Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 155 in total

  1. Umar Hamzah, Abd. Rahim Samsudin
    Identification of a possible source of engineering geological hazard in the limestone area such as cavities, sinkholes and an underground cavern have become necessity for site investigation before any construction of roads, bridges and buildings are carried out. The study is also necessary for tunneling and underground mining works where knowledge of the engineering properties of the rock mass is very important in order to assess the suitability and safety of a proposed building. Geophysical techniques have been widely used in engineering geological study to deal with such problems that normally arise at construction sites with limestone bedrock. In this study, shallow seismic reflection technique and dipole-dipole geoelectrical methods were used to detect the presence of cavity in lime stone area of Batu Cave, Kuala Lumpur. The exact location and depth of cavities in the area were determined from the existing borehole data and report provided by the Geological Survey Department of Malaysia. Based on the borehole data, several cavities that were filled-up with water and fine silt are encountered at depths of 15.7m to 17.8m, 20.2m to 21.1m and 21.4m to 25.7m. Three shallow seismic reflection profiles were established on the cavity area and the results show that the cavities in the limestone occur in the form of 20 to 30m long subterranean channel of 15 to 30 m depth. Dipole-dipole resistivity survey conducted on seismic lines one and three also indicates the presence of the channel and cavities in the limestone.
    Pengecaman punca bencana geologi kejuruteraan di kawasan batu kapur seperti lohong batu kapur, kewujudan lubang benam dan gua-gua batu kapur telah menjadi amat penting dalam penyiasatan tapak sebelum sesuatu pembinaan seperti jalan raya, jambatan dan bangunan dilakukan. Begitu juga dalam kerja-kerja penerowongan dan perlombongan, pengetahuan asas sifat kejuruteraan jasad batuan amat perlu diketahui untuk menitai kesesuaian dan keselamatan bangunan yang bakal dibina. Teknik geofizik telah digunakan secara meluas dalam kajian geologi kejuruteraan untuk menangani masalah yang terdapat di tapak-tapak binaan yang mempunyai batu kapur sebagai batuan dasar. Dalam kajian ini teknik seismos pantulan cetek dan kaedah geoelektrik dwikutub-dwikutub telah digunakan untuk mengesan rongga batu kapur yang terdapat di kawasan Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur. Kedudukan dan kedalaman rongga batu kapur di kawasan kajian telah ditentukan melalui data lubang gerudi dan laporan yang diperoleh daripada Jabatan Kajibumi Malaysia. Berdasarkan data lubang gerudi tersebut terdapat beberapa rongga yang terisi air dan pasir halus berlodak di kedalaman 15.7 m hingga 17.8 m, 20.2 m hingga 21.1 m dan 21.4 m hingga 25.7 m. Tiga profil seismos pantulan cetek telah dibuat di kawasan berongga tersebut dan hasil survei menunjukkan rongga dalam batu kapur tersebut membentuk palung sepanjang hampir 20 - 30 m pada kedalaman antara 15 m hingga 30 m. Rentisan survei geoelektrik dwikutub yang dilakukan pada profil seismos satu dan tiga juga memperlihatkan kehadiran lohong dan palung dalam batu kapur tersebut.
    Parser is aprocess of classifying sentence structuresof a language. Parser receives a sentence and breaks it up into correct phrases. The purpose of this research is to develop a Malay single sentence parser that can help primary school studentsto learn Malay language according to the correct phrases. Thisis because research in Malay sentenceparsinghasnot gottenenough attention from researchers tothe extent ofbuildingparserprototypes. This research used top-down parsing technique,and grammar chosen was context-free grammar (CFG) for Malay language. However, to parse a sentence with correct phrase was a difficult task due to lack of resourcesfor obtainingMalay lexicon. Malay lexicon is a database that storesthousands of words with their correct phrases. Therefore, this research developeda Malay lexicon based on an articlefrom Dewan Masyarakatmagazine. In conclusion, this research can providehelpto the primaryschoolstudentsto organize correct Malay single sentences.
