Displaying publications 2501 - 2520 of 5506 in total

  1. Ganju A, Goulart AC, Ray A, Majumdar A, Jeffers BW, Llamosa G, et al.
    J Multidiscip Healthc, 2020;13:693-707.
    PMID: 32801732 DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S252300
    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have been on the rise in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) over the last few decades and represent a significant healthcare concern. Over 85% of "premature" deaths worldwide due to NCDs occur in the LMICs. NCDs are an economic burden on these countries, increasing their healthcare expenditure. However, targeting NCDs in LMICs is challenging due to evolving health systems and an emphasis on acute illness. The major issues include limitations with universal health coverage, regulations, funding, distribution and availability of the healthcare workforce, and availability of health data. Experts from across the health sector in LMICs formed a Think Tank to understand and examine the issues, and to offer potential opportunities that may address the rising burden of NCDs in these countries. This review presents the evidence and posits pragmatic solutions to combat NCDs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Disease
  2. Lo RKS, Chong KP
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:106030.
    PMID: 32743032 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106030
    The oil palm industry, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia is being threatened by Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninense. There is no conclusive remedy in handling this disease effectively. In this study, metagenomics analysis of soil were analyzed for a better understanding of the microbial diversity in relation to BSR disease. Study was conducted in three plantation sites of Sabah, Malaysia which incorporated different disease management and agronomic practices. The estates are located at Sandakan (Kam Cheong Plantation), Lahad Datu (FGV Ladang Sahabat) and Tawau (Warisan Gagah). Soil samples were collected from disease free, high and low BSR incidence plots. Illumina MiSeq metagenomic analysis using V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was employed to study the microbial diversity. Bacteria (97.4%) and Archaea (0.2%) were found majority in kingdom taxonomy level. The most abundant phyla were Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. Higher alpha diversity of all species was observed among all tested soil from each estates. Beta analysis was analyzed using non phylogenetic UnifRac matrix and visualized using Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA). The tested soil samples in Kam Cheong Plantation were found to have similar bacterial communities. The data provided is useful as an indicator in developing biology controls against Ganoderma boninense.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Management
  3. Azam AF, Lai P, Abdullah A, Haidi Hanafi NS
    Malays Fam Physician, 2020;15(2):10-18.
    PMID: 32843940
    Introduction: The Patient Assessment on Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) was developed to assess patients' perspectives on the alignment of primary care to the chronic care model. The Malay PACIC has been validated; however, Malaysia is a multicultural society, and English is spoken by many Malaysians and expatriates. We sought to validate the English version of the PACIC among patients with diabetes mellitus in Malaysia, as Malaysians may interpret a questionnaire that was originally developed for Americans in a different way.

    Method: This study was conducted between November and December 2016 at two primary care clinics that offered integrated diabetes care at the time. These sites were selected to assess the discriminative validity of the PACIC. Site 1 is a Malaysian Ministry of Health-run primary care clinic while site 2 is a university-run hospital-based primary care clinic. Only site 1 annually monitors patient performance and encourages them to achieve their HbA1c targets using a standard checklist. Patients with diabetes mellitus who understood English were recruited. Participants were asked to fill out the PACIC at baseline and two weeks later.

    Results: A total of 200 out of the 212 invited agreed to participate (response rate=94.3%). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the 5-factor structure of the PACIC. The overall PACIC score and the score in two of the five domains were significantly higher at site 1 than at site 2. The overall Cronbach's alpha was 0.924. At test-retest, intra-class correlation coefficient values ranged from 0.641 to 0.882.

    Conclusion: The English version of the PACIC was found to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess the quality of care among patients with diabetes mellitus in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Chronic Disease
  4. Noor Syamila Othman, Wan Ishlah Leman, Kahairi Abdullah, Siti Aesah @ Naznin Muhammad, Mohd Arifin Kaderi
    The aim of this study was to investigate the level of miR-744 expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tumour tissue and to provide initial clue on its potential as biomarkers for early detection of NPC in a preliminary analysis. Total miRNAs was extracted from NPC tissue as well as normal nasopharynx tissue taken from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan and converted into cDNA. The level of miR-744 expression in the cDNA was quantified using quantitative reverse transcription polymserase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) technique. The expression level of SNORD48 was measured simultaneously for each sample, which served as endogenous control. The difference in the expression of miR-744 in NPC and normal nasopharynx tissue were analysed using relative quantification, 2-ΔΔCT. In this preliminary analysis, this study found that miR-744 was upregulated in NPC as compared to normal nasopharynx tissue by 2.5 fold changes, respectively suggesting it may involve in progression of tumour. However, the finding is not significant and may not accurately reflect the overall population, due to small sample size involved in the study. Findings from the current study suggest the potential of miR-744 to serve as useful diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in NPC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Progression
  5. Imawana RA, Smith DR, Goodson ML
    Ann Gastroenterol, 2020 06 06;33(5):485-494.
