Agricultural development is a major threat to global biodiversity, and effective conservation actions are crucial. Physiological repercussions of life alongside human-modified landscapes can undermine adaptable species' health and population viability; however, baseline data are lacking for many wildlife species. We assessed the physiological status of a generalist carnivore, the Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga), persisting within an extensively human-modified system in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We characterized hematology and serum biochemistry panels from civets sampled across a mosaic landscape comprising tropical forest fragments and oil palm plantations. Intra-population variation in certain blood parameters were explained by expected biological drivers such as sex, age category and sampling season. Furthermore, we determined several erythrocyte measures, immune cell counts and dietary biochemistry markers significantly varied with proximity to oil palm plantation boundaries. These findings were supported by a case study, whereby blood profiles of GPS collared male civets were contrasted based on their exclusive use of forests or use of oil palm plantations. These data provide robust and valuable first insights into this species' physiological status and suggest agricultural landscapes are impacting the persisting population.
Pilomatrixoma is a relatively common benign tumour arising from the matrix and inner sheath of a normal hair follicle as well as hair cortex. It is usually presented as a superficial, solitary, firm mass which is asymptomatic and slowly growing. It accounts for about 0.2% of all routine skin specimens and may poses a diagnostic challenge as it may resemble other common benign lesions found in the head and neck region. We report a case of a 33-year old men presented to us with a pilomatrixoma of the right cheek, surgical management and histological findings.
Geographical variation was examined morphologically in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) in some Indochinese and Malayan regions. Osteometrical examination and principal component analysis elucidated the morphological differences among various populations. The populations from southern and western Thailand were distinguished morphologically from the other populations. Variation in males from south Thailand and Kuala Lumpur suggests that the Isthmus of Kra may have an influence on the variation of skull morphology. However, the Isthmus of Kra was not completely considered as a factor of geographical separation in this species, because we could not confirm the separation in skull size and shape between the localities at least in females. While, the Kanchanaburi population in western Thailand was significantly smaller than the other population in skull size, and constituted the morphologically separable group in our study.
The Heart of Borneo initiative has promoted the integration of protected areas and sustainably-managed forests across Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei. Recently, however, member states of the Heart of Borneo have begun pursuing ambitious unilateral infrastructure-development schemes to accelerate economic growth, jeopardizing the underlying goal of trans-boundary integrated conservation. Focusing on Sabah, Malaysia, we highlight conflicts between its Pan-Borneo Highway scheme and the regional integration of protected areas, unprotected intact forests, and conservation-priority forests. Road developments in southern Sabah in particular would drastically reduce protected-area integration across the northern Heart of Borneo region. Such developments would separate two major clusters of protected areas that account for one-quarter of all protected areas within the Heart of Borneo complex. Sabah has proposed forest corridors and highway underpasses as means of retaining ecological connectivity in this context. Connectivity modelling identified numerous overlooked areas for connectivity rehabilitation among intact forest patches following planned road development. While such 'linear-conservation planning' might theoretically retain up to 85% of intact-forest connectivity and integrate half of the conservation-priority forests across Sabah, in reality it is very unlikely to achieve meaningful ecological integration. Moreover, such measure would be exceedingly costly if properly implemented-apparently beyond the operating budget of relevant Malaysian authorities. Unless critical road segments are cancelled, planned infrastructure will fragment important conservation landscapes with little recourse for mitigation. This likelihood reinforces earlier calls for the legal recognition of the Heart of Borneo region for conservation planning as well as for enhanced tri-lateral coordination of both conservation and development.
