Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 294 in total

  1. Norafidah, A.R., Azmawati, M.N, Norfazilah, A.
    The population with normal body mass index (BMI) but with abdominal obesity are most of the time the ‘neglected’ population in terms of health interventions. The aim of this study is to study the prevalence of abdominal obesity and to explore the factors causing abdominal obesity by using waist circumference (WC) measurement. A cross sectional study was conducted among a group of respondents in Tanjung Karang, Selangor, Malaysia from January until June 2010, among those aged 18 years old and above, to explore the demographic (gender and ethnics), lifestyle factors (physical activity, carbohydrate intake and smoking status) and measurement of body weight, height and waist circumference. A total of 629 subjects with normal BMI were studied. The prevalence of abdominal obesity was 36.1% based on WC (40.0% males and 70.0% females). The predictor model revealed that being non-Malay (aOR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.35-3.20) and being female (aOR = 3.6; 95% CI: 2.51-5.06) were the associated factors of having abdominal obesity in normal BMI population. In conclusion, females and non-Malay were factors that were found to be associated with abdominal obesity in normal BMI population. This is important in targeting this vulnerable population with risk factors that can develop non communicable diseases for early interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  2. Garba, J.A., Rampal, L., Hejar, A.R., Salmiah, M.S.
    Dietary pattern analysis has emerged as important instruments to identify modifiable dietary risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the major dietary patterns among adolescents in Petaling District, Selangor and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics and obesity. An analytic cross- sectional study design was conducted in selected secondary schools in Petaling District. Sampling with probability proportionate to size was used and five schools were selected. Self-administered semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used for data collection. Weight was measured with a digital bathroom scale (TANITA model) and height was measured using SECA body meter. Principal component factor analysis using varimax orthogonal transformation was used to identify the dietary patterns. Chi square was used to test for associations of dietary patterns with socio-demographic characteristics and obesity. Three major dietary patterns were identified: firstly, fruits and vegetables; secondly, sugar and fatand finally, meat and chicken which explained for 12.7%, 11.6% and 10.7% variation in food intake, respectively. There were significant associations between ethnicity, religion, family income, educational level of parents and the dietary patterns. However, there was no significant association between obesity and the dietary patterns. It may be more effective to describe a healthy diet using results of dietary pattern analysis in public health intervention, rather than describing single food items or nutrients. It is recommended that nutrition education programmes should be implemented in schools so as to prevent the development of obesity in the non-obese.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  3. Zahara, A.M., Nur Ili, M.T., Yahya, N.A.
    The role of diet in the aetiology of dental caries occurrence has been questioned recently. Aim: This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the relationship between dietary habits and dental caries among 105 children aged 2 to 5 years old in Kuala Lumpur. Methodology: Subjects were selected using convenient sampling method. Their body weight and height were measured and their dental check-up was performed by qualified dental nurses. A Structured questionnaire and 3-day food diaries were distributed to their parents/caretakers to obtain socio-demographic data, oral health practice and dietary habits of the subjects. The dft (decayed, filled teeth) score was used to describe dental caries incidence. Results: Caries was found in 36.6% subjects with mean dft score of 1.95±3.59 (range: 0-16). Energy (r=-0.334, p=0.008), carbohydrate (r=-0.353, p=0.005), fat (r=-0.325, p=0.01), protein (r=-0.264, p=0.038), and calcium (r=-0.470, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  4. Suseno, S.H., Tajul, A.Y., Nadiah, W.A., Hamidah, Asti, Ali, S.
    Proximate content, fatty acid and mineral compositions were determined for the ten species of deepsea fish from Southern Java Ocean and Western Sumatra Ocean, Indonesia. The proximate composition was found to be 23.0-24.8 % protein, 1.9-4.1% fat , 0-1.75 % carbohydrate, 1.7-2.4 % ash and 70.1-72.1% water, whereas the fatty acid compositions consisted of 0.86 - 49.63 % saturated fatty acids (SFA), 0.29 - 50.09 % monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and 2.85 % - 46.32 % polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Among them, those occurring in the highest proportions were myristic acid (C14:0, 0.12-7.59%), palmitic acid (C16:0, 0.02–20.5%), stearic acid (C18:0, 0.42–49.19), oleic acid (C18:1, 0.29–50.09 %), linoleic acid (C18:2, 0.23– 44.91%), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n3, 0.41– 4.61%) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n3, 0.28– 3.44%). The rest of the microelements, Cd, Hg, and Pb were all present in amounts below toxic levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  5. Mohammed A, Abdul-Wahab MF, Hashim M, Omar AH, Md Reba MN, Muhamad Said MF, et al.
    Pol J Microbiol, 2018 11 20;67(3):283-290.
    PMID: 30451444 DOI: 10.21307/pjm-2018-033
    Lower temperature biohydrogen production has always been attractive, due to the lower energy requirements. However, the slow metabolic rate of psychrotolerant biohydrogen-producing bacteria is a common problem that affects their biohydrogen yield. This study reports on the improved substrate synthesis and biohydrogen productivity by the psychrotolerant Klebsiella sp. strain ABZ11, isolated from Antarctic seawater sample. The isolate was screened for biohydrogen production at 30°C, under facultative anaerobic condition. The isolate is able to ferment glucose, fructose and sucrose with biohydrogen production rate and yield of 0.8 mol/l/h and 3.8 mol/g, respectively at 10 g/l glucose concentration. It also showed 74% carbohydrate uptake and 95% oxygen uptake ability, and a wide growth temperature range with optimum at 37°C. Klebsiella sp. ABZ11 has a short biohydrogen production lag phase, fast substrate uptake and is able to tolerate the presence of oxygen in the culture medium. Thus, the isolate has a potential to be used for lower temperature biohydrogen production process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  6. Ng ZJ, Zarin MA, Lee CK, Phapugrangkul P, Tan JS
    Arch Oral Biol, 2020 Feb;110:104617.
    PMID: 31794906 DOI: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.104617
    Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans are the main oral pathogens which contribute to dental caries that affects all ages of human being.

