This paper examines the results of a section on recent illness of the health survey among 799 foreign workers from three selected study locations. The main objective was to study illness/injury patterns and the utilisation of available health care services. It also attempts to examine the use of health supplements as an indicator of self-care. Findings indicate that the illness/injury rate was 46.6%. The illness/injury rate increased with age and was highest in the 45-54 age group (65.0%) and among the Thai workers (69.6%). The main illnesses reported were injuries and accidents (19.6%), musculoskeletal problems (18.0%) and gastrointestinal complaints (16.7%), and it varied with gender, age and nationality. Almost 90 percent of the foreign workers sought treatment at modern health care facilities, with a third utilising government health care services. The employers contributed towards 60% of all the treatment costs. Nearly a third of the foreign workers took health supplements, and the rates were higher among the younger age group (40.0%) and among the Indonesian workers (52.0%). Majority had obtained the health supplements from the pharmacies or retail shops (43.4%) and private health care facilities (35.4%), and about 70 percent paid out of their own pocket. Some of the implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.
Euthanasia is one of the most controversial topics of the 21st century after cloning and genetic engineering. Has this issue arisen now due to changes in attitude and perception on life of the modem society? This project was undertaken to study the opinions of 2 selected groups of people and secondly, to highlight the legal, ethical and religious controversies on euthanasia. Two groups comprising medical undergraduates and medical personnel were given a questionnaire pertaining 10 his/her opinion and altitude towards euthanasia. The second part of the project was conducted via interviews. The overall opinion from 399 respondents showed that 67.91% are against the practice of euthanasia. Religion is a powerful force against it as Malaysians in general are God-fearing people. There should be proper guidelines explaining how a doctor should respond to patients or family members of patients who request for euthanasia to be performed. It is not legal in Malaysia, but the court has the inherent power to permit it should a particular case have substantial reasoning and evidence. In conclusion, the level of awareness on euthanasia among medical staff and undergraduates is satisfactory. However, most of them do not approve euthanasia in Malaysia.
A comparative study was carried out to identify the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation among students in 3 different types of primary school localed in Ampang area, Kuala Lumpur. A survey of infection rate was done from April 10 June 2001. Stool samples were randomly collected from one·hundred and eleven schoolchildren aged 9-12 years were examined for intestinal parasites, using a light microscope (or direct smear and after concentration for formol-either method. It was found that an overall prevalence of intestinal parasite infection of schoolchildren was 51%. The infection rate of males and females was (60.3%) and (29.2%) respectively. Prevalence seems to be higher in the younger age groups. Also, the usual intestinal parasites were found more commonly in local and foreign schools than international schooL The local school had the highest prevalence (62%), followed by the foreign school (52%) and international school (38.9%). The prevalence in the international school was much lower compared to the local and foreign schools. KEYWORDS: Intestinal parasites, faecal samples, prevalence, schoolchildren
Four calves from each group of purebred Kedah kelantan (KK), halfbred KK X Friesian, and quarterbred KK X Friesian were experimentally infested with Boophilus micropills larvae. Two calves from each genotype were injected, intramuscularly with antihistamine while the remaining two animals in each genotype received the same dose of antihistamine and dexamethasone. Dexamethasone combined anti-histamine treatment suppress tick resistance as manifested by the production of higher number of engorged female ticks, higher mean weight of replete ticks, mean weight of eggs and mean number of larvae hatched from 1 g of eggs. In anti-histamine treated animals there was no reduction of resistant in all animals as manifested by a few ticks were able to feed successfully. At 1, 2, and 3 hours post-larval attachment in anti-histamine and dexamethasone treated cattle there was complete ablation of the cellular infiltration in the dermis beneath the tick mouthparts, especially eosinophil and basophils. There was little destruction of tissue. However, in anti-histamine treated cattle there were more cellular infiltration and degranulation in the dermis. The cells infiltrating the dermis were mainly eosinophils followed by neutrophs, mast cells and basophils and some of these cells showed sign of degranulation. At 24 hours postlarval attachment, animals lTeated with anti-histamine and dexamethasone showed reduction of, cellular infiltration, degranulation, size of the epidermal lesion and tissue damage. The neutrophils were the predominant cells within the epidermal lesions. However, animals in anti-histamine treatment showed edema, more cellular infiltration and degranulation, and destruction of tissues as compared to antihistamine and dexamethasone treated animals. In anti-histamine treated cattle the epidermal lesions were obviously larger and the percentage of eosinophils and basophils were higher than those of antihistamine and dexamethasone treated animals. KEYWORDS: Kedah-Kelantan cattle, KK X Friesian callie, B. micropflls, dexamethasone, antihistamine, cellular response.
