Displaying publications 2501 - 2520 of 8301 in total

  1. Yousef Kalafi E, Tan WB, Town C, Dhillon SK
    BMC Bioinformatics, 2016 Dec 22;17(Suppl 19):511.
    PMID: 28155722 DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-1376-z
    BACKGROUND: Monogeneans are flatworms (Platyhelminthes) that are primarily found on gills and skin of fishes. Monogenean parasites have attachment appendages at their haptoral regions that help them to move about the body surface and feed on skin and gill debris. Haptoral attachment organs consist of sclerotized hard parts such as hooks, anchors and marginal hooks. Monogenean species are differentiated based on their haptoral bars, anchors, marginal hooks, reproductive parts' (male and female copulatory organs) morphological characters and soft anatomical parts. The complex structure of these diagnostic organs and also their overlapping in microscopic digital images are impediments for developing fully automated identification system for monogeneans (LNCS 7666:256-263, 2012), (ISDA; 457-462, 2011), (J Zoolog Syst Evol Res 52(2): 95-99. 2013;). In this study images of hard parts of the haptoral organs such as bars and anchors are used to develop a fully automated identification technique for monogenean species identification by implementing image processing techniques and machine learning methods.

    RESULT: Images of four monogenean species namely Sinodiplectanotrema malayanus, Trianchoratus pahangensis, Metahaliotrema mizellei and Metahaliotrema sp. (undescribed) were used to develop an automated technique for identification. K-nearest neighbour (KNN) was applied to classify the monogenean specimens based on the extracted features. 50% of the dataset was used for training and the other 50% was used as testing for system evaluation. Our approach demonstrated overall classification accuracy of 90%. In this study Leave One Out (LOO) cross validation is used for validation of our system and the accuracy is 91.25%.

    CONCLUSIONS: The methods presented in this study facilitate fast and accurate fully automated classification of monogeneans at the species level. In future studies more classes will be included in the model, the time to capture the monogenean images will be reduced and improvements in extraction and selection of features will be implemented.

  2. Lee CK, Tan TS, Chan C, Kwan MK
    J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong), 2017 01;25(1):2309499017692683.
    PMID: 28211302 DOI: 10.1177/2309499017692683
    INTRODUCTION: C1 lateral mass (C1LM) screw is a common procedure in spine surgery. However, related studies are lacking in Asia. We aim to determine the safety of C1LM screw for the Chinese, Indians, and Malays.

    METHODS: Three-dimensional computed tomographies of 180 subjects (60 from each ethnic) were analyzed. The length and angulations of C1LM screw and the location of internal carotid artery (ICA) in relation to C1LM were assessed and classified according to the classification by Murakami et al. The incidence of ponticulus posticus (PP) was determined and the differences among the population of these three ethnics were recorded.

    RESULTS: The average base length was 8.5 ± 1.4 mm. The lengths within the lateral mass were between 14.7 ± 1.6 mm and 21.7 ± 2.3 mm. The prevalence of PP was 8.3%. 55.3% (199) of ICA were located in zone 0, 38.3% (138) in zone 1-1, 6.4% (23) in zone 1-2, and none in zone 1-3 and zone 2. The average angulation from the entry point to the ICA was 8.5° ± 6.4° laterally. The mean distance of ICA from C1 anterior cortex was 3.7 ± 1.7 mm (range: 0.6∼11.3). There was no difference in distribution of ICA in zone 1 among the three population (Chinese-47%, Indians-61%, and Malays-53%; p > 0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: No ICA is located medial to the entry point of C1LM screw. If bicortical purchase of C1LM screw is needed, screw protrusion of less than 3 mm or medially angulated is safe for ICA. The incidence of PP is 8.3% with higher prevalence among the Indian population.

