Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 232 in total

  1. Abu Bakar A, Ngiu CS, Mohamad Said MS, Periyasamy P
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2011 Oct;40(10):467-8.
    PMID: 22206056
    Matched MeSH terms: Psoas Muscles/physiopathology
  2. Teo BW, Toh QC, Chan XW, Xu H, Li JL, Lee EJ
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2014;23(4):619-25.
    PMID: 25516320 DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.4.01
    Clinical practice guidelines recommend objective nutritional assessments in managing chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients but were developed while referencing to a North-American population. Specific recommendations for assessing muscle mass were suggested (mid-arm circumference, MAC; corrected mid-arm muscle area, cAMA; mid-arm muscle circumference, MAMC). This study aimed to assess correlation and association of these assessments with dietary protein intake in a multi-ethnic Asian population of healthy and CKD patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/pathology*
  3. Camprubí D, Rodriguez-Valero N, Losada I, Grau-Junyent JM, Muñoz J
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2018 05 23;24:16.
    PMID: 29802894 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2018.05.009
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/parasitology; Muscles/pathology
  4. Mazhar R, Shazili NA, Harrison FS
    Parasitol Res, 2014 Oct;113(10):3737-43.
    PMID: 25115732 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-014-4039-x
    In February 2013, forty-seven Notched threadfin bream, the Nemipterus peronii, were sampled from the eastern coastal waters of the South China Sea. The concentration of various elements, namely cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), strontium (Sr), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), Lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), iron (Fe), and Zinc (Zn) were analyzed in the liver, muscle, and kidney organs of the host, as well as in their parasites Hysterothalycium reliquens (nematode) and the Paraphilometroides nemipteri (nematode), using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The former group of parasites showed highest accumulation capacity for Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, Ni, and Zn while the latter group had high accumulation potential of As, Hg, Cd, Al, Pb, and Sr. The divergence in heavy-metal accumulation profiles of both nematodes is linked with the specificity of microhabitats, cuticle morphology, and interspecific competition. The outcome of this study indicates that both parasite models can be used for biomonitoring of metal pollution in marine ecosystems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/metabolism
  5. Sung YY, Roberts RJ, Bossier P
    J Fish Dis, 2012 Aug;35(8):563-8.
    PMID: 22724455 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2761.2012.01397.x
    Exposure to TEX-OE®, a patented extract of the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) containing chaperone-stimulating factor, was shown to protect common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., fingerlings against acute ammonia stress. Survival was enhanced twofold from 50% to 95% after exposure to 5.92 mg L(-1) NH(3) , a level determined in the ammonia challenge bioassay as the 1-h LD50 concentration for this species. Survival of TEX-OE®-pre-exposed fish was enhanced by 20% over non-exposed controls during lethal ammonia challenge (14.21 mg L(-1)  NH(3) ). Increase in the levels of gill and muscle Hsp70 was evident in TEX-OE®-pre-exposed fish but not in the unexposed controls, indicating that application of TEX-OE® accelerated carp endogenous Hsp70 synthesis during ammonia perturbation. Protection against ammonia was correlated with Hsp70 accretion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/metabolism
  6. Lee SC, Tang IP, Singh A, Kumar SS, Singh S
    Auris Nasus Larynx, 2009 Dec;36(6):709-11.
    PMID: 19304419 DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2009.02.002
    Choanal stenosis has recently been recognized as a late complication of radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The management of velopharyngeal stenosis is challenging with high risk of restenosis. We report a case of velopharyngeal stenosis post-radiotherapy and illustrated the use of mitomycin-C to prevent restenosis. Mitomycin-C application has being shown useful adjunct to surgical technique in managing nasopharyngeal stenosis for surgeons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pharyngeal Muscles/radiation effects*
  7. Wong WL, Brennan GP, Halton DW, Lim LH
    Parasitology, 2006 Mar;132(Pt 3):427-38.
    PMID: 16309563
