Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Yap, Tzuen-Kiat, Gallagher, John Barry, Ejria Saleh, Admodisastro, Vienna Anastasia
    Shipworms (family Teredinidae) are specialized bivalves that bore into the submerged wooden structures and mangrove trees, except genus Zachsia which is associated with seagrass rhizome. However, only one species has been described, located in Russian, Korean and Japanese waters and associated only with genera Phyllospadix and Zostera. Potentially wider distributions and even new species within this group have not been reported from another bioregion. Given the potential impacts on seagrass health, it is important to ascertain if the distribution of Zachsia extends across other climatic regions and seagrass species. In response, a study was conducted in a seagrass meadow at Gaya Island (Sabah, Malaysia). A total of 900 seagrass shoots were randomly excavated from a mixed seagrass bed of Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata and C. serrulata. It was found that Zachsia sp. was present within the rhizomes of E. acoroides and C. rotundata, with an occupancy of around 12% occupancy (n=100) and 1% (n=400), respectively. A post-mortem examination indicated that the bivalve appeared to have ingested most of the rhizome’s internal tissues, leaving behind a calcareous hollow tube. Furthermore, this apparent infestation appeared to significantly reduce shoot growth by around 70% from 0.738±0.036 to 0.220±0.038 cm day-1. This finding may be significant, as it suggests, for the first time, that the rhizome parasitism is another possible vector in controlling seagrass growth and mortality. Further investigations are required to determine if this boring bivalve is indeed a new species, its distribution in other tropical areas and its role in the ecosystem.
  2. Yusof, F. M., Md. Ismail, A. I. B., Abu Hasan, Y.
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):205-226.
    Hantaviruses are etiological agents of zoonotic diseases and certain other dis-
    eases, which pose a serious threat to human health. When rodent and predator popula-
    tions share in an ecology, the competitive force of the populations can lead to a reduction
    or elimination of a hantavirus outbreak. The effect of the predator eliminating rodents
    and predator populations that tends to reduce or eliminate hantavirus infection is investi-
    gated. The existence of several equilibrium points of the model is identified and local and
    global stabilities of the model at these equilibrium points are analysed in detail. Numerical
    simulations are carried out to illustrate our model results.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Communicable Diseases; Disease Outbreaks; Ecology; Hantavirus; Humans; Rodentia; Zoonoses; Hantavirus Infections
  3. Mohd Bakri Adam, Babangida Ibrahim Babura, Kathiresan Gopal
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):187-204.
    The box plot has been used for a very long time since 70s in checking the existence
    of outliers and the asymmetrical shape of data. The existing box plot is constructed
    using five values of statistics calculated from either the discrete or continous data. Many
    improvement of box plots have deviated from the elegant and simplier approach of exploratory
    data analysis by incorporating many other statistic values resulting the turning
    back of the noble philosophy behind the creation of box plot. The modification using
    range value with the minimum and maximum values are being incorporated to suit the
    need of selected discrete distribution when outliers is not an important criteria anymore.
    The new modification of box plot is not based on the asymmetrical shape of distribution
    but more on the spreading and partitioning data into range measure. The new propose
    name for the box plot with only three values of statistics is called range-box plot.
    MeSH terms: Biometry; Names; Statistical Distributions
  4. Ahmad Razin Zainal Abidin, Shaymaa Mustafa, Zainal Abdul Aziz and, Kamarudin Ismail
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):173-186.
    Subsea cable laying process is a difficult task for an engineer due to many
    uncertain situations which occur during the operation. It is very often that the cable being
    laid out is not perfectly fit on the route being planned, which results in the formation of
    slack. In order to control wastages during installation, the slack needs to be minimized
    and the movement of a ship/vessel needs to be synchronized with the cable being laid out.
    The current problem was addressed using a mathematical model by considering a number
    of defining parameters such as the external forces, the cable properties and geometry. Due
    to the complexity, the model is developed for a steady-state problem assuming velocity
    of the vessel is constant, seabed is flat and the effect of wind and wave is insignificant.
    Non-dimensional system is used to scale the engineering parameters and grouped them
    into only two main parameters which are the hydrodynamic drag of the fluid and the
    bending stiffness of the cable. There are two solutions generated in this article; numerical
    and asymptotic solutions. The result of these solutions suggests that the percentage of
    slack can be reduced by the increase of the prescribed cable tension, and also the increase
    in either the drag coefficient of the sea water or the bending stiffness of the cable, similarly
    will result in lower slack percentage
    MeSH terms: Engineering; Models, Theoretical; Seawater; Ships; Wind; Uncertainty; Physical Phenomena; Hydrodynamics
  5. Nadia Yaacob, Adil Hussein
    Sino-nasal osteoma is a common benign tumour of paranasal
    sinuses and usually asymptomatic. Here, we presented a case of a huge sinonasal osteoma. Despite the large size of the tumour, the only presentation
    was epiphora. There were no headache, facial pain or diplopia. Nasal
    obstruction only occurred after involvement of the nasal cavity. In diagnosing
    aetiology of the epiphora, sino-nasal pathology needed to be ruled out after
    excluding ocular causes. Multidisciplinary approach between otolaryngology
    (ORL) team and ophthalmology team was essential in managing the case.
    The tumour was successfully removed surgically via endoscopic approach;
    and dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) was performed to alleviate the epiphora.
    MeSH terms: Dacryocystorhinostomy; Diplopia; Facial Pain; Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases; Nasal Cavity; Nose; Ophthalmology; Osteoma; Otolaryngology; Paranasal Sinuses
