Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 50 in total

  1. Meftahuddin, T., Nik Rubiah, N.A.R., Salmiah, M.S., Salbiah, N., Venugopalans, B., Anisah, A.B., et al.
    Kajian sero»prevalens dijalankan untuk menentukan prevalens kes Hepatitis A dan ciri-ciri demografinya di Kampung Pangsoon, Kampung Padang dan Kampung Lubuk Kelubi, di Mukim Hulu Langat, pada 15 dan 16 Mac 2003. Sebanyak 1643 sampel telah diperiksa dan didapati 995 kes (60.6%) telah terdeclah tehadap jangkitan Hepatitis A iaitu sebanyak 327 kes di Kampung Pangsoon, 400 kes, Kampung Padang dan 268 kes di Kampung Lubuk Kelubi. Majoriti kes adalah perempuan 545 kes (54 .7%), etnik Melayu 752 kes (75 .6%) , berusia kurang daripada 40 tahun (65%) dengan min umurnya 25 .4 tahun ( SP 1 9) dan tahap pendidikan di peringkat sekolah rendah. Kes di kalangan Orang Asli pula sebanyak 231 kes (23 .2%) . Lebih kurartg 40.3% kes telah bekerja, dengan pendapatan kurang daripada RM1000 sebulan. Majoriti kes mempunyai tandas sempurna 92Z( 95.4% ), sistem air limbah 846( 91 .2%), bekalan air seharrtat 930(96.4%) dan sistem lubang sampah 426( 44.6%) . Terdapat perbezaan yang bererti (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A
  2. Hernandez-Suarez G, Saha D, Lodroño K, Boonmahittisut P, Taniwijaya S, Saha A, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0258659.
    PMID: 34851983 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258659
    BACKGROUND: A previous review on hepatitis A virus (HAV) seroprevalence in 2005 categorized Southeast Asia as a low HAV endemicity region. In 2010, the World Health Organization modified this from low to low/medium endemicity, pointing out that these estimates were based on limited evidence. Since then, there has been no attempt to review HAV epidemiology from this region. We conducted a systematic review of literature to collect information on HAV incidence and seroprevalence in select countries in the Southeast Asian region, specifically, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations over the last 20 years.

    METHODOLOGY: This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines. From the relevant articles, we extracted data and conducted a risk of bias assessment of individual studies.

    RESULTS: The search yielded 22 and 13 publications on HAV seroprevalence and incidence, respectively. Overall, our findings point to a very low HAV endemicity profile in Thailand and Singapore and evidence of a shift towards low HAV endemicity in Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Only Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines have existing HAV disease surveillance and reported incidence rates below 1 per 100,000. Several outbreaks with varying magnitude documented in the region provide insights into the evolving epidemiology of HAV in the region. Risk of bias assessment of studies revealed that the individual studies were of low to medium risk.

