Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 298 in total

  1. Suleiman AB
    Med J Malaysia, 1987 Jun;42(2):74-5.
    PMID: 3503192
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  2. Khoo S, Poh BK, Suhaimi SA, Chong KH, Ramirez Varela A
    Front Public Health, 2020;8:536239.
    PMID: 33194945 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.536239
    About three quarters of the Malaysian adult population are physically active. There has been growth in physical activity and health research since 2010, with most studies being observational in design and few included objective measures of physical activity. The Malaysian Ministry of Health has published physical activity guidelines, strategies and action plans aimed at promoting physical activity. Physical activity promotion activities have included national campaigns and programmes which target different populations. Further work that incorporates the WHO Global Action Plans on Physical Activity (GAPPA), as well as a more systemic approach is needed, to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. High-level multi-stakeholder collaboration is required for continuing expansion and strengthening of research capacity, and for bridging the physical activity policy gaps in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  3. Milanti A, Chan DNS, Parut AA, So WKW
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0291229.
    PMID: 37792773 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291229
    BACKGROUND: eHealth has shown many benefits in health promotion and disease prevention. For engaging in and taking advantage of eHealth, eHealth literacy is essential. This systematic review aims to summarise and examine the existing evidence on determinants and outcomes of eHealth literacy in healthy adults.

    METHODS: We searched the relevant peer-reviewed articles published in English in six databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and ProQuest. The inclusion criteria of the review were: 1) studies examining 'eHealth literacy', which refers to the ability to search, select, judge and apply online health information to address or solve health problems and to improve wellbeing; 2) the type of study included observational and experimental studies, mixed method studies or qualitative studies; 3) the participants were healthy adults; 4) the main outcomes were the determinants (i.e. influencing or associated factors) and outcomes (i.e. benefits and disadvantages) of eHealth literacy. Articles were assessed by two reviewers using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool. A conceptual model to map the determinants and outcomes of eHealth literacy in healthy adults into the non-modifiable, individual, social and community networks and structural layers was developed to classify the identified determinants and outcomes.

