Methods: This was a qualitative study with patients diagnosed with recurrent ovarian cancer and receiving chemotherapy at a hospital gynecologic day-care unit. In-depth individual interviews were conducted with patients to explore how they coped with recurrence of ovarian cancer. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed thematically.
Results: The participants' (n = 10) age range was 52-84 years, the three most common ethnic backgrounds were represented (Malay, Chinese, and Indian), and most of the patients were well educated. All patients were on chemotherapy. Six coping strategies were identified: (1) maintaining a mindset of hopefulness, (2) avoidance of information, (3) accepting their condition, (4) seeking spiritual help, (5) relying on family for support, and (6) coping with financial costs.
Conclusions: Coping strategies employed during ovarian cancer recurrence in this setting were rarely based on the accurate information appraisal, but rather on the individual emotion and personal beliefs.
METHOD: This retrospective study included patients with major trauma injuries reported to a trauma centre of Hospital Sultanah Aminah over a 6-year period from 2011 and 2017. Model validation was examined using the measures of discrimination and calibration. Discrimination was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and 95% confidence interval (CI). The Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) goodness-of-fit test was used to examine calibration capabilities. The predictive validity of both MTOS-TRISS and NTrD-TRISS models were further evaluated by incorporating parameters such as the New Injury Severity Scale and the Injury Severity Score.
RESULTS: Total patients of 3788 (3434 blunt and 354 penetrating injuries) with average age of 37 years (standard deviation of 16 years) were included in this study. All MTOS-TRISS and NTrD-TRISS models examined in this study showed adequate discriminative ability with AUCs ranged from 0.86 to 0.89 for patients with blunt trauma mechanism and 0.89 to 0.99 for patients with penetrating trauma mechanism. The H-L goodness-of-fit test indicated the NTrD-TRISS model calibrated as good as the MTOS-TRISS model for patients with blunt trauma mechanism.
CONCLUSION: For patients with blunt trauma mechanism, both the MTOS-TRISS and NTrD-TRISS models showed good discrimination and calibration performances. Discrimination performance for the NTrD-TRISS model was revealed to be as good as the MTOS-TRISS model specifically for patients with penetrating trauma mechanism. Overall, this validation study has ascertained the discrimination and calibration performances of the NTrD-TRISS model to be as good as the MTOS-TRISS model particularly for patients with blunt trauma mechanism.
METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted exclusively among women in the public with total sample of three hundred and forty six (346), questionnaires were distributed using a simple random technique. Data was collected and analyzed by student T test in SPPS version 20.
RESULTS: Our study reveals insufficient awareness on BC. Overall, awareness on risk factors is inadequate, but good knowledge on the importance of family history and diet as risk factors are discovered. Awareness on the cause and clinical manifestations of BC is required for improvement. As for treatment, alternatives especially surgery and chemotherapy are unclear to public, public is remotely unwitting on cessation of smoking to prevent BC at the early stage.
CONCLUSION: Malaysian has spaces for improvement on awareness of BC in terms of risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Early detection can be achieved with good awareness because it leads to better prognosis and lower mortality.
Methods: This is a multinational, multicenter, longitudinal, and observational registry of PC patients presenting to participating tertiary-care hospitals in eight Asian countries ( NCT02546908. Registry Identifier: NOPRODPCR4001). Approximately 3500-4000 eligible patients with existing or newly diagnosed high-risk localized PC (cohort 1), nonmetastatic biochemically recurrent PC (cohort 2), or metastatic PC (cohort 3) will be consecutively enrolled and followed-up for 5 years. An enrollment cap of 600 patients each will be applied to cohorts 1 and 2. Disease status is collected at enrollment, and outcome variables captured at 3-monthly intervals include diagnostic/staging, treatments including reason for change, laboratory results, comorbidities, and concomitant medications. Treatments and survival outcomes will be captured real time until study end. Patient-reported quality-of-life will be measured every 6 months, and medical resource utilization summarized at study end. Data analysis will include exploratory analyses of potential associations between multiple risk factors and socioeconomic variables with disease progression and evaluation of various treatments for PC including novel therapies on clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life outcomes.