    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The available HAV endemicity profiles in Southeast Asian countries, aside from Thailand, are limited and outdated, but suggest an endemicity shift in the region that is not fully documented yet. These findings highlight the need to update information on HAV epidemiology through strengthening of disease surveillance mechanisms to confirm the shift in HAV endemicity in the region.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/epidemiology*; Hepatitis A virus*
  3. Shahidah KN
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Jul;60 Suppl B:112-5.
    PMID: 16108190
    Hepatitis A, an acute usually self limiting infection of the liver is one of the most common vaccine-preventable infectious disease in the world. Effective vaccines which provide long term immunity against hepatitis A have been available since 1992. They are of known good quality, well tolerated with no serious adverse events and have been successfully used to protect different populations from infection as well as interrupt outbreak in closed communities. Mathematical models estimate the long term persistence of antiHAV antibodies to be more than 25 years. Vaccination efforts should be supplemented by health education and improved sanitation. Planning for large scale immunization programmes against hepatitis A should take into consideration epidemiological and cost benefit studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/immunology; Hepatitis A/prevention & control*; Hepatitis A Virus, Human/immunology; Hepatitis A Vaccines/adverse effects; Hepatitis A Vaccines/immunology*; Hepatitis A Antibodies
  4. Ahmad F, Hamzah NA, Mustaffa N, Gan SH
    World J Gastroenterol, 2011 Sep 28;17(36):4130-4.
    PMID: 22039329 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i36.4130
    To determine the seroprevalence of anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and to justify the need for hepatitis A vaccination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/blood*; Hepatitis A/immunology*; Hepatitis A/epidemiology; Hepatitis A/prevention & control; Hepatitis A Vaccines; Hepatitis A Antibodies/blood*; Hepatitis A Antibodies/immunology
  5. Amirullah Mohd Arshad, Rohaya A. Rahman, Mohd Jusoh, Fatimah Muda
    In August 2000, the Disease Control Unit of T erengganu noted an increase in the number of serologically confirmed cases of hepatitis A virus (HAH in Kuala Terengganu Hospital. Preliminary investigation revealed that there were an outbreak of hepatitis A in districts of Kuala Terengganu and Marang. Eventually, a total of 334 associated cases were reported among Kuala Terengganu residents and 59 cases among residents of Marang. The age of the patients range j9·om 2 years to 71 years old (median 16 years). Males accounted for ( 69.5% of cases and had a higher sex specyic attack rate (96.35/100,000) than females (42. 70/100,000). The highest attack rate (128.3/100,000} occurred among patients aged 10 — 14 years. The health staff of Kuala Terengganu and Marang District Health Ojice had investigated a total of 229 case. Most cases (62.4%) occurred amongst school children. A case control study was carried out amongst 35 cases that were matched with 71 controls by age group, class and sex, to identyy the potential source of injection. The results indicated that eating fried noodle with shelh‘ish significantly increased the risk of being infected during the outbreak (OR 16.38[4.2l-74.53]).
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A; Hepatitis A virus
  6. Venugopalan B, Nik Rubiah NAR, Meftahuddin T, Ayu M, Prema R, Ruhaini I, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Dec;59(5):670-3.
    PMID: 15889571
    A Hepatitis A outbreak occurred in Mukim Hulu Langat, Hulu Langat district from April 2002 to October 2002. Of the 51 cases notified, most were among students and the ethnic groups involved were Malays and the Orang Asli (local indigenous community). Epidemiological investigations revealed that the cases were localized along rivers used for recreational activities in this area. River water analysis indicated human faecal contamination and it was believed that the contamination was due to the Orang Asli community living upstream. This occurred due to lack of toilet facilities, water at point of use and the existing traditional practices of the Orang Asli community. Control measures instituted were intense health education to the Orang Asli to avoid using the rivers for defecation, multi agency efforts to provide sanitary toilets and adequate water to the villages affected. Future measures include conducting a sero- prevalence survey to determine the feasibility of Hepatitis A immunization to the susceptible population in this area. The outbreak that began in April 2002 was controlled by October 2002.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/epidemiology*; Hepatitis A/prevention & control*; Hepatitis A/transmission
  7. Khairullah NS, Merican DI
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2004 Mar;19 Suppl:S13-6.
    PMID: 15156929
    The MLF since its inception in 1996 has endeavored to develop a coordinated approach towards the improved care and treatment of liver diseases in Malaysia. Its close liaison with the Malaysian MOH, local medical associations, and corporate bodies has contributed to the success of its many programs. Educating the public, research, and training have been important elements of successful hepatitis disease control programs. Hepatitis Days have been proven to be very successful in raising the awareness of the general public to hepatitis disease. Rapid screening and vaccination has also helped to remove the social stigma associated with the disease, eliminated the need for numerous clinic appointments, and rendered vaccination more accessible to the public. The MLF perspective emphasizes the need for collaborative effort between Government bodies and other agencies, such as non-governmental organizations, laboratories, and the medical fraternity, to ensure the overall success of hepatitis disease management programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/diagnosis; Hepatitis A/epidemiology*; Hepatitis A/prevention & control*
  8. Yap KL, Lam SK
    J Virol Methods, 1994 Apr;47(1-2):217-26.
    PMID: 8051228
    A simple, rapid and objective infectivity assay based on an in situ enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was developed for the fast-growing and cytopathic cell culture-adapted hepatitis A virus (HAV) strain HM175A.2. Infectivity titration by EIA correlated well with titration by cytopathic effects. The reliability of this assay was demonstrated by close agreement in virus infectivity titers among different assays of the same virus aliquot and between assays of different virus aliquots. HAV infected cell cultures after fixation could be stored for up to 1 week before testing without decline in virus titer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/microbiology*; Hepatitis A/pathology; Hepatitis A Antigens
  9. Sulaiman W, Gunavathy M, Othman M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2007 Jan;14(1):65-6.
    PMID: 22593655 MyJurnal
    Hepatitis complicating typhoid fever has been previously reported widely. Occurrence of acute renal failure and hepatitis together is exremenly rare. A case report of complicated acute renal failure and hepatitis in a tyhoid patient is reported and discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A
  10. Wan Norhana, M. N., Masazurah A. R.
    Hepatitis A is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Outbreaks of hepatitis A have been linked to the consumption of both raw and cooked shellfish. These outbreaks could induce a public confidence problem over shellfish safety and may result in important economic losses for the seafood industry. The work presented in this study investigated the presence of HAV in shellfish from Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 365 of cultured and wild shellfish from 36 sampling locations located throughout Peninsular Malaysia were examined using a commercial nucleic acid extraction and reverse transcription -polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit. HAV was not detected in almost all of the shellfish samples xamined. Only one cockle sample from Changkat, Seberang Perai was positive for HAV. The results suggest the absence of HAV or very low amount of HAV viral particles in most of the shellfish examined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A; Hepatitis A virus
  11. Bosworth RJ, Borschmann R, Altice FL, Kinner SA, Dolan K, Farrell M
    Int J Prison Health, 2022 Jan 25;18(1):66-82.
    PMID: 35401772 DOI: 10.1108/IJPH-02-2021-0018
    PURPOSE: People in prison are at a higher risk of preventable mortality from infectious disease such as HIV/AIDS, HBV, HCV and TB than those in the community. The extent of infectious disease-related mortality within the prison setting remains unclear. Our aim was to collate available information on infectious disease-related mortality, including the number of deaths and calculate the person-time death rate.

    DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: We searched databases between 1 Jan 2000 and 18 Nov 2020 for studies reporting HIV, HBV, HCV, TB and/or HIV/TB-related deaths among people in prison.

    FINDINGS: We identified 78 publications drawn from seven UNAIDS regions encompassing 33 countries and reporting on 6,568 deaths in prison over a 20-year period. HIV/AIDS (n=3,305) was associated with the highest number of deaths, followed by TB (n=2,892), HCV (n=189), HIV/TB (n=173), and HBV (n=9). Due to the limitations of the available published data, it was not possible to meta-analyse or in any other way synthesise the available evidence.

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: To our best knowledge, this is the first scoping review focused on deaths due to these infections among people in prison internationally. The gaps identified form recommendations to improve the future collection and reporting of prison mortality data.

    RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS: To inform targeted efforts to reduce mortality, there is a need for more, better quality data to understand infectious disease-related mortality in custodial settings. Increased investment in the prevention and management of infectious diseases in custodial settings, and in documenting infectious disease-related deaths in prison, is warranted and will yield public health benefits.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A*
  12. MyJurnal
    This study evaluates the sanitary and physico-chemical quality of Sg. Jarum Mas shellfish waters in order to establish its suitability as a model farm. Seawater and shellfish from nine stations (4 shellfish harvesting waters, 4 surrounding waters and 1 control site) were collected and analyzed monthly from September 2004 - September 2005. The results show that shellfish harvesting waters in Sg. Jarum Mas can be classified as ‘approved’ and ‘conditionally approved’. Hepatitis A virus was not detected in any of the shellfish examined. Dinophysis caudata and Pseuodonitzshia spp. were the most common harmful alga species observed. Harmful species that are known to produce toxins and cause shellfish poisoning such as Alexandrium spp., Gymnodinum spp., Pyrodinium sp. and Prorocentrum spp. were not detected. The physico-chemical characteristics of shellfish waters in Sg. Jarum Mas imply that they are suitable for aquaculture activity of moderately tolerant species such as shellfish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A virus
  13. Jasmine YS, Lee SL, Kan FK
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):62-64.
    PMID: 28255145
    Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a potentially fatal disorder resulting from uncontrolled hyperinflammatory response. There had been increase in cases of one of the secondary form of HLH, i.e., infectionassociated haemophagocytic syndrome (IAHS) in severe dengue in recent years. However, the condition remains under diagnosed due to lack of awareness compounded by the lack of validated diagnostic criteria. Severe hepatitis with prolonged cytopenias, severe hyperferritinemia, hypofibrinogenemia and persistent fever were evident in all four cases reported. All the subjects survived with supportive care and adjuvant steroid therapy. Prospective controlled studies are needed to develop diagnostic criteria and management protocol for IAHS in severe dengue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A
  14. Ton SH, Thiruselvam A, Lopez CG, Noriah R
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Dec;38(4):279-81.
    PMID: 6100990
    110 normal, healthy adults were tested for antibody to hepatitis A (anti-HA) type IgG and 86 (78.2%) were found to be positive. An age-specific prevalence wasfound to be lowest in the lower agegroup and highest in the higher age-group. Out of 24 IgG positive individuals, only one was found to have type IgM. No significant difference in the incidence ofanti-HA type IgG was found between 42 patients in the Urology Unit, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur and normal individuals (P > 0.1). 15 patients diagnosed as viral hepatitis were investigated for HA V IgG and IgM antibodies. 13 (86.7%) were positive for type IgG. Of this, only five (33%) were positive for the type IgM, suggesting that HA V is the cause of acute viral hepatitis in 33% of cases admitted to hospital as viral hepatitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/epidemiology*; Hepatitis Antibodies/analysis*; Hepatitis A Antibodies
  15. Chin M, Chin F
    Med J Malaysia, 1973 Mar;27(3):195-7.
    PMID: 4268923
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/complications; Hepatitis A/drug therapy
  16. Kunasol P, Cooksley G, Chan VF, Isahak I, John J, Loleka S, et al.
    PMID: 9886108
