Displaying publications 201 - 216 of 216 in total

  1. Mahmood ND, Mamat SS, Kamisan FH, Yahya F, Kamarolzaman MF, Nasir N, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:695678.
    PMID: 24868543 DOI: 10.1155/2014/695678
    Muntingia calabura L. is a tropical plant species that belongs to the Elaeocarpaceae family. The present study is aimed at determining the hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of M. calabura leaves (MEMC) using two models of liver injury in rats. Rats were divided into five groups (n=6) and received 10% DMSO (negative control), 50 mg/kg N-acetylcysteine (NAC; positive control), or MEMC (50, 250, and 500 mg/kg) orally once daily for 7 days and on the 8th day were subjected to the hepatotoxic induction using paracetamol (PCM). The blood and liver tissues were collected and subjected to biochemical and microscopical analysis. The extract was also subjected to antioxidant study using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl-(DPPH) and superoxide anion-radical scavenging assays. At the same time, oxygen radical antioxidant capacity (ORAC) and total phenolic content were also determined. From the histological observation, lymphocyte infiltration and marked necrosis were observed in PCM-treated groups (negative control), whereas maintenance of hepatic structure was observed in group pretreated with N-acetylcysteine and MEMC. Hepatotoxic rats pretreated with NAC or MEMC exhibited significant decrease (P<0.05) in ALT and AST enzymes level. Moreover, the extract also exhibited good antioxidant activity. In conclusion, MEMC exerts potential hepatoprotective activity that could be partly attributed to its antioxidant activity and, thus warrants further investigations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  2. Lim CY, Mat Junit S, Abdulla MA, Abdul Aziz A
    PLoS One, 2013;8(7):e70058.
    PMID: 23894592 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070058
    BACKGROUND: Tamarindus indica (T. indica) is a medicinal plant with many biological activities including anti-diabetic, hypolipidaemic and anti-bacterial activities. A recent study demonstrated the hypolipidaemic effect of T. indica fruit pulp in hamsters. However, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects have not been fully elucidated. Hence, the aims of this study were to evaluate the antioxidant activities and potential hypocholesterolaemic properties of T. indica, using in vitro and in vivo approaches.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The in vitro study demonstrated that T. indica fruit pulp had significant amount of phenolic (244.9 ± 10.1 mg GAE/extract) and flavonoid (93.9 ± 2.6 mg RE/g extract) content and possessed antioxidant activities. In the in vivo study, hamsters fed with high-cholesterol diet for ten weeks showed elevated serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C levels. Administration of T. indica fruit pulp to hypercholesterolaemic hamsters significantly lowered serum triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-C levels but had no effect on the HDL-C level. The lipid-lowering effect was accompanied with significant increase in the expression of Apo A1, Abcg5 and LDL receptor genes and significant decrease in the expression of HMG-CoA reductase and Mtp genes. Administration of T. indica fruit pulp to hypercholesterolaemic hamsters also protected against oxidative damage by increasing hepatic antioxidant enzymes, antioxidant activities and preventing hepatic lipid peroxidation.

    CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: It is postulated that tamarind fruit pulp exerts its hypocholesterolaemic effect by increasing cholesterol efflux, enhancing LDL-C uptake and clearance, suppressing triglyceride accumulation and inhibiting cholesterol biosynthesis. T. indica fruit pulp has potential antioxidative effects and is potentially protective against diet-induced hypercholesterolaemia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  3. Haleagrahara N, Jackie T, Chakravarthi S, Rao M, Kulur A
    J Toxicol Sci, 2010 Oct;35(5):663-71.