Results: 3636 men with PC were enrolled until July 2018; 416 in cohort 1, 399 in cohort 2 and 2821 in cohort 3.
Discussion: A total of 3636 patients were enrolled until July 2018. The prospective disease registry will provide comprehensive and wide-ranging real-world information on how PC is diagnosed and treated in Asia. Such information can be used to inform policy development for best practice and direct clinical study design evaluating new treatments.
CASE REPORT: Here we report a case of dAVF in which the patient's symptoms mimic a temporal arteritis in a 23-year-old woman. She presented with painful mass at forehead for 9 months with frontotemporal headache. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated dural arteriovenous fistula.
CONCLUSION: Since both diseases have different prognosis but similar presentation, it is important to ensure that there is no dural arteriovenous fistula in patient with suspected temporal arteritis.
Case Report: This report describes a rare case of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the temporal bone causing Collet-Sicard syndrome, presenting with hearing loss, headache and ipsilateral cranial nerve palsies. The patient was a 68-year old woman initially diagnosed with extensive mastoiditis and later confirmed as having metastatic adenocarcinoma of the temporal bone, based on histopathologic findings.
Conclusion: Clinical presentation of metastatic carcinoma of the temporal bone can be overshadowed by infective or inflammatory conditions. This case report is to emphasize the point that a high index of clinical suspicion is necessary for the early diagnosis of this aggressive disease which carries relatively poor prognosis. This report highlights that it is crucial to suspect malignant neoplasm in patients with hearing loss, headache and cranial nerve palsies.
METHODS: We analysed the expression of AR in 97 TNBC cases from Penang General Hospital for a period of 3 years (2014 to 2017). Androgen receptor immunoreactivity was considered positive if ≥ 1% of tumour cells nuclei were stained irrespective of staining intensity.
RESULTS: The prevalence of AR expression in TNBC was 31% (30/97), with the proportion of AR-positive tumour cells ranged from 1% to 90%. These include 23 invasive carcinomas, no special type (NST) and 7 other invasive carcinoma subtypes (papillary, lobular, clear cell and medullary carcinomas). Sixty-seven cases (69%) that showed AR immunonegativity were invasive carcinomas, NST (n=60), clear cell carcinoma (n=1) and metaplastic carcinoma (n=6). Androgen receptor immunoexpression was inversely correlated with tumour grade (p=0.016), but not the tumour stage, tumour size and nodal status.
CONCLUSION: AR is expressed in about one-third of TNBC and loss of AR immunoexpression does not predict adverse clinical outcomes. Larger cohorts for better characterisation of the role of AR immunoexpression in TNBC are warranted.
OBJECTIVE: The study aims to determine the concordance between HER2 protein IHC score and its gene status by dual-colour dual-hapten in-situ-hybridization (DDISH) study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study was performed on 767 referred breast cancer cases over a period of five years. The HER2 IHC score (the initial and repeat test score) and the results of HER2 gene status by DDISH were retrieved from the histopathological reports. The agreement between initial IHC score with repeat test score was measured using Cohen Kappa. Chi square test analyzed the association between HER2 IHC score with its gene status by DDISH.
RESULTS: The concordance of HER2 IHC score between the initial and repeat test were 52.7% and 89.4% for IHC score 2+ and 3+ respectively. There was moderate agreement of HER2 IHC score between the initial and repeat test score (ϰ = 0.526, p<0.001). A significant association noted between HER2 IHC score with its gene status by DDISH (p<0.001). Only 56 out of 207 cases (27.1%) with 2+ IHC score showed HER2 gene amplification while the majority of cases with 3+ IHC score were gene-amplified (446 out of 451, 98.9%).
CONCLUSION: ISH study should be done in all IHC-equivocal cases (2+) to select patient for targeted therapy. Gene amplification must also be confirmed in IHC-positive cases (3+) to prevent from giving non-effective treatment with possible adverse effects to patient with non-amplified HER2 gene.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cancer registry from 1994 to 2012 maintained by the State Laboratory was retrospectively reviewed. Crude incidence rates were calculated based on the population census of 2010.
