Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Lim KK, Chan YY, Mahmud NA, Ismail H, Tan BC, Chua BK, et al.
    Int J Public Health Res, 2018;8(2):980-986.
    Introduction Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) during pregnancy may impair the neurological development of the fetus. The aim of this study is to determine the iodine status among pregnant women (PW) in Sarawak after introduction of mandatory universal salt iodisation (USI) for seven years.
    Methods A total of 508 first trimester PW attending government Maternal and Child Health Care clinics in all 11 divisions in Sarawak between 1st April and 15th June 2015 were recruited. Urine samples were obtained and analysed for urinary iodine concentration (UIC) using the modified Sandell-Kolthoff reaction method. For pregnant women, an adequate iodine intake was defined as a median UIC between 150-249 µg/L according to the WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD’s criterion. For further analyses, the 11 divisions were then combined into 3 regions, namely Northern (Miri, Bintulu, Limbang), Central (Kapit, Mukah, Sibu, Sarikei, Betong) and Southern (Kota Samarahan, Kuching, Sri Aman).
    Results TThe median UIC of the PW in Sarawak was 105.6 µg/L, indicating iodine deficiency. A total of 330 (65.0%) PW had UIC<150 µg/L. In terms of urinary iodine levels by region, the median UIC in Northern, Central and Southern regions were 136.3 µg/L, 85.5 µg/L and 97.4 µg/L respectively. The differences in median UIC between regions were significant. In addition, the Northern region (p = 0.001), Malay/Melanau ethnicity (p = 0.015) and parous parity (p = 0.014) were significantly associated with higher median UIC. No significant association was found for locality, age nor gravida.
    Conclusions This study indicates inadequate iodine status among PW in Sarawak despite seven years of mandatory USI. In fact, the majority of PW appear not to be protected against IDD and its consequences. In future, a comprehensive study should be carried out to determine the levels of iodine in salt at the retail outlets, villages and households in Sarawak.
    Keywords Iodine deficiency disorders - Pregnant women - Mandatory USI - Sarawak
    MeSH terms: Adult; Ambulatory Care Facilities; Borneo; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Humans; Iodine/deficiency*; Malaysia; Maternal-Child Health Centers; Pregnancy; Women
  2. Jiee SF, Safii R, Hazmi H
    Int J Public Health Res, 2018;8(2):956-964.
    INTRODUCTION: Antenatal care is widely acknowledged as an effective tool to prevent adverse outcomes in pregnant women and their children. In Malaysia, early entry to antenatal care refers to a first visit within the 12th week of gestation. Delayed access to antenatal care has not been extensively studied in Malaysia, whereas several studies have reported a high prevalence of late antenatal booking in developing countries. The objective of this study was to determine the factors and barriers associated with late antenatal booking and the level of knowledge about the timing of antenatal booking among women of childbearing age in the Lundu District of Sarawak.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study among 284 pregnant women in all five Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Clinics of Lundu.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of late antenatal booking in Lundu was 28.2%. Unmarried women were more likely to book their pregnancy late compared to married women. The prevalence of late antenatal booking was also higher among unemployed women than those who were employed. Respondents without their own income also tended to book their pregnancy later than those who had their own income. Significantly, a high percentage of late antenatal booking was also reported among those who never utilize any contraceptive method, did not plan their pregnancy, those without a history of past medical illness or complications in a previous pregnancy and among those who have a problem with their marriage certificate. Those who booked their pregnancy beyond the 12th week of gestation were also reported to have a lower level of knowledge about the need for an antenatal booking, as compared to those who started their antenatal care early.
    CONCLUSION: Unplanned pregnancy, marriage certificate issues, an absence of past medical illness and past obstetric complications were significant predictors of late antenatal booking. Correct and appropriate information relating to antenatal care should be delivered to the public. Health education and advocacy are vital to promote the importance of early antenatal booking to achieve the goal of safe motherhood.
    Study site: Maternal and Child Health Clinics, Lundu, Sarawak, Malaysia
    MeSH terms: Child Health; Ambulatory Care Facilities; Child; Contraceptive Agents; Contraceptive Devices; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Health Education; Humans; Malaysia; Marriage; Maternal-Child Health Centers; Pregnancy; Prenatal Care; Surveys and Questionnaires; Prevalence; Pregnancy, Unplanned
  3. Che Idris CA, Sundram K, Abdull Razis AF
    Nutrients, 2018 Nov 30;10(12).
    PMID: 30513649 DOI: 10.3390/nu10121839
    The authors wish to make the following change to their paper (Che Idris et al. [...].
    MeSH terms: Catastrophic Illness; Paper
  4. Hoque A, Tariqul Islam M, Almutairi AF, Alam T, Jit Singh M, Amin N
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Nov 30;18(12).
    PMID: 30513675 DOI: 10.3390/s18124209
