Seasonal changes in Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) community was studied at rivers in Gunung Jerai Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia. The rivers were visited monthly from September 2007 to August 2008 to sample aquatic insects using D-pond nets. More EPT were found in the wet season (10664 individuals) compared with the dry season (6599 individuals). In all rivers, ephemeropteran populations was highest during the wet season (z=-2.465, p=0.014). Meanwhile, the plecopteran population was low and almost constant throughout seasons in all rivers (z=-2.280, p=0.023). Trichopterans exhibited the highest peak of abundance in the dry season (z=-6.096, p=0.00). Concomitantly, higher diversity was recorded in the dry season (29 taxa) compared with 25 taxa recorded in wet season from all rivers. Tupah River had the most diverse EPT assemblage during the dry season. In wet season, the abundance of ephemeropterans genera such as Baetis, Platybaetis, Campsoneuria and Thalerosphyrus increased tremendously especially in Teroi River.
Makanan berasaskan kacang soya terkenal di Asia sejak beribu tahun dahulu dan ia tidak hanya diiktiraf sebagai makanan tradisi tetapi mempunyai potensi untuk kesihatan. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan penerimaan, kesukaan dan kadar penggunaan produk soya dalam kalangan pengguna di Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai 330 responden telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Mereka terdiri daripada pelajar universiti dan masyarakat umum yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas. Setiap responden diminta untuk mengisi borang soal selidik dengan seliaan penyelidik. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa 56% responden lebih menyukai susu soya berbanding dengan produk soya yang lain seperti taufufa (16%), kicap (9%), tempeh (8%), tauhu telur (7%) dan tauhu soya (4%). Sebahagian besar responden (>50%) percaya produk soya boleh mengurangkan risiko kanser dan osteoporosis. Sebanyak 89.4% responden makan tauhu soya. Sementara itu, 63.9% responden makan tauhu telur dan 42.2% suka tauhu telur yang digoreng. Lebih daripada 80% responden meminati warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur tauhu telur.
Posidonomya is common in the Kubang Pasu and Singa Formations in northwest Peninsular Malaysia. It was discovered from the red mudstone layers (redbeds) in many localities in Langkawi Islands, Perlis and Kedah. Previous studies suggested that the age of Posidonomya ranged from Middle Devonian to Carboniferous. Posidonomya beds in Kedah and Perlis are located above the Tournaisian radiolarian chert layers. The age of Posidonomya from Peninsular Malaysia is comparable to those of Europe, Morocco, Turkey and South China which range from Tournaisian to Serpukhovian, Early Carboniferous. The fossil specimens exhibit morphological features closely related to Posidonomya becheri Bronn. Two taxa were identified namely Posidonomya becheri Bronn and Posidonomya cf. kochi (von Koenen). The occurrence of Posidonomya indicates that the age of the lower part of the Kubang Pasu and Singa Formations is Early Carboniferous. Its geographic distribution formed a wide paleobiogeographic province in the Paleo-Tethys. The province was located in the warm tropical-subtropical climatic zone. Therefore, Posidonomya can be a good indicator for warm climate. Its wide distribution and short stratigraphic range make it a good index fossil for the Early Carboniferous.
This paper presents various imputation methods for air quality data specifically in Malaysia. The main objective was to
select the best method of imputation and to compare whether there was any difference in the methods used between stations
in Peninsular Malaysia. Missing data for various cases are randomly simulated with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% missing.
Six methods used in this paper were mean and median substitution, expectation-maximization (EM) method, singular
value decomposition (SVD), K-nearest neighbour (KNN) method and sequential K-nearest neighbour (SKNN) method. The
performance of the imputations is compared using the performance indicator: The correlation coefficient (R), the index
of agreement (d) and the mean absolute error (MAE). Based on the result obtained, it can be concluded that EM, KNN
and SKNN are the three best methods. The same result are obtained for all the eight monitoring station used in this study.
Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk mengesan perubahan guna tanah dan litupan bumi (LULC) di daerah Gombak, Selangor melalui pendekatan penderiaan jauh. Perbandingan data siri masa antara tahun 1989-1999, 1999-2014 dan 1989-2014 telah dilakukan bagi melihat perubahan LULC. Data yang digunakan ialah imej satelit Landsat (TM dan OLI-TIRS) dan Peta Guna Tanah Selangor 1990 terbitan Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia. Guna tanah dibahagikan kepada lima kategori utama, iaitu badan air, hutan, getah, kelapa sawit dan tepu bina. Penilaian ketepatan antara LULC hasil daripada pengelasan imej penderiaan jauh dengan peta guna tanah 1990 dikira berdasarkan Koeffisien Kappa menerusi teknik ralat matrik dan nilai ketepatan adalah 74.5%. Analisis GIS ke atas imej pasca klasifikasi menunjukkan perubahan sebenar LULC bagi tahun perbandingan 1989-1999 ialah 13.69%, seterusnya meningkat kepada 18.65% bagi tahun 1999-2014 dan terus meningkat bagi tahun bandingan 1989-2014, iaitu 24.25%. Guna tanah getah mengalami perubahan sebenar paling tinggi berbanding guna tanah lain dengan -47.73% bagi tahun bandingan 1989-1999, manakala tahun bandingan 1999-2014 menunjukkan guna tanah tepu bina mengalami perubahan paling tinggi dengan +44.53% dan pada tahun 1989-2014 pula guna tanah getah mengalami perubahan sebenar paling tinggi sebanyak -34.6%. Kemerosotan guna tanah getah sangat ketara di daerah Gombak dan mempunyai kaitan dengan peningkatan kawasan guna tanah tepu bina. Secara umumnya, pola perubahan guna tanah dan litupan bumi di daerah Gombak selari dengan perkembangan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan semasa oleh pihak berkuasa.
Protein antigen-i parasit ikan C. irritans berpotensi tinggi digunakan sebagai calon dalam pembangunan vaksin komersial terhadap C. irritans. Walau bagaimanapun, kewujudan variasi pada antigen-i serotip C. irritans yang berbeza mempengaruhi tahap perlindungan yang bakal diberikan terhadap varians C. irritans yang berbeza apabila antigen-i digunakan sebagai vaksin. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membandingkan jujukan pelbagai antigen-i pencilan C. irritans di Malaysia berbanding antigen-i pencilan C. irritans yang pernah dilaporkan. Perbandingan filogenetik dijalankan untuk meramalkan potensi protein tersebut dalam usaha membangunkan calon serodiagnostik dan pemvaksinan terhadap pencilan C. irritans yang berlainan. Penjajaran jujukan berbilang bagi jujukan asid amino antigen-i dilakukan dengan perisian CLUSTALX dan analisis filogenetik antigen-i dilakukan menggunakan kaedah parsimoni maksimum (MP) dan kaedah Bayes. Sembilan transkrip unik (TU) C. irritans yang mempunyai padanan signifikan dengan antigen-i di pangkalan data protein NCBI didapati mempunyai peratus kesamaan antara 41% hingga 71%. Kedua-dua pohon MP dan Bayesian yang dijana menunjukkan varians antigen-i cn56 and cn57 terkelompok bersama dalam satu kumpulan manakala varians antigen-i yang lain terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan berasingan dan pengkelompokan ini disokong oleh kehadiran asid amino yang terpulihara dalam kumpulan masing-masing. Kajian lanjutan boleh dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti varians antigen-i yang sesuai sebagai calon serodiagnosis dan juga dapat memberi perlindungan silang terhadap pelbagai pencilan C. irritans di serata dunia.
This preliminary study investigated the: (i) level of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among members of Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences (KAHS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) regarding Islamisation of knowledge (IOK); (ii) correlation of KAP and IOK with the duration of service and level of exposure to IOK-related activities; (iii) comparison of KAP between departments in KAHS towards the understanding of IOK, and (iv) level of KAP in IOK between KAHS academics and non-academic staff. Since studies on the integration of religious worldview in health sciences faculties are scarce, this study will be investigating the effectiveness of IOK programmes at the faculty level. A total of 74 staff participated in the study. The response rate was 65.5% out of 113 distributed questionnaires. All respondents have average knowledge (50±28%) in IOK and showed positive attitude (78±32.5%) towards IOK. The knowledge of Islamisation in KAHS correlates positively with the duration of service (p
Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al.
