Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 550 in total

  1. Adam Husein, Huwaina Abd. Ghani, Fazal Reza
    Replacing a single missing anterior tooth can be a challenge. Many factors need to be considered when choosing the appropriate treatment. Several treatment options are well established. This case report is to present the use of a cast cobalt chrome partial denture with custom made porcelain tooth to improve aesthetic. The overall shade of the artificial tooth were nicely matched with the adjacent teeth and definite enamel translucency could be achieved which would not be possible with acrylic or even with readymade porcelain tooth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Artificial
  2. Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Deepti Saini
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2012;7(2):101-106.
    Sufficient knowledge on the root and root canal anatomy is essential for practicing root canal treatment. The mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molar teeth present an endodontic challenge due to their wide variability and complexity of their internal morphological landmarks. A review on the literature indicates that the prevalence of a third mesiobuccal root canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molar teeth may reach 9%, and the root canal configuration usually is type XV (3-2). These reported data reveal the importance of absolute awareness for this anatomical aberration that requires special attention from dental practitioners while commencing root canal treatment in maxillary molar teeth. Hence, this article aims to report and describe the management of a maxillary first molar tooth with three mesiobuccal root canals, but with an unusual configuration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
  3. Mohd. Bakri, M, Mat Salleh, A.
    Ann Dent, 2003;10(1):-.
    Decalcified permanent teeth were sectioned and stained with Van Gieson and Gomori trichome dyes. Sections dyed with the Van Gieson dye did not produce any zones in dentine but with the Gomori trichome dye, four different zones of dentine were produced. Zone 1 begins at the predentine-dentine junction while zone 4 ends at the enamel - dentine junction. In zone 1, the intertubular dentine was stained clearly while in zone 3 intense staining of the peritubular dentine was observed. The result of this study supports the previous findings reported by other workers that the formation of intertubular dentine takes place in zone 1 while peritubular dentine occurs in zone 3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Demineralization
  4. Ong, Siew Tin, Chong, Huat Siar
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):-.
    This paper represents a study of35casesofodontogenic keratocyst (OKC) diagnosed in a Malaysian population. The clinical, radiological and histopathological features, treatment modalities and recurrence of this lesion were analysed. There was a higher prevalence rate among Malaysian Chinese (51.42 percent), while the Malays and Indians accounted for22.86 percent and 25.72 percent respectively. The male to female ratio was 16 : 19.Age at presentation ranged from nine to 71 year,with about 70percent occurring between ages ten to 39 years. A total of40cysts were analysed. Of these, 67.5 percent occurred in the mandible and 32.5 percent in the maxilla. About 88percent of OKC presented as unilocular radiolucencies and 42.0 percent were associated with unerupted or impacted teeth. Histologically, the parakeratinized OKC was the predominant variant found (75.8 percent). The majority of caseswere treated by enucleation (85 percent), and a recurrence rate of20percent was recorded.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Impacted
  5. Ling, X.F., Chan, J.A.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2008;29(1):41-45.
    The general aim of this study was to examine the patients’ perception of dental extractions. The specific objectives were to understand the purpose of extractions from the patients’ point of view, to find out the relationship between age and type of teeth extracted and to compare the patients’ perceptions with clinical indications for dental extraction. The survey was done using self administered, structured questionnaires to collect information. From the survey we found that toothache (33%) and the presence of cavities (34%) were the main reasons for extraction from the patients’ point of view. Besides that, the number of patients requiring extractions decreased with age. The main clinical indication for tooth extraction was caries (73%) and of these, 29% of restorable teeth were extracted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction
  6. Awang, R.A.R., Arief, E.M., Hassan, A.
    Since the establishment of implant in dentistry, the use of removable partial denture in replacing missing teeth apparently becomes less popular. The situation is made worse by the renowned limitations of removable partial denture. One of the obvious limitations of removable partial denture, especially in replacing missing anterior teeth is the unsightly view of metal used for retentive clasp. This case report describes the use of spring loaded plunger attachments as an alternative way to achieve retention and at the same time improving the aesthetic of the prosthesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Loss
  7. Amin, Z.A., Amran, M., Khairudin, A.
    A case of a large dentigerous cyst associated with canine tooth in the maxillary antrum is presented. This case is of interest because of its extensiveness and the presence of an ectopic tooth in the roof of the maxillary sinus. Theoretical aspects of canine impaction and cyst formation are reviewed. The management of a jaw cyst, in particular, the still popular Caldwell-Luc procedure is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Impacted
  8. Babar, Muneer Gohar, Gonzalez, Ma Angela
    Background: The importance of tooth sectioning is realized in disasters such as earthquake, airplane crash investigation, terror, micro leakage studies, age estimation etc. The objective of this study was to develop a simple method to make thin sections (approximately 100 mm) from freshly extracted teeth.

