Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 1207 in total

  1. Chai WL, Ngeow WC
    Endod Prac, 1999 Feb;2(1):20-1.
    PMID: 10740484
    One of the problems faced by manufacturers is the difficulty in constructing a robust and reliable, angled applicator tip. This can be overcome by handmaking your own retrograde carrier. The applicator tip may be bent to about 50 degrees and, if a kink occurs while bending the tip, it can be replaced easily by a new modified needle. Because the wire used is flexible, it can adapt to the bend without a problem. Narrower carriers can also be made using a 20-G needle, perhaps more suitable for retrograde fillings of molar apices. Because the carrier is designed to be used once only, the problems of it being difficult to load and liable to blockages should not arise.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrograde Obturation/instrumentation*
    Med J Malaya, 1955 Mar;9(3):195-204.
    PMID: 14393209
    Matched MeSH terms: Electrocardiography/instrumentation*
  3. Wong HS, Islam MT, Kibria S
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:725806.
    PMID: 24967440 DOI: 10.1155/2014/725806
    A multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna that comprises a printed microstrip antenna and a printed double-L sleeve monopole antenna for LTE 1800 wireless application is presented. The printed double-L sleeve monopole antenna is fed by a 50 ohm coplanar waveguide (CPW). A novel T-shaped microstrip feedline printed on the other side of the PCB is used to excite the waveguide's outer shell. Isolation characteristics better than -15 dB can be obtained for the proposed MIMO antenna. The proposed antenna can operate in LTE 1800 (1710 MHz-1880 MHz). This antenna exhibits omnidirectional characteristics. The efficiency of the antenna is greater than 70% and has high gain of 2.18 dBi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radio/instrumentation*; Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  4. Vitee N, Ramiah H, Chong WK, Tan GH, Kanesan J, Reza AW
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:683971.
    PMID: 25133252 DOI: 10.1155/2014/683971
    A low-power wideband mixer is designed and implemented in 0.13 µm standard CMOS technology based on resistive feedback current-reuse (RFCR) configuration for the application of cognitive radio receiver. The proposed RFCR architecture incorporates an inductive peaking technique to compensate for gain roll-off at high frequency while enhancing the bandwidth. A complementary current-reuse technique is used between transconductance and IF stages to boost the conversion gain without additional power consumption by reusing the DC bias current of the LO stage. This downconversion double-balanced mixer exhibits a high and flat conversion gain (CG) of 14.9 ± 1.4 dB and a noise figure (NF) better than 12.8 dB. The maximum input 1-dB compression point (P1dB) and maximum input third-order intercept point (IIP3) are -13.6 dBm and -4.5 dBm, respectively, over the desired frequency ranging from 50 MHz to 10 GHz. The proposed circuit operates down to a supply headroom of 1 V with a low-power consumption of 3.5 mW.
    Matched MeSH terms: Electronics/instrumentation*; Radio/instrumentation*
  5. Liew RP, Him YK, Jin CU
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Mar;30(3):234.
    PMID: 1160686
    Matched MeSH terms: Heart Auscultation/instrumentation*; Pediatrics/instrumentation*
  6. Alqahtani A, Sani SFA, Narissa NHA, Alanazi A, Podolyak Z, Nisbet A, et al.
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2020 Jun;160:109132.
