Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 336 in total

  1. Hui SS, Zhang R, Suzuki K, Naito H, Balasekaran G, Song JK, et al.
    Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2021 Mar;31(3):763-771.
    PMID: 33249648 DOI: 10.1111/sms.13893
    Less is known about how compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines for physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior, and sleep affects adiposity in young people. The purposes of this study were to compare compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines in Asian adolescents and to examine the associations between compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines and body fat percentage. A sample of 12 590 adolescents aged 13.63 (± 1.01) years from eight Asian metropolitan cities including Bangkok (Thailand), Hong Kong SAR, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Seoul (South Korea), Shanghai (China), Singapore, Taipei (Taiwan), and Tokyo (Japan) completed interviewer-administered questionnaires to assess moderate-to-vigorous PA, recreational screen time, sleep duration, and covariates. Body fat percentage was measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis. We found that compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines differed in Asian adolescents across the eight cities. Adjusting for covariates, there was a negative association between number of the guidelines being met and body fat percentage in Asian adolescents. In addition, meeting only the sleep guideline and both the PA and sleep guidelines had negative associations with body fat percentage compared with no guidelines being met. Our findings improve the understanding about how compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines benefit a healthy body weight in adolescents, as well as contribute to development of evidence-based 24-hour movement guidelines for Asian young people. Future research is needed to gain better insights into the directionality of the associations between compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines and adiposity, as well as the mechanisms underlying the associations in Asian adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology
  2. Chan CMH, Wong JE, Wee LH, Jamil NA, Yeap LLL, Swarna Nantha Y, et al.
    Occup Med (Lond), 2020 Sep 09;70(6):400-406.
    PMID: 32537649 DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqaa107
    BACKGROUND: Past research on work engagement has focused almost exclusively on either psychological or work-related factors in almost wholly separate literature. There is therefore a need to examine how these factors collectively influence work engagement.

    AIMS: To determine levels of work engagement and to identify psychological and work-related characteristics predicting work engagement in employees in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We recruited 5235 employees from 47 public and private organizations in Malaysia who responded to an online health survey. We assessed work engagement with the 9-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) and psychological distress using the 6-item Kessler scale. We performed multiple linear regression to determine predictors of work engagement.

    RESULTS: Employee mean age was 33.8 years (standard deviation [SD] ± 8.8). The mean work engagement score on the UWES-9 was 3.53 (SD ± 0.94). Eleven of 18 variables on multiple regression predicted work engagement, F(18, 4925) = 69.02, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.201. Factors that predicted higher work engagement were age, marital status, education level, job type, job permanency, longer sleep duration, lower psychological distress and no history of workplace bullying.

    CONCLUSIONS: Key factors associated with poorer work engagement in Malaysian employees include inadequate sleep, psychological distress and a history of workplace bullying. These are modifiable factors that individuals and employers can target to improve work engagement, ideally tailored according to occupational type.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep*
  3. Wang C, Bangdiwala SI, Rangarajan S, Lear SA, AlHabib KF, Mohan V, et al.
    Eur Heart J, 2019 05 21;40(20):1620-1629.
    PMID: 30517670 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy695
    AIMS: To investigate the association of estimated total daily sleep duration and daytime nap duration with deaths and major cardiovascular events.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: We estimated the durations of total daily sleep and daytime naps based on the amount of time in bed and self-reported napping time and examined the associations between them and the composite outcome of deaths and major cardiovascular events in 116 632 participants from seven regions. After a median follow-up of 7.8 years, we recorded 4381 deaths and 4365 major cardiovascular events. It showed both shorter (≤6 h/day) and longer (>8 h/day) estimated total sleep durations were associated with an increased risk of the composite outcome when adjusted for age and sex. After adjustment for demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviours and health status, a J-shaped association was observed. Compared with sleeping 6-8 h/day, those who slept ≤6 h/day had a non-significant trend for increased risk of the composite outcome [hazard ratio (HR), 1.09; 95% confidence interval, 0.99-1.20]. As estimated sleep duration increased, we also noticed a significant trend for a greater risk of the composite outcome [HR of 1.05 (0.99-1.12), 1.17 (1.09-1.25), and 1.41 (1.30-1.53) for 8-9 h/day, 9-10 h/day, and >10 h/day, Ptrend < 0.0001, respectively]. The results were similar for each of all-cause mortality and major cardiovascular events. Daytime nap duration was associated with an increased risk of the composite events in those with over 6 h of nocturnal sleep duration, but not in shorter nocturnal sleepers (≤6 h).

