This was a prospective randomised study comparing carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations between low-flow anaesthesia (fresh gas flow 1.0 L/min) and minimal-flow anaesthesia (0.5 L/min) using desflurane. Sixty (ASA 1 or 2) adult patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated to receive either low-flow (Group 1) or minimal flow anaesthesia (Group 2). Venous blood samples for carboxyhaemoglobin levels were taken at baseline and at 10 mins intervals for 40 mins. Both groups showed significant increase in carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations within the first 10 mins when fresh gas flow of 4.0 L/min was used. Reduction in carboxyhemoglobin levels was seen after 20 mins of minimal or low flow anaesthesia. However, there was no significant difference in the magnitude of reduction of carboxyhemoglobin concentrations between the groups. The fractional inspired of oxygen (FiO2) showed no significant changes in either group. In conclusion, desflurane usage in anaesthesia with either low-flow or minimal-flow was not associated with increased carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations.
Compartmented Fluidized Bed Gasifier (CFBG), consisting of two compartments - the combustorand gasifier, uses air blown instead of pure oxygen for syngas production in bubbling fluidization mode, eliminating the need of air separation unit, and reducing the capital cost, thus distinguishes it from other traditional ones. Fluidization quality is a determining factor in the CFBG to guarantee its well-lifted behaviour. Previous study, without solid circulation at ambient conditions, brought to the fore the necessity of considering the effect of the minimum allowable effective diameter. The study was then performed in the CFBG cold physical model of 0.66m overall diameter (effective diameter for combustor and gasifier is 0.413m and 0.257m) to investigate the fluidization quality and compare it with the results obtained from the previous cold model of about 1.36 times smaller, but with the same compartmented ratio of 65:35. Different inert particles (river sand, quartz sand and alumina) were used, over a range of aspect ratios, for the aforementioned objective. The results showed that the fluidization quality in the gasifier has not been achieved and the degradation of fluidization quality in the combustor is still observed, notwithstanding the fact that the condition of the minimum allowable effective diameter has been met. The reduction of distributor free area, to increase the distributor pressure drop, showed a marginal effect on the quality. The effect of the minimum allowable effective diameter on fluidization quality in CFBG as well as the interplay of geometric and operational parameters require further studies be carried out. The fluidization quality of the binary mixture is also currently under investigation.
Sungai Sarawak is the most important river in Sarawak. This study was aimed at assessing water quality in the selected stations from Satok bridge to the downstream, Muara Tebas, located along Sungai Sarawak. Water quality trend analysis was conducted to determine the correlation between the water quality parameters. Trend analysis was carried out using Mann-Kendall Test because data collected was non-parametric. Next, Spearman rank was used in order to determine the correlation between parameters. The results obtained and the observation made in this study reveals that the trend exists only for Chemical Oxygen Value (COD). But there are trends for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, (BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4N) and Turbidity to decrease or increase with no trends between 2007 and 2011. The correlation between parameters is not very strong because there are many determinants of water quality parameters. The result from this study would provide useful information for water quality management in order to maintain and improve the water quality of Sungai Sarawak.
Electrocoagulation has proven to be an effective method in the treatment of wastewater. This study evaluated the decolourisation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using electrocoagulation (EC) batch reactor by utilising aluminium as sacrificial electrode. POME sample source from a final discharged pond at a palm oil mill was characterised for its colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, conductivity and turbidity; were found to be 2707 PtCo, 3909 mg/L, 7.63, 12.82 mS/cm and 755 NTU respectively. The respective effects of operating parameters such as pH (3 to 11), applied voltage (5 V to 20 V), plate gap (7.5 to 11.5 cm) and operating time (1 to 8 hours) were investigated. The decolourisation of POME was observed to increase with increasing voltage and operating time. Highest removal efficiency was observed at pH 5, 20 V applied voltage, 9.5 cm plate gap and at 8-hour operating time with colour removal efficiency of 89, 79, 78 and 64% respectively. From the findings, it can be concluded that electrocoagulation process using aluminium electrodes is a reliable technique for the removal of colour from POME.
