Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 403 in total

  1. Shukri NHM, Wells J, Mukhtar F, Lee MHS, Fewtrell M
    Int Breastfeed J, 2017;12:33.
    PMID: 28725257 DOI: 10.1186/s13006-017-0124-y
    BACKGROUND: The physiological and psychological signalling between mother and infant during lactation is one of the prominent mother-infant factors that may influence breastfeeding outcomes. The infant can 'signal' his needs through vocalisation, and the mother can respond by allowing or restricting nipple access, which might alter the breast milk composition or volume. This may lead to parent-offspring conflict during the lactation period. Challenging infant behaviour has also been associated with maternal psychological distress, which might affect breastfeeding performance. Most attempts to improve breastfeeding rates focus on providing additional support, yet many aspects of the breastfeeding process are poorly understood. Thus, our objective is to investigate mother-infant signalling during breastfeeding by manipulating maternal psychological state using a relaxation therapy intervention. The study will test the hypothesis that mothers who listen to the therapy will be more relaxed/less stressed and this will favourably alter breast milk composition and/or affect milk volume and hence influence infant outcomes.

    METHODS: A randomised controlled trial will be conducted in first-time breastfeeding mothers and their new-born infants. Pregnant mothers will be recruited at antenatal clinics in Selangor, Malaysia, and four home visits will be carried out at 2, 6, 12 and 14 weeks postnatally. Participants will be randomised into a control and an intervention group in the early post-partum period. Mothers from the intervention group will be asked to listen daily to an audio recording with relaxation therapy during breastfeeding. Maternal psychological state, breastfeeding practices and infant behaviour will be assessed using validated questionnaires. Milk volume will be measured using stable isotopes. Breast milk samples will be collected to measure macronutrient content and hormone levels. Anthropometric measurements (weight, length and head circumference) will be performed during all home visits, including body composition at week 14.

    DISCUSSION: The main outcomes will be the effect of the intervention on maternal psychological state, milk production, cortisol levels, and infant behaviour and growth. Secondary outcomes will be associations between breast milk composition and infant appetite and growth. This study aims to provide a greater understanding of maternal-infant factors which influence breastfeeding outcomes and which may be useful targets for future interventions.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01971216.

  2. Lim CH, Benjamin NH, Kan FK
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):55-57.
    PMID: 28255142 MyJurnal
    Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage (UGIH) in severe dengue represents a clinical dilemma in term of management. The recommended treatment in dengue with UGIH involves blood product transfusion support and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) infusion. Despite being the mainstay of treatment in non-dengue UGIH, the role of endoscopic haemostatic intervention in severe dengue remains controversial. In the present report, we present a case of severe dengue complicated with upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage successfully underwent early therapeutic endoscopic intervention in a district hospital.
  3. Kamaru Zaman NH, Mohd Shah NS, Hussein SZ
    Diabetes Mellitus has become one of the major and rising diseases affecting population all around the world. The most common complication that rises from the Diabetes Mellitus is diabetic foot ulcer. The increasing rate in diabetic foot ulcer among elderly has become a challenge that continues to rise and worsen. This study is conducted to determine the knowledge and practice of foot care and also the relationship between socio demographic data with knowledge of foot care among diabetic elderly in UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC). This is a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 81 respondents are being participated in this study. More than half of the study participants are female and majority of them are 60-74 years old. The result showed a significant relationship between gender and marital status with the knowledge of foot care among elderly diabetic patient in UKMMC. The present study showed that there was no significantly relationship between age, occupation, monthly income, duration of diabetes, body image and level of education with the knowledge and the level of foot care. In conclusion, the result of this study will help the health organization, hospital, nurses and care giver to take more responsibilities of foot care for diabetic elderly individuals.
    Study site: Elderly patients from orthopaedicf emale or male ward, surgical ward, medical ward, orthopaedic clinic and medical clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  4. Cheah YK, Azahadi M, Phang SN, Abd Manaf NH
    East Asian Arch Psychiatry, 2018 Sep;28(3):85-94.
    PMID: 30146496
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of suicidal ideation with demographic, lifestyle, and health factors, using data from National Health and Morbidity Survey 2011 (NHMS 2011) of Malaysia.
    METHODS: The NHMS 2011 included 10,141 respondents. Independent variables of suicidal ideation were income, age, household size, sex, ethnicity, education, marital status, smoking, physical activity, and self-rated health. The risk factors of suicidal ideation were determined using logistic regression analysis.
    RESULTS: In the pooled sample, suicidal ideation was associated with age, sex, ethnicity, and self-rated health, but not associated with income, household size, education, physical activity, or smoking.
    CONCLUSION: The likelihood of having suicidal ideation is positively associated with young adults, women, Indians, and those with poor self-rated health.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2011)
  5. Muhd Yusoff NH, Zainol Rashid Z, Sulong A, Shafiee MN, Ismail Z
    Malays J Pathol, 2019 Dec;41(3):351-354.
    PMID: 31901921
    INTRODUCTION: Neisseria meningitidis infections often cause severe meningitis as well as bacteraemia. However, cellulitis in meningococcal diseases have rarely been described. Here, we report a case of right lower limb cellulitis caused by N. meningitidis.