    A study of the anterior adhesive apparatus (head organs) of Bravohollisia gussevi Lim, 1995 was carried out using light and electron microscopy. The anterior adhesive apparatus or head organs in B. gussevi comprise 6 circular openings or apertures in the antero-lateral region, associated pits lined with specialized microvillous tegument that differ from the general body tegument, a bundle of ducts, and uninucleate gland cells located lateral to the pharynx. The uninucleate glands of the anterior adhesive apparatus (head organs) comprise 2 types of cells, one kind of cell producing rod-like bodies (S1) and the other oval bodies (S2). The S1 bodies are filled with numerous, less electron-dense vesicles in an electron-dense matrix, while S2 bodies have no vesicles but contain a more homogeneous electron-dense matrix. Interlinking band-like structures were observed between S1 bodies. Similar band-like structures were found between S2 bodies. The formation of S1 bodies was followed by transmission electron microscopy. However, the formation of S2 bodies was unclear and could not be resolved. Uniciliated structures were also observed around the openings of the anterior adhesive apparatus. Each uniciliated structure is usually associated with an opening of a gland cell producing granular, electron-dense, secretory bodies, which differ from the secretions produced by the lateral gland cells of the anterior adhesive apparatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/ultrastructure
  8. Wong AK, Teoh GS
    Anaesth Intensive Care, 1996 Apr;24(2):224-30.
    PMID: 9133197
    The quality of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation with propofol augmented by alfentanil was investigated as an alternative technique for rapid tracheal intubation. 119 patients aged between 18 and 60 years (ASA 1 and 2) undergoing elective surgery were prospectively studied in a randomized double-blind controlled fashion. Tracheal intubation facilitated by suxamethonium 1.0 mg/kg alfentanil 15 mu g/kg alfentanil 30 mu g/kg or saline control was compared after propofol induction. The quality of laryngoscopy and intubation were graded according to jaw relaxation, ease of insertion of the endotracheal tube and coughing on intubation. Failure to intubate occurred in 4% and 17% with alfentanil 15 mu g/kg and saline control respectively Tracheal intubation was successful in all patients with alfentanil 30 mu g/kg and suxamethonium 1.0 mg/kg. Alfentanil 15 mu g/kg was not statistically significantly different from saline (P = 0.112). Alfentanil 30 mu g/kg provided similar overall intubating conditions (P = 0.5) to suxamethonium 1.0 mg/kg. Alfentanil in both dosages effectively attenuated the haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Masticatory Muscles/physiology
  9. Johan A, Chan CC, Chia HP, Chan OY, Wang YT
    Eur Respir J, 1997 Dec;10(12):2825-8.
    PMID: 9493668
    Maximal static inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures (PI,max and PE,max, respectively) enable the noninvasive measurement of global respiratory muscle strength. The aim of this study was primarily to obtain normal values of PI,max and PE,max for adult Chinese, Malays and Indians and, secondarily, to study their effect on lung volumes in these subjects. Four hundred and fifty two healthy subjects (221 Chinese, 111 Malays, 120 Indians) were recruited. Measurements of PI,max from residual volume (RV), PE,max from total lung capacity (TLC) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were obtained in the seated position. There were significant ethnic differences in PI,max and PE,max measurements obtained in males, and FVC measurements in both males and females. Chinese males had higher PI,max values (mean (+/-SD) 88.7+/-32.5 cmH2O) and higher PE,max values (113.4+/-41.5) than Malay males (PI,max 74.0+/-22.7 cmH2O, PE,max 94.7+/-23.4 cmH2O). Chinese males had higher PE,max than Indian males (PI,max = 83.7+/-30.0 cmH2O, PE,max 98.4+/-29.2 cmH2O). There were no significant differences among Chinese females (PI,max 53.6+/-2.3 cmH2O, PE,max 68.3+/-24.0 cmH2O), Malay females (PI,max 50.7+/-18.3 cmH2O, PE,max 63.6+/-21.6 cmH2O) and Indian females (PI,max 50.0+/-15.2 cmH2O, PE,max 60.7+/-20.4 cmH2O). In both sexes, the Chinese had a higher FVC compared with Malays and Indians. After adjusting for age, height and weight, race was still a determinant for PE,max in males, and FVC in both sexes. The FVC only correlated weakly with PI,max and PE,max in both sexes. Ethnic differences in respiratory muscle strength, and lung volumes, occur among Asians. However, respiratory muscle strength does not explain the differences in lung volumes in healthy Asian subjects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Respiratory Muscles/physiology*
