This study provides new information on the coastal current along the northern region of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A self-recording S4 current meter, 3 m deep, from July to September 1996, about one nautical mile from the coastline of Kuala Terengganu, was used to determine the speed and direction of the coastal current. The results confirm the presÂence of coastal current along the northern region of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, during the southwest (SW) monsoon season. The coastal current has a maximum speed of over 30 cm/s. Its direction off low is affected by tide. It flows northward (southward) during ebb (flood) tide. However, its net direction of flow is southeastward.
Kajian ini memberikan maklumat baru arus pantai di sepanjang bahagian utara Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Meter arus rekod sendiri S4, telah dipasangkan di kedalaman 3 m, dari Julai hingga September 1996, lebih kurang satu batu nautika dari pantai Kuala Terengganu, untuk menentukan halaju dan arah arus pantai. Hasil kajian ini mengesahkan kehadiran arus pantai di sepanjang bahagian utara pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia, dalam monsun barat daya. Arus pantai mempunyai halaju maksimum melebihi 30 cm/s. Arahnya dipengaruhi oleh air pasang surut. Ia mengalir ke utara (selatan) ketika air surut (pasang). Walau bagaimanapun, pengaliran bersihnya adalah ke arah tenggara.
The evolution of microemulsion microstructure formed from didodecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide, water and cyclohexane which started from being structureless (fiat scattering profile) to a mean-field Ginsburg-Landau behaviour is shown. The evolution gave the characteristic Lorentzian scattering profile as the system approaches phase separation.
Evolusi mikrostruktur mikroemulsi yang terbentuk daripada didodesil dimetil ammonium bromida, air dan sildoheksana tiada berstruktur (profil serakan yang malar) kepada medan-min Ginsburg-Landau. Evolusi tersebut memberikan serakan Lorentz apabila komposisinya menghampiri sempadan pemisahan fasa.
The changes on the vegetables oil trading environment might change the foundation of palm oil pricing and induce a structural change to the price model. Failing to take it account the structural change in a data series might lead to misspecification of the actual model. This study, however, showed that structural change was not present in the monthly, January 1983 to July 1995, palm oil price, but it was present on the unconditional variance. The underlying model of this series was ARIMA (3, 1, 0) with ARCH (1). The critical change of the unconditional variance took place in April 1989.
Perubahan dalam suasana perdagangan minyak sayuran boleh mengubah asas harga minyak kelapa sawit. Seterusnya ia merangsang perubahan dalam struktur model harga minyak tersebut. Kegagalan untuk mengambil kira perubahan struktur dalam siri data menjadikan model itu tidak menepati spesifikasi daripada model sebenar. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa perubahan struktur tidak berlaku bagi data harga minyak sawit dari Januari 1983 hingga Julai 1995. Tetapi perubahan berlaku pada varians tidak bersyaratnya. Model asas bagi siri ini adalah ARIMA (3,1,0) dengan ARCH(1). Didapati juga bahawa perubahan yang kritikal bagi varians tidak bersyarat berlaku pada bulan April 1989.
A robust MM estimates for the linear model is revisited. This estimates are defined by a three-stage procedures and posses the following properties: (i) they are highly efficient when the errors have a normal distribution and (ii) their breakdown-point is 0.5. A numerical examples are used to show that the MM estimates has a higher breakdown point and is more efficient than The RLS (Reweighted Least Squares Regression based on The Least Median Squares) estimates.
Suatu penganggar teguh dalam model linear dinamakan Penganggar MM diperkenalkan kembali. Penganggar ini ditakrifkan menerusi pendekatan 3 peringkat dan mempunyai sifat sifat seperti berikut: i) kecekpan yang tinggi sekiranya ralat tertabur secara normal dan ii) titik musnah bersamaan 0.5. Contoh berangka telah digunakan ulituk menunjukkan bahawa penganggar ini mempunyai titik musnah yang tinggi dan lebih cekap daripada penganggar KDTB (Penganggar Kuasadua Terkecil Berpemberat berdasarkan Kaedah Kuasadua Terkecil).