    CASE REPORT: A 69-year-old woman presented with fever and lower limb swelling. She had diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and a history of surgical resection of vulvar carcinoma. N. meningitidis was isolated from her blood culture.

    DISCUSSION: This report provides additional evidence in support of N. meningitidis as a cause of cellulitis.

  6. Ahmed S, Ahmed ZA, Rashid NH, Mansoor M, Siddiqui I, Jafri L
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Dec;43(3):375-380.
    PMID: 34958058
    INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the association of Procalcitonin (PCT) with severity in Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), hospitalised patients and to test the hypothesis that it is an independent predictor of mortality.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted at Chemical Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Department of Medicine, Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi Pakistan. Electronic medical records of all in-patients including both genders and all age groups with documented COVID-19 from March to August 2020 were reviewed and recorded on a pre-structured performa. The subjects were divided into two categories severe and non-severe COVID-19; and survivors and non-survivors. Between-group differences were tested using the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney's U-test. The receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted for serum PCT with severity and mortality. A binary logistic regression was used to identify variables independently associated with mortality. The data was analysed using SPSS.

    RESULTS: 336 patients were reviewed as declared COVID-19 positive during the study duration, and 136 were included in the final analysis including 101 males and 35 females. A statistically significant difference in PCT was found between severe and non-severe COVID-19 (p value=0.01); and survivors and nonsurvivors (p value<0.0001). PCT, older age and increased duration of hospital stay were revealed as variables independently associated with mortality. On ROC analysis, an AUC of 0.76 for mortality prediction was generated for PCT.

    CONCLUSION: Baseline serum PCT concentration is a promising predictor of mortality and severity in COVID-19 cases when considered in combination with clinical details and other laboratory tests.

  7. Abdullah FH, Bakar NHHA, Bakar MA
    J Hazard Mater, 2022 Feb 15;424(Pt B):127416.
    PMID: 34655867 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127416
    Industrial wastewaters contain hazardous contaminants that pollute the environment and cause socioeconomic problems, thus demanding the employment of effective remediation procedures such as photocatalysis. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanomaterials have emerged to be a promising photocatalyst for the removal of pollutants in wastewater owing to their excellent and attractive characteristics. The dynamic tunable features of ZnO allow a wide range of functionalization for enhanced photocatalytic efficiency. The current review summarizes the recent advances in the fabrication, modification, and industrial application of ZnO photocatalyst based on the analysis of the latest studies, including the following aspects: (1) overview on the properties, structures, and features of ZnO, (2) employment of dopants, heterojunction, and immobilization techniques for improved photodegradation performance, (3) applicability of suspended and immobilized photocatalytic systems, (4) application of ZnO hybrids for the removal of various types of hazardous pollutants from different wastewater sources in industries, and (5) potential of bio-inspired ZnO hybrid nanomaterials for photocatalytic applications using renewable and biodegradable resources for greener photocatalytic technologies. In addition, the knowledge gap in this field of work is also highlighted.
  8. Hamzaid NH, Flood VM, Prvan T, O'Connor HT
    J Intellect Disabil Res, 2018 05;62(5):422-430.
    PMID: 29484759 DOI: 10.1111/jir.12480
    BACKGROUND: Good nutrition knowledge among carers of people with intellectual disability (ID) living in group homes is essential as they have a primary role in food provision for residents. Research on the nutrition knowledge of carers is limited.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional study assessed the level of general nutrition knowledge in a convenience sample of Australian carers (C) of people with ID and compared this to the general Australian community (CM). Nutrition knowledge was evaluated using the validated General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire. Total knowledge score as well as performance on instrument sub-sections (dietary guidelines, nutrient sources, healthy food choices and diet disease relationships) were assessed (expressed as %). Knowledge scores were adjusted for known confounders (age, sex, education level, BMI, living arrangement and English spoken at home) using generalised linear modelling.