    Methods: One hundred and twenty human premolars recently extracted for orthodontic purpose were used for this study. The teeth were stored in 0.5% chorlaramine for 2 weeks and were not allowed to dry at any stage of the experiment. The teeth were thoroughly washed in distilled water teeth and then were sectioned buccolingually from crown to the root portion.

    Results: A detailed embedding-cutting-mounting procedure is described. The prepared thin ground sections were then examined under a Polarised light microscope for the enamel and the dentine, as well as the caries lesions can clearly be distinguished.

    Conclusion: This is an effective and efficient method for preparation of ground sections in which the hard tissue details are preserved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
  9. Siti Hajjar Nasir, Noraini Abu Bakar, Rosdiyana Samad
    The growing demand for orthodontic braces among Malaysian community has led to
    the development of "fake" and "real" braces. "Fake" braces refer to braces that are worn as costume
    and are not bonded to teeth hence unable to produce movement of teeth. "Real" braces refer to
    braces that are bonded to tooth structure and are able to produce tooth movement. The braces are
    bonded by unqualified practitioners with no formal dental education and they provide braces
    treatment in unlicensed premises such as hotel rooms or patients' own homes. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  10. Lim D, Ngeow WC
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017 Nov;75(11):2278-2286.
    PMID: 28666096 DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2017.05.033
    PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of preoperative submucosal injection of 4 mg of dexamethasone versus 40 mg of methylprednisolone in reducing postoperative sequelae after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective, randomized, double-blind study included 65 patients who required surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars with Class II or position B impaction (Pell and Gregory classification). Patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, or placebo (control). Surgery was performed with patients under local anesthesia. Baseline measurements were obtained preoperatively, and subsequent assessments were made on postoperative day 1, 2, 5, and 7 to measure postoperative facial swelling by use of 2 linear measurements: interincisal mouth opening width and visual analog scale score for pain. The amount of analgesics consumed was recorded. Wound healing also was assessed on postoperative day 7. Descriptive and multivariate statistics were computed, and significance was set at P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction*; Tooth, Impacted/surgery*
  11. Yanti Johari, Zaihan Ariffin, Haslina Taib, Norehan Mokhtar
    Resin-bonded fibre-reinforced composite bridges provide many advantages over the conventional
    bridges or implant treatment in the management of a traumatically or congenitally missing anterior tooth.
    Furthermore, there is an increasing demand towards providing a metal free resin-bonded bridges over the alloybased
    restorations in order to meet the aesthetic needs especially in the anterior region. Advances in the
    adhesive technology and tooth colored materials offer improved bonding system and better aesthetic outcome.
    Nevertheless, careful selection of cases to receive this type of approach is also one of the key factor to ensure
    the clinical survival of fibre-reinforced composite bridges. This report aims to present the use of fibre-reinforced
    composite to construct indirect cantilever fibre-reinforced composite bridges as part of minimum intervention
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  12. Chung, B. H., Tan, J. R.
    The own price, income and price of a substitute are the determinants of demand in the classical theory of consumer behavior. We used the theory to analyze the demand for local rice in Malaysia by using time series variables. We examined whether there is a long run relationship among the variables by using the unit root and cointegration tests. We then conducted the Granger causality, variance decomposition and impulse response function tests to examine their directions of causality as well as short term dynamics. The results show that there is a long run relationship among the variables and a unidirectional causality from price and income to demand. There are also lagged and short term dynamics among the variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
  13. Wasser SK, Torkelson A, Winters M, Horeaux Y, Tucker S, Otiende MY, et al.
    Sci Adv, 2018 09;4(9):eaat0625.
    PMID: 30255141 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat0625
    Rapid growth in world trade has enabled transnational criminal networks to conceal their contraband among the 1 billion containers shipped worldwide annually. Forensic methods are needed to identify the major cartels moving the contraband into transit. We combine DNA-based sample matching and geographic assignment of tusks to show that the two tusks from the same elephant are often shipped by the same trafficker in separate large consignments of ivory. The paired shipments occur close in time from the same initial place of export and have high overlap in the geographic origins of their tusks. Collectively, these paired shipments form a linked chain that reflects the sizes, interconnectedness, and places of operation of Africa's largest ivory smuggling cartels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth
  14. Wararit Panichkitkosolkul