    CONCLUSION: Estimated total sleep duration of 6-8 h per day is associated with the lowest risk of deaths and major cardiovascular events. Daytime napping is associated with increased risks of major cardiovascular events and deaths in those with >6 h of nighttime sleep but not in those sleeping ≤6 h/night.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology*
  4. Wang CMZ, Pang KP, Tan SG, Pang KA, Pang EB, Cherilynn TYN, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 04;74(2):133-137.
    PMID: 31079124
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate predictors of difficult intubation in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

    METHODOLOGY: Prospective series of 405 OSA patients (350 males/55 females) who had upper airway surgery. Procedures included functional endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty, turbinate reduction, palate/tonsil surgery, and/or tongue base surgery. Intubation difficulty (ID) was assessed using Mallampati grade, Laryngoscopic grade (Cormack and Lehane), and clinical parameters including BMI, neck circumference, thyromental distance, jaw adequacy, neck movements and glidescope grading.

    RESULTS: Mean age was 41.6 years old; mean BMI 26.6; mean neck circumference 44.5cm; mean Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) was 25.0; and mean LSAT 82%. The various laryngeal grades (based on Cormack and Lehane), grade 1 - 53 patients (12.9%), grade 2A - 127 patients (31.0%), grade 2B - 125 patients (30.5%), grade 3 - 93 patients (22.7%) and grade 4 - seven patients (1.7%); hence, 24.4% had difficulties in intubation. Parameters that adversely affected intubation were, age of the patient, opening of mouth, retrognathia, overbite, overjet, limited neck extension, thyromental distance, Mallampati grade, and macroglossia (p<0.001). Body mass index (BMI) (p=0.087), neck circumference (p=0.645), neck aches (p=0.728), jaw aches (p=0.417), tonsil size (p=0.048), and AHI (p=0.047) had poor correlation with intubation. BMI-adjusted for Asians and Caucasians, showed that Asians were more likely to have difficulties in intubation (adjusted OR = 4.6 (95%Confidence Interval: 1.05 to 20.06) (p=0.043), compared to the Caucasian group.

    CONCLUSION: This study illustrates that difficult intubation can be predicted pre-surgery in order to avert any anaesthetic morbidity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/complications*
  5. Kandasamy G, Almaghaslah D, Sivanandy P, Arumugam S
    Int J Health Plann Manage, 2019 Apr;34(2):e1200-e1207.
    PMID: 30793369 DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2758
    OBJECTIVES: A prospective observational study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) therapy on the health-related quality of life (QoL) of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

    METHODS: The patients included in this study were those recently diagnosed with OSA (AHI > 5) and given nCPAP therapy, as well as being referred to a sleep laboratory for an assessment of their sleep disordered breathing. Prior to the start of nCPAP therapy and polysomnography evaluation, patients were asked to complete the validated Quebec sleep questionnaire (QSQ), and their baseline measurements were recorded.

    RESULTS: Among the study population, 14.41% (n = 31) had mild OSA with an apnea and hypopnea index of 5 to 14.9 events/h, while 26.97% (n = 58) had moderate OSA and 40% (n = 86) had severe OSA. The overall average apnea and hypopnea index of the study population was 30.24 ± 9.73 events/h; mild OSA patients had an average apnea and hypopnea index of 10.09 ± 2.65 events/h, moderate OSA patients had 21.48 ± 4.40 events/h, and severe OSA patients had 59.16 ± 22.14 events/h. A significant difference was observed between the scores before treatment and after 6 months of therapy in all domains of the QSQ QoL scores (P sleep apnea.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/therapy*
  6. Singh VP, Gan JY, Liew WL, Kyaw Soe HH, Nettem S, Nettemu SK
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2019 2 13;16(1):29-35.
    PMID: 30745916
    Background: Periodontitis is a public health concern since it is a major factor in tooth loss worldwide and has association with many systemic diseases. Sleep is a complex and essentially biological process and a critical factor for maintaining mental and physical health. Since inflammation is characteristic of both chronic periodontitis and sleep deprivation, few studies in recent years present the contradictory results regarding this potential association. The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between quality of sleep and chronic periodontitis.

