Displaying publications 2481 - 2500 of 10157 in total

  1. Masura SS, Parveez GK, Ismail I
    N Biotechnol, 2010 Sep 30;27(4):289-99.
    PMID: 20123048 DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2010.01.337
    The ubiquitin extension protein (uep1) gene was identified as a constitutively expressed gene in oil palm. We have isolated and characterized the 5' region of the oil palm uep1 gene, which contains an 828 bp sequence upstream of the uep1 translational start site. Construction of a pUEP1 transformation vector, which contains gusA reporter gene under the control of uep1 promoter, was carried out for functional analysis of the promoter through transient expression studies. It was found that the 5' region of uep1 functions as a constitutive promoter in oil palm and could drive GUS expression in all tissues tested, including embryogenic calli, embryoid, immature embryo, young leaflet from mature palm, green leaf, mesocarp and meristematic tissues (shoot tip). This promoter could also be used in dicot systems as it was demonstrated to be capable of driving gusA gene expression in tobacco.
  2. Matsui M, Shimada T, Sudin A
    Zoolog Sci, 2010 Jan;27(1):61-6.
    PMID: 20064010 DOI: 10.2108/zsj.27.61
    We describe a new species of torrent-dwelling ranid frog of the genus Meristogenys from the Crocker Range, western Sabah, northern Borneo. The new species, Meristogenys maryatiae, differs from congeners by the combination of: small body, males 31-37 mm and females 65-66 mm in snout-vent length; head narrower than long; eyes moderate, diameter subequal to snout; iris unicolored; legs long; ventral surface of tibia without heavy pigmentation; rear of thigh blotched dark brown and cream; toes fully webbed; outer metatarsal tubercle present; larval dental formula 7(4-7)/6(1).
  3. Lee YK, Za'aba A, Madzhi NK, Ahmad A
    PMID: 19964239 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5333674
    Previous works on the effects of salivary alpha amylase in respond to various stressors report encouraging findings on it being a good indicator of stress. Ellestad protocol is a clinical procedure to screen for coronary artery disease by introducing exercise induced physical stress. If a salivary based biomarker profile in accordance to a stress test protocol could be established, the critical stress state which disable rational decision making could be ascertained in a standardized procedure. This technique would serve to aid human resource management in times of critical events such as rescue, firefighting or even military, that would potentially prevent unnecessary sacrifice of human lives. In this pilot study with five healthy volunteers performing the Ellestad protocol treadmill, a measurement profile with physiologic and salivary based biomarker is obtained. It is found that the alpha amylase levels or the changes in it as workload changes from resting-walking-running at ease-exhaustive running, is relatively more significant in reflecting the stress state than heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, it is strongly associated with mood state with correlation coefficient of 0.8 and significance of 0.01.
  4. Siti Farizwana MR, Mazrura S, Zurahanim Fasha A, Ahmad Rohi G
    J Environ Public Health, 2010;2010:615176.
    PMID: 21461348 DOI: 10.1155/2010/615176
    The study was to determine the concentration of aluminium (Al) and study the physicochemical parameters (pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, and residual chlorine) in drinking water supply in selected palm oil estates in Kota Tinggi, Johor. Water samples were collected from the estates with the private and the public water supplies. The sampling points were at the water source (S), the treatment plant outlet (TPO), and at the nearest houses (H1) and the furthest houses (H2) from the TPO. All estates with private water supply failed to meet the NSDWQ for Al with mean concentration of 0.99 ± 1.52 mg/L. However, Al concentrations in all public water supply estates were well within the limit except for one estate. The pH for all samples complied with the NSDWQ except from the private estates for the drinking water supply with an acidic pH (5.50 ± 0.90). The private water supply showed violated turbidity value in the drinking water samples (14.2 ± 24.1 NTU). Insufficient amount of chlorination was observed in the private water supply estates (0.09 ± 0.30 mg/L). Private water supplies with inefficient water treatment served unsatisfactory drinking water quality to the community which may lead to major health problems.
  5. Sirat HM, Jamil S, Rahman AA
    Nat Prod Commun, 2009 Sep;4(9):1171.
    PMID: 19831021
    From the rhizomes of Curcuma ochrorhiza, four sesquiterpenes, isofuranodiene, germacrene, furanogermenone and zederone, have been isolated, the structures of which have been elucidated by spectroscopic methods.
  6. Bhatia S, Wong CT, Abdullah AZ
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 May 30;164(2-3):1110-7.