Metaldehyde is used widely in Malaysia for the control of molluscs. This communication reports the cytotoxic effects of this chemical on cultured cells as assessed by cell morphology and the DNA synthesising capability as well as its transport into cells. After 15 days of exposure with 20.0 ppm of the compound, the DNA synthesising capability was shown to be unaffected. The IC50 for Vero cells was 276.0 ppm. Transport of thymidine across cells was found to be not significantly affected even at high metaldehyde concentrations (up to 320.0 ppm) suggesting integrity of cells were not significantly affected. The present cellular studies have therefore shown that the cytotoxic effects of this chemical is rather low.
Metaldehida digunakan dengan meluas di Malaysia untuk mengawal perosak moluska. Kesan sitotoksik bahan kimia ini di peringkat sel dari segi ciri-ciri perubahan moifologi dan keupayaan mensintesis DNA serta kajian awal kesannya terhadap proses kemasukan ke dalam sel dilaporkan di sini. Keupayaan mensintesis DNA didapati tidak terjejas secara signifikan selepas diberikan 20.0 ppm metaldehida secara berterusan selama 15 hari. Nilai IC50 bagi sel Vero adalah 276.0 ppm. Kemasukan timidina ke dalam sel tidak terjejas secara signifikan apabila sel diperlakukan dengan metaldehida, walaupun pada kepekatan yang agak tinggi iaitu sehingga 320.0 ppm. Kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa kesan sitotoksik oleh metaldehida adalah rendah.
MeSH terms: Acetaldehyde; Animals; Cell Line; Cercopithecus aethiops; DNA; DNA Replication; Malaysia; Mollusca; Thymidine; Vero Cells; Inhibitory Concentration 50
Four areas of Malaysia were selected for the study of filamentous micro fungi occupying soil habitats. Ampang, Kota Bharu, Bandar Melaka, and Kuantan were examined for micro-fungi species content and diversity of isolates. Species recovered from the soils of Malaysia, represent 63 genera and four classes, according to current concepts of fungal taxonomy (Clements and Shear, 1964; Domsch and Gams, 1980). Most isolates belonged to the imperfect fungal class Deuteromycetes, a few species represented the Zygomycetes, and only isolated incidents of Mastigomycetes and Ascomycetes were found occupying the soil of these regions.
Empat kawasan di Malaysia di pilih untuk penyelidikan pembiakan mikrofungi dipermukaan tanah. Kawasan-kawasan kajian yang mengandungi berbagai-bagai species mikro-fungi tersebut ialah Ampang, Kota Bharu, Bandar Melaka, dan Kuantan. Mengikut pengelasan konsep fungi (Clements dan Shear, 1964; Domish dan Gams, 1980) species mikro-fungi yang ditemui dipermukaan tanah Malaysia terdiri dari 63 "genera" dan empat kelas. Kebanyakannya terdiri dari kelas "Deuteromycetes", sebilangannya mewakili kelas "Zygomycetes", dan cuma sebilangan kecil sahaja terdiri dari kelas "Mastigomycetes" dan "Ascomycetes ".
Resistance of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostela (L), to coventional pesticides and concerns about environmental quality have lead to increased worldwide efforts to develop viable biocontrol methods for DBM. The success of using parasitoids, especially larval parasitoids like Diadegma, Cotesia and Microplitis species for controlling DBM have been reported in several countries. These larval parasitoids of DBM are commonly found in the field. Diadegma semiclausum (=eucerophaga) Hellen is the major parasitoid of DBM in Europe and Asia, while Diadegma insulare (Cresson) are predominates in the Americas. To date, the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subspecies kurstaki, has been the most widely used DBM pathogen. Although it is environment friendly pesticides, its effectiveness always vary with weather, field location and frequency of application per season. These are the main factors that contribute to the slow acceptance of B.thuringiensis by the cabbage growers worldwide. Because of this many studies have been done to improve its efficacay and persistence in the field. This paper provides an overview of the current status of these agents for use in controlling DBM and suggest research that is needed to improve the usefulness of these biocontrol agents and to maximize their impact on the DBM management in the future.