    Materials and Methods: A total of 200 individuals participated in this study. All participants underwent a comprehensive clinical periodontal examination. Case-control were identified using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/American Academy of Periodontology case definitions for periodontal disease. The quality of sleep was assessed by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to test the influence of variables (quality of sleep, age, sex, ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status), in the occurrence of periodontitis. Odds ratio (OR) and respective confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated and reported. P =0.05 was considered statistically significant.

    Results: The prevalence of poor quality of sleep was 56.75% in cases (periodontitis group) and 43.24% in control group. There was positive association between quality of sleep and chronic periodontitis (OR = 3.04; 95% CI = 1.42-6.5; P = 0.004). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, only the age was significantly related to the periodontitis (OR = 1.11; 95% CI = 1.07-1.41; P < 0.001), other variables failed to reach the significant level.

    Conclusion: Poor quality of sleep was significantly associated with chronic periodontitis. Only the age was significantly related to periodontitis among the other covariable measured.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep; Sleep Deprivation
  7. Paul JK, Iype T, R D, Hagiwara Y, Koh JW, Acharya UR
    Comput Biol Med, 2019 08;111:103331.
    PMID: 31284155 DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103331
    Fibromyalgia is an intense musculoskeletal pain causing sleep, fatigue, and mood problems. Sleep studies have suggested that 70%-80% of fibromyalgia patients complain of non-restorative sleep. The abnormalities in sleep have been implicated as both a cause and effect of the disease. In this paper, the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of sleep stages 2 and 3 are used to classify the normal and fibromyalgia classes automatically. We have used various nonlinear parameters, namely sample entropy (SampEn), fractal dimension (FD), higher order spectra (HOS), largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE), Kolmogorov complexity (KC), Hurst exponent (HE), energy, and power in various frequency bands from the EEG signals. Then these features are subjected to Student's t-test to select the clinically significant features, and are classified using the support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Our proposed method can classify normal and fibromyalgia subjects using the stage 2 sleep EEG signals with an accuracy of 96.15%, sensitivity and specificity of 96.88% and 95.65%, respectively. Performance of the developed system can be improved further by adding more subjects in each class, and can be employed for clinical use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology*
  8. Azizan A, Fard M, Azari MF, Jazar R
    Appl Ergon, 2017 Apr;60:348-355.
    PMID: 28166895 DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.12.020
    Although much research has been devoted to the characterization of the effects of whole-body vibration on seated occupants' comfort, drowsiness induced by vibration has received less attention to date. There are also little validated measurement methods available to quantify whole body vibration-induced drowsiness. Here, the effects of vibration on drowsiness were investigated. Twenty male volunteers were recruited for this experiment. Drowsiness was measured in a driving simulator, before and after 30-min exposure to vibration. Gaussian random vibration, with 1-15 Hz frequency bandwidth was used for excitation. During the driving session, volunteers were required to obey the speed limit of 100 kph and maintain a steady position on the left-hand lane. A deviation in lane position, steering angle variability, and speed deviation were recorded and analysed. Alternatively, volunteers rated their subjective drowsiness by Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) scores every 5-min. Following 30-min of exposure to vibration, a significant increase of lane deviation, steering angle variability, and KSS scores were observed in all volunteers suggesting the adverse effects of vibration on human alertness level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Stages*
  9. Mat Zain NS, Lee LK
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Dec 06;19(23).
    PMID: 36498443 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192316371
    Aquaculture is seen as an essential food-producing sector for improving global food security and nutrition indices. This cross-sectional study examined the health complaints and mental health status of aquaculture workers, as well as their relationship with quality of life, with respect to the brackish water and freshwater aquaculture cultivation system in Penang, Malaysia. The workers’ health complaints were collected, and mental health status was evaluated as means of depression, anxiety, stress and self-esteem. Self-perceived quality of life was assessed using a structured questionnaire. This study involved the participation of 88 brackish water (84.6%) and 16 freshwater (15.4%) aquaculture workers. A total of 72.7% of the brackish water aquaculture workers were aged beyond 50 years old and had worked within five years (77.3%) in the aquaculture industry. Both brackish water and freshwater cultivation workers were confronted with fatigue, pain and insomnia. Up to 48%, 40.4%, 26% and 24% of them were facing depression, anxiety, stress and low self-esteem, respectively. A total of 3.4% of the brackish water aquaculture workers were having bad quality of life. The complaints of neck/shoulder/arm pain (F = 13.963; p < 0.001), back pain (F = 10.974; p < 0.01), hand/wrist pain (F = 8.041; p < 0.01), knee/hip pain (F = 12.910; p < 0.01) and insomnia (F = 10.936; p < 0.01) were correlated with bad quality of life among the workers. For mental health status, self-esteem (F = 4.157; p < 0.05) was found to be negatively correlated with quality of life scores. The results outlined the concerning level of health complaints and psychological distress among the aquaculture workers. The study emphasized the importance of developing an appropriate occupational health strategy in the aquaculture industry. Longitudinal investigations aimed to explore the effects of psychological distress on employment productivity among the high-risk workers are warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders*
