Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 51 in total

  1. Rosli H, Batzer JC, Hernández E, Beruski G, Dixon PM, Gleason ML
    Plant Dis, 2020 Sep;104(9):2398-2405.
    PMID: 32689919 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-11-19-2340-RE
    The spatial dissemination of three prevalent taxa of sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) fungi under several levels of precipitation was compared during 2015 and 2016 in an Iowa apple orchard. Overhead irrigation was used to supplement ambient precipitation in order to insure SBFS spore dissemination and colony development. There were five irrigation levels, involving 1-min-long periods of irrigation that were imposed either once or twice per hour at intervals of 3, 6, or 12 h, as well as a nonirrigated control. Preselected apple fruit were inoculated with one of the three SBFS taxa to serve as sources of inoculum. Dissemination from these inoculated apple fruit was assessed at harvest by counting SBFS colonies on water-sprayed and nontreated fruit. As a further control, additional fruit were enclosed in fruit bags throughout the fruit development period. In both 2015 and 2016, the number of colonies of the SBFS fungus Peltaster gemmifer per apple increased sharply as the duration of irrigation increased, whereas the number of colonies of Microcyclosporella mali increased to a lesser extent and Stomiopeltis sp. RS1 showed no increase. In 2015, the linear relationship between the duration of irrigation-imposed precipitation levels and the number of colonies on the water-sprayed apple fruit was similar for P. gemmifer (slope = 0.09), Stomiopeltis sp. RS1 (slope = 0.07), and Microcyclosporella mali (slope = 0.13); whereas, in 2016, the slope was higher for P. gemmifer (0.28) than for Stomiopeltis sp. RS1 (-0.09) or M. mali (0.06). The results indicated that dissemination of P. gemmifer increased sharply in response to increased irrigation-imposed precipitation, and that dissemination patterns differed considerably among the three SBFS taxa. The apparent advantage of P. gemmifer in precipitation-triggered dissemination may stem from its ability to produce spores rapidly by budding. To our knowledge, this is the first article to assess splash dispersal by SBFS fungi in the field and the first to document taxon-specific patterns of dissemination in this pathogen complex.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
    A wide range of studies have been conducted on deep learning to forecast time series data. However, very few researches have discussed the optimal number of hidden layers and nodes in each hidden layer of the architecture. It is crucial to study the number of hidden layers and nodes in each hidden layer as it controls the performance of the architecture. Apart from that, in the presence of the activation function, diverse computation between the hidden layers and output layer can take place. Therefore, in this study, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) architecture is developed using the Python software to forecast time series data. Then, the developed architecture is applied on the Apple Inc. stock price due to its volatile characteristic. Using historical prices, the accuracy of the forecast is measured by the different activation functions, number of hidden layers and size of data. The Keras deep learning library, which can be found in the Python software, is used to develop the MLP architecture to forecast the Apple Inc. stock price. The developed model is then applied on different cases, namely different sizes of data, different activation functions, different numbers of hidden layers of up to nine layers, and different numbers of nodes in each hidden layer. Then, the metrics mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) are employed to test the accuracy of the forecast. It is found that the architecture with rectified linear unit (ReLU) outperformed in every hidden layer and each case with the highest accuracy. To conclude, the optimal number of hidden layers differs in every case as there are other influencing factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  3. Putra AI, Khan MN, Kamaruddin N, Khairuddin RFR, Al-Obaidi JR, Flores BJ, et al.
    Plant Cell Rep, 2025 Feb 13;44(3):54.