Frugivorous vertebrates such as primates are important dispersal agents in tropical forests, although the role of folivorous colobines is generally not considered. However, recent studies reported seed dispersal by endo- and epizoochory in colobine primates, including the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), suggesting that the role colobines play in seed dispersal might have been underestimated. In the Lower Kinabatangan Floodplain in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, we investigated whether seeds were still able to germinate after being ingested by proboscis monkeys. Faecal samples (n = 201) from proboscis monkeys were collected between 2015 and 2017. Intact seeds belonging to eight plant species were found in 77% of the faecal samples. Nauclea spp. were the most abundant plant species, accounting for 98% of all intact seeds. This study is the first to conduct germination trials on seeds defecated by proboscis monkeys. Higher germination success was recorded in ingested Nauclea spp. seeds than in control seeds, from both ripe and unripe Nauclea orientalis fruits (P
Sponges are major source of numerous cytotoxic compounds that are used for defence as well as adaptation to the environment. Numerous studies have discovered compounds from sponge extracts that were effective against a wide range of cancer cells. In this study, a total of 23 sponges comprising of 19 species were collected from Northeast Borneo. Sponges were treated and extracted using modified Folch extraction method, followed by cytotoxicity assay to determine their effectiveness against different colorectal cancer cells. Our results demonstrate that Monanchora clathrata, Dysidea sp., and Jaspis sp. possess different degrees of cytotoxicity against a wide range of human colorectal cancer cells. Monanchora clathrata (KDT07), Dysidea sp. (KDT09), and Jaspis sp. (KDT18) are among the demosponges which possess significant cytotoxicity against colorectal cancer cell lines, including HCT116, LoVo, SW480, and SW620. KDT08 and KDT21 which fall under the same genus Dysidea, possess insignificant cytotoxicity against colorectal cancer cells suggested environmental factors (symbiotic organisms) play a role in biosynthesizing bioactive compounds. Presented results suggested the importance of intensifying research on isolating and purifying natural products from marine sponges for useful applications.
Selective logging is the most prevalent land-use change in the tropics. Despite the resulting degradation of forest structure, selectively logged forests still harbor a substantial amount of biodiversity leading to suggestions that their protection is the next best alternative to conserving primary, old-growth forests. Restoring carbon stocks under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) schemes is a potential method for obtaining funding to protect logged forests, via enrichment planting and liberation cutting of vines. This study investigates the impacts of restoring logged forests in Borneo on avian phylogenetic diversity, the total evolutionary history shared across all species within a community, and on functional diversity, with important implications for the protection of evolutionarily unique species and the provision of many ecosystem services. Overall and understorey avifaunal communities were studied using point count and mist netting surveys, respectively. Restoration caused a significant loss in phylogenetic diversity and MPD (mean pairwise distance) leaving an overall bird community of less total evolutionary history and more closely related species compared to unlogged forests, while the understorey bird community had MNTD (mean nearest taxon distance) that returned toward the lower levels found in a primary forest, indicating more closely related species pairs. The overall bird community experienced a significant loss of functional strategies and species with more specialized traits in restored forests compared to that of unlogged forests, which led to functional clustering in the community. Restoration also led to a reduction in functional richness and thus niches occupied in the understorey bird community compared to unlogged forests. While there are additional benefits of restoration for forest regeneration, carbon sequestration, future timber harvests, and potentially reduced threat of forest conversion, this must be weighed against the apparent loss of phylogenetic and functional diversity from unlogged forest levels, making the biodiversity-friendliness of carbon sequestration schemes questionable under future REDD+ agreements. To reduce perverse biodiversity outcomes, it is important to focus restoration only on the most degraded areas or at reduced intensity where breaks between regimes are incorporated.
Extreme climate events, such as the El Niños in 1997/1998 and 2015/16, have led to considerable forest loss in the Southeast Asian region following unprecedented drought and wildfires. In Borneo, the effects of extreme climate events have been exacerbated by rapid urbanization, accelerated deforestation and soil erosion since the 1980s. However, studies quantifying the impact of interannual and long-term (>3 decades) climatic and anthropogenic change affecting Borneo's coastal and coral reef environments are lacking. Here, we used coral cores collected in Miri-Sibuti Coral Reefs National Park, Sarawak (Malaysia) to reconstruct the spatio-temporal dynamics of sea surface temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater from 1982 to 2016, based on paired oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca measurements. The results revealed rising sea surface temperatures of 0.26 ± 0.04 °C per decade since 1982. Reconstructed δ18Osw displayed positive excursion during major El Niño events of 1983, 1997/98 and 2015/16, indicating drought conditions with less river runoff, rainfall and higher ocean salinities. La Niñas were generally associated with lower δ18Osw. We observed a long-term shift from more saline conditions between 1982 and 1995 towards less saline conditions after 1995, which are in agreement with the regional freshening trend, punctuated by saline excursion during El Niños. The decadal shifts were found to be driven by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This study provides the first long-term data on El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-driven synchrony of climate impacts on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems in northern Borneo. Our results suggest that coral records from northern Borneo are invaluable archives to detect regional ENSO and PDO impacts, and their interaction with the Asian-Australian monsoon, on the hydrological balance in the southern South China Sea beyond the past three decades.