Ketahanan rama-rama belakang-intan (diamondback moth), Plutella xylostella (L.), kepada semua racun-racun perosak yang biasa digunakan untuk mengawalnya dan keprihatinan terhadap kualiti alam sekitar telah menyebabkan bertambahnya usaha mencari beberapa kaedah kawalan biologi rama-rama ini di seluruh dunia. Kejayaan menggunakan parasitoids, terutamanya parasitoid larva seperti spesies Diadegma, Cotesia dan Microplitis bagi kawalan serangga ini telah dilaporkan oleh beberapa negara. Parasitoid-parasitoid larva ini mudah didapati di lapangan. Diadegma semiclausum (=eucerophaga) Hellen adalah merupakan parasitoid utama di Eropah dan Asia, sementara Diadegma insulare (Cresson) predominen di benua America. Sehingga kini, bakteria Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subspesies kurstaki, adalah sejenis patogen serangga yang digunakan secara meluas untuk mengawal rama-rama tersebut. Walaupun B. thuringiensis adalah sejenis racun makhluk perosak yang tidak mencemari alam sekitar, tahap keberkesanan tindakannya adalah kerap berubah-ubah mengikut perubahan cuaca, lokasi lapangan dan kekerapan penggunaannya. Ini adalah merupakan faktor-faktor penting yang menyebabkan kelambatan penerimaannya oleh penanam-penanam kobis di merata dunia. Oleh sebab inilah banyak kajian telah dan sedang dijalankan bagi memperbaiki tahap keberkesanan dan persistentnya di lapangan. Kertas ini disedia bagi memperihalkan status penggunaan kedua-dua jenis agen kawalan biologi disamping mengesyurkan penyelidikan yang perlu dibuat untuk mempertingkatkan kegunaan dan memaksimumkan dampaknya dalam pengurusan rama-rama ini masa akan datang.
In the theory of the confluent hypergeometric differential equation, Laguerre polynomials Lnm(x), satisfy the equation xy" + (m+l-x)y' + (n-m)y=0, for non-negative integers of n ≥ m, including zero. When n are non-integers, the solutions to the equation are not polynomials, but infinite series that is difficult to evaluate in closed from. A new method is introduced whereby it is possible to generate a table of Laguerre polynomials (for integer n) and Laguerre functions (for non-integer n) through evaluation of one common integral equation. The method uses the Bateman and the Yaacob-Bateman equations as new tools of solution to the radial Schroedinger equation for the hydrogen atom.
Mengikut teori persamaan perbezaan hipergeometrik konfluen, polinomial Laguerre Lnm(x), memenuhi persamaan xy" + (m+l-x)y' + (n-m)y=0, untuk kesemua nombor genap positif n ≥ m, termasuk sifar. Di dalam keadaan n bukan nombor genap, penyelesaian kepada persamaan Laguerre bukan berbentuk polinomial, tetapi suatu siri tak terhingga yang sukar untuk disimpulkan di dalam bentuk fungsi tertutup. Suatu kaedah baru dikenali di mana jadual polinomial Laguerre (n nombor genap) dan fungsi Laguerre (n bukan nombor genap) dapat diterbitkan melalui penyelesaian kepada persamaan kamiran. Kaedah ini menggunakan teknik novel melalui penyelesaian kepada persamaan Bateman dan persamaan Yaacob-Bateman untuk mendapat penyelesaian kepada persamaan jejari Schroedinger untuk atom hidrogen.
A study of the heavy metal bio-accumulation by fresh water fish, Tilapia nilotica around Lohan Dam was carried out in aquarium system. The study showed that the fish tissues cultured in contaminated water samples, (location S3 and 54) contain higher heavy metals concentration compared with the fish cultured in uncontaminated water samples (S1 and S2). The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni and Cr in fish tissues are higher compared with those of Co, Cd and Pb. The bio-accumulation rates of Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni and Co are 25 times higher than those of the base levels and 10 times higher than those of the controls. The heavy metal bio-accumulation order in T. nilotica is as follows: Mn> Cu> Cr> Ni> Co> Zn> Pb> Cd> Fe. The heavy metal intakes by fish during the experimental period did not exceed the level concentration levels.
