The diversity of beetle assemblages in different habitat types (primary forest, logged forest, acacia plantation and oil palm plantation) in Sabah, Malaysia was investigated using three different methods based on habitat levels (Winkler sampling, flight-interception-trapping and mist-blowing). The overall diversity was extremely high, with 1711 species recorded from only 8028 individuals and 81 families (115 family and subfamily groups). Different degrees of environmental changes had varying effects on the beetle species richness and abundance, with oil palm plantation assemblage being most severely affected, followed by acacia plantation and then logged forest. A few species became numerically dominant in the oil palm plantation. In terms of beetle species composition, the acacia fauna showed much similarity with the logged forest fauna, and the oil palm fauna was very different from the rest. The effects of environmental variables (number of plant species, sapling and tree densities, amount of leaf litter, ground cover, canopy cover, soil pH and compaction) on the beetle assemblage were also investigated. Leaf litter correlated with species richness, abundance and composition of subterranean beetles. Plant species richness, tree and sapling densities correlated with species richness, abundance and composition of understorey beetles while ground cover correlated only with the species richness and abundance of these beetles. Canopy cover correlated only with arboreal beetles. In trophic structure, predators represented more than 40% of the species and individuals. Environmental changes affected the trophic structure with proportionally more herbivores (abundance) but fewer predators (species richness and abundance) in the oil palm plantation. Biodiversity, conservation and practical aspects of pest management were also highlighted in this study.
MeSH terms: Animals; Beetles/physiology*; Environment*; Malaysia; Species Specificity; Ecosystem
Varroa jacobsoni was first described as a natural ectoparasitic mite of the Eastern honeybee (Apis cerana) throughout Asia. It later switched host to the Western honeybee (A. mellifera) and has now become a serious pest of that bee worldwide. The studies reported here on genotypic, phenotypic and reproductive variation among V. jacobsoni infesting A. cerana throughout Asia demonstrate that V. jacobsoni is a complex of at least two different species. In a new classification V. jacobsoni is here redefined as encompassing nine haplotypes (mites with distinct mtDNA CO-I gene sequences) that infest A. cerana in the Malaysia Indonesia region. Included is a Java haplotype, specimens of which were used to first describe V. jacobsoni at the beginning of this century. A new name, V. destructor n. sp., is given to six haplotypes that infest A. cerana on mainland Asia. Adult females of V. destructor are significantly larger and less spherical in shape than females of V. jacobsoni and they are also reproductively isolated from females of V. jacobsoni. The taxonomic positions of a further three unique haplotypes that infest A. cerana in the Philippines is uncertain and requires further study. Other studies reported here also show that only two of the 18 different haplotypes concealed within the complex of mites infesting A. cerana have become pests of A. mellifera worldwide. Both belong to V. destructor, and they are not V. jacobsoni. The most common is a Korea haplotype, so-called because it was also found parasitizing A. cerana in South Korea. It was identified on A. mellifera in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Less common is a Japan/Thailand haplotype, so-called because it was also found parasitizing A. cerana in Japan and Thailand. It was identified on A. mellifera in Japan, Thailand and the Americas. Our results imply that the findings of past research on V. jacobsoni are applicable mostly to V. destructor. Our results will also influence quarantine protocols for bee mites, and may present new strategies for mite control.
MeSH terms: Animals; Asia; Base Sequence; Bees/parasitology*; Electron Transport Complex IV/genetics*; DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics*; Female; Haplotypes; Mite Infestations; Mites/anatomy & histology; Mites/classification*; Mites/genetics*; Molecular Sequence Data; Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid; Sequence Analysis, DNA
A total of 35 Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from Thailand (16 clinical and eight soil isolates) and Malaysia (seven animal, two isolate each from clinical and soil) were investigated by their antimicrobial resistance, plasmid profiles and were typed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. All isolates were found to be resistant to six or more of the 12 antimicrobial agents tested. Only two small plasmids of 1.8 and 2.4 megadalton were detected in two clinical isolates from Thailand. RAPD analysis with primer GEN2-60-09 resulted in the identification of 35 RAPD-types among the 35 isolates. The constructed dendrogram differentiated the 35 isolates into two main clusters and a single isolate. The wide genetic biodiversity among the 35 isolates indicate that RAPD-PCR can be a useful method to differentiate unrelated B. pseudomallei in epidemiological investigation.