Organically (octyl amine, OA) surface modified electrocatalyst (OA-Pt/CB) was studied for its oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity via dc methods and its charge and mass transfer properties were studied via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Comparison with a commercial catalyst (TEC10V30E) with similar Pt content was also carried out. In EIS, both the catalysts showed a single time-constant with an emerging high-frequency semicircle of very small diameter which was fitted using suitable equivalent circuits. The organically modified catalyst showed lower charge-transfer resistance and hence, low polarization resistance in high potential region as compared to the commercial catalyst. The dominance of kinetic processes was observed at 0.925-1.000 V, whereas domination of diffusion based processes was observed at lower potential region for the organic catalyst. No effect due to the presence of carbon was observed in the EIS spectra. Using the hydrodynamic method, higher current penetration depth was obtained for the organically modified catalyst at 1600 rpm. Exchange current density and Tafel slopes for both the electrocatalysts were calculated from the polarization resistance obtained from EIS which was in correlation with the results obtained from dc methods.
This paper describes the effect of pro-degradant additives (PDA) on photo-oxidative aging of polypropylene (PP) films after being time accelerated in UV-weathering chamber. Thin films (0.12 mm) containing these additives were prepared by sheeting process. The effect of UV on PP films in the presence of these additives was investigated. Changes in the PP films appearance, tensile properties and carbonyl index (CI) were used to investigate the degradation behavior. The films became completely pulverised after 100 h of photo-oxidative treatment and could not be tested further. Films containing PDA showed rapid loss in tensile properties within 100 h of photo-oxidative aging. In addition, the CI results of photo-oxidative films increased with increasing PDA amount within the time interval of aging and the activity was due to the mechanism reaction of PP with PDA particles. During the aging process the material becomes denser due to tighter packing and incorporation of oxygen into the amorphous regions of the polymer. The results indicated that the presence of PDA contributed to the photo degradation and the activity was very much influenced by the amount PDA.
In this study, the photocatalytic degradation of batik wastewater in the presence of zinc oxide (ZnO) as photocatalyst was
investigated. The effect of various operating parameters, such as pH of batik wastewater, catalyst dosage and aeration
on the photocatalytic degradation process, was examined. The mineralization of batik wastewater was also evaluated
through chemical oxygen demand analysis. The decolorization of batik wastewater was enhanced at acidic conditions
(pH3) which was 88.2% after 10 h irradiated under solar light, meanwhile its mineralization was 286 mg/L after 12 h
irradiation time. The data obtained for photocatalytic degradation of batik wastewater was well fitted with the LangmuirHinshelwood
kinetic model. It can be concluded that batik wastewater could be decolorized and mineralized under solar
light irradiation with presence of ZnO.
Benthic dinoflagellates are known to occur in the water column. The reason they can be found in different parts of the ecosystem is not clear. This study aims to determine the species and the cell abundance of benthic dinoflagellates in the water column and macrophytes collected from two different locations i.e. semi-enclosed lagoon and open coastal waters. The physico-chemical parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen) and nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) were determined. Results showed that in the lagoon, the most abundant dinoflagellate species on the macrophytes was also the most abundant dinoflagellate species in the water column. The species that dominated the water column and marophytes in the lagoon was Bysmatrum caponii. In the coastal area the trend was not clear. Coolia dominated the macrophytes whereas Peridinium quinquecorne dominated the water column. The physico-chemical parameters determined were similar at both sites except for nutrients. Results show that type of substrates and different geomorphology effects benthic dinoflagellates cell abundance in the macrophytes and water column.
In this paper, we report the effect of BaAl2O4 addition (0-30 wt. %) on power consumption and oxygen sensing response of hot-spots developed on short Er123 ceramic rods of around 12 mm length synthesized using standard solid-state reaction. All the sensor rods showed increase in output current with increasing voltage followed by sudden reduction in output current and appearance of hot spot. After appearance of hot spot, for each rod, output current was observed to decrease gradually with increasing voltage with the slope of the I-V curve gradually approaching zero. Output current after the hot spot formation showed sensitivity to oxygen partial pressure, pO2 between 1 to 100 kPa. Addition of 30 wt. % BaAl2O4 reduced the fluctuation of current and increased the sensitivity for pO2 below 10 kPa. In addition, overshoot current was also reduced and resulted in improvement of response time from around 10 s to 5 s. Our result also showed that minimum power consumption was significantly reduced in the Er123 rods with 30 wt. % BaAl2O4.