    PMID: 39945834 DOI: 10.1007/s00299-025-03443-8
    Proteomics has revealed complex immune responses in fruits, leading to the identification of potential disease biomarkers and resistance mechanisms. Fruit diseases caused by fungal and bacterial pathogens present critical challenges to global food security by reducing fruit shelf life and quality. This review explores the molecular dynamics of fruit-pathogen interactions using advanced proteomic techniques. These approaches include mass spectrometry-based identification, gel-based, and gel-free strategies, tailored to the unique compositions of fruit tissues for accurate protein extraction and identification. Proteomic studies reveal pathogen-induced changes in fruit proteomes, including the upregulation of defence-related proteins and suppression of metabolic pathways crucial for pathogen survival. Case studies on tomatoes, apples, and bananas highlight specific pathogen-responsive proteins, such as PR proteins and enzymes involved in ROS scavenging, which play roles in disease resistance mechanisms. The review further demonstrates the utility of proteomic data in identifying early disease biomarkers, guiding genetic improvements for disease resistance, and optimizing pathogen control measures. Integrating proteomic insights with transcriptomics and metabolomics provides a multidimensional understanding of fruit-pathogen interactions, paving the way for innovative solutions in agriculture. Future research should prioritize multi-omics approaches and field-level validations to translate laboratory findings into practical applications. The advancements discussed underscore the transformative role of proteomics in improving food security and sustainability amid challenges posed by climate change and increasing global food demand.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/genetics; Malus/metabolism; Malus/microbiology
  4. Jamil RZR, Vandervoort C, Wise JC
    J Econ Entomol, 2019 09 23;112(5):2262-2267.
    PMID: 31115447 DOI: 10.1093/jee/toz131
    Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) is a predatory mite that is common in apple orchards and distributed throughout North America. However, N. fallacis may be susceptible to pesticides used for the management of crop pests. This study aimed to evaluate the temporal effects of commonly used insecticides on N. fallacis survival. Neoseiulus fallacis adults were exposed to field-aged residues, and mortality and lethal time were measured over 96 h of exposure. Carbaryl caused high mortality to N. fallacis and the shortest lethal time values (LT50), followed by spinetoram, with moderate lethal time values. Esfenvalerate, acetamiprid, chlorantraniliprole, and novaluron showed little to no lethality to N. fallacis following exposure to dry field-aged residues. The results of this study provide important field-relevant knowledge that is often void from laboratory-based studies, which can aid integrated pest management (IPM) decision-makers in apple production systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
  5. Aslam K, Iqbal SZ, Razis AFA, Usman S, Ali NB
    PMID: 33668973 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18052270
    This research aims to assess the natural occurrence of patulin (PAT) in selected citrus fruits from central cities of Punjab and Pakistan's northern cities. A total of 2970 fruit samples from 12 citrus cultivars were examined using liquid chromatography fitted with a UV detector. The detection limit (LOD) and quantification limit were 0.04 and 0.12 µg/kg, respectively. About 56% of samples of citrus fruits from Punjab's central cities, Pakistan, were found to be contaminated with PAT, with values ranging from 0.12 to 1150 µg/kg in samples from central Punjab cities. Furthermore, 31.7% of samples of citrus fruits from northern cities of Pakistan were contaminated with PAT, with values ranging from 0.12 to 320 µg/kg. About 22.1% of citrus fruit samples had PAT levels greater than the suggested limits established by the European Union (EU). The dietary intake levels of PAT ranged from 0.10 to 1.11 µg/kg bw/day in the central cities of Punjab, Pakistan, and 0.13 to 1.93 µg/kg bw/day in the northern cities of Pakistan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
  6. Vasudevan V, Prabaharan J, Krishnan N, K A, Gopinath SCB, Raman P
    Anal Methods, 2023 Aug 03;15(30):3735-3751.
