, and outcomes of patients with first-ever ischemic stroke.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  8. Ng King Kwi, Yong SL
    Med J Malaysia, 1973 Jun;27(4):258-61.
    PMID: 4270782
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  9. Chai, Sian Yi, Zaiton Hassan, Abang Ekhsan Abang Othman
    Influx of women in the paid labor force had been identified as one of the important factors in raising awareness about work-family balance in organizations in developed countries in the west. The same phenomenon also occurs in Malaysia. Malaysia is considered as having traditional gender role ideology, whereby men and women have separate role in the workplace and in the family. Specifically, this study aims to identify whether there are differences in perception between men and women in public sector towards factors associated with work-life balance. Work-life balance factors examined in this study are work demands, supervisor support, organization’s family-friendly policies, family demands, work-family conflict (WFC) and family-work conflict (FWC). Sixty questionnaires were administered to employees in a government health training institution in Sarawak, Malaysia. Data were analyzed using SPPS version 17 and independent t-Test was employed in testing the hypotheses. The study found that men and women are significantly different in terms of supervisor support, work-family conflict and family demands. However, there was no significant difference between men and women employees with regard to work demands, family-work conflict and utilization of family-friendly policies. In line with previous Western findings, women experienced higher level of work to family conflict (WFC) than men employees. In addition, women also reported higher family demands than men. These findings strengthened the traditional gender role ideology ascribed by majority of Malaysians and lend support to the gender role theory. Therefore, the organization could provide relevant training, such as, time and stress management. Supervisors could be trained to be more aware of work-family balance issues faced by their employees and assist them accordingly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  10. Gong J, Harris K, Lipnicki DM, Castro-Costa E, Lima-Costa MF, Diniz BS, et al.
    Alzheimers Dement, 2023 Aug;19(8):3365-3378.
    PMID: 36790027 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12962
    INTRODUCTION: Sex differences in dementia risk, and risk factor (RF) associations with dementia, remain uncertain across diverse ethno-regional groups.

    METHODS: A total of 29,850 participants (58% women) from 21 cohorts across six continents were included in an individual participant data meta-analysis. Sex-specific hazard ratios (HRs), and women-to-men ratio of hazard ratios (RHRs) for associations between RFs and all-cause dementia were derived from mixed-effect Cox models.

    RESULTS: Incident dementia occurred in 2089 (66% women) participants over 4.6 years (median). Women had higher dementia risk (HR, 1.12 [1.02, 1.23]) than men, particularly in low- and lower-middle-income economies. Associations between longer education and former alcohol use with dementia risk (RHR, 1.01 [1.00, 1.03] per year, and 0.55 [0.38, 0.79], respectively) were stronger for men than women; otherwise, there were no discernible sex differences in other RFs.