Kajian bioakumulasi logam berat oleh ikan air tawar, Tilapia nilotica di perairan sekitar Empangan Lohan dilakukan dengan kaedah ternakan akuarium. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tisu ikan yang diternak dalam sampel air tercemar (lokasi S3 dan S4) mengandungi logam berat yang lebih tinggi dari tisu ikan yang diternak dalam sampel air tidak tercemar (lokasi S1 dan S2). Kepekatan logam berat seperti Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni dan Cr didapati tinggi dalam tisu ikan berbanding dengan kepekatan Co, Cd dan Pb. Kadar bioakumulasi logam berat daIam ikan didapati tinggi bagi Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni dan Co yang masing-masing melebihi 25 kali ganda dari paras asal dan lebih 10 kali ganda dari paras kawalan. Siri bioakumulasi logam berat yang dikaji dalam ikan T. nilotica menurut urutan; Mn> Cu> Cr> Ni> Co> Zn> Pb> Cd> Fe. Kepekatan logam berat yang dapat diambil oleh ikan dalam masa kajian tidak mencapai nilai yang dapat menyebabkan kematian kepada ikan.
From the weighted least-squares fit, two methods of calculation of χ2 test were derived and investigated. The first method which uses a mean weight yields the well known standard method. ie. χ2cal1 = (x)-1 Σ(x-xi)2 and the second method which uses the statistical weight yields χ2cal2 = Σ(x)-1 (x-xi)2. It is theoretically shown that each method has its own type of . ie. arithmetic mean for χ2cal1 and harmonic mean for χ2cal2. Application to the experimentally determined nuclear data, however showed that the two methods gave almost the same χ2cal values, I irrespective of x used. An approach to verify that the mean weight equals to (x)-1 in the standard method is also discussed.
Dari penyesuaian kedua-dua terkecil berpemberat, dua kaedah pengiraan ujian χ2 diterbitkan dan dikaji. Kaedah pertama yang menggunakan pemberat purata memberikan kaedah standard yang terkenal, iaitu χ2cal1 = (x)-1 Σ(x-xi)2 dan kaedah kedua yang menggunnakan pemberat statistik memberikan χ2cal2 = Σ(x)-1 (x-xi)2 . Ditunjukkan secara teori setiap kaedah mempunyai tersendiri, iaitu purata aritmatik untuk χ2cal1 dan purata harmonik untuk χ2cal2. Penggunaan teori ini kepada data nuklear ujikaji, walau bagaimanapun, menunjukkan yang kedua-dua kaedah memberikan nilai χ2cal yang hampir sama, bebas dari jenis x yang digunakan. Pendekatan untuk menentusahkan pemberat malar bersamaan dengan (x)-1 dalam kaedah piawai juga dibincangkan.
A detailed and comprehensive study that covers the aspects of facies and palinology has been carried out on the Nenering bed to determine its depositional history and age. Field evidence based on sedimentary logs of outcrop shows that the sediments have been deposited in a limited intermontane basin. Its sedimentary facies reveal that the sediments were derived from the adjacent older sedimentary rocks. The sediments were transported and deposited in the basin by ephemeral streams. Coarse-Âgrained facies are more dominant in the basin margin area whereby finer-grained facies are more concentrated along the basin axis. Vertical facies changes reveal that in the earlier stage of deposition the basin axis was dominated by finer-grained facies which was then succeeded by the coarserÂgrained sediments brought-in by ephemeral streams. Palynological avidence reveals that the deposition in the basin took place during the Late Cretaceous (? Aptian-Albian).
Lapisan Nenering yang dilaporkan sebelum ini telah dikaji dari aspek sedimentologi don polinologi secara menyelurnh. Bukti-bukti lapangan berdasarkan log turus sedimen pada keseluruhan singkapan mendapati unit batuan sedimen ini telah dimendapkan di dalam lembangan yang kecil yang wujud di antara pergunungan. Fasies sedimennya menunjukkan punca sedimen telah diterbitkan daripada batuan tua di sekitarya. Sedimen dimendapkan di dalam lembangan secara bermusim oleh sungai-sungai efemeral. Fasies berbutir kasar tertumpu ke bahagian tepian lembangan sementara bahagian tengah didominasi oleh sedimen butiran halus. Perubahan fasies secara menegak pula menunjukkan, pada awal pemendapan bahagian tengah lembangan dinominasi oleh sedimen berbutir halus dan kemudian berlaku kemasukan sedimen butiran kasar yang dibawa oleh sungai-sungai berkala. Bukti-bukti palinologi menunjukkan pemendapan sedimen di dalam Lembangan Nenering berlaku paling mungkin semasa Kapur Akhir (? Aptian-Albian).