ISBN: 978-92-9061-584-2
Citation: Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al. Malaysia Health System Review. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013
Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and 2 territories in a parliamentary democracy, with the Prime Minister the head of government and a constitutional monarch elected by the Sultans. Malaysia is a multicultural society and a secular state with Sunni Islam as the official religion. Classified by the World Bank as an upper middle-income country, its society and economy were transformed by rapid economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century. Malaysia’s population (now numbering over 28 million with 70% living in urban areas) has benefited from a well developed health care system, good access to clean water and sanitation, and strong social and economic programmes. Life expectancy at birth is 73 years. Noncommunicable diseases now account for most mortality and morbidity but communicable diseases remain a concern. Section 2 describes the organization and governance of the health system. Health care services consist of tax-funded and governmentrun primary health care centres and hospitals, and fast-growing private services mainly located in physician clinics and hospitals in urban areas. Public sector health services are administered by the Ministry of Health through its central, state and district offices. The Ministry of Health regulates the private sector, pharmaceutical industry and food safety and plans and regulates its own health care services. Legislation governing health care professionals requires them to register with statutory professional bodies. Section 3 reports on health care financing. Malaysia’s public health system is financed mainly through general revenue and taxation collected by the federal government, while the private sector is funded principally through out-of-pocket payments from patients and some private health insurance. Spending on health reached 4.6% of GDP in 2009 with the majority from public spending, reaching 56% of total health expenditure (THE) in 2009. The main sources of THE in 2008 were the Ministry of Health (42%), followed by household out-of-pocket expenditure at nearly 34%. The Ministry of Health funds public facilities through line item budgets and patients pay private physicians and private hospitals on a fee-for-service basis. Physical and human resources are described in Section 4. The number of public primary care facilities (currently 802 centres and over 2000 small community clinics) and dental clinics were expanded steadily in earlier decades, particularly to reach people in under-served rural areas. Secondary care is offered in smaller public hospitals and more complex tertiary care, in regional and national hospitals (including university teaching hospitals run by the Ministry of Higher Education). Growth has slowed in recent years, however, and public services in urban areas have not kept pace with rapid urbanization, while the population ratio of hospital beds has declined slightly. Private clinics and hospitals in urban areas have grown rapidly over the last decade. The supply of health professionals remains seriously below the required number, although the government has increased the number of training places. Section 5 looks at provision of services. National health policies stress public health and health promotion, that is, ‘a wellness’ as well as a ‘disease’ perspective. The Ministry of Health has developed an extensive network of public primary care centres and also dental services especially for children, but these services are under strain and have staff shortages, so patients often encounter long waits. Primary care exerts only a limited gatekeeper function since people can bypass a referral from a general practitioner and for a small additional fee (if in the public sector) can go directly to specialists and hospitals. Government services increasingly serve the poor and private services the better-off people who live in urban areas. Hospital policy currently has three main thrusts: strengthening specialty care in large public hospitals; increasing the number of day surgery centres; and expanding top-end private hospital care to cater to the medical tourism market (with 35 participating hospitals in 2010). Malaysia has a large pharmaceutical manufacturing sector that exports to other countries and also supplies 30% of domestic demand. The principal health care reforms are discussed in Section 6. The government has stepped up its surveillance and early response to infectious disease outbreaks as a result of recent pandemics such as SARS and avian flu, which had a major impact on the country’s economy. The Ministry of Health has maintained its extensive vaccination programmes, has consolidated its primary health care clinics and upgraded its hospitals, and is slowly introducing information communication technology into its public facilities. The government has increased training places to counter shortages of health professionals, has strengthened food and drug safety regulation, is considering price xv regulation of pharmaceuticals, and is positioning the country as a medical tourism destination. Section 7 provides an assessment of the health system. Malaysia has a strong population health tradition and well-established and extensive health care services. Although total health expenditure at 4.6% of GDP in 2008 is in the range for middle-income countries, the government is concerned about future sustainable financing. Successive administrators have prioritized the provision of cost-effective, preventative and mainly free primary health care in public clinics. The rapid growth of private health care means that private spending has risen faster than public spending, including out-of-pocket payments by the public, with the government share (from general revenue) just above half (56%) of health expenditure in 2009. In conclusion, Malaysia has achieved impressive health gains for its population with a low-cost health care system funded through general revenue that provides universal and comprehensive services. Like many other countries in the region, Malaysia has struggled to produce an adequate supply of health professionals, and to integrate and regulate its rapidly growing private health sector. Public services have not kept pace with population growth in urban areas and those with higher purchasing power use private rather than public doctors and hospitals, which leaves the public sector with more poorer and sicker patients. The Malaysian Government recently revived the debate over options for a national social health insurance scheme. The financing challenge is to agree on a scheme for fair and sustainable funding and its respective contributions from general revenue and private payments. The regulatory challenge for the Malaysian Government is to strengthen its governance of both public and private health services in order to ensure high quality and safe services and fair charges. The structural challenge is to determine the balance between public and private sector delivery and to engage in a more productive partnership between public and private sectors. The administrative challenge is to consider whether the community would be better served by more decentralized and responsive services. As Malaysia seeks to attain high income country status, and as demographic and epidemiological transitions continue and new technology expands the possibilities for intervention, the demand for xvi health care by the population will continue to rise. The government will need to address growing concerns about equity, efficiency and budgetary constraints and balance conflicting policy principles. Pressures are building up for health system reform in Malaysia looking towards the year 2020 and beyond.