  3. Afiza Suriani Sarimin, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:757-766.
    The otoliths of sea bass (Lates calcarifer) were sampled from 23 locations in Peninsular Malaysia in order to analyse the Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. This study found that these elements/Ca ratios in sea bass otoliths were correlated with the salinity zone (thalassic series) compared with elements/Ca ratios in ambient water. The contradictory pattern of Sr/ Ca ratios and Ba/Ca ratios in otoliths was found according to salinity zone variations. Thus, oligohaline waters showed the highest Ba/Ca ratios while the highest Sr/Ca ratios were recorded for saline waters. The terrigenous enrichment of Ba in water also affects the Ba content in otoliths. The presence of Mg in otoliths acts as a rival to Ba, thus affecting Mg and Ba deposition. Meanwhile, Ba is the tracer for salinity fluctuations based on the partition coefficient (D) and it shows significant changes. However, the elements in otoliths were found to originate indirectly from the water column. The sequence of the elements/Ca ratios in otoliths and ambient water was Sr/Ca>Mg/Ca>Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca>Ba/Ca>Mg/ Ca, respectively.
  4. Abd Rahim A, Hashim M, Ali N
    In this work we prepared germanium nanostructures by means of filling the material inside porous silicon (PS) using conventional and cost effective technique, thermal evaporator. The PS acts as patterned substrate. It was prepared by anodization of silicon wafer in ethanoic hydrofluoric acid (HF). A Ge layer was then deposited onto the PS by thermal evaporation. This was followed by deposition of Si layer by thermal evaporation and anneal at 650οC for 30 min. The process was completed by Ni metal deposition using thermal evaporator followed by metal annealing of 400οC for 10 min to form metal semiconductor metal (MSM) photodetector. Structural analysis of the samples was performed using energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy (RS). EDX spectrum suggests the presence of Ge inside the pores structure. Raman spectrum showed that good crystalline structure of Ge can be produced inside silicon pores with a phase with the diamond structure by (111), (220) and (400) reflections. Finally current-voltage (I-V) measurement of the MSM photodetector was carried out and showed lower dark currents compared to that of Si control device. Interestingly the device showed enhanced current gain compared to Si device which can be associated with the presence of Ge nanostructures in the porous silicon.
  5. Natrah Mohamed, Umar Hamzah, Sahibin Abd Rahim
    Analisis taburan kepekatan logam berat dalam tanih, sifat fiziko-kimia sampel tanih dan survei keberintangan geoelektrik 2D di tapak pelupusan sampah Sungai Kembong telah dilakukan untuk melihat kesan larut lesap logam berat di sekitar tapak pelupusan tersebut. Jumlah sampel tanih yang dikutip untuk analisis fiziko kimia dan analisis logam berat adalah 30 dan diambil dari kedalaman 60 cm di bahagian tapak yang tidak aktif dan telah ditimbus. Survei keberintangan geoelektrik telah dilakukan dengan teknik susun atur Wenner dan teknik pengimejan 2D. Jarak antara elektrod ialah 5 m dan jumlah panjang garis rentas adalah 300 m. Analisis sampel tanih menunjukkan kandungan pasir adalah 25 - 75%, manakala kandungan lempung adalah 5 – 41% dan kandungan kelodak pula adalah 19-67%. Hasil analisis logam berat menunjukkan kepekatan logam Cu, Pb dan Cr melebihi paras normal manakala logam lain seperti Ni, Co, Cd, Zn dan Fe berada pada julat normal. Kepekatan Cu adalah 2-326 μg/g manakala kepekatan Pb dan Cr masing-masing adalah 3-78 μg/g dan 4-76 μg/g. Model 2D songsang sepanjang garisan rentasan menunjukkan julat keberintangan antara 5 Ωm sehingga 105 Ωm. Julat keberintangan bahan larut lesap adalah sekitar 3 - 5 Ωm. Purata ketebalan bahan larut lesap dianggarkan sekitar 20 hingga 100 m. Nilai purata KPK adalah pada julat 1.73 hingga 3.85 meq/100. Manakala pH pada julat 4 hingga 7. Kekonduksian elektrik menunjukkan bacaan antara 1910-5525 μS/cm. BOT dalam sampel menunjukkan nilai yang rendah iaitu 0.3-5.6%. Kajian mineralogi menggunakan pembelauan sinar-X (XRD), menunjukkan kandungan mineral terdiri daripada muskovit, kuarza, kaolinit dan ortoklas. Mineral-mineral ini ditafsirkan berasal dari tanah penutup yang diambil dari batuan metasedimen di perbukitan sekitar tapak kajian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tanah yang digunakan berjaya mengawal pergerakan logam-logam berat dari meresap ke kawasan sekitar.