  10. Mohanraj J, D'Souza UJA, Fong SY, Karkada IR, Jaiprakash H
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Jul 21;19(14).
    PMID: 35886710 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19148862
    Relative leptin resistance in childhood to absolute leptin resistance in maturity suggests sleep, eating behaviour, and the psychological state as probable causes. The current body of research provides inconclusive evidence linking G2548A and Q223R to obesity. Furthermore, we could find very little data that have observed the association between the environment and gene polymorphism, especially in the multiethnic population that exists in Malaysia. This study searched for a possible link between sleeping habits, eating behaviour, and stress indicators with plasma leptin and its genetic variation in young adult Malaysian healthcare students. The study involved 185 first- and second-year medical and dental students from a healthcare university. Polymerase Chain Reaction−Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) determined the genotype, Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbant Assay (ELISA) tested the serum leptin, and a self-administered questionnaire evaluated sleep, eating behaviour, and psychological condition. Gender and ethnicity are linked to fasting plasma leptin levels (p < 0.001). Plasma leptin also affects stress, anxiety, and sadness. Leptin (LEP) and Leptin Receptor (LEPR) polymorphisms were not associated with BMI, plasma leptin, sleep, eating behaviour, or psychological state. Young adult Malaysian Indians were obese and overweight, while Chinese were underweight. These findings imply overweight and obese participants were in stage I of leptin resistance and lifestyle change or leptin therapy could prevent them from becoming cripplingly obese as they age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/genetics
  11. Liam CK, Liao CM, Kannan P
    Singapore Med J, 1994 Aug;35(4):411-3.
    PMID: 7899906
    A patient had recurrent acute nocturnal pulmonary oedema following an anterior myocardial infarction despite a normal maximal stress electrocardiogram. He had a history of chronic heavy snoring and other symptoms to suggest a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) which was supported by an overnight sleep study. The recurrent acute pulmonary oedema was most likely due to a combination of poor left ventricular function and obstructive sleep apnoea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Apnea Syndromes/complications*
  12. Al-Mhanna SB, Batrakoulis A, Norhayati MN, Mohamed M, Drenowatz C, Irekeola AA, et al.
    J Sports Sci Med, 2024 Jun;23(2):366-395.
    PMID: 38841642 DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2024.366
    Breast cancer survivors with obesity are at a high risk of cancer recurrence, comorbidity, and mortality. This review aims to systematically evaluate the effects of combined aerobic and resistance training (CART) on body composition, lipid homeostasis, inflammation, adipokines, cancer-related fatigue, sleep, and quality of life in breast cancer patients and survivors with overweight/obesity. An electronic search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, Cochrane, and Google Scholar databases from inception up to January 8, 2024. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) meeting the inclusion criteria were selected for the analysis. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess eligible studies, and the GRADE method to evaluate the quality of evidence. A random-effects model was used, and data were analyzed using mean (MD) and standardized mean differences (SMD) for continuous variables with 95% confidence intervals (CI). We assessed the data for risk of bias, heterogeneity, sensitivity, reporting bias, and quality of evidence. A total of 17 randomized controlled trials were included in the systematic review involving 1,148 female patients and survivors (mean age: 54.0 ± 3.4 years). The primary outcomes showed significant improvements in body mass index (SMD -0.57 kg/m2, p = 0.04), body fat (SMD -0.50%, p = 0.02), fat mass (SMD -0.63 kg, p = 0.04), hip circumference (MD -3.14 cm, p = 0.02), and fat-free mass (SMD 1.03 kg, p < 0.001). The secondary outcomes indicated significant increases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (MD -0.05 mmol/L, p = 0.008), natural killer cells (SMD 0.42%, p = 0.04), reductions in triglycerides (MD -81.90 mg/dL, p < 0.01), total cholesterol (SMD -0.95 mmol/L, p < 0.01), tumor necrosis factor α (SMD -0.89 pg/mL, p = 0.03), and leptin (SMD -0.63 ng/mL, p = 0.03). Also, beneficial alterations were found in cancer-related fatigue (SMD -0.98, p = 0.03), sleep (SMD -1.17, p < 0.001), and quality of life (SMD 2.94, p = 0.02) scores. There was very low to low confidence in the estimated effect of most of the outcomes. The present findings reveal that CART could be considered an adjunct therapy in supporting the conventional clinical approach observed following exercise. However, further high-quality research is needed to evaluate whether CART would be a valuable intervention to lower aggressive pharmacologic use in breast cancer patients with overweight/obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology
  13. Du C, Zan MCH, Cho MJ, Fenton JI, Hsiao PY, Hsiao R, et al.
    Nutrients, 2021 Jan 29;13(2).
    PMID: 33572863 DOI: 10.3390/nu13020442
    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has increased the already high levels of stress that higher education students experience. Stress influences health behaviors, including those related to dietary behaviors, alcohol, and sleep; yet the effects of stress can be mitigated by resilience. To date, past research studying the connections between dietary behaviors, alcohol misuse, sleep, and resilience commonly investigated singular relationships between two of the constructs. The aim of the current study was to explore the relationships between these constructs in a more holistic manner using mediation and moderation analyses.

