Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 23 in total

  1. Zhang, Q., Ismail, N., Cheng, L.H.
    Chicken breast muscle powder (CBMP) was treated as a function of heating temperature, heating time and amount of alkali added. The pre-treated CBMP was then blended with modified waxy corn starch (MWCS) and characterized by flow analysis and temperature sweep. Flow analysis revealed that the blend behaved as a shear thickening and time dependent fluid with a yield stress. Statistical analysis showed that only linear and quadratic effects of heating temperature and heating time caused significant effects on flow behaviour index, consistency index and yield stress (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  2. Khadijah, O., Lee, K.K., Abdullah, M.F.F.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(2):103-112.
    Two sequential statistical experimental designs were used to screen and investigate the dependence of the amount of biodegradation of Procion Red MX-8B (PR-MX8B) on the fermentation variables. Fourteen factors were screened using the Plackett-Burman design. Among these factors, the most significant variables which included yeast extract, corn steep solids and starch influencing PR-MX8B decolourisation were statistically elucidated for optimization. The optimum concentrations of 5.00 g/l yeast extract, 2.99 g/l starch and 1.89 g/l corn steep solids were predicted by applying the Box-Behnken design to the second order polynomial model fitted to the results obtained. The best predicted optimal conditions verified experimentally yielded 72.11% while the predicted value from the polynomial model was 79.17%. The experimental values were in good agreement with the predicted values with a 90.81% degree of accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  3. Anis Jauharah M, Wan Rosli W, Daniel Robert S
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:45-52.
    Various types of natural fibre-rich ingredients are added into bakery-based products to improve their fibre content for health promotional purposes. However, most of these products are frequently added with imported dietary fibre ingredients. The aim of this study was to develop bakery products incorporated with young corn powder (YCP) and to evaluate the effects on physicochemical properties and sensory acceptabilities. Dried young corn was used to substitute wheat flour in biscuit and muffin formulations at different levels (0, 10, 20 and 30%). The effects of YCP incorporation on proximate compositions, physical characteristics, texture profile and sensory evaluation of both bakery products were investigated. The present results showed that YCP had significantly increased protein and total dietary fibre contents of both biscuit and muffin. Hardness attribute of both products increased in line with the level of YCP addition. Interestingly, biscuit and muffin containing 10% YCP received better score than the control and other formulations for most of the sensorial attributes judged. In conclusion, YCP can be potentially be used as an alternative functional ingredient for partial replacement of wheat flour in formulating biscuit and muffin because of its ability to improve the nutritional quality without jeopardizing sensorial palatability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  4. Jalil M, Annuar MS, Tan BC, Khalid N
    PMID: 25767555 DOI: 10.1155/2015/757514
    Zingiber zerumbet Smith is an important herb that contains bioactive phytomedicinal compound, zerumbone. To enhance cell growth and production of this useful compound, we investigated the growth conditions of cell suspension culture. Embryogenic callus generated from shoot bud was used to initiate cell suspension culture. The highest specific growth rate of cells was recorded when it was cultured in liquid Murashige and Skoog basal medium containing 3% sucrose with pH 5.7 and incubated under continuous shaking condition of 70 rpm for 16 h light and 8 h dark cycle at 24°C. Our results also revealed that the type of carbohydrate substrate, light regime, agitation speed, and incubation temperature could affect the production of zerumbone. Although the zerumbone produced in this study was not abundant compared to rhizome of Z. zerumbet, the possibility of producing zerumbone during early stage could serve as a model for subsequent improvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  5. Rohman A, Che Man YB
    Food Chem, 2011 Nov 15;129(2):583-588.
    PMID: 30634271 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.04.070
    Currently, the authentication of virgin coconut oil (VCO) has become very important due to the possible adulteration of VCO with cheaper plant oils such as corn (CO) and sunflower (SFO) oils. Methods involving Fourier transform mid infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics techniques (partial least square (PLS) and discriminant analysis (DA)) were developed for quantification and classification of CO and SFO in VCO. MIR spectra of oil samples were recorded at frequency regions of 4000-650cm-1 on horizontal attenuated total reflectance (HATR) attachment of FTIR. DA can successfully classify VCO and that adulterated with CO and SFO using 10 principal components. Furthermore, PLS model correlates the actual and FTIR estimated values of oil adulterants (CO and SFO) with coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.999.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  6. Arokiaraj P, Yeet Yeang H, Fong Cheong K, Hamzah S, Jones H, Coomber S, et al.