  3. Carrizosa Moog J, Kakooza-Mwesige A, Tan CT
    Seizure, 2017 Jan;44:108-112.
    PMID: 27986419 DOI: 10.1016/j.seizure.2016.11.032
    Epilepsy is considered by the World Health Organization a public health priority with more than 50 million human beings affected by the disease. More than 80% of persons with epilepsy live in low and middle income countries and most of them in tropical areas. Several emerging, re-emerging and neglected diseases are symptomatic etiologies that jointly contribute to the enormous global burden of epilepsy. Besides the clinical strengths to reduce diagnostic and treatment gaps, other strategies in social, economic, cultural, educational and health policies are needed to prevent and treat appropriately vulnerable and affected persons with epilepsy. From the public health point of view, several of those strategies could be more effective in reducing the incidence and burden of the disease than the clinical approach of diagnosis and treatment. Special attention has to be given to stigma reduction and promotion of human rights. Several aspects mentioned in this abstract slip away the scope of the article, but it is a remainder to approach epilepsy in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner, an integral and pertinent approach needed and requested in tropical counties. The article focuses only on emergent and re-emergent etiologies of epilepsy in the tropics like malaria, HIV, neurocysticercosis, viral encephalitis and traumatic brain injury.
  4. Abdullah S, Fadzli F, Ramli N, Tan CT
    Mult Scler Relat Disord, 2017 Feb;12:34-38.
    PMID: 28283103 DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2016.12.011
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The recently introduced International Consensus diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of neuromyelitis spectrum disorder include patients who are seronegative for AQP4 antibody. The criteria are dependent on typical MRI changes in the spinal cord, optic nerve and brain. This study aims to determine whether there are significant differences in the MRI brain images between AQP4 positive and negative patients with IIDDs.

    METHOD: MRI brain of patients with a diagnosis of IIDDs presented to the Hospital from 2010 to 2015 was analysed. The MRI was assessed by 2 radiologists blinded to the AQP4 status, on features said to be typical of NMOSD and MS.

    RESULTS: Thirty nine patients fulfilled the criteria and were included in the study. They consisted of 19 AQP4 seropositive and 20 AQP4 seronegative patients. The mean age was older (37.0 vs. 28.8 years) among the AQP4 positive group. The majority of the patients were ethnic Chinese (72%), followed by the Malays and Indians. Those with AQP4 seropositive status generally has less brain lesions, and significantly less fulfilling the McDonald DIS criteria as compared to those with AQP4 seronegative status (15.8% vs. 60.0%, p=0.005). None of the seven cerebral MRI features highlighted in NMOSD 2015 diagnostic criteria, said to be characteristic of NMOSD was more common among the AQP4 positive patients. These features were in fact seen less frequently among the AQP4 seropositive patients. An example was the extensive hemispheric lesion seen in 10.5% of AQP4 seropositive patients vs. 45% of that AQP4 seronegative group.

    CONCLUSION: There was no characteristic MRI brain features in the Malaysian AQP4 seropositive IIDD patients versus those who are seronegative. This could be a reflection of ethnical difference.