    In this paper, a dual-band metamaterial absorber (MMA) ring with a mirror reflexed C-shape is introduced for X and Ku band sensing applications. The proposed metamaterial consists of two square ring resonators and a mirror reflexed C-shape, which reveals two distinctive absorption bands in the electromagnetic wave spectrum. The mechanism of the two-band absorber particularly demonstrates two resonance frequencies and absorption was analyzed using a quasi-TEM field distribution. The absorption can be tunable by changing the size of the metallic ring in the frequency spectrum. Design and analysis of the proposed meta-absorber was performed using the finite-integration technique (FIT)-based CST microwave studio simulation software. Two specific absorption peaks value of 99.6% and 99.14% are achieved at 13.78 GHz and 15.3 GHz, respectively. The absorption results have been measured and compared with computational results. The proposed dual-band absorber has potential applications in sensing techniques for satellite communication and radar systems.
    MeSH terms: Microwaves; Radar; Radiation; Software; Satellite Communications; Physical Phenomena
  5. Islam MT, Alam T, Yahya I, Cho M
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Nov 30;18(12).
    PMID: 30513701 DOI: 10.3390/s18124212
    In this paper, an inkjet-printed flexible Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag antenna is proposed for an ultra-high frequency (UHF) sensor application. The proposed tag antenna facilitates a system-level solution for low-cost and faster mass production of RFID passive tag antenna. The tag antenna consists of a modified meander line radiator with a semi-circular shaped feed network. The structure is printed on photo paper using silver nanoparticle conductive ink. The generic design outline, as well as tag antenna performances for several practical application aspects are investigated. The simulated and measured results verify the coverage of universal UHF RFID band with an omnidirectional radiation pattern and a long-read range of 15 ft. In addition, the read range for different bending angles and lifetimes of the tag antenna are also demonstrated.
    MeSH terms: Ink; Paper; Printing; Silver; Metal Nanoparticles; Radio Frequency Identification Device
  6. Islam MT, Rahman MN, Samsuzzaman M, Mansor MF, Misran N
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Dec 01;18(12).
    PMID: 30513712 DOI: 10.3390/s18124213
    A digit 8-shaped resonator inspired metamaterial is proposed herein for sensor applications. The resonator is surrounded by a ground frame and excited by a microstrip feedline. The measurement of the sensor can be performed using common laboratory facilities in lieu of using the waveguide, as the resonator, ground frame, and feedline are all on the same microstrip. To achieve metamaterial properties, more than one unit cell is usually utilized, whereas, in this work, a single cell was used to achieve the metamaterial characteristics. The properties of the metamaterial were investigated to find the relationship between the simulation and measurements. The proposed metamaterial sensor shows considerable sensitivity in sensor application. For the sensor application, FR4 and Rogers RO4350 materials were used as the over-layer. The sensor can measure dielectric thickness with a sensitivity of 625 MHz/mm, 468 MHz/mm, and 354 MHz/mm for the single over-layer, double over-layers, and multiple over-layers, respectively. The proposed prototype can be utilized in several applications where metamaterial characteristics are required.
    MeSH terms: Computer Simulation; Equipment Design; Reading Frames
  7. Ullah MA, Islam MT, Alam T, Ashraf FB
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Dec 01;18(12).
    PMID: 30513719 DOI: 10.3390/s18124214
    This paper demonstrates the performance of a potential design of a paper substrate-based flexible antenna for intrabody telemedicine systems in the 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical radio (ISM) bands. The antenna was fabricated using 0.54 mm thick flexible photo paper and 0.03 mm copper strips as radiating elements. Design and performance analyses of the antenna were performed using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio software. The antenna performances were investigated based on the reflection coefficient in normal and bent conditions. The total dimensions of the proposed antenna are 40 × 35 × 0.6 mm³. The antenna operates at 2.33⁻2.53 GHz in the normal condition. More than an 8% fractional bandwidth is expressed by the antenna. Computational analysis was performed at different flexible curvatures by bending the antenna. The minimum fractional bandwidth deviation is 5.04% and the maximum is 24.97%. Moreover, it was mounted on a homogeneous phantom muscle and a four-layer human tissue phantom. Up to a 70% radiation efficiency with a 2 dB gain was achieved by the antenna. Finally, the performance of the antenna with a homogeneous phantom muscle was measured and found reliable for wearable telemedicine applications.
    MeSH terms: Computer Simulation; Copper; Humans; Microwaves; Software; Telemedicine; Phantoms, Imaging
  8. Khor BH, Chinna K, Abdul Gafor AH, Morad Z, Ahmad G, Bavanandam S, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2018 Dec 04;18(1):939.
    PMID: 30514284 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3702-9
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the situational capacity for nutrition care delivery in the outpatient hemodialysis (HD) setting in Malaysia by evaluating dietitian accessibility, nutrition practices and patients' outcomes.