  6. Muhamad-Amin, R., Nur Hasnida Gani, Liza-Sharmini, A.T., Zamli, A.H.
    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common
    childhood leukaemia. It is a malignant neoplasm caused by the proliferation of
    poorly differentiated precursors of the lymphoid cells. It is relatively
    uncommon in adult. In adult ALL, central nervous system (CNS) involvement
    is associated with poor prognosis. The incidence of CNS involvement has
    been reported between 7% and 15 %. We report a case of optic nerve
    infiltration in ALL in a 49 years old gentleman. He was diagnosed with
    precursor-B ALL. He was treated with chemotherapy and CNS prophylactic
    regime. He presented with sudden left eye loss of vision for one-day duration
    with history of right eye inferior visual field loss for the past three months. His
    visual acuity was no perception to light on the left eye and 6/9 on the right
    eye. There was marked left relative afferent pupillary defect. The right eye
    showed decreased in optic nerve function with inferior visual field defect.
    Anterior segment examination was unremarkable in both eyes. Left optic disc
    appeared normal but the right optic disc was pale. Blood investigation
    showed no sign of infection or haemoconcentration. Cerebral spinal fluids
    examination revealed abundant of white cells and blast cells. Magnetic
    resonant imaging showed bilateral optic nerve enhancement suggesting of
    bilateral optic nerves infiltration. He was started on a new regime of
    chemotherapy followed by cranial radiotherapy. Unfortunately, he succumbed
    to death due to septicaemia. There are variations in clinical presentation of
    optic nerve infiltration in leukaemic patients. Normal appearance of optic disc
    may not exclude the possibility of infiltration by malignancy. Assessment of
    the optic nerve function and imaging is helpful for the detection of leukaemic
    infiltration. Early detection of optic nerve infiltration is important for initiation or
    change of therapy to prevent mortality.
    MeSH terms: Adult; Humans; Lymphocytes; Male; Optic Disk; Optic Nerve; Prognosis; Pupil Disorders; Visual Acuity; Visual Fields; Incidence; Sepsis; Cell Proliferation; Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma; Early Detection of Cancer
  7. Azhan, A., Mutasim, H., Abdul-Hadi, R., Khairul-Anwar, I., Zunaina, E.
    Macular branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), a type of retinal vein occlusion, is rarely recognised as a distinct entity. Macular BRVO has unique clinical features and different natural courses than the major BRVO. We report a case of a young patient with macular BRVO with macular oedema who was successfully treated with intravitreal ranibizumab injection. A 43 year-old Chinese man with no underlying medical illness presented with 2 weeks history of left eye painless reduced central vision which was worsening over time. On examination, his left eye visual acuity was 6/30 and Amsler chart drawing showed a lower central scotoma. Dilated fundus examination found marked flame-shaped retinal hemorrhages with cotton wool spot over the superior macular area bounded superiorly by superior arcade and macular thickening. An optical coherence tomography revealed cystoid macular oedema; and fundus fluorescein angiography showed occlusion of a small venous branch draining a superior part of macula to superior temporal venous arcade. A complete medical investigation found that he has hypertriglyceridemia and he was managed accordingly. His vision had improved to 6/6 after receiving 3 injections of intravitreal ranibizumab with no residual central scotoma and complete resolution of macular oedema.
    MeSH terms: Ranibizumab; Edema; Fluorescein Angiography; Fundus Oculi; Humans; Macula Lutea; Macular Edema; Male; Retina; Retinal Hemorrhage; Retinal Vein Occlusion; Scotoma; Visual Acuity; Hypertriglyceridemia; Tomography, Optical Coherence; Intravitreal Injections
  8. Dzulkifli, F.A., Mashor, M.Y., Jaafar, H.
    Ki67, a nuclear protein presents in cells that is usually associated
    with tumor cell proliferation. Therefore, physical quantification of Ki67 is a direct
    measure cell proliferation activity. Immunohistochemical staining is known to be
    an effective method of assessing the proportion of tumor cells. Currently, there
    are various techniques for counting Ki67 in different types of cancer. This paper
    provides an overview of recent scoring methods of Ki67, which includes ‘eyeballing’ estimation, vision counting with a microscope or viewer software,
    manual counting of the camera-captured or digital image and automated
  9. Joanne, Shalini CR, Fazliana I., Nor Hasnida AG, MD, Ahmad Nurfahmi AA, Aidila JJ, Khairidzan MK
    — To report clinical features and management of toxic keratopathy
    induced by inadvertent intrastromal trypan blue injection (0.06%) during
    cataract surgery. We report two cases of toxic keratopathy induced by
    iatrogenic intrastromal trypan blue injection during cataract surgery. The
    two cases were performed by ophthalmology residents at our centre.
    Intraoperatively in both cases, trypan blue dye was inadvertently injected
    into the corneal stromal via side port wound. Surgery was abandoned due
    to development of corneal oedema. They were treated as toxic keratopathy
    due to the bluish discoloration of the cornea, generalized (limbal to limbal)
    panstromal edema and marked Descemet membrane folds. There were
    epithelial microbullae and mild circumcorneal injection. Both patients’ vision
    deteriorated with only minimal anterior chamber reaction and normal
    intraocular pressure. Intensive topical corticosteroid, prophylactic antibiotic,
    gutt hypertonic saline 5%, and cycloplegic agent eyedrops were given. The
    cornea edema and staining in both patients resolved completely by 6
    weeks. They underwent uncomplicated elective phacoemulsification 3
    months after the incident. Intraoperative Iatrogenic inadvertent intrastromal
    vision blue injection during cataract surgery can cause toxic keratopathy. A
    decision to abandon the surgery and prompt management to reverse the
    complication can produce excellent outcome.
  10. Adachi I, Adye T, Ahmed H, Ahn JK, Aihara H, Akar S, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Dec 28;121(26):261801.
    PMID: 30636113 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.261801