    PMID: 32879595 DOI: 10.20524/aog.2020.0507
    Background: The current literature suggests a protective benefit of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection against inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here we assessed whether this effect varied by IBD subtype-Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC)-and geographic region: East Asia, Europe (non-Mediterranean) or Mediterranean region.

    Methods: A database search was performed up to July 2019 inclusive for all studies that compared H. pylori infection in IBD patients vs. non-IBD controls. The relative risk (RR) was used to quantify the association between IBD and H. pylori, and the effects were combined across studies using a mixed-effects meta-regression model, which included IBD subtype and geographic region as categorical moderator variables.

    Results: Our meta-regression model exhibited moderate heterogeneity (I2=48.74%). Pooled RR depended on both region (P=0.02) and subtype (P<0.001). Pooled RRs were <1 for all subtype and region combinations, indicative of a protective effect of H. pylori against IBD. The pooled RR was 28% (9%, 50%; P=0.001) greater for UC vs. CD and 43% (4%, 96%; P=0.02) greater for Mediterranean countries vs. East Asia. The pooled RR was 18% (-13%, 60%; P=0.48) greater for Europe vs. East Asia and 21% (-13%, 68%; P=0.42) greater for Mediterranean vs. Europe, though these differences were not statistically significant.

    Conclusions: The protective effect of H. pylori on IBD varied by both subtype (more protection against CD vs. UC) and region (East Asia more protected than Mediterranean regions). Variation due to these effects could provide insight into IBD etiology.

    Matched MeSH terms: Crohn Disease
  6. Michel J, Abd Rani NZ, Husain K
    Front Pharmacol, 2020;11:852.
    PMID: 32581807 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00852
    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, and its rate of mortality is rising annually. In accordance with the current condition, studies on medicinal plants upon their activity on cardiovascular diseases are often being encouraged to be used in cardiovascular disease management, due to the availability of medicinal values in certain dedicated plants. This review was conducted based on two plant families, which are Asteraceae and Lamiaceae, to study on their action in cardiovascular disease relieving activities, to review the relationship between the phytochemistry of Asteraceae and Lamiaceae families and their effect on cardiovascular diseases, and to study their toxicology. The medicinal plants from these plant family groups are collected based on their effects on the mechanisms that affect the cardiovascular-related disease which are an antioxidant activity, anti-hyperlipidemic or hypocholesterolemia, vasorelaxant effect, antithrombotic action, and diuresis effect. In reference to various studies, the journals that conducted in vivo or in vitro experiments, which were used to prove the specific mechanisms, are included in this review. This is to ensure that the scientific value and the phytochemicals of the involved plants can be seen based on their activity. As a result, various plant species from both Asteraceae and Lamiaceae plant family have been identified and collected based on their study that has proven their effectiveness and uses in cardiovascular diseases. Most of the plants have an antioxidant effect, followed by anti-hyperlipidemia, vasorelaxant, antithrombotic, and diuretic effect from the most available to least available studies, respectively. These are the mechanisms that contribute to various cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Further studies can be conducted on these plant species by identifying their ability and capability to be developed into a new drug or to be used as a medicinal plant in treating various cardiovascular diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Coronary Disease
  7. Hassan MNFB, Yazid MD, Yunus MHM, Chowdhury SR, Lokanathan Y, Idrus RBH, et al.
    Stem Cells Int, 2020;2020:9529465.