    METHODS: A 17-item questionnaire was developed to assess nutrition practices and administered to dialysis managers of 150 HD centers, identified through the National Renal Registry. Nutritional outcomes of 4362 patients enabled crosscutting comparisons as per dietitian accessibility and center sector.

    RESULTS: Dedicated dietitian (18%) and visiting/shared dietitian (14.7%) service availability was limited, with greatest accessibility at government centers (82.4%) > non-governmental organization (NGO) centers (26.7%) > private centers (15.1%). Nutritional monitoring varied across HD centers as per albumin (100%) > normalized protein catabolic rate (32.7%) > body mass index (BMI, 30.7%) > dietary intake (6.0%). Both sector and dietitian accessibility was not associated with achieving albumin ≥40 g/L. However, NGO centers were 36% more likely (p = 0.030) to achieve pre-dialysis serum creatinine ≥884 μmol/L compared to government centers, whilst centers with dedicated dietitian service were 29% less likely (p = 0.017) to achieve pre-dialysis serum creatinine ≥884 μmol/L. In terms of BMI, private centers were 32% more likely (p = 0.022) to achieve BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2 compared to government centers. Private centers were 62% less likely (p 

    MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care/standards*; Cross-Sectional Studies; Delivery of Health Care/standards; Female; Renal Dialysis/standards*; Humans; Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications; Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapy*; Malaysia; Male; Middle Aged; Nutritional Status; Surveys and Questionnaires; Registries; Body Mass Index; Nutritional Support/standards*; Nutritionists/supply & distribution
  9. Tan SN, Sim SP, Khoo ASB
    BMC Mol. Biol., 2018 12 04;19(1):15.
    PMID: 30514321 DOI: 10.1186/s12867-018-0116-5
    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress is known to be involved in most of the aetiological factors of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Cells that are under oxidative stress may undergo apoptosis. We have previously demonstrated that oxidative stress-induced apoptosis could be a potential mechanism mediating chromosome breakages in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Additionally, caspase-activated DNase (CAD) may be the vital player in mediating the chromosomal breakages during oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Chromosomal breakage occurs during apoptosis and chromosome rearrangement. Chromosomal breakages tend to cluster in certain regions, such as matrix association region/scaffold attachment region (MAR/SAR). We hypothesised that oxidative stress-induced apoptosis may result in chromosome breaks preferentially at the MAR/SAR sites. The AF9 gene at 9p22 was targeted in this study because 9p22 is a deletion site commonly found in NPC.

    RESULTS: By using MAR/SAR recognition signature (MRS), potential MAR/SAR sites were predicted in the AF9 gene. The predicted MAR/SAR sites precisely match to the experimentally determined MAR/SARs. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used to induce apoptosis in normal nasopharyngeal epithelial cells (NP69) and NPC cells (HK1). Nested inverse polymerase chain reaction was employed to identify the AF9 gene cleavages. In the SAR region, the gene cleavage frequency of H2O2-treated cells was significantly higher than that of the non-treated cells. A few chromosomal breakages were detected within the AF9 region which was previously found to be involved in the mixed lineage leukaemia (MLL)-AF9 translocation in an acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patient. As for the non-SAR region, no significant difference in the gene cleavage frequency was found between the untreated control and H2O2-treated cells. Furthermore, H2O2-induced cleavages within the SAR region were reduced by caspase-3 inhibitor, which indirectly inhibits CAD.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results reaffirm our previous findings that oxidative stress-induced apoptosis could be one of the potential mechanisms underlying chromosome breakages in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. MAR/SAR may play a vital role in defining the location of chromosomal breakages mediated by oxidative stress-induced apoptosis, where CAD is the major nuclease.

