MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-over study incorporated 90 special needs children who were recruited to receive dental treatment with two ways of behavior guidance exposures consecutively in the order of A-B/B-A design. Exposure A is CBBGT (distraction, tell-show-do, and positive reinforcement), while Exposure B is PB. The dental procedures were either dental prophylaxis or restoration with a handpiece. Caregivers need to answer a paper-based questionnaire before and after exposure. The Wilcoxon sign rank test and logistic regression were utilized in order to establish the comparability, impacts, and association.
RESULT: About 88 caregivers of special needs children aged between 2 and 15 years completed the sequence. Overall, 98.9% of the children presented with neurodevelopmental disorders. Twenty-seven caregivers were significantly concerned when the combination of basic BGT was applied to their children, and 14 caregivers felt the same for PB. However, the Wilcoxon sign rank test revealed insignificant caregiver scores on acceptance and consent for both methods but significantly improved attitudes towards the use of PB after observing the placement of their children.
CONCLUSION: The studied caregiver demonstrated equivalent acceptance, consent, and concern toward the use of PB and a combination of basic BGT with improved attitudes after comprehensive explanation and real-time observation of PB usage during their children's dental treatment.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a retrospective observational study done in Hospital Sg Buloh (HSB), a tertiary referral centre in an urban area located north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital city, from January until December 2018, involving 289 patients. All cases with CPR and a sustained return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were included in the study and followed up until discharged or died in the hospital.
RESULTS: Out of 236 patients recruited, 25.8% achieved ROSC, 15.7% survived on admission, and 4.2% of patients were discharged alive. Of 74.1% of witnessed OHCA, only 17.5% received bystander CPR. Factors with favourable outcomes include CA in ED (p<0.001), the initial rhythm of ventricular fibrillation (p=0.003), defibrillation (p=0.024), OHCA witnessed by emergency medical services (EMS) (p=0.024) and intravenous adrenaline administration (p=0.001). When using multivariate regression analysis, positive outcomes were associated with the cardiac and respiratory cause of CA (Adjusted Odd Ratio (AOR) 3.66; 95% Confidence Intervals, 95%CI: 2.52 - 12.61 and AOR 8.76; 95%CI: 5.76- 15.46, respectively) as well as OHCA witnessed by EMS (AOR 10.81; 95%CI: 1.84- 19.52).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite being an upper-middle-income country and having advancements in the healthcare system, a relatively lower STD rate among survivors of CA in the ED was observed in this study. There was underutilization of the EMS among patients with CA. The bystander CPR rate among patients with CA in Malaysia is also worryingly low. Aggressive community participation in cardiac arrest awareness programmes is much required. Additionally, in achieving better outcomes, implementing standardized post-resuscitation care protocols with existing resources will be a challenge for physicians managing cardiac arrest cases.
METHODS: We employed a methodical bibliometric approach, making use of Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases for gathering literatures. We planned our search strategy, concentrating on terms linked to "breast imaging," "image quality," and "diagnostic accuracy" to ensure a systematic examination of the subject. The enhanced search functions in these databases enabled us to narrow down and improve our findings, choosing only the articles, conference papers, and book sections that are most relevant. After conducting a thorough screening process to remove duplicates and evaluate significance, we utilized ScientoPy and VOSviewer software for an in-depth bibliometric analysis. This helped to explore trends in publications, patterns of citations, and thematic groups, giving us a better understanding of how the field has changed and where it currently stands. Our approach prioritized assessing methodological quality and bias in the studies we included, guaranteeing the reliability of our findings.
RESULTS: We reviewed 2984 relevant publications, revealing a consistent annual growth rate of 2.8% in breast imaging research, with the United States and Europe leading in contributions. The study found that advancements in radiological technologies and international collaboration are driving forces behind the field's expansion. Key subject areas such as 'Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging' dominated, underscoring their impact on diagnostic quality. Notable authors and institutions have been identified for their influential research, characterized by high citation metrics and significant scholarly impact.
CONCLUSION: The study shows a continuous increase in research on breast imaging, considered by new technologies and teamwork defining the present time. The assessment highlights a key move towards utilizing digital imaging methods and computational analysis, affecting the improvement of future diagnostic procedures and patients' results. The study highlights the importance of continued international collaborations to tackle the new barriers in breast imaging and make the most of technological progress.