    We present first evidence that the cosine of the CP-violating weak phase 2β is positive, and hence exclude trigonometric multifold solutions of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) Unitarity Triangle using a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} with D→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} decays, where h^{0}∈{π^{0},η,ω} denotes a light unflavored and neutral hadron. The measurement is performed combining the final data sets of the BABAR and Belle experiments collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance at the asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC and KEKB at KEK, respectively. The data samples contain (471±3)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] pairs recorded by the BABAR detector and (772±11)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] pairs recorded by the Belle detector. The results of the measurement are sin2β=0.80±0.14(stat)±0.06(syst)±0.03(model) and cos2β=0.91±0.22(stat)±0.09(syst)±0.07(model). The result for the direct measurement of the angle β of the CKM Unitarity Triangle is β=[22.5±4.4(stat)±1.2(syst)±0.6(model)]°. The measurement assumes no direct CP violation in B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} decays. The quoted model uncertainties are due to the composition of the D^{0}→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} decay amplitude model, which is newly established by performing a Dalitz plot amplitude analysis using a high-statistics e^{+}e^{-}→cc[over ¯] data sample. CP violation is observed in B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} decays at the level of 5.1 standard deviations. The significance for cos2β>0 is 3.7 standard deviations. The trigonometric multifold solution π/2-β=(68.1±0.7)° is excluded at the level of 7.3 standard deviations. The measurement resolves an ambiguity in the determination of the apex of the CKM Unitarity Triangle.
    MeSH terms: Data Collection; Uncertainty; Physical Phenomena
  11. Bello MB, Yusoff KM, Ideris A, Hair-Bejo M, Peeters BPH, Jibril AH, et al.
    Adv Virol, 2018;2018:6097291.
    PMID: 30631359 DOI: 10.1155/2018/6097291
    Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most important avian diseases with considerable threat to the productivity of poultry all over the world. The disease is associated with severe respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological lesions in chicken leading to high mortality and several other production related losses. The aetiology of the disease is an avian paramyxovirus type-1 or Newcastle disease virus (NDV), whose isolates are serologically grouped into a single serotype but genetically classified into a total of 19 genotypes, owing to the continuous emergence and evolution of the virus. In Nigeria, molecular characterization of NDV is generally very scanty and majorly focuses on the amplification of the partial F gene for genotype assignment. However, with the introduction of the most objective NDV genotyping criteria which utilize complete fusion protein coding sequences in phylogenetic taxonomy, the enormous genetic diversity of the virus in Nigeria became very conspicuous. In this review, we examine the current ecological distribution of various NDV genotypes in Nigeria based on the available complete fusion protein nucleotide sequences (1662 bp) in the NCBI database. We then discuss the challenges of ND control as a result of the wide genetic distance between the currently circulating NDV isolates and the commonest vaccines used to combat the disease in the country. Finally, we suggest future directions in the war against the economically devastating ND in Nigeria.
  12. Hussein EA, Hair-Bejo M, Adamu L, Omar AR, Arshad SS, Awad EA, et al.
    Vet Med Int, 2018;2018:9296520.
    PMID: 30631413 DOI: 10.1155/2018/9296520
    Newcastle disease virus strains are velogenic, mesogenic, and lentogenic. This study aims to design a scoring system for lesions induced by different strains of Newcastle disease virus in chicken. Three experiments were conducted. In experiments 1 and 2, chickens were divided into infected and control groups. Infected groups of experiments 1 and 2 consisted of 6 and 24 specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens, respectively. Control groups in experiments 1 and 2 consisted of 6 and 15 SPF chickens, respectively. In infected groups, infection was induced by intranasal administration of 105 50% EID50/0.1 mL of velogenic Newcastle disease virus strain (vNDV). Infected chickens in experiment 1 were euthanised by cervical dislocation on days 3, 6, and 7 postinoculation (pi). Infected chickens in experiment 2 were euthanised at hours (hrs) 2, 4, 6, 12 and days 1, 2, 4, and 6 pi. Chickens of the control group in experiment 1 were euthanised on days 3 and 7 pi, whereas control group chickens in experiment 2 were euthanised on days 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 pi. Then in experiment 3, 15 SPF chickens were divided into three groups; in the first group, 5 SPF chickens were infected with vNDV, in the second group, 5 SPF chickens were infected with lentogenic NDV (lNDV) (103.0 EID50/0.1 mL), and the third group was kept without infection as a control group. Chickens were euthanised on day 5 pi. In all previous experiments, tissues of brain, trachea, lung, caecal tonsil, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, proventriculus, intestine, and thymus were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned. HS staining was applied. Tissues were examined under light microscope and changes were recorded. A scoring system was designed for lesions induced by different strains of NDV and, accordingly, lesions were scored. The scoring system was found helpful in the evaluation of disease severity.
    MeSH terms: Administration, Intranasal; Animals; Brain; Chickens; Formaldehyde; Intestines; Kidney; Liver; Newcastle Disease; Newcastle disease virus; Paraffin; Proventriculus; Specific Pathogen-Free Organisms; Spleen; Staining and Labeling; Palatine Tonsil; Trachea; Control Groups
  13. Hasan H, Attlee A, Jan Bin Jan Mohamed H, Aris N, Bin Wan Muda WAM
    J Obes, 2018;2018:1597840.
    PMID: 30631594 DOI: 10.1155/2018/1597840
    INTRODUCTION: Physical activity (PA) may improve cardiometabolic fitness and increase high-molecular-weight adiponectin (HMW-Adip). The pedometer is an effective, user-friendly device to monitor PA with the aim of improving health. This study examined how counting footsteps, using a pedometer, might affect HMW-Adip and MetS components among young females.