    METHODS: Higher education students from China, Ireland, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and the United States were enrolled in a cross-sectional study from April to May 2020, which was during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic for most participants. An online survey, using validated tools, was distributed to assess perceived stress, dietary behaviors, alcohol misuse, sleep quality and duration, and resilience.

    RESULTS: 2254 students completed the study. Results indicated that sleep quality mediated the relationship between perceived stress and dietary behaviors as well as the relationship between perceived stress and alcohol misuse. Further, increased resilience reduced the strength of the relationship between perceived stress and dietary behaviors but not alcohol misuse.

    CONCLUSION: Based on these results, higher education students are likely to benefit from sleep education and resilience training, especially during stressful events.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep*
  14. Nusurupia JJ, Germana LH, Wickramasinghe P, Tang HK, Munambah N, Hossain MS, et al.
    Child Care Health Dev, 2024 Nov;50(6):e70008.
    PMID: 39564734 DOI: 10.1111/cch.70008
    BACKGROUND: Insufficient physical activity, excessive screen time and short sleep duration among young children are global public health concerns; however, data on prevalence of meeting World Health Organisation 24-h movement behaviour guidelines for 3-4-year-old children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are limited, and it is unknown whether urbanisation is related to young children's movement behaviours. The present study examined differences in prevalence of meeting 24-h movement behaviour guidelines among 3-4-year-old children living in urban versus rural settings in LMICs.