  10. Hasnan N, Mohamad Saadon NS, Hamzaid NA, Teoh MX, Ahmadi S, Davis GM
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2018 Oct;97(43):e12922.
    PMID: 30412097 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000012922
    This study compared muscle oxygenation (StO2) during arm cranking (ACE), functional electrical stimulation-evoked leg cycling (FES-LCE), and hybrid (ACE+FES-LCE) exercise in spinal cord injury individuals. Eight subjects with C7-T12 lesions performed exercises at 3 submaximal intensities. StO2 was measured during rest and exercise at 40%, 60%, and 80% of subjects' oxygen uptake (VO2) peak using near-infrared spectroscopy. StO2 of ACE showed a decrease whereas in ACE+FES-LCE, the arm muscles demonstrated increasing StO2 from rest in all of VO2) peak respectively. StO2 of FES-LCE displayed a decrease at 40% VO2 peak and steady increase for 60% and 80%, whereas ACE+FES-LCE revealed a steady increase from rest at all VO2 peak. ACE+FES-LCE elicited greater StO2 in both limbs which suggested that during this exercise, upper- and lower-limb muscles have higher blood flow and improved oxygenation compared to ACE or FES-LCE performed alone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/metabolism*
  11. Tan NH, Tan CS
    Toxicon, 1989;27(3):349-57.
    PMID: 2543103
    Trimeresurus wagleri (speckled pit viper) venom exhibited the usual set of enzyme activities occurring in pit viper venoms but the content of alkaline phosphomonoesterase was unusually high, whereas the proportions of protease and arginine ester hydrolase were very low. The venom also exhibited weak thrombin-like activity but did not exhibit hemorrhagic or anticoagulant activity. Analysis of the Sephadex G-200 gel filtration fractions of the venom indicated that the lethal fraction was a low mol.wt protein, and that fractions exhibiting phosphodiesterase, phosphomonoesterase, arginine ester hydrolase, thrombin-like enzyme, L-amino acid oxidase and phospholipase A activities were not lethal. Two lethal toxins, designated as wagleri toxins 1 and 2, were isolated from the venom using Sephadex G-50 gel filtration chromatography followed by SP-Sephadex C-25 ion exchange chromatography. The mol.wts of the two toxins were 8900 by gel filtration. The LD50 (i.v.) values in mice for wagleri toxins 1 and 2 are 0.17 microgram/g and 0.19 microgram/g, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/drug effects
  12. Latif B, Vellayan S, Heo CC, Kannan Kutty M, Omar E, Abdullah S, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2013 Dec;30(4):699-705.
    PMID: 24522140 MyJurnal
    The prevalence of sarcocystosis in cattle and water buffaloes from peninsular Malaysia was investigated in abattoirs in Selangor state, February, 2011, to March, 2012. Fresh muscle samples were collected from the tongue, heart, oesophagus, diaphragm and skeletal muscles of 102 cattle and 18 water buffaloes. Each sample was initially screened by light microscopy and then fixed for further histopathological analysis. Out of 120 animals examined, 49 (40.8%) harboured the microscopic type of Sarcocystis spp. The positivity rate for cattle was 36.2% and for water buffaloes 66.7%. In cattle, the organs highly infected were the skeletal muscles and diaphragm (27% each), followed by tongue and esophagus (24.3% each), and the heart (8%). In water buffaloes, the heart was most often infected (66.7%), followed by the oesophagus (50%) and skeletal muscle (33.3%); no sarcocysts were detected in the tongue and diaphragm. The shape of the sarcocyst was fusiform to oval with a mean cyst size of 151.66 x 75.83 μm and wall thickness of 2.47 μm in cattle, and 114 x 50.81 μm cyst size and the wall thickness of 1.11 μm in water buffaloes, consistent with Sarcocystis cruzi and Sarcocystis levinei, respectively. Remaining tissue from cattle was subjected to parasite specific 18S rRNA gene PCR and Sarcocystis cruzi was confirmed, at least exemplarily. The peripheral metrocytes and the banana-shaped bradyzoites (15.23 x 2.2 μm in cattle and 11.49 x 2.45 μm in water buffalo hosts) were easily recognized. In conclusion, a high positivity rate was found in Malaysian meat-producing animals with possible implications for meat consumption and human health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/parasitology
  13. Chew KS, Shaharudin AH
    Singapore Med J, 2017 Oct;58(10):601-605.
    PMID: 27193080 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2016096
    INTRODUCTION: The use of intranasal fentanyl as an alternative type of analgesia has been shown to be effective in paediatric populations and prehospital settings. There are a limited number of studies on the use of intranasal fentanyl in adult patients in emergency settings.

