METHODS: This retrospective descriptive study comprised all cases of GTN managed at Groote Schuur Hospital over a 10-year period (1999-2008).
RESULTS: Seventy-six patients, with a median age of 30 years at presentation, were included in the study. Only 36 patients (47.4%) had known HIV status. Fourteen (18.4%) were HIV positive, and of these, 4 (28.6%) were on antiretroviral treatment (ARV). The mean CD4 count was 142 cells/μL for those on ARV and 543 cells/μL for those not on ARV (P = 0.001). Histologically, 44 patients (58%) had hydatidiform mole, and 21 (28%) had choriocarcinoma. In the remaining 10 cases, a clinical diagnosis was made. Based on the revised International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)/modified World Health Organization scoring, 43 patients (56.6%) were low risk, and 33 (43.4%) were high risk. Thirty-eight patients (50%) were staged as FIGO stage I. Of 73 patients who received chemotherapy, 56 (76.7%) achieved complete remission, 9 (12.3%) did not achieve any remission, 7 (9.6%) had a relapse, and 1 (1.4%) was lost to follow-up. Patients who never went into remission had frequent treatment delays due to poor compliance or inadequate blood counts. The overall survival at 60 months was 81.9%. Of the 13 patients (17.1%) who have died, 5 (38.5%) were HIV positive. The overall 5-year survival rates for FIGO stages I, II, III, and IV were 97.4%, 66.7%, 77.8%, and 46.2%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival for HIV-positive patients was 64.3% versus more than 85% for both the HIV-negative and HIV-unknown groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Apart from more advanced stage, HIV seropositivity and poor compliance with treatment also portend poorer outcome in GTN patients. In HIV-positive patients with poor CD4, little clarity is available whether ARV should be commenced speedily, and the administration of chemotherapy delayed until immune reconstitution occurs.
METHODS: In the first part of the analysis costs attributable to cervical cancer and precancerous lesions were estimated; epidemiologic data were sourced from the WHO GLOBOCAN database and Malaysian national data sources. In the second part, a prevalence-based model was used to estimate the potential annual number of cases of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions that could be prevented and subsequent HPV-related treatment costs averted with the bivalent (HPV 16/18) and the quadrivalent (HPV 16/18/6/11) vaccines, at the population level, at steady state. A vaccine efficacy of 98% was assumed against HPV types included in both vaccines. Effectiveness against other oncogenic HPV types was based on the latest results from each vaccine's respective clinical trials.
RESULTS: In Malaysia there are an estimated 4,696 prevalent cases of cervical cancer annually and 1,372 prevalent cases of precancerous lesions, which are associated with a total direct cost of RM 39.2 million with a further RM 12.4 million in indirect costs owing to lost productivity. At steady state, vaccination with the bivalent vaccine was estimated to prevent 4,199 cervical cancer cases per year versus 3,804 cases for the quadrivalent vaccine. Vaccination with the quadrivalent vaccine was projected to prevent 1,721 cases of genital warts annually, whereas the annual number of cases remained unchanged with the bivalent vaccine. Furthermore, vaccination with the bivalent vaccine was estimated to avert RM 45.4 million in annual HPV-related treatment costs (direct+indirect) compared with RM 42.9 million for the quadrivalent vaccine.
CONCLUSION: This analysis showed that vaccination against HPV 16/18 can reduce the clinical and economic burden of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions in Malaysia. The greatest potential economic benefit was observed using the bivalent vaccine in preference to the quadrivalent vaccine.