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1623-1633.
    A unit root test based on the modified least squares (MLS) estimator for first-order autoregressive process is proposed and compared with unit root tests based on the ordinary least squares (OLS), the weighted symmetric (WS) and the modified weighted symmetric (MWS) estimators. The percentiles of the null distributions of the unit root test are also reported. The empirical probabilities of type I error and powers of the unit root tests were estimated via Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation results showed that all unit root tests can control the probability of type I error for all situations. The empirical power of the test is higher than the other unit root tests, and Apart from that, the and tests also provide the highest empirical power. As an illustration, the monthly series of U.S. nominal interest rates on three-month treasury bills is analyzed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root
  15. Yusof MFH, Hashim SNM, Zahari W, Chandra H, Noordin KBAA, Kannan TP, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2020 May;191(1):177-190.
    PMID: 32096060 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-020-03266-1
    Previously, it was reported that human amniotic membrane (AM) induced stem cells from human deciduous exfoliated teeth (SHED) endothelial-like-cell differentiation. This interesting effect of AM matrix on SHED demands further elucidation. Objective of this in vitro work was to study the effect of 24-h VEGF induced on SHED endothelial differentiation when seeded on acellular stromal side (SS) of AM matrix. Stemness of SHED was identified by flow cytometry. Cell attachment and morphological changes towards the matrix was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Protein expression of endothelial marker was examined by Western blot. The expression of stem cells and endothelial-specific gene markers of VEGF-induced SHED cultured on human AM was inspected via reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Results showed SHED at both passages retain stemness property. Ang-1 protein was expressed in SHED. Cells treated with VEGF and cultured on AM transformed attached well to AM. VEGF-induced SHED expressed both stem cell and endothelial-specific markers throughout the treatments and timeline. Interestingly, prolonged VEGF treatment increased the expression of Cox-2 and VE-Cadherin genes in all treated groups when compared to SHED. It was concluded that the VEGF-induced SHED showed better expression of endothelial-specific markers when cultured on SS of AM, with prolonged VEGF treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Exfoliation; Tooth, Deciduous/cytology; Tooth, Deciduous/metabolism*
  16. Majid H, Ramachandra SS, Kumar S, Wei M, Gundavarapu KC
    Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2022 Jan;43(1):e5-e8.
    PMID: 35019665
    This study evaluated the effect of alloplastic bone grafts in osseous defects following surgical removal of horizontally impacted third molars by comparing the periodontal measures distal to the second molar in grafted and nongrafted third molar extraction sites. Materials and Methods: A double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was designed on subjects with bilateral horizontally impacted mandibular third molars. Grafting consisting of alloplasts at the third molar extraction sites was compared with nongrafted sites. This study assessed 54 randomized sites in 27 patients who were selected using a split-mouth design. The predictor variable included the change in pocket depth distal to the mandibular second molar and associated dentin hypersensitivity around the second molar, assessed preoperatively and at 3 and 6 months after third molar surgery. The data regarding pocket depth reduction was statistically analyzed using paired t-test. The data concerning reduction in dentin hypersensitivity was statistically analyzed using chi-square test. Results: Six months after third molar surgery, mean pocket depth distal to mandibular second molar decreased significantly at the grafted sites compared to the nongrafted sites. The reduction in dentin hypersensitivity of mandibular second molar was statistically significant for the grafted sites at 6 months, compared to the nongrafted sites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Extraction
  17. Lishen W, In Meei T, Marny Mohamed A, Abdullah D
    Iran Endod J, 2018;13(3):403-406.
    PMID: 30083215 DOI: 10.22037/iej.v13i3.20871
    The principle of ferrule effect is of prime importance when restoring an endodontically treated tooth. A severely broken down tooth due to subgingival caries almost always end up with extraction as inadequate ferrule effect would compromise the predictability of restorative treatment. This clinical case report describes a treatment approach that combines non-surgical endodontic treatment, orthodontic extrusion and prosthetic rehabilitation to restore the function and aesthetic aspect of an extensively carious premolar with compromised prognosis. One year follow-up indicated stable periodontal health with evidence of periapical healing radiographically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth, Nonvital
  18. Beh YH, Halim MS, Ariffin Z
    PeerJ, 2023;11:e16469.
    PMID: 38025677 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16469
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the load capacity of maxillary central incisors with simulated flared root canal restored with different fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post cemented with either self-adhesive or self-etch resin cement and its mode of fracture.