    DISCUSSION: Dementia risk was higher in women than men, with possible variations by country-level income settings, but most RFs appear to work similarly in women and men.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  11. Chapman N, Ching SM, Konradi AO, Nuyt AM, Khan T, Twumasi-Ankrah B, et al.
    Hypertension, 2023 Jun;80(6):1140-1149.
    PMID: 36919603 DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.20448
    Hypertension is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease and premature death among women globally. However, there is a fundamental lack of knowledge regarding the sex-specific pathophysiology of the condition. In addition, risk factors for hypertension and cardiovascular disease unique to women or female sex are insufficiently acknowledged in clinical guidelines. This review summarizes the existing evidence on women and female-specific risk factors and clinical management of hypertension, to identify critical knowledge gaps relevant to research, clinical practice, and women's heart health awareness. Female-specific risk factors relate not only to reproduction, such as the association of gynecological conditions, adverse pregnancy outcomes or menopause with hypertension, but also to the specific roles of women in society and science, such as gender differences in received medical care and the underrepresentation of women in both the science workforce and as participants in research, which contribute to the limited evidence-based, gender- or sex-specific recommendations. A key point is that the development of hypertension starts in young, premenopausal women, often in association with disorders of reproductive organs, and therefore needs to be managed early in life to prevent future cardiovascular disease. Considering the lower blood pressure levels at which cardiovascular disease occurs, thresholds for diagnosis and treatment of hypertension may need to be lower for women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  12. Wang X, Yang X, Juzaily Bin Mohd Nasiruddin N, Wei S, Dong D, Bin Samsudin S
    Health Educ Behav, 2024 Aug;51(4):533-543.
    PMID: 38305027 DOI: 10.1177/10901981231216735
    Although physical activity (PA) has a profound impact on health, many college and university students are still physically inactive. There is some evidence to suggest that social support (SS) could impact the PA levels of students, but the internal relationship and specific effects are not very clear. The purpose of this review was to determine the strength of the relationship between SS and PA and examine whether any potential associations differed in terms of age, gender, and region among college and university students. Studies were identified using the following electronic databases: PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, and Sociological Abstracts. Moderator analyses investigating the effects of students' age, gender, and region (nation) were performed. This review included 19 articles. The results showed total SS was significantly associated with PA (r = 0.30, 95% confidence interval [CI]: [0.22, 0.37], p < .001). With respect to different types of support, friend support was more strongly associated with PA than family support. Gender factors had a significant moderating effect on the correlation between SS and PA (QM = 17.433, p < .001). Separate analyses examining the moderating effects of gender (percentage of females) found that the association between SS and PA was stronger with the increase in female percentage. In conclusion, SS is an important factor associated with PA levels and should foster SS within intervention programs according to types of SS and gender differences to increase PA levels among college and university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  13. Du C, Adjepong M, Zan MCH, Cho MJ, Fenton JI, Hsiao PY, et al.
    Nutrients, 2022 Sep 20;14(19).
    PMID: 36235535 DOI: 10.3390/nu14193882
    We thank Kuo et al. for their comments [...].
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  14. Bezak E, Sharrad KJ, Marcu LG, Stoeva M, Lhotska L, Barabino G, et al.
    Phys Med, 2025 Feb;130:104897.
    PMID: 39787677 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2025.104897
    BACKGROUND: Working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic was perceived differently by men and women working in STEM fields. The aim of this paper is to highlight the unexpected benefits generated by working from home during the pandemic.

    METHODS: Qualitative methodology was used to analyze data, collected via survey. The survey designed and conducted by WiMPBME targeted both males and females working in medical-related STEM fields (physics and engineering) and was answered by 921 individuals from 76 countries across all continents. This report analysed the responses to one open-ended question of the survey, namely: "What is the one positive that you have learnt/experienced as a result of working from home during this pandemic?".

    RESULTS: 594 responded to the question of interest. Access to home office was reported by 72.2% of survey participants. Males were more likely than females to report no positives of working from home (62.9%). Females were more likely to cite quality time, physical and mental health as positive factors than males, and to mention children in their responses. The most commonly coded thematic unit for males was remote working, with many males reporting the feasibility of working from home. Increased work productivity, better time management and work organisation were other common themes highlighted by responders irrespective of gender.

    CONCLUSION: The findings of the survey show the diversity of perceptions about remote working in STEM fields, while highlighting the importance of considering family dynamics, individual circumstances as well as gender when evaluating varied experiences of STEM professionals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  15. Lee JA, Otaiba SA
    PMID: 25750582
    Socioeconomic status and gender are important demographic variables that strongly relate to academic achievement. This study examined the early literacy skills differences between 4 sociodemographic groups, namely, boys ineligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRL), girls ineligible for FRL, boys eligible for FRL, and girls eligible for FRL. Data on kindergarteners (N = 462) were analysed using multiple-group confirmatory factory analysis. Early literacy skill differences between boys and girls are more nuanced than previously reported; subsidy status and gender interact. Both boys and girls from high-poverty households performed significantly lower than the girls from low-poverty households in alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and spelling. There were gender gaps, with a female advantage, among children from high-poverty households in alphabet knowledge and spelling and among children from low-poverty households in alphabet knowledge. These results highlight the importance of employing methodologically sound techniques to ascertain group differences in componential early literacy skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  16. Ting HN, Chia SY, Manap HH, Ho AH, Tiu KY, Abdul Hamid B
    J Voice, 2012 Jul;26(4):425-30.
    PMID: 22243972 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2011.07.001
    The study is going to investigate the fundamental frequency (F(0)) and perturbation measures of sustained vowels in 360 native Malaysian Malay children aged between 7 and 12 years using acoustical analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  17. Murai T, Mohamed M, Bernard H, Mahedi PA, Saburi R, Higashi S
    Primates, 2007 Apr;48(2):117-21.
    PMID: 16871366
    Successful or unsuccessful female transfers were observed seven times during a 32-month field study of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) inhabiting a riverine forest along a tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. In all cases, the females voluntarily left their own groups and immediately joined with another one. When adult females tried to shift to other groups, adult males called them back to their own groups, but appeared to be indifferent to subadult females. When the adult females returned, the males never attacked the females physically, but instead often emitted herding sounds to them. One subadult female was repelled by a resident adult female. When one adult female transferred into a new one-male group, she left her behind son in an all-male group. The number of females often fluctuated in most study groups, with this fluctuation being more prominent among subadult females than adult females. It is likely that female transfer in proboscis monkeys is not a rare occurrence and that it is especially common among sub-adult females.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  18. Rosli TI, Abdul Rahman R, Abdul Rahman SR, Ramli R
    Singapore Dent J, 2005 Dec;27(1):17-22.
    PMID: 16438264
    The objectives of this study were to determine the sources of stress among undergraduate dental students, and to compare the sources of stress among the 5 years of undergraduate study, between gender, and with other studies done elsewhere. A total of 325 students across the 5 academic years (88.8% response rate) of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, completed the modified Dental Environment Stress questionnaire. All respondents reported that they experienced some form of stress. The preclinical students reported that examinations and fear of failure caused the most stress. The main stressor for clinical students was clinical training, particularly factors relating to meeting clinical requirements. Female students perceived more stress generally than male students. However, male students were more stressed when faced with factors related to clinical training.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  19. Johari HM, Zainudin HA, Knight VF, Lumley SA, Subramanium AS, Caszo BA, et al.
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2017 Apr;57(4):396-401.
    PMID: 27045742 DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06292-7
    BACKGROUND: Anthropometric and lung function characteristics of triathletes are important for the implementation of individual specific training and recovery recommendations. However, limited data are available for these parameters in triathletes. Hence, the aim of this study was to characterize and examine the gender differences of lung function and anthropometry parameters in competitive triathletes from Malaysia.