    PMID: 18976860 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.09.040
    The low concentration and high flow rate of air-borne butyl acetate (BA) could be effectively removed using combined adsorption-catalytic oxidation system. Ag-Y (Si/Al=80) dual-function adsorbent was investigated for the adsorption step of 1000 ppm of butyl acetate at gas hourly space velocity of 13,000 h(-1) at ambient temperature under dry and humid feeds. A central composite design (CCD) coupled with response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to obtain the optimum process conditions and the interactions between process variables were demonstrated and elucidated. Humidity and increasing organic concentration shortened the adsorption service time. The effect of moisture was more pronounced at low BA concentration. The interactions between the BA concentration and humidity were statistically significant at 95% confidence level. The optimum conditions were found to be at 4500 ppm of BA with 37 min saturation time to give 58 mg BA/g as adsorption capacity. The simulated data fitted the experimental data satisfactorily. The simulated data also correctly demonstrated the overall behaviors of the adsorption process.
  7. Tarmizi AH, Lin SW, Kuntom A
    J Oleo Sci, 2008;57(5):275-85.
    PMID: 18391476
    Characterisation of fatty acids composition of three palm-based reference materials was carried out through inter-laboratory proficiency tests. Twelve laboratories collaborated in these tests and the fatty acids compositions of palm oil, palm olein and palm stearin were determined by applying the MPOB Test Methods p3.4:2004 and p3.5:2004. Determination of consensus values and their uncertainties were based on the acceptable statistical agreement of results obtained from the collaborating laboratories. The consensus values and uncertainties (%) for each palm oil reference material produced are listed as follows : 0.20% (C12:0), 1.66+/-0.05% (C14:0), 43.39+/-0.39% (C16:0), 0.14+/-0.06% (C16:1), 3.90+/-0.11% (C18:0), 40.95+/-0.23% (C18:1), 9.68+/-0.21% (C18:2), 0.16+/-0.07% (C18:3) and 0.31+/-0.08% (C20:0) for fatty acids composition of palm oil; 0.23+/-0.04% (C12:0), 1.02+/-0.04% (C14:0), 39.66+/-0.19% (C16:0), 0.18+/-0.07% (C16:1), 3.81+/-0.04% (C18:0), 44.01+/-0.08% (C18:1), 10.73+/-0.08% (C18:2), 0.20+/-0.06% (C18:3) and 0.34+/-0.04% (C20:0) for fatty acids composition of palm olein; and 0.20% (C12:0), 1.14+/-0.05% (C14:0), 49.42+/-0.25% (C16:0), 0.16+/-0.08% (C16:1), 4.15+/-0.10% (C18:0), 36.14+/-0.77% (C18:1), 7.95+/-0.29% (C18:2), 0.11+/-0.07% (C18:3) and 0.30+/-0.08% (C20:0) for fatty acids composition of palm stearin.
  8. Samsudin A, Mimiwati Z, Soong T, Fauzi MS, Zabri K
    Eye (Lond), 2010 Jan;24(1):70-3.
    PMID: 19229270 DOI: 10.1038/eye.2009.33
    To study the effect of haemodialysis on intraocular pressure (IOP) of patients at the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, and the influence of anterior chamber angles, surgery, and diabetes on the change in IOP after haemodialysis.
  9. Yusof AM, Malek NA
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Mar 15;162(2-3):1019-24.
    PMID: 18632204 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.05.134
    The synthesized zeolite NaY from rice husk ash (RHA) and the commercial zeolite NaY both modified with surfactants in amounts equal to 50%, 100% and 200% of their external cation exchange capacity (ECEC) were used to remove chromate and arsenate anions from aqueous solutions. While the unmodified zeolite Y had little or no affinity for the Cr(VI) and As(V) anionic species, the surfactant-modified zeolite Y (SMZY) showed significant ability to remove of these anions from the aqueous solutions. The highest chromates and arsenates adsorption efficiency was observed from solutions of pH values 3 and 8, respectively because of the dominance of the univalent species of both anions. The adsorption equilibrium data were best fitted with the Langmuir isotherm model with the highest removal capacities observed for the SMZY initially prepared considering the hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium (HDTMA) amount equal to the 100% of the ECEC of zeolite Y. Synthesized SMZY remove Cr(VI) and As(V) more than the corresponding commercial one due to its lower silica to alumina ratio. Thus, the HDTMA-covered modified zeolite Y synthesized using RHA can be used to remove Cr(VI) and As(V) from water.
  10. Mohammad-Salih PA, Sharif AF
    Cornea, 2008 May;27(4):434-8.