    Plant Cell Rep, 1998 May;17(8):621-625.
    PMID: 30736515 DOI: 10.1007/s002990050454
    Hevea brasiliensis anther calli were genetically transformed using Agrobacterium GV2260 (p35SGUSINT) that harboured the β-glucuronidase (gus) and neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) genes. β-Glucuronidase protein (GUS) was expressed in the leaves of kanamycin-resistant plants that were regnerated, and the presence of the gene was confirmed by Southern analysis. GUS was also observed to be expressed in the latex and more importantly in the serum fraction. Transverse sections of the leaf petiole from a transformed plant revealed GUS expression to be especially enhanced in the phloem and laticifers. GUS expression was subsequently detected in every one of 194 plants representing three successive vegetative cycles propagated from the original transformant. Transgenic Hevea could thus facilitate the continual production of foreign proteins expressed in the latex.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  7. Sabapathy S, Nair H
    Plant Cell Rep, 1995 May;14(8):520-4.
    PMID: 24185524 DOI: 10.1007/BF00232787
    Regeneration of plantlets from shoot apex-derived callus and "calloid" cultures of a local taro [Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum cv. Keladi Birah] cultivar, was expedited by treatment with high levels of spermine. The total time taken, from culture of primary shoot apices on modified Linsmaier and Skoog medium supplemented with trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and kinetin, to complete plantlet regeneration, was reduced by 2-16 weeks, when the callus and "calloid" cultures were treated with 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM spermine. Furthermore, the number of plantlets produced per gram callus increased from 25 to 55. On media supplemented with arginine and ornithine, no callus was initiated from expiants and no plantlets differentiated from pre-established callus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  8. Wan Rosli, W.I., Chow, Y.N.
    Malays J Nutr, 2014;20(1):93-99.
    Introduction: Scientific evidence indicates that higher dietary fibre consumption protects against various chronic diseases and leads to recovery enhancement. Young corn ear is very rich in total dietary fibre (TDF). The study objective was to evaluate the effects of young corn ear addition on the nutritional composition, textural properties and sensory attributes of conventional cake. Methods: Wheat flour used in the preparation of conventional cake was substituted with different percentages (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) of young corn ear powder (YCP). Moisture, total ash, fat, protein and TDF content of conventional cake samples were investigated. Textural properties including firmness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness were examined. The aroma, colour, chewiness, tenderness, flavour and overall acceptance of conventional cake were evaluated via sensory evaluation. Results: The conventional cake with addition of 15% YCP recorded the highest moisture content. There was no predictable trend observed in the ash and fat content following the incorporation of YCP. Addition of 15% of YCP increased the protein content significantly while TDF content of conventional cake increased proportionally (1.42%-2.88%) with the level of YCP added. The incorporation of YCP did not produce any trend on all the textural properties of conventional cake. Conventional cake with 10% of YCP was the most preferred manifested by the highest scores in chewiness, tenderness and flavour attributes. Conclusion: In conclusion, 10% of YCP could be recommended as the ideal formulation in order to produce a healthier conventional cake without jeopardising acceptability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  9. Al-Araji, L., Rahman, R.N.Z.A., Basri, M., Salleh, A.B.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(1):45-56.
    The growth and production of biosurfactant by P. seudomonas aeruginosa (181) was dependant on nutritional factors. Among the eleven carbon sources tested, glucose supported the maximum growth (0.25 g/L) with the highest biosurfactant yield and this was followed by glycerol. Glucose reduced the surface tension to 35.3 dyne/cm and gave an E24 reading of 62.7%. Butanol gave the lowest growth and had no biosurfactant production. For the nitrogen sources tested, casamino acid supported a growth of 0.21 g/L which reduced the surface tension to 41.1 dyne/cm and gave an E24 reading of 56%. Soytone was assimilated similarly, with good growth and high biosurfactant production. Corn steep liquor gave the lowest growth and did not show any biosurfactant activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  10. MyJurnal
    Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are increased remarkably from year to year and the estimated global area cultivated with genetically modified (GM) crops reached 125 million hectares in year 2008. However, insect resistance maize based on Bacillus thuringienses (Bt) is of the most cultivated GM crop in worldwide. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is an aerobic, gram-positive bacterium that synthesize one or more Cry protein that are toxic to various types crop and forestry insects pests. To date, several cry genes have been introduced into GM plant to combat with various type of insect. Worldwide commercialization of GM crops has raised the customers’ concern about the Biosafety issues, and thus, many countries have implemented the labeling legislations for GM food and their derivatives. In this study, we introduced the quantitative analysis method based on the recombinant plasmid DNA as calibrators that can be used to determine the percentage of GMO content in various types of food and feed samples. Therefore, we have reported 7.5% (6/80) of the samples were contained StarLink maize and 1.25% (1/80) samples were contained Bt176 maize. Additionally, the percentage of GM content in each positive sample were further determined with the developed quantitative method. The percentage of the StarLink corns that present in the positive samples were varies from 0.09% to 2.53% and Bt176 corn that present in the positive sample was 16.90%. The present study demonstrated that the recombinant plasmid DNA that used in quantitative real-time method as good alternative quantitative analysis of GM content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  11. Karim R, Tan YS, Singh P, Khalid N, Harikrishna JA
    Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2018 Sep;24(5):741-751.