    OBJECTIVES: This study focuses on the potential of crude cell free supernatant (CCFS) from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to inhibit of the growth of S. mutans UKMCC 1019.

    DESIGN: A total of 61 CCFS from LAB strains were screened for their inhibitory ability against S. mutans UKMCC 1019 by broth microdilution method. The selected LAB with highest antimicrobial activity was identified and its CCFS was characterized for pH stability, temperature tolerance, enzyme sensitivity, metabolism of carbohydrates, enzymatic activities and antimicrobial activity against S. mutans UKMCC 1019 and C. albicans UKMCC 3001 by well diffusion assay. The effect of CCFS on cell structure of S. mutans UKMCC 1019 was observed under transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

    RESULTS: The CCFS from isolate CC2 from Kimchi showed the highest inhibition against S. mutans UKMCC 1019, which was 76.46 % or 4406.08 mm2/mL and it was identified to be most closely related to Enterococcus faecium DSM 20477 based on 16 s rRNA sequencing. The CCFS of E. faecium DSM 20477 had high tolerance to acidic and alkaline environment as well as high temperature. It also shows high antifungal activities against C. albicans UKMCC 3001 with 2362.56 mm2/mL. Under TEM, the cell walls and the cytoplasm membrane of S. mutans UKMCC 1019 were disrupted by the antimicrobial substance, causing cell lysis.

    CONCLUSIONS: Hence, the CCFS from E. faecium DSM 20477 is a potential bacteriocin in future for the treatment of dental caries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  7. Tratman EK
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  8. Aishah Faiqah Mohd Yusof, Prabhakaran P, Nur Diyana Azli, Norrakiah Abdullah Sani, Wan Syaidatul Aqma
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:903-908.
    Pacifier nipples are in permanent contact with saliva and with the oral microflora therefore, act as a favoured site for the growth of biofilms. This research was conducted to identify the bacterial biofilms that has been found on the pacifiers that collected from local child nursery and to analyse the formation of biofilms by Cronobacter sp. during growth in infant formula milk. Pacifiers collected were analysed to obtain colony forming unit (CFU) and isolated bacteria were identified using several biochemical tests according to Bergey's Manual. Biofilm assay of three Cronobacter sp. were conducted using 24 wells microtiter plate and stained with 1% of crystal violet solution at different time interval: 6, 12, 18 and 24 h. The hydrophobicity of the bacterial cell suspension was evaluated using bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbons (BATH) method. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) analysis was done to identify percentage of carbohydrate and protein content by using phenol sulphuric acid method and Bradford method, respectively. The results obtained showed that the normal microflora bacteria were the most abundant microorganisms that were found on the pacifier with the main genus isolated was Staphylococcus sp., Enterobacteriaceae sp. and Clostridium sp. Based on biofilm and EPS analysis, Cronobacter sakazakii formed a strong biofilms after 18 h, with carbohydrate was identified as main component of EPS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  9. Dai J, Zulkefli NF, Moy FM, Keene D, Humphries D
    Curr Dev Nutr, 2019 Jun;3(Suppl 1).
    PMID: 31224508 DOI: 10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-024-19
    Objectives: Malaysia is currently experiencing the nutrition transition, with an increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and fats paralleling an increase in prevalence of obesity and chronic disease. These dietary changes have occurred despite 90% of urban women reporting awareness of the health risks posed by obesity. This study sought to characterize how working women, an understudied population at risk for diet-related chronic disease, navigate food decisions. As Malaysia is a multiethnic nation, we aimed to explore the sociocultural determinants of eating behavior in this unique population.