The past 40 years in Southeast Asia have seen about 50% of lowland rainforests converted to oil palm and other plantations, and much of the remaining forest heavily logged. Little is known about how fragmentation influences recovery and whether climate change will hamper restoration. Here, we use repeat airborne LiDAR surveys spanning the hot and dry 2015-16 El Niño Southern Oscillation event to measure canopy height growth across 3,300 ha of regenerating tropical forests spanning a logging intensity gradient in Malaysian Borneo. We show that the drought led to increased leaf shedding and branch fall. Short forest, regenerating after heavy logging, continued to grow despite higher evaporative demand, except when it was located close to oil palm plantations. Edge effects from the plantations extended over 300 metres into the forests. Forest growth on hilltops and slopes was particularly impacted by the combination of fragmentation and drought, but even riparian forests located within 40 m of oil palm plantations lost canopy height during the drought. Our results suggest that small patches of logged forest within plantation landscapes will be slow to recover, particularly as ENSO events are becoming more frequent.
Abstracts of 4th Scientific Research Conference, organised by the Department of Community and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
Background: Malaysia has been ranked the fattest country in Southeast Asia. Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk factor for death globally in 2008. It may lead to increase of risk of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and hypertension.
Objectives: This research aimed to determine the prevalence of overweight and association of overweight with sociodemography, lifestyle as well as its health related conditions of adults in Kampung Tiga Papan.
Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study was used to achieve our specific objectives. A total of 199 adults aged 18 years and above in Kampung Tiga Papan had been recruited by non-probability sampling method. Sociodemographic data and lifestyle adopted were obtained via validated questionnaire, the BMI status of respondents were calculated, blood pressure was measured and DASS-21 score was used to assess mental health of the respondents.
Results: There are 118 (59.3%) respondents categorized into overweight group (BMI>23 kg/m2) and 130 (65.3%) respondents are having abdominal obesity (Waist-hip ratio: male>0.9 and female>0.8). There are significant association between gender, household-income, alcohol status and preference of food and BMI status. Besides, there are significant association between gender, household income, alcohol and smoking status and significant increased risk of hypertension in overweight group.
Conclusion: Overweight is associated to some sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. It helps to target high risk population and community intervention can be done to reduce the prevalence of overweight
Introduction: Medication error is a global issue. Despite, the various impacts on health and non-health, continuous monitoring, assessment and intervention are required to reduce the number of medication error. Precise information on the root cause of medication error in Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Kota Kinabalu will aid in the preventative measures to reduce medication error among nurses. Thus, this study aims to describe the incident of medication errors among nurses.
Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to review medication error incidents Reports between 2015 to 2018. Data were analysed according to the type of error, day and shift of medication error occurred, causes and month of services. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics in SPSS 22.
Results: A total of 54 reports was reviewed. The mean (SD) month of services among nurses involved in the medication error is 41.3 (24.9) months. The most common type of medication error is the wrong frequency with 23 (42.6%) cases. Majority cases of medication error occurred in weekdays with 41 (75.9%) cases and 24 (44.4%) cases happen during the night shift. Poor communication among healthcare workers was the most commonly reported human error with 42 (77.8%) reports, followed by36 (66.7%) reports of failure to comply standard of procedure in medication administration.
Conclusion: Though this study found team factor is the recurrent causes, poorly designed work systems and individual factor should be imperious as well. A qualitative study is required to understand more on nurse behaviour practice towards medication administration. The high authority plays an important role to monitor this matter to improve medication safety practice.