    PMID: 32733574 DOI: 10.1155/2020/9529465
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells with strong immunosuppressive property that renders them an attractive source of cells for cell therapy. MSCs have been studied in multiple clinical trials to treat liver diseases, peripheral nerve damage, graft-versus-host disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular damage. Millions to hundred millions of MSCs are required per patient depending on the disease, route of administration, frequency of administration, and patient body weight. Multiple large-scale cell expansion strategies have been described in the literature to fetch the cell quantity required for the therapy. In this review, bioprocessing strategies for large-scale expansion of MSCs were systematically reviewed and discussed. The literature search in Medline and Scopus databases identified 26 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. These articles described the large-scale expansion of 7 different sources of MSCs using 4 different bioprocessing strategies, i.e., bioreactor, spinner flask, roller bottle, and multilayered flask. The bioreactor, spinner flask, and multilayered flask were more commonly used to upscale the MSCs compared to the roller bottle. Generally, a higher expansion ratio was achieved with the bioreactor and multilayered flask. Importantly, regardless of the bioprocessing strategies, the expanded MSCs were able to maintain its phenotype and potency. In summary, the bioreactor, spinner flask, roller bottle, and multilayered flask can be used for large-scale expansion of MSCs without compromising the cell quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Graft vs Host Disease
  8. Shahzad A, Hassan R, Aremu AY, Hussain A, Lodhi RN
    Qual Quant, 2020 Aug 04.
    PMID: 32836471 DOI: 10.1007/s11135-020-01028-z
    In response to the emerging and ever solution to the COVID-19 outbreak. This study proposes a theoretical framework based on literature and model to determined E-learning portal success. The study compared males and females to E-learning portal usage. The study objective is to check the difference between male and female E-learning portals' accessibility among the students' perspective. The study included service quality, system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, system use, and E-learning portal success. The empirical data of 280 students participated from the different universities of Malaysia through google surveys analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The study further divided the full model into two domains, which are female and male. In the male model, information quality and system quality have direct relationships with user satisfaction. Information quality also supported the relationship with system use. At the same time, there is a positive relationship between user satisfaction and E-learning portals. Likewise, in the female model, E-service quality and Information quality both are supported by system use and user satisfaction. Similarly, system quality has a positive relationship with user satisfaction, and user satisfaction has a positive relationship with E-learning portals. The study will be further helpful for the Malaysian universities policy-makers such as top management, ministry of higher education, Malaysian universities union in designing the policies and programs on E-learning Portal Success in the country. The findings of the study reveal that males and females have a different level of in terms of usage of towards E-learning portals in Malaysian Universities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Outbreaks
  9. Nuurain Amirah Mohd Razi, Nizam Baharom, Zairina A. Rahman, Nadeeya Mohamad Nor, Mohd Dzulkhairi Mohd Rani, Akmal Aizat Rosman, et al.
    Introduction: The persistently increasing number of dengue cases costs a significant amount of health financial ex-penditure by the government. Communities throughout the country should be equipped with adequate knowledge and have a good practice in the avenue of reducing dengue infection incidence. This study aims to describe the knowledge and practice levels on dengue fever and their associated factors among adults in a rural village in Negeri Sembilan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a village of Tampin District using a pretested struc-tured questionnaire. Face-to-face interview was conducted among participants whose houses were randomly select-ed. The questionnaire consisted of sections identifying the socio-demographic factors and assessing their knowledge and practice on dengue fever. Knowledge that was assessed includes the sign and symptoms of dengue fever, knowl-edge on the vector, preventive measures and legislation related to it while practice includes their routine action in preventing dengue fever. Results: A total of 221 respondents responded to the questionnaire. The prevalence of re-spondents ever had dengue fever was 10.4% (n=23). Out of 100, the mean (s.d.) knowledge and practice score was 77.2(13.1) and 75.8(16.7) respectively. Good knowledge and practice on dengue fever was found among 52.0% and 47.5% of the respondents respectively. Good knowledge was associated with being middle aged (p=0.001), married (p=0.010) and having higher household income (p= 0.037). There was a significant but weak positive correlation between knowledge and practice of dengue fever (r=0.237, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Vectors
  10. Ali SM, Malik F, Anjum MS, Siddiqui GF, Anwar MN, Lam SS, et al.
    Environ Res, 2021 02;193:110421.
