Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Al-Amedy OS, Tang LY, Gulistan AS
    Diabetes is a chronic complicated disease. For that reason, self-care management and education are necessary to control blood glucose levels to decrease mortality and morbidity rate, the risk of complications and adverse medication related events. Lack of knowledge about a diabetic medication and non-adherence contribute to poor glycemic control among diabetes patients. Therefore, this study aims to assess relationship between medication knowledge and medication adherence among T2DM. A cross sectional study was carried out in outpatient's diabetic clinic in University Malaya Medical Centre via recruiting 250 participants. A set of questionnaires from earlier research were used to collect the data. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis is used to analyze the data. The inclusive results indicated that, the mean age of the participants was 57.90 ±13.22 within 56years. More than half of patients (52.5%) had poor medication knowledge, and 47.5% had good knowledge. In terms of medication adherence, most of the participants (87.0%) had medium medication adherence; whereas, only 1.3% showed high medication adherence. However, there was no correlation between medication knowledge and medication adherence (p=0.743). The chi-square results indicated that medication knowledge was associated significantly with gender, educational level, employment status and monthly income (p value < 0.05). In conclusion it can be said that this study provides insight for healthcare professional about medication knowledge and adherence which are important for managing diabetes. Awareness of these factors will allow them to be more effective about medication counseling so that patients can become self-responsible and realize the benefits of prescribed therapies.
    Study site: Diabetic Clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    MeSH terms: Adult; Cross-Sectional Studies; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2; Hospitals, University; Humans; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Malaysia; Outpatient Clinics, Hospital; Medication Adherence*
  2. Shetty S, Umakanth S, Manandhar B, Nepali PB
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Mar 15;2018.
    PMID: 29545426 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-222352
    Leprosy and tuberculosis (TB) are endemic to India, however, their coinfection is not frequently encountered in clinical practice. Here, we report a 32-year-old female patient who presented with a history of high-grade intermittent fever, cough and painless skin lesions since a month, along with bilateral claw hand (on examination). The haematological profile was suggestive of anaemia of chronic disease, chest radiograph showed consolidation, sputum smears were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and skin slit smear confirmed leprosy. The patient was prescribed WHO recommended multidrug therapy for multibacillary leprosy with three drugs. Additionally, prednisolone was added to her regimen for 2 weeks to treat the type 2 lepra reaction. For treatment of TB, she was placed on the standard 6-month short course chemotherapy. She was lost to follow-up, and attempts were made to contact her. Later, it came to our notice that she had discontinued medications and passed away 3 months after diagnosis.
    MeSH terms: Adult; Cough/etiology; Diagnosis, Differential; Female; Fever/etiology; Humans; India; Leprosy/complications; Leprosy/diagnosis*; Leprosy/pathology; Radiography, Thoracic; Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/complications; Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/diagnosis*; Coinfection
  3. Ahmed HMA, Dummer PMH
    Eur Endod J, 2018;3(1):9-17.
    PMID: 32161850 DOI: 10.5152/eej.2017.17064
    OBJECTIVE: A new coding system for classifying the roots, main and accessory canals as well as developmental anomalies has been introduced recently. This paper discusses the advantages and potential application of the new system in research and clinical practice.

    METHODS: A comprehensive analysis was undertaken on the most common, existing classification for root canal morphology. The advantages and potential applications of a new system for classifying roots and canal systems in research and clinical practice are discussed.

    RESULTS: The analysis demonstrates deficiencies of the existing classification including lack of information on the number of roots, pulp chamber outline, lack of clarity in multi-rooted teeth, inability to define complex root canal configurations. The new coding system addresses the root and canal morphology in an accurate and systematic manner to provide detailed information of the tooth, root and canal anatomical features.

    CONCLUSION: With current advances in endodontic research and practice and the increasing body of knowledge on root and canal morphology, the deficiencies of the existing system used for classifying root canal morphology have become more apparent. The new system for classifying root, main and accessory canal morphology as well as teeth with anomalies has the potential to be used in research, clinical practice and education to accurately reflect the real anatomy of a tooth.