    PMID: 32351224 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2020.109132
    As a result of the various evolving needs, thermoluminescence dosimetry is constantly under development, with applications intended in environmental and personal radiation monitoring through to the sensing of radiotherapy and radiation processing doses. In radiotherapy dosimetry challenges include small-field profile evaluation, encompassing the fine beams of radiosurgery, evaluations confronting the steep dose gradients of electronic brachytherapy and the high dose rates of FLASH radiotherapy. Current work concerns the thermoluminescent dosimetric properties of commercial low-cost borosilicate glass in the form of thin (sub-mm to a few mm) plates, use being made of microscope cover-slips irradiated using clinical external-beam radiotherapy facilities as well as through use of 60Co gamma irradiators. In using megavoltage photons and MeV electrons, characterization of the dosimetric response has been made for cover-slips of thicknesses up to 4 mm. Reproducibility to within +/5% has been obtained. In particular, for doses up to 10 Gy, the borosilicate cover-slips have been demonstrated to have considerable potential for use in high spatial resolution radiotherapy dosimetry, down to 0.13 mm in present work, with a coefficient of determination in respect of linearity of >0.99 for the thinner cover-slips. Results are also presented for 0.13- and 1.00-mm thick cover slips irradiated to 60Co gamma-ray doses, initially in the range 5- to 25 Gy, subsequently extended to 5 kGy-25 kGy, again providing linear response.
    Matched MeSH terms: Microscopy/instrumentation*; Thermoluminescent Dosimetry/instrumentation*
  7. Ali MS, AbuZaiter A, Schlosser C, Bycraft B, Takahata K
    Sensors (Basel), 2014 Jul 10;14(7):12399-409.
    PMID: 25014100 DOI: 10.3390/s140712399
    This paper reports a method that enables real-time displacement monitoring and control of micromachined resonant-type actuators using wireless radiofrequency (RF). The method is applied to an out-of-plane, spiral-coil microactuator based on shape-memory-alloy (SMA). The SMA spiral coil forms an inductor-capacitor resonant circuit that is excited using external RF magnetic fields to thermally actuate the coil. The actuation causes a shift in the circuit's resonance as the coil is displaced vertically, which is wirelessly monitored through an external antenna to track the displacements. Controlled actuation and displacement monitoring using the developed method is demonstrated with the microfabricated device. The device exhibits a frequency sensitivity to displacement of 10 kHz/µm or more for a full out-of-plane travel range of 466 µm and an average actuation velocity of up to 155 µm/s. The method described permits the actuator to have a self-sensing function that is passively operated, thereby eliminating the need for separate sensors and batteries on the device, thus realizing precise control while attaining a high level of miniaturization in the device.
    Matched MeSH terms: Equipment Design/instrumentation; Miniaturization/instrumentation; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/instrumentation*; Microtechnology/instrumentation; Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  8. Kashif M, Bakar AA, Arsad N, Shaari S
    Sensors (Basel), 2014 Aug 28;14(9):15914-38.
    PMID: 25171117 DOI: 10.3390/s140915914
    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a novel optical sensing technique with a unique ability to monitor molecular binding in real-time for biological and chemical sensor applications. Interferometry is an excellent tool for accurate measurement of SPR changes, the measurement and comparison is made for the sensitivity, dynamic range and resolution of the different analytes using interferometry techniques. SPR interferometry can also employ phase detection in addition to the amplitude of the reflected light wave, and the phase changes more rapidly compared with other approaches, i.e., intensity, angle and wavelength. Therefore, the SPR phase interferometer offers the advantages of spatial phase resolution and high sensitivity. This work discusses the advancements in interferometric SPR methods to measure the phase shifts due to refractive index changes. The main application areas of SPR sensors are demonstrated, i.e., the Fabry-Perot interferometer, Michelson interferometer and Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with different configurations. The three interferometers are discussed in detail, and solutions are suggested to enhance the performance parameters that will aid in future biological and chemical sensors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chemistry Techniques, Analytical/instrumentation*; Interferometry/instrumentation*; Refractometry/instrumentation*; Biosensing Techniques/instrumentation*; Surface Plasmon Resonance/instrumentation*
  9. Ab Wahab N, Mohd Salleh MK, Ismail Khan Z, Abd Rashid NE
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:671369.