    PMID: 30150851 DOI: 10.1007/s12298-018-0566-8
    The process of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration involve changes in gene expression and have been associated with changes in DNA methylation. Here, we report the expression and DNA methylation patterns of SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK), BABY BOOM (BBM), LEAFY COTYLEDON 2 (LEC2) and WUSCHEL (WUS) in meristematic block of newly emerged shoots from rhizome, embryogenic and non-embryogenic calli, prolonged cell suspension culture, ex vitro leaf, and in vitro leaf of regenerated plants of Boesenbergia rotunda. Among all seven samples, based on qRT-PCR, the highest level of expression of SERK, BBM and LEC2 was in embryogenic callus, while WUS was most highly expressed in meristematic block tissue followed by embryogenic callus. Relatively lower expression was observed in cell suspension culture and watery callus for SERK, LEC2 and WUS and in in vitro leaf for BBM. For gene specific methylation determined by bisulfite sequencing data, embryogenic callus samples had the lowest levels of DNA methylation at CG, CHG and CHH contexts of SERK, LEC2 and WUS. We observed negative correlation between DNA methylation at the CG and CHG contexts and the expression levels of SERK, BBM, LEC2 and WUS. Based on our results, we suggest that relatively higher expression and lower level of DNA methylation of SERK, BBM, LEC2 and WUS are associated with somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in B. rotunda.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  12. Wan Rosli W. I., Chow Y
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1503-1508.
    Sufficient intakes of functional foods containing significant amount of dietary fibre in daily diet are beneficial to human health especially in preventing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In this study, young corn powder (YCP) was added into Malaysian star cake (Baulu Cermai) to replace wheat flour (WF) partially at the formulations of 5, 10 and 15%. Baulu Cermai with 100% WF and 0% YCP was used as the control. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of YCP addition on the nutritional composition, textural properties and sensory attributes of Baulu Cermai. The results showed that the mean values of moisture, ash, fat and protein content of Baulu Cermai increased in line with the levels of YCP incorporation. In addition, the total dietary fibre (TDF) content was increased proportionally with the increasing levels of YCP added into Baulu Cermai. Addition of YCP did not show any predictable trend in all the textural properties of Baulu Cermai. Meanwhile, the aroma, chewiness and tenderness increased in parallel with the increasing percentages of YCP added in the formulated products. Baulu Cermai added with 10% of YCP showed the highest score of overall acceptance. Addition of YCP at 10% into Baulu Cermai increases moisture, ash, fat, protein and total dietary fibre content without significantly affecting the textural properties and the sensory attributes of Baulu Cermai. Addition of YCP at 5% to replace WF partially in Baulu Cermai resulted in slight improvement of TDF and fat but does not affected moisture, ash, protein content and acceptability of the consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  13. Lim, J.Y., Wan Rosli, W.l.