    METHODS: The SUNRISE Study recruited 429, 3-4-year-old child/parent dyads from 10 LMICs. Children wore activPAL accelerometers continuously for at least 48 h to assess their physical activity and sleep duration. Screen time and time spent restrained were assessed via parent questionnaire. Differences in prevalence of meeting guidelines between urban- and rural-dwelling children were examined using chi-square tests.

    RESULTS: Physical activity guidelines were met by 17% of children (14% urban vs. 18% rural), sleep guidelines by 57% (61% urban vs. 54% rural), screen time guidelines by 50% (50% urban vs. 50% rural), restrained guidelines by 84% (81% urban vs. 86% rural) and all guidelines combined by 4% (4% urban vs.4% rural). We found no significant differences in meeting the guidelines between urban and rural areas.

    CONCLUSIONS: Only a small proportion of children in both rural and urban settings met the WHO 24-h movement guidelines. Strategies to improve movement behaviours in LMICs should consider including both rural and urban settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology
  15. Taquet M, Sillett R, Zhu L, Mendel J, Camplisson I, Dercon Q, et al.
    Lancet Psychiatry, 2022 Oct;9(10):815-827.
    PMID: 35987197 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(22)00260-7
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 is associated with increased risks of neurological and psychiatric sequelae in the weeks and months thereafter. How long these risks remain, whether they affect children and adults similarly, and whether SARS-CoV-2 variants differ in their risk profiles remains unclear.

    METHODS: In this analysis of 2-year retrospective cohort studies, we extracted data from the TriNetX electronic health records network, an international network of de-identified data from health-care records of approximately 89 million patients collected from hospital, primary care, and specialist providers (mostly from the USA, but also from Australia, the UK, Spain, Bulgaria, India, Malaysia, and Taiwan). A cohort of patients of any age with COVID-19 diagnosed between Jan 20, 2020, and April 13, 2022, was identified and propensity-score matched (1:1) to a contemporaneous cohort of patients with any other respiratory infection. Matching was done on the basis of demographic factors, risk factors for COVID-19 and severe COVID-19 illness, and vaccination status. Analyses were stratified by age group (age <18 years [children], 18-64 years [adults], and ≥65 years [older adults]) and date of diagnosis. We assessed the risks of 14 neurological and psychiatric diagnoses after SARS-CoV-2 infection and compared these risks with the matched comparator cohort. The 2-year risk trajectories were represented by time-varying hazard ratios (HRs) and summarised using the 6-month constant HRs (representing the risks in the earlier phase of follow-up, which have not yet been well characterised in children), the risk horizon for each outcome (ie, the time at which the HR returns to 1), and the time to equal incidence in the two cohorts. We also estimated how many people died after a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis during follow-up in each age group. Finally, we compared matched cohorts of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 directly before and after the emergence of the alpha (B.1.1.7), delta (B.1.617.2), and omicron (B.1.1.529) variants.

    FINDINGS: We identified 1 487 712 patients with a recorded diagnosis of COVID-19 during the study period, of whom 1 284 437 (185 748 children, 856 588 adults, and 242 101 older adults; overall mean age 42·5 years [SD 21·9]; 741 806 [57·8%] were female and 542 192 [42·2%] were male) were adequately matched with an equal number of patients with another respiratory infection. The risk trajectories of outcomes after SARS-CoV-2 infection in the whole cohort differed substantially. While most outcomes had HRs significantly greater than 1 after 6 months (with the exception of encephalitis; Guillain-Barré syndrome; nerve, nerve root, and plexus disorder; and parkinsonism), their risk horizons and time to equal incidence varied greatly. Risks of the common psychiatric disorders returned to baseline after 1-2 months (mood disorders at 43 days, anxiety disorders at 58 days) and subsequently reached an equal overall incidence to the matched comparison group (mood disorders at 457 days, anxiety disorders at 417 days). By contrast, risks of cognitive deficit (known as brain fog), dementia, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures were still increased at the end of the 2-year follow-up period. Post-COVID-19 risk trajectories differed in children compared with adults: in the 6 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, children were not at an increased risk of mood (HR 1·02 [95% CI 0·94-1·10) or anxiety (1·00 [0·94-1·06]) disorders, but did have an increased risk of cognitive deficit, insomnia, intracranial haemorrhage, ischaemic stroke, nerve, nerve root, and plexus disorders, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures (HRs ranging from 1·20 [1·09-1·33] to 2·16 [1·46-3·19]). Unlike adults, cognitive deficit in children had a finite risk horizon (75 days) and a finite time to equal incidence (491 days). A sizeable proportion of older adults who received a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis, in either cohort, subsequently died, especially those diagnosed with dementia or epilepsy or seizures. Risk profiles were similar just before versus just after the emergence of the alpha variant (n=47 675 in each cohort). Just after (vs just before) the emergence of the delta variant (n=44 835 in each cohort), increased risks of ischaemic stroke, epilepsy or seizures, cognitive deficit, insomnia, and anxiety disorders were observed, compounded by an increased death rate. With omicron (n=39 845 in each cohort), there was a lower death rate than just before emergence of the variant, but the risks of neurological and psychiatric outcomes remained similar.