The new Genting Sempah tunnel represents an important part of the widening and upgrading of the main east-west road link between Kuala Lumpur on the west coast and Kuantan on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The new tunnel is located between 18m to 30m north of the existing (old) tunnel which was constructed in 1975 and has a similar alignment. Engineering geological investigations and site characterization for the construction of the new tunnel were carried out in 1994 with drilling, aerial photograph interpretation, surface geological mapping, geophysical surveys and laboratory testing. Rock mass classification was carried out based on the Q classification system of Barton et at. (1974). Based on this classification, it was predicted that for the tunnel zone, 8.6 % of the length of the tunnel consisted of rock mass classified as very poor i.e. type two, 82.8% as extremely poor, i.e. type three and the remaining 8.6% as exceptionally poor, i.e. type four. Excavation of the tunnel between March 1995 and September 1996 together with engineering geological logging and rock mass classification revealed the following; type two, very poor 6.3%, type three, extremely poor 89.9%, type four, exceptionally poor 3.8%. These results show the general validity of the prediction of the rock mass quality.
Terowong kedua Genting Sempah merupakan suatu bahagian utama dalam pembesaran dan peningkatan taraf jalan timur-barat utama yang menghubungi Kuala Lumpur di pantai barat dan Kuantan di pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Terowong kedua berkedudukan 18 m hingga 30 m ke utara terowong lama yang dibina pada tahun 1975 dan mempunyai penjajaran yang sama. Penyiasatan geologi kejuruteraan dan pemeriksaan tapak pembinaan terowong kedua dilaksanakan pada tahun 1994 dengan penggerudian, pentafsiran fotograf udara, pemetaan geologi permukaan, survei geofizik dan ujian makmal. Pengelasan kualiti jasad batuan dilakukan berdasarkan sistem pengelasan Q oleh Barton et al. (1974). Hasil pengelasan ini di zon terowong meramalkan 8.6% panjang terowong baru terdiri daripada jasad batuan berkualiti sangat rendah, iaitu jenis dua, 82.8% berkualiti tersangat rendah, iaitu jenis tiga manakala 8.6% panjang terowong terdiri daripada jasad batuan berkualiti luarbiasa rendah, iaitu jenis empat. Penggalian terowong di antara Mac 1995 dan September 1996 dengan rakaman geologi kejuruteraan dan pengelasan jasad batuan semasa penggalian menghasilkan keputusan seperti berikut; jenis dua, berkualiti sangat rendah 6.3%, jenis tiga, berkualiti tersangat rendah 89.9%, jenis empat, berkualiti luar biasa rendah 3.8%. Keputusan
Dengue is one of the main factors of mortality of inhabitants in the region of South East Asia. Malaysia is one of the countries which is facing a high incidence of dengue, particularly in the 70's and early 80's. The Ministry of Health has taken various measures in order to reduce the dengue epidemic. These include educating people about dengue and conducting research such as investigation of factors that influence the epidemic of dengue. In this study, a sequential Bayesian approach is applied to data of the proportion of death due to dengue over the period from 1982 to 1992. In the sequential Bayesian approach, the data for the year 1982 becomes the prior information for the 1983 data and so on. The data for the different periods are combined in a chronological manner until the final posterior distribution of the proportion of death due to dengue is obtained. It is found that the overall proportion is 0.59% and its standard deviation is 0.00002%.