  4. Muhammad Hisyam Mohamad, Fadillah Mansor
    Essentially, sharīʿah is aimed at the realisation of benefits (tahqīq al-maṣāliḥ) for all mankind in this worldly life and the Hereafter. The realisation can be achieved either through promoting what is good and beneficial (jalb al-maṣlaḥaḥ); or preventing what is evil and harmful (dafʿ al-mafsadah). To achieve such an objective, man must abide by sharīʿah laws. Theoretically, practising Muslims will observe all sharīʿah requirements. Subsequently, this will result in quality performance in all aspects of life, be it spiritual, individual, social, intellectual and economic. Moreover, compliance to sharīʿah will not only result in quality performance but also will minimise the risk exposure of individuals and organisations. On the other hand, non-compliance with sharīʿah principles is a risk that could potentially give rise to negative effects on personal and institutional wellbeing. Using the analogy of positive relationship between sharīʿah compliance and risk mitigation, the article seeks to explore the relationship between the concept of sharīʿah compliance and risk mitigation. In order to make the analogy relevant with contemporary organisational management, the scope of study is narrowed down to the MS 1900-certified companies. This study is descriptive in nature involving review and analysis of academic works of other scholars and ISO documents.
  5. Mohd. Hilmi Ramli
    Muḍārabah is a contract of profit-sharing known as partnership in capital and labour. Its concept and practices were notable in the history of Muslims specifically after its incorporation in the fiqh literatures that have spread to the entire education and economic institutions in the Muslim world. It combines two parties: those who have capital and those who are skilful in business to achieve a common economic objective underpinned by the Sharīʿah. This study analyses the work of al- Mabsūṭ by al-Sarakhsī (d. 483 A.H./1090 C.E.), an accomplished Hanafī jurist (fāqih) in the fifth/ eleventh century, pertaining to muḍārabah drawn from the analysis of the first chapter of the book titled Kitāb al-Muḍārabah. This study is significant as it fills the lacuna in the historiography of Islamic economic thought by focusing on al-Sarakhsī’s epistemic framework and definition of muḍārabah, as well as extending in its coverage from the individual to the institutional. It is a testimony of how Muslims conducted their economic activities based on the intellectual framework and moral guidance underlined by the Sharīʿah.
  6. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud
    This essay seeks to re-emphasise the ontological status and trans-historical nature of Prophet Muḥammad as a timeless figure as well as central feature of Islamic civilisation as understood and venerated by Muslims. It presents critique on the misrepresentation of the Holy Prophet’s noble character resulting from some modernist interpretations influenced by modern scientific method that deviates from sound reasoning from Islām’s perspective on certain aspects of the Holy Prophet’s nature. A special emphasis is placed on the moral leadership as well as great ethical quality of the Holy Prophet that raised people who brought forth the Islamic civilisation into fruition. Re-defining the Age of the Holy Prophet to be the Golden Age of Islām, this essay proposes the nature of Islamic Civilisation as a Virtuous Civilisation, the culmination of the Holy Prophet’s virtuous character. Finally, comparing modern characterisation of Western civilisation as industrial-technological civilisation and recent effort by China to become an ecological civilisation, it concludes that Virtuous Civilisation is the current imperative for Muslims today alongside re-Islamising Muslim thought in a collectively intelligent and progressive manner with the Holy Prophet’s age and its moral and ethical quality of social perfection as the reference point.
  7. Younis LT, Abu Hassan MI, Taiyeb Ali TB, Bustami TJ
    Asian J Pharm Sci, 2018 Jul;13(4):317-325.
    PMID: 32104405 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajps.2017.12.003
    This study was designed to investigate the effect of 3D TECA hydrogel on the inflammatory-induced senescence marker, and to assess the influence of the gel on the periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLFs) migration in wound healing in vitro. PDLFs were cultured with 20 ng/ml TNF-α to induce inflammation in the presence and absence of 50 µM 3D TECA gel for 14 d. The gel effect on the senescence maker secretory associated-β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity was measured by a histochemical staining. Chromatin condensation and DNA synthesis of the cells were assessed by 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine fluorescent staining respectively. For evaluating fibroblasts migration, scratch wound healing assay and Pro-Plus Imaging software were used. The activity of senescence marker, SA-β-gal, was positive in the samples with TNF-α-induced inflammation. SA-β-gal percentage is suppressed (>65%, P 
    MeSH terms: beta-Galactosidase; Chromatin; Deoxyuridine; Fibroblasts; Heterochromatin; Indoles; Inflammation; Periodontal Ligament; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; Hydrogels
  8. Maniam, Radha, Mbambe, Ikome Otto
    Effective and skilful communication is crucial and an important element in the quality of nursing care. This enables nurses to assess patients' needs and provide them with the appropriate physical care, emotional support, knowledge transfer and exchange of information. However, nurses find it difficult to communicate effectively and therapeutically with their patients. Aim: To identify the nurses' and adult inpatients' perceptions of barriers to effective nurse-patient communication. Methodology: A descriptive study was used to collect data from nurses (n=40) and adult inpatient (n=63) in multidisciplinary wards in a private hospital in Malaysia. Two sets of self-administered questionnaire for the two different groups of participants, the patients and nurses were used. Data were analysed using the SPSS version 20.0. Results: Nurses and adult in patient perceived heavy workload, dialect and negative attitudes towards nurses as main barriers that hinders effective communication among nurses and patients. Conclusion: Communication places an important part in patients' satisfaction of care and the ability of the nurse to provided patient centred care. Nurses should take in to account those communication barriers that affect the patients and be confident enough to take the first step to initiate communication and be able to handle patients' dynamic emotions.