    RESULTS: Forty-four studies were included in this review, of which 43 studies were cross-sectional and one was qualitative. eHealth literacy determinants included age, sex, literacy factors, socioeconomic factors and language. eHealth literacy outcomes included better general health promotion behavior, COVID-19 preventive behaviors, psychological wellbeing, social support, self-rated health and health service utilisation.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that eHealth literacy has multi-layered determinants and positive outcomes. Different strategies at different policy levels are needed to improve the eHealth literacy levels of healthy adults.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  4. Levin-Zamir D, Sorensen K, Su TT, Sentell T, Rowlands G, Messer M, et al.
    Glob Health Promot, 2021 06;28(2):27-37.
    PMID: 33775167 DOI: 10.1177/1757975921998639
    The current COVID-19 pandemic has exposed missing links between health promotion and national/global health emergency policies. In response, health promotion initiatives were urgently developed and applied around the world. A selection of case studies from five countries, based on the Socio-Ecological Model of Health Promotion, exemplify 'real-world' action and challenges for health promotion intervention, research, and policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interventions range from a focus on individuals/families, organizations, communities and in healthcare, public health, education and media systems, health-promoting settings, and policy. Lessons learned highlight the need for emphasizing equity, trust, systems approach, and sustained action in future health promotion preparedness strategies. Challenges and opportunities are highlighted regarding the need for rapid response, clear communication based on health literacy, and collaboration across countries, disciplines, and health and education systems for meaningful solutions to global health crises.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  5. Donaldson A, Staley K, Cameron M, Dowling S, Randle E, O'Halloran P, et al.
    PMID: 34281130 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137193
    Interagency partnerships and collaborations underpin a settings-based approach to health promotion in all settings, including sport. This study used an online concept mapping approach to explore the challenges that Regional Sports Assemblies (RSAs) in Victoria, Australia experienced when working in partnerships to develop and deliver physical activity programs in a community sport context. Participants from nine RSAs brainstormed 46 unique partnership-related challenges that they then sorted into groups based on similarity of meaning and rated for importance and capacity to manage (6-point scale; 0 = least, 5 = most). A six cluster map (number of statements in cluster, mean cluster importance and capacity ratings)-Co-design for regional areas (4, 4.22, 2.51); Financial resources (3, 4.00, 2.32); Localised delivery challenges (4, 3.72, 2.33); Challenges implementing existing State Sporting Association (SSA) products (9, 3.58, 2.23); Working with clubs (8, 3.43, 2.99); and Partnership engagement (18, 3.23, 2.95)-was considered the most appropriate interpretation of the sorted data. The most important challenge was Lack of volunteer time (4.56). Partnerships to implement health promotion initiatives in sports settings involve multiple challenges, particularly for regional sport organisations working in partnership with community sport clubs with limited human and financial resources, to implement programs developed by national or state-based organisations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  6. Azhar Hilmy SH, Nordin N, Yusof MYPM, Soh TYT, Yusof N
    Nutr J, 2024 Jan 17;23(1):11.
    PMID: 38233923 DOI: 10.1186/s12937-023-00884-3
    Excessive sugar consumption is well documented as a common risk factor for many Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Thus, an adequate intervention description is important to minimise research waste and improve research usability and reproducibility. A systematic review was conducted to identify components in published evidence interventions pertaining to the health promotions on reducing sugar intake among adults. The review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) for quality appraisal. The period for the selected study was from 2000 to 2022, and articles were retrieved from Web of Science (WOS), Medline, Scopus, and PubMed. The target population was adults aged 18 years old and above who underwent intervention to assess the changes in their sugar intake. Data sources and all human epidemiologic studies were included. Out of the 9,333 papers identified, 25 were included. The overall quality of evidence of the studies was considered moderate. Apart from the characteristics of the reviewed studies, components of interventions are including the basis of theoretical or model for the intervention, which majority use Social Cognitive Theory, followed by PRECEDE-PROCEED model, socio-ecological and process-improvement theories and Transtheoretical Model; providers, who are commercial provider, qualified nutritionist, professor of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, doctor, dietitian nutritionist, lifestyle coaches, and junior public health nurses; duration of the intervention and follow-up time, varies from as short as one month to as long as 24 months; material provided either softcopy or hardcopy; tailoring approach, based on the individual goals, the process of change, genotype analysis, beliefs, barriers, and sociocultural norms; delivery mechanism either face-to-face or technology-mediated; and tools to measure the sugar consumption outcome mostly used Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), besides 24-h dietary recalls, and food diaries. There are various components in downstream health promotion to reduce sugar intake among adults that can be adapted according to the local health promotion and intervention context. More well-designed interventions using integration components are encouraged in further studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  7. Anuar N, Suzaili LH, Daud AS, Din AAN, Khairuddin AN, Masah MI
    Br J Sports Med, 2024 Mar 21;58(7):405-406.
    PMID: 38123914 DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107401
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  8. Caron RM, Jamshed SQ, Goodman MS, Kang S
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1204113.
    PMID: 37213627 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1204113
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  9. Syed Shamsuddin SM, Ahmad N, Radi MFM, Ibrahim R
    PLoS One, 2024;19(11):e0311427.
    PMID: 39514466 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0311427
    BACKGROUND: The global mortality caused by non-communicable diseases is on the rise. Health-promoting lifestyles are among the most effective approaches, yet the physical activity domain consistently scores the lowest. Physical activity is linked to individual behaviour and influenced by numerous factors. Illness has been identified as a key factor in behavioural change. Therefore, the primary purpose of this review was to investigate the role of illness perception in the physical activity domain among patients with non-communicable disease.

    METHOD: This systematic review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2020 guidelines. A literature search was conducted across three scientific databases (Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science), targeting original articles published in English between 2014 and 2024. The quality of the eligible articles was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools. The findings were synthesised through content analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 17 studies were included, identifying both the direct and indirect effects of illness perception variables as a whole or in their respective dimensions. The illness perception variable has demonstrated a significant positive and negative relationships with the physical activity domain.

    LIMITATION: The majority of the included studies had a cross-sectional design. Therefore, the evidence quality was relatively low and exhibited a high risk of bias. Furthermore, there was language bias as only English-language publications were selected.

    CONCLUSION: The findings of this review will serve as a guide for healthcare providers in enhancing physical activity adherence among patients with non-communicable diseases through an illness perception approach. This approach can be integrated into clinic consultations and intervention programmes. Future studies are warranted to evaluate the effectiveness of the illness perception approach in promoting physical activity adherence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  10. Wong YJ, Ng KY, Lee SWH
    J Public Health (Oxf), 2023 Aug 28;45(3):e447-e466.
    PMID: 37147919 DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdad051
    BACKGROUND: To ensure the effective delivery of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) care, it is vital to overcome potential challenges in LTBI management. This systematic review aims to identify the barriers and interventions to improve LTBI management using the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model and Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW).

    METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed on five electronic databases from database inception to 3 November 2021. A two-step technique was used in the data synthesis process: (i) the barriers of LTBI management were identified using the COM-B model, followed by (ii) mapping of intervention functions from BCW to address the identified barriers.

    RESULTS: Forty-seven eligible articles were included in this review. The findings highlighted the need for a multifaceted approach in tackling the barriers in LTBI management across the public, provider and system levels. The barriers were summarized into suboptimal knowledge and misperception of LTBI, as well as stigma and psychosocial burden, which could be overcome with a combination of intervention functions, targeting education, environment restructuring, persuasion, modelling, training, incentivization and enablement.

