METHODS: A randomised controlled trial will be conducted in first-time breastfeeding mothers and their new-born infants. Pregnant mothers will be recruited at antenatal clinics in Selangor, Malaysia, and four home visits will be carried out at 2, 6, 12 and 14 weeks postnatally. Participants will be randomised into a control and an intervention group in the early post-partum period. Mothers from the intervention group will be asked to listen daily to an audio recording with relaxation therapy during breastfeeding. Maternal psychological state, breastfeeding practices and infant behaviour will be assessed using validated questionnaires. Milk volume will be measured using stable isotopes. Breast milk samples will be collected to measure macronutrient content and hormone levels. Anthropometric measurements (weight, length and head circumference) will be performed during all home visits, including body composition at week 14.
DISCUSSION: The main outcomes will be the effect of the intervention on maternal psychological state, milk production, cortisol levels, and infant behaviour and growth. Secondary outcomes will be associations between breast milk composition and infant appetite and growth. This study aims to provide a greater understanding of maternal-infant factors which influence breastfeeding outcomes and which may be useful targets for future interventions.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: identifier: NCT01971216.
CASE REPORT: A 69-year-old woman presented with fever and lower limb swelling. She had diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and a history of surgical resection of vulvar carcinoma. N. meningitidis was isolated from her blood culture.
DISCUSSION: This report provides additional evidence in support of N. meningitidis as a cause of cellulitis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted at Chemical Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Department of Medicine, Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi Pakistan. Electronic medical records of all in-patients including both genders and all age groups with documented COVID-19 from March to August 2020 were reviewed and recorded on a pre-structured performa. The subjects were divided into two categories severe and non-severe COVID-19; and survivors and non-survivors. Between-group differences were tested using the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney's U-test. The receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted for serum PCT with severity and mortality. A binary logistic regression was used to identify variables independently associated with mortality. The data was analysed using SPSS.
RESULTS: 336 patients were reviewed as declared COVID-19 positive during the study duration, and 136 were included in the final analysis including 101 males and 35 females. A statistically significant difference in PCT was found between severe and non-severe COVID-19 (p value=0.01); and survivors and nonsurvivors (p value<0.0001). PCT, older age and increased duration of hospital stay were revealed as variables independently associated with mortality. On ROC analysis, an AUC of 0.76 for mortality prediction was generated for PCT.
CONCLUSION: Baseline serum PCT concentration is a promising predictor of mortality and severity in COVID-19 cases when considered in combination with clinical details and other laboratory tests.
METHOD: This cross-sectional study assessed the level of general nutrition knowledge in a convenience sample of Australian carers (C) of people with ID and compared this to the general Australian community (CM). Nutrition knowledge was evaluated using the validated General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire. Total knowledge score as well as performance on instrument sub-sections (dietary guidelines, nutrient sources, healthy food choices and diet disease relationships) were assessed (expressed as %). Knowledge scores were adjusted for known confounders (age, sex, education level, BMI, living arrangement and English spoken at home) using generalised linear modelling.
RESULTS: A total of 589 participants were recruited (C: n = 40; CM: n = 549). Age (C: 40.8 ± 12.1 year; CM: 37.8 ± 13.3 years; P = 0.145), sex distribution (C: 62.5%; CM: 67.2% female; P = 0.602) and English spoken at home (C: 82.5%; CM: 89.6%; P = 0.183) were similar between groups, but BMI (C: 28.5 ± 5.7 kgm-2 ; CM: 25.3 kgm-2 ; P = 0.002) was significantly lower and tertiary education (C: 52.5%; CM: 85.1%; P
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three groups of data were analysed from the BDTR over the 10-year period. Epidemiological data, blood parameters and dialysis are key performance indicators.
RESULTS: There are increments in prevalence and incidence of treated ESKD patients in Brunei over 10 years, especially with haemodialysis (HD). The projected prevalence and incidence showed an anticipated annual increase of 42.2 per million population (pmp) and 9.9 pmp respectively. Diabetes mellitus (DM) (79%) was the main cause of ESKD. HD (86%), peritoneal dialysis (PD) (9%) and transplant (5%) were the main modalities of kidney replacement therapy in 2020. Cumulative results over the decade showed significant improvements in serum phosphate, peritonitis rates and HD blood flow rates. PD patients have better survival rates, lower systolic blood pressure and better adequacy. PD survival (patient survival of 91%, 73% and 56% at 1, 3 and 5 years respectively) was superior to HD survival (86% and 64% at 1 and 2 years, respectively), but patient demographics (age and DM status) were different. The 2020 dataset showed satisfactory anaemia management but mineral bone disease management was sub-optimal. Seventy percent of prevalent HD patients had arteriovenous fistula access. Thirty-two percent and fifty-two percent of HD and PD patients, respectively, achieved target dialysis adequacy. Peritonitis rate was 0.3 episodes per patient year.
CONCLUSION: Brunei has a high incidence and prevalence of treated ESKD in the last decade, especially DM-related ESKD. This study has identified many specific areas to be targeted for improvements and provided evidence for further proliferation of PD and transplant preference policy.
METHODS: This was a qualitative phenomenology study conducted on 116 second-year medical students from two Malaysian public universities via teleconferencing applications that allowed synchronous small-group activities. Each group was given a different link to 10 GJ slides that featured plain anatomy diagrams and instructions for the group task. Upon completion of the tasks, the students presented their tasks to the whole class. An online feedback form was distributed at the end of the practical session to explore the experience of the students when using the tool.
RESULTS: Thematic analysis of student responses generated seven themes that reflected perceived learning benefits, challenges faced by the students, and suggestions for future improvement.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that GJ is a useful tool for promoting collaborative learning in virtual anatomy education. Nevertheless, the impact of this tool on the attainment of learning outcomes remains unknown. Hence, more widescale research is needed to confirm our findings.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of histopathological records in a public tertiary health care centre in Malaysia. The computerised laboratory information system from the histopathology department of the hospital was retrieved for the period of 2005-2018. Descriptive analysis was done using Microsoft Excel.
RESULTS: There was a total of 233 histologically confirmed GC cases. The burden of GC was observed to be an increasing trend from 2016 onwards. Among them, 64% were male and 36% were female. The youngest age of diagnosis was 19, while the oldest one was 93. Malaysian Chinese were found to have the highest incidences (41.63%), followed by Malays (32.19%) and Malaysian Indians (23.61%). All cases were of adenocarcinoma cell types and were found to have poorly differentiated in majority at the time of diagnosis.
CONCLUSION: Although this report only represents one tertiary health care centre in Malaysia, the Indian Enigma was still observed, as stated in other literatures. Over time, the incidence of GC in Malays has increased. Consideration of lifestyle modifications, health education and Helicobacter pylori eradication in various nations' National Health Insurance plans, are encouraged as prevention is always better than treatment or cure, including the cost load.