Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 1017 in total

  1. Syed-Yahya SNN, Idris MA, Noblet AJ
    J Safety Res, 2022 Dec;83:105-118.
    PMID: 36481002 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2022.08.008
    INTRODUCTION: Since its inception more than four decades ago, research on safety climate has been conducted in many industries. Subsequently, a plethora of systematic literature reviews on safety climate in various work environments has focused on research trends and measurement scales. Yet, despite these reviews, the overall picture of how safety climate influences performance is still not well understood. The current study reviews existing literature on safety climate, specifically how it affects safety performance.

    METHOD: Literature searches were conducted using EBSCOhost and Web of Science databases in March 2021. We included English-language, peer-reviewed studies that reported the results of research done on safety climate and safety performance. We extracted data (contextual, theoretical, methodological and definition of safety performance) from these studies and were deductively analyzed and categorized into common themes.

    RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-two safety climate studies were identified. We found that studies on safety climate-performance were conducted in 16 types of industries while 23 different theories explained the safety climate-performance relationship. The quantity and quality of variables and methods used varied considerably across the surveys. Safety climate is predominantly used as a predictor while safety-related behavior is the most common definition of safety performance among the articles we reviewed. Few papers from the current review were methodologically strong, suggesting that current evidence on the link between safety climate and safety performance still suffers from common method bias.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although literature has provided evidence for the positive effect on safety performance via a strong safety climate, strong and convincing methods are still lacking and the causality of an improved safety climate still needs to be demonstrated.

    PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: The findings of the current review offer a better understanding of how employers can improve safety climate in the workplace in various settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Organizational Culture*
  2. Abraham JJ
    Br Med J, 1912;1:438-446.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture
  3. Teng CL, Kamil MA, Abu Hassan Z
    Family Physician, 2005;13:2-4.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture
  4. Huang S, Huat KT, Liu Y
    Math Biosci Eng, 2023 Jun 29;20(8):14281-14305.
    PMID: 37679136 DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2023639
    In accordance with the theory of informal institutions, culture exerts a crucial influence on the enactment of corporate social responsibility. Based on the two core variables of Chinese traditional culture and corporate environmental responsibility, we designed a panel data model to investigate the impact of Chinese traditional culture on corporate environmental responsibility and its heterogeneity. The findings indicate the following: 1) Chinese traditional culture can promote the performance of corporate environmental responsibility. 2) Chinese traditional culture has a heterogeneous influence on the environmental responsibility of enterprises that depends on the ownership difference of enterprises; that is, the influence of traditional culture on the environmental responsibility of state-owned enterprises is stronger than that of non-state-owned enterprises. 3) Chinese traditional culture has a heterogeneous influence on the environmental responsibility of enterprises according to the difference in industrial pollution levels; that is, traditional culture has a positive correlation with the environmental responsibility of enterprises in heavily polluting industries and a negative correlation with non-heavily polluting industries. 4) Chinese traditional culture has a heterogeneous influence on corporate environmental responsibility according to geographical differences; that is to say, traditional culture promotes the development of corporate environmental responsibility in the central and western regions, and vice versa in the eastern regions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture*; Organizational Culture*
  5. Ma YC, Gao MR, Yang H, Jiang JY, Xie W, Su WP, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2023 Jun;195(6):3628-3640.
    PMID: 36648604 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-023-04319-x
    C50 carotenoids, as unique bioactive molecules, have many biological properties, including antioxidant, anticancer, and antibacterial activity, and have a wide range of potential uses in the food, cosmetic, and biomedical industries. The majority of C50 carotenoids are produced by the sterile fermentation of halophilic archaea. This study aims to look at more cost-effective and manageable ways of producing C50 carotenoids. The basic medium, carbon source supplementation, and optimal culture conditions for Halorubrum sp. HRM-150 C50 carotenoids production by open fermentation were examined in this work. The results indicated that Halorubrum sp. HRM-150 grown in natural brine medium grew faster than artificial brine medium. The addition of glucose, sucrose, and lactose (10 g/L) enhanced both biomass and carotenoids productivity, with the highest level reaching 4.53 ± 0.32 μg/mL when glucose was added. According to the findings of orthogonal studies based on the OD600 and carotenoids productivity, the best conditions for open fermentation were salinity 20-25%, rotation speed 150-200 rpm, and pH 7.0-8.2. The up-scaled open fermentation was carried out in a 7 L medium under optimum culture conditions. At 96 h, the OD600 and carotenoids productivity were 9.86 ± 0.51 (dry weight 10.40 ± 1.27 g/L) and 7.31 ± 0.65 μg/mL (701.40 ± 21.51 μg/g dry weight, respectively). When amplified with both universal bacterial primer and archaeal primer in the open fermentation, Halorubrum remained the dominating species, indicating that contamination was kept within an acceptable level. To summarize, open fermentation of Halorubrum is a promising method for producing C50 carotenoids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media/chemistry
  6. Zhao Z
    J Psycholinguist Res, 2024 Feb 14;53(1):13.
