Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 25 in total

  1. Nurul Huda, Nahida Sultana, Mohd. Rashid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:309-315.
    Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) brushes on silicon substrate was constructed and molecular weight and polydispersity index was controlled precisely. Molecular behavior of the PNIPA grafted surface was observed by using captive bubble contact angle method. A very interesting phenomenon of high density PNIPA grafted membrane with a chloride terminal molecule was observed. The contact angle of high density PNIPA-Cl increased sharply while the temperature rises above 32oC. But in the case of PNIPA gel surface the contact angle result decreases sharply while the temperature reaches above lower critical solution temperature (LCST). In order to identify the reason behind this abnormal behavior of PNIPA-Cl grafted membrane, the terminal chloride molecule of PNIPA chain was modified to less electronegative azide (-N3) as well as carboxylic acid (-COOH). Finally it was found that terminal molecule of high density PNIPA grafted membrane has a great influences on the wettability change of PNIPA membrane in water by changing the temperature.
  2. Mohd Rashid MZ, Sapuan J, Abdullah S
    J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong), 2019 3 12;27(1):2309499019833002.
    PMID: 30852960 DOI: 10.1177/2309499019833002
    BACKGROUND:: Trigger finger release utilizing wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT) usage in extremity surgery is not widely used in our setting due to the possibility of necrosis. Usage of a tourniquet is generally acceptable for providing surgical field hemostasis. We evaluate hemostasis score, surgical field visibility, onset and duration of anesthesia, pain score, and the duration of surgery and potential side effects of WALANT.

    METHODS:: Eighty-six patients scheduled for trigger finger release between July 2016 and December 2017 were randomized into a control group (1% lignocaine and 8.4% sodium bicarbonate with arm tourniquet; given 10 min prior to procedure) and an intervention group (1% lignocaine, 1:100,000 of adrenaline and 8.4% sodium bicarbonate; given 30 min prior to procedure), with a total of 4 ml of solution injected around the A1 pulley. The onset of anesthesia and pain score upon injection of the first 1 ml were recorded. After the procedure, the surgeon rated for the hemostasis score (1-10: 1 as no bleeding and 10 being profuse bleeding). Duration of surgery and return of sensation were recorded.

    RESULTS:: Hemostasis score was grouped into visibility score as 1-3: good, 4-6: moderate, and 7-10: poor. The intervention group (with adrenaline) had a 74% of good surgical field visibility compared to 44% from the controlled group (without adrenaline; p < 0.05). Duration of anesthesia was longer in the intervention group (with adrenaline), with a 2.77-h difference.

    CONCLUSION:: WALANT provides excellent surgical field visibility and is safe and on par with conventional methods but without the usage of a tourniquet and its associated discomfort.

  3. Noor Ashikin Mohd Rashid, Wan Nor Liza Wan Mahadi
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:909-914.
    Evaluation of magnetic properties of electrical steel is vital in improving the quality of electrical machinery since it is used as magnetic cores for transformers, motors and generators. A double yoke single sheet tester (ssT) was modeled using two identical C-cores wound with copper wires at limb side in horizontal arrangement. The magnetic properties for electrical steels, grade M4 and M19 were tested under a frequency of 50 Hz with the current ranging from 02 to 2.4A. The effects of the sample dimension and anisotropy on magnetic measurements were investigated. Evaluation on specimen dimensions indicate that the non-uniformity of sample magnetization in overhang sample can attribute to the flux leakage between the yoke legs. The stray flux is also increased with the overhang sample. However, the so-called fit-in sample which is fitted nicely between the yoke end poles can minimize the effect of stray flux. One way ANOVA and T-test were used as statistical methods and executed at the 5% significance level. It is statistically proven that the magnetic properties of both magnetic materials are influenced by their anisotropy.
  4. Lukman MR, Jasmi AY, Niza SS
    Asian J Surg, 2006 Apr;29(2):98-100.