    PMID: 20930461
    Lead is known to disrupt the biological systems by altering the molecular interactions, cell signaling, and cellular function. Exposure to even low levels of lead may have potential hazardous effects on brain, liver, kidneys and testes. The efficacy of Etlingera elatior (torch ginger) to protect hepatotoxicity induced by lead acetate was evaluated experimentally in male Sprague - Dawley rats. Rats were exposed to lead acetate in drinking water (500 ppm) for 21 days and the effects of concurrent treatment with extract of E. elatior on hepatic lipid hydroperoxides (LPO), protein carbonyl content (PCC), total antioxidants (TA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione S- Transferase (GST) levels and histopathological changes in liver were evaluated. There was a significant decrease in TA and other antioxidant enzymes (p < 0.05) and increase in LPO and PCC (p < 0.05) with lead acetate ingestion. Concurrent treatment with E. elatior extract significantly reduced the LPO and PCC (p < 0.05) in serum and increased the antioxidant enzyme levels (p < 0.05) in the liver. Significant histopathological changes were seen in hepatic tissue with chronic lead ingestion. Treatment with E. elatior significantly reduced these lead-induced changes in hepatic architecture. E. elatior has also reduced the blood lead levels (BLL). Thus, there has been extensive biochemical and structural alterations indicative of liver toxicity with exposure to lead and E. elatior treatment significantly reduced these oxidative damage. Our results suggest that E. elatior has a powerful antioxidant effect against lead-induced hepatotoxicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  4. Salama SM, Abdulla MA, AlRashdi AS, Ismail S, Alkiyumi SS, Golbabapour S
    PMID: 23496995 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-13-56
    Hepatology research has focused on developing traditional therapies as pharmacological medicines to treat liver cirrhosis. Thus, this study evaluated mechanisms of the hepatoprotective activity of Curcuma longa rhizome ethanolic extract (CLRE) on thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  5. Samuel AJ, Mohan S, Chellappan DK, Kalusalingam A, Ariamuthu S
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2012 May 7;141(1):396-402.
    PMID: 22421378 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.02.051
    The roots of Hibiscus vitifolius Linn. (Malvaceae) is used for the treatment of jaundice in the folklore system of medicine in India. This study is an attempt to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of the roots of Hibiscus vitifolius against anti-tubercular drug induced hepatotoxicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  6. Taha MM, Salga MS, Ali HM, Abdulla MA, Abdelwahab SI, Hadi AH
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2012 May 7;141(1):273-81.
    PMID: 22374081 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.02.030
    Turnera diffusa Willd. ex Schult. has been used for the treatment of several human disorders including peptic ulcer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  7. Latif IK, Karim AJ, Zuki AB, Zamri-Saad M, Niu JP, Noordin MM
    Poult Sci, 2010 Jul;89(7):1379-88.
    PMID: 20548065 DOI: 10.3382/ps.2009-00622
    Aftermath in several air pollution episodes with high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not significantly affect health and performance of broilers despite its renowned sensitivity to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The aim of the study was to elucidate the previous lack of response in birds exposed to such severe episodes of air pollution. Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was used to simulate the influence of air pollution on hematology, selected organ function, and oxidative stress in broilers. One-day-old chicks were assigned to 5 equal groups composed of a control group, tricaprylin group, and 3 groups treated with BaP (at 1.5 microg, 150 microg, or 15 mg/kg of BW). The BaP was intratracheally administered to 1-d-old chicks for 5 consecutive days. The hematology, liver and kidney function, P450 activity, and malondialdehyde level especially in the group receiving 15 mg of BaP/kg of BW demonstrated evidence of hemato- and hepatoxicity via BaP-induced oxidative stress. The deleterious effect of exposure to high concentration of BaP in broiler chickens was probably due to the anatomy of this species and the half-life of BaP. Although the effect of BaP may be transient or irreversible, pathogen challenges faced during the period of suppression may prove fatal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  8. Lim WY, Chia YY, Liong SY, Ton SH, Kadir KA, Husain SN
    Lipids Health Dis, 2009;8:31.
    PMID: 19638239 DOI: 10.1186/1476-511X-8-31
    The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities comprising visceral obesity, dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance (IR). With the onset of IR, the expression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), a key regulator of lipoprotein metabolism, is reduced. Increased activation of glucocorticoid receptors results in MetS symptoms and is thus speculated to have a role in the pathophysiology of the MetS. Glycyrrhizic acid (GA), the bioactive constituent of licorice roots (Glycyrrhiza glabra) inhibits 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 that catalyzes the activation of glucocorticoids. Thus, oral administration of GA is postulated to ameliorate the MetS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  9. John CM, Ramasamy R, Al Naqeeb G, Al-Nuaimi AH, Adam A
    Curr Med Chem, 2012;19(30):5181-6.