    METHODS: An open-label study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the addition of 1.5 mcg/kg intranasal fentanyl to 2 mg/kg intravenous tramadol (fentanyl + tramadol arm, n = 10) as compared to the administration of 2 mg/kg intravenous tramadol alone (tramadol-only arm, n = 10) in adult patients with moderate to severe pain due to acute musculoskeletal injuries.

    RESULTS: When analysed using the independent t-test, the difference between the mean visual analogue scale scores pre-intervention and ten minutes post-intervention was 29.8 ± 8.4 mm in the fentanyl + tramadol arm and 19.6 ± 9.7 mm in the tramadol-only arm (t[18] = 2.515, p = 0.022, 95% confidence interval 1.68-18.72 mm). A statistically significant, albeit transient, reduction in the ten-minute post-intervention mean arterial pressure was noted in the fentanyl + tramadol arm as compared to the tramadol-only arm (13.35 mmHg vs. 7.65 mmHg; using Mann-Whitney U test with U-value 21.5, p = 0.029, r = 0.48). There was a higher incidence of transient dizziness ten minutes after intervention among the patients in the fentanyl + tramadol arm.

    CONCLUSION: Although effective, intranasal fentanyl may not be appropriate for routine use in adult patients, as it could result in a significant reduction in blood pressure.

    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/injuries*
  14. Moyson S, Liew HJ, Diricx M, Sinha AK, Blust R, De Boeck G
    PMID: 25263807 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.09.017
    In the present study, the combined effects of hypoxia and nutritional status were examined in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), a relatively hypoxia tolerant cyprinid. Fish were either fed or fasted and were exposed to hypoxia (1.5-1.8mg O2L(-1)) at or slightly above their critical oxygen concentration during 1, 3 or 7days followed by a 7day recovery period. Ventilation initially increased during hypoxia, but fasted fish had lower ventilation frequencies than fed fish. In fed fish, ventilation returned to control levels during hypoxia, while in fasted fish recovery only occurred after reoxygenation. Due to this, C. carpio managed, at least in part, to maintain aerobic metabolism during hypoxia: muscle and plasma lactate levels remained relatively stable although they tended to be higher in fed fish (despite higher ventilation rates). However, during recovery, compensatory responses differed greatly between both feeding regimes: plasma lactate in fed fish increased with a simultaneous breakdown of liver glycogen indicating increased energy use, while fasted fish seemed to economize energy and recycle decreasing plasma lactate levels into increasing liver glycogen levels. Protein was used under both feeding regimes during hypoxia and subsequent recovery: protein levels reduced mainly in liver for fed fish and in muscle for fasted fish. Overall, nutritional status had a greater impact on energy reserves than the lack of oxygen with a lower hepatosomatic index and lower glycogen stores in fasted fish. Fasted fish transiently increased Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity under hypoxia, but in general ionoregulatory balance proved to be only slightly disturbed, showing that sufficient energy was left for ion regulation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/metabolism
  15. Dissanaike AS, Poopalachelvam M
    PMID: 809845
    Sarcocystis booliati n.sp. is described from the moonrat Echinosorex gymnurus (Mammalia, Insectivora) from West Malaysia. The cysts are very thin-walled, not visible to the naked eye, and have no trabeculae or cytophaneres. They are found in skeletal but not heart muscle. The zoites are small, 5-8 by 2-3 mum with a mean of 6.5 by 2.2 mum, in dry fixed smears. Octoplasma garnhami n.gen. n.sp., a parasite of undetermined taxonomic status but belonging to the Coccidiasina, Apicomplexa, is also described from the same host. Only schizononts and pseudocysts with typically 8 zoites, have so far been seen in monocytes of the spleen and liver. The zoites are large, 15 by 3 mum and have a distinct nucleolus even in dry-fixed smears.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/ultrastructure
  16. Gurbachan I, Gomez AC, Noor N
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Jun;40(2):107-14.
    PMID: 3834280
    The experiences gained through the use of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in reconstructive head and neck cancer surgery in 15 cases is presented. It is our method choice for a one-stage reconstruction in head and neck The flap has survived in 14 out of 15 cases. It has definite advantages over other flaps used in head and neck reconstruction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pectoralis Muscles
  17. Hanapi MS, Ghani SI, Sonny Teo KS, Wan-Embong WZ, Ariffin N, Wan Hitam WH
    Cureus, 2018 Nov 03;10(11):e3539.
    PMID: 30648072 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.3539
    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) manifestations in a child are varied. We report a unique and rare presentation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a child who presented with frontal swelling involving bilateral upper lids. A previously healthy one-year-old girl presented with progressively increasing frontal swelling of seven months duration. An examination revealed erythematous, firm, nontender forehead swelling that extended up to the medial part of bilateral upper eye lids. The extraocular muscle movement was normal. The anterior segment and fundus examination were also normal in both eyes. Other systemic examination revealed multiple leukemic cutis on the scalp. The cervical lymph nodes were also palpable with hepatosplenomegaly. A full blood picture (FBP) showed the presence of leucoerythroblastic blood film with 62% blast cells. Flow cytometry and bone marrow aspiration confirmed the diagnosis. Computed tomographic (CT) scan images revealed multiple well-defined hyperdense lesions at the subcutaneous skull with the largest lesion at the anterior glabella. Upon diagnosis, the patient was started on chemotherapy and the swelling resolved after one month post treatment. Extensive forehead swelling is a rare manifestation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A high index of suspicion aided with diagnostic investigations could help the doctors arrive at a correct diagnosis and treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oculomotor Muscles
  18. Ismail I, Hwang YH, Joo ST
    Meat Sci, 2019 Nov;157:107882.
    PMID: 31295690 DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.107882
    This paper describes the influence of different factors on toughness of beef semitendinosus (ST) by means of low temperature-long time cooking with single-stage (60 °C, 65 °C, 70 °C, and 75 °C for 6 h and 12 h) and two-stage sous-vide procedure (45 + 60 °C, 45 + 65 °C, 45 + 70 °C, and 45 + 75 °C; 49 + 60 °C, 49 + 65 °C, 49 + 70 °C, and 49 + 75 °C for 3 h at the first temperature, and either 3 or 9 h at the second temperature). Reduced toughness of ST beef steak muscle could be attained in 6 h at 60 °C and 45 + 60 °C were due from the minimum shrinkage of sarcomere as well as lower perimysial thickness, cooking loss, and elastic modulus. Collagen solubility showed a positive correlation to the toughness values. The relationship between proteolytic activity and shear force can be seen after 12 h of cooking duration. For the other quality attributes, two stepped cooking temperature-time combination seems to be more effective in preserving the redness values and water content than a single-stage sous-vide method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hamstring Muscles
  19. Hashim NA, Abd Razak NA, Gholizadeh H, Abu Osman NA
    JMIR Serious Games, 2021 Feb 04;9(1):e17017.
    PMID: 33538698 DOI: 10.2196/17017
    BACKGROUND: Brain plasticity is an important factor in prosthesis usage. This plasticity helps with brain adaptation to learn new movement and coordination patterns needed to control a prosthetic hand. It can be achieved through repetitive muscle training that is usually very exhausting and often results in considerable reduction in patient motivation. Previous studies have shown that a playful concept in rehabilitation can increase patient engagement and perseverance.