    Methods: A purposive design in combination with a convenience sampling approach was used to recruit 24 women ages 26 to 55 of Malay, Indian, and Chinese descent across 15 university departments in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Audio recordings of the individual semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analyzed using grounded theory.

    Results: Women identified two important life transitions, getting married and having children, as particularly influential in changing eating behavior. Women reported a desire to eat healthier that was in tension with pressures to cater to the taste preferences of their household members and to accommodate their work schedules. Persistent social norms of eating in group settings and difficulty in accessing foods perceived as nutritious were reported as barriers to changing individual eating behavior. Regardless of education level and marital status, women agreed that the act of eating was closely connected with cultural values and embodied important meanings that took precedence over eating as a health-promoting behavior. While all participants expressed a desire to eat healthier, many reported limited confidence in their ability to consistently give up familiar and tasty foods for healthier alternatives. Shifts in eating behavior such as trying new healthy recipes and adopting a more restrictive diet were reported as most feasible and personally applicable after learning about a family member's declining health.

    Conclusions: In this urban, multiethnic population, increasing the accessibility of nutritious foods and changing cultural perceptions of the relationship between food and nutrition may be important for enabling healthy eating behaviors.

    Funding Sources: Yale Sustainable Food Program, Yale School of Public Health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  10. Khaleel AK, Shaari RB, Nawi MAA, Al-Yassiri AMH
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2022 Sep 01;23(9):3195-3199.
    PMID: 36172684 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.9.3195
    OBJECTIVE: Green tea (GT) contains polyphenolic flavonoids, different minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and others. It has a different health benefit. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of intragastric gavage of a high dose GT extract on serum biochemical analysis of magnesium, calcium, and zincin juvenile Wistar albino rats.

    METHODS: Twelve rats were used in the study and divided in to two equal groups. All the animals in the control group were intragastically gavaged by distilled water and continues for ten days, from day 24 to day 34 of age, while the animals in the study group were intragastically gavaged by GT extract (300mg/kg/day) which continues also for ten days from day 24 to day 34 of age. On day 34 of age, and two hours after the last dose, the rats were anaesthetized and blood collection by cardiac puncture was taken.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the intragastric gavage of a high dose of GT extract caused a non-significant increase in serum magnesium, and calcium levels (p>0.05), but a significant increase in zinc serum level was seen(p< 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: GT can cause a significant increase in zinc serum level, and this may explain the significant role of GT in the response to different oxidative stress. It is recommended to measure the Zn serum level in rats after a period longer than two hrs from the time of the last dose of intragastric gavage of GT extract.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  11. Hashim KN, Chin KY, Ahmad F
    Molecules, 2023 Mar 20;28(6).
    PMID: 36985762 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28062790
    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is composed of central obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension that increase an individual's tendency to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Kelulut honey (KH) produced by stingless bee species has a rich phenolic profile. Recent studies have demonstrated that KH could suppress components of MetS, but its mechanisms of action are unknown. A total of 18 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control rats (C group) (n = 6), MetS rats fed with a high carbohydrate high fat (HCHF) diet (HCHF group) (n = 6), and MetS rats fed with HCHF diet and treated with KH (HCHF + KH group) (n = 6). The HCHF + KH group received 1.0 g/kg/day KH via oral gavage from week 9 to 16 after HCHF diet initiation. Compared to the C group, the MetS group experienced a significant increase in body weight, body mass index, systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), serum triglyceride (TG) and leptin, as well as the area and perimeter of adipocyte cells at the end of the study. The MetS group also experienced a significant decrease in serum HDL levels versus the C group. KH supplementation reversed the changes in serum TG, HDL, leptin, adiponectin and corticosterone levels, SBP, DBP, as well as adipose tissue 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11βHSD1) level, area and perimeter at the end of the study. In addition, histological observations also showed that KH administration reduced fat deposition within hepatocytes, and prevented deterioration of pancreatic islet and renal glomerulus. In conclusion, KH is effective in preventing MetS by suppressing leptin, corticosterone and 11βHSD1 levels while elevating adiponectin levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates
  12. Nojiri K, Higurashi S, Takahashi T, Tsujimori Y, Kobayashi S, Toba Y, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 Dec 30;11(12):e055028.
    PMID: 36282635 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055028
    PURPOSE: The Japanese Human Milk Study, a longitudinal prospective cohort study, was set up to clarify how maternal health, nutritional status, lifestyle and sociodemographic and economic factors affect breastfeeding practices and human milk composition. This would eventually determine factors affecting the growth and development of infants and children.

    PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1210 Japanese lactating women who satisfied the inclusion criteria, were invited across the country at various participating sites, between 2014 and 2019. Finally a total of 1122 women were enrolled in this study.

    FINDINGS TO DATE: Among 1122 eligible participants, mean age at delivery was 31.2 (SD 4.4) years and mean prepregnancy BMI was 20.8 (SD 2.7). Among these women, 35% were previously nulliparous and 77.7% had college, university or higher education. The mean gestational period was 39.0 (SD 1.3) weeks. Caesarean section was reported among 11.9%; mean infant birth weight was 3082 (SD 360) g. Of the infants, 53.7% were male. Overall, our participants appeared to be healthier than the general population in Japan. Analyses of the 1079 eligible human milk samples obtained at the first and second months postpartum showed the following composition: carbohydrate, 8.13 (SD 0.32) g/100 mL; fat, 3.77 (SD 1.29) g/100 mL; and crude protein, 1.20 (SD 0.23) g/100 mL. We also analysed osteopontin, fatty acid, vitamin D and phospholipid levels in limited subcohorts of the samples.

    FUTURE PLANS: Follow-up surveys will be conducted to obtain milk samples every 2 months for 12 months and to investigate mother and child health until the children reach 5 years of age. These will be completed in 2024. We plan to longitudinally analyse the composition of macronutrients and various bioactive factors in human milk and investigate the lifestyle and environmental factors that influence breastfeeding practices, maternal and child health, and child development.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: UMIN000015494; pre-results.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  13. Mohd Sahardi NFN, Makpol S
    PMID: 31531114 DOI: 10.1155/2019/5054395
    Currently, the age of the population is increasing as a result of increased life expectancy. Ageing is defined as the progressive loss of physiological integrity, which can be characterized by functional impairment and high vulnerability to various types of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and atherosclerosis. Numerous studies have reported that the presence of oxidative stress and inflammation contributes to the development of these diseases. In general, oxidative stress could induce proinflammatory cytokines and reduce cellular antioxidant capacity. Increased oxidative stress levels beyond the production of antioxidant agents cause oxidative damage to biological molecules, including DNA, protein, and carbohydrates, which affects normal cell signalling, cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis and leads to disease pathogenesis. Since oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to these diseases, ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is one of the potential herbs that can be used to reduce the level of oxidative stress and inflammation. Ginger consists of two major active components, 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, which are essential for preventing oxidative stress and inflammation. Thus, this paper will review the effects of ginger on ageing and degenerative diseases, including AD, PD, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, and osteoarthritis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  14. Chan PM, Kanagasabapathy G, Tan YS, Sabaratnam V, Kuppusamy UR
    PMID: 24371454 DOI: 10.1155/2013/304713
    Amauroderma rugosum is a wild mushroom that is worn as a necklace by the indigenous communities in Malaysia to prevent fits and incessant crying by babies. The aim of this study was to investigate the nutritive composition and antioxidant potential and anti-inflammatory effects of A. rugosum extracts on LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. Nutritional analysis of freeze-dried mycelia of A. rugosum (KUM 61131) from submerged culture indicated a predominant presence of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibre, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. The ethanol crude extract (EE), its hexane (HF), ethyl acetate (EAF), and aqueous (AF) fractions of mycelia of A. rugosum grown in submerged culture were evaluated for antioxidant potential and anti-inflammatory effects. EAF exhibited the highest total phenolic content and the strongest antioxidant activity based on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) assays. HF showed dose-dependent inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and NO radical scavenging activity. Gas chromatographic analysis of HF revealed the presence of ethyl linoleate and ergosterol, compounds with known anti-inflammatory properties. In conclusion, the nutritive compositions and significant antioxidant potential and anti-inflammatory effects of mycelia extracts of A. rugosum have the potential to serve as a therapeutic agent or adjuvant in the management of inflammatory disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  15. Lee YY, Wan Muda WAM
    Nutr Res Pract, 2019 Apr;13(2):159-168.
    PMID: 30984360 DOI: 10.4162/nrp.2019.13.2.159
    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Over the past few decades, Malaysia has been experiencing an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity that threatens the health of Malaysians. Poor dietary intake is one of the major contributors to the development of obesity and many non-communicable diseases. The dietary intakes of adults in Malaysia were assessed to determine the association between the dietary intake variables and the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) measurements. This study examined whether the dietary intake achieved the recommended nutritional guidelines and compared the intakes between both sexes.