    RESULTS: A total of 589 participants were recruited (C: n = 40; CM: n = 549). Age (C: 40.8 ± 12.1 year; CM: 37.8 ± 13.3 years; P = 0.145), sex distribution (C: 62.5%; CM: 67.2% female; P = 0.602) and English spoken at home (C: 82.5%; CM: 89.6%; P = 0.183) were similar between groups, but BMI (C: 28.5 ± 5.7 kgm-2 ; CM: 25.3 kgm-2 ; P = 0.002) was significantly lower and tertiary education (C: 52.5%; CM: 85.1%; P 

  9. Adawiyah J, Norasyikin AW, Mat NH, Shamsul AS, Azmi KN
    Heart Asia, 2010;2(1):11-4.
    PMID: 27325934 DOI: 10.1136/ha.2009.001503
    The non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) or the sick euthyroid syndrome refers to abnormal changes in circulating thyroid hormones due to systemic illnesses. Thyroid hormones are pivotal in the regulation of normal cardiac functions. However, the effects of the NTIS on the heart in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are still unclear.
  10. Johan NH, Oo AP, Pisharam JK, Rosalina S, Koh D, Tan J
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Jan;78(1):54-60.
    PMID: 36715192
    INTRODUCTION: The Brunei Dialysis and Transplant Registry (BDTR) recorded data on patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) from 2011 to 2020, mainly for planning of services and benchmarking of standards. We report the trends of epidemiologic and performance parameters, compare performances between modalities of Kidney Replacement Therapy and evaluate the survival of ESKD patients over the 10-year period.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three groups of data were analysed from the BDTR over the 10-year period. Epidemiological data, blood parameters and dialysis are key performance indicators.

    RESULTS: There are increments in prevalence and incidence of treated ESKD patients in Brunei over 10 years, especially with haemodialysis (HD). The projected prevalence and incidence showed an anticipated annual increase of 42.2 per million population (pmp) and 9.9 pmp respectively. Diabetes mellitus (DM) (79%) was the main cause of ESKD. HD (86%), peritoneal dialysis (PD) (9%) and transplant (5%) were the main modalities of kidney replacement therapy in 2020. Cumulative results over the decade showed significant improvements in serum phosphate, peritonitis rates and HD blood flow rates. PD patients have better survival rates, lower systolic blood pressure and better adequacy. PD survival (patient survival of 91%, 73% and 56% at 1, 3 and 5 years respectively) was superior to HD survival (86% and 64% at 1 and 2 years, respectively), but patient demographics (age and DM status) were different. The 2020 dataset showed satisfactory anaemia management but mineral bone disease management was sub-optimal. Seventy percent of prevalent HD patients had arteriovenous fistula access. Thirty-two percent and fifty-two percent of HD and PD patients, respectively, achieved target dialysis adequacy. Peritonitis rate was 0.3 episodes per patient year.

    CONCLUSION: Brunei has a high incidence and prevalence of treated ESKD in the last decade, especially DM-related ESKD. This study has identified many specific areas to be targeted for improvements and provided evidence for further proliferation of PD and transplant preference policy.

  11. Shamsuddin SA, Woon CK, Hadie SNH
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2023 Apr;18(2):234-243.
    PMID: 36817220 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2022.08.007
    OBJECTIVE: The disruption caused by COVID-19 in anatomy education has forced the transition of in-person to online learning. Despite the increasing use of technology-enhanced tools in online classes, anatomy lecturers face significant difficulty in making classes interactive. Hence, this study explored the feasibility of a web-based virtual whiteboard, Google Jamboard (GJ) for two online anatomy practical classes.

    METHODS: This was a qualitative phenomenology study conducted on 116 second-year medical students from two Malaysian public universities via teleconferencing applications that allowed synchronous small-group activities. Each group was given a different link to 10 GJ slides that featured plain anatomy diagrams and instructions for the group task. Upon completion of the tasks, the students presented their tasks to the whole class. An online feedback form was distributed at the end of the practical session to explore the experience of the students when using the tool.

    RESULTS: Thematic analysis of student responses generated seven themes that reflected perceived learning benefits, challenges faced by the students, and suggestions for future improvement.

    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that GJ is a useful tool for promoting collaborative learning in virtual anatomy education. Nevertheless, the impact of this tool on the attainment of learning outcomes remains unknown. Hence, more widescale research is needed to confirm our findings.