    PMID: 16644511
    Intramural duodenal haematoma is a rare injury of the duodenum. Most reported cases are secondary to blunt trauma to the abdomen. Such injury following endoscopic intervention is even rarer, and there are no definite guidelines for its management. We report a case where endoscopic haemostasis of a bleeding duodenal ulcer resulted in a massive dissecting intramural duodenal haematoma with gastric outlet obstruction and obstructive jaundice.
  5. Reyhanah Mohd Rashid, Wan Nurulhuda, Synn, Joyce Hong Soo, Wu, Loo Ling, Cheah, Fook Choe
    Subcutaneous fat necrosis is a recognised complication of hypothermia. There appears to be a resurgence in this condition when therapeutic hypothermia emerges as a standard of care for asphyxiated infants. The TOBY trial reported an incidence of 0.1% for 1239 infants cooled.(Copied from article)
  6. Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid, Zainol Mustafa, Nur Riza Mohd Suradi, Fazli Idris, Mokhtar Abdullah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1159-1166.
    Pemodelan persamaan struktur (SEM) merupakan analisis statistik multivariat yang mengkaji hubungan antara konstruk mengikut teori atau kajian terdahulu melalui model hipotesis yang dibina. Kebiasaannya, kaedah penganggaran yang digunakan dalam analisis pemodelan ini adalah penganggaran kebolehjadian maksimum (ML). Kaedah penganggaran tersebut memerlukan taburan data yang bersifat kenormalan multivariat di samping memenuhi bilangan sampel yang tertentu. Oleh itu, penganggaran kuasa dua terkecil separa (PLS) amat berperanan dalam mengatasi dua kekangan berkenaan dan isu multikolineariti. Oleh itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis perbandingan keputusan pemodelan terhadap anggaran parameter dalam Model Kecemerlangan Prestasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) bersandarkan nilai teras bagi mendapatkan model akhir yang mematuhi kedua-dua teknik penganggaran ML dan PLS berkenaan. Model akhir merupakan model kecemerlangan yang disemak semula berdasarkan tahap kesignifikanan secara statistik dan penting secara praktikal bagi semua pekali lintasan dalam model. Kesimpulannya, kedua-dua teknik penganggaran yang digunakan saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain dan memberikan nilai tambah kepada model hipotesis yang diuji.
  7. Alya Nadhira Nasron, Ninna Sakina Azman, Nor Syaidatul Syafiqah Mohd Rashid, Nur Rahimah Said
    Degradation of azo dyes by using advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) was conducted. In this approach, different AOPs, which are Fenton process and titanium dioxide (TiO2) catalyst, were examined and compared for the degradation of an azo dye (i.e., Congo red dye). The sample was tested under UV light and the experiment was conducted for 90 min with 15 min interval. The degradation rate of dye was determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The effect of several parameters on the degradation process such as the concentration of metal ions (Fe2+, Cu2+, and Mn2+) as the catalyst in Fenton process, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the mass of TiO2, and pH value of the dye solution were investigated. The initial Congo red concentration used for both techniques was 5 ppm. The results showed that the percentage degradation followed the sequence of H2O2/Fe2+/UV, H2O2/Cu2+/UV, H2O2/Mn2+/UV, and TiO2/UV. The best operating conditions for H2O2/Fe2+/UV were pH 3, 0.2 M concentration of H2O2, and 0.02 M concentration of metal ion in 15 min, which achieved 99.92% degradation of dye. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum showed the absence of azo bond (N=N) peak after degradation process, which indicates the successful cleavage of azo bond in the chemical structure of Congo red.
  8. Zaharuzaman Jamaluddin, Ahmad Mahir Razali, Zainol Mustafa, Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:999-1006.