A hybrid biofuel cell, a zinc-air cell employing laccase as the oxygen reduction catalyst is investigated. A simple cell design is employed; a membraneless single chamber and a freely suspended laccase in the buffer electrolyte. The cell is characterised based on its open-circuit voltage, power density profile and galvanostatic discharge at 0.5 mA. The activity of laccase as an oxidoreductase is substantiated from the cell discharge profiles. The use of air electrode in the cell design enhanced the energy output by 14%. The zinc-air biofuel cell registered an open-circuit voltage of 1.2 V and is capable to deliver a maximum power density of 1.1 mWcm-2 at 0.4 V. Despite its simple design features, the power output is comparable to that of biocatalytic cell utilising a much more complex system design.
The study monitored the characteristics of the leachate collected from ten different landfills and presented the experimental work for the treatment of leachate by immobilized Trametes menziesii. Variation in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) showed that the age of the leachate has a significant effect on its characteristics and composition. The BOD5/COD ratio tends to decrease as the age of leachate increases, varying from 0.71 for a relatively 'fresh' leachate to 0.62 for an older (more stabilized) one. Variations in the characteristics of the leachate suggested that these leachates are difficult to treat. The principal pollutants in the leachate samples were organic and ammonia loads. Treatment of leachate using immobilized Trametes menziesii achieved 89.14 and 2.11% removals for leachate BOD5 and COD, respectively. These findings suggested that using immobilized Trametes menziesii can remove promising percentage of BOD and COD leachate.
A bench-scale model of a partially packed upflow anaerobic fixed film (UAF) reactor was set up and operated at five different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of (17, 14, 10, 8, and 5) days. The reactor was fed with synthetic rubber wastewater consisting of a chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration of 6355-6735 mg/L. The results were analyzed using the Monod model, the Modified Stover-Kincannon models, and the Grau Second-Order Model. The Grau Second-Order model was found to best fit the experimental data. The biokinetic constant values, namely the growth yield coefficient (Y) and the endogenous coefficient (Kd) were 0.027 g VSS/g COD and 0.1705 d-1, respectively. The half-saturation constant (Ks) and maximum substrate utilization rate (K) returned values of 84.1 mg/L and 0.371 d-1, respectively, whereas the maximum specific growth rate of the microorganism (μmax) was 0.011 d-1. The constants, Umax and KB, of the Stover-Kincannon model produced values of 6.57 g/L/d and 6.31 g/L/d, respectively. Meanwhile, the average second-order substrate removal rate, ks(2), was 105 d-1. These models gave high correlation coefficients with the value of R2 = 80-99% and these indicated that these models can be used in designing UAF reactor consequently predicting the behaviour of the reactor.
Determining the water quality of Bakun Reservoir 13 months after it operates at full supply level is crucial for better understanding of changes in the physicochemical parameters, which may enable the prediction of its effects on the survival of aquatic life in the reservoir. This study determined 13 physicochemical parameters at six stations within the reservoir at fixed depths. The results showed that the minimum 5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen (DO) required for sensitive aquatic organisms was recorded at 6 m depth. However, DO was not detectable at depths exceeding 7 m. The water was acidic at depths of more than 10 m. Turbidity and total suspended solids increased corresponding with depth. Inorganic nitrogen were predominantly in the form of ammonia-nitrogen, creating an unhealthy environment for aquatic life. Concentration of Chl-a was significantly higher at the subsurface water than 30 m depth in four out of six stations. The present study shows changes in water quality as compared to the pre-impounded period and 15 months after the filling phase, in particular, stratification of dissolved oxygen, thermocline conditions and alkalinity. The changes varied according to the distance from the dam and may have been influenced by existing land developments within the area such as the construction of the Murum Hydroelectric Dam, oil palm plantations and timber concessionares. Though the water quality might have deteriorated, further study is needed to determine if this condition will prolong.