    CONCLUSIONS: The remedial strategies using BCW to facilitate policy reforms in LTBI management could serve as a value-added initiative in the global tuberculosis control and prevention program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion/methods
  11. Suleiman AB, Tee ES
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 1998 Dec;7(3/4):230-7.
    PMID: 24393676
    There are significant differences in the food consumption patterns of countries. In the lower income countries, most of the energy intake is derived from cereals and starchy roots. On the other hand, the intake of these carbohydrate foods is much lower in the economically developed countries and more of the energy is derived from added fats, alcohol, meat, dairy products and sweeteners. The contribution of energy from various food groups has changed markedly over the past three decades. With increasing national wealth there is a general tendency for the consumption of cereal foods to decline, whereas the consumption of added fats, alcohol, meat and dairy products has increased over the years. Similar changes have also been observed for Malaysia. These dietary alterations, as well as other lifestyle changes, have brought about a new nutrition scenario in many developing countries. These countries are now faced with the twin problems of malnutrition, that is, undernutrition among some segments of the population and diet-related chronic diseases in other groups; for example, obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and various cancers. In Malaysia, deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system and neoplasms have been on the rise since the 1960s. The former has been the most important cause of death in the country for more than 15 years, with cancer ranking third for almost 10 years. Epidemiological data collected from different community groups showed increased prevalences of various risk factors amongst Malaysians. In view of the changed nutrition scenario in the country, intervention programmes have been reviewed accordingly. The Healthy Lifestyle (HLS) Programme was launched in 1991 as a comprehensive, long-term approach to combating the emerging diet-related chronic diseases. For six consecutive years one thematic campaign per year was carried out; namely, coronary heart disease (1991), sexually transmitted diseases (1992), food safety (1993), childhood diseases (1994), cancers (1995) and diabetes mellitus (1996). To further strengthen health promotion among the community, another series of activities to be carried out under the second phase of the HLS programme from 1997 to 2002 was launched within the framework of the National Plan of Action on Nutrition (NPAN) for Malaysia. In view of the importance of diet and nutrition in the causation and prevention of chronic diseases, the theme for the first year of this phase was Healthy Eating. It is clear that nutrition education for the community in order to inculcate a culture of healthy eating is the long-term solution. A series of guidelines have been prepared for dissemination to the public via a variety of media and approaches, and with the collaboration of various government and non-governmental organisations. The implementation of the programme is, however, a challenge to health and nutrition workers. There is a need to examine the strategies for nutrition education to ensure more effective dissemination of information. The challenge is to determine how best to promote healthy eating within the present scenerio of rapid urbanisation, 'western' dietary pattern influence, a whole barrage of convenience and 'health' foods, and nutrition misinformation. We would like to share our experiences in the approaches taken and our concerns with other countries in the region given that various opportunities exist for collaboration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  12. Seri AFD, Arendt M
    J Hum Lact, 2025 Feb;41(1):10-15.
    PMID: 39588693 DOI: 10.1177/08903344241297589
    Anwar Fazal has been a driving force in the founding of several civil society organizations in the areas of health, human rights, environment, and peace, that have been at the forefront of activism locally, nationally, and globally. In this interview, he shares his journey of 6 decades, involving a multiverse of public interest issues, which led him into the breastfeeding movement. It began with the setting up of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), a pioneering action that triggered the formation of Health Action International (HAI), Pesticide Action Network (PAN), and the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). Each of these resulted in several unique frameworks and codes relating to the marketing of infant foods, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. They also led to the formation of World Breastfeeding Week, now being celebrated globally. Anwar studied Economics at the University of Malaya and did his postgraduate studies in Education. Anwar has served as a visiting professor at the University of Science Malaysia and the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He is the recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, popularly known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize," for his work on breastfeeding and infant nutrition and other health, environmental, and consumer issues. La Leche League International (LLLI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have honored him with the International Health Award and the Millennium Development Goals Award. He has written extensively on breastfeeding. He is currently Chairperson Emeritus of the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and continues to speak out actively on protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion/history; Health Promotion/methods
  13. Rodzi NARM, Lee LK
    Food Res Int, 2021 12;150(Pt B):110814.
    PMID: 34863504 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110814
