A cross-sectional study was carried out at a medical centre to determine the cognitive profiles
of 30 Parkinson’s disease patients with age of 69.76 ± 7.39 years. Thirty-seven percent of the patients
were found to be at risk for dementia. The scores on subscales of working memory and alternating
verbal fluency were significantly lower in Parkinson’s disease patients who were older than 77 years
old. The scores on a subtest of working memory on the Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Rating Scale
(PDCRS) were significantly lower in Parkinson’s disease patients with a duration of illness of more
than10 years. Incognitivemeasurement,the subtestsof verbalmemory,delayedfree recallandverbal
fluency on the PD¬CRS were significantly lower in patients with less than six years of education. The
patients who had difficulty with sustained attention, working memory and movement had significant
anxiety and depression symptoms. In conclusion, multiple patterns in cognitive profiles influence
the quality of life of patients with Parkinson’s disease in multi-dimensional ways.