Denggi adalah satu daripada faktor utama kematian bagi penduduk di rantau Asia Tenggara. Malaysia pula merupakan satu daripada negara yang sedang mengalami kadar insiden denggi yang tinggi, khususnya dalam tahun 70-an dan pada awal 80-an. Kementerian Kesihatan telah mengambil pelbagai langkah untuk mengurangkan wabak denggi. Ini termasuk memberikan pendidikan tentang denggi dan membuat kajian tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam kajian ini kaedah Bayesan jujukan digunakan terhadap data perkadaran yang mati akibat denggi dalam tempoh 1982 hingga 1992. Dalam kaedah ini, data tahun 1982 digunakan sebagai maklumat prior untuk data tahun 1983 dan seterusnya. Data dari tahun yang berlainan digabungkan secara kronologi sehingga diperoleh taburan posterior yang terakhir bagi perkadaran yang mati akibat denggi. Didapati bahawa perkadaran keseluruhan ialah 0.59% dan sisihan piawainya 0.00002%.
A study was conducted to examine the usage of application software and its development practices in Malaysia. The study has shown that the use of application software is greatly emphasized by organizations in their respective businesses. And for most organizations, the application software is supplied by a vendor or through in house development. For the software development practices, the deployment of a current technique and technology is still inadequate. Therefore, most of the existing information technology practitioners should be given additional training on the latest techniques of software development. Other aspect of improvement on software development practices is also discussed.
Satu kajian terhadap status pemakaian dan kegiatan pembangunan perisian gunaan di Malaysia telah dijalankan. Kajian ini menunjukkan yang aspek pemakaian sangat diberi penekanan oleh organisasi. Manakala proses perolehan perisian gunaan pula terbahagi secara setara di antara buat sendiri dengan menggunakan pihak ketiga. Namun begitu yang ketara ialah kadar penggunaan teknologi dan teknik terkini dalam kegiatan pembangunan perisian masih berkurangan. Oleh itu disarankan supaya aspek latihan teknik kakitangan teknologi maklumat organisasi perlu dipertingkatkan secara berterusan. Di samping itu kajian ini memaparkan beberapa aspek amalan pembangunan perisian yang boleh diperbaiki lagi.
Statistical distributions of annual extreme (AE) and partial duration (PD) for rainfall events are analysed using a database of 50 rain-gauge stations in Peninsular Malaysia, involving records of time series data which extend from 1975 to 2004. The generalised extreme value (GEV) and generalised Pareto (GP) distributions are considered to model the series of annual extreme and partial duration. In both cases, the three parameter models such as GEV and GP distributions are fitted by means of L-moments method, which is one of the commonly used methods for robust estimation. The goodness-of-fit of the theoretical distribution to the data is then evaluated by means of L-moment ratio diagram and several goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests for each of the 50 stations. It is found that for the majority of stations, the AE and PD series are well fitted by the GEV and GP models, respectively. Based on the models that have been identified, we can reasonably predict the risks associated with extreme rainfall for various return periods.
Kajian pengetahuan pemakanan dalam kalangan pelbagai kumpulan populasi kerap dilaporkan tetapi kajian berkaitan dalam kalangan tentera jarang dilaporkan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan tahap pengetahuan pemakanan dan amalan penggunaan suplemen dalam kalangan anggota Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM). Sejumlah 909 anggota TLDM berpangkalan di Lumut, Kuantan dan Johor terlibat dalam kajian ini. Soal selidik digunakan bagi menentukan latar belakang, ciri-ciri sosio demografi, pengetahuan pemakanan dan penggunaan suplemen. Pengukuran antropometri yang dijalankan termasuk berat dan tinggi. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa min skor pengetahuan pemakanan subjek ialah 62.5% iaitu pada tahap pengetahuan sederhana. Min skor pengetahuan pemakanan adalah lebih tinggi dalam kalangan anggota di Pangkalan Lumut, lebih berusia, lebih berpendidikan, berpangkat pegawai dan berat badan berlebihan. Sumber maklumat pemakanan yang paling popular ialah televisyen/radio (27.3%), kursus/seminar (24.9%) dan doktor/jururawat (21.6%). Sejumlah 36% subjek melaporkan menggunakan sekurang-kurangnya satu atau lebih suplemen dalam seminggu dan ini termasuk 5.8% yang menggunakannya setiap hari. Kajian asas ini dijangka memberikan maklumat berguna kepada Angkatan Tentera Malaysia dan adalah dicadangkan pendidikan pemakanan perlu diperkenalkan dalam program latihan anggota TLDM bagi memastikan status kesihatan anggota sentiasa terpelihara.