A phytochemical study was conducted on the stems and leaves of Hedychium malayanum (Zingiberaceae). Three steroids
namely stigmasterol (1), sitostenone (2) and stigmast-4-ene-3,6-dione (3) as well as one triterpene, lupenone (4) and
one oxygenated sesquiterpene, caryophyllene oxide (5) were successfully isolated from the respective stems and leaves,
utilizing several chromatographic techniques. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic means (IR, MS, NMR),
and by comparison with the literature data.
Research into ischaemia and reperfusion injury especially in liver transplantation has been aimed primarily at preventing deterioration of organ function before harvest and at improving organ preservation techniques. Recent studies however, suggest that postischaemic organ function and viability can be improved not only through improved organ protection before ischaemia, but also with therapy aimed at ameliorating the organ reperfusion injury. In order to develop successful therapeutic interventions against ischaemia-reperfusion induced liver injury, it is necessary to consider the primary site of injury as well as to explore the mechanism(s) and possible factors which may contribute to the injury during ischaemia and reperfusion. Studies on hepatic ischaemia-reperfusion injury have focused mainly at hepatocellular level. Until recently, more attention has been drawn t o the important role of hepatic microcirculation on the pathophysiology of the above injury. The argument that hepatic microvasculature is the primary site of ischaemia-reperfusion injury and possible factors which cause this injury are among the issues reviewed in this article. KEYWORDS: ischaemia, reperfusion, liver, microvasculature, oxygen radicals
This paper presents the promising method of synchronizing the Six Sigma and reliability analyses at 15 sewage treatment plants (STPs) operating in Melaka, Malaysia. Five different suspended growth treatment technologies in various capacities were investigated. The sequential batch reactor (SBR) and extended aeration activated sludge (EAAS) processes, conventional activated sludge (CAS), aerated lagoon (AL), and oxidation pond (OP) were compared using innovative Niku's treatment reliability and Six Sigma process capability method for biological oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), oil and grease (O&G), and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) effluent parameters and justified the importance of understanding the lognormal behavior of the effluent parameters in interpreting the performance monitoring results and discharge compliance. The results showed that the SBR and EAAS systems relatively fulfilled the highest performance (>95%) compared to conventional systems to ensure the high quality of effluent discharge. Although the whole system is incapable of removing nutrients efficiently, ranging between 42.31% and 90.48%, may lead to eutrophication issues. Process modification and treatment control should become a critical priority in order to reduce variability, improve stability, and increase the efficiency of nutrient removal. These initiatives promote global sustainable development goals (SDGs) 2030 and the domestic water sector transformation (WST) 2040 by treatment cost reduction, improving environmental sustainability and guaranteeing social and health benefits.
The final disposal of waste generated by human activities has been turned into a great challenge; until now, little attention has been paid to organic waste, particularly from the restaurant sector. This work describes the process of obtaining calcium carbonate contained in oyster and clam shells re-collected in seafood restaurants. The IR absorption spectra of all the samples revealed the presence of characteristic bands of the carbonate group located at 872, 712 and 1414 cm-1; the peak at 1081 cm-1 of the clamshells confirms the presence of the aragonite phase. The SEM images allow observing a granular morphology whose agglomerates having a size within the range of 0.5-15 μm in brown shells, and a lower dispersion prevails in the grey species and oyster shells that go from 0.3 to 5.9 μm. All of the shells were found to be composed of carbon (C), oxygen (O2) and calcium (Ca) in different concentrations. The calcium carbonate obtained from clamshells has an orthorhombic crystalline structure, while the oyster carbonate has a rhombohedral structure as the calcium carbonate used in the construction industry; the morphology particles also coincide with each other. The material obtained combined with a mixture composed of resin, cellulose, and granules were used to prepare a paste, which was used as a residential finish.