    Food fermentation is a food processing technology that utilizes the growth and metabolic activity of microorganisms for the stabilization and transformation of food materials. Notwithstanding, the technology has evolved beyond food preservation into a tool for creating desirable organoleptic, nutritional, and functional attributes in food products. This narrative review outlines a compilation of traditional fermented foods which available in the South East Asia (SEA) regions as a source vehicle for non-dairy probiotics. The nutritional values of traditional fermented foods are well-appreciated, especially in the resource-poor regions. The sensory and organoleptic preferences of traditional fermented foods as means of dietary routine variations were demonstrated. Furthermore, the evidence underlying its potent impacts on public health promotion and disease prevention is outlined. Lastly, the challenges and future prospects for the integration of traditional fermented foods practice are elucidated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  14. Shikha D, Kushwaha P, Gokdemir O, Marzo RR, Bhattacharya S
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1128257.
    PMID: 37056654 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1128257
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  15. Prakash A, Jeyakumar Nathan R, Kini S, Victor V
    PLoS One, 2022;17(7):e0269487.
    PMID: 35802760 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269487
    Vaccine hesitancy and refusal remain a major concern for healthcare professionals and policymakers. Hence, it is necessary to ascertain the underlying factors that promote or hinder the uptake of vaccines. Authorities and policy makers are experimenting with vaccine promotion messages to communities using loss and gain-framed messages. However, the effectiveness of message framing in influencing the intention to be vaccinated is unclear. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), this study analysed the impact of individual attitude towards COVID-19 vaccination, direct and indirect social norms, perceived behavioural control and perceived threat towards South Indian millennials' intention to get vaccinated. The study also assessed the effect of framing vaccine communication messages with gain and loss framing. Data was collected from 228 Millennials from South India during the COVID-19 pandemic from September to October 2021 and analysed using PLS path modelling and Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). The findings reveal that attitudes towards vaccination, perceived threat and indirect social norms positively impact millennials' intention to take up vaccines in both message frames. Further, independent sample t-test between the framing groups indicate that negative (loss framed message) leads to higher vaccination intention compared to positive (gain framed message). A loss-framed message is thus recommended for message framing to promote vaccine uptake among millennials. These findings provide useful information in understanding the impact of message framing on behavioural intentions, especially in the context of vaccine uptake intentions of Millennials in South India.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  16. James PF
    Lancet, 1984 Feb 25;1(8374):453.
    PMID: 6142178
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  17. Kuruvilla S, Hinton R, Boerma T, Bunney R, Casamitjana N, Cortez R, et al.
    BMJ, 2018 Dec 07;363:k4771.
    PMID: 30530519 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.k4771
    Shyama Kuruvilla and colleagues present findings across 12 country case studies of multisectoral collaboration, showing how diverse sectors intentionally shape new ways of collaborating and learning, using “business not as usual” strategies to transform situations and achieve shared goals
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion/methods*; Health Promotion/organization & administration
  18. Chee Khoon Chan
    Glob Health Promot, 2009 Dec;16(4):54-7.
    PMID: 20028669 DOI: 10.1177/1757975909348131
    In parallel with the neo-liberal retrenchment of the welfarist state, an increasing emphasis on the responsibility of individuals in managing their own affairs and their well-being has been evident. In the health arena for instance, this was a major theme permeating the UK government's White Paper Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier (2004), which appealed to an ethos of autonomy and self-actualization through activity and consumption which merited esteem. As a counterpoint to this growing trend of informed responsibilization, constrained choices (constrained agency) provides a useful framework for a judicious balance and sense of proportion between an individual behavioural focus and a focus on societal, systemic, and structural determinants of health and well-being. Constrained choices is also a conceptual bridge between responsibilization and population health which could be further developed within an integrative biosocial perspective one might refer to as the social ecology of health and disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion*
  19. Abidi SS
    J Med Syst, 2001 Jun;25(3):147-65.
    PMID: 11433545
    Worldwide healthcare delivery trends are undergoing a subtle paradigm shift--patient centered services as opposed to provider centered services and wellness maintenance as opposed to illness management. In this paper we present a Tele-Healthcare project TIDE--Tele-Healthcare Information and Diagnostic Environment. TIDE manifests an 'intelligent' healthcare environment that aims to ensure lifelong coverage of person-specific health maintenance decision-support services--i.e., both wellness maintenance and illness management services--ubiquitously available via the Internet/WWW. Taking on an all-encompassing health maintenance role--spanning from wellness to illness issues--the functionality of TIDE involves the generation and delivery of (a) Personalized, Pro-active, Persistent, Perpetual, and Present wellness maintenance services, and (b) remote diagnostic services for managing noncritical illnesses. Technically, TIDE is an amalgamation of diverse computer technologies--Artificial Intelligence, Internet, Multimedia, Databases, and Medical Informatics--to implement a sophisticated healthcare delivery infostructure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion/methods*
  20. Kandiah M, Ramlee R
    World Health Forum, 1995;16(2):167-9.
    PMID: 7794454
    The authors outline the steps being taken in Malaysia aimed at persuading people to avoid the unhealthy lifestyles commonly associated with socioeconomic development and increased affluence, and to adopt health dietary and other habits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion/methods*
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