    PMID: 37493014 DOI: 10.1039/d3ay00704a
    Borassus flabellifer L., commonly known as Asian palmyra, is native to South and Southeast Asia. The endosperms of B. flabellifer (known as nungu in Dravidian culture) are widely consumed during the summer season. It is rich in various nutrients and helps in reducing weight, treating skin and digestive issues, lowering body temperature, and managing migraines and diabetes. This study focuses on identifying the small molecules and proteins from the two varieties of B. flabellifer tender fruit endosperms collected from districts around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The collected free nuclear endosperm was subjected to direct extraction and the mesocarp and cellular endosperms were lyophilized and homogenized. Metabolites were extracted by hexane, methanol, and chloroform and investigated using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The compounds identified were from the classes of carboxylic acids, flavonoids, amino acids, alkaloids, fatty acids, oligopeptides, vitamins, and glycosides. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique was employed to estimate the quantity of amino acids, wherein the total amino acid in the green variety was found to be higher than in the black variety. Proteins were identified after simulating with a gastrointestinal enzyme using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based peptide mass fingerprinting. The different mineral oxides present in the tender fruit endosperm were identified using X-ray diffraction studies, which confirmed the presence of mineral oxides, such as Br1.25ClO2.75Pb3.88, calcium zirconium tantalum oxide, and barium fluoroniobate. This study validates the presence of bioactive metabolites in green and black varieties of B. flabellifer tender fruit endosperm with a range of activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-diabetic properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
  7. Santos GP, Miranda BM, Di-Medeiros MCB, Almeida VO, Ferreira RD, Morais DAB, et al.
    Carbohydr Res, 2024 Jan;535:109008.
    PMID: 38103463 DOI: 10.1016/j.carres.2023.109008
    This work presents the characterization of a novel naturally phosphorylated starch extracted from an unconventional and non-utilized source, the seeds of the stone fruit Syzygium malaccense. The morphology and chemical characteristics of the extracted starch were examined by scanning electron microscopy, FTIR, 1H/13C/31P NMR and 13C-CP/MAS-NMR, HPAEC-PAD chromatography, XRD, DSC, and RVA. The extraction yielded a highly pure starch (95.6 %) with an average granule size of 13 μm. The analysis of the starch components revealed an amylose content of 28.1 % and a predominance (65 %) of B-chains (B1-B3 65 %) in the amylopectin, as shown through HPAEC-PAD chromatography. The X-ray diffractogram was compatible with B-type starch, which was confirmed by the deconvolution of the C1 peak in the 13C-CP/MAS-NMR. X-Ray diffractogram also showed that S. malaccense has 28.5 % of crystallinity. DSC analysis showed values of 82.6 °C and -12.41 J g-1 for Tc and ΔH, respectively, which is compatible with a highly ordered starch granule structure. The values observed for peak (4678 mPa•s), trough (3055 mPa•s), and final viscosity (6526 mPa•s) indicated that S. malaccense may be used as a thickener in hot food.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
  8. Ismail A, Idris MYI, Ayub MN, Por LY
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Dec 10;18(12).
    PMID: 30544660 DOI: 10.3390/s18124353
    Smart manufacturing enables an efficient manufacturing process by optimizing production and product transaction. The optimization is performed through data analytics that requires reliable and informative data as input. Therefore, in this paper, an accurate data capture approach based on a vision sensor is proposed. Three image recognition methods are studied to determine the best vision-based classification technique, namely Bag of Words (BOW), Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The vision-based classifiers categorize the apple as defective and non-defective that can be used for automatic inspection, sorting and further analytics. A total of 550 apple images are collected to test the classifiers. The images consist of 275 non-defective and 275 defective apples. The defective category includes various types of defect and severity. The vision-based classifiers are trained and evaluated according to the K-fold cross-validation. The performances of the classifiers from 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, 5-fold and 10-fold are compared. From the evaluation, SPM with SVM classifier attained 98.15% classification accuracy for 10-fold and outperformed the others. In terms of computational time, CNN with SVM classifier is the fastest. However, minimal time difference is observed between the computational time of CNN and SPM, which were separated by only 0.05 s.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  9. Zarei, M., Ahmadi Zenouz, A., Saari, N., Ghanbari, R., Nikkhah, M., Vaziri, M.