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This study shows a focus on using interdisciplinary methods and cutting-edge technology in breast imaging to help healthcare professionals improve their performance and accuracy in diagnosis. Recognizing vital research and emerging trends should guide clinical guidelines, radiology training, and patient care plans to encourage the use of effective techniques and stimulate innovation in diagnostic approaches.
METHODS: Data collection was carried out from November 2017 until May 2018 among 211 Orang Asli respondents aged 18 years old and above, who lived in five villages in Tasik Chini, Pahang. All respondents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited in this study. Interview-guided questionnaire was administered, and spirometry test that include Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) was carried out. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 23.0. In the first stage, descriptive analysis was done to describe the characteristics of the respondents. In the second stage, bivariable analysis was carried out to compare proportions. Finally, multiple logistic regression was performed to assess the effects of various independent predictors on spirometry parameters.
RESULTS: The respondents' age ranged from 18 to 71 years old in which 50.2% of them were female. The majority ethnicity in Tasik Chini was Jakun tribe (94.3%). More than half of the respondents (52.1%) were current smoker, 5.2% were ex-smoker and 41.7% were non-smoker. More than half of them (62.1%) used woodstove for cooking, compared to only 37.9% used cleaner fuel like Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a fuel for everyday cooking activity. The lung function parameters (FEV1 and FVC) were lower than the predictive value, whereas the ratio of Forced Expiratory Volume in one second and Forced Vital Capacity (FEV1/FVC) (%) and PEFR were within the predictive value. The FEV1 levels were significantly associated with age group (18-39 years old) (p = 0.002) and presence of woodstove in the house (p = 0.004). FVC levels were significantly associated with presence of woodstove in the house (p = 0.004), whereas there were no significant associations between all factors and FEV1/FVC levels.
CONCLUSIONS: FEV1 levels were significantly associated with age group 18-39 years old, whereas FVC levels were significantly associated with the presence of woodstove in the house. Thus, environmental interventions such as replacing the use of woodstove with LPG, need to be carried out to prevent further worsening of respiratory health among Orang Asli who lived far from health facilities. Moreover, closer health monitoring is crucial especially among the younger and productive age group.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This scoping review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). A total of 10 studies were identified as eligible from the title and abstract review. The mixed method quality appraisal tool (MMAT) version 2018 was used to assess the quality of the included quantitative studies.
RESULTS: The results showed that poverty, unemployment, low education levels, migrant status, community support, male gender, substance abuse, and regional disparities significantly impact the occurrence of TB LTFU in Southeast Asia.
CONCLUSION: The findings have significant implications for public health in Southeast Asia. Addressing these socioeconomic barriers through community-based strategies, educational initiatives, and policy reforms is vital for improving treatment outcomes and overall public health.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the expression of DDR1 and DVL1 and their association with histological type, grading and hormonal status of IDC and ILC.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross sectional study was conducted on IDC and ILC breast tumours. Tumours were immunohistochemically stained for (DDR1) and (DVL1) as well as estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and C-erbB2 receptor. Demographic data including age and ethnicity were obtained from patient records.
RESULTS: A total of 51 cases (30 IDCs and 21 ILCs) were assessed. DDR1 and DVL1 expression was not significantly associated with histological type (p=0.57 and p=0.66 respectively). There was no association between DDR1 and DVL1 expression and tumour grade (p=0.32 and p=1.00 respectively), ER (p=0.62 and 0.50 respectively), PR (p=0.38 and p=0.63 respectively) and C-erbB2 expression (p=0.19 and p=0.33 respectively) in IDC. There was no association between DDR1 and DVL1 expression and tumour grade (p=0.52 and p=0.33 respectively), ER (p=0.06 and p=0.76 respectively), PR (p=0.61 and p=0.43 respectively) and C-erbB2 expression (p=0.58 and p=0.76 respectively) in ILC.
CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that DDR1 and DVL1 are present in both IDC and ILC regardless of the tumour differentiation. More studies are needed to assess the potential of these two proteins in distinguishing IDC from ILC in breast tumours.