    MeSH terms: Base Sequence*; Cell Line; Epithelial Cells/metabolism*; Humans; Hydrogen Peroxide/metabolism; Hydrogen Peroxide/pharmacology; Apoptosis/drug effects; Apoptosis/genetics; Sequence Analysis, DNA; Oxidative Stress; Chromosome Breakage*; Respiratory Mucosa/cytology; Respiratory Mucosa/metabolism; Matrix Attachment Regions/genetics*
  10. Chin KL, Sarmiento ME, Norazmi MN, Acosta A
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2018 12;113:139-152.
    PMID: 30514496 DOI: 10.1016/
    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), is an infectious disease with more than 10.4 million cases and 1.7 million deaths reported worldwide in 2016. The classical methods for detection and differentiation of mycobacteria are: acid-fast microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen staining), culture, and biochemical methods. However, the microbial phenotypic characterization is time-consuming and laborious. Thus, fast, easy, and sensitive nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have been developed based on specific DNA markers, which are commercially available for TB diagnosis. Despite these developments, the disease remains uncontrollable. The identification and differentiation among MTBC members with the use of NAATs remains challenging due, among other factors, to the high degree of homology within the members and mutations, which hinders the identification of specific target sequences in the genome with potential impact in the diagnosis and treatment outcomes. In silico methods provide predictive identification of many new target genes/fragments/regions that can specifically be used to identify species/strains, which have not been fully explored. This review focused on DNA markers useful for MTBC detection, species identification and antibiotic resistance determination. The use of DNA targets with new technological approaches will help to develop NAATs applicable to all levels of the health system, mainly in low resource areas, which urgently need customized methods to their specific conditions.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Antitubercular Agents/therapeutic use; Bacteriological Techniques*; DNA, Bacterial/genetics*; DNA, Bacterial/isolation & purification; Genetic Markers; Genotype; Humans; Mycobacterium tuberculosis/drug effects; Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genetics*; Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification; Phenotype; Predictive Value of Tests; Tuberculosis/diagnosis*; Tuberculosis/drug therapy; Tuberculosis/microbiology; Drug Resistance, Bacterial/genetics; Molecular Diagnostic Techniques*
  11. Banaei M, Moridi A, Dashti S
    Mater Sociomed, 2018 Oct;30(3):198-203.
    PMID: 30515059 DOI: 10.5455/msm.2018.30.198-203
    Introduction: Considering physical and emotional changes affecting women's sexual function in postpartum period.

    Aim: This study was conducted to determine the sexual dysfunction and postpartum-related factors in Bandar Abbas women in 2016.

    Material and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study used systematic random sampling on 432 postpartum women referred to Bandar Abbas Healthcare Centers. Data were collected by Demographic and Obstetrics Questionnaire and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) Questionnaire through interview and were analyzed by using SPSS ver.22 method.

    Results: The overall rate of sexual dysfunction was reported 85.95%. The most common postpartum sexual dysfunction was pain sexual dysfunction during sexual intercourse. The mean score of all types of sexual dysfunction increased over time after delivery except sexual satisfaction so that the mean score of sexual satisfaction did not show significant differences over time. There was a significant relationship between sexual dysfunction with factors such as duration of marriage (p< 0.001), number of children (p<0.001), familial relationship (p=0.028), episiotomy status (P=0.002) and contraceptive method (p=0.001).

    Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of sexual disorders in this study, healthcare systems need to pay more attention to this area. In order to promote the health status of the family and ultimate of the society, attention to sexual health as well as the early diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction of couples are important, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth.