    Consumption of dietary fibre-rich food has been associated with various beneficial physiological properties and health effects. Presently, different types of natural fibre-rich ingredients are added into variety of bakery-based products to improve it fibre content for health promotional purposes. However, majority of these products are frequently added with imported dietary fibre ingredients. In the present study, bread samples were prepared with Zea mays ear (young corn) powder at the levels of either 2%, 4% or 6%. The bread samples were analyzed for nutritional composition, textural properties and sensory acceptance. Addition of young corn powder (YCP) at the level of 6% increases total dietary fibre (from 3.48% to 5.26%), moisture (from 25.64% to 26.55%), fat (from 4.35% to 4.61%) and protein content (from 9.13% to 9.51%) significantly. However, with the increasing of YCP levels in the bread, the carbohydrate content was decreased significantly (from 59.93% to 58.34%) while the ash content (from 0.95% to 0.99%) was not significantly affected. Results of texture profile analysis indicated that addition of YCP up to 6% not significantly affected the springiness (1.01-1.00) but significantly decreased cohesiveness (0.95-0.82). However, the addition of YCP up to 6% has increased hardness (0.18kg-0.57kg), gumminess (0.17kg-0.47kg) and chewiness (0.18kg-0.47kg) attributes of bread samples. On the other result, the sensory evaluation shows that the flavour score was not significantly affected by addition of YCP up to 4% (4.82-4.52) while the tenderness (4.53-4.42), elasticity (4.75-4.58), aroma (4.40-4.47), colour (4.93-4.55) and overall acceptance (4.80-4.35) scores were not significant affected up to 6%. In summary, breads with 4% addition of YCP were considered to be acceptable and potentially used in improving nutritional composition without changing sensory score.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  14. Doni F, Isahak A, Che Mohd Zain CR, Mohd Ariffin S, Wan Mohamad WN, Wan Yusoff WM
    Springerplus, 2014;3:532.
    PMID: 25279323 DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-532
    BACKGROUND: Trichoderma sp. SL2 has been previously reported to enhance rice germination, vigour, growth and physiological characteristics. The use of Potato Dextrose Agar as carrier of Trichoderma sp. SL2 inoculant is not practical for field application due to its short shelf life and high cost. This study focuses on the use of corn and sugarcane bagasse as potential carriers for Trichoderma sp. SL2 inoculants.

    FINDINGS: A completely randomized design was applied for this study. Trichoderma sp. SL2 suspension mixed with corn and sugarcane bagasse were used as treatment mixture in soil. Growth parameters including rice seedling height, root length, wet weight, leaf number and biomass were measured and compared to control. The results showed that Trichoderma sp. SL2 mixed with corn significantly enhanced rice seedlings root length, wet weight and biomass compared to Trichoderma sp. SL2 mixed with sugarcane bagasse and control.

    CONCLUSION: Corn can be a potential carrier for Trichoderma spp. inoculants for field application.

    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  15. Azad MA, Rabbani MG, Amin L, Sidik NM
    Int J Genomics, 2013;2013:235487.
    PMID: 24066284 DOI: 10.1155/2013/235487
    Transgenic papaya plants were regenerated from hypocotyls and immature zygotic embryo after cocultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA-4404 carrying a binary plasmid vector system containing neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene as the selectable marker and β-glucuronidase (GUS) as the reporter gene. The explants were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens on regeneration medium containing 500 mg/L carbenicillin + 200 mg/L cefotaxime for one week. The cocultivated explants were transferred into the final selection medium containing 500 mg/L carbenicillin + 200 mg/L cefotaxime + 50 mg/L kanamycin for callus induction as well as plant regeneration. The callus derived from the hypocotyls of Carica papaya cv. Shahi showed the highest positive GUS activities compared to Carica papaya cv. Ranchi. The transformed callus grew vigorously and formed embryos followed by transgenic plantlets successfully. The result of this study showed that the hypocotyls of C. papaya cv. Shahi and C. papaya cv. Ranchi are better explants for genetic transformation compared to immature embryos. The transformed C. papaya cv. Shahi also showed the maximum number of plant regeneration compared to that of C. papaya cv. Ranchi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  16. Nurjasmine Aida Jamani, Noor Azimah Muhammad, Aida Jaffar, Saharuddin Ahmad, Noorlaili Tohit
    Foot problems are very common in diabetic patients but may go unnoticed by the patients and
    undiagnosed by the healthcare providers leading to substantial morbidity and amputations. The aims of this study were to assess patient’s foot care practices, awareness on their foot condition as well as to determine the prevalence of diabetic foot problem and its associated factors. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted among diabetic patients in a primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur. Patients with diabetes, aged more than 18 years were selected using systematic random sampling technique. Patients were requested to answer a set of self-administered pre-tested questionnaire that obtain information on their socio-demographic profiles, diabetic clinical data, awareness on their feet condition and foot care practice. A trained clinician examined patients’ feet using a standard foot examination protocol. Results: A total of 166 patients with diabetes participated in this study. Nearly half of the patients (70, 42.2%) had diabetic foot problem but only 31 (18.7%) of them were aware of their foot condition. The three common problem were trophic changes of the skin (92.8%), followed with hair loss (71.1%) and callosity (65.7%). The independent associated factors for foot problem were increasing age (AOR=1.05, 95% CI 1.015-1.095; p
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  17. Elsedig, E.A.A., Mohd, M.I., Fatimah, M.A
    Malaysian poultry policy aims to provide remunerative prices for producers and to guarantee a steady supply of poultry products at stable and affordable prices to consumers. Broiler meat is the most important and the cheapest protein source in Malaysia and trade protection could stimulate the local industry and enhance food security. The study attempts to evaluate the competitiveness and comparative advantage of three different scales of broiler production in Johor using policy analysis matrix (PAM). The existing protection and the level of comparative advantage are ascertained through PAM indicators. The results show that Malaysia has strong competitiveness position in every scale of broiler production especially the largest scale. But, the protection through import curtailment resulted in higher domestic prices than the world price. To increase competitiveness, the broiler industry should reduce the dependence on expensive and unstable cost of corn based feed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  18. Sharif Hossain ABM, Uddin MM, Fawzi M, Veettil VN
    Data Brief, 2018 Apr;17:1245-1252.