  5. Loong SK, Tan KK, Sulaiman S, Wong PF, AbuBakar S
    Genom Data, 2017 Jun;12:69-70.
    PMID: 28377885 DOI: 10.1016/j.gdata.2017.03.004
    In this study, we present the draft genome sequence of B. pseudohinzii BH370 recovered from the trachea and lung tissues of an ICR mouse in Malaysia. The genome consists of 4,474,040 bp with a GC content of 66.4%. Annotation using RAST algorithm displayed 5119 protein encoding and 52 RNA genes. The CRISPR-cas genomic sequences previously reported in B. pseudohinzii were identified. The nucleotide sequences of BH370 was deposited into the European Nucleotide Archive under the genome assembly accession number FPJN01000000.
  6. Alsharif AM, Tan GH, Choo YM, Lawal A
    J Chromatogr Sci, 2017 03 01;55(3):378-391.
    PMID: 27903555 DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/bmw188
    Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) techniques coupled to chromatographic systems have been widely used for extraction and determination of diverse compounds. HF-LPME was able to provide better results in precision, accuracy, selectivity and enrichment factor, in addition to reduction of matrix effect and carry over. It is applicable within a wide pH range and compatible with most analytical instruments which enable the utilization of HF-LPME in a wide variety of applications. This review focused on the modified HF-LPME techniques, efficiency, comparison to other LPME methods and applications.
  7. Ang KM, Yeo LY, Hung YM, Tan MK
    Nanoscale, 2017 May 18;9(19):6497-6508.
    PMID: 28466906 DOI: 10.1039/c7nr01690e
    We exploit the possibility of enhancing the molecular transport of liquids through graphene films using amplitude modulated surface acoustic waves (SAWs) to demonstrate effective and efficient nanoparticle filtration. The use of the SAW, which is an extremely efficient means for driving microfluidic transport, overcomes the need for the large mechanical pumps required to circumvent the large pressure drops encountered in conventional membranes for nanoparticle filtration. 100% filtration efficiency was obtained for micron-dimension particulates, decreasing to only 95% for the filtration of particles of tens of nanometers in dimension, which is comparable to that achieved with other methods. To circumvent clogging of the film, which is typical with all membrane filters, a backwash operation to flush the nanoparticles is incorporated simply by reversing the SAW-induced flow such that 98% recovery of the initial filtration rate is recovered. Given these efficiencies, together with the low cost and compact size of the chipscale SAW devices, we envisage the possibility of scaling out the process by operating a large number of devices in parallel to achieve typical industrial-scale throughputs with potential benefits in terms of substantially lower capital, operating and maintenance costs.
  8. Tan MM, Chan CKY, Reidpath DD
    J Public Health (Oxf), 2017 Dec 01;39(4):e179-e185.
    PMID: 27738128 DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdw109
    Background: Socioeconomic status (SES) is a strong predictor of health, and individuals with higher SES generally have better health than those with lower SES. One of the pathways that SES influences health is through health behaviors, such as dietary intake, and a higher SES has been associated with a better diet. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a social gradient in dietary habits among the Seventh-Day Adventists, a group of conservative Christians, where healthy eating is part of the doctrinal teaching.

    Methods: Data from a survey of 574 Adventists residing in West Malaysia, aged 18-80 years, were analyzed. Dietary habits were measured using the Nutrition subscale of Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II.

    Results: Education and income were significantly associated with dietary habits before and after controlling for demographics. There was a gradient of association; a higher level of education and higher income were associated with better dietary habits. However, only education remained significantly associated with dietary habits when the other two socioeconomic variables were included. Employment was not significantly associated with dietary habits before or after controlling for demographic variables and the other two sociodemographic variables.

    Conclusions: This study showed that education is the strongest predictor of healthy diet, and a social gradient in dietary habits still exists even among health-conscious population.

  9. Yen ST, Tan AKG, Mustapha FI
    J Diabetes, 2017 Sep;9(9):874-883.
    PMID: 27800662 DOI: 10.1111/1753-0407.12502
    BACKGROUND: Policy interventions for cardiovascular diseases require individual awareness of ailments. Such awareness is also key to individuals making changes to their lifestyle and dietary habits. The present study investigated the association of sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle factors with the awareness and prevalence of three ailments: diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.

    METHODS: Data were obtained from the Malaysia Non-Communicable Disease Surveillance-1. Logistic regressions were estimated and odds ratios of exposure variables calculated.

    RESULTS: Diabetes awareness was associated with work hours, age, family history of illnesses, and ethnicity. Individuals with diminished hypertension awareness included those who were younger, without family history of illnesses, not obese, working more hours, and not adhering to a healthy diet. Low awareness of hypercholesterolemia was associated with younger age, lower education level, living in rural areas, female gender, no family history of illnesses, non-obesity, and minority ethnic background. Prevalence generally had the same pattern of association with the exposure variables.

    CONCLUSIONS: Various sociodemographic and health and lifestyle characteristics were associated with diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia awareness in Malaysia, albeit with varying outcomes. Therefore, programs focusing on lifestyle improvements should be targeted at high-risk subgroups, such as individuals working longer hours and young adults, who are less likely to be aware of their health risk factors.