    The aim of this article was to validate an instrument of quality management practices (QMPs) and performance
    measurement for the manufacturing industry in Malaysia. QMPs and performance were measured using the following
    six value indicators: Management commitment, training, process management, quality tools, continuous improvement
    and organisational performance. A total of 480 questionnaires were distributed and 210 questionnaires were valid for
    analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) approach was employed using analysis of moment structures (AMOS)
    software. The results for the hypothesised CFA model showed the following fit statistics: Comparative fit index (CFI) =
    0.924, Tucker Lewis index (TLI) = 0.913 and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.061. The values of
    CFI and TLI ≥ 0.9 and at the same time the value of RMSEA ≤ 0.08 showed that CFA model fits the data very well. Hence,
    the results of the study can be used by managers in manufacturing companies to consider and adapt their QMPs and
    performance assessments toward increasing competitiveness
  9. Che Me R, Biamonti A, Mohd Saad MR
    Stud Health Technol Inform, 2015;217:195-203.
    PMID: 26294473
    Wayfinding ability in older adults with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is progressively impaired due to ageing and deterioration of cognitive domains. Usually, the sense of direction is deteriorated as visuospatial and spatial cognition are associated with the sensory acuity. Therefore, navigation systems that support only visual interactions may not be appropriate in case of AD. This paper presents a concept of wearable navigation device that integrates the haptic-feedback technology to facilitate the wayfinding of individuals with AD. The system provides the simplest instructions; left/right using haptic signals, as to avoid users' distraction during navigation. The advantages of haptic/tactile modality for wayfinding purpose based on several significant studies are presented. As preliminary assessment, a survey is conducted to understand the potential of this design concept in terms of (1) acceptability, (2) practicality, (3) wearability, and (4) environmental settings. Results indicate that the concept is highly acceptable and commercially implementable. A working prototype will be developed based on the results of the preliminary assessment. Introducing a new method of navigation should be followed by continuous practices for familiarization purpose. Improved navigability allows the good performance of activities of daily living (ADLs) hence maintain the good quality of life in older adults with AD.
  10. Sami W, Ansari T, Butt NS, Hamid MRA
    Int J Health Sci (Qassim), 2017 Apr-Jun;11(2):65-71.
    PMID: 28539866
    Globally, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is considered as one of the most common diseases. The etiology of T2DM is complex and is associated with irreversible risk factors such as age, genetic, race, and ethnicity and reversible factors such as diet, physical activity and smoking. The objectives of this review are to examine various studies to explore relationship of T2DM with different dietary habits/patterns and practices and its complications. Dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle are the major factors for rapidly rising incidence of DM among developing countries. In type 2 diabetics, recently, elevated HbA1c level has also been considered as one of the leading risk factors for developing microvascular and macrovascular complications. Improvement in the elevated HbA1c level can be achieved through diet management; thus, the patients could be prevented from developing the diabetes complications. Awareness about diabetes complications and consequent improvement in dietary knowledge, attitude, and practices lead to better control of the disease. The stakeholders (health-care providers, health facilities, agencies involved in diabetes care, etc.) should encourage patients to understand the importance of diet which may help in disease management, appropriate self-care and better quality of life.
  11. Ya, N. A., Singh, H. R., Samat, A., Mohd Rashid, H. N., Ramli, N. H., Makhtar, N., et al.
    Length-weight relationship (LWR) of six fish species from the Sepang Besar River estuary,
    Peninsular Malaysia were analyzes. A total of 594 individuals belonging to six species namely Arius
    sagor, Photopectoralis bindus, Plotosus lineatus, Toxotes chatareus, Toxotes jaculatrix, and Thryssa
    dussumieri collected from April 2014 to February 2015 were measured and weighed. Among them, four
    species showed positive allometric growth and the other two species showed negative allometric
    growth. The exponent b value of LWR ranged between 2.94 (Toxotes chatareus) and 3.50
    (Photopectoralis bindus). This outcome of the present study has contributed to the knowledge of basic
    information on the length–weight relationship of six most abundant species in Sepang Besar River
    estuary which is important for future ecological studies and assist in fishery management. Copyright
    © 2015 Penerbit Akademia Baru - All rights reserved.
