Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 2034 in total

  1. Mohd-Ali B, Tan XL
    PMID: 31861174 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16245161
    BACKGROUND: Contact lenses (CLs) are more popular than spectacles for vision correction amongst the youth. Knowledge about the risks of wearing CLs is critical especially for those with poor access to public health education. This study investigates the patterns of use and level of knowledge about CL wear amongst teenagers living in rural areas in Selangor, Malaysia using a set of validated questionnaires.

    METHODS: A total of 8500 self-administered questionnaires were distributed in eight selected secondary schools. The results were analysed using descriptive statistics.

    RESULTS: A total of 2474 (29%) completed questionnaires were collected. The mean age of the respondents was 14.8 ± 1.5 years, and approximately 7.2% were CL wearers. The majority of the wearers were females (76.0%) and wore soft CLs (92.2%). Cosmetic purposes (58.1%) and comfort (24.6%) were the main reasons for wearing CLs. Many of the respondents purchased their lenses from optical shops (50.1%) and beauty accessory shops (15.6%), and approximately 10% did not disinfect their lenses properly. Regarding knowledge about CL care, approximately 56% of the respondents responded correctly.

    CONCLUSION: Half of the respondents do not have sufficient knowledge about the risks of wearing CLs. Thus, aggressive public health education aimed at teenagers is needed to prevent improper CL usage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*
  2. Willliams CH
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  3. Hor JY, Lim TT, Chia YK, Ching YM, Cheah CF, Tan K, et al.
    Mult Scler Relat Disord, 2018 Jan;19:20-24.
    PMID: 29100047 DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2017.10.015
    BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) occurs worldwide in all ethnicities. Recently, population-based studies have shown that NMOSD is more common among non-White populations. There is scarce data about NMOSD prevalence in South East Asian populations.

    METHODS: (1) A population-based study was undertaken to estimate NMOSD prevalence in the multi-ethnic Penang Island, Malaysia, comprising Chinese, Malays, and Indians. Medical records of NMOSD patients followed up at the Penang General Hospital (the neurology referral centre in Penang Island) were reviewed. The 2015 diagnostic criteria of the International Panel for NMO Diagnosis were used for case ascertainment. (2) A review of population-based prevalence studies of NMOSD worldwide was carried out. PubMed and conference proceedings were searched for such studies.

    RESULTS: Of the 28 NMOSD patients, 14 were residents of Penang Island on prevalence day [13 (93%) Chinese and one (7%) Malay]. All 14 patients were females and aquaporin 4 seropositive. The prevalence of NMOSD in Penang Island was 1.99/100,000 population; according to ethnicities, the prevalence in Chinese was significantly higher than in Malays (3.31/100,000 vs 0.43/100,000, respectively, p = 0.0195).