Two new records of moray eels (Muraenidae), Gymnothorax margaritophorus Bleeker, 1864 and Strophidon sathete (Hamilton 1822), are reported for Malaysia. They are represented by two specimens each, all collected from Sabah waters. The present study also provides the current taxonomic and distributional information of the Malaysian moray eels. To date, there are 33 species belonging to six genera of the Muraenidae in Malaysian waters based on the published records.
Kertas ini membincangkan aspek sosial-budaya terhadap Multiphasic Personality lnventory, 2nd Edition (MMPI-2) dalam konteks Malaysia. Variabel sosial seperti bahasa, nilai budaya, agama, norma umur, dan jantina turut diambil kira untuk menafsirkan keputusan MMPI-2 dalam kajian yang melibatkan penduduk Malaysia. Beberapa tindakan dan adaptasi perlu diadakan untuk mengelakkan pengenaan nilai barat dan patologi yang berlebihan terhadap peserta tempatan yang mengambil ujian. Justeru, pelaksanaan MMPI-2 menjadi sah dan boleh dipercayai dalam konteks silang budaya, seperti di Malaysia, Kertas ini juga mencadangkan bahawa tindakan untuk masa depan akan mengambilkira kepelbagaian di Malaysia untuk membuat pengubahsuaian dan membina norma yang sesuai.
Conglomerates of continental origin are widely distributed in the Eastern Belt of the Malay Peninsular. Murau Conglomerate is the best example. Similar deposits outcrop at Pulau Redang, Pulau Kapas and Bukit Keluang. With an exception of Pulau Redang Conglomerate, similarities in lithologic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic characters of these conglomerates suggested that they can be combined into one group. Their stratigraphic position that is overlying the Upper Paleozoic unconformities reveals that these rock units are representing the basal part of the continental sediments that are found in the Eastern Belt. The sediments have been deposited as early as in the Late Permain and the deposition continued until Triassic. This interpretation is based on the occurrence of the Upper Paleozoic unconformities in the Eastern Belt and also on the age of sediments beneath the unconformities at Pulau Redang. The uplift that gives rise to this unconformity may be attributed to the granite emplacement in the Eastern Belt in the Late Permian-Early Triassic time. This was followed by depositions of the basal conglomerate mentioned above. The basal conglomerates were then overlain by fined grained sediments which are represented by Panti Sandstone, Lotong Sandstone and other equivalent deposits of Jurassic Cretaceous age.
Konglomerat endapan benua banyak tertabur di lalur Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Konglomerat Murau adalah satu contoh yang terbaik. Konglomerat yang mempunyai, ciri-ciri yang sama terdapat di beberapa lokaliti di Pulau Redang, Pulau Kapas dan Bukit Keluang. Ciri-ciri litologi sedimentologi dan stratigrafi kesemua konglomerat ini mencadangkan bahawa mereka boleh dikumpulkan di dalam satu kumpulan yang. sama kecuali Konglomerat Pulau Redang. Kedudukannya langsung di atas satah ketakselarasan Paleozoik Atas mencadang unit-unit konglomerat ini merupakan bahagian dasar kepada sedimen kebenuaan yang terdapat di Jalur Timur dan mungkin juga di jalur Tengah. Sedimen ini mula terendap semenjak Perm Akhir hingga Trias berdasarkan ketakselarasan yang terdapat di Jalur Timur dan juga usia sedimen di bawah satah ketakselarasan yang terdapat di Pulau Redang. Pengangkatan yang berkaitan mungkin terhasil daripada perejahan granit di Jalur Timur semasa Perm Akhir-Trias Awal. Pengangkatan ini diikuti oleh pemendapan konglomerat dasar yang disebut di atas. Pengenapan seterusnya diikuti oleh sedimen berbutir lebih halus yang menindihnya yang diwakili oleh Batu Pasir Panti, Batu Pasir Lotong dan yang lain-lain yang setara dengannya yang mungkin berusia Jura-Kapur.