    Microwave assisted extraction treatments showed the higher pectin yields of 10.07% and 8.83% in pretreated samples by microwave and 9.4% and 8% in the extraction of dried after microwave treatment in lemon peel and apple pomace samples, respectively. Lemon peel pectin in pretreated samples by microwave and extraction of dried after microwave treatment showed the higher degree of esterification 71.8% and 70%, respectively, while apple pomace revealed 68% and 65.4% in same treatments. Furthermore, lemon peel pectin exhibited the highest galacturonic content of 74.5% in extraction of pretreated samples by microwave, while apple pomace pectin indicated the higher galacturonic acid content of 70.5% and 70% in both extraction of dried after microwave treatment and extraction of dried samples. Texture analysis of jellies prepared by various extracted pectin indicated the highest fracturability in the microwave-assisted drying treatment of 33 N and 32.5 N for apple pomace and lemon peel pectin, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  10. Ismail SI, Batzer JC, Harrington TC, Crous PW, Lavrov DV, Li H, et al.
    Mycologia, 2016 Mar-Apr;108(2):292-302.
    PMID: 26740537 DOI: 10.3852/15-036
    Members of the sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) complex are epiphytic fungi in the Ascomycota that cause economically damaging blemishes of apples worldwide. SBFS fungi are polyphyletic, but approx. 96% of SBFS species are in the Capnodiales. Evolutionary origins of SBFS fungi remain unclear, so we attempted to infer their origins by means of ancestral state reconstruction on a phylogenetic tree built utilizing genes for the nuc 28S rDNA (approx. 830 bp from near the 59 end) and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2). The analyzed taxa included the well-known genera of SBFS as well as non-SBFS fungi from seven families within the Capnodiales. The non-SBFS taxa were selected based on their distinct ecological niches, including plant-parasitic and saprophytic species. The phylogenetic analyses revealed that most SBFS species in the Capnodiales are closely related to plant-parasitic fungi. Ancestral state reconstruction provided strong evidence that plant-parasitic fungi were the ancestors of the major SBFS lineages. Knowledge gained from this study may help to better understand the ecology and evolution of epiphytic fungi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/microbiology*
  11. Chia KS, Abdul Rahim H, Abdul Rahim R
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2012 Feb;13(2):145-51.
    PMID: 22302428 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B11c0150
    Visible and near infrared spectroscopy is a non-destructive, green, and rapid technology that can be utilized to estimate the components of interest without conditioning it, as compared with classical analytical methods. The objective of this paper is to compare the performance of artificial neural network (ANN) (a nonlinear model) and principal component regression (PCR) (a linear model) based on visible and shortwave near infrared (VIS-SWNIR) (400-1000 nm) spectra in the non-destructive soluble solids content measurement of an apple. First, we used multiplicative scattering correction to pre-process the spectral data. Second, PCR was applied to estimate the optimal number of input variables. Third, the input variables with an optimal amount were used as the inputs of both multiple linear regression and ANN models. The initial weights and the number of hidden neurons were adjusted to optimize the performance of ANN. Findings suggest that the predictive performance of ANN with two hidden neurons outperforms that of PCR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/chemistry*
  12. Oettlé AC, Demeter FP, L'abbé EN
    Anat Rec (Hoboken), 2017 01;300(1):196-208.