    PMID: 23237188
    Gestational diabetes (GD) is a common complication during pregnancy. Metabolic changes in GD affect fetal development and fetal glucose homeostasis. The present study utilized a rat model of GD to evaluate the effects of nicotinamide on diabetic parameters; antioxidant gene expression viz, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT); reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by neutrophils and enhancement of lymphocyte mediated immune response. Nicotinamide (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg) was orally supplemented to gestational diabetic rats from days 6 through 20 of gestation. After GD induction, the control group had elevated glucose and reduced insulin while nicotinamide (100 & 200 mg/kg) supplementation reversed these changes. The same doses of nicotinamide upregulated mRNA expressions of SOD and CAT genes in liver but reduced the oxidative burst activity of neutrophils in response to phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) or E. coli activation. Nicotinamide (100 & 200 mg/kg) supplementation also increased expression of activated T helper (CD4+CD25+) cells and induced proliferation of splenocytes. These findings provide evidence for utilizing nicotinamide as supplement or adjunct to support existing therapeutic agents for gestational diabetes and in pregnant individuals with weakened immune systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  10. Lew LC, Hor YY, Jaafar MH, Lau AS, Lee BK, Chuah LO, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Aug 16;21(16).
    PMID: 32824277 DOI: 10.3390/ijms21165872
    In this study, we hypothesized that different strains of Lactobacillus can alleviate hyperlipidemia and liver steatosis via activation of 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme that is involved in cellular energy homeostasis, in aged rats. Male rats were fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) and injected with D-galactose daily over 12 weeks to induce aging. Treatments included (n = 6) (i) normal diet (ND), (ii) HFD, (iii) HFD-statin (lovastatin 2 mg/kg/day), (iv) HFD-Lactobacillus fermentum DR9 (10 log CFU/day), (v) HFD-Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 (10 log CFU/day), and (vi) HFD-Lactobacillus reuteri 8513d (10 log CFU/day). Rats administered with statin, DR9, and 8513d reduced serum total cholesterol levels after eight weeks (p < 0.05), while the administration of DR7 reduced serum triglycerides level after 12 weeks (p < 0.05) as compared to the HFD control. A more prominent effect was observed from the administration of DR7, where positive effects were observed, ranging from hepatic gene expressions to liver histology as compared to the control (p < 0.05); downregulation of hepatic lipid synthesis and β-oxidation gene stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), upregulation of hepatic sterol excretion genes of ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 5 and 8 (ABCG5 and ABCG8), lesser degree of liver steatosis, and upregulation of hepatic energy metabolisms genes AMPKα1 and AMPKα2. Taken altogether, this study illustrated that the administration of selected Lactobacillus strains led to improved lipid profiles via activation of energy and lipid metabolisms, suggesting the potentials of Lactobacillus as a promising natural intervention for alleviation of cardiovascular and liver diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  11. Lakshmanan H, Raman J, Pandian A, Kuppamuthu K, Nanjian R, Sabaratam V, et al.
    Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2016 Aug;79:25-34.
    PMID: 27177820 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.05.010
    Senecio candicans DC. (Asteraceae) is used as a remedy for gastric ulcer and stomach pain in the Nilgiris, district, Tamil Nadu. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the sub-chronic toxicity of an aqueous extract of Senecio candicans (AESC) plant in Wistar albino rats. The study was conducted in consideration of the OECD 408 study design (Repeated Dose 90-Day Oral Toxicity Study in Rodents) and the extract was administered via gavage at doses of 250, 500 or 750 mg/kg body weight per day for 90-days. Hematological, biochemical parameters were determined on days 0, 30, 60 and 90 of administration. Animals were euthanized after 90 d treatment and its liver and kidney sections were taken for histological study. The results of sub-chronic study showed significant increase (P liver showed mild mononuclear infiltration in the portal trait, enlarged nucleus around the central vein and mild loss of hepatocyte architecture in rats treated with 750 mg/kg of AESC. Histological examination of kidney showed focal interstitial fibrosis, crowding of glomeruli and mild hydropic change with hypercellular glomeruli in rats treated with 750 mg/kg of AESC. However, no remarkable histoarchitectural change in hepatocytes and glomeruli were observed in rats treated with lower concentrations (250 and 500 mg/kg b.w.) of AESC compared to control group animals. The no-observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of AESC in the present study was 500 mg/kg b.w. Signs of toxic effects are evident from the current study. Although AESC contains low concentrations of PA, findings from this study suggest that regular consumers of herbal remedies derived from this plant may develop kidney and liver toxicity. Further studies on the isolation and characterization of PAs are necessary to determine the safe dose level of the extract for therapeutic use in traditional medicine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  12. Gnanaraj C, Shah MD, Song TT, Iqbal M
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2017 Aug;92:1010-1022.