A total of 230 individuals of Strombus were sampled at various locations along the Johor Straits, Malaysia. There were four species of Strombus present in the study areas i.e. Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus urceus Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus marginatus subspecies succinctus Linnaeus, 1767; Strombus marginatus subspecies robustus Sowerby, 1874; and Strombus vittatus subspecies vittatus Linnaeus, 1758. Strombus canarium was the most common, widely distributed and most abundant, followed by S. urceus, while the others were only rarely found. Among the species Strombus marginatus and Strombus vittatus were two new distribution records for the Johor Straits. Since all Strombus were traditionally harvested and consumed by the locals since long ago, further studies are needed particularly regarding the population dynamics and fishery of the harvested species.
The objective of the study was to compare the physiological responses among COPD patient to Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) and Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT). Twenty subjects were recruited for both 6MWT and ISWT that was carried out randomly. The readings of oxygen saturation (SpO2 ), heart rate (HR) and Modified Borg’s Score (MBS) were being taken before, during (each minute) and after each test. There were no significant difference observed in the peak HR and MBS between 6MWT and ISWT. There was no significant difference observed in the end SpO2 after both tests. In the two tests, HR and MBS increased linearly and were proportionate with time. However, our results showed that the distance walked in both test were significantly different and strongly related with more distance covered in 6MWT, with p < 0.05 (p = 0.01) and R = 0.58. Both 6MWT and ISWT elicited similar peak HRs and MBS suggesting both tests could be used to challenge patient to certain levels of cardiovascular and respiratory stress. There was no significant difference found in this study between the two tests. The two field tests could produce similar physiological responses in COPD patient.
This study investigated the spatial pattern and trends of the daily rainfall data in Peninsular Malaysia based on seasonal rainfall indices. Five rainfall indices which describe the main characteristics of rainfall, the total amount of rainfall, frequency of wet days, rainfall intensity, extreme frequency, and extreme intensity, were employed in this study. The statistics of rainfall indices were calculated in terms of their means for four regions in Peninsular Malaysia for the period 1975 to 2004. The findings indicate that the southwest monsoon had the greatest impact on the western part of the Peninsula, particularly in characterizing the rainfall pattern of the northwest region. During this season, the northwest region could be considered as the wettest region since all rainfall indices tested are higher than in other regions of the Peninsula. Otherwise, the northwest region is denoted as the driest part of the Peninsula during the northeast monsoon period. The northwest region is less influenced by the northeast monsoon because of the existence of the Titiwangsa Range, which blocks the region from receiving heavy rainfall. On the other hand, it is found that the lowlands areas such as the eastern part of the Peninsula are strongly characterized by the northeast monsoonal flow. Based on the results of the Mann-Kendall test, as the trend of the total amount of rainfall and the frequency of wet days during the southwest monsoon decrease at most of the stations, the rainfall intensity increases. In contrast, increasing trends in both the total amount of rainfall and the frequency of wet days were observed at several stations during the northeast monsoon, which give rise to the increasing trend of rainfall intensity. The results for both seasons indicate that there are significantly decreasing trends in the frequency of wet days during the extreme events for most of the stations on the peninsula. However, a smaller number of significant trends was found for extreme intensity.
Sistem pengering suria untuk pengeringan hasil pertanian dan laut telah direka bentuk, dibina dan diuji dalam suasana cuaca di Malaysia. Sistem pengeringan suria yang dibina, diuji untuk mengeringkan rumpai laut Gracilaria changii. Rumpai laut yang dikeringkan mempunyai kandungan air sekitar 95% asas berat basah untuk menghasilkan produk kering yang mempunyai kandungan air 10%. Proses pengeringannya mengambil masa selama kira-kira 7 jam, pada purata keamatan sinaran suria 593 W/m2 dan kadar aliran udara pengering 0.0613 kg/s. Pemadanan tiga model pengeringan telah dilakukan dengan data uji kaji pengeringan rumpai laut menggunakan sistem pengering suria pada suhu udara purata dalam kebuk 50oC dan purata kelembapan relatif udara 20%. Kejituan padanan model ditentukan berdasarkan nilai R2 yang paling tinggi, juga nilai MBE dan RMSE yang paling rendah. Kajian ini mendapati model pengeringan rumpai laut yang sesuai adalah model pengeringan Page dibandingkan dengan model pengeringan yang lain (model pengeringan Newton dan model Henderson dan Pabis).