    PMID: 38353779 DOI: 10.1007/s10936-024-10058-9
    Amidst the contemporary diasporic landscape in Sinophone literature, this research critically examines the nexus of language, culture, and identity. The study aims to analyze literary pieces composed in Sinophone languages across diverse diasporic communities and uncover the impact of language and cultural elements on the articulation and comprehension of diasporic identity. This paper used the following. comparative and typological research, an in-depth analysis of three Sinophonic texts, and contextual analysis. The subject of the study was three texts: The Joy Luck Club (Amy Tan), Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (Dai Sijie), and The Woman Warrior (Maxine Hong Kingston). The results showed that In The Joy Luck Club, language and cultural facets unveil the characters' dual identity struggles due to living abroad, exemplified through code-switching's psychological tension. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress utilizes language and cultural details to underscore the significance of preserving heritage within the diaspora, with literary allusions amplifying this endeavor. In The Woman Warrior, language and cultural elements reflect the heroine's inner conflict as she navigates her dual cultural allegiance. This scholarly revelation deepens comprehension of how these aspects influence identity formation in the diaspora. These findings broaden the understanding of Sinophone diasporic literature, spotlighting shared trends in identity portrayal through language and culture. The research has theoretical value for literary, cultural, and anthropological studies and practical significance, potentially informing educational initiatives on diasporic literature and cultural diversity. This study's outcomes hold relevance for students, researchers, and cultural scholars exploring the role of language and culture in diasporic identity expression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture*
  7. Dinter C, Gumprecht A, Menze MA, Azizan A, Hansen S, Büchs J
    Biotechnol Bioeng, 2025 Mar;122(3):509-524.
    PMID: 39614833 DOI: 10.1002/bit.28892
    Culture broth with secreted macromolecules and culture broth of filamentous fungi showing disperse growth exhibit elevated viscosity, usually with shear-thinning flow behavior. High viscosity, however, poses a serious challenge in the production and research of these compounds and organisms. It commonly causes insufficient mixing and oxygen transfer in large- and small-scale bioreactors. Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD) has been proven to be a valuable tool for the computation of important bioprocess parameters. The published literature for small-scale shaken bioreactors, especially shake flasks, however, almost exclusively focuses on water-like viscosity. In this paper, a previously published CFD model for 250 mL shake flasks was used to simulate experiments at high viscosities of up to 100 mPa·s. Compared to experimental data, the CFD model accurately predicted the liquid distribution and computed the volumetric power input with a deviation of less than 7% and the kLa value within a factor of two, compared to the kLa correlation from Henzler and Schedel. Furthermore, a novel approach to compute the shear rate was tested. Lastly, new insights into the out-of-phase phenomenon were gained. The presented data confirms the usefulness of the already established critical phase numbers of 0.91 and 1.26, while underlying the fundamentally smooth transition from in-phase to out-of-phase operating conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media/chemistry
  8. Yang G, Zhang J, Abdullah R, Cheah WY, Zhao D, Ling TC
    J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2024 Oct 31;35:e2407038.