    PMID: 28609838 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.06.014
    Plants have been consumed in medicinal practices for centuries. Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R.Br. (Lygodiaceae), also known as Old World Climbing Fern, is a medicinal plant used by local communities in Sabah for skin and dysentery ailments. This study aims to test aqueous extract of L. microphyllum leaves for hepatoprotective and immunosuppressive activity in rats. Animal studies were carried out to evaluate hepatoprotection of aqueous extract of L. microphyllum at different doses (200, 400 and 600mg/kg b.w.) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-mediated liver injury and histopathological alterations. Total phenolic content in aqueous extract of L. microphyllum leaves was 206.38±9.62mg gallic acid equivalent/g. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) for free radical scavenging activity of L. microphyllum was reached at a concentration of 65μg/ml.L. microphyllum was able to prevent the increase in levels of serum alanine aminotransferase, serum aspartate aminotransferase and hepatic malondialdehyde formation in a dose-dependent manner. Immunohistochemical results evidenced the suppression of oxidative stress markers (4-hydroxynonenal, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Interleukin-6, Prostaglandin E2). Histopathological and hepatocyte ultrastructural alterations showed protective effects by L. microphyllum against CCl4-mediated oxidative stress. Hepatoprotective mechanism of L. microphyllum can be attributed to its antioxidative effects through protection of ultrastructural organelles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects*
  13. Osman AY, Saharee AA, Jesse FF, Kadir AA
    Microb Pathog, 2017 Sep;110:365-374.
    PMID: 28710016 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2017.07.014
    In this study, we developed a mouse model and characterized the effects of intranasal inoculation of virulent Brucella melitensis strain 16M and its lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The effects of the exposure were compared with respective control groups. Both Brucella melitensis-infected and LPS-infected groups showed no significant clinical presentation with minor relevance in the mortality associated with the infection. In Brucella melitensis-infected group, significant histopathological changes in comparison to the LPS infected group with increase bacterial burden in the lungs, reproductive and reticuloendothelial organs were observed. However, both infected groups showed elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression (IL-1β and IL6) and antibody production (IgM an IgG) as early as 3 days post-infection with predominance in LPS infected group. In contrast, low levels of sex related hormonal changes was recorded in both infected groups throughout the experimental period. This is the first detailed investigation comparing the infection progression and host responses in relation to the immunopathophysiological aspects in mouse model after intranasal inoculation with B. melitensis and its lipopolysaccharide. The study revealed a significant difference between infected and control groups with overlap in clinical, pathological, and immunological responses as well as sex related hormonal changes resulting from the infections.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  14. Hussain K, Ismail Z, Sadikun A, Ibrahim P
    Planta Med, 2010 Mar;76(5):418-25.