    METHODS: Fifty-two females (21.43 ± 4.8 years) were divided into "normal" (BMI = 18-24.9 kg/m2) and "high" (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) BMI groups. Participants wore pedometers throughout the day for nine weeks. Pre-post intervention tests performed on anthropometric, biochemical, and nutrient intake variables were tested at p ≤ 0.05.

    RESULTS: Participants walked 7056 ± 1570 footsteps/day without a significant difference between normal (7488.49 ± 1098) and high (6739.18 ± 1793) BMI groups. After week 9, the normal BMI group improved significantly in BMI, body fat mass (BFM), and waist-hip ratio (WHR). Additionally, percent body fat, waist circumference (WC), and visceral fat area also reduced significantly in the high BMI group. A significant decrease in triglycerides (TG) (71.62 ± 29.22 vs. 62.50 ± 29.16 mg/dl, p=0.003) and insulin (21.7 ± 8.33 µU/l vs. 18.64 ± 8.25 µU/l, p=0.046) and increase in HMW-Adip (3.77 ± 0.46 vs. 3.80 ± 0.44 μg/ml, p=0.034) were recorded in the high BMI group. All participants exhibited significant inverse correlations between daily footsteps and BMI (r=-0.33, p=0.017), BFM (r=-0.29, p=0.037), WHR (r=-0.401, p=0.003), and MetS score (r=-0.49, p < 0.001) and positive correlation with HMW-Adip (r=0.331, p=0.017). A positive correlation with systolic (r=0.46, p=0.011) and diastolic (r=0.39, p=0.031) blood pressures and inverse correlation with the MetS score (r=-0.5, p=0.005) were evident in the high BMI group.