    METHODS: Body composition assessment and lung function tests were performed on sixteen competitive triathletes (nine male and seven female). The subject's body composition profile including muscle mass (kg), fat free mass (kg), and percent body fat was measured using a bio-impedance segmental body composition analyzer. Forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were measured by Quark PFT2 spirometer.

    RESULTS: The anthropometric measurements revealed that male triathletes were significantly taller than female triathletes and had significantly more protein and skeletal muscle mass. The female triathletes, however, had significantly higher percent body fat. Male triathletes had statistically significant higher FVC and FEV1 than female triathletes. Both the male and female triathletes showed a positive correlation between height, fat free mass and the lung function markers FVC and FEV1. This association was not seen with Body Mass Index (BMI) in female triathletes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The data from our study shows that anthropometric parameters are directly linked to lung function of a triathlete. We also found the relationship between BMI and lung function to be gender specific in triathletes and is dependent on the body protein and fat content. Hence, body composition characterization is essential and provides valuable information for developing individual specific training modules.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
  20. Newaz MA, Adeeb NNN
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Mar;53(1):70-5.
    PMID: 10968141
    Xanthine oxidase is a highly versatile enzyme which is widely distributed among various species. Though the presence of the enzyme in serum is not yet established, high antibody titre of this enzyme has been reported. Xanthine oxidase is thought to be the principal source of free radical generation via degradation of nucleotides to the end product, uric acid. The aim of this study was to detect xanthine oxidase activity in human plasma and report any significant relationships found between its activity and variables such as race, age and sex for the sample size studied. Forty six normal healthy individuals (14 males and 32 females) were studied. The enzyme activity was measured by a spectrophotometric method whereby the reduction of ferricytochrome c by free radicals was calculated and expressed as nmol O2 production/ml/min. Results obtained showed that there was a positive relationship between xanthine oxidase activity with age (r = 0.415, p < 0.05) and weight (r = 0.369, p < 0.05) in the normal individual. For the age group 30-39 yrs (n = 11), a higher enzyme activity was observed in males (2.71 +/- 1.44) as compared to females (2.34 +/- 1.23) but it was not significant (p = 0.53). For racial distribution, the Malays [M] have a higher enzyme activity (2.65 +/- 0.86, N = 32) than their Indian [I] (2.27 +/- 0.58; N = 7) and Chinese counterparts [C] (1.44 +/- 1.22; N = 7) but this was also not statistically significant (M vs I: p = 0.39; M vs C: p = 0.07; I vs C: p = 0.16). In conclusion this study showed that there is a measurable amount of xanthine oxidase activity in the human plasma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Factors
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