    PMID: 29845096 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.02.053
    The nano-cellulose derived nano-biofilm keeps a magnificent role in medical, biomedical, bioengineering and pharmaceutical industries. Plant biomaterial is naturally organic and biodegradable. This study has been highlighted as one of the strategy introducing biomass based nano-bioplastic (nanobiofilm) to solve dependency on petroleum and environment pollution because of non-degradable plastic. The data study was carried out to investigate the nano-biopolymer (nanocellulose) based nano-biofilm data from corn leaf biomass coming after bioprocess technology without chemicals. Corn leaf biomass was used to produce biodegradable nano-bioplastic for medical and biomedical and other industrial uses. Data on water absorption, odor, pH, cellulose content, shape and firmness, color coating and tensile strength test have been exhibited under standardization of ASTM (American standard for testing and materials). Moreover, the chemical elements of nanobiofilm like K+, CO3--, Cl-, Na+ showed standard data using the EN (166).
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  19. Sharif Hossain ABM, Uddin MM, Veettil VN, Fawzi M
    Data Brief, 2018 Apr;17:162-168.
    PMID: 29877503 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.12.046
    The nanocellulose derived biodegradable plant biomaterial as nano-coating can be used in the medical, biomedical cosmetics, and bioengineering products. Bio-plastic and some synthetic derived materials are edible and naturally biodegradable. The study was conducted to investigate edible nano-biopolymer based nano-coating of capsules and drugs or other definite biomedical materials from corn leaf biomass. Corn leaf biomass was used as an innovative sample to produce edible nano-coating bioplastic for drug and capsule coating and other industrial uses. The data show the negligible water 0.01% absorbed by bio-plastic nanocoating. Odor represented by burning test was under the completely standard based on ASTM. Moreover, data on color coating, tensile strength, pH, cellulose content have been shown under standard value of ASTM (American standard for testing and materials) standard. In addition to that data on the chemical element test like K+,




    , Cl-, Na+ exhibited positive data compared to the synthetic plastic in the laboratory using the EN (166)) standardization. Therefore, it can be concluded that both organic (cellulose and starch) based edible nano-coating bioplastic may be used for drug and capsule coating as biomedical and medical components in the pharmaceutical industries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
  20. Tang, Hooi Chia, Sieo, Chin Chin, Ho, Yin Wan, Norhani Abdullah, Chong, Chun Wie
    Poultry feed consists of feed ingredients like soybean meal and corn, which contain high levels of
    phytate that is poorly utilised especially by the monogastric animals that lack of phytase. Hence,
    phytase has been extensively applied as a feed supplement in poultry production due to the
    efficiency of this enzyme in improving phosphorous (P) availability, thus reducing P excretion to
    the environment as well as reducing the feed cost by reducing inorganic P supplementation.
    Mitsuokella jalaludinii, an obligate anaerobe, Gram-negative rumen bacterium, produces high
    phytase activity. Birds supplemented with bacterial preparation of M. jalaludinii showed
    comparable performance to that of commercial phytase. However, the anaerobic nature of this
    bacterium renders difficulty in the use of live cells as feed supplement in commercial poultry
    production. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine a suitable method to preserve
    phytase activity of M. jalaludinii regardless of cells viability. Mitsuokella jalaludinii was grown
    in MF medium under anaerobic condition and the cells were subjected to various treatments to
    preserve the enzyme, including bead beating, compressed air, moist heat, dry heat and freezedrying
    under aerobic condition. The results showed that the total number of viable cells were
    significantly (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Callosities
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