    MeSH terms: Attention; Child; Coitus; Contraception; Cross-Sectional Studies; Episiotomy; Female; Health Status; Humans; Marriage; Obstetrics; Orgasm; Pain; Pregnancy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Prevalence; Parturition; Delivery, Obstetric; Early Diagnosis; Postpartum Period
  12. Asare-Donkor NK, Adaagoam RA, Voegborlo RB, Adimado AA
    J Toxicol, 2018;2018:4785031.
    PMID: 30515208 DOI: 10.1155/2018/4785031
    This study evaluates the exposure of the Ghanaian population of the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana to formaldehyde through the consumption of fish using 3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazoline Hydrazone method, with trichloroacetic acid as an extracting agent. A total of sixty (60) fish species comprising both local and imported fish were bought from cold stores and fish ponds were analysed. Formaldehyde was found in all the species analysed with concentration ranging from 0.174 to 3.710 μgg-1. However, the levels were still lower than 5 mg/kg, which is the maximum limit established by the Malaysian Food Act and Regulation for formaldehyde in fish. The estimated daily intake values for formaldehyde in the fish species analysed ranged between 4.233 × 10-4 and 3.661 × 10-3 mg/kg BW/day and this was less than the acceptable daily intake of 0.15 and 0.2 mg/kg BW/day suggested by World Health Organization and the United States Environmental Protection Agency for formaldehyde intake, respectively. The results for the hazard quotient calculated for all the species were less than one suggesting that the amount of formaldehyde in the fish is not likely to pose any potential adverse health effects to consumers. Thus, wet fish from Kumasi may be considered safe for consumption because of low formaldehyde content.
  13. Golbabapour S, Hajrezaie M, Hassandarvish P, Abdul Majid N, Hadi AHA, Nordin N, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2018;2018:1509057.
    PMID: 30515386 DOI: 10.1155/2018/1509057
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1155/2013/974185.].
    MeSH terms: Humans
  14. Poh SC, Ng NCW, Suratman S, Mathew D, Mohd Tahir N
    Environ Monit Assess, 2018 Dec 04;191(1):3.
    PMID: 30515582 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-7128-y
    The objective of this study was to identify the spatial and temporal variabilities of selected nutrients in the Setiu Wetlands Lagoon (SWL), Malaysia. Water samples were collected quarterly at ten monitoring sites. This study presents results from a 10-year field investigation (2003 to 2010 and 2014 to 2015) of water quality in the SWL. For the spatial pattern, four clusters were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis. Analysis of the temporal trend shows that the high total suspended solid loading in 2010 was due to large-scale land clearing upstream of the SWL. The enrichment of ammonium after 2010 could plausibly be due to land-based aquaculture diffuse discharges. In 2005-2007, expansion of oil palm plantations within the Setiu catchment had doubled the phosphorus concentration in the SWL. The natural and anthropogenic alterations of the lagoon inlets profoundly influenced the spatial distribution patterns of nutrients in the SWL. These results suggest that intense anthropogenic disturbances close to the SWL accounted for the water quality deterioration.
    MeSH terms: Environment; Environmental Monitoring/methods*; Malaysia; Phosphorus/analysis; Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Wetlands; Water Quality*
  15. Yusufzai SK, Khan MS, Sulaiman O, Osman H, Lamjin DN
    Chem Cent J, 2018 Dec 04;12(1):128.
    PMID: 30515636 DOI: 10.1186/s13065-018-0497-z
    Coumarins are the phytochemicals, which belong to the family of benzopyrone, that display interesting pharmacological properties. Several natural, synthetic and semisynthetic coumarin derivatives have been discovered in decades for their applicability as lead structures as drugs. Coumarin based conjugates have been described as potential AChE, BuChE, MAO and β-amyloid inhibitors. Therefore, the objective of this review is to focus on the construction of these pharmacologically important coumarin analogues with anti-Alzheimer's activities, highlight their docking studies and structure-activity relationships based on their substitution pattern with respect to the selected positions on the chromen ring by emphasising on the research reports conducted in between year 1968 to 2017.
    MeSH terms: Anesthesia; Coumarins; Monoamine Oxidase; Pain; Structure-Activity Relationship; Research Report; Phytochemicals
  16. Kakkar S, Kumar S, Lim SM, Ramasamy K, Mani V, Shah SAA, et al.
    Chem Cent J, 2018 Dec 04;12(1):130.
    PMID: 30515643 DOI: 10.1186/s13065-018-0499-x
    BACKGROUND: In view of wide range of biological activities of oxazole, a new series of oxazole analogues was synthesized and its chemical structures were confirmed by spectral data (Proton/Carbon-NMR, IR, MS etc.). The synthesized oxazole derivatives were screened for their antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The antimicrobial activity was performed against selected fungal and bacterial strains using tube dilution method. The antiproliferative potential was evaluated against human colorectal carcinoma (HCT116) and oestrogen- positive human breast carcinoma (MCF7) cancer cell lines using Sulforhodamine B assay and, results were compared to standard drugs, 5-fluorouracil and tamoxifen, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The performed antimicrobial activity indicated that compounds 3, 5, 6, 8 and 14 showed promising activity against selected microbial species. Antiproliferative screening found compound 14 to be the most potent compound against HCT116 (IC50 = 71.8 µM), whereas Compound 6 was the most potent against MCF7 (IC50 = 74.1 µM). Further, the molecular docking study has been carried to find out the interaction between active oxazole compounds with CDK8 (HCT116) and ER-α (MCF7) proteins indicated that compound 14 and 6 showed good dock score with better potency within the ATP binding pocket and may be used as a lead for rational drug designing of the anticancer molecule.