    PMID: 28000408 DOI: 10.1002/ar.23469
    The variable development of the zygoma, dictating its shape and size variations among ancestral groups, has important clinical implications and valuable anthropological and evolutionary inferences. The purpose of the study was to review the literature regarding the variations in the zygoma with ancestry. Ancestral variation in the zygoma reflects genetic variations because of genetic drift as well as natural selection and epigenetic changes to adapt to diet and climate variations with possible intensification by isolation. Prominence of the zygoma, zygomaxillary tuberosity, and malar tubercle have been associated with Eastern Asian populations in whom these features intensified. Prominence of the zygoma is also associated with groups from Eastern Europe and the rest of Asia. Diffusion of these traits occurred across the Behring Sea to the Arctic areas and to North and South America. The greatest zygomatic projections are exhibited in Arctic groups as an adaptation to extreme cold conditions, while Native South American groups also present with other features of facial robusticity. Groups from Australia, Malaysia, and Oceania show prominence of the zygoma to a certain extent, possibly because of archaic occupations by undifferentiated Southeast Asian populations. More recent interactions with Chinese groups might explain the prominent cheekbones noted in certain South African groups. Many deductions regarding evolutionary processes and diversifications of early groups have been made. Cognisance of these ancestral variations also have implications for forensic anthropological assessments as well as plastic and reconstructive surgery. More studies are needed to improve accuracy of forensic anthropological identification techniques. Anat Rec, 300:196-208, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/anatomy & histology*
  13. Krishnasamy S, Lomer MCE, Marciani L, Hoad CL, Pritchard SE, Paul J, et al.
    J Nutr, 2020 Nov 19;150(11):2890-2899.
    PMID: 32805050 DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxaa191
    BACKGROUND: Whole apples produce greater satiety than processed apples, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.

    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to assess the intragastric processing of apple preparations and the associated small and large bowel contents using MRI.

    METHODS: An open label, 3-way crossover, randomized, controlled trial. Eighteen healthy adults (mean ± SD age, 25 ± 4 y; BMI, 22.7 ± 3.5 kg/m2) underwent serial MRI scans on 3 occasions separated by 7 d, after consumption of isocaloric (178 kcal) portions of either whole apples, apple puree, or apple juice. Gastric emptying, small bowel water content (SBWC; primary endpoint), were measured at baseline and at 45 min intervals (0-270 min) postmeal ingestion. Fullness and satiety were also assessed at each time point. Treatment effects between groups were analyzed using ANOVA.

    RESULTS: Gastric emptying half-time (GE t50) was greater (P < 0.0001) after participants consumed whole apple (mean ± SEM), 65 (3.3) min compared with when they consumed apple puree (41 [2.8] min) or apple juice (38 [2.9] min), times that did not differ. Postprandial area under the curve (AUC) (135-270 min) SBWC was also greater for whole apples than puree (P = 0.025) and juice (P = 0.0004) but juice and puree did not differ. AUC for fullness and satiety (0-270 min) postingestion was also greater (P = 0.002 and 0.004, respectively) for whole apple compared with juice but juice and puree did not differ.

    CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying is slower after whole apple consumption causing a greater sensation of fullness and satiety than puree or juice in healthy adults. Whole apples increased small bowel and colonic contents during the later phase of the study which may be relevant for subsequent food consumption.This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03714464.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malus*
  14. Rosli H, Mayfield DA, Batzer JC, Dixon PM, Zhang W, Gleason ML
    Plant Dis, 2017 Oct;101(10):1721-1728.
    PMID: 30676929 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-02-17-0294-RE
    A warning system for the sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) fungal disease complex of apple, developed originally for use in the southeastern United States, was modified to provide more reliable assessment of SBFS risk in Iowa. Modeling results based on previous research in Iowa and Wisconsin had suggested replacing leaf wetness duration with cumulative hours of relative humidity (RH) ≥97% as the weather input to the SBFS warning system. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the performance of a RH-based SBFS warning system, and to assess the potential economic benefits for its use in Iowa. The warning system was evaluated in two separate sets of trials-trial 1 during 2010 and 2011, and trial 2 during 2013-2015-using action thresholds based on cumulative hours of RH ≥97% and ≥90%, respectively, in conjunction with two different fungicide regimes. The warning system was compared with a traditional calendar-based system that specified spraying at predetermined intervals of 10 to 14 days. In trial 1, use of the RH ≥97% threshold caused substantial differences between two RH sensors in recording number of hours exceeding the threshold. When both RH thresholds were compared for 2013-2015, on average, RH ≥90% resulted in a 53% reduction in variation of cumulative hours between two identical RH sensors placed adjacent to each other in an apple tree canopy. Although both the SBFS warning system and the calendar-based system resulted in equivalent control of SBFS, the warning system required fewer fungicide sprays than the calendar-based system, with an average of 3.8 sprays per season (min = 2; max = 5) vs. 6.4 sprays per season (min = 5; max = 8), respectively. The two fungicide regimes provided equivalent SBFS control when used in conjunction with the warning system. A partial budget analysis showed that using the SBFS warning system with a threshold of RH ≥90% was cost effective for orchard sizes of >1 ha. The revised warning system has potential to become a valuable decision support tool for Midwest apple growers because it reduces fungicide costs while protecting apples as effectively as a calendar-based spray schedule. The next step toward implementation of the SBFS warning system in the North Central U.S. should be multiyear field testing in commercial orchards throughout the region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  15. Rosnah, S., Wong, W.K., Noraziah, M., Osman, H.
