Method: This investigation was a cross-sectional study carried out during centralized workshops for two groups of trainees using a validated questionnaire: (i) junior trainees were newly enrolled postgraduate trainees in the Graduate Certificate in Family Medicine (GCFM) program, and (ii) senior trainees were postgraduate trainees in Advance Training in Family Medicine (ATFM) programs of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM).
Results: A total of 223 trainees (127 junior and 96 senior) participated in this study. Only 55.2% of the trainees passed the knowledge test; senior trainees were more likely to pass the knowledge test compared to junior trainees (69.8% vs. 44.1%, p < 0.001). Female trainees were significantly more likely to pass the knowledge test than male trainees. While the attitude of senior and junior trainees was similar, more of the latter group worked in public clinic that provide better support where there is better support for outpatient anticoagulation treatment (e.g., same-day INR test, direct access echocardiogram, and warfarin in in-house pharmacy).
Conclusion: Vocational training in family medicine appears to improve primary care physicians' knowledge regarding the management of AF. Better knowledge will help vocationally trained primary care physicians to provide anticoagulation treatment for AF within primary care clinics. More optimal AF management within primary care can take place if the identified barriers are addressed and a shared care plan can be implemented.
METHODS: Descriptive study design, collecting quantitative data, among pre-selected public healthcare facilities. One healthcare professional from each participating facility, involved in ASPs, was invited to participate.
RESULTS: Overall 26 facilities from 8 provinces participated. Average compliance to the Framework was 59.5% for the 26 facilities, with 38.0% for community health centres, 66.9% for referral hospitals and 73.5% for national central hospitals. For 7 facilities compliance was <50% while 5 facilities were >80% compliant.
CONCLUSION: Although some facilities complied well with the Framework, overall compliance was sub-optimal. With the introduction of universal healthcare in South Africa, coupled with growing AMR rates, ongoing initiatives to actively implement the Framework should be targeted at non-compliant facilities.
CASE PRESENTATION: We report a successful elderly multigravid pregnancy, in a patient undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Her pregnancy was detected early and she was closely managed by the nephrologist and obstetrician. She tolerated the same PD prescription throughout 36 weeks of pregnancy with daily ultrafiltration of 500-1500mls. Her blood pressure remained well controlled without the need of any antihypertensive medication. Her total Kt/V ranged from 1.93 to 2.73. Her blood parameters remained stable and she was electively admitted at 36 weeks for a trans-peritoneal lower segment caesarian section and bilateral tubal ligation.
CONCLUSIONS: At the age of 42, our case is the oldest reported successful pregnancy in a patient on peritoneal dialysis. With careful counselling and meticulous follow up, we have shown that woman in the early stage of end stage renal failure can successfully deliver a full term baby without any complications. Therefore, these women should not be discourage from conceiving even if they are in advanced maternal age for pregnancy.
STUDY DESIGN: A study was conducted among the non-CRC patients' relatives accompanying their relatives to the medical outpatient clinics in Serdang Hospital from 1st April to 31st August 2016. The study was carried out with cluster sampling method.
METHODS: The respondents were assessed using validated and modified Cancer Awareness Measures (CAM) questionnaire consists of three parts which are knowledge on warning signs, knowledge on risk factors and sociodemographic factors. All data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0.
RESULTS: Altogether 308 subjects completed the questionnaires. It was shown high percentage of good knowledge for warning signs and risk factors of CRC among the respondents. A significant association between age groups and level of income with level of knowledge on warning signs was observed.
CONCLUSIONS: The level of knowledge of CRC among the general public in Serdang Hospital was sufficient. The respondents with higher income or younger age had higher level of knowledge regarding CRC.
METHODS: Monthly OPD attendance from 1,053 public primary care health clinics in Malaysia, from January 1, 2019, to June 30, 2021, was analysed. The study duration was divided into four distinct periods: pre-pandemic, pandemic with the first lockdown implementation, pandemic after the first lockdown was lifted, and pandemic with the second lockdown implementation. An interrupted time series analysis was conducted to assess the impact of different interventions at national, regional, urban-rural, and district levels. Data were then aggregated at the district level and the utilisation changes were visualised in a choropleth map. Additionally, simple linear regression (SLR) was performed to explore the association between utilisation changes and urbanisation rates of the district, for each period.
RESULTS: Nationally, OPD utilisation dropped by nearly 13% at the onset of the first lockdown and continued to decline by almost 24% monthly thereafter. In terms of urban-rural differences, urban areas in the Central and Eastern Regions showed greater fluctuations in OPD utilisation during different periods. Results from the SLR revealed that higher urbanisation rates were associated with more pronounced changes in utilisation, although the direction of these changes varied across time periods.
CONCLUSION: The OPD utilisation was affected during the COVID-19 and sporadic urban-rural differences were observed in some areas of the country. This study offers important insights into the geographic and urban-rural patterns of healthcare utilisation during the pandemic, which are crucial in improving healthcare equity in Malaysia.