Citation: Low WY, Khoo EM, Tan HM. Sexual Health Problems: Attitudes and Practices of Malaysian General Practitioners. Auckland: Adis International Ltd, 2002
MeSH terms: Family Practice; Humans; Erectile Dysfunction; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice*; Malaysia; Physicians, Family; General Practitioners; Physicians, Primary Care
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is a tropical fruit grown in Hawaii for the exotic fruit market. Fruit rot was observed periodically during 1998 and 1999 from two islands, Hawaii and Kauai, and severe fruit rot was observed during 2000 in orchards in Kurtistown and Papaikou on Hawaii. Symptoms were characterized by brown-to-black, water-soaked lesions on the fruit surface that progressed to blackening and drying of the pericarp, which often split and exposed the aril (flesh). In certain cultivars, immature, small green fruits were totally mummified. Rambutan trees with high incidence of fruit rot also showed symptoms of branch dieback and leaf spot. Lasmenia sp. Speg. sensu Sutton, identified by Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Baarn, the Netherlands), was isolated from infected fruit and necrotic leaves. Also associated with some of the fruit rot and dieback symptoms were Gliocephalotrichum simplex (J.A. Meyer) B. Wiley & E. Simmons, and G. bulbilium J.J. Ellis & Hesseltine. G. simplex was isolated from infected fruit, and G. bulbilium was isolated from discolored vascular tissues and infected fruit. Identification of species of Gliocephalotrichum was based on characteristics of conidiophores, sterile hairs, and chlamydospores (1,4). Culture characteristics were distinctive on potato dextrose agar (PDA), where the mycelium of G. bulbilium was light orange (peach) without reverse color, while G. simplex was golden-brown to grayish-yellow with dark brown reverse color. Both species produced a fruity odor after 6 days on PDA. In pathogenicity tests, healthy, washed rambutan fruits were wounded, inoculated with 30 μl of sterile distilled water (SDW) or a fungus spore suspension (105 to 106 spores per ml), and incubated in humidity chambers at room temperature (22°C) under continuous fluorescent light. Lasmenia sp. (strain KN-F99-1), G. simplex (strain KN-F2000-1), and G. bulbilium (strains KN-F2001-1 and KN-F2001-2) produced fruit rot symptoms on inoculated fruit and were reisolated from fruit with typical symptoms, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Controls (inoculated with SDW) had lower incidence or developed less severe symptoms than the fungus treatments. Inoculation tests were conducted at least twice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Lasmenia sp. in Hawaii and the first report of the genus Gliocephalotrichum on rambutan in Hawaii. These pathogens are potentially economically important to rambutan in Hawaii. G. bulbilium has been reported previously on decaying wood of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Hawaii (2), and the fungus causes field and postharvest rots of rambutan fruit in Thailand (3). References: (1) J. J. Ellis and C. W. Hesseltine. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 89:21, 1962. (2) D. F. Farr et al. Fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the United States. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1989. (3) N. Visarathanonth and L. L. Ilag. Pages 51-57 in: Rambutan: Fruit Development, Postharvest Physiology and Marketing in ASEAN. ASEAN Food Handling Bureau, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1987. (4) B. J. Wiley and E. G. Simmons. Mycologia 63:575, 1971.
Republished in:
1. Republished in: Teng CL, Khoo EM, Ng CJ (editors). Family Medicine, Healthcare and Society: Essays by Dr M K Rajakumar, Second Edition. Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia, 2019: 103-107
2. An Uncommon Hero. p361-365
Quality programs are difficult to implement where social support for healthcare costs are inadequate and there is no institutional support for quality programs to guide and assist the doctor in pratice. ‘Quality’ is not the good intention to do better, but the process of measurement of behavioral change against set targets. For the majority of the doctors of this region who practice under great constraints, this article outlines some quality activities that are entirely within their personal initiative and responsibility, but should make a real difference to the quality of care provided.nd responsibility, but should make a real difference to the quality of care you provide.
Republished in: Republished in: Teng CL, Khoo EM, Ng CJ (editors). Family Medicine, Healthcare and Society: Essays by Dr M K Rajakumar, Second Edition. Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia, 2019: 68-74
MeSH terms: Family Practice; Quality Assurance, Health Care
Health is a fundamental right, not a commodity to be sold at a profit, argues Irene Fernandez in the second Jonathan Mann Memorial Lecture delivered on 8 July 2002 to the XIV International AIDS Conference in Barcelona. Ms Fernandez had to obtain a special permit from the Malaysian government to attend the Conference because she is on trial for having publicly released information about abuse, torture, illness, corruption, and death in Malaysian detention camps for migrants. This article, based on Ms Fernandez' presentation, describes how the policies of the rich world have failed the poor world. According to Ms Fernandez, the policies of globalization and privatization of health care have hindered the ability of developing countries to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The article decries the hypocrisy of the industrialized nations in increasing subsidies to farmers while demanding that the developing world open its doors to Western goods. It points out that the rich nations have failed to live up their foreign aid commitments. The article concludes that these commitments--and the other promises made in the last few years, such as those in the United Nations' Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS--can only become a reality if they are translated into action.