    PMID: 25121132 DOI: 10.1155/2014/671369
    Reconfigurable ring filter based on single-side-access ring topology is presented. Using capacitive tuning elements, the electrical length of the ring can be manipulated to shift the nominal center frequency to a desired position. A synthesis is developed to determine the values of the capacitive elements. To show the advantage of the synthesis, it is applied to the reconfigurable filter design using RF lumped capacitors. The concept is further explored by introducing varactor-diodes to continuously tune the center frequency of the ring filter. For demonstration, two prototypes of reconfigurable ring filters are realized using microstrip technology, simulated, and measured to validate the proposed concept. The reconfigured filter using lumped elements is successfully reconfigured from 2 GHz to 984.4 MHz and miniaturized by 71% compared to the filter directly designed at the same reconfigured frequency, while, for the filter using varactor-diodes, the frequency is chosen from 1.10 GHz to 1.38 GHz spreading over 280 MHz frequency range. Both designs are found to be compact with acceptable insertion loss and high selectivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Electronics/instrumentation*; Telecommunications/instrumentation*
  10. Gendeh BS, Gibb AG, Khalid BA
    J Laryngol Otol, 1995 Jul;109(7):644-5.
    PMID: 7561473
    Although some form of temporal bone holder is in use in virtually all ENT postgraduate teaching departments, a paucity of information in the literature may cause problems in selecting the most appropriate model to those responsible for equipping temporal bone laboratories. The bone holder which we describe is based on existing designs but incorporates a built-in irrigation system which offers considerable advantages to the unassisted operator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Therapeutic Irrigation/instrumentation*; Otolaryngology/instrumentation*
  11. Liew RP
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Mar;28(3):185-6.
    PMID: 4278346
    Matched MeSH terms: Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing/instrumentation*; Positive-Pressure Respiration/instrumentation*
  12. Thio TH, Ibrahim F, Al-Faqheri W, Soin N, Kahar Bador M, Madou M
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0121836.
    PMID: 25853411 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121836
    A centrifugal compact disc (CD) microfluidic platform with reservoirs, micro-channels, and valves can be employed for implementing a complete immunoassay. Detection or biosensor chambers are either coated for immuno-interaction or a biosensor chip is inserted in them. On microfluidic CDs featuring such multi-step chemical/biological processes, the biosensor chamber must be repeatedly filled with fluids such as enzymes solutions, buffers, and washing solutions. After each filling step, the biosensor chamber needs to be evacuated by a passive siphoning process to prepare it for the next step in the assay. However, rotational speed dependency and limited space on a CD are two big obstacles to performing such repetitive filling and siphoning steps. In this work, a unique thermo-pneumatic (TP) Push-Pull pumping method is employed to provide a superior alternative biosensor chamber filling and evacuation technique. The proposed technique is demonstrated on two CD designs. The first design features a simple two-step microfluidic process to demonstrate the evacuation technique, while the second design shows the filling and evacuation technique with an example sequence for an actual immunoassay. In addition, the performance of the filling and evacuation technique as a washing step is also evaluated quantitatively and compared to the conventional manual bench top washing method. The two designs and the performance evaluation demonstrate that the technique is simple to implement, reliable, easy to control, and allows for repeated push-pulls and thus filling and emptying of the biosensor chamber. Furthermore, by addressing the issue of rotational speed dependency and limited space concerns in implementing repetitive filling and evacuation steps, this newly introduced technique increases the flexibility of the microfluidic CD platform to perform multi-step biological and chemical processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoassay/instrumentation*; Biosensing Techniques/instrumentation*; Microfluidic Analytical Techniques/instrumentation*
  13. Ahmad M, Roy RA, Kamarudin AG, Safar M
    Int Endod J, 1993 Mar;26(2):120-4.