  6. Lee JN, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    The aim of this study was to determine the accumulation of settling particles in coral reefs of Peninsular Malaysia. Settling particles were collected from the coral reefs of Port Dickson, Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Redang and Pulau Tinggi from 2005 to 2008. The average total settling particles in Pulau Langkawi and Port Dickson was 49.8 mg/cm2/day, while for Pulau Tioman, Pulau Redang, and Pulau Tinggi was 3.5 mg/cm2/day. The results showed that accumulations rate in west coast were higher than east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. However, Pulau Tioman in the east coast received high accumulations rate of settling particles in certain times of the year due to sediment resuspension at shallow reefs caused by high energy seasonal yearly wave and monsoon.
  7. Asnor Azrin Sabuti, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:815-828.
    The activity concentration of 210Po from six different samples consisting of raw charcoal, surface sediment, rainwater (suspended solids (SSrw) and dissolved phase (Drw) and estuarine water (suspended solids (SSew) and dissolved phase (Dew)), were analyzed. The activity concentration of
    210Po in solid samples was between 7.63 ± 0.67 and 744.28 ± 21.12 Bqkg-1 and in dissolved samples varied between 0.34 ± 0.03 and 86.33 ± 6.51 mBqL-1. On average, 210Po activity in SSrw sample was the highest, at nearly three times its original form (charcoal). SSew and surface sediment samples were
    similarly distributed between 15th March and 1st August samplings, but were relatively lower than charcoal and SSrw samples. The natural meteorological variability also enhanced 210Po distribution and dispersion to a few kilometers from the coal-fired power plant.
  8. Asmawati Abd Rahim, Jamaludin Mohamad, Zazali Alias
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1295-1304.
    Leptospermum flavescens, commonly known as ‘Gelam bukit’ has been used by the Malays as traditional plants in Malaysia for antidiabetic treatment. However, at this moment there is no scientific evidence and data available to validate such claim. In the present study, the aqueous extract of leaves and stems were studied for its antidiabetic activity. The total phenols and flavonoids were determined and correlated with antidiabetic activity. The detection of aqueous leaves extract with LCMS/MS showed the presence of flavonoids aromadendrin glucoside, kaempferol rhamnoside, quercetin rhamnoside and vindoline. The extract has significantly inhibited glycogen phosphorylase at 85% with IC50 = 0.18 mg/mL. In the alloxan induced diabetic rats showed that extract at 500 mg/kg decreased significantly fasting plasma glucose level by 61.9% (p<0.001) on the 20th day as compared to diabetic control. The treatment with Leptospermum flavescens at 500 mg/kg showed that it decreased the total cholesterol and triglycerides but restored the HDL level. The high antidiabetic activity was correlated with high total phenol at 1.57±0.01 GAE/g and total flavonoids at 1.41±0.01 mg QE/g. Thus, the high antidiabetic activity of the aqueous leaves extract attributed due to the presence of aromadendron glucoside, kaempferol rhamnoside, quercetin rhamnoside and vindoline in aqueous extract of Leptospermum flavescens.
  9. Chuah HG, Abd Rahim I, Yusof MI
    Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 2010 Jun;13(3):319-26.
    PMID: 19927241 DOI: 10.1080/10255840903208189
    The stress shielding effect is an event in which the replacement implant limits the load transferred to bone and the ineffective stress in the vertebrae causes bony growth to cease. In the present study, a 3D finite element L4-L5 model was developed and subjected to a 1200 N compression preload. Five groups of muscle forces were applied on L4 under flexion-extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. Topology optimisation was employed for reducing the stress shielding effect by removing the ineffective material from the design domain. The optimised design was designed with polyaryletheretherketone (PEEK) titanium and cortical materials to encounter the shielding response. The stress responses show that the new design increased the stress magnitude by at least 17.10, 18.11 and 18.43% in 4 Nm of flexion-extension, lateral bending and axial rotation, respectively. In conclusion, the material factor did not significantly alter the stress magnitude, but volume was the key factor in reducing the stress shielding effect.