    PMID: 19862670 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1186279
    The present study aimed to investigate standardized ethanol extracts of fruit and leaves of Piper sarmentosum for their in vivo antioxidant activity in rats using a CCl (4)-induced oxidative stress model. The standardization was based on the quantification of the markers pellitorine, sarmentine and sarmentosine by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and determination of total primary and secondary metabolites. The rats, divided into 7 groups each (n = 6), were used as follows: group 1 (CCl (4), negative control), group 2 (untreated, control), groups 3 and 4 (fruit extract 250 and 500 mg/kg, respectively), groups 5 and 6 (leaf extract 250 and 500 mg/kg, respectively) and group 7 (vitamin-E 100 mg/kg, positive control). The doses were administered orally for 14 days; 4 h following the last dose, a single dose of CCl (4) (1.5 mg/kg) was given orally to all the groups except group 2, and after 24 h, blood and liver of each animal were obtained. Analysis of plasma and liver homogenate exhibited significant preservation of markers of antioxidant activity, total plasma antioxidant activity (TPAA), total protein (TP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), in the pretreated groups as compared to the CCl (4) group (p < 0.05). Histology of the liver also evidenced the protection of hepatocytes against CCl (4) metabolites in the pretreated groups. The results of this study indicate the IN VIVO antioxidant activity of both extracts of the plant, which may be valuable to combat diseases involving free radicals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  15. Liew HJ, Fazio A, Faggio C, Blust R, De Boeck G
    PMID: 26219478 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.07.011
    Interacting effects of feeding and stress on corticoid responses in fish were investigated in common carp fed 3.0% or 0.5% body mass (BM) which received no implant, a sham or a cortisol implant (250 mg/kg BM) throughout a 168 hour post-implant period (168 h-PI). At 12h-PI, cortisol implants elevated plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate. Plasma osmolality and ions remained stable, but cortisol increased gill and kidney Na(+)/K(+) ATPase (NKA) and H(+) ATPase activities. Gill NKA activities were higher at 3%-BM, whereas kidney H(+) ATPase activity was greater at 0.5%-BM. Cortisol induced liver protein mobilization and repartitioned liver and muscle glycogen. At 3%-BM, this did not increase plasma ammonia, reflecting improved excretion efficiency concomitant with upregulation of Rhesus glycoprotein Rhcg-1 in gill. Responses in glucocorticoid receptors (GR1/GR2) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) to cortisol elevation were most prominent in kidney with increased expression of all receptors at 24 h-PI at 0.5%-BM, but only GR2 and MR at 0.5%-BM. In the liver, upregulation of all receptors occurred at 24 h-PI at 3%-BM, whilst only GR2 and MR were upregulated at 0.5%-BM. In the gill, there was a limited upregulation: GR2 and MR at 72 h-PI and GR1 at 168 h-PI at 3%-BM but only GR2 at 72 h-PI at 0.5%-BM. Thus cortisol elevation led to similar expression patterns of cortisol receptors in both feeding regimes, while feeding affected the type of receptor that was induced. Induction of corticoid receptors occurred simultaneously with increases in Rhcg-1 mRNA expression (gill) but well after NKA and H(+) ATPase activities increased (gill/kidney).
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
  16. Abdulrazaq NB, Cho MM, Win NN, Zaman R, Rahman MT
    Br J Nutr, 2012 Oct;108(7):1194-201.
    PMID: 22152092
    Zingiber officinale (ZO), commonly known as ginger, has been traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Several studies have reported the hypoglycaemic properties of ginger in animal models. The present study evaluated the antihyperglycaemic effect of its aqueous extract administered orally (daily) in three different doses (100, 300, 500 mg/kg body weight) for a period of 30 d to streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. A dose-dependent antihyperglycaemic effect revealed a decrease of plasma glucose levels by 38 and 68 % on the 15th and 30th day, respectively, after the rats were given 500 mg/kg. The 500 mg/kg ZO significantly (P<0·05) decreased kidney weight (% body weight) in ZO-treated diabetic rats v. control rats, although the decrease in liver weight (% body weight) was not statistically significant. Kidney glycogen content increased significantly (P<0·05) while liver and skeletal muscle glycogen content decreased significantly (P<0·05) in diabetic controls v. normal controls. ZO (500 mg/kg) also significantly decreased kidney glycogen (P<0·05) and increased liver and skeletal muscle glycogen in STZ-diabetic rats when compared to diabetic controls. Activities of glucokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase in diabetic controls were decreased by 94, 53 and 61 %, respectively, when compared to normal controls; and ZO significantly increased (P<0·05) those enzymes' activities in STZ-diabetic rats. Therefore, the present study showed that ginger is a potential phytomedicine for the treatment of diabetes through its effects on the activities of glycolytic enzymes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/drug effects
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