RESULTS: Altogether, there was a total of 418 cancer cases diagnosed among South-East Asians, giving an incidence of 5.1% (n=418/8,253). The affected nationals in decreasing frequency were Malaysians (53.1%), followed by Filipinos (25.8%), Indonesians (15.3%), Thais (3.8%), Myanmese (1.7%) and Vietnamese (0.2%) with no recorded cases for Singapore and the People's Republic of Laos. The overall mean age of diagnosis was 46.1±4.2 years old, with an increasing trend over the years (p<0.05 ANOVA). The overall gender ratio was 42.3:57.7 (male:female), more females among the Filipinos and Indonesians, more males among the Thais, and equal representation among the Malaysians and the Myanmese. The most common were cancers of the digestive system (19.9%), followed by female reproductive/gynecologic system (16.0%), breast (15.6%), hematological/lymphatic (12.0%) and head/neck (8.1%). There were differences in the prevalence of cancers among the various nationalities with highest crude incidence rate among the Myanmese (141.2/100,000), followed by the Malaysian (88.5/100,000), and the Filipinos (40.6/100,000) and the lowest among the Thais (18.4/100,000), Indonesians (10.5/100,000) and the Vietnamese (6.3/100,000).
CONCLUSIONS: Cancers among South-East Asian residing in Brunei Darussalam accounted for 5.1% of all cancers. The most common cancers were cancers of the digestive, gynecologic/female reproductive system and breast with certain types slowly increasing in proportions. There mean age of diagnoses was increasing.
METHODS AND FINDINGS: We searched the major electronic databases Medline, Embase, and Google Scholar (January 1990-October 2018) without language restrictions. We included cohort studies on term pregnancies that provided estimates of stillbirths or neonatal deaths by gestation week. We estimated the additional weekly risk of stillbirth in term pregnancies that continued versus delivered at various gestational ages. We compared week-specific neonatal mortality rates by gestational age at delivery. We used mixed-effects logistic regression models with random intercepts, and computed risk ratios (RRs), odds ratios (ORs), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Thirteen studies (15 million pregnancies, 17,830 stillbirths) were included. All studies were from high-income countries. Four studies provided the risks of stillbirth in mothers of White and Black race, 2 in mothers of White and Asian race, 5 in mothers of White race only, and 2 in mothers of Black race only. The prospective risk of stillbirth increased with gestational age from 0.11 per 1,000 pregnancies at 37 weeks (95% CI 0.07 to 0.15) to 3.18 per 1,000 at 42 weeks (95% CI 1.84 to 4.35). Neonatal mortality increased when pregnancies continued beyond 41 weeks; the risk increased significantly for deliveries at 42 versus 41 weeks gestation (RR 1.87, 95% CI 1.07 to 2.86, p = 0.012). One additional stillbirth occurred for every 1,449 (95% CI 1,237 to 1,747) pregnancies that advanced from 40 to 41 weeks. Limitations include variations in the definition of low-risk pregnancy, the wide time span of the studies, the use of registry-based data, and potential confounders affecting the outcome.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest there is a significant additional risk of stillbirth, with no corresponding reduction in neonatal mortality, when term pregnancies continue to 41 weeks compared to delivery at 40 weeks.
CASE PRESENTATION: The featured case describes a 40-year-old male who presented with symptoms suggestive for sinusitis. Further diagnostic investigation by the functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) revealed a chronic sinusitis with multiple biopsies showing negative for malignancy, viral and bacterial infections and therefore undiagnosed for sinonasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. Subsequently after a month of surgery, he developed multiple lymph nodes in inguinal where biopsy revealed extranodal NK/T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, high grade but in no time for treatment, he finally succumbed to the illness.
CONCLUSION: The case presented here was initially diagnosed as a chronic sinusitis, not as sinonasal NK/Tcell lymphoma which later developed into extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma. The prognosis showed improvement for nasal lymphomas but remains poor for disseminated and extranasal lymphomas which are more aggressive with lower survival rate. It is clinically important to differentiate diseases for proper staging and monitoring as they require completely different treatment strategies.