    CONCLUSION: Counting footsteps using a pedometer is effective in improving MetS components (obesity, TG) and increasing HMW-Adip levels.

    MeSH terms: Adult; C-Reactive Protein/metabolism*; Female; Health Promotion; Humans; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Obesity/blood*; Obesity/epidemiology; Obesity/prevention & control; Risk Factors; United Arab Emirates/epidemiology; Exercise/physiology*; Body Mass Index; Metabolic Syndrome X/blood*; Metabolic Syndrome X/epidemiology; Metabolic Syndrome X/prevention & control; Adiponectin/blood*; Young Adult; Actigraphy/instrumentation*
  14. Tso CP, Hor CH, Chen GM, Kok CK
    Heliyon, 2018 Dec;4(12):e01085.
    PMID: 30627676 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e01085
    The synovial fluid motion in an artificial hip joint is important in understanding the thermo-fluids effects that can affect the reliability of the joint, although it is difficult to be studied theoretically, as the modelling involves the viscous fluid interacting with a moving surface. A new analytical solution has been derived for the maximum induced fluid motion within a spherical gap with an oscillating lower surface and a stationary upper surface, assuming one-dimensional incompressible laminar Newtonian flow with constant properties, and using the Navier-Stokes equation. The resulting time-dependent motion is analysed in terms of two dimensionless parameters R and β, which are functions of geometry, fluid properties and the oscillation rate. The model is then applied to the conditions of the synovial fluid enclosed in the artificial hip joint and it is found that the motion may be described by a simpler velocity variation, whereby laying the foundation to thermal studies in the joint.
    MeSH terms: Feces; Hip Joint; Mathematics; Motion; Synovial Fluid; Reproducibility of Results
  15. Loh, Ui Lyn, Nadras, Indira, Yeong, Choo Mee, Nadarajah, Gaayathri, Fazilawati Qamarruddin, Shelina Oli Mohamed, et al.
    Tuberculosis, an ancient disease, still thrives today as the leading infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis poses a great challenge due to the varied clinical presentations. We report 3 cases of primary ocular tuberculosis with varied presentations: conjunctival abscess, sclera-uveitis and occlusive vasculitis. There were no symptoms suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis in all cases. All patients presented with acute, unilateral painful red eye. The first case had good visual acuity (VA) OD (6/9) with a swollen upper lid, localized perilimbal-hemorrhagic conjunctival swelling superiorly, keratic precipitates and mild anterior chamber reaction. The posterior segment was normal. The second case had a VA of 6/60 OD. There was presence of conjunctival injection, keratic precipitates, posterior synechiae and anterior chamber reaction of 1+. A few days later, there was a progression to vitritis OU and hyperemic optic disc OD with choroidal folds, cystoid macula edema and a positive T sign on B scan ultrasonography. The third case had VA of 6/6 OU, AC reaction of 2+ OD. There was multiple peripheral choroiditis with peripheral vasculitis seen in the posterior segment OU. Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) showed peripheral periphlebitis in all 4 quadrants OU. All 3 cases had positive Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux test) results which were more than 20mm. Anti-tuberculous treatment was promptly started and all patients showed significant clinical improvement. This case series highlights the diverse clinical presentations of ocular tuberculosis. A high clinical index of suspicion led to prompt initiation of anti-tuberculous therapy which resulted in good clinical outcomes for all cases.
    MeSH terms: Abscess; Anterior Chamber; Choroiditis; Edema; Fluorescein Angiography; Humans; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Phlebitis; Sclera; Tuberculin Test; Tuberculosis, Ocular; Tuberculosis, Pulmonary; Ultrasonography; Vasculitis
  16. Zeeshan F, Madheswaran T, Pandey M, Gorain B
    Curr Pharm Des, 2018;24(42):5019-5028.
    PMID: 30621558 DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190101111525
    BACKGROUND: The conventional dosage forms cannot be administered to all patients because of interindividual variability found among people of different race coupled with different metabolism and cultural necessities. Therefore, to address this global issue there is a growing focus on the fabrication of new drug delivery systems customised to individual needs. Medicinal products printed using 3-D technology are transforming the current medicine business to a plausible alternative of conventional medicines.