Selective logging is the dominant form of human disturbance in tropical forests, driving changes in the abundance of vertebrate and invertebrate populations relative to undisturbed old-growth forests. A key unresolved question is understanding which physiological mechanisms underlie different responses of species and functional groups to selective logging. Regulation of oxidative status is thought to be one major physiological mechanism underlying the capability of species to cope with environmental changes. Using a correlational cross-sectional approach, we compared a number of oxidative status markers among 15 understorey bird species in unlogged and selectively logged forest in Borneo in relation to their feeding guild. We then tested how variation of markers between forest types was associated with that in population abundance. Birds living in logged forests had a higher activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase and a different regulation of the glutathione cycle compared to conspecific birds in unlogged forest. However, neither oxidative damage nor oxidized glutathione differed between forest types. We also found that omnivores and insectivores differed significantly in all markers related to the key cellular antioxidant glutathione irrespective of the forest type. Species with higher levels of certain antioxidant markers in a given type of forest were less abundant in that forest type compared to the other. Our results suggest that there was little long-term effect of logging (last logging rotation occurred ~15 years prior to the study) on the oxidative status of understorey bird species. However, it is unclear if this was owing to plasticity or evolutionary change. Our correlative results also point to a potential negative association between some antioxidants and population abundance irrespective of the forest type.
The distribution patterns of tropical ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi along altitudinal gradients remain largely unknown. Furthermore, despite being an iconic site for biodiversity research, virtually nothing is known about the diversity and spatial patterns of fungi on Mt Kinabalu and neighbouring mountain ranges. We carried out deep DNA sequencing of soil samples collected between 425 and 4000 m above sea level to compare richness and community composition of ECM fungi among altitudinal forest types in Borneo. In addition, we tested whether the observed patterns are driven by habitat or by geometric effect of overlapping ranges of species (mid-domain effect). Community composition of ECM fungi was strongly correlated with elevation. In most genera, richness peaked in the mid-elevation montane forest zone, with the exception of tomentelloid fungi, which showed monotonal decrease in richness with increasing altitude. Richness in lower-mid- and mid-elevations was significantly greater than predicted under the mid-domain effect model. We provide the first insight into the composition of ECM fungal communities and their strong altitudinal turnover in Borneo. The high richness and restricted distribution of many ECM fungi in the montane forests suggest that mid-elevation peak richness is primarily driven by environmental characteristics of this habitat and not by the mid-domain effect.
Ancyronyx lianlabangorumsp. nov. (Coleoptera, Elmidae), a new spider riffle beetle from the Kelabit Highlands (Sarawak, northern Borneo), is described. Illustrations of the habitus and diagnostic characters of the new species and the similar, polymorphic A. pulcherrimus Kodada et al. are presented. Differences to closely related species, based on COI nucleotide sequences and morphological characters, are discussed. Ancyronyx pulcherrimus is here recorded from Sarawak for the first time, based on DNA barcoding.
Based on an updated taxonomy of Gesneriaceae, the biogeography and evolution of the Asian Gesneriaceae are outlined and discussed. Most of the Asian Gesneriaceae belongs to Didymocarpoideae, except Titanotrichum was recently moved into Gesnerioideae. Most basal taxa of the Asian Gesneriaceae are found in the Indian subcontinent and Indo-China Peninsula, suggesting Didymocarpoideae might originate in these regions. Four species diversification centers were recognized, i.e. Sino-Vietnam regions, Malay Peninsula, North Borneo and Northwest Yunnan (Hengduan Mountains). The first three regions are dominated by limestone landscapes, while the Northwest Yunnan is well-known for its numerous deep gorges and high mountains. The places with at least 25% species are neoendemics (newly evolved and narrowly endemic) which were determined as evolutionary hotspots, including Hengduan Mountains, boundary areas of Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi in Southwest China, North Borneo, Pahang and Terengganu in Malay Peninsula, and mountainous areas in North Thailand, North Sulawesi Island. Finally, the underlying mechanisms for biogeographical patterns and species diversification of the Asian Gesneriaceae are discussed.
ABSTRACTS FOR THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL BORNEO HEALTHCARE AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE AND 4TH BORNEO TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONGRESS. New Frontiers in Health: Expecting the Unexpected. Held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 3rd-5th September 2019
Introduction: Rice is classified as waxy, very low, low, intermediate and high based on its amylose content (AC). Most people prefer to consume intermediate AC rice because of its texture which tends to appear in between low (moist and sticky) and high (dry and less tender). Although rice with high AC appears dry and less tender, it usually possesses a low glycemic index (GI) i.e. a slower increase in blood glucose level after the consumption of food. Consequently, people with diabetes are recommended to eat low and intermediate GI foods. Although, rice is generally categorised as a high GI staple food there are some exceptions to it. For example, the premium Basmati aromatic rice possesses a low GI and is recommended for diabetic patients. The study aimed to identify Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm with low GI via AC that may be used as a replacement to commercial rice varieties.