    PMID: 8330934
    The pattern of oscillation of a Piezon-Master 400 ultrasonic file driven by a piezoelectric transducer was studied in air and on water. In addition, the displacement amplitudes of the files were measured. The findings were compared with those observed with the Cavi-Endo unit reported in another study (Ahmad 1969). It was observed that the file vibrated such that a standing wave was formed on the file and it exhibited points of maximum deflection (antinode) and points of minimum deflection (node) with the largest deflection occurring at the apical end. This pattern of oscillation was similar to that exhibited by the Cavi-Endo file which employed a magnetostrictive transducer. However, the displacement amplitudes were very much higher than those exhibited by the Cavi-Endo. It is considered that the 120 degrees angle of the file holder inherent in the Piezon-Master 400 unit and the more effective power transmission with the piezoelectric transducer may have contributed to the large amplitudes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Cavity Preparation/instrumentation*; Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation*; Ultrasonic Therapy/instrumentation*
  14. Azim R, Islam MT, Misran N, Yatim B, Arshad H
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:563830.
    PMID: 25133245 DOI: 10.1155/2014/563830
    A small antenna with single notch band at 3.5 GHz is designed for ultrawideband (UWB) communication applications. The fabricated antenna comprises a radiating monopole element and a perfectly conducting ground plane with a wide slot. To achieve a notch band at 3.5 GHz, a parasitic element has been inserted in the same plane of the substrate along with the radiating patch. Experimental results shows that, by properly adjusting the position of the parasitic element, the designed antenna can achieve an ultrawide operating band of 3.04 to 11 GHz with a notched band operating at 3.31-3.84 GHz. Moreover, the proposed antenna achieved a good gain except at the notched band and exhibits symmetric radiation patterns throughout the operating band. The prototype of the proposed antenna possesses a very compact size and uses simple structures to attain the stop band characteristic with an aim to lessen the interference between UWB and worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) band.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  15. Rusni IM, Ismail A, Alhawari AR, Hamidon MN, Yusof NA
    Sensors (Basel), 2014 Jul 21;14(7):13134-48.
    PMID: 25051036 DOI: 10.3390/s140713134
    This paper presents the design and development of a planar Aligned-Gap and Centered-Gap Rectangular Multiple Split Ring Resonator (SRR) for microwave sensors that operates at a resonance frequency around 5 GHz. The sensor consists of a microstrip transmission line loaded with two elements of rectangular SRR on both sides. The proposed metamaterial sensors were designed and fabricated on Rogers RT5880 substrate having dielectric constant of 2.2 and thickness of 0.787 mm. The final dimension of the proposed sensor was measured at 35 × 14 mm2. Measured results show good agreement with simulated ones as well as exhibiting high Q-factor for use in sensing application. A remarkably shift of resonance frequency is observed upon introduction of several sample with different dielectric value.
    Matched MeSH terms: Equipment Design/instrumentation*
  16. Ahsan MR, Islam MT, Habib Ullah M, Arshad H, Mansor MF
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:183741.
    PMID: 25136648 DOI: 10.1155/2014/183741
    This paper proposes a small sized, low-cost multiband monopole antenna which can cover the WiMAX bands and C-band. The proposed antenna of 20 × 20 mm(2) radiating patch is printed on cost effective 1.6 mm thick fiberglass polymer resin dielectric material substrate and fed by 4 mm long microstrip line. The finite element method based, full wave electromagnetic simulator HFSS is efficiently utilized for designing and analyzing the proposed antenna and the antenna parameters are measured in a standard far-field anechoic chamber. The experimental results show that the prototype of the antenna has achieved operating bandwidths (voltage stand wave ratio (VSWR) less than 2) 360 MHz (2.53-2.89 GHz) and 440 MHz (3.47-3.91 GHz) for WiMAX and 1550 MHz (6.28-7.83 GHz) for C-band. The simulated and measured results for VSWR, radiation patterns, and gain are well matched. Nearly omnidirectional radiation patterns are achieved and the peak gains are of 3.62 dBi, 3.67 dBi, and 5.7 dBi at 2.66 GHz, 3.65 GHz, and 6.58 GHz, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  17. Ahsan MR, Islam MT, Habib Ullah M, Misran N
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:856504.