    Changes in physical properties (weight, size, colour and weight loss) and chemical properties (proximate analysis, TSS, pH, freezing point, total acidity and sugar content) of two water apple (Syzgium samaragense) cultivars, Semarang Rose and Kristal Taiwan were evaluated during ripening at 10°C and 50% RH. The results showed that the Kristal Taiwan cultivar was larger in size and weight but smaller in length compared to Semarang Rose. The Semarang Rose cultivar was sweeter than Kristal Taiwan. In this study, data obtained suggests that the water apple fruit can be stored at cold storage until 19 days.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  16. Hamid, S.A., Halim, N.R.A., Sarbon, N.M.
    The objective of this study is to establish conditions that allow optimal yield and antioxidant
    activity for Golden Apple Snail (GAS) (Pomacea canaliculata) protein hydrolysate by employing
    response surface methodology (RSM). A three level, face-centered, central composite design
    (CCD) was adapted to assess the effects of temperature (45–65˚C); pH (8–10); the ratio of
    enzyme to substrate (2–4%); and hydrolysis time (60–180 min). The antioxidative activity
    of the hydrolysate obtained under optimized conditions was then evaluated via the following
    metrics: hydroxyl radical scavenging, reducing power, and chelating effects on ferrous ion.
    Established optimal conditions for the enzymatic protein hydrolysis of GAS were a temperature
    of 45˚C, a pH of 10, an enzyme concentration of 2%, and hydrolysis time of 159 minutes. The
    optimized GAS protein hydrolysate produced an experimental yield of 9.72% and antioxidant
    activity of 73.54%—slightly less than the predicted yield of 11.36% and antioxidant activity of
    78.88%. The optimized GAS protein hydrolysate formed demonstrated both higher chelating
    effects and hydroxyl scavenging activity but had lower reducing power. These results suggest
    that GAS protein hydrolysate holds potential as a natural antioxidant for use in food processing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  17. Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker, Normaniza Osman, Abm Sharif Hossain, Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:553-560.
    A study was carried out to investigate the effects of different girdling techniques on the growth, development and quality of red wax apple fruits (Syzygium samarangense). Selected horticultural parameters were monitored at one week interval during the growth period from December 2008 to October 2010, using I, C, V shaped, 50%, and 100% girdling. Girdling was applied 2 weeks before flowering. The results showed that the C-shaped girdling technique produced the best results with regard to the fruit setting and chlorophyll content in comparison to the control and the other girdling
    techniques employed. Furthermore, C-shaped girdling enhanced faster fruit growth producing the best final fruit length and diameter. In addition to significantly increased yield, juice percentage, leaf dry matter, biomass and TSS content of fruits. It was also observed that 50% girdling decreased fruit dropping. V-shaped girdling also increased the number of bud and reduced bud dropping compared to control. I-shaped girdle fruits produced the highest amount of K+ content in fruit juice compared to other treatments. The color development of the fruit peel in 100% girdling was also the highest among the treatments. From this study, it can be concluded that C-shaped girdling applied two weeks before flowering produced better fruit growth, yield and quality of red wax apple fruits under field conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus
  18. Chong CH, Law CL, Figiel A, Wojdyło A, Oziembłowski M
    Food Chem, 2013 Dec 15;141(4):3889-96.
