METHODS: A draft set of EPA statements was developed based on the consensus of an expert panel. These were then mapped to the nationally determined minimum experience thresholds (clinical and procedural experiences/competencies) and aligned to task-based instructional strategy. The EPAs were validated to improve the relevance by using a criterion-based rubric.
RESULTS: An end-to-end process workflow led to the development of an EPA-based educational framework to bridge the gaps in the curriculum. The process identified a total of 41 EPAs and out of which, 10 EPAs were notated as core EPAs and will be subjected to structured workplace-based assessment complying to the national standards. The validation exercise rated core EPAs with an overall score matching close to the cut-off of 4.07 (Equal rubric).
CONCLUSION: The end-to-end process workflow provided the opportunity to elaborate a structured process for the development of EPAs for undergraduate dental education. As validation is a continuous process, feedback from implementation will inform the next steps.
METHODS: The study was done at the International Medical University, Malaysia, and the University of Lahore, Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted from 1st August 2021 to 17th March 2022. Demographic information was noted. Themes were identified, and a summary of the information under each theme was created.
RESULTS: A total of 24 (14 from Malaysia and 10 from Pakistan) faculty participated. Most agreed that undergraduate medical students can progress (at a differential rate) if they attain the required competencies. Among the major advantages mentioned were that students may graduate faster, learn at a pace comfortable to them, and develop an individualized learning pathway. Several logistical challenges must be overcome. Providing assessments on demand will be difficult. Significant regulatory hurdles were anticipated. Artificial intelligence (AI) can play an important role in creating an individualized learning pathway and supporting time-independent progression. The course may be (slightly) cheaper than a traditional one.
CONCLUSION: This study provides a foundation to further develop and strengthen flexible-length competency-based medical education modules. Further studies are required among educators at other medical schools and in other countries. Online learning and AI will play an important role.
METHODOLOGY: A prospective observational study carried out over a 2-year period between 2 September 1996 to 2 September 1998. For every training course conducted, the instructors completed a NRP course report form (Form A) that documented the instructors involved in the course. For every participant who attended the course and successfully completed it, the instructors submitted a record form (Form B) that contained the name, hospital address, department, profession, place of work, language used for training and the marks obtained by the individual participant. After each course, completed forms A and B were returned to the NRP secretariat for compilation.
RESULTS: Of the 37 core instructors, 35 (94.6%) carried out training courses in their respective home states. A further 513 new instructors and 2256 providers were trained subsequently. A total of 2806 health personnel from all 13 states of Malaysia were NRP-certified during the first 2 years. However, 61.2% (n = 335) of the 550 instructors were inactive trainers, having trained less than four personnel per instructor a year. Most of the NRP-certified personnel were either doctors (32.0%) or nursing staff (64.4%). More than 60% of these worked either in the labour rooms, neonatal intensive care units or special care nurseries. At least one person from all three university hospitals and all general hospitals, 89.3% (92/103) of the district hospitals, 3.5% (73/2090) of the maternal and child health services, and 21% (46/219) of the private hospitals and maternity homes, were trained in the NRP.
CONCLUSION: Dissemination of the NRP in Malaysia during the first 2 years was very encouraging. Further efforts should be made to spread the program to private hospitals and the maternal and child health services. In view of the large number of inactive instructors, the criteria for future selection of instructors should be more stringent.