A survey to characterize seismic and ultrasonic properties of a granite weathering profile have been carried out at a roadcut slope exposure along Kuala Lumpur-Karak highway at kilometres 39.9. The terraced cut slope shows a complete weathering profile beginning from fresh grade I rock to grade VI residual soil. Together with in situ seismic measurement, rock samples have been collected for ultrasonic tests in laboratory. The range of velocities representing grades and indices of weathered rocks and soils are determined from the in situ seismic surveys. The range of ultrasonic velocities and elastic moduli are obtained from the laboratory measurements.
Satu survei untuk mencirikan sifat seismos dan ultrasonik profil luluhawa granit telah dilakukan di singkapan potongan jalan, cerun utara lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur-Karak pada lokaliti 39.9 km. Potongan berteres ini mempamirkan satu profil luluhawa lengkap iaitu mulai batuan gred 1 yang segar hingga ke tanah baki bergred VI. Di samping pengukuran seismos secara in situ, sampel batuan juga diambil untuk dibuat pengukuran halaju ultrasonik di makmal. Julat halaju yang mewakili gred dan indeks luluhawa bagi tanah dan batuan diperolehi daripada survei seismos in situ. Julat halaju trasonik dan modulus kenyal diperolehi hasil pengukuran di makmal.
Conglomerates of continental origin are widely distributed in the Eastern Belt of the Malay Peninsular. Murau Conglomerate is the best example. Similar deposits outcrop at Pulau Redang, Pulau Kapas and Bukit Keluang. With an exception of Pulau Redang Conglomerate, similarities in lithologic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic characters of these conglomerates suggested that they can be combined into one group. Their stratigraphic position that is overlying the Upper Paleozoic unconformities reveals that these rock units are representing the basal part of the continental sediments that are found in the Eastern Belt. The sediments have been deposited as early as in the Late Permain and the deposition continued until Triassic. This interpretation is based on the occurrence of the Upper Paleozoic unconformities in the Eastern Belt and also on the age of sediments beneath the unconformities at Pulau Redang. The uplift that gives rise to this unconformity may be attributed to the granite emplacement in the Eastern Belt in the Late Permian-Early Triassic time. This was followed by depositions of the basal conglomerate mentioned above. The basal conglomerates were then overlain by fined grained sediments which are represented by Panti Sandstone, Lotong Sandstone and other equivalent deposits of Jurassic Cretaceous age.
Konglomerat endapan benua banyak tertabur di lalur Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Konglomerat Murau adalah satu contoh yang terbaik. Konglomerat yang mempunyai, ciri-ciri yang sama terdapat di beberapa lokaliti di Pulau Redang, Pulau Kapas dan Bukit Keluang. Ciri-ciri litologi sedimentologi dan stratigrafi kesemua konglomerat ini mencadangkan bahawa mereka boleh dikumpulkan di dalam satu kumpulan yang. sama kecuali Konglomerat Pulau Redang. Kedudukannya langsung di atas satah ketakselarasan Paleozoik Atas mencadang unit-unit konglomerat ini merupakan bahagian dasar kepada sedimen kebenuaan yang terdapat di Jalur Timur dan mungkin juga di jalur Tengah. Sedimen ini mula terendap semenjak Perm Akhir hingga Trias berdasarkan ketakselarasan yang terdapat di Jalur Timur dan juga usia sedimen di bawah satah ketakselarasan yang terdapat di Pulau Redang. Pengangkatan yang berkaitan mungkin terhasil daripada perejahan granit di Jalur Timur semasa Perm Akhir-Trias Awal. Pengangkatan ini diikuti oleh pemendapan konglomerat dasar yang disebut di atas. Pengenapan seterusnya diikuti oleh sedimen berbutir lebih halus yang menindihnya yang diwakili oleh Batu Pasir Panti, Batu Pasir Lotong dan yang lain-lain yang setara dengannya yang mungkin berusia Jura-Kapur.