  12. Norhaya MR, Cheong SK, Ainoon O, Hamidah NH
    Singapore Med J, 1997 Jul;38(7):283-4.
    PMID: 9339092
    Five patients treated with hydroxyurea for various haematological malignancies developed multiple painful oral ulcers. Their neutrophil counts were either normal or elevated. The ulcers disappeared with cessation of hydroxyurea. Oral ulcers recurred when hydroxyurea was resumed in one of the patients. As the patients were unable to tolerate this painful side effect, hydroxyurea had to be discontinued. Appearance of painful oral ulceration seems to be independent of dosing rate or total cumulative dose of hydroxyurea.
  13. Norhaya MR, Cheong SK, Hamidah NH, Ainoon O
    Singapore Med J, 1996 Jun;37(3):320-2.
    PMID: 8942241
    A 45-year-old Malay lady developed brisk vesicular, plaque-like reaction to a Mantoux test concomitant with a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The lesion resolved one month after chemotherapy. Similar lesions developed later after she was bitten by mosquitoes on the forearms. She also had the lesions over her cheek. A skin biopsy showed infiltration of the dermis with neutrophils and some monocytoid cells. The lesion resolved one week after prednisolone therapy.
  14. Chua KH, Aminuddin BS, Fuzina NH, Ruszymah BH
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Apr;48(4):324-32.
    PMID: 17384880
    The objectives of this study were to determine the optimum concentration of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in foetal bovine serum (FBS) or human serum (HS) supplemented medium for adult human nasal septum chondrocyte culture and to evaluate the potential of cartilage regeneration.
  15. Kamil SM, Mohamad NH, Narazah MY, Khan FA
    Singapore Med J, 2006 Apr;47(4):332-4.
    PMID: 16572249
    We describe a case of dengue haemorrhagic fever with prolonged thrombocytopaenia. A 22-year-old Malay man with no prior illness presented with a history of fever and generalised macular rash of four days duration. Initial work-up suggested the diagnosis of dengue haemorrhagic fever based on thrombocytopaenia and positive dengue serology. Patient recovered from acute illness by day ten, and was discharged from the hospital with improving platelet count. He was then noted to have declining platelet count on follow-up and required another hospital admission on day 19 of his illness because of declining platelet count. The patient remained hospitalised till day 44 of his illness and managed with repeated platelet transfusion and supportive care till he recovered spontaneously.
  16. Norhaya MR, Cheong SK, Hamidah NH, Ainoon O
    Singapore Med J, 1994 Feb;35(1):102-3.
    PMID: 8009265
    A 33-year-old Malay lady with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) became amenorrhoeic during therapy with busulphan. Pregnancy was diagnosed via a urine pregnancy test and an ultrasound confirmed a viable foetus at 16 weeks. The busulphan was stopped. Her pregnancy was unremarkable and continued till term. She delivered a healthy child.
  17. Mohd Rozalli NH, Chin NL, Yusof YA, Mahyudin N
    J Food Sci Technol, 2016 Jan;53(1):694-702.
    PMID: 26787989 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-2006-x
    The storage stability of preservative-free peanut butter was evaluated for changes in physicochemical quality including moisture content and water activity, microbiological properties, oxidative stability and textural quality in terms of spreadability and firmness. The study was conducted for 16 weeks at storage temperature of 10, 25 and 35 °C on natural and pure peanut butter produced from two varieties of peanuts, the Virginia and Spanish TMV-2 varieties of China and India origin, respectively. The peanuts were ground using a high speed grinder for 2.5 and 3.0 min to produce peanut butter without addition of other ingredient. The natural peanut butter exhibited stability and had acceptable microbial count during storage. Storage at 10 °C gave similar textural quality with commercial product until week 8 and without appreciable loss in oxidative stability until week 12. At higher storage temperatures of 25 and 35 °C, oxidative stability was shortened to 4 weeks of storage. Among the factors of storage temperature and time, grinding time and peanut variety, storage temperature had the most significant effects on quality changes of natural peanut butter.
  18. Htet H, Win TT, Wong ST, Shamsudin NH, Kandasami P
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Sep;78(5):616-620.
    PMID: 37775488
    INTRODUCTION: Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the leading causes of all new cancer cases globally. Although it is no longer reported in the top 10th most common cancer in Malaysia, geographical distribution and ethnic influences still obviously exist.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of histopathological records in a public tertiary health care centre in Malaysia. The computerised laboratory information system from the histopathology department of the hospital was retrieved for the period of 2005-2018. Descriptive analysis was done using Microsoft Excel.

    RESULTS: There was a total of 233 histologically confirmed GC cases. The burden of GC was observed to be an increasing trend from 2016 onwards. Among them, 64% were male and 36% were female. The youngest age of diagnosis was 19, while the oldest one was 93. Malaysian Chinese were found to have the highest incidences (41.63%), followed by Malays (32.19%) and Malaysian Indians (23.61%). All cases were of adenocarcinoma cell types and were found to have poorly differentiated in majority at the time of diagnosis.

    CONCLUSION: Although this report only represents one tertiary health care centre in Malaysia, the Indian Enigma was still observed, as stated in other literatures. Over time, the incidence of GC in Malays has increased. Consideration of lifestyle modifications, health education and Helicobacter pylori eradication in various nations' National Health Insurance plans, are encouraged as prevention is always better than treatment or cure, including the cost load.

  19. Tan TY, Rahmat O, Prepageran N, Fauzi A, Noran NH, Raman R
    PMID: 23120650 DOI: 10.1007/s12070-009-0082-9
    To determine the correlation between hypertensive retinopathy (which is the end-organ damage of the vessels due to chronic hypertension) with sensorineural hearing loss.
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