MeSH terms: Ethics*; Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence*; Humans; Human Rights*; Policy Making*; Spain; HIV Infections
This paper sheds light on infectious diseases and the status of malnutrition in Nepal, a Himalayan country located in South Asia. In spite of efforts by both Government and non-government sectors, infectious diseases are rampant in the countries constituting a major cause of morbidity and mortality, which in turn, impose a socio-economic and public health burden for the country. Intestinal parasitic infection has been implicated in the causation of malnutrition. Malnutrition associated with child mortality is more common among children aged less than five years. Nepalese women suffer from chronic malnutrition. People in rural areas are more affected by malnutrition than those in urban areas. This has been attributed to poverty, lack of education, and rampant infectious diseases.
Tocotrienols and tocopherols are isoforms of vitamin E. Vitamin E may exhibit antioxidant, prooxidant and non-antioxidant activities depending upon circumstances. In this study, the effect of tocotrienols and α-tocopherol on the activities of HMG CoA reductase and cholesterol 7 α-hydroxylase was investigated. Pure tocotrienols were isolated from palm fatty acid distillate and pure α-tocopherol was obtained commercially. Guinea pigs were treated with different dosages of tocotrienols and α-tocopherol. After the treatment period, animals were sacrificed and liver microsomes were prepared. HMG CoA reductase and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase were assayed using tracer techniques. Our results showed that the effects of tocotrienols and α-tocopherol on the activities of both the enzymes were dose-dependent. At low dosages, both tocotrienols and α-tocopherol exhibited an inhibitory effect on both the enzymes. Moreover, tocotrienols were a much stronger inhibitors than α-tocopherol. At high dosages, on the other hand, tocotrienols and α-tocopherol showed opposite effects on the enzymes. While tocotrienols continued to exhibit an inhibitory effect, α-tocopherol actually exhibited a stimulatory effect on both the enzymes. A possible explanation for this observation is suggested.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of increased edible palm oil consumption on community health status in the aboriginal communities in Tual Post (treatment group) and Sinderut Post (control group), Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Nutritional status, blood pressure, lipid profiles, fasting blood glucose (FBG), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels and lipid peroxidation product (malonaldehyde) levels were taken as indicators of health status. This is a pre-and post-controlled community trial in which similar variables were measured in each group. Every family of 2–6 household members was given 2–5 kg cooking palm oil per month for a period of 18 months. All subjects were measured for height (cm), weight (kg) and waist-hip ratio (WHR). For calorie intake measurement, house-to-house interviews were conducted using 24-hour dietary recall method. Blood pressure, percent body fat, lipid profiles, namely total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride and fasting blood glucose (FBG) were also measured. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels and lipid peroxidation products (MDA) were also determined. There was a significant increase (p
MeSH terms: Adipose Tissue; Blood Glucose; Blood Pressure; Body Weight; Cooking; Diet; Fasting; Cholesterol, HDL; Malondialdehyde; Nutritional Status; Plant Oils; Triglycerides; Vitamin E; Lipid Peroxidation; alpha-Tocopherol; Control Groups; Waist-Hip Ratio
The effects of dietary fat during pregnancy and lactation on growth performance of pups, milk composition and very low density lipoprotein composition in rats were studied. A total of 33 dams were used in this study and each litter was adjusted to 8 pups per dam. The dams were fed on high fat (150 g fat/kg diet, HF), medium fat (75 g fat/kg of diet, MF) and low fat (2.5 g fat/kg diet, LF) diets. The body weights of dams increased during pregnancy and decreased after pregnancy. The HF pups had a higher body weight and higher weight gain than those of LF pups. The amount of feed intake of HF dams was significantly higher than LF and MF dams. The HF dams had significantly higher milk fat and water concentrations than LF dams. The milk protein was not significantly different among the treatment groups. All dams showed hypertriacylglycerolaemia in their very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) in late pregnancy. The VLDL-protein concentrations increased during the first week after parturition. The HF dams showed a greater response to the dietary fat than that of LF and MF dams. The findings suggest that addition of fat in the diet during pregnancy and lactation may improve the milk quality through modifying the composition of VLDL contents, leading to better growth of pups.
For many years counting cells and identifying them under the microscope has been the conventional method to determine the number of abnormal and normal cells in cancers. During the last decade, studies have shown that the detection and quantification of residual tumor cells is important in predicting the clinical outcome of several types of hematological malignancies. Detection of
minimal residual disease (MRD) is now becoming routinely implemented in treatment protocols and is increasingly used for guiding therapy and for evaluation of new treatment modalities (Raanani & Hashomer, 2004). A wide variety of techniques have been developed to detect residual malignant cells beyond the sensitivity of conventional approaches by cell morphology. One of these technology is by real time quantitative (RQ) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the Taqman and LightCycler systems.
Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) from Malvaceae family is an annual crop with potential for use by many industries including food, animal feed, neutraceutical, cosmeticeutical and pharmaceutical industries. Its origin is not fully known but it is believed to be from West Africa, although the plant is found native from India to Southeast Asia. The calyxes, stems and leaves are acid in flavour. The juice is produced from the calyces, and it is claimed to be a prohealth drink due to its high contents of ascorbic acid, anthocyanins and other antioxidants.