Cynopterus brachyotis, a fruit, leaf and nectar eating bat is a common frugivorous bat in Southeast Asia. In the present study, changes in the reproductive hormones of these bats were measured. Bats were captured and blood samples were taken monthly for seven months (January to July 1997) in the surrounding areas of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) campus in Bangi. The concentration of the reproductive hormones in the blood, such as testosterone (male) and progesterone (female) were measured using ELISA. The results showed that body weight and concentration of reproductive hormones was correlated with the monthly rainfall. Abundance of food during the rainy season was believed to be the important factor in influencing body weight gain and increase in reproductive hormone synthesis.
Cynopterus brachyotis merupakan kelawar frugivor pemakan buah-buahan, daun dan nektar yang lazim di Asia Tenggara. Matlamat penyelidikan ini ialah untuk menentukan aras hormon yang dirembeskan oleh gonad kelawar frugivor ini, Kelawar-kelawar ini telah ditangkap dan diambil sampel darah pada setiap bulan selama tujuh bulan (Januari hingga Julai 1997) di sekitar kampus Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) di Bangi. Aras hormon pembiakan, iaitu testosteron pada kelawar jantan dan progesteron pada betina ditentukan dengan menggunakan kaedah ELISA. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa berat badan dan aras hormon pembiakan berkait rapat dengan jumlah taburan hujan bulanan. Kelimpahan sumber makanan pada masa taburan hujan yang tinggi dipercayai merangsang pertambahan berat badan dan sintesis hormon pembiakan pada kelawar ini.
Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 1996. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 1997
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
The Second National Health and Morbidity Study (NHMS 2) was conducted in 1996 and funded by R&D Funding under the Intensification of Research in Priority Areas Programme, Government of Malaysia and Ministry of Health. The need for this survey was identified during a discussion on research priority areas for the Seventh Malaysia Plan. NHMS 2 was aimed to provide community based data and information for the MOH to review health priorities, programme strategies and activities and planning for allocation of resources.
The scopes covered in this survey were load of illness, health seeking behaviour, healthcare consumption cost, health related behaviours (exercise, breast-feeding practices, pap-smear behaviour: smoking alcohol consumption, drug abuse, sexual practices), specific health problems (hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, medically diagnosed cancer, injury, physical impairments, astmna and acute respiratory infections), and blood choleterol level. The NHMS 2 covered whole Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak. The response rate at Living Quarters (LQ) level was 86.9%.
Phytoplasmas (mycoplasmalike organisms, MLOs) associated with mitsuba (Japanese hone-wort) witches'-broom (JHW), garland chrysanthemum witches'-broom (GCW), eggplant dwarf (ED), tomato yellows (TY), marguerite yellows (MY), gentian witches'-broom (GW), and tsu-wabuki witches'-broom (TW) in Japan were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA and restriction enzyme analysis of PCR products. The phytoplasmas could be separated into two groups, one containing strains JHW, GCW, ED, TY, and MY, and the other containing strains GW and TW, corresponding to two groups previously recognized on the basis of transmission by Macrosteles striifrons and Scleroracus flavopictus, respectively. The strains transmitted by M. striifrons were classified in 16S rRNA gene group 16SrI, which contains aster yellows and related phytoplasma strains. Strains GW and TW were classified in group 16SrIII, which contains phytoplasmas associated with peach X-disease, clover yellow edge, and related phytoplasmas. Digestion of amplified 16S rDNA with HpaII indicated that strains GW and TW were affiliated with subgroup 16SrIII-B, which contains clover yellow edge phytoplasma. All seven strains were distinguished from other phytoplasmas, including those associated with clover proliferation, ash yellows, elm yellows, and beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence in North America, and Malaysian periwinkle yellows and sweet potato witches'-broom in Asia.