    METHODS: The PubMed database and Google scholar were browsed by keywords of 3-D printing, drug delivery, and personalised medicine. The data about techniques employed in the manufacturing of 3-D printed medicines and the application of 3-D printing technology in the fabrication of individualised medicine were collected, analysed and discussed.

    RESULTS: Numerous techniques can fabricate 3-D printed medicines however, printing-based inkjet, nozzle-based deposition and laser-based writing systems are the most popular 3-D printing methods which have been employed successfully in the development of tablets, polypills, implants, solutions, nanoparticles, targeted and topical dug delivery. In addition, the approval of Spritam® containing levetiracetam by FDA as the primary 3-D printed drug product has boosted its importance. However, some drawbacks such as suitability of manufacturing techniques and the available excipients for 3-D printing need to be addressed to ensure simple, feasible, reliable and reproducible 3-D printed fabrication.

    CONCLUSION: 3-D printing is a revolutionary in pharmaceutical technology to cater the present and future needs of individualised medicines. Nonetheless, more investigations are required on its manufacturing aspects in terms cost effectiveness, reproducibility and bio-equivalence.

    MeSH terms: Drug Industry; Humans; Drug Delivery Systems*; Printing, Three-Dimensional*
  17. Ling TY, Soo CL, Heng TL, Nyanti L, Sim SF, Grinang J, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2018;2018:8682951.
    PMID: 30622445 DOI: 10.1155/2018/8682951
    Assessment of river water quality is essential as it provides the knowledge required to make informed decisions. Therefore, water quality was determined at 15 tributary stations located along the Batang Baleh, Sarawak. Results of the study indicate that all tributaries were well-aerated (≈ 7.7 mg/L) with pH (≈ 7.3) and conductivity (≈ 37.3 μS/cm) values falling within acceptable ranges. However, there were tributaries that showed very high turbidity (> 1000 NTU) and suspended solids (> 800 mg/L) which were contributed by the soil erosion from logging activities in the watershed. Tributary stations associated with logging activities also showed significantly higher total phosphorus and organic nitrogen. Cluster analysis demonstrated that water quality at tributary stations along the Batang Baleh exhibited a longitudinal variation from upstream to downstream regions, particularly, dissolved oxygen, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, and nitrite-nitrate nitrogen, which were found higher in upstream region and steadily decreased towards the downstream region. Two stations located at Sg. Serani and Sg. Melatai were distinct from the other stations with the highest concentrations of turbidity, total suspended solids, organic nitrogen, and total phosphorus. Thus, there is an urgent need to reduce the pollutants in the tributaries of Batang Baleh for the health of the sensitive aquatic organisms.
  18. Leung AK, Barankin B, Leong KF, Hon KL
    Drugs Context, 2018;7:212563.
    PMID: 30622585 DOI: 10.7573/dic.212563
    Background: Penile warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease in males. Clinicians should be familiar with the proper evaluation and management of this common condition.