    CONCLUSION: Based on our and other population-based studies, among Asians, East Asian origin populations (Chinese and Japanese) appear to have higher NMOSD prevalence than other Asian ethnic groups. Worldwide, Blacks seem to have the highest NMOSD prevalence. More studies in different geographical regions and ethnic groups will be useful to further inform about potential factors in NMOSD pathogenesis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups/ethnology*
  4. Yew CW, Hoque MZ, Pugh-Kitingan J, Minsong A, Voo CLY, Ransangan J, et al.
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 2018 07;82(4):216-226.
    PMID: 29521412 DOI: 10.1111/ahg.12246
    The region of northern Borneo is home to the current state of Sabah, Malaysia. It is located closest to the southern Philippine islands and may have served as a viaduct for ancient human migration onto or off of Borneo Island. In this study, five indigenous ethnic groups from Sabah were subjected to genome-wide SNP genotyping. These individuals represent the "North Borneo"-speaking group of the great Austronesian family. They have traditionally resided in the inland region of Sabah. The dataset was merged with public datasets, and the genetic relatedness of these groups to neighboring populations from the islands of Southeast Asia, mainland Southeast Asia and southern China was inferred. Genetic structure analysis revealed that these groups formed a genetic cluster that was independent of the clusters of neighboring populations. Additionally, these groups exhibited near-absolute proportions of a genetic component that is also common among Austronesians from Taiwan and the Philippines. They showed no genetic admixture with Austro-Melanesian populations. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that they are closely related to non-Austro-Melansian Filipinos as well as to Taiwan natives but are distantly related to populations from mainland Southeast Asia. Relatively lower heterozygosity and higher pairwise genetic differentiation index (FST ) values than those of nearby populations indicate that these groups might have experienced genetic drift in the past, resulting in their differentiation from other Austronesians. Subsequent formal testing suggested that these populations have received no gene flow from neighboring populations. Taken together, these results imply that the indigenous ethnic groups of northern Borneo shared a common ancestor with Taiwan natives and non-Austro-Melanesian Filipinos and then isolated themselves on the inland of Sabah. This isolation presumably led to no admixture with other populations, and these individuals therefore underwent strong genetic differentiation. This report contributes to addressing the paucity of genetic data on representatives from this strategic region of ancient human migration event(s).
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  5. Hoh BP, Deng L, Julia-Ashazila MJ, Zuraihan Z, Nur-Hasnah M, Nur-Shafawati AR, et al.
    Hum Genomics, 2015 Jul 22;9:16.
    PMID: 26194999 DOI: 10.1186/s40246-015-0039-x
    Fine scale population structure of Malays - the major population in Malaysia, has not been well studied. This may have important implications for both evolutionary and medical studies. Here, we investigated the population sub-structure of Malay involving 431 samples collected from all states from peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. We identified two major clusters of individuals corresponding to the north and south peninsular Malaysia. On an even finer scale, the genetic coordinates of the geographical Malay populations are in correlation with the latitudes (R(2) = 0.3925; P = 0.029). This finding is further supported by the pairwise FST of Malay sub-populations, of which the north and south regions showed the highest differentiation (FST [North-south] = 0.0011). The collective findings therefore suggest that population sub-structure of Malays are more heterogenous than previously expected even within a small geographical region, possibly due to factors like different genetic origins, geographical isolation, could result in spurious association as demonstrated in our analysis. We suggest that cautions should be taken during the stage of study design or interpreting the association signals in disease mapping studies which are expected to be conducted in Malay population in the near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  6. Ganendran A, Ogle CW
    Singapore Med J, 1975 Dec;16(4):256-8.
    PMID: 1224217
    Surveys in a number of European and American populations have found the frequency of occurrence of the heterozygotes for the gene for the dibucaine-resistant variant of cholinesterase (E.C. to be relatively constant. Similar surveys in Oriental population have shown low incidence of the same gene. This study done on the multi-racial population consisting of 3 major groups shows an absence of the gene for the dibucaine resistant variant of cholinesterase. This is supported by the clinical experience in the use of suxamethonium as a single dose in more than 25,000 individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups*
  7. Rupani PF, Delarestaghi RM, Abbaspour M, Rupani MM, El-Mesery HS, Shao W
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Nov;26(32):32777-32789.
    PMID: 31520387 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06456-5
    By growing urban population, Iran faces numerous environmental issues and solid waste management is on the top of these problems. Studies showed that a daily average of 700-1000 g of wastes are produced per person in Iran, in which organic waste accounts for a significant amount. On the other hand, hospital waste represents a part of the wastes, which need careful consideration from the environmental point of view. In the present study, the amount, composition, and management of urban and hospital wastes were evaluated in 7 Iranian metropolises, which account for about 30% of the population and produce about 35% of the country wastes. Based on prior surveys, landfill method is the current main method for waste management in these cities, which is generally not completely sanitary and therefore causes many environmental problems. The other common methods for waste management in these cities are composting of organic wastes, and the use of waste conversion methods to energy. However, the latter is ongoing only in Tehran which also includes some limitations. Therefore, the study also evaluated the future perspectives and feasibility of waste-to-energy conversion as a promising economic route for waste disposal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Growth; Urban Population
  8. Takahashi K, Karjalainen A
    Int J Occup Environ Health, 2003 Jul-Sep;9(3):244-8.
    PMID: 12967160
    Information about asbestos issues at the national level was compiled for ten Asian countries (China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam) regarding 1) bans and consumption levels; 2) occupational exposure limits (OELs) and medical follow-up schemes; and 3) statistics and compensation status of asbestosis and mesothelioma victims. Only Singapore and recently Japan have adopted a total ban an asbestos. China, a major producer of chrysotile, showed an increasing consumption trend, which was typical of the less industrialized countries. Considerable differences between countries existed in OELs (0.1 to 5.0 fibers/mL) and medical follow-up of exposed workers. National statistics for asbestosis and mesothelioma were available for only the industrialized countries, where reported cases as well as compensated cases were relatively few. There is need to improve the quality and quantity of information, but the available information attests to unfavorable conditions in the less industrialized countries. Hence the experience of industrialized countries regarding asbestos and its use should be utilized to the fullest to improve the situation worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance*
  9. Nabuuma D, Ekesa B, Faber M, Mbhenyane X
    Food Nutr Bull, 2024 Mar;45(1):24-37.
    PMID: 38661354 DOI: 10.1177/03795721241240854
    BACKGROUND: Food-based strategies have a high potential of improving the diet quality and reducing the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies in agriculture-dependent communities. Their design is however complex with trade-offs that are rarely systematically presented to allow replication and efficient contextualization.

