
  • 1 SRM Institute of Science and Technology
  • 2 Lincoln University College


Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease and noted to be incidence is intensifying globally and contem- plated as epidemic. The study is aimed to assess the coronary artery disease risk profile associated diabetes mellitus patient and to identify the clinical pharmacist care services in the management and to control the risk burden in the clinical practice. Method: A prospective observational study was conducted among the consecutive patients of coronary artery disease associated diabetic patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital over 6 months period. A sam- ple of 150 patients was recruited in the study. Data analysis was done with graph pad prism software 5.01. Results: The present study revealed that coronary artery disease in diabetes was more prevalent in age group between 41-50 years. About 54.66% patients with hyperlipidemia were at risk to develop the coronary artery disease complication. Glycated hemoglobin test was detected in 40% of the patient showing abnormal levels and around 43.33% of patient had an abnormal fasting blood sugar level. The study showed only 32% of patients was prescribed Insulin & oral hy- poglycemic agents and 13 % were treated with statins. Conclusion: It could be concluded that the causative factors should be controlled and treated with an early need for amalgamation of clinical pharmacist care services with the health care team on life style modification counseling could ultimately improve the patient health outcomes and also lowers progression of coronary artery disease risk complications among diabetic patients.