    Objective: To provide an update on the current understanding, evaluation, and management of penile warts.

    Methods: A PubMed search was completed in Clinical Queries using the key terms 'penile warts' and 'genital warts'. The search strategy included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational studies, and reviews.

    Results: Penile warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), notably HPV-6 and HPV-11. Penile warts typically present as asymptomatic papules or plaques. Lesions may be filiform, exophytic, papillomatous, verrucous, hyperkeratotic, cerebriform, fungating, or cauliflower-like. Approximately one-third of penile warts regress without treatment and the average duration prior to resolution is approximately 9 months. Active treatment is preferable to watchful observation to speed up clearance of the lesions and to assuage fears of transmission and autoinoculation. Patient-administered therapies include podofilox (0.5%) solution or gel, imiquimod 3.75 or 5% cream, and sinecatechins (polypheron E) 15% ointment. Clinician-administered therapies include podophyllin, cryotherapy, bichloroacetic or trichloroacetic acid, oral cimetidine, surgical excision, electrocautery, and carbon dioxide laser therapy. Patients who do not respond to first-line treatments may respond to other therapies or a combination of treatment modalities. Second-line therapies include topical/intralesional/intravenous cidofovir, topical 5-fluorouracil, and topical ingenol mebutate.

    Conclusion: No single treatment has been shown to be consistently superior to other treatment modalities. The choice of the treatment method should depend on the physician's comfort level with the various treatment options, the patient's preference and tolerability of treatment, and the number and severity of lesions. The comparative efficacy, ease of administration, adverse effects, cost, and availability of the treatment modality should also be taken into consideration.

    MeSH terms: Aminoquinolines; Brassica; Cimetidine; Condylomata Acuminata; Cytosine; Diterpenes; Electrocoagulation; Fear; Fluorouracil; Humans; Male; Podophyllin; Podophyllotoxin; Trichloroacetic Acid; Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic; Cryotherapy; Papillomaviridae; PubMed; Human papillomavirus 11; Human papillomavirus 6; Lasers, Gas; Patient Preference; Organophosphonates
  19. Lu L, Jiang Y, Jaganathan R, Hao Y
    J Ophthalmol, 2018;2018:5047142.
    PMID: 30622819 DOI: 10.1155/2018/5047142
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1155/2018/1694187.].
    MeSH terms: Humans
  20. Wan-Arfah N, Hafiz HM, Naing NN, Muzaimi M, Shetty HGM
    Health Sci Rep, 2018 Feb;1(2):e27.
    PMID: 30623059 DOI: 10.1002/hsr2.27
    Aim: This study aimed to determine the 28-day, 1-year, and 5-year survival probabilities in first-ever stroke patients in a relatively understudied setting: a suburban hospital that serves a predominantly rural population in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

    Methods and results: A retrospective record review was conducted among 432 first-ever stroke patients admitted to the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia. Data from between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2011, were extracted from the medical records. The Kaplan-Meier product limit estimator was applied to determine the 28-day, 1-year, and 5-year survival probabilities. Log-rank test was used to test the equality of survival time between different groups. A total of 101 patients died during the study period. The 28-day, 1-year, and 5-year survival probabilities were 78.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 73.5-81.9), 74.2% (95% CI: 69.4-78.4), and 70.9% (95% CI: 65.1-75.9), respectively. There were significant differences in the survival time based on the types of stroke, Glasgow Coma Scale, hyperlipidaemia, atrial fibrillation, fasting blood glucose, and diastolic blood pressure.

    Conclusion: This study, though retrospective, highlights several clinical parameters that influenced the survival probabilities among first-ever stroke patients managed in a suburban setting in Malaysia, and compared them to those reported in more urban regions. Our data emphasise the need for wider establishment of specialized stroke units and teams, as well as for prospective multi-centre studies on first-ever stroke patients to better inform the development of stroke care provision in Malaysia.

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