    PMID: 18434847 DOI: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e3181656448
    To study the relationship between pterygium size (extension, width, total area) and corneal astigmatism in eyes with unilateral primary pterygium. Also to determine the critical size for surgery before the occurrence of a significant corneal astigmatism.
  11. Wong CT, Abdullah AZ, Bhatia S
    J Hazard Mater, 2008 Sep 15;157(2-3):480-9.
    PMID: 18294771 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.01.012
    The performance of silver-loaded zeolite (HY and HZSM-5) catalysts in the oxidation of butyl acetate as a model volatile organic compound (VOC) was studied. The objective was to find a catalyst with superior activity, selectivity towards deep oxidation product and stability. The catalyst activity was measured under excess oxygen condition in a packed bed reactor operated at gas hourly space velocity (GHSV)=15,000-32,000 h(-1), reaction temperature between 150 and 500 degrees C and butyl acetate inlet concentration of 1000-4000 ppm. Both AgY and AgZSM-5 catalysts exhibited high activity in the oxidation of butyl acetate. Despite lower silver content, AgY showed better activity, attributed to better metal dispersion, surface characteristics and acidity, and its pore system. Total conversion of butyl acetate was achieved at above 400 degrees C. The oxidation of butyl acetate followed a simple power law model. The reaction orders, n and m were evaluated under differential mode by varying the VOC partial pressure between 0.004 and 0.018 atm and partial pressure of oxygen between 0.05 and 0.20 atm. The reaction rate was independent of oxygen concentration and single order with respect to VOC concentration. The activation energies were 19.78 kJ/mol for AgY and 32.26 kJ/mol for AgZSM-5, respectively.
  12. Fadzil MH, Norashikin S, Suraiya HH, Nugroho H
    J Med Eng Technol, 2009;33(2):101-9.
    PMID: 19205989 DOI: 10.1080/03091900802454459
    This paper describes an image analysis technique that objectively measures skin repigmentation for the assessment of therapeutic response in vitiligo treatments. Skin pigment disorders due to the abnormality of melanin production, such as vitiligo, cause irregular pale patches of skin. The therapeutic response to treatment is repigmentation of the skin. However the repigmentation process is very slow and is only observable after a few months of treatment. Currently, there is no objective method to assess the therapeutic response of skin pigment disorder treatment, particularly for vitiligo treatment. In this work, we apply principal component analysis followed by independent component analysis to represent digital skin images in terms of melanin and haemoglobin composition respectively. Vitiligo skin areas are identified as skin areas that lack melanin (non-melanin areas). Results obtained using the technique have been verified by dermatologists. Based on 20 patients, the proposed technique effectively monitored the progression of repigmentation over a shorter time period of six weeks and can thus be used to evaluate treatment efficacy objectively and more effectively.
  13. Shirazi MR, Harun SW, Biglary M, Ahmad H
    Opt Lett, 2008 Apr 15;33(8):770-2.
    PMID: 18414527
    A configuration for linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser (BFL) generation is demonstrated using a standard single-mode fiber, two optical circulators, a 3 dB coupler, and a 95/5 coupler to allow high efficiency. With a Brillouin pump (BP) power of 13 dBm, the laser peak power is 12.3 dB higher than a conventional linear cavity BFL at an upshifted wavelength of 0.086 nm from the BP wavelength. In addition, it is revealed that the BFL peak power can be higher than the transmitted BP peak power when the BP power exceeds the second Brillouin Stokes threshold power.
  14. Matsui M, Yambun P, Sudin A
    Zoolog Sci, 2007 Nov;24(11):1159-66.
    PMID: 18348617 DOI: 10.2108/zsj.24.1159
    Examination of types and recently collected specimens revealed that Ansonia anotis Inger, Tan, and Yambun, 2001 and Pedostibes maculatus (Mocquard, 1890), both described from Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, are hardly differentiated morphologically. Analyses of a total of 2,427 bp of the 12S rRNA, tRNA(val), and 16S mitochondrial rRNA genes revealed that the two species are very close genetically. Thus A. anotis is regarded as conspecific and is synonymized with P. maculatus. Genetically, this species proved to form a lineage distinct from other bufonids from Southeast Asia, including species of Ansonia and Pedostibes. Because the species has also some unique morphological traits different from known bufonid genera, we propose to establish a new genus for Nectophryne maculata Mocquard, 1890.
  15. Anna Liza R, Alik RZ, Ahmad Murad Z, Ghazali I
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Aug;63(3):263-4.
    PMID: 19248707 MyJurnal
    Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) is associated with subfertility. Despite efforts to induce ovulation, success rates are low. We report a case of POF spontaneously conceiving twins while on hormone replacement therapy.