  12. Praveena SM, Mohd Rashid MZ, Mohd Nasir FA, Sze Yee W, Aris AZ
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2019 Sep 30;180:549-556.
    PMID: 31128553 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.05.051
    Occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in drinking water has been widely reported in countries that have registered steady economic growth. This can exert concerns among the general consumers, prompting them to explore the potential human health risks associated with continuous exposure to pharmaceuticals. However, such an occurrence is rarely reported in developing or under-developed countries. To give more contexts, this study looked at the presence of nine pharmaceutical residues in drinking water (amoxicillin, caffeine, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, dexamethasone, diclofenac, nitrofurazone, sulfamethoxazole, and triclosan) at Putrajaya residential area in Malaysia. Additionally, the potential health risks associated with contaminated drinking water were investigated. This study has found the presence of pharmaceutical residue concentrations up to 0.38 ng/L, with the highest concentration of caffeine (0.38 ng/L) and the lowest concentration of diclofenac (0.14 ng/L). In comparison, all the nine pharmaceutical residues were substantially lower than previously reported studies. In general, Hazard Quotient (HQ) values indicated that low potential health hazards were present for all age groups. Nevertheless, quantitative occurrences of pharmaceutical residues in drinking water will help guide future toxicological studies to examine other chronic effects, while canvassing for proper framework to look into the water risk management and regulation in Malaysia.
  13. Mehmood W, Fareed M, Mohd-Rashid R, Ashraf MU, Aman-Ullah A
    Front Psychol, 2022;13:1045972.
    PMID: 36733870 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045972
    The aim of this study is to provide a holistic review of the fight against COVID-19 in developing countries, particularly Malaysia. Specifically, the study aims to determine how facilities management delivery in public hospitals can be improved to ensure readiness in handling COVID-19 cases. We conducted a review of the literature and reliable media updates on COVID-19 and services management. A critical synthesis of COVID-19 information was conducted to scrutinise the technical aspects and highlight how facilities management can be improved to ensure hospital readiness in managing COVID-19 cases. The data and information used in the present study were collected up to the time of writing this paper, which leaves a room for further studies. Nonetheless, this study's recommendations are useful for understanding the present and future pandemics. This study is a first attempt to summarise the data on facilities management in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Malaysian context. The study's findings are suitable for the developing countries in managing healthcare management practices in the fight against COVID-19. This study aims to highlight current issues in order to provide a more objective assessment of facilities management to ensure hospital readiness in handling COVID-19 cases.
  14. Mehmood W, Alsmady AA, Amin S, Mohd-Rashid R, Aman-Ullah A
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Mar;30(11):30073-30086.
    PMID: 36427127 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23985-8
    This study examined the effect of air pollution on the initial return of IPOs in Pakistan. Cross-sectional data were used to examine 102 listed IPOs on Pakistan Stock Exchange between 1996 and 2019. Ordinary least squares and quantile least squares were employed to examine the influence of air pollution on IPO initial returns. Lastly, stepwise regression was utilised for additional analysis. According to the findings, in the presence of high air pollution, IPO initial returns also increase due to higher uncertainty. The findings demonstrate that air pollution intensifies a company's information environment and financial uncertainty. Therefore, addressing environmental challenges is critical for both public health and capital formation. This study's findings will increase companies' awareness of the economic effect of air pollution, particularly in a country where air pollution is strictly regulated. This study provides businesses with an economic reason to reduce their pollution levels, and it can also help regulators pass environmental laws that are aimed at addressing this issue.
  15. Tan BT, Mohd Rashid NA, Mohamad Idris NH, Wun WL, Lee HL
    ACS Omega, 2025 Jan 28;10(3):2858-2870.