  10. Romli MH, Mackenzie L, Lovarini M, Tan MP, Clemson L
    J Eval Clin Pract, 2017 Jun;23(3):662-669.
    PMID: 28105771 DOI: 10.1111/jep.12697
    RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Falls can be a devastating issue for older people living in the community, including those living in Malaysia. Health professionals and community members have a responsibility to ensure that older people have a safe home environment to reduce the risk of falls. Using a standardised screening tool is beneficial to intervene early with this group. The Home Falls and Accidents Screening Tool (HOME FAST) should be considered for this purpose; however, its use in Malaysia has not been studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the interrater and test-retest reliability of the HOME FAST with multiple professionals in the Malaysian context.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional design was used to evaluate interrater reliability where the HOME FAST was used simultaneously in the homes of older people by 2 raters and a prospective design was used to evaluate test-retest reliability with a separate group of older people at different times in their homes. Both studies took place in an urban area of Kuala Lumpur.

    RESULTS: Professionals from 9 professional backgrounds participated as raters in this study, and a group of 51 community older people were recruited for the interrater reliability study and another group of 30 for the test-retest reliability study. The overall agreement was moderate for interrater reliability and good for test-retest reliability. The HOME FAST was consistently rated by different professionals, and no bias was found among the multiple raters.

    CONCLUSION: The HOME FAST can be used with confidence by a variety of professionals across different settings. The HOME FAST can become a universal tool to screen for home hazards related to falls.

  11. Siti Rashima R, Maizura M, Kang WM, Fazilah A, Tan LX
    J Food Sci Technol, 2017 Jan;54(1):228-235.
    PMID: 28242920 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-016-2454-y
    The effects of sodium chloride (NaCl) (3.5%) solution and polysaccharides, such as carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%) and gum arabic (5, 10 and 15%), on the physicochemical properties, antioxidant capacity and sensory characteristics of bitter gourd juice were investigated. An increase in the concentration of CMC and gum arabic significantly was observed to increase the lightness (L value) and the viscosity (mPas) of bitter gourd juice at all levels. Increased concentrations of gum arabic significantly increased the total soluble solids. The bitter gourd fruit treated with NaCl solution produced the highest lightness (L value) and scavenging activity of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl of bitter gourd juice. Increased concentration of gum arabic up to 15% significantly increased the total phenolic content. The addition of 5% gum arabic effectively reduced the bitterness of the bitter gourd juice. Viscosity of the juice resulted in negative correlation for bitterness.
  12. Nyam KL, Chang CY, Tan CS, Ng ST
    Int J Med Mushrooms, 2016;18(12):1093-1104.
    PMID: 28094747 DOI: 10.1615/IntJMedMushrooms.v18.i12.40
    The aim of this study was to determine the antiulcer activity of Lignosus rhinocerotis in rats. A total of 48 Sprague-Dawley rats were used in ethanol-induced, aspirin-induced, and water immersion-restraint stress-induced ulcer models. Rats were equally divided into 4 groups for each model and orally administered 5 mL/kg distilled water, 20 mg/kg omeprazole, as well as 250 and 500 mg/kg of L. rhinocerotis powder. L. rhinocerotis powder at both 250 and 500 mg/kg doses demonstrated significant (P < 0.05) protection against gastric ulceration in all the induced ulcer models. Histological studies revealed severe damage and hemorrhage of gastric mucosa in the negative control group for all ulcer-induced models. The study suggests that L. rhinocerotis powder possesses dose-dependent antiulcer activity in the gastric mucosa, as ascertained grossly and histologically, compared with the negative control groups.
  13. Tan YF, Teng CL, Chua KB, Voon K
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2017 Mar 31;11(3):215-219.
    PMID: 28368854 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.9112
    INTRODUCTION: Pteropine orthoreovirus (PRV) is an emerging zoonotic respiratory virus that has spilled over from bats to humans. Though initially found only in bats, further case studies have found viable virus in ill patients.

    METHODOLOGY: PubMed was queried with the keywords of Nelson Bay orthoreovirus OR Pteropine orthoreovirus OR Melaka orthoreovirus OR Kampar orthoreovirus, and returned 17 hits.