    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated whether the inclusion of video games in the upper limb amputee rehabilitation protocol could have a beneficial impact for muscle preparation, coordination, and patient motivation among individuals who have undergone transradial upper limb amputation.

    METHODS: Ten participants, including five amputee participants and five able-bodied participants, were enrolled in 10 1-hour sessions within a 4-week rehabilitation program. In order to investigate the effects of the rehabilitation protocol used in this study, virtual reality box and block tests and electromyography (EMG) assessments were performed. Maximum voluntary contraction was measured before, immediately after, and 2 days after interacting with four different EMG-controlled video games. Participant motivation was assessed with the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) questionnaire and user evaluation survey.

    RESULTS: Survey analysis showed that muscle strength and coordination increased at the end of training for all the participants. The results of Pearson correlation analysis indicated that there was a significant positive association between the training period and the box and block test score (r8=0.95, P

    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  20. Jasim HA, Misnan R, Yadzir ZHM, Abdullah N, Bakhtiar F, Arip M, et al.
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2021 Feb 11;20(1):76-87.
    PMID: 33639634 DOI: 10.18502/ijaai.v20i1.5414
    Crab allergy is reported as a serious form of food allergy in many countries. This study was aimed to identify the major allergens of the local mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica (S. tranquebarica), and subsequently, determine the effect of vinegar treatments on the crab allergens. Crab muscles were treated with synthetic and natural vinegar. Crab proteins were then extracted from the untreated and vinegar-treated crabs. All extracts were then fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and analyzed by immunoblotting; using sera from crab-allergic patients. The crab proteins were then further fractionated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE)and analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). The untreated crab had 38 protein bands, while that was only a few bands between 18 to 73 kDa for the vinegar-treated crabs. Immunoblotting of untreated crab revealed 20 IgE-binding bands, whereas the vinegar-treated crabs could only retain a few IgE-binding bands. Five major allergens were identified with molecular weightsof38, 42, 49, 63, and 73 kDa in the untreated crab. In contrast, the vinegar-treated crabs had only a few major allergens with molecular weights of 38, 42, and 73 kDa. MS identified the 43 and 49 kDa as arginine kinase, while the 38, 63, and 73 kDa were identified as tropomyosin, actin, and hemocyanin, respectively. Inconclusion, we found three common major allergens for S. tranquebarica including tropomyosin, arginine kinase, and actin, and one novel allergen known as hemocyanin. All the major allergens could retain minimal allergenic capability in vinegar-treated crabs, suggesting that vinegar treatments might be useful to reduce crab allergenicity. These data would assist the clinicians in the management of crab-allergic patients worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
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