
  • 1 Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Keningau, Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia
  • 2 Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Keningau, Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia.
  • 3 Pharmacy Department, Hospital Keningau, Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia


The success of cataract surgery is accessed by the improvement in visual acuity and accuracy of the post-operation refractive outcome against the pre-operation refractive target. Hence, the benchmark of 85% of patients achieving a final spherical equivalent within 1D of the desired target is used to monitor the refractive outcome. Meanwhile, the unaided visual acuity threshold of 6/12 after cataract operation is chosen as a yardstick because it allows patients to perform instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) independently without relying on spectacles.