    PMID: 39895745 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.4c08813
    Wastewater treatment has been regarded as an effective solution in lowering the potential environmental hazards caused by palm oil mill effluent (POME). To ensure the efficient remediation of POME, the implementation of a promising strategy is necessary to overcome the limitations of conventional water treatment methods for the treatment of this pollutant. In this study, the synthesis of carbon, nitrogen codoped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (C, N-TiO2 NPs) was successfully performed by a sol-gel approach for the treatment of POME as a model pollutant under solar light irradiation. The synthesized C, N-TiO2 NPs displayed unique characteristics including an anatase phase with an average crystallite size of 11.35 nm and irregular spherical structures. Additionally, C, N-TiO2 possessed a lower band gap energy of 2.95 eV than 3.2 V of bulk anatase TiO2 and slower electron-hole (e--h+) pair recombination rate as evidenced by photoluminescence (PL) studies. The adsorption isotherm study of POME was most compatible with the Langmuir isotherm model, and the POME degradation kinetics proceeded according to first-order kinetics. Accordingly, the photocatalytic degradation of POME displayed a maximum degradation efficiency of 100% under the optimum condition of pH 7 in the presence of 0.12 g of the C, N-TiO2 photocatalyst within 150 min. The scavenging study showed that the superoxide radical (•O2 -) was the primary active species in the POME photodegradation. Finally, the reusability analysis confirmed that the C, N-TiO2 NPs could be reused for a maximum of five cycles, making them promising photocatalysts for wastewater treatment.
  16. Mohd Rashid MH, Ab Rani NS, Kannan M, Abdullah MW, Ab Ghani MA, Kamel N, et al.
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17721.
    PMID: 39040935 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17721
    A large body of research establishes the efficacy of musical intervention in many aspects of physical, cognitive, communication, social, and emotional rehabilitation. However, the underlying neural mechanisms for musical therapy remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate the potential neural correlates of musical therapy, focusing on the changes in the topology of emotion brain network. To this end, a Bayesian statistical approach and a cross-over experimental design were employed together with two resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) as controls. MEG recordings of 30 healthy subjects were acquired while listening to five auditory stimuli in random order. Two resting-state MEG recordings of each subject were obtained, one prior to the first stimulus (pre) and one after the final stimulus (post). Time series at the level of brain regions were estimated using depth-weighted minimum norm estimation (wMNE) source reconstruction method and the functional connectivity between these regions were computed. The resultant connectivity matrices were used to derive two topological network measures: transitivity and global efficiency which are important in gauging the functional segregation and integration of brain network respectively. The differences in these measures between pre- and post-stimuli resting MEG were set as the equivalence regions. We found that the network measures under all auditory stimuli were equivalent to the resting state network measures in all frequency bands, indicating that the topology of the functional brain network associated with emotional regulation in healthy subjects remains unchanged following these auditory stimuli. This suggests that changes in the emotion network topology may not be the underlying neural mechanism of musical therapy. Nonetheless, further studies are required to explore the neural mechanisms of musical interventions especially in the populations with neuropsychiatric disorders.
  17. Lukman MR, Jasmi AY, Sarinah B, Nurismah MI, Aishah MA
    Asian J Surg, 2005 Jul;28(3):227-9.
    PMID: 16024322
    Extragonadal teratomas and germ cell tumours are uncommon. Most teratomas of the head and neck present in the paediatric age group. Occurrence of such tumours in an adult is extremely rare and, to date, less than 40 cases have been reported in the literature. We report a case of a young man presenting with impending airway obstruction secondary to a malignant teratoma of the neck.
  18. Sami W, Alabdulwahhab KM, Ab Hamid MR, Alasbali TA, Alwadani FA, Ahmad MS
    PMID: 32019083 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17030858
    Dietary management is considered as a major step in assessing a patient's knowledge related to nutritional aspects, treatment, and complications of diabetes. Diabetes patients frequently face difficulty in identifying the recommended diet, including its quality and quantity. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), sedentary lifestyle, along with food choices and portion sizes, have increased considerably and this has resulted in the soaring risk of diabetes. In addition, there is paucity of literature focusing on the Dietary Knowledge (DK) of type 2 diabetics in KSA. The study aimed to assess and evaluate the DK of type 2 diabetics. An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among 350 type 2 diabetics using a valid and reliable self-prepared questionnaire comprising of 21 questions. Results showed that type 2 diabetics had an overall poor DK (28.57%). Sub-group analysis further revealed that diabetes patients had poor knowledge related to the consumption of carbohydrates and food choices, whereas they had good knowledge related to lipids and fats, proteins and food types. The role of diet in controlling of diabetes is considered imperative, but still, diabetes patients are unaware how they should approach this issue. The patient empowerment approach can be used to counsel patients with a poor DK. Primary care physicians and dietitians should work together and carry out individualized, tailored and patient-centered dietary education sessions.