    SUBJECTS/METHODS: The height, weight, and WC of four-hundred-and-ninety adults (n = 490) in Malaysia were measured using standard procedures. The three-day 24-hour dietary recalls were conducted on 422 out of the 490 adults and their dietary intakes were evaluated in detail. The selected dietary intake variables were used to determine the associations with the obesity indicators.

    RESULTS: Among the participants, 52.8% were overweight or obese. After data analysis, the mean energy intake was 1,550 kcal/day, in which male participants had a significantly higher energy and macronutrients intake than females. Protein consumption and its percentage of energy contribution exceeded the recommended range. The consumption of fruits, vegetables, and milk and milk products were lower than the recommended number of servings for a healthy diet. The male participants consumed significantly more servings of carbohydrate-based foods, meat, and fats, oils, and sweets than females. Among the selected dietary intake variables, only the carbohydrate intake was negatively associated with the BMI (Estimate b = -0.008) and WC measurements (Estimate b = -0.019) after adjusting for covariates.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluated the dietary intakes of a sample of Malaysian adults and its association with the obesity indicators. The results highlight the need for improvements and modifications of the dietary intake of Malaysians to reduce the overweight and obesity rates.

    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates
  16. Phan CW, Wong WL, David P, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V
    PMID: 22812497 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-102
    Drugs dedicated to alleviate neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's have always been associated with debilitating side effects. Medicinal mushrooms which harness neuropharmacological compounds offer a potential possibility for protection against such diseases. Pleurotus giganteus (formerly known as Panus giganteus) has been consumed by the indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia for many years. Domestication of this wild mushroom is gaining popularity but to our knowledge, medicinal properties reported for this culinary mushroom are minimal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates/analysis
  17. Ali RB, Atangwho IJ, Kuar N, Ahmad M, Mahmud R, Asmawi MZ
    PMID: 23425283 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-13-39
    One vital therapeutic approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus is the use of agents that can decrease postprandial hyperglycaemia by inhibiting carbohydrate digesting enzymes. The present study investigated the effects of bioassay-guided extract and fractions of the dried fruit pericarp of Phaleria macrocarpa, a traditional anti-diabetic plant, on α-glucosidase and α-amylase, in a bid to understand their anti-diabetic mechanism, as well as their possible attenuation action on postprandial glucose increase.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates/metabolism*
  18. Ser HL, Zainal N, Palanisamy UD, Goh BH, Yin WF, Chan KG, et al.
    Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2015 Jun;107(6):1369-78.
    PMID: 25863667 DOI: 10.1007/s10482-015-0431-5
    A novel Streptomyces, strain MUSC 26(T), was isolated from mangrove soil at Tanjung Lumpur, Malaysia. The bacterium was observed to be Gram-positive and to form grayish yellow aerial and substrate mycelium on ISP 7 agar. A polyphasic approach was used to study the taxonomy of strain MUSC 26(T), which shows a range of phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic properties consistent with those of the members of the genus Streptomyces. The cell wall peptidoglycan was determined to contain LL-diaminopimelic acid. The predominant menaquinones were identified as MK-9 (H8) and MK-9(H6). The polar lipids detected were identified as diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, hydroxyphosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylmethylethanolamine and hydroxyphosphatidylmethylethanolamine. The predominant cellular fatty acids (>10.0 %) were identified as anteiso-C15:0 (31.4 %), iso-C16:0 (16.3 %), iso-C15:0 (13.9 %) and anteiso-C17:0 (12.6 %). The cell wall sugars were found to be galactose, glucose, mannose, ribose and rhamnose. These results suggest that MUSC 26(T) should be placed within the genus Streptomyces. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that closely related strains include Streptomyces qinglanensis 172205(T) (96.5 % sequence similarity), S. sodiiphilus YIM 80305(T) (96.5 %) and S. rimosus subsp. rimosus ATCC 10970(T) (96.4 %). DNA-DNA relatedness values between MUSC 26(T) and closely related type strains ranged from 17.0 ± 2.2 to 33.2 ± 5.3 %. Comparison of BOX-PCR fingerprints indicated MUSC 26(T) presents a unique DNA profile. The DNA G+C content was determined to be 74.6 mol%. Based on this polyphasic study of MUSC 26(T), it is concluded that this strain represents a novel species, for which the name Streptomyces gilvigriseus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is MUSC 26(T) (=DSMZ 42173(T) = MCCC 1K00504(T)).
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates/analysis
  19. Arif SA, Hamilton RG, Yusof F, Chew NP, Loke YH, Nimkar S, et al.
    J Biol Chem, 2004 Jun 04;279(23):23933-41.
    PMID: 15024009
    Recurring reports of a highly allergenic 42-46-kDa protein in Hevea brasiliensis latex appeared to have been resolved with the discovery of a 43-kDa allergenic latex protein that was a homologue to patatin. However, the low to moderate prevalence of sensitization to the protein, designated Hev b 7, among latex-allergic patients could not adequately explain the frequent observations of the 42-46-kDa allergen. This led to the hypothesis that another, more allergenic protein of a similar molecular mass existed in Hevea latex. We report the isolation and purification of a 42.98-kDa latex glycoprotein showing homology to the early nodule-specific protein (ENSP) of the legumes Medicago sativa, Medicago truncatula, and Glycine max. The protein is allergenic, being recognized by immunoglobulin E (IgE) in sera from latex-allergic patients. The IgE epitope resides on the carbohydrate moiety of the protein, and the presence of a similar carbohydrate component on potato tuber patatin enables the latter to inhibit IgE binding to the ENSP homologue. The cDNA encoding the ENSP homologue was isolated by reverse transcription-PCR and cloned. The protein predicted from the cDNA sequence has 391 amino acids, the first 26 of which constitute a putative signal peptide. The deduced molecular mass of the mature protein is 40.40 kDa, while its isoelectric point is estimated at 5.0. The discrepancy between the predicted and observed molecular mass might be due to glycosylation, for which three N-sites on the protein are predicted. The purified protein showed lipase and esterase activities and may be involved in plant defense.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbohydrates/chemistry
  20. Mottalib A, Mohd-Yusof BN, Shehabeldin M, Pober DM, Mitri J, Hamdy O
    Nutrients, 2016 Jul 22;8(7).
    PMID: 27455318 DOI: 10.3390/nu8070443
    Diabetes-specific nutritional formulas (DSNFs) are frequently used as part of medical nutrition therapy for patients with diabetes. This study aims to evaluate postprandial (PP) effects of 2 DSNFs; Glucerna (GL) and Ultra Glucose Control (UGC) versus oatmeal (OM) on glucose, insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG). After an overnight fast, 22 overweight/obese patients with type 2 diabetes were given 200 kcal of each of the three meals on three separate days in random order. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min. Glucose area under the curve (AUC0-240) after GL and UGC was lower than OM (p < 0.001 for both). Insulin positive AUC0-120 after UGC was higher than after OM (p = 0.02). GLP-1 AUC0-120 and AUC0-240 after GL and UGC was higher than after OM (p < 0.001 for both). FFA and TG levels were not different between meals. Intake of DSNFs improves PP glucose for 4 h in comparison to oatmeal of similar caloric level. This is achieved by either direct stimulation of insulin secretion or indirectly by stimulating GLP-1 secretion. The difference between their effects is probably related to their unique blends of amino acids, carbohydrates and fat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dietary Carbohydrates/therapeutic use
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