  9. Siti Roshaidai Mohd Arifin, Cheyne, Helen, Maxwell, Margaret
    Sociocultural contexts of motherhood have been found to have a link with postnatal depression. Malaysia has a wide-range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds that offers a wonderful chance to understand the different role of cultures and postnatal practices in relation to postnatal depression. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the link between the Malaysian healthcare system, social and cultural context, the existing health policy and postnatal depression. This paper highlights that while there are different levels of nurses who work collaboratively to manage pregnant and postnatal mothers in the maternal and child health clinic, the focus of their care is more on physical health. The international guidelines for diagnosing PND were not commonly used within the clinics, although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has been widely used within psychiatric setting in Malaysia. There is no formal mechanism or assessment to detect PND in the clinics. There were no guidelines found that specifically focused on the management of PND. It is questionable whether the current approaches to promote and manage maternal mental health in Malaysia have a sense of cultural-based strategies. These significant gaps call for empirical evidence that explicitly focussed on the experiences and perceptions of PND in Malaysia.
  10. Norhaizan Jann, Chan, Siok Gim
    Low back pain is a common occupational health issue especially among nurses that leads to suffering, disability and days of work lost that affect the continuity and quality of patients care. This study aims to determine prevalence of low back pain among registered nurse at Surgical Unit in RPZ II Hospital and identify the associated factors. It is a cross-sectional study that used a self-administered questionnaire to collect the data among a convenience sample of 60 nurses. Data was analyzed using Pearson Chi-Square. Majority of them were aged 31 to 40 years (53.3%), Malays (91.5%), married (84.6%), had working experience from 11 to 15 years (50.8%), had formal manual handling training (64.9%) and are overweight(58.3%). The prevalence of low back pain was 63.8%. The study revealed statistical significance for race (p=0.002), number of patients they have to handle (p=0.005), satisfaction with working environment (p=0.007) and emotional and social problems (p=0.007, p=0.038, respectively).
  11. Husbani Mohd Amin Rebuan, Hamidah Othman, Nurulhuda Mat Hassan, Myat Moe, Nur Qamilah Mohamad
    In Malaysia, women had breast cancer always reported at their late stage. One of the causes is due to the delay in seeking medical attention. Poor knowledge about the breast cancer is one of the factors that cause the delay. Aim: This study was designed to assess the knowledge on breast cancer symptoms and risk factors, screening method, and practice among participants. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study done from 1st of March till 15th of March 2016 involving 89 nursing students from School of Nursing Science, Medical Faculty, University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). Data analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21. Results: Eighty-nine participants responded. Majority of the students (>80.0%) knew the symptoms of breast cancer and common method of screening. Less than 50.0% knew the high risk factor for developing breast carcinoma. Less than 50.0% carried out the breast self-examination. Conclusion: Students had excellent knowledge on symptoms of breast carcinoma and its screening method. Majority (>50%) of the students were still not clear about high risk factors group. Lack of breast self-examination practice among students was noted.
  12. Md Nasrudin Md Akhir, Lee, Chee Leong, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Ashraf
    This paper analyzes the bilateral ties of Kuala Lumpur-Beijing over four decades in the political, economic and socio-cultural fields. Firstly, the paper discusses the historical background of Malaysia-China informal relations from the Kingdom of Malacca; the British era; the early stages of Malaysia's independence; as well as the Cold War era. Secondly, the paper examines the beginnings of Kuala Lumpur-Beijing diplomatic relations from 1974 until the demise of the Malayan Communist Party in 1989. Thirdly, this is followed by an examination of bilateral developments between 1990 and 2008. The section analyzes the extent to which the principle of openness in Malaysian foreign policies was followed, cooperation within the framework of regionalism as well as how the rise of China's economic power has had positive impact on bilateral relations. More significantly, the paper then extends the discussion to Malaysia-China relations under Mohd Najib Abdul Razak which began in 2008 and ended with the advent of the new government of Pakatan Harapan in Malaysia in May 2018. Presently, Malaysia's foreign policy towards China is facing a revamp under Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s leadership. Yet the paper argues that the current government’s action enhances comprehensive cooperation, particularly in the political and economic spheres.
  13. Choo SJ, Chang CT, Lee JCY, Munisamy V, Tan CK, Raj JD, et al.
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2018 11 30;12(11):960-969.
    PMID: 32012125 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.10723
    INTRODUCTION: Inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to antimicrobial resistance, a major public health challenge worldwide. This study aimed to explore beliefs, knowledge, and practice on antibiotic use among general public.

    METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional study was conducted at 13 hospitals and 44 primary health clinics in Perak from May to July 2017. Adults above 18 years, literate, and had experience in antibiotics consumption were selected through sequential sampling method. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire which included the three study domains i.e. belief, knowledge and practice. The questionnaire was pilot on 30 subjects.

    RESULTS: Out of 2850 distributed questionnaires, 2773 returned and 2632 were included for analysis. Mean age of the respondents was 39.7 ± 14.5 years old. Most respondents were female (58.6%), Malay (74.7%) and underwent upper secondary school (45.6%). Mean score were generated for each domain with belief: 5.87 ± 3.00 (total score: 12), knowledge: 15.82 ± 3.85 (total score: 24), practice: 6.91 ± 2.07 (total score: 12). In the belief domain, 63.2% of respondents believed that antibiotics would help them to recover faster. In the knowledge domain, 52.7% of respondents inappropriately thought that antibiotics could work on viral infections. In the practice domain, 70% of respondents expected doctors to prescribe antibiotics if suffered from symptoms.

    CONCLUSION: Majority of the respondents expect doctors to prescribe antibiotics for their illness, and most believes that antibiotics can speed up recovery of illness. Lack of awareness on antibiotic resistance was found to be a significant factor associated with inappropriate antibiotic use.