We present an unusual neonatal fungal infection, Hansenula anomala in a very low birthweight infant who underwent abdominal surgery for an omphalocele. Despite treatment with adequate doses of amphotericin B, the yeast continued to grow from the blood culture, and was only eradicated with the use of oral ketoconazole.
The mating system of Dryobalanops aromatica in three different forest types and a seed orchard was quantified by allozyme analysis of progeny arrays using a mixed-mating model. The primary forest (Bukit Sai) had the highest multilocus outcrossing rate (tm=0.923 +/- 0.035), followed by logged forest (Lesong; tm=0.766 +/- 0.056) and artificial forest (FRIM; tm=0.661 +/- 0.066) with seed orchard showing the lowest (Tampin; tm=0.551 +/- 0.095). Deviations from the mixed mating model were evident from differences in pollen and ovule allele frequencies, and heterogeneity of pollen pools in all three different forest types and the seed orchard. A high rate of outcrossing in primary forest (tm=0.92) may indicate that the species is self-incompatible, but a lower value in the seed orchard (tm=0.55) might suggest further that the self-incompatibility system is weak. The outcrossing rate was greater in the primary forest (tm=0.92) than in logged forest (tm=0.77). It is argued that this might be a consequence of the lower density of flowering trees and alteration of pollinator foraging behaviour in logged forest. Higher values of correlated mating (rp) and biparental mating (tm - ts) in primary forest (0.08 and 0.39, respectively) in comparison with logged forest (0.03 and 0.11, respectively) demonstrate that logging activities might reduce the seeds produced through consanguineous mating. Compared with primary forest, it is argued that lower rates of outcrossing in artificial forest (tm=0.67) and seed orchard (tm=0. 55) might be attributed to lack of flowering synchrony and insufficient number of pollinators. The high level of correlated mating (rp=0.43) and biparental mating (tm - ts=0.12) in the seed orchard may further suggest that the seed orchard was established using related seed sources.
Although they originated from China, Malays have undergone a lot of intermarriages. A study suggested that CYP2D6 poor metabolism (PM) phenotype was more common in Malays compared to Chinese. CYP2D6 is highly polymorphic and is involved in the metabolism of many drugs and has been implicated in some environmentally-induced diseases. It is therefore useful to further study this polymorphism in Malays.
The Government's decision to drastically and speedily increase the number of doctors in the country needs to be reviewed. The standard and quality of health care does not depend on the number of doctors, but on the improvement of the health care infrastructure. Increasing the number of government medical schools and increasing the intake of students should be done on a need-to basis, with the above perspective in mind. The selection criteria of candidates must not be compromised and the teaching staff must be adequate and experienced. The number of doctors should be gradually increased over the years in tandem with the development of the health care infrastructure and the deployment of doctors must be directed at providing equitable care to the people at all economic levels and geographic locations. The strength of academic staff in existing government medical schools must be upgraded to provide high level of teaching and research, perhaps reinforced with the recruitment of suitably qualified and experienced foreign teachers. The infrastructure of existing government medical schools must be upgraded to cater for the gradual increasing demand for more doctors as the country develops. The selection of candidates for the government medical schools must be based on merit and without undue emphasis on ethnic considerations, for it is only in the arena of fair competitiveness that excellence can be born. The considerations of merit in selection must include assessment of attitude, self-development, moral ethics and reasoning. If the above perspectives are fully appreciated, then there is really no requirement for private medical colleges in Malaysia.
Issues related to the provision of private education are discussed in relation to the need, clinical teaching, professional standards and financial implications. The advantages and disadvantages are summarised.