    PMID: 39639489 DOI: 10.4014/jmb.2407.07038
    Microalgae are recognized as a sustainable resource to produce biofertilizers, biofuels, and pigments, with the added benefits of environmental sustainability, such as carbon sequestration and pollutant removal. However, traditional cultivation methods face challenges like low biomass productivity and high operational costs. This review focuses on the innovative use of hydrogels as a medium for microalgae cultivation, which addresses these challenges by enhancing nutrient permeability, light distribution, and overall growth efficiency. Hydrogels provide a three-dimensional matrix that not only supports higher biomass yields but also facilitates the removal of pollutants from wastewater, contributing to circular economy goals. The review also explores the environmental benefits, challenges, and prospects of integrating hydrogel technology into microalgae cultivation systems. By highlighting influencing factors through which hydrogels improve microalgal productivity and environmental outcomes, this work aims to provide insights into the potential of hydrogel-based systems for sustainable development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media/chemistry
  9. Chua KB, Chua IL, Chua IE, Chong KH, Chua KH
    Malays J Pathol, 2005 Dec;27(2):99-105.
    PMID: 17191392
    A mycological medium was developed for primary isolation and culture of lipophilic yeasts. It was initially based on published information of nutrients and trace components that would promote the growth of these yeasts. It was subsequently modified and adjusted to specifically promote the growth of lipophilic yeasts and simultaneously avoid the luxurious growth of other fungi and bacteria. With this medium, the conventional bacteriological procedures such as microbial streaking for pure culture and anti-microbial sensitivity testing could be carried out for these lipophilic yeasts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media/chemistry*; Cell Culture Techniques/methods*
  10. Teng CL
    Family Physician, 1996;9(3):23-24.
    This article chronicles the popular health beliefs of the Malays and Chinese regarding chickenpox, as seen through the eyes of a doctor. The interplay of several factors, namely, a marriage of two major cultures, chickenpox in pregnancy, concurrence of two major festivals make this a unique study in medical socio-anthropology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture
  11. Khalib AL, Ngan HU
    Workplace bullying has drawn greater attention in the last one and half decades. Despite its recognition by many organizations and countries, it is still rife. Why is that so? Could it be that the root of the problem has not been addressed? Or, could it be due to difficulties and resistances in embarking preventive and control measures. In this paper, we will examine the possible causes of workplace bullying based on a proposed model. In depth discussion of the personal and organizational factors are made while the work group and societal factors are dealt with in brief. In summary, the root of workplace bullying is multi-factorial. Understanding the complexity and subtlety of workplace bullying is pertinent in the effort to prevent or curtail it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Organizational Culture
  12. Lee Chin T, Lee Chee T
    Work, 2025 Jan;80(1):87-95.
    PMID: 39031423 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-240004
    BACKGROUND: Corporate environmental citizenship receives little scholarly attention and the definitions remain unclear due to past studies defining corporate environmental citizenship in different perspectives.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to clarify the conceptualization of corporate environmental citizenship. It also proposes a plausible and useful definition for corporate environmental citizenship.

    METHODS: Previous environmental related studies are selected based on their relevance to the definitions. The selected studies then are examined to propose the new definition of corporate environmental citizenship. The online databases being utilized are ScienceDirect, Emerald, Taylor and Francis and Ebscohost.

    RESULTS: The new definition of corporate environmental citizenship is proposed: managerial recognition on the importance of environmental issues and integrating the environmental concerns into the organizational process.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study hopes to provoke more discussions about the definitions of corporate environmental citizenship as corporate environmental citizenship's definition has attracted very little attention so far. This paper provides useful understanding for managers regarding the roles of corporate environmental citizenship. This is important as they strive to excel in the business performance in the highly competitive market. This in turn facilitates them to focus their business strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Organizational Culture
  13. Parker DB, Barrett RJ
    Intern Med J, 2003 Sep-Oct;33(9-10):463-4.
    PMID: 14511200 DOI: 10.1046/j.1445-5994.2003.00460.x
    Changes in medical research ethics in the past two decades have made the communication of risk to potential participants a legal imperative. Using ethnographic data from two different cultures, we examine the hazards associated with medical research in relation to the respective societal contexts that imbue them with meaning. The Iban, a Dayak people indigenous to Borneo, perceive the hazards of participating in research in terms of danger to the collective. In Australia they are construed in terms of risk to individuals. Risk in medical research is one manifestation of a broader notion of 'risk' that is constitutive of the research enterprise itself and, we argue, fundamental to post-industrial society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture*
  14. Saedi AM, Majid AA, Isa Z
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2021 Sep;27(3):714-727.