  10. Abd Rahim MH, Ibrahim MI
    BMC Nurs, 2022 Jan 31;21(1):38.
    PMID: 35101001 DOI: 10.1186/s12912-022-00820-6
    BACKGROUND: Nurses interact with patients 24 hours a day, and this connection has the potential to raise the risk of infection transmission to patients. Nursing plays a vital role in pre-venting healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) by ensuring that hand hygiene (HH) practises are followed and maintained. The purpose of this study was to evaluate nurses' knowledge, perceptions, and self-reported HH performance scores, as well as their correlation, in tertiary care hospitals in Kelantan, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in all four Kelantan tertiary care hospitals from December 2019 to February 2020. A stratified random selection method was used to obtain a sample of 438 registered nurses. A validated WHO self-administered HH knowledge and perception questionnaire for healthcare personnel was used to measure HH knowledge, perception, and self-reported HH performance.

    RESULTS: The mean (SD) score of knowledge was 15.08 (1.96) out of the total 25. The score of perception participants towards HH was 68.02 (10.14) out of the total 81 and the average self-reported HH performance was 87.58 (12.03) out of 100. Pearson's correlation analysis showed significant positive correlations between perception and knowledge scores; r (436) =0.17, p<0.001 and Perception and self-reported HH performance scores; r (436) =0.27, p<0.001.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong link between knowledge and perception scores. Lack of understanding of HH during patient care might lead to a negative perception, which can affect overall self-reported HH performance. The need of monitoring and maintaining HH knowledge among nurses was established in this study.

  11. Abd Rahim SH, Zainol N, Samad KA
    Heliyon, 2022 Nov;8(11):e11851.
    PMID: 36458307 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11851
    The abundance of pineapple waste generated in Malaysia has becomes a serious issue as it puts our environment in grave danger. The presence of chlorophyll in pineapple waste has attracted many researchers to produce a natural dye from chlorophyll as a sensitizer for solar cells. Natural dyes can be considered a promising substitute for synthetic dyes as they are more environmentally friendly and cost less when compared to the synthetic dyes that are currently available on the market. This research aims to optimize the conditions of chlorophyll extraction from pineapple leaves using a mechanical extraction method. A response surface methodology was used to design an experimental design table using a central composite design based on two significant factors. The extraction cycle and the storage time varied between 1 and 5 cycles and 7 and 9 h, respectively, were studied. From the study, the maximum concentration of total chlorophyll (TC) was 693.292 mg/L. The optimum conditions for extraction cycle and storage time were at 3 cycles and 8 h, respectively. Among those two factors, it has been discovered that the storage time has a smaller p-value (p = 0.1106) than the extraction cycle, indicating that this factor was the critical factor affecting the TC concentration. The value of R2 for the analysis was 0.8673, making the analysis a well-fitted model. Thus, it has been established that the models are suitable for optimizing the extraction conditions in order to maximize the concentration of TC using the mechanical method.
  12. Abd Rahim AH, Ab Majid AH
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2024 Jul;35(2):271-288.
    PMID: 39234469 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2024.35.2.13
    Population of the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (F.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), a temporary ectoparasite on both humans and animals, have surged in many tropical countries. Tropical bed bugs preferences when selecting a suitable harbourage and oviposition site were investigated. Two-choice and three choice colour assays were conducted to determine whether bed bugs will choose black, red or white coloured harbourages. Then, 50 1st instar were reared in containers containing black, red and white (control) paper served as the harbourages and observed for 12 weeks. Both fed and starve male, female and nymph strongly preferred red and black coloured harbourage compared to white coloured harbourage. Oviposition assays showed that female bed bugs prefered to laid their eggs on red coloured harbourages compared to black coloured harbourages. Rearing experiment showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between final population size of tropical bed bug. However, tropical bed bugs reared in container with red paper (600 ± 89.238) have the highest number of individuals followed by black (473 ± 133.841) and white (485 ± 84.234) paper. Bed bug preference towards coloured harbourage provide useful information for those developing new bed bug control method or improving bed bug infestation monitoring devices.