    MeSH terms: Adult; Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use*; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Humans; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice*; Malaysia; Male; Middle Aged; Young Adult
  14. Citation: Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Colorectal Carcinoma. Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2018

    Quick Reference:
    Keywords: CPG
    MeSH terms: Hematology; Humans; Malaysia; Guidelines as Topic
  15. Citation: Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Diabetic Foot, Second Edition. Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2018

    Quick Reference:
    Training Manual:

    Older version:
    Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Diabetic Foot, First Edition. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2004

    Keywords: CPG
    MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus; Humans; Malaysia; Guidelines as Topic; Diabetic Foot
  16. Kamudin NAF, Rani RA, Yahaya NHM
    J Clin Orthop Trauma, 2018 11 20;11(1):171-174.
    PMID: 32002008 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcot.2018.11.007
    Pes anserine syndrome is a cause of inferomedial knee pain. It occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and in overweight patients. It is a challenge to identify the causes of knee pain following knee replacement surgery. We present a case report of pes anserine syndrome in a 79-year-old female who had undergone knee arthroplasty 13 years prior. She was pain free until one year ago when her knee pain resurfaced without any symptoms of infection or history of trauma. She was successfully treated with a combination of stretching exercise and steroid local steroid injection. We want to highlight that such common condition as pes anserine syndrome, could occur in total knee arthroplasty, and should be considered as one of the possible diagnosis.
    MeSH terms: Aged; Anserine; Arthritis, Rheumatoid; Diabetes Mellitus; Female; Humans; Knee; Knee Joint; Osteoarthritis; Pain; Steroids; Exercise; Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee; Overweight
  17. Alshargawi, Amel Saad, Abdul Ghapor Hussin, Ummul Fahri Abd Rauf
    In this study, the slope parameter of linear structural relationship model is determined by using the proposed robust nonparametric method based on trimmed mean. This method is an upgrade to the nonparametric method that was introduced by Al-Nasser et al. (2005) by employing trimmed mean for all likely paired slopes rather than median slopes. Simulation study and real data were used to compare the proposed method’s performance versus the traditional maximum likelihood method. In the simulation study, based on both methods’ mean square error, it was inferred that the MLE method break down due to the presence of outliers even though its elaborate was not affected when there was no outlier in the data set. Based on the real life examples, it can be concluded that the performance of our proposed method was better in determining the slope parameter and thus provides a good alternative to MLE method when outliers are present.
  18. Puteri Nor Ellyza Nohuddin, Zuraini Zainol, Aliimran Nordin
    The analysis of relation between student performance and other variables in education setting is often useful in identifying influential factors on performance. Consequently, the need for adopting an effective tool to process these big data has risen. The analysis of big data will transform passive data into useful information. Data mining is referred to an analytic process designed that discovers data patterns and relationships between datasets. In this study, clustering is used to cluster student grade datasets to generate trend line clusters. The aim of the study is to assist lecturers and academic advisors to recognize the progress of their students.
  19. Nur ‘Izzati Mohmad Ismail, Mohd Rashdan Saad, Muhammad Taufiq Jumahadi, Azam Che Idris, Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman, Suriyadi Sujipto
    Skyscrapers have been constructed all over the world because of the social demand for more iconic building, including excellent aerodynamic performance and architectural aesthetic reasons. However, the increasing high-rise buildings in densely built-up cities created low velocity air flow caused by the phenomena of flow separation at pedestrian level and also exerts drag force on the building walls that may affect the occupants’ and pedestrians’ comfort. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the drag force and pedestrian level wind condition of 15 skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur of various designs and shapes by using Solidworks Flow Simulation. The effect of the height of surrounding buildings were also investigated. From the results, the bamboo shape of the Telekom tower shows the lowest drag coefficient by 0.1056 compared to others and the ratio of surrounding building height to skyscraper of 0.83 shows the smallest drag.
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