    INTERPRETATION: This analysis of 2-year retrospective cohort studies of individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 showed that the increased incidence of mood and anxiety disorders was transient, with no overall excess of these diagnoses compared with other respiratory infections. In contrast, the increased risk of psychotic disorder, cognitive deficit, dementia, and epilepsy or seizures persisted throughout. The differing trajectories suggest a different pathogenesis for these outcomes. Children have a more benign overall profile of psychiatric risk than do adults and older adults, but their sustained higher risk of some diagnoses is of concern. The fact that neurological and psychiatric outcomes were similar during the delta and omicron waves indicates that the burden on the health-care system might continue even with variants that are less severe in other respects. Our findings are relevant to understanding individual-level and population-level risks of neurological and psychiatric disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and can help inform our responses to them.

    FUNDING: National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre, The Wolfson Foundation, and MQ Mental Health Research.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders*
  16. Aazami S, Mozafari M, Shamsuddin K, Akmal S
    Ind Health, 2016;54(1):50-7.
    PMID: 26423332 DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2015-0086
    This study aimed at assessing effect of the four dimensions of work-family conflicts (strain and time-based work interference into family and family interference into work) on sleep disturbance in Malaysian working women. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 325 Malaysian married working women. Multiple-stage simple random sampling method was used to recruit women from public service departments of Malaysia. Self-administrated questionnaires were used to measure the study variables and data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. We found that high level of the four dimensions of work-family conflicts significantly increase sleep disturbance. Our analyses also revealed an age-dependent effect of the work-family conflict on sleep disturbance. Women in their 20 to 30 yr old suffer from sleep disturbance due to high level of time-based and strain-based work-interference into family. However, the quality of sleep among women aged 30-39 were affected by strain-based family-interference into work. Finally, women older than 40 yr had significantly disturbed sleep due to strain-based work-interference into family as well as time-based family interference into work. Our findings showed that sleep quality of working women might be disturbed by experiencing high level of work-family conflict. However, the effects of inter-role conflicts on sleep varied among different age groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Disorders, Intrinsic/etiology*
  17. Kok EY, Kaur S, Mohd Shukri NH, Abdul Razak N, Takahashi M
    Nutr Health, 2024 Dec;30(4):645-654.
    PMID: 38584399 DOI: 10.1177/02601060241246354
    Introduction: Emerging evidence has been explored to determine the factors affecting the development of infant circadian rhythm. While fetal programming happens during the pregnancy period, external environmental cues and infant nutritional programming can have substantial effects on the infant circadian rhythm. Understanding prenatal and postnatal factors determining infant circadian rhythm can improve future interventions in optimizing maternal and infant health. Methods: This is a prospective observational cohort study, targeting 216 pregnant women from government maternity clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pregnant women will be recruited at third trimester (baseline), and follow up at 3 months, and 6 months. A subsample will be collected for salivary cortisol analysis to determine circadian rhythm of the mother and infant at third trimester and 3 months. Data of eating misalignment, light exposure, chronotype, infant temperament, sleep quality, and mood will be collected via validated questionnaires. Anthropometric data and birth outcomes will be collected from antenatal and postnatal health records. Summary: Studies on infant circadian rhythm development have yet to be explored and established, hence this study presents a novel approach to identify the factors from prenatal to postnatal periods on infant circadian rhythm and its influence on growth and temperament. Findings from this study will provide insights in the critical timing which has larger effects on infant circadian rhythm development for future interventions to be conducted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep/physiology