  13. Mohd Zulhilmi Aqil Muhamad, Noor Hafhizah Abd Rahim
    Expert system is a system that emulates experts to aid in decision making. This system can be applied in various categories such as diagnosis, prediction, interpretation, and others. Expert System to Diagnose Dengue Fever is a web-based system which is integrated with prolog language in order to provide rules for dengue fever detection. The aims of this research are to study dengue fever symptoms and other illnesses related to the fever, to design an inference engine, and to build an expert system. The challenges faced while developing this expert system were the complexity of prolog codes and their integration with the web development. In this system, rules were developed by prolog language which define dengue fever and accuracy based on input from the user. This system is expected to aid users in self-detecting early symptoms of dengue fever before seeing the doctors.
  14. Norahizah Abd Rahim, Hasnah Md Jais, Hasnuri Mat Hassan
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2016;27(11):9-13.
    The association of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and roots undoubtedly
    gives positive advantages to the host plant. However, heavily fertilised soil such as in oil
    palm plantation, inhibit the growth of mycorrhiza. Thus, the aim of this research is to
    distinguish and quantify the availability of AMF population and propagules at different sites
    of an oil palm plantation by Most Probable Number (MPN) assay. In addition, root infection
    method was employed to observe host compatibility through the propagation of AMF using
    two different types of hosts, monocotyledon (Echinochloa cruss-galli) and dicotyledon
    (Vigna radiata). Three different locations at an oil palm plantation were chosen for
    sampling. Each location was represented by a distinctive soil series, and were further
    divided into two sites, that is canopy and midway area. Midway site had a greater
    population of AMF compared to canopy. The result showed that different environments
    affect the availability of AMF in the soil. Higher number of AMF infection observed in
    monocotyledon host suggests that the fibrous root system provide a better association
    with mycorrhiza.
  15. Asnor Azrin Sabuti, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Zaharudin Ahmad
    Various environmental samples (seawater, TSS, sediment, rainwater and fly ash) from eight different stations near Kapar coastal area were analyzed. The 210 Po activity concentrations in liquid samples (seawater and rainwater) varied between 0.34 ± 0.03 mBq L-1 to 22.44 ± 0.53 mBq L-1 . Whereas the concentrations in particulate samples (TSS, sediment and fly ash) varied between 43.79 ± 2.31 Bqkg-1 to 364.48 ± 5.43 Bqkg-1 . Results also showed the radioactivity in Kapar coastal is higher than most of Malaysian coast, reaching a factor of seven. This condition is mainly due to the operation of a coal-fired power plant nearby. This study also clarify the variability of 210 Po in environment was strongly influenced from rainfall events especially during wet seasons.
  16. Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Tee, Lee Theng, Zaharuddin Ahmad
    Natural radionuclides such as 210 Po and 210 Pb were analyzed in soft part of cockle (Anadara granosa) obtained from Kuala Selangor in the west coast Peninsular of Malaysia. The activity levels of both nuclides fluctuated within the size of cockles from 41.3 ± 2.5 Bq/kg to 114 ± 7 Bq/kg and 12.9 ± 1.7 Bq/kg to 96.8 ± 5.3 Bq/kg in dry weight (dwt) for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively. The level activity in wet weight (wwt) also varied from 8.60 ± 0.52 Bq/kg to 25.70 ± 1.63 Bq/kg and 2.47 ± 0.40 Bq/kg to 19.27 ± 1.05 Bq/kg for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively, probably related to the different of metabolic rate and growth of cockles. Activity ratio of 210 Po/ 210 Pb in dry weight also fluctuated from 0.93 to 6.41 with not related to the decay of 210 Pb.
  17. Nor Umairah Abd Rahim, Mohd Fadzil bin Arshad
    Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is widely used by the construction industry. Research to find the precise proportion of cement replacement material which can be used to produce a product called Ternary Blended Cement (TBC) is not new. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of POFA and SF as TBC on the heat of hydration and compressive strength of mortar. Before producing TBC, specimens using BBC is required. Mix design proportion for POFA and SF are 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Mix design proportion TBC are chose from the highest compressive strength value achieved at 7 days of curing. This research found the heat of hydration of TBC containing 20% POFA and 5% SF is high in the beginning to drop at the end of hydration process in addition to producing lower compressive strength.