Methods: A total of 110 traditional rice samples were obtained from rice fields located in the Tuaran and Kota Belud districts of Sabah. The AC in each sample was determined via I:KI method (ISO AACC-6647).
Results: We found that 46 (41.8%), 51 (46.4%), 7 (6.4%) and 6 (5.5%) Sabah’s traditional rice samples possess high, intermediate, low and very low AC, respectively. The intermediate AC type is predominant in Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm as it is the preferred rice texture by the general population. We have identified 46 rice germplasm with high AC type (i.e. with low GI value). The AC content in these is comparable to the Basmati rice and may be suitable candidates for diabetic patients.
Conclusion: The present study showed Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm has the potential to be promoted as a low GI rice cultivar based on AC for diabetic patients in order to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels while still enjoying the staple food
A new species of semi-terrestrial crab of the genus Geosesarma (Sesarmidae) is described from a limestone cave in central Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Geosesarma sodalissp. nov. is characterised by its quadrate carapace, absence of a flagellum on the exopod of the third maxilliped, presence of 10 or 11 sharp tubercles on the dactylus of the chela and a diagnostic male first gonopod structure. This is the sixth species of Geosesarma reported from Sarawak, and the first member of the genus collected from inside caves.
The success of cataract surgery is accessed by the improvement in visual acuity and accuracy of the post-operation refractive outcome against the pre-operation refractive target. Hence, the benchmark of 85% of patients achieving a final spherical equivalent within 1D of the desired target is used to monitor the refractive outcome. Meanwhile, the unaided visual acuity threshold of 6/12 after cataract operation is chosen as a yardstick because it allows patients to perform instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) independently without relying on spectacles.
Introduction: Interprofessional scientific communication skills are an essential part of the medical profession. Mul-tiple research suggests poor interprofessional communication has direct correlations with poor patient outcomes. As part of the inaugural Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) at Universiti Malaysia Sabah, a 5-minute station on science com-munication was introduced, assessed on three domains – logical thinking, communication skills, and general impres-sion. This station featured a panicky nurse calling a doctor to get them to calculate doses of a medication, using only upper primary school-level arithmetic and knowledge of ratios. Methods: 255 candidates, grouped into 3 separate geographical groups – Klang Valley, non-Klang Valley, and Borneo – participated in the MMI featuring a science communication station. Candidates were graded in the abovementioned three domains, and correlations were cal-culated between scores and various sociodemographic factors, with an objective written basic science test, and with overall scores. Also, quantitative analysis was done of the “red flag” comments for candidates deemed unsuitable for the practise of medicine. Results: The average scores for West Malaysia for logical thinking scores were higher than Borneo, with non-Klang Valley scores (4.1) significantly higher than Klang Valley (3.6). Communication scores were also significantly lower in Borneo compared to West Malaysia. General impression scores hence also showed a dis-crepancy between West Malaysian and Bornean scores. There were a total of 8 red flags, with reasons ranging from gross miscalculation with misplaced confidence, to nervous breakdowns while performing calculations. Conclusion: The present study showed that there is a distinct separation of science communication scores between geographic re-gions. Also it illustrates the yawning gap between academic knowledge and “translational” scientific knowledge. The results illustrate the need for medical curricula to boost resilience and translational computational skills in medical graduates who will be working in environments that demand usual abilities under unusual and trying circumstances.
The complete mitochondrial genome of the cavity-nesting honeybee Apis cerana from Sabah on Borneo Island was analyzed using next-generation sequencing. The mitochondrial genome of A. cerana was a circular molecule of 15,884 bp and was similar to that of the other cavity-nesting honeybee species. The average AT content in the A. cerana mitochondrial genome was 84.4%. It was predicted to contain 13 protein-coding, 22 tRNA, and two rRNA genes, along with one A + T-rich control region.