    PMID: 33160973 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110421
    A pneumonia-like disease of unknown origin caused a catastrophe in Wuhan city, China. This disease spread to 215 countries affecting a wide range of people. World health organization (WHO) called it a pandemic and it was officially named as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS CoV-2), also known as Corona virus disease (COVID-19). This pandemic compelled countries to enforce a socio-economic lockdown to prevent its widespread. This paper focuses on how the particulate matter pollution was reduced during the lockdown period (23 March to April 15, 2020) as compared to before lockdown. Both ground-based and satellite observations were used to identify the improvement in air quality of Pakistan with primary focus on four major cities of Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and Peshawar. Both datasets have shown a substantial reduction in PM2.5 pollution levels (ranging from 13% to 33% in case of satellite observations, while 23%-58% in ground-based observations) across Pakistan. Result shows a higher rate of COVID-19 spread in major cities of Pakistan with poor air quality conditions. Yet more research is needed in order to establish linkage between COVID-19 spread and air pollution. However, it can be partially attributed to both higher rate of population density and frequent exposure of population to enhanced levels of PM2.5 concentrations before lockdown period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Communicable Disease Control
  11. Sasmita AO
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2019 Apr;35(1):26-45.
    PMID: 30317930 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2018.1523521
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and has affected millions of individuals worldwide. The hallmarks of AD include the amyloid beta plaque deposits, tau neurofibrillary tangles, altered neuronal signaling, alongside decline in memory and cognitive functions. Conventional drug therapies do exist, such as donepezil or aducanumab, but these drugs mostly focus on halting AD progression instead of causing a reversal within the disease. In an effort to ameliorate and ultimately cure AD, researchers have delved into viral-mediated gene therapy to fix this disease from its root molecular causes. To date, adeno-associated virus and lentiviral vectors have remained the most vastly studied among other viral vectors to combat AD. These vectors could be employed alongside various genetic materials based on the types of processes we want to alter to yield a positive effect, such as disruption of amyloidogenic pathway, neuroprotection and lipid metabolism pathways. Recent studies and trials were reviewed in this article, highlighting their clinical significance, differences and limitations between each method. By learning from the different combinations and possibilities of viral-mediated gene transfer, researchers would then get a step closer in ameliorating symptoms and possibly in curing AD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Alzheimer Disease
  12. Yeoh EK, Chong KC, Chiew CJ, Lee VJ, Ng CW, Hashimoto H, et al.
    One Health, 2021 Jun;12:100213.
    PMID: 33506086 DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100213
    While most countries in the Western Pacific Region (WPR) had similar trajectories of COVID-19 from January to May, their implementations of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) differed by transmission stages. To offer a better understanding for an implementation of multidisciplinary policies in COVID-19 control, we compared the impact of NPIs by assessing the transmissibility and severity of COVID-19 in different phases of the epidemic during the first five months in WPR. In this study, we estimated the piecewise instantaneous reproduction number (R
    ) and the reporting delay-adjusted case-fatality ratio (dCFR) of COVID-19 in seven WPR jurisdictions: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Japan, Malaysia, Shanghai, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. According to the results, implementing NPIs was associated with an apparent reduction of the piecewise R
    in two epidemic waves in general. However, large cluster outbreaks raised the piecewise R
    to a high level. We also observed relaxing the NPIs could result in an increase of R
    . The estimated dCFR ranged from 0.09% to 1.59% among the jurisdictions, except in Japan where an estimate of 5.31% might be due to low testing efforts. To conclude, in conjunction with border control measures to reduce influx of imported cases which might cause local outbreaks, other NPIs including social distancing measures along with case finding by rapid tests are also necessary to prevent potential large cluster outbreaks and transmissions from undetected cases. A comparatively lower CFR may reflect the health system capacity of these jurisdictions. In order to keep track of sustained disease transmission due to resumption of economic activities, a close monitoring of disease transmissibility is recommended in the relaxation phase. The report of transmission of SARS CoV-2 to pets in Hong Kong and to mink in farm outbreaks highlight for the control of COVID-19 and emerging infectious disease, the One Health approach is critical in understanding and accounting for how human, animals and environment health are intricately connected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Outbreaks
  13. Lalani S, Gew LT, Poh CL
    Peptides, 2021 Feb;136:170443.