    RESULTS: Based on prevalence studies, the presence of PRV has been reported in Malaysia and Vietnam, both developing countries. Other case reports also provide further evidence of the presence of PRV in the Southeast Asian region. Despite the absence of PRV in their home countries, travellers from Hong Kong and Japan to Indonesia have returned to their countries ill with this virus, indicating that local communities in Indonesia might be affected by this virus.

    CONCLUSIONS: This work aims to bring to light this emerging zoonotic respiratory virus circulating among developing countries in Southeast Asia. To improve the understanding of PRV of the medical and scientific community in the Southeast Asian region, this work introduces the general features of PRV, reports of imported PRV, prevalence, and clinical features of PRV. Gaps in knowledge about PRV have also been identified in this work, and we hope that future studies can be undertaken to improve our understanding of this virus.

  14. Tan LK, Liew YM, Lim E, McLaughlin RA
    Med Image Anal, 2017 Apr 12;39:78-86.
    PMID: 28437634 DOI: 10.1016/j.media.2017.04.002
    Automated left ventricular (LV) segmentation is crucial for efficient quantification of cardiac function and morphology to aid subsequent management of cardiac pathologies. In this paper, we parameterize the complete (all short axis slices and phases) LV segmentation task in terms of the radial distances between the LV centerpoint and the endo- and epicardial contours in polar space. We then utilize convolutional neural network regression to infer these parameters. Utilizing parameter regression, as opposed to conventional pixel classification, allows the network to inherently reflect domain-specific physical constraints. We have benchmarked our approach primarily against the publicly-available left ventricle segmentation challenge (LVSC) dataset, which consists of 100 training and 100 validation cardiac MRI cases representing a heterogeneous mix of cardiac pathologies and imaging parameters across multiple centers. Our approach attained a .77 Jaccard index, which is the highest published overall result in comparison to other automated algorithms. To test general applicability, we also evaluated against the Kaggle Second Annual Data Science Bowl, where the evaluation metric was the indirect clinical measures of LV volume rather than direct myocardial contours. Our approach attained a Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) of .0124, which would have ranked tenth in the original challenge. With this we demonstrate the effectiveness of convolutional neural network regression paired with domain-specific features in clinical segmentation.
  15. Lee CK, Tan TS, Chan CYW, Kwan MK
    Asian Spine J, 2017 Apr;11(2):181-189.
    PMID: 28443161 DOI: 10.4184/asj.2017.11.2.181
    STUDY DESIGN: Clinical imaging study.

    PURPOSE: To study the surgical morphometry of C1 and C2 vertebrae in Chinese, Indian, and Malay patients.

    OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle screw fixation is gaining popularity. However, there is a lack of C1-C2 morphometric data for the Asian population.

    METHODS: Computed tomography analysis of 180 subjects (60 subjects each belonging to Chinese, Indian, and Malay populations) using simulation software was performed. Length and angulations of C1 lateral mass (C1LM) and C2 pedicle (C2P) screws were assessed.

    RESULTS: The predicted C1LM screw length was between 23.2 and 30.2 mm. The safe zone of trajectories was within 11.0°±7.7° laterally to 29.1°±6.2° medially in the axial plane and 37.0°±10.2° caudally to 20.9°±7.8° cephalically in the sagittal plane. The shortest and longest predicted C2P screw lengths were 22.1±2.8 mm and 28.5±3.2 mm, respectively. The safe trajectories were from 25.1° to 39.3° medially in the axial plane and 32.3° to 45.9° cephalically in the sagittal plane.

    CONCLUSIONS: C1LM screw length was 23-30 mm with the axial safe zone from 11° laterally to 29° medially and sagittal safe zone at 21° cephalically. C2P screw length was 22-28 mm with axial safe zone from 26° to 40° medially and sagittal safe zone from 32° to 46° cephalically. These data serve as an important reference for Chinese, Indian, and Malay populations during C1-C2 instrumentation.