  18. Fazlena Abd. Rahim, Norsidah Ujang, Mohamed Mohamed Tolba Said
    The lack of understanding of Islamic principles in the design of public spaces has led to
    the weakness of the function, aesthetic value and the identity of urban places. The study
    seeks to identify the characteristics and elements of the Islamic urban space in
    Putrajaya base on publics and expert perception and preference. A questionnaire
    survey was conducted with approximately 500 civilians to analyse the public perception
    of Putra Square and Astaka Moroco. A photo base interview was carried out with
    approximately 100 professionals in the built environment field to evaluate the quality
    of Astaka Moroco in comparison to Islamic gardens in the Middle East based on their
    perception. The results indicate that the style of the Dataran Putra is the most preferred
    by the public compared to the Astaka Morocco. The professionals inform that Astaka
    Morocco is not comparable to the quality of Islamic gardens in the Middle East either
    in terms of function or aesthetic value due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic gardens elements and principles. In addition, the public liked the Islamic garden style
    that reflects the local identity and the functions as public spaces instead of just as an
    exhibit or a model. The findings can be a good guide in designing the Islamic public
    spaces which are favoured by the public.
  19. Askiah Jamaluddin, Laily Paim, Ma'rof Redzuan, Husniyah Abd. Rahim
    The purpose of this paper is to identify the key domains of entrepreneurial behaviour among business
    owner in food processing industry. The study utilized a deductive research design and quantitative
    method. There are twenty-one statements about entrepreneurial behaviour to discover a core action
    associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. An entrepreneurial behaviour is defined as small family
    business strategic behaviour that captures specific entrepreneurial aspects (Walker and Brown, 2004).
    In additions, it is the actions taken by the small business owner to achieve business performance
    (Delmar, 1996). According to Kirkley (2015), entrepreneurial behaviour as self determined human
    action is based on a specific set of values which the individual uses to make decisions about how to
    behave in situations that a meaningful to their business. The questionnaires focused primarily on the
    meaning of entrepreneurial behaviour as self-determination to be succeed in business. There were 70
    respondents were selected by simple random sampling. The data were analysed by Exploratory Factor
    Analysis (EFA) and categorised into relevant domains. The result shows four specific domains of
    entrepreneurial behaviour business owner in food processing industry, namely, leadership, proactiveness,
    committed and risk taking. The finding items to each of these domains are consistent with
    the small family business perspective. The practical implication is the presence of the specific core
    action associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. The business owner should employ the four core
    action to sustain the business. The result of this study is importance to academician in small business
    area, business advisor from government and non government sectors, and small family business owner.
  20. Phuah CS, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Zaharuddin Ahmad
    Concentration of Ra-226 and Ra-228 activities in water and sediment samples were measured using the Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) and High Purity Germanium Gamma Spectrometry (HPGe). respectively. Concentrations of Ra-226 activity in sediment samples range from 18.93 Bg/ kg to 236.06 Bq/kg and for Ra-228 activity range from 12.59 Bg/kg to 410.60 Bq/kg. Meanwhile, concentrations of Ra-226 activity obtained in water samples range from 0.064 Bg/L to 0.199 Bq/L. These data indicate, that the distribution of Ra-228 and Ra-226 in the study area were varied from one sampling stations to another and is probably related to the contents of suspended particles.
    Penentuan kepekatan aktiviti Ra-226 dan Ra-228 dalam sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan masing-masing dengan Pembilang Sintilasi Cecair (LSC) dan Spektrometri Gamma Germanium Lampau Tulen (HPGe). Kepekatan aktiviti Ra-226 dalam sampel sedimen adalah berjulat dari 18.93 Bg/kg hingga 236.06 Bq/kg dan kepekatan aktiviti Ra-228 berjulat dari 12.59 Bg/kg hingga 410.60 Bq/kg. Kepekatan aktiviti Ra-226 dalam sampel air yang diperolehi pula berjulat dari 0.064 Bg/L hingga 0.199 Bq/L. Ini menunjukkan taburan Ra-228 dan Ra-226 di kawasan kajian adalah berubah mengikut lokasi kajian dan berkemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh sifat kandungan bahan terampai.
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