METHODS: A WEHI-3 cell line was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of BM by MTT. AO/PI and Hoechst 33342 dyes, Annexin V, multiparametric cytotoxicity 3 by high content screening (HCS); cell cycle tests were used to estimate the features of apoptosis and BM effects. Caspase 3 and 9 activities, ROS, western blot for Bcl2, and Bax were detected to study the mechanism of apoptosis. BALB/c mice injected with WEHI-3 cells were used to assess the apoptotic effect of BM in vivo.
RESULTS: BM suppressed the growth of WEHI-3 cells at an IC50value of 14 ± 3 μg/mL in 24 h. The ROS production was increased inside the cells in the treated doses. Both caspases (9 and 3) were activated in treating WEHI-3 cells at 24, 48 and 72 h. Different signs of apoptosis were detected, such as cell membrane blebbing, DNA segmentation and changes in the asymmetry of the cell membrane. Another action by which BM could inhibit WEHI-3 cells is to restrain the cell cycle at the G1/G0 phase. In the in vivo study, BM reduced the destructive effects of leukaemia on the spleen and liver by inducing apoptosis in leukaemic cells.
CONCLUSION: BM exerts anti-leukaemic properties in vitro and in vivo.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A single dose of streptozotocin (45mg/kg body weight, iv) was used to induced diabetes in male Sprague Dawley rats which were then divided into two groups: Diabetic control (DC) and HSL-treated diabetic (DR) group. Normal rats were divided into normal control (NC), HSL-treated control (NR). Aqueous calyxes extract of HSL (100mg/kg/day, orally) was given for 28 consecutive days in the treated group. Weight, biochemical and histopathological (light and electron microscopic) parameters were compared in all groups.
RESULTS: Supplementation of HSL significantly lowered the level of fasting blood glucose and increased plasma insulin level in DR group compared to DC group (p<0.05). Alanine aminotransaminases and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes level were found to be significantly reduced in DR compared to DC. Microscopic examination demonstrated destruction of the liver architecture, cytoplasmic vacuolation of the hepatocytes and signs of necrosis in diabetic rats. Moreover, dilatation and congestion of blood vessels with leucocytes adherence were detected. Ultrastructural study using electron microscope showed homogeneous substance accumulation in nuclear chromatin, a decrease of organelles and mitochondrial degeneration in the diabetic rats.
CONCLUSION: Administration of HSL in diabetic rats causes significant decrease in hepatocyte destruction and prevented the changes associated with the diabetic condition. Thus, our findings provide a scientific rationale for the use of HSL as promising agent in preventing liver injury in diabetes.
OBJECTIVES: GST inhibition activity and characterization of Kanji and methanol extract of D. carota roots, and oral absorption pattern of ferulic acid from Kanji in rats.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: GST inhibition activity of Kanji and methanol extract of D. carota roots in concentration range 0.001-100.00 mg/mL was determined using Sprague Dawley rat liver cytosolic fraction. Methanol extract upon column chromatography gave ferulic acid, which was used to characterize Kanji and determine its oral absorption pattern in Wistar rats.
RESULTS: The GST inhibition activity of Kanji (100.00 μg/mL), methanol extract of D. carota roots (100.00 μg/mL) and tannic acid (10.00 μg/mL, positive control) was found to be 0.162 ± 0.016, 0.106 ± 0.013 and 0.073 ± 0.004 μM/min/mg, respectively. Different Kanji samples and methanol extract contained ferulic acid (0.222-0.316 mg/g) and 0.77 mg/g, respectively. Ferulic acid did not appear in plasma after oral administration of Kanji.
DISCUSSION: Kanji having solid contents 80.0 μg/mL, equivalent to 0.0025 μg/mL ferulic acid, does not inhibit the activity of GST. The oral administration of Kanji, in human equivalent dose (528 mg/kg, 16.67 μg ferulic acid), to rats indicated poor absorption of ferulic acid.
CONCLUSION: Kanji having solid contents 14-36 mg/mL does not inhibit GST activity, hence may not interfere with drugs that are the substrates of GST, if taken concomitantly.
PURPOSE: The present study investigated the effects of oral treatment with M. pumilum var. alata (MPA) extracts on the estrogen receptor, metabolic characteristics and insulin signaling pathway in pancreas and liver of ovariectomised nicotidamide streptozotocin-induced diabetes in female rats.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ovariectomised diabetic (OVXS) Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered with either aqueous leaf extract and ethanol (50%) stem-root extract of MPA (50 or 100 mg/kg) respectively for 28 days. Metabolic parameters were evaluated by measuring fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, oral glucose and insulin tolerance test. Distribution and expression level of insulin, oxidative stress and inflammatory marker in the pancreatic islets and liver were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and western blot, respectively.
RESULTS: Oral treatment with aqueous leaf and ethanol (50%) stem-root extracts of MPA (100 mg/kg) significantly reversed the elevated fasting blood glucose, impaired glucose and insulin tolerance. The protein expression of insulin, glucose transporter (GLUT-2 and GLUT-4) increased in the pancreatic islets and liver. Furthermore, marked improvement in the tissue morphology following treatment with MPA was observed. Similarly, the western blots analysis denotes improved insulin signaling in the liver and decreased reactive oxygen species producing enzymes, inflammatory and pro-apoptotic molecules with MPA treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, this work demonstrate that 100 mg/kg of aqueous leaf extract and ethanol (50%) stem-root extract of MPA improves β-cell function and insulin signaling in postmenopausal diabetes through attenuation of oxidative stress and partially mediated by oestrogen receptor stimulation.