    MeSH terms: Adenosine Triphosphate; Anti-Infective Agents; Breast Neoplasms; Carbon; Cell Line; Estrogens; Fluorouracil; Humans; Oxazoles; Protons; Rhodamines; Tamoxifen; Colorectal Neoplasms; Drug Design; Inhibitory Concentration 50; Estrogen Receptor alpha; Molecular Docking Simulation
  17. Choo MM, Yeong CM, Grigg JR, Khaliddin N, Kadir AJ, Barnes EH, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2018 Nov;97(48):e13357.
    PMID: 30508927 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000013357
    To report observations of horizontal corneal diameter (HCD) and central corneal thickness (CCT) changes in premature infants with stable optic disc cupping and intraocular pressures (IOPs). The HCD and CCT at term serve as a baseline for premature infants.Sixty-three premature infants were enrolled in a prospective case series. HCD, CCT, and IOP were measured. RetCam images of the optic discs were used to evaluate the cup-disc ratio (CDR) and read by an independent masked observer. Data were collected at between preterm (32-36 weeks) and again at term (37-41 weeks) postconceptual age. Left eye measurements were used for statistical analysis. Left eye findings were combined to construct predictive models for HCD and CCT.The mean HCD was 9.1 mm (standard deviation [SD] = 0.7 mm) at preterm and 10.0 mm (SD = 0.52 mm) at term. The mean CCT preterm was 618.8 (SD = 72.9) μm and at term 563.9 (SD = 50.7) μm, respectively. The average preterm CDR was 0.31 and at maturity was 0.33. Average IOP of preterm and term was 13.1 and 14.11 mm Hg, respectively. There was significant linear correlation between HCD with the postmenstrual age (r = 0.40, P 
    MeSH terms: Birth Weight; Cornea/anatomy & histology*; Gestational Age; Humans; Infant, Newborn; Infant, Premature/physiology*; Intraocular Pressure/physiology*; Organ Size; Prospective Studies; Corneal Topography/methods
  18. Chang CY, Pui WC, Kadir KA, Singh B
    Malar J, 2018 Dec 04;17(1):448.
    PMID: 30509259 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-018-2600-2
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite typically found in long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques, is the most common cause of human malaria in Malaysian Borneo. Infections in humans result in a spectrum of disease, including fatal outcomes. Spontaneous splenic rupture is a rare, but severe complication of malaria and has not been reported previously for knowlesi malaria.

    CASE PRESENTATION: A 46-year-old man presented with fever and acute surgical abdomen with concomitant P. knowlesi malaria infection at Kapit Hospital. He was in compensated shock upon arrival to the hospital. He had generalized abdominal tenderness, maximal at the epigastric region. Bedside focused abdominal ultrasonography revealed free fluid in the abdomen. He underwent emergency exploratory laparotomy in view of haemodynamic instability and worsening peritonism. Intraoperatively, haemoperitoneum and bleeding from the spleen was noted. Splenectomy was performed. Histopathological examination findings were suggestive of splenic rupture and presence of malarial pigment. Analysis of his blood sample by nested PCR assays confirmed P. knowlesi infection. The patient completed a course of anti-malarial treatment and recovered well post-operation.

    CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous splenic rupture is a rare complication of malaria. This is the first reported case of splenic rupture in P. knowlesi malaria infection. Detection of such a complication requires high index of clinical suspicion and is extremely challenging in hospitals with limited resources.

    MeSH terms: Borneo; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Spleen/parasitology; Spleen/physiopathology; Splenectomy; Plasmodium knowlesi*
  19. Li K, Anderson G, Viallon V, Arveux P, Kvaskoff M, Fournier A, et al.
    Breast Cancer Res, 2018 12 03;20(1):147.
    PMID: 30509329 DOI: 10.1186/s13058-018-1073-0
    BACKGROUND: Few published breast cancer (BC) risk prediction models consider the heterogeneity of predictor variables between estrogen-receptor positive (ER+) and negative (ER-) tumors. Using data from two large cohorts, we examined whether modeling this heterogeneity could improve prediction.