Landfill leachate is a liquid generated due to rainwater percolation through the waste in a landfill or dumping site that may contain high levels of organic matter, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable, which are the major sources of water pollution. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) contents have been relevant indicators of severity and pollution potential of landfill leachate. The reductions of COD and NH3-N were investigated in this study using different combinations of media ratios of green mussel (GM) and zeolite (ZEO). Generally, ZEO is considered as a renowned adsorbent but with a relatively high in cost. In Malaysia, mussel shell is abundantly available as a by-product from the seafood industry, is regarded as waste, and is mostly left at the dumpsite to naturally deteriorate. Its quality and availability make GMs a cost-effective material. In this research study, leachate samples were characterized and found to contain high concentrations of COD and NH3-N. The adsorption process was conducted to find out the best combination media ratio between GM and ZEO. The removing efficiency was determined at different amounts of composite media ratios. The optimal adsorbent mixture ratios between (GM: ZEO) of 1.0:3.0 and 1.5:2.5 were considered as a more efficient technique in removing COD and NH3-N compared to exploiting these adsorbents individually. The optimal extenuation removal reduction was found at an approximately 65% of COD and 78% of NH3-N. The adsorption Isotherm Langmuir model exhibited a better fit with high regression coefficient for COD (R2 = 0.9998) and NH3-N (R2 = 0.9875), respectively. This means that the combination of GM: ZEO adsorption of landfill leachate in this analysis is homogeneous with the monolayer. The mixture of GMs and ZEO was observed to provide an alternative medium for the reduction of COD and NH3-N with comparatively lower cost.Implications: The concentration of organic constituents (COD) and ammoniacal nitrogen in stabilized landfill leachate have significantly strong influences of human health and the environment. The combination of mixing media green mussel and zeolite adsorbent enhancing organic constituents (COD) and ammoniacal nitrogen reduction efficiency from leachate. This would be greatly applicable in future research as well as conventionally minimizing high cost materials like zeolite, thereby lowering the operating cost of leachate treatment.
Water pollution due to the discharge of untreated industrial effluents is a serious environmental and public health issue. The presence of organic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) causes worldwide concern because of their mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on aquatic life, human beings, and the environment. PAHs are pervasive atmospheric compounds that cause nervous system damage, mental retardation, cancer, and renal kidney diseases. This research presents the first usage of palm kernel shell biochar (PKSB) (obtained from agricultural waste) for PAH removal from industrial wastewater (oil and gas wastewater/produced water). A batch scale study was conducted for the remediation of PAHs and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from produced water. The influence of operating parameters such as biochar dosage, pH, and contact time was optimized and validated using a response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, i.e., biochar dosage 2.99 g L-1, pH 4.0, and contact time 208.89 min, 93.16% of PAHs and 97.84% of COD were predicted. However, under optimized conditions of independent variables, 95.34% of PAH and 98.21% of COD removal was obtained in the laboratory. The experimental data were fitted to the empirical second-order model of a suitable degree for the maximum removal of PAHs and COD by the biochar. ANOVA analysis showed a high coefficient of determination value (R2 = 0.97) and a reasonable second-order regression prediction. Additionally, the study also showed a comparative analysis of PKSB with previously used agricultural waste biochar for PAH and COD removal. The PKSB showed significantly higher removal efficiency than other types of biochar. The study also provides analysis on the reusability of PKSB for up to four cycles using two different methods. The methods reflected a significantly good performance for PAH and COD removal for up to two cycles. Hence, the study demonstrated a successful application of PKSB as a potential sustainable adsorbent for the removal of micro-pollutants from produced water.
Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells (PMFCs) are novel bioelectrochemical transducers that employ microalgae to generate oxygen, organic metabolites and electrons. Conventional PMFCs employ non-eco-friendly membranes, catalysts and phosphate buffer solution. Eliminating the membrane, buffer and catalyst can make the MFC a practical possibility. Therefore, single chambered (SPMFC) were constructed and operated at different recirculation flow rates (0, 40 and 240 ml/min) under bufferless conditions. Furthermore, maximum power density of 4.06 mW/m2, current density of 46.34 mA/m2 and open circuit potential of 0.43 V and low internal resistance of 611.8 Ω were obtained at 40 ml/min. Based on the results it was decided that SPMFC was better for operation at 40 ml/min. Therefore, these findings provided progressive insights for future pilot and industrial scale studies of PMFCs.