METHODS: AE was administered to streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats twice daily at three doses (1000, 500, and 250 mg/kg b.w.) for 12 days p.o. Several biochemical analyses and a histological study of the pancreas and liver were performed, accompanied by a cell culture assay.
RESULTS: As compared to diabetic control (DC), AE at the doses of 500 and 1000 mg/kg b.w. caused significant reduction (p < 0.05) of blood glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides levels, with positive improvement of serum insulin levels. Interestingly, immunohistochemical staining of the pancreas suggested no β-cell regeneration, despite significant increase in insulin production. AE-treated groups, however, showed overall restoration of the hepatic histoarchitecture of STZ-induced liver damage, suggesting a possible hepatoprotective effect. The pancreatic effect of AE was further studied through RIN-5F cell culture, which revealed a positive stimulatory effect on insulin release at a basal glucose concentration (1.1 mM).
CONCLUSION: Nypa fruticans Wurmb. vinegar's aqueous extract exerts its antihyperglycaemic activity, at least in part, through insulin stimulatory and hepatoprotective effects.
METHODS: Hepatotoxicity was induced in adult female Wistar rats using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ). Thirty-six rats were randomly divided into six groups with six rats in each group: Group 1 (normal control group), Group 2 (received only CCl 4 ), Group 3 (CCl 4 +low dose BM-MSCs), Group 4 (CCl 4 +high dose BM-MSCs), Group 5 (CCl 4 + silymarin), Group 6 (CCl 4 +silymarin+high dose BM-MSCs). Thirty days after the treatment, blood samples were collected for hepatocyte growth factor estimation. The rats were then killed, bone marrow was extracted for chromosomal aberration assay. Liver tissue was processed for evaluating the DNA fragmentation assay, histopathology, and scanning electron microscopy study.
RESULTS: Combination treatment of silymarin and high dose BM-MSCs significantly (P liver tissue samples. The combination treatment produced significant hepatoprotective effect which was supported by histopathology and scanning electron microscopy study.
CONCLUSION: Results indicate that the treatment of BM-MSCs in combination with silymarin had a better hepatoprotective and antimutagenic effect and represents a novel strategy for the treatment of hepatotoxicity.
AIM OF THE STUDY: The study is aimed at identifying the key ingredients of papaya leaf extract and elucidate the mechanism (s) of action of the identified potent component in mitigating thrombocytopenia (Thp).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: C. papaya leaf juice was subjected for sequential fractionation to identify the anti-thrombocytopenic phytochemicals. In vivo, stable thrombocytopenia was induced by subcutaneous injection of 70 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (Cyp). After induction, rats were treated with 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight papaya leaf juice and with identified fractions for 14 days. Serum thrombopoietin level was estimated using ELISA. CD110/cMpl, a receptor for thrombopoietin on platelets was measured by western blotting.
RESULTS: Administration of cyclophosphamide for 6 days induced thrombocytopenia (210.4 ± 14.2 × 103 cells/μL) in rats. Treating thrombocytopenic rats with papaya leaf juice and butanol fraction for 14 days significantly increased the platelet count to 1073.50 ± 29.6 and 1189.80 ± 36.5 × 103 cells/μL, respectively. C.papaya extracts normalized the elevated bleeding and clotting time and decreased oxidative markers by increasing endogenous antioxidants. A marginal increase in the serum thrombopoietin (TPO) level was observed in Cyp treated group compared to normal and treatment groups. Low expression of CD110/cMpl receptor found in Cyp treated group was enhanced by C. papaya extracts (CPJ) and CPJ-BT. Furthermore, examination of the morphology of bone marrow megakaryocytes, histopathology of liver and kidneys revealed the ability of CPJ and fractions in mitigating Cyp-induced thrombocytopenia in rats.
CONCLUSION: C. papaya leaf juice enhances the platelet count in chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia by increasing the expression of CD110 receptor on the megakaryocytes. Hence, activating CD110 receptor might be a viable strategy to increase the platelet production in individuals suffering from thrombocytopenia.
METHODS: In this study, anti-diabetic effect of ML extract is investigated in vivo to evaluate the biochemical changes, potential serum biomarkers and alterations in metabolic pathways pertaining to the treatment of HFD/STZ induced diabetic rats with ML extract using 1H NMR based metabolomics approach. Type 2 diabetic rats were treated with different doses (200 and 400 mg/kg BW) of Melicope lunu-ankenda leaf extract for 8 weeks, and serum samples were examined for clinical biochemistry. The metabolomics study of serum was also carried out using 1H NMR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis to explore differentiating serum metabolites and altered metabolic pathways.
RESULTS: The ML leaf extract (400 mg/kg BW) treatment significantly increased insulin level and insulin sensitivity of obese diabetic rats, with concomitant decrease in glucose level and insulin resistance. Significant reduction in total triglyceride, cholesterol and low density lipoprotein was also observed after treatment. Interestingly, there was a significant increase in high density lipoprotein of the treated rats. A decrease in renal injury markers and activities of liver enzymes was also observed. Moreover, metabolomics studies clearly demonstrated that, ML extract significantly ameliorated the disturbance in glucose metabolism, tricarboxylic acid cycle, lipid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism.
CONCLUSION: ML leaf extract exhibits potent antidiabetic properties, hence could be a useful and affordable alternative option for the management of T2DM.