  18. Parvaneh K, Poh BK, Hajifaraji M, Ismail MN
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2014;23(1):84-90.
    PMID: 24561976 DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.1.02
    Sleep deficiency is becoming widespread in both adults and adolescents and is accompanied by certain behaviors that can lead to obesity. This study aims to investigate differences in sleep duration of overweight/obese and normal weight groups, and the association between sleep deprivation and obesity, dietary intake and physical activity. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 226 Iranian working adults (109 men and 117 women) aged 20 to 55 years old who live in Tehran. Body weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured, and BMI was calculated. Questionnaires, including the Sleep Habit Heart Questionnaire (SHHQ), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and 24-hour dietary recall, were interview-administered. Subjects were categorized as normal weight (36.3%) or overweight/obese (63.7%) based on WHO standards (2000). Overweight/ obese subjects slept significantly (p<0.001) later (00:32±00:62 AM) and had shorter sleep duration (5.37±1.1 hours) than normal weight subjects (23:30±00:47 PM and 6.54±1.06 hours, respectively). Sleep duration showed significant (p<0.05) direct correlations to energy (r = 0.174), carbohydrate (r = 0.154) and fat intake (r = 0.141). This study revealed that each hour later in bedtime (going to bed later) increased the odds of being overweight or obese by 2.59-fold (95% CI: 1.61-4.16). The findings in this study confirm that people with shorter sleep duration are more likely to be overweight or obese; hence, strategies for the management of obesity should incorporate a consideration of sleep patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Deprivation/complications*
  19. Waseem R, Chan MTV, Wang CY, Seet E, Chung F
    PLoS One, 2021;16(5):e0250777.
    PMID: 33956830 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250777
    INTRODUCTION: In adults with cardiovascular risk factors undergoing major noncardiac surgery, unrecognized obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was associated with postoperative cardiovascular complications. There is a need for an easy and accessible home device in predicting sleep apnea. The objective of the study is to determine the predictive performance of the overnight pulse oximetry in predicting OSA in at-risk surgical patients.

    METHODS: This was a planned post-hoc analysis of multicenter prospective cohort study involving 1,218 at-risk surgical patients without prior diagnosis of sleep apnea. All patients underwent home sleep apnea testing (ApneaLink Plus, ResMed) simultaneously with pulse oximetry (PULSOX-300i, Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc). The predictive performance of the 4% oxygen desaturation index (ODI) versus apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) were determined.

    RESULTS: Of 1,218 patients, the mean age was 67.2 ± 9.2 years and body mass index (BMI) was 27.0 ± 5.3 kg/m2. The optimal cut-off for predicting moderate-to-severe and severe OSA was ODI ≥15 events/hour. For predicting moderate-to-severe OSA (AHI ≥15), the sensitivity and specificity of ODI ≥ 15 events per hour were 88.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 85.7-90.6) and 95.4% (95% CI, 94.2-96.4). For severe OSA (AHI ≥30), the sensitivity and specificity were 97.2% (95% CI, 92.7-99.1) and 78.8% (95% CI, 78.2-79.0). The area under the curve (AUC) for moderate-to-severe and severe OSA was 0.983 (95% CI, 0.977-0.988) and 0.979 (95% CI, 0.97-0.909) respectively.

    DISCUSSION: ODI from oximetry is sensitive and specific in predicting moderate-to-severe or severe OSA in at-risk surgical population. It provides an easy, accurate, and accessible tool for at-risk surgical patients with suspected OSA.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Apnea Syndromes/diagnosis
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