    PMID: 24723832 DOI: 10.1155/2014/856504
    A meandered-microstrip fed circular shaped monopole antenna loaded with vertical slots on a high dielectric material substrate (ε r = 15) is proposed in this paper. The performance criteria of the proposed antenna have been experimentally verified by fabricating a printed prototype. The experimental results show that the proposed antenna has achieved wider bandwidth with satisfactory gain by introducing meandered-microstrip feeding in assistant of partial ground plane. It is observed that, the -10 dB impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna at lower band is 44.4% (600 MHz-1 GHz) and at upper band is 28% (2.25 GHz-2.95 GHz). The measured maximum gains of -1.18 dBi and 4.87 dBi with maximum radiation efficiencies have been observed at lower band and upper band, respectively. The antenna configuration and parametric study have been carried out with the help of commercially available computer-aided EM simulator, and a good accordance is perceived in between the simulated and measured results. The analysis of performance criteria and almost consistent radiation pattern make the proposed antenna a suitable candidate for UHF RFID, WiMAX, and WLAN applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  18. Tofa MM, Maimun A, Ahmed YM, Jamei S, Priyanto A, Rahimuddin
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:489308.
    PMID: 24701170 DOI: 10.1155/2014/489308
    The aerodynamic characteristics of the wing-in-ground effect (WIG) craft model that has a noble configuration of a compound wing was experimentally investigated and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) wind tunnel with and without endplates. Lift and drag forces, pitching moment coefficients, and the centre of pressure were measured with respect to the ground clearance and the wing angle of attack. The ground effect and the existence of the endplates increase the wing lift-to-drag ratio at low ground clearance. The results of this research work show new proposed design of the WIG craft with compound wing and endplates, which can clearly increase the aerodynamic efficiency without compromising the longitudinal stability. The use of WIG craft is representing an ambitious technology that will help in reducing time, effort, and money of the conventional marine transportation in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ships/instrumentation*
  19. Zaman MR, Islam MT, Misran N, Mandeep JS
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:131374.
    PMID: 24895643 DOI: 10.1155/2014/131374
    Analysis of the resonance response improvement of a planar C-band (4-8 GHz) antenna is proposed using parasitic element method. This parasitic element based method is validated for change in the active and parasitic antenna elements. A novel dual-band antenna for C-band application covering 5.7 GHz and 7.6 GHz is designed and fabricated. The antenna is composed of circular parasitic element with unequal microstrip lines at both sides and a rectangular partial ground plane. A fractional bandwidth of 13.5% has been achieved from 5.5 GHz to 6.3 GHz (WLAN band) for the lower band. The upper band covers from 7.1 GHz to 8 GHz with a fractional bandwidth of 12%. A gain of 6.4 dBi is achieved at the lower frequency and 4 dBi is achieved at the upper frequency. The VSWR of the antenna is less than 2 at the resonance frequency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
  20. Samsuzzaman M, Islam MT
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:604375.
    PMID: 24895656 DOI: 10.1155/2014/604375
    A novel probe-fed compact inverted S-shaped multifrequency patch antenna is designed. By employing two rectangular slots that change the conventional rectangular patch into an inverted S-shaped patch, the antenna is able to operate in triple frequency in the X-band. The performance criteria of the proposed design have been experimentally verified by fabricating a printed prototype. The measured results show that the -10 dB impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna at lower band is 5.02% (8.69-9.14 GHz), at middle band is 9.13% (10.47-11.48 GHz), and at upper band is 3.79% (11.53-11.98 GHz). Two elliptical slots are introduced in the ground plane to increase the peak gain. The antenna is excited by a simple probe feeding mechanism. The overall antenna dimension is  0.52λ × 0.60λ × 0.046λ at a lower resonance frequency of 9.08 GHz. The antenna configuration and parametric investigation are conducted with the help of the high frequency structural simulator, and a good agreement is achieved between the simulated and measured data. The stable gain, omnidirectional radiation pattern, and consistent radiation efficiency in the achieved operating band make the proposed antenna a suitable candidate for X-band applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology/instrumentation*
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