    OBJECTIVE: The systematic design of a food-based strategy to improve the dietary diversity of children in rural farming communities in Uganda.

    METHODS: The intervention mapping protocol was used to provide a systematic approach to developing theory-based and evidence-based intervention methods and strategy.

    RESULTS: The priority behavioral and environmental determinants identified were related to food production, consumption, and efficacy while the personal determinants focused on knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, attitude, and outcome expectations. The aim of the resulting strategy was set to improve the availability, accessibility, and consumption of diverse foods, with a particular focus on production diversity, production practices, market access, and market diversity. Behaviour change methods were selected to enhance ability and self-efficacy, strategic goal setting, and provision of feedback. The strategy focused on household groups for learning, demonstration, practice, and social support. The validation showed that the determinants and actors incorporated in the strategy were important and relevant for improving the productivity, food availability, dietary diversity, livelihoods, and health of rural farming households and communities.

    CONCLUSION: Application of the protocol yielded a contextualized food-based strategy that can be adjusted for use in other smallholder contexts in developing countries by piloting implementation plans based on the strategy; reassessing the key determinants and implementing the revised strategy; or replicating the whole design process.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*
  10. Nellis S, Thu M, Ismail MR, Barteit S, Gouwanda D, Bärnighausen T, et al.
    Lancet Planet Health, 2024 Apr;8 Suppl 1:S8.
    PMID: 38632923 DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(24)00073-1
    BACKGROUND: Heatwaves present health risks globally but there is limited evidence on how temperature perceptions affect activities. This study aimed to examine community perceptions of heat as a potential health hazard and ascertain the current heat protection measures of the residents of the South East Asia Community Observatory (SEACO) in Malaysia.

    METHODS: In this longitudinal study, we randomly selected community members aged between 18 and 70 years who resided in Segamat district of Johor state, Malaysia. Over 21 days, we conducted three home visits to each participant. During each visit, participants completed a questionnaire consisting of Likert scale, multiple choice, and free text questions and we collected quantitative and qualitative data. These inquiries assessed the participants' perception of heat as health threat, whether or not they took heat preventive measures, and the specific protective measures they routinely employed. Descriptive data analyses were conducted and patterns of protective measures were investigated.

    FINDINGS: Between March 29 and July 31, 2023, 120 participants (72 women and 48 men) completed 360 questionnaires over three home visits. Initially, 58% participants recognised heat hazards to daily activities, decreasing to 42% and 35% by visits 2 and 3. Participants took preventive measures throughout the day, which was consistently high between 1200 h and 1400 h, with 77% of participants taking preventive measures on visit 1, 82% on visit 2, and 82% on visit 3. Use of preventive measures was also high between 1400 h and 1730 h, with 77% using preventive measure on visit 1, 81% on visit 2, and 79% on visit 3. The most common protective measures were fans (used by 68-88% of participants), drinking more water (70-78% of participants), and resting (44-72% of participants). The least common were relocating to cooler places, removing clothes, and using wet towels (0-2·5%). Despite high temperatures, perceptions of heat risks decreased over time. Participants took basic protections, especially at midday, but improved literacy and affordable cooling options are needed to protect vulnerable rural populations.

    INTERPRETATION: Our findings underline the need to improve heat literacy and adaptation as only half of the population assessed perceived heat as a potential health hazard and practised limited heat protective measures. Addressing climate change and health necessitates fundamental behavioural changes on the part of individuals and communities, to protect them against the adverse effects of heat.

    FUNDING: Monash University Malaysia and Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*
  11. Hoiberg A, Berard SP, Ernst J
    Public Health Rep, 1981;96(2):121-7.
    PMID: 7208795
    Similarities and differences in hospitalization rates among five racial groups serving in the Navy during a 3-year period (1973-75) were examined, and the differences in terms of sociological and occupational factors were evaluated. Overall annual hospitalization rates per 10,000 men were blacks, 1,413; whites, 1,109; American Indians, 923; Asian-Americans, 683; and Malaysians (Filipinos), 508.Explanations for the low Malaysian hospitalization rate included selection of the fittest for service, age and job experience, and a low percentage of assignments to physically arduous occupations. Although blacks had the highest rates for many medical conditions, their rates for injuries, respiratory diseases, and infective disorders were comparable with those for whites. Blacks had the highest rates for several non-life-threatening conditions that required surgical procedures; this finding suggested that the Navy Medical Department had filled a longstanding need for corrective treatment.Although the results of this study should be useful to military medical planners responsible for the health care of all naval personnel, the authors conclude that detailed longitudinal studies are needed to establish more clearly the underlying biological and sociological factors associated with racial differences in morbidity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups*
  12. Tan YR, Jawahir S, Doss JG
    BMC Oral Health, 2023 Oct