    METHODS: Sixty-five extracted maxillary incisors were decoronated, its canal was artificially flared and randomly categorized into group tFRC (tapered FRC post) (n = 22), mFRC (multi-FRC post) (n = 21), and DIS-FRC (direct individually shaped-FRC (DIS-FRC) post) (n = 22), which were further subdivided based on cementation resin. The posts were cemented and a standardized resin core was constructed. After thermocycling, the samples were loaded statically and the maximum load was recorded.

    RESULTS: The load capacity of the maxillary central incisor was influenced by the different FRC post system and not the resin cement (p = 0.289), and no significant interaction was found between them. Group mFRC (522.9N) yielded a significantly higher load capacity compared to DIS-FRC (421.1N). Overall, a 55% favorable fracture pattern was observed, and this was not statistically significant.

    CONCLUSION: Within the limitation of the study, it can be concluded that prefabricated FRC posts outperform DIS-FRC posts in terms of the load capacity of a maxillary central incisor with a simulated flared root canal. The cementation methods whether a self-adhesive or self-etch resin cement, was not demonstrated to influence the load capacity of a maxillary central incisor with a flared root canal. There were no significant differences between the favorable and non-favorable fracture when FRC post systems were used to restored a maxillary central incisor with a flared root canal.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Fractures*; Tooth, Nonvital*
  19. Alam MK, Rahman SA, Rahaman SA, Basri R, Sing Yi TT, Si-Jie JW, et al.
    PLoS One, 2015;10(10):e0140438.
    PMID: 26465146 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140438
    The aim of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of patients with posterior implants in relation to the clinical success criteria and surface electromyography (sEMG) findings of the masseter and temporalis muscles. Total 42 subjects were investigated. Twenty one subjects with posterior dental implants were interviewed using a questionnaire and the clinical success criteria were determined based on The International Congress of Oral Implantologists. The myofunction of the masticatory muscles were assessed using sEMG (21 subjects) and compared to the control group of subjects without implants (21 subjects). Out of 21 subjects, all were satisfied with the aesthetics of their implant. Twenty of them (95.2%) were satisfied with its function and stability. As for clinical criteria, 100% (50) of the implants were successful with no pain, mobility or exudates. sEMG findings showed that patients have significantly lower (p<0.01) basal or resting median power frequency but with muscle burst. During chewing, control subjects showed faster chewing action. There was no difference in reaction and recovery time of clenching for both groups. In conclusion, the satisfaction of implant patients was high, and which was in relation to the successful clinical success criteria and sEMG findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth/physiopathology*; Tooth/radiography
  20. Ahmad M
    Endod Dent Traumatol, 1991 Apr;7(2):55-8.
    PMID: 1782894
    The efficacy of two ultrasonic units in shaping curved canals in teeth were compared. Twenty teeth were instrumented using the Cavi-Endo unit at a power setting 1 using the technique recommended by the manufacturer. Another group of 20 teeth received similar treatment but were instrumented with the Enac unit. The time taken to instrument each canal was recorded. The pre- and post-instrumented radiographs of the teeth of x 10 magnification were taken using a microfocal technique. The radiographs were subjected to a subtraction technique to result in composite images of the pre- and post-instrumented shapes. The canal shape and the incidence of elbows were evaluated using various measurements taken from the radiographs. The manner the dentine was removed was similar in both groups. All canals exhibited unequal removal along the canal with more dentine being removed at the coronal end. The Enac group exhibited a higher incidence of elbows which occurred further apically than those in the Cavi-Endo group. There was no significant difference between groups in the following: time of instrumentation, amount of apical and coronal canal enlargement, apical deviation and change in width at the elbow. These findings were no different from those of another study using simulated canals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Root/anatomy & histology; Tooth Root/radiography
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