    METHODS: We built two models, for ER+ (ModelER+) and ER- tumors (ModelER-), respectively, in 281,330 women (51% postmenopausal at recruitment) from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Discrimination (C-statistic) and calibration (the agreement between predicted and observed tumor risks) were assessed both internally and externally in 82,319 postmenopausal women from the Women's Health Initiative study. We performed decision curve analysis to compare ModelER+ and the Gail model (ModelGail) regarding their applicability in risk assessment for chemoprevention.

    RESULTS: Parity, number of full-term pregnancies, age at first full-term pregnancy and body height were only associated with ER+ tumors. Menopausal status, age at menarche and at menopause, hormone replacement therapy, postmenopausal body mass index, and alcohol intake were homogeneously associated with ER+ and ER- tumors. Internal validation yielded a C-statistic of 0.64 for ModelER+ and 0.59 for ModelER-. External validation reduced the C-statistic of ModelER+ (0.59) and ModelGail (0.57). In external evaluation of calibration, ModelER+ outperformed the ModelGail: the former led to a 9% overestimation of the risk of ER+ tumors, while the latter yielded a 22% underestimation of the overall BC risk. Compared with the treat-all strategy, ModelER+ produced equal or higher net benefits irrespective of the benefit-to-harm ratio of chemoprevention, while ModelGail did not produce higher net benefits unless the benefit-to-harm ratio was below 50. The clinical applicability, i.e. the area defined by the net benefit curve and the treat-all and treat-none strategies, was 12.7 × 10- 6 for ModelER+ and 3.0 × 10- 6 for ModelGail.

    CONCLUSIONS: Modeling heterogeneous epidemiological risk factors might yield little improvement in BC risk prediction. Nevertheless, a model specifically predictive of ER+ tumor risk could be more applicable than an omnibus model in risk assessment for chemoprevention.

    MeSH terms: Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use*; Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis*; Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology; Breast Neoplasms/pathology; Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control; Female; Follow-Up Studies; Humans; Middle Aged; Models, Biological*; Prognosis; Prospective Studies; Receptors, Estrogen/metabolism*; Risk Factors; Incidence; Risk Assessment/methods
  20. Ilankoon IMSK, Ghorbani Y, Chong MN, Herath G, Moyo T, Petersen J
    Waste Manag, 2018 Dec;82:258-275.
    PMID: 30509588 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.10.018
    E-waste, or waste generated from electrical and electronic equipment, is considered as one of the fastest-growing waste categories, growing at a rate of 3-5% per year in the world. In 2016, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste were generated in the world, which is equivalent to 6.1 kg for each person. E-waste is classified as a hazardous waste, but unlike other categories, e-waste also has significant potential for value recovery. As a result it is traded significantly between the developed and developing world, both as waste for disposal and as a resource for metal recovery. Only 20% of global e-waste in 2016 was properly recycled or disposed of, with the fate of the remaining 80% undocumented - likely to be dumped, traded or recycled under inferior conditions. This review paper provides an overview of the global e-waste resource and identifies the major challenges in the sector in terms of generation, global trade and waste management strategies. It lists the specific hazards associated with this type of waste that need to be taken into account in its management and includes a detailed overview of technologies employed or proposed for the recovery of value from e-waste. On the basis of this overview the paper identifies future directions for effective e-waste processing towards sustainable waste/resource management. It becomes clear that there is a strong divide between developed and developing countries with regard to this sector. While value recovery is practiced in centralised facilities employing advanced technologies in a highly regulated industrial environment in the developed world, in the developing world such recovery is practiced in a largely unregulated artisanal industry employing simplistic, labour intensive and environmentally hazardous approaches. Thus value is generated safely in the hi-tech environment of the developed world, whereas environmental burdens associated with exported waste and residual waste from simplistic processing remain largely in developing countries. It is argued that given the breadth of available technologies, a more systematic evaluation of the entire e-waste value chain needs to be conducted with a view to establishing integrated management of this resource (in terms of well-regulated value recovery and final residue disposal) at the appropriately local rather than global scale.
    MeSH terms: Developing Countries; Hazardous Waste; Waste Management*; Recycling; Electronic Waste*
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