  16. Ismail MI, Wong YP, Tan GH, Fam XI
    Urol Ann, 2017 5 10;9(2):197-199.
    PMID: 28479778 DOI: 10.4103/UA.UA_168_16
    Aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM) particularly testicular origin is a rare benign mesenchymal myxoid tumor which is locally aggressive, blatant for local recurrence, and may metastasize. It occurs mostly in females of childbearing age and extremely rare in males. AMM particular testicular origin is not reported in literature yet. This is a 65-year-old man who had a right scrotal swelling. Ultrasound scrotum showed a soft tissue tumor of the right testis. The patient underwent radical right orchidectomy of which histopathologically confirmed to be a paratesticular AAM with clear resection margins. There were no signs of local recurrence or metastasis 2 years postsurgical resection.
  17. Shafie AA, Ng CH, Tan YP, Chaiyakunapruk N
    Pharmacoeconomics, 2017 02;35(2):141-162.
    PMID: 27752998 DOI: 10.1007/s40273-016-0456-2
    BACKGROUND: Insulin analogues have a pharmacokinetic advantage over human insulin and are increasingly used to treat diabetes mellitus. A summary of their cost effectiveness versus other available treatments was required.

    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to systematically review the published cost-effectiveness studies of insulin analogues for the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

    METHODS: We searched major databases and health technology assessment agency reports for economic evaluation studies published up until 30 September 2015. Two reviewers performed data extraction and assessed the quality of the data using the CHEERS (Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards) guidelines.

    RESULTS: Seven of the included studies assessed short-acting insulin analogues, 12 assessed biphasic insulin analogues, 30 assessed long-acting insulin analogues and one assessed a combination of short- and long-acting insulin analogues. Only 17 studies involved patients with T1DM, all were modelling studies and 12 were conducted in Canada. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) for short-acting insulin analogues ranged from dominant to $US435,913 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained, the ICERs for biphasic insulin analogues ranged from dominant to $US57,636 per QALY gained and the ICERs for long-acting insulin analogues ranged from dominant to $US599,863 per QALY gained. A total of 15 studies met all the CHEERS guidelines reporting quality criteria. Only 26 % of the studies assessed heterogeneity in their analyses.

    CONCLUSION: Current evidence indicates that insulin analogues are cost effective for T1DM; however, evidence for their use in T2DM is not convincing. Additional evidence regarding compliance and efficacy is required to support the broader use of long-acting and biphasic insulin analogues in T2DM. The value of insulin analogues depends strongly on reductions in hypoglycaemia event rates and its efficacy in lowering glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c).

  18. Yeow TP, Tan MKM, Loh LC, Blitz J
    Appreciation of learning styles can be of use to help both educators and students to enhance the effectiveness of an educational experience. It has been noticed that some students at this College are not very good at expressing themselves in either written or spoken English. Our study aimed to identify the student’s learning styles; assess whether there is any correlation between learning style, baseline demographic data and self rated proficiency in English language; and assess their associations with the assessment performance.
    A group of third year medical students voluntarily participated in a questionnaire study to provide us with their learning styles, demographic information and self-rated proficiency in English language. This data was compared to the students’ performance in the assessment at the end of their junior clinical rotations.
    This cohort of students (60% Malay, 35% Chinese and 5% Indian) who were mostly visual learners, considered themselves proficient in English. Students with predominantly Visual learning styles and those with poorer English, score significantly lower during their clinical long case examinations. These two predictors appear to be independent of each other.
    These results may suggest that our current teaching modalities may disadvantage students with predominant visual learning styles. It also suggests that the long case clinical examination may favour those with more verbal learning styles.
  19. Khoo SS, Loi KW, Tan KT, Suhaeb AR, Simmrat S
    Malays Orthop J, 2015 Jul;9(2):57-59.
    PMID: 28435613 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1507.003
    Septic arthritis is a surgical emergency. Prompt diagnosis and immediate treatment reduce the destruction of articular cartilage and give better outcome. We describe a simple, minimally invasive closed tube irrigation system for the initial treatment of septic arthritis of the knee in a patient with complex medical problems who was unfit to undergo surgery.
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