  16. Bhatia S, Abdullah AZ, Wong CT
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Apr 15;163(1):73-81.
    PMID: 18649998 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.06.055
    Adsorption behaviours of butyl acetate in air have been studied over silver-loaded Y (Si/Al=40) and ZSM-5 (Si/Al=140) zeolites. The silver metal was loaded into the zeolites by ion exchange (IE) and impregnation (IM) methods. The adsorption study was mainly conducted at a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 13,000 h(-1) with the organic concentration of 1000 ppm while the desorption step was carried out at a GHSV of 5000 h(-1). The impregnated silver-loaded adsorbents showed lower uptake capacity and shorter breakthrough time by about 10 min, attributed to changes in the pore characteristics and available surface for adsorption. Silver exchanged Y (AgY(IE)) with lower hydrophobicity showed higher uptake capacity of up to 35%, longer adsorbent service time and easier desorption compared to AgZSM-5(IE). The presence of water vapour in the feed suppressed the butyl acetate adsorption of AgY(IE) by 42% due to the competitive adsorption of water on the surface and the effect was more pronounced at lower GHSV. Conversely, the adsorption capacity of AgZSM-5(IE) was minimally affected, attributed to the higher hydrophobicity of the material. A mathematical model is proposed to simulate the adsorption behaviour of butyl acetate over AgY(IE) and AgZSM-5(IE). The model parameters were successfully evaluated and used to accurately predict the breakthrough curves under various process conditions with root square mean errors of between 0.05 and 0.07.
  17. Tarmizi AH, Lin SW, Kuntom A
    Anal Chem Insights, 2008 Sep 22;3:127-33.
    PMID: 19609396
    This work described study protocols on the production of Palm-Based Standard Reference Materials for iodine value and slip melting point. Thirty-three laboratories collaborated in the inter-laboratory proficiency tests for characterization of iodine value, while thirty-two laboratories for characterization of slip melting point. The iodine value and slip melting point of palm oil, palm olein and palm stearin were determined in accordance to MPOB Test Methods p3.2:2004 and p4.2:2004, respectively. The consensus values and their uncertainties were based on the acceptability of statistical agreement of results obtained from collaborating laboratories. The consensus values and uncertainties for iodine values were 52.63 +/- 0.14 Wijs in palm oil, 56.77 +/- 0.12 Wijs in palm olein and 33.76 +/- 0.18 Wijs in palm stearin. For the slip melting points, the consensus values and uncertainties were 35.6 +/- 0.3 degrees C in palm oil, 22.7 +/- 0.4 degrees C in palm olein and 53.4 +/- 0.2 degrees C in palm stearin. Repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations were found to be good and acceptable, with values much lower than that of 10%. Stability of Palm-Based Standard Reference Materials remained stable at temperatures of -20 degrees C, 0 degrees C, 6 degrees C and 24 degrees C upon storage for one year.
  18. Ramlee N, Ramli N, Tajudin LS
    Orbit, 2007 Jun;26(2):137-9.
    PMID: 17613864
    We reported a case of pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland involving the palpebral lobe in young teenage girl of Asian origin. The presentation at young age group is rare, which initially misdiagnosed as a large chalazion. The benign tumor with its intact pseudocapsule was removed through lateral orbitotomy together with the suspicious looking orbital lobe.
  19. Arshad AR, Azman WS, Kreetharan A
    Head Neck, 2008 Apr;30(4):544-8.
    PMID: 17972311 DOI: 10.1002/hed.20708
    BACKGROUND: Sebaceous nevus is a benign congenital epidermal nevus. Its association with basal cell carcinoma is well known.
    METHOD: This is a case report of sebaceous carcinoma complicated by both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
    RESULTS: The behavior of this tumor is very aggressive, resulting in poor prognosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: All sebaceous nevi should be excised early.
  20. Matsui M, Mohamed M, Shimada T, Sudin A
    Zoolog Sci, 2007 Jan;24(1):101-6.
    PMID: 17409723
    Two forms of Staurois that are differentiated by body size occur parapatrically in the Crocker Range, Sabah, Borneo. Analyses of a total of 1,499 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA genes revealed that the two forms could be completely split genetically. The two forms could be also clearly differentiated morphologically, not only by snout-vent length but also by the relative sizes of snout, eye, and finger disk. Comparisons of the two forms with all known species of the genus revealed the large and small forms to be S. tuberilinguis and S. parvus, respectively. The latter species has long been synonymized with the former, but we here consider them to represent different species.
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