Traditionally, in Chinese medicine, tree peony and apple flower buds are used to prepare herbal decoctions to cure various ailments. As both of these flowers are popular and used regularly, providing scientific evidence on their basic composition is a necessity. Hence, in the present study, we report the chemical composition of these two flower buds. Results revealed tree peony and apple flower buds to have high crude protein (15.73 and 26.30%), fibre (13.11 and 16.51%), and carbohydrate (57.84 and 40.63%) contents. Both the flowers had significant amounts of essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Essential minerals present in tree peony and apple flowers were potassium (1540.37 and 1125.60 mg/100 g), calcium (462.46 and 449.98 mg/100 g), magnesium (241.51 and 164.23 mg/100 g), sodium (12.75 and 20.06 mg/100 g), and phosphorus (420.00 and 590.00 mg/100 g), respectively. Heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, mercury, lead, and arsenic) were detected in trace amounts (< 0.50 mg/100 g) in both the flower buds. Results obtained indicate that both flowers could be exploited as an additional source of nutraceutical for the development of new functional foods.