    PMID: 33171280 DOI: 10.1016/j.peptides.2020.170443
    The emergence of new and resistant viruses is a serious global burden. Conventional antiviral therapy with small molecules has led to the development of resistant mutants. In the case of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), the absence of a US-FDA approved vaccine calls for urgent need to develop an antiviral that could serve as a safe, potent and robust therapy against the neurovirulent Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71). Natural peptides such as lactoferrin, melittin and synthetic peptides such as SP40, RGDS and LVLQTM have been studied against EV-A71 and have shown promising results as potent antivirals in pre-clinical studies. Peptides are considered safe, efficacious and pose fewer chances of resistance. Poor pharmacokinetic features of peptides can be overcome by the use of chemical modifications to improve in vivo delivery particularly by oral route. The use of nanotechnology can remarkably assist in the oral delivery of peptides and enhance stability in vivo. This can greatly increase patient compliance and make it more attractive as antiviral therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
  14. Lee JY, Lee SWH
    Diabetes Technol Ther, 2018 Jul;20(7):492-500.
    PMID: 29812965 DOI: 10.1089/dia.2018.0098
    BACKGROUND: Telemedicine has been utilized increasingly worldwide for diabetes management, due to its potential to improve healthcare access and clinical outcomes. Few studies have assessed the economic benefits of telemedicine, which may contribute to underfunding in potentially important programs. We aim to systematically review the literature on economic evaluations of telemedicine in diabetes care, assess the quality, and summarize the evidence on driver of cost-effectiveness.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was performed in 10 databases from inception until February 2018. All economic evaluations assessing the economic evaluation of telemedicine in diabetes were eligible for inclusion. We subsequently evaluated the study quality in terms of effectiveness measures, cost measure, economic model, as well as time horizon.

    RESULTS: Of the 1877 studies identified, 14 articles were included in our final review. The healthcare providers' fees are a major predictor for total cost. In particular, the use of telemedicine for retinal screening was beneficial and cost-effective for diabetes management, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio between $113.48/quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and $3,328.46/QALY (adjusted to 2017 inflation rate). Similarly, the use of telemonitoring and telephone reminders was cost-effective in diabetes management.

    CONCLUSIONS: Among all telemedicine strategies examined, teleophthalmology was the most cost-effective intervention. Future research is needed to provide evidence on the long-term experience of telemedicine and facilitate resource allocation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Management
  15. Riazalhosseini B, Mohamed Z, Apalasamy YD, Eng HS, Mohamed R
    Pharmacogenet Genomics, 2016 Feb;26(2):74-9.
    PMID: 26529280 DOI: 10.1097/FPC.0000000000000187
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that have been implicated in mechanisms underlying various types of cancers including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Reports have indicated that single nucleotide polymorphisms in miRNA-196A2 and miRNA-146A genes may contribute to the risk of progression of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection to cirrhosis and HCC. This study aimed to examine the effect of miRNA-196A2 and miRNA-146A polymorphisms on the progression of HBV infection to cirrhosis and/or HCC in HBV patients in the Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Progression
  16. Raza A, Ahmadian A, Rafiq M, Salahshour S, Ferrara M
    Results Phys, 2021 Feb;21:103771.
    PMID: 33391985 DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103771
    In the present study, a nonlinear delayed coronavirus pandemic model is investigated in the human population. For study, we find the equilibria of susceptible-exposed-infected-quarantine-recovered model with delay term. The stability of the model is investigated using well-posedness, Routh Hurwitz criterion, Volterra Lyapunov function, and Lasalle invariance principle. The effect of the reproduction number on dynamics of disease is analyzed. If the reproduction number is less than one then the disease has been controlled. On the other hand, if the reproduction number is greater than one then the disease has become endemic in the population. The effect of the quarantine component on the reproduction number is also investigated. In the delayed analysis of the model, we investigated that transmission dynamics of the disease is dependent on delay terms which is also reflected in basic reproduction number. At the end, to depict the strength of the theoretical analysis of the model, computer simulations are presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Susceptibility
  17. Chin LH, Hon CM, Chellappan DK, Chellian J, Madheswaran T, Zeeshan F, et al.
    Eur J Pharmacol, 2020 Jul 15;879:173139.