    PMID: 31131712 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2019.1623454
    Introduction. Demographic information is one of the key parameters that organizations utilize to modify their practices in order to respond to the existing risk within work environments. The present article aims to assess the level of safety climate factors as well as to evaluate the influence of personal factors on safety climate in two different-sized industries. Methods. A total of 216 employees in two large and three small and medium-sized chemical manufacturing industries responded to a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to measure the safety climate level; a two-independent-sample Mann-Whitney U test and a Kruskal-Wallis test were run to compare the difference in safety climate scores among different demographic variables. Results. The lower level of safety climate in small and medium-sized industries revealed lower understanding and performance of management and non-management with regard to safety climate compared to the large industries. Additionally, significant mean differences on some safety climate factors among demographic variables were detected in both sizes of industries, emphasizing the important role of the employees' demographic variables on the plants' safety climate. Conclusion. Improving organization-level and group-level safety climates is recommended to improve employees' level of safety climate and control their personal factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Organizational Culture*
  15. Lee, Pay Chiann, Kumar, Sures, Nor Aini Shukor
    This review paper discussed about publications related to micropropagation of bamboo species. In recent years, the application of tissue culture technique like in vitro micropropagation has been used to meet the demands for bamboo planting materials. In the past 30 years, protocols for micropropagation of various bamboo species have been established by researchers from all over the world. The controlling factors for cultures such as the explants, culture medium, carbon sources, combination and concentration of plant growth regulators and other additional additives are varied. The controlling factors are crucial in developing successful regeneration protocols for various bamboo species. This paper attempts to review and summarize the available and up-to-date information regarding in vitro micropropagation of bamboos.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media; Tissue Culture Techniques
  16. Wang B, Senin AA, Ahmad UNU
    PLoS One, 2024;19(5):e0299848.
    PMID: 38748699 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299848
    On February 26, 2018 and July 24, 2021, the Chinese government respectively issued two significant regulatory policies to address the problems caused by off-campus training institutions in terms of students' extra-curricular and family financial burdens. These policies have had a tremendous and far-reaching impact on the off-campus training industry in China. With the help of these two events, we explored the role of industry-level regulatory policies in shaping and forming organizational culture. This paper adopts a text analysis method, combined with the dimensions of the Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) and MAXQDA 18 software, to obtain data on corporate culture. Then, the approaches of regression discontinuity in time (RDiT) and regression discontinuity (RD) designs with multiple cutoffs are used to estimate the policy treatment effect. This empirical research suggests that regulatory policies have a significant impact on corporate culture. Moreover, regulatory policies of varying degrees of strictness have differential effects on different dimensions of corporate culture. The research findings contribute to the theories of corporate culture and can guide enterprises to evaluate the impact of policies on corporate culture more clearly, thereby enabling them to make wiser operation decisions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Organizational Culture*
  17. Al-Najjar MAA, Abdulrazzaq SB, Alzaghari LF, Mahmod AI, Omar A, Hasen E, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Mar 26;14(1):7126.
    PMID: 38531887 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56622-0
    Probiotics are a mixture of beneficial live bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally exist in our bodies. Recently, numerous studies have focused on the immunostimulatory effects of single-species or killed multi-species probiotic conditioned mediums on macrophages. This study investigates the immunostimulatory effect of commercially available active, multi-species probiotic conditioned medium (CM) on RAW264.7 murine macrophages. The probiotic CM was prepared by culturing the commercially available probiotic in a cell-culture medium overnight at 37 °C, followed by centrifugation and filter-sterilization to be tested on macrophages. The immunostimulatory effect of different dilution percentages (50%, 75%, 100%) of CM was examined using the MTT assay, proinflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor TNF-alpha) production in macrophages, migration, and phagocytosis assays. For all the examined CM ratios, the percentages of cell viability were > 80%. Regarding the migration scratch, TNF-alpha and phagocytosis assays, CM demonstrated a concentration-dependent immunostimulatory effect. However, the undiluted CM (100%) showed a significant (p-value 
    Matched MeSH terms: Culture Media, Conditioned/pharmacology
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