  19. Ibrahim MH, Kasim S, Ahmed OH, Mohd Rakib MR, Hasbullah NA, Islam Shajib MT
    Sci Rep, 2024 Feb 12;14(1):3534.
    PMID: 38347036 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-52758-1
    Greenhouse gases can cause acid rain, which in turn degrades soil chemical properties. This research was conducted to determine the effects of simulated acid rain (SAR) on the chemical properties of Nyalau series (Typic paleudults). A 45-day laboratory leaching and incubation study (control conditions) was conducted following standard procedures include preparing simulated acid rain with specific pH levels, followed by experimental design/plan and systematically analyzing both soil and leachate for chemical changes over the 45-day period. Six treatments five of which were SAR (pH 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5) and one control referred to as natural rainwater (pH 6.0) were evaluated. From the study, the SAR had significant effects on the chemical properties of the soil and its leachate. The pH of 3.5 of SAR treatments decreased soil pH, K+, and fertility index. In contrast, the contents of Mg2+, Na+, SO42-, NO3-, and acidity were higher at the lower SAR pH. Furthermore, K+ and Mg2+ in the leachate significantly increased with increasing acidity of the SAR. The changes in Ca2+ and NH4+ between the soil and its leachate were positively correlated (r = 0.84 and 0.86), whereas the changes in NO3- negatively correlated (r = - 0.82). The novelty of these results lies in the discovery of significant alterations in soil chemistry due to simulated acid rain (SAR), particularly impacting soil fertility and nutrient availability, with notable positive and negative correlations among specific ions where prolonged exposure to acid rain could negatively affect the moderately tolerant to acidic and nutrient-poor soils. Acid rain can negatively affect soil fertility and the general soils ecosystem functions. Long-term field studies are required to consolidate the findings of this present study in order to reveal the sustained impact of SAR on tropical forest ecosystems, particularly concerning soil health, plant tolerance, and potential shifts in biodiversity and ecological balance.
  20. Kannan MA, Ab Aziz NA, Ab Rani NS, Abdullah MW, Mohd Rashid MH, Shab MS, et al.
    Heliyon, 2022 Dec;8(12):e12308.
    PMID: 36578419 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e12308
    Since its revelation over 14 centuries ago, the Holy Quran is considered as scriptural divine words of Islam, and it is believed to promote psycho-spiritual therapeutic benefits to its reciter and/or listener. In this context, the listening of rhythmic Quranic verses among Muslims is often viewed as a form of unconventional melodic vocals, with accompanied anecdotal claims of the 'Quranic chills' pleasing effect. However, compared to music, rhythm, and meditation therapy, information on the neural basis of the anecdotal healing effects of the Quran remain largely unexplored. Current studies in this area took the leads from the low-frequency neuronal oscillations (i.e., alpha and theta) as the neural correlates, mainly using electroencephalography (EEG) and/or magnetoencephalography (MEG). In this narrative review, we present and discuss recent work related to these neural correlates and highlight several methodical issues and propose recommendations to progress this emerging transdisciplinary research. Collectively, evidence suggests that listening to rhythmic Quranic verses activates similar brain regions and elicits comparable therapeutic effects reported in music and rhythmic therapy. Notwithstanding, further research are warranted with more concise and standardized study designs to substantiate these findings, and opens avenue for the listening to Quranic verses as an effective complementary psycho-spiritual therapy.
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