    PMID: 32343971 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173139
    Chronic airway inflammatory diseases are characterized by persistent proinflammatory responses in the respiratory tract. Although, several treatment strategies are currently available, lifelong therapy is necessary for most of these diseases. In recent years, phytophenols, namely, flavonoids, derived from fruits and vegetables have been gaining tremendous interest and have been extensively studied due to their low toxicological profile. Naringenin is a bioflavonoid abundantly found in citrus fruits. This substance has shown notable therapeutic potential in various diseases due to its promising diverse biological activities. In this review, we have attempted to review the published studies from the available literature, discussing the molecular level mechanisms of naringenin in different experimental models of airway inflammatory diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis. Current evidences have proposed that the anti-inflammatory properties of naringenin play a major role in ameliorating inflammatory disease states. In addition, naringenin also possesses several other biological properties. Despite the proposed mechanisms suggesting remarkable therapeutic benefits, the clinical use of naringenin is, however, hampered by its low solubility and bioavailability. Furthermore, this review also discusses on the studies that utilise nanocarriers as a drug delivery system to address the issue of poor solubility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chronic Disease
  18. Yam MF, Loh YC, Oo CW, Basir R
    Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Jun 19;21(12).
    PMID: 32575378 DOI: 10.3390/ijms21124355
    Pain is the most common sensation installed in us naturally which plays a vital role in defending us against severe harm. This neurological mechanism pathway has been one of the most complex and comprehensive topics but there has never been an elaborate justification of the types of analgesics that used to reduce the pain sensation through which specific pathways. Of course, there have been some answers to curbing of pain which is a lifesaver in numerous situations-chronic and acute pain conditions alike. This has been explored by scientists using pain-like behavioral study methodologies in non-anesthetized animals since decades ago to characterize the analgesic profile such as centrally or peripherally acting drugs and allowing for the development of analgesics. However, widely the methodology is being practiced such as the tail flick/Hargreaves test and Von Frey/Randall-Selitto tests which are stimulus-evoked nociception studies, and there has rarely been a complete review of all these methodologies, their benefits and its downside coupled with the mechanism of the action that is involved. Thus, this review solely focused on the complete protocol that is being adapted in each behavioral study methods induced by different phlogogenic agents, the different assessment methods used for phasic, tonic and inflammatory pain studies and the proposed mechanism of action underlying each behavioral study methodology for analgesic drug profiling. It is our belief that this review could significantly provide a concise idea and improve our scientists' understanding towards pain management in future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease Models, Animal
  19. Teoh LY, Lai LL, Hanim Aa A, Teh MS, Jamaris S, Yahya A, et al.
    Breast J, 2020 11;26(11):2208-2212.
    PMID: 32996224 DOI: 10.1111/tbj.14060
    Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) improves margin clearance and produces good esthetic outcome in breast cancer treatment. This study evaluates the complications and outcome of OBS in a multiracial patient cohort. Data of 421 patients between 2011 and 2018 were analyzed. The majority were Malays (41.8%), followed by Chinese (39.7%) and Indians (16.8%). Low local complications were noted, with no significant differences in disease-free survival (P = .927) and overall survival (P = .719) between low and high OBS levels. Shared decision-making in offering OBS for Asian women has potential to become a practical option in breast cancer treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease-Free Survival
  20. Najah A, Teo FY, Chow MF, Huang YF, Latif SD, Abdullah S, et al.
    PMID: 33558809 DOI: 10.1007/s13762-021-03139-y
    Global concerns have been observed due to the outbreak and lockdown causal-based COVID-19, and hence, a global pandemic was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2020. The Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia acts to moderate the spread of COVID-19 through the enacted measures. Furthermore, massive industrial, agricultural activities and human encroachment were significantly reduced following the MCO guidelines. In this study, first, a reconnaissance survey was carried out on the effects of MCO on the health conditions of two urban rivers (i.e., Rivers of Klang and Penang) in Malaysia. Secondly, the effect of MCO lockdown on the water quality index (WQI) of a lake (Putrajaya Lake) in Malaysia is considered in this study. Finally, four machine learning algorithms have been investigated to predict WQI and the class in Putrajaya Lake. The main observations based on the analysis showed that noticeable enhancements of varying degrees in the WQI had occurred in the two investigated rivers. With regard to Putrajaya Lake, there is a significant increase in the WQI Class I, from 24% in February 2020 to 94% during the MCO month of March 2020. For WQI prediction, Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) outperformed other models in predicting the changes in the index with a high level of accuracy. For sensitivity analysis results, it is shown that NH3-N and COD play vital rule and contributing significantly to predicting the class of WQI, followed by BOD, while the remaining three parameters (i.e. pH, DO, and TSS) exhibit a low level of importance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Communicable Disease Control
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