    PMID: 23993562 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.042
    The objective of this study was to improve product quality of dehydrated fruits (apple, pear, papaya, mango) using combined drying techniques. This involved investigation of bioactivity, colour, and sensory assessment on colour of the dried products as well as the retention of the bio-active ingredients. The attributes of quality were compared in regard to the quality of dehydrated samples obtained from continuous heat pump (HP) drying technique. It was found that for apple, pear and mango the total colour change (ΔE) of samples dried using continuous heat pump (HP) or heat pump vacuum-microwave (HP/VM) methods was lower than of samples dried by other combined methods. However, for papaya, the lowest colour change exhibited by samples dried using hot air-cold air (HHC) method and the highest colour change was found for heat pump (HP) dehydrated samples. Sensory evaluation revealed that dehydrated pear with higher total colour change (ΔE) is more desirable because of its golden yellow appearance. In most cases the highest phenol content was found from fruits dried by HP/VM method. Judging from the quality findings on two important areas namely colour and bioactivity, it was found that combined drying method consisted of HP pre-drying followed by VM finish drying gave the best results for most dehydrated fruits studied in this work as the fruits contain first group of polyphenol compounds, which preferably requires low temperature followed by rapid drying strategy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/chemistry
  19. Abdulra'uf LB, Tan GH
    Food Chem, 2013 Dec 15;141(4):4344-8.
    PMID: 23993624 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.07.022
    Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a solvent-less sample preparation method which combines sample preparation, isolation, concentration and enrichment into one step. In this study, multivariate strategy was used to determine the significance of the factors affecting the solid phase microextraction of pesticide residues (fenobucarb, diazinon, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos) using a randomised factorial design. The interactions and effects of temperature, time and salt addition on the efficiency of the extraction of the pesticide residues were evaluated using 2(3) factorial designs. The analytes were extracted with 100 μm PDMS fibres according to the factorial design matrix and desorbed into a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detector. The developed method was applied for the analysis of apple samples and the limits of detection were between 0.01 and 0.2 μg kg(-)(1), which were lower than the MRLs for apples. The relative standard deviations (RSD) were between 0.1% and 13.37% with average recovery of 80-105%. The linearity ranges from 0.5-50 μg kg(-)(1) with correlation coefficient greater than 0.99.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/chemistry*
  20. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy A, Yusop Z, Jaafar J, Bin Aris A, Abdul Majid Z, Umar K, et al.
    J Sep Sci, 2016 Jun;39(12):2276-83.
    PMID: 27095506 DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201600155
    A sensitive and selective gas chromatography with mass spectrometry method was developed for the simultaneous determination of three organophosphorus pesticides, namely, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and diazinon in three different food commodities (milk, apples, and drinking water) employing solid-phase extraction for sample pretreatment. Pesticide extraction from different sample matrices was carried out on Chromabond C18 cartridges using 3.0 mL of methanol and 3.0 mL of a mixture of dichloromethane/acetonitrile (1:1 v/v) as the eluting solvent. Analysis was carried out by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry using selected-ion monitoring mode. Good linear relationships were obtained in the range of 0.1-50 μg/L for chlorpyrifos, and 0.05-50 μg/L for both malathion and diazinon pesticides. Good repeatability and recoveries were obtained in the range of 78.54-86.73% for three pesticides under the optimized experimental conditions. The limit of detection ranged from 0.02 to 0.03 μg/L, and the limit of quantification ranged from 0.05 to 0.1 μg/L for all three pesticides. Finally, the developed method was successfully applied for the determination of three targeted pesticides in milk, apples, and drinking water samples each in triplicate. No pesticide was found in apple and milk samples, but chlorpyrifos was found in one drinking water sample below the quantification level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malus/chemistry
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