    The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in a country largely reflects its standards of hygiene and socioeconomic conditions. Countries which undergo socioeconomic development show major change in HAV prevalence from high to low endemicity, and this is largely reflected in patterns of age-related seroprevalence. This paper presents age-related HAV seroprevalence patterns of SE Asian countries, and highlights how these patterns have changed over recent decades. Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia have experienced a decline in childhood and adolescent HAV seroprevalence, typical of countries which undergo socioeconomic development. By contrast, India has remained a country of high endemicity, with almost universal seroconversion in childhood. The Philippines and Vietnam show age-related seroprevalence patterns typical of high to moderate endemicity, while Indonesia shows significant regional variation in HAV seroprevalence. Populations within countries which exhibit major improvements in endemicity and age related HAV seroprevalence patterns are at risk of HAV epidemics, and a paradoxical increase in incidence tends to occur as seroconversion shifts from children to adults. The residents of these countries, a significant number of whom are at-risk, would benefit from a program of vaccination, as would non-infected individuals visiting high-risk areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/blood; Hepatitis A/epidemiology*
  17. Tan DS, Fang R, Collett D, Ooi BG
    PMID: 3538434
    Sera from 494 non-icteric patients admitted with illnesses other than overt hepatitis into the various hospitals in rural and urban Malaysia were tested for IgG antibody to hepatitis A virus. The overall antibody prevalence rate was 67.0% with rates increasing steadily from childhood 10 years old and under (39.4%) to middle-age and above (96.0%). No significant differences were noted between males (68.4%) and females (65.3%). The highest rate was in the Indians (80.6%), the lowest in the Chinese (55.9%) with Malays occupying intermediate position (70.3%). The rate in the rural patients (74.7%) was higher than that in the urban patients (65.5%) especially in the 21 to 40 year age-group where the rural patients had a rate of 96.7% compared with that in urban patients (61.1%). A comparison of antibody prevalence rates in different countries was made.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/epidemiology*; Hepatitis Antibodies/analysis*; Hepatitis A Antibodies
  18. Yasmin AM
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Jun;52(2):188-92; quiz 193.
    PMID: 10968083
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/complications; Hepatitis A/prevention & control
  19. Le Bras J, Larouze B, Geniteau M, Andrieu B, Dazza MC, Rodhain F
    Lab. Anim., 1984 Jan;18(1):61-4.
    PMID: 10628790
    Naturally occurring malaria, arbovirus infection and hepatitis in monkeys can be a hazard for the investigator and might interfere with the outcome of experiments. 63 young adult Macaca fascicularis from Malaysia were screened for these infections. About 1 year after their arrival in France, parasitaemia due to Plasmodium spp., was present in 6.4% of the animals and specific antibodies in 55.5%. 19 of 35 initially positive monkeys were tested again 2 years later. Parasitaemia was found in 1 of 4 monkeys and antibodies in 11 of 19 monkeys which were initially positive. 9 of the monkeys initially tested had low titres of antibodies to the Flavivirus genus. All animals were negative for the hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-HBc. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against hepatitis A was 46.0%. The implications in terms of control are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/epidemiology; Hepatitis A/veterinary*
  20. Jikal M, Mori D, Yusoff AF, Rai SB, Mukhsam MH, Ali I, et al.
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2021 07 12;105(3):777-782.
    PMID: 34255740 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0036
    Foodborne outbreaks of hepatitis A virus (HAV) are most commonly associated with fresh and frozen produce and with various types of shellfish. Alcoholic beverage-borne outbreaks of hepatitis A are extremely rare. Here, we report an outbreak of hepatitis A associated with the consumption of a traditional wine at a funeral ceremony in the Sabah state of Malaysian Borneo. Confirmed cases were determined by serum anti-HAV immunoglobulin M and/or for fecal HAV by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The amplicons of RT-PCR were subjected to nucleotide sequencing followed by phylogenetic analysis. We conducted a 1:2 case-control study to identify the possible exposure that led to the outbreak. Sixteen patients met the case definition, they were 18 to 58 years old and 90% of them were males. The case-control study showed that the consumption of nipa palm wine during the ceremony was significantly associated (P = 0.0017) with hepatitis A infection (odds ratio, 5.44; 95% CI, 1.80-16.43). Untreated river water was used to dilute the traditional wine, which was assumed to be the source of the infection. Phylogenetically, these viruses belonged to genotype IA and formed an independent cluster with strains from Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines. This strain might be an emerging HAV in Asian countries. Environmental assessments were performed and environmental samples were negative for HAV. The incidence of hepatitis A in Sabah was also determined and it was 0.795/100,000 population. Strict monitoring of traditional wine production should be implemented by the local authority to prevent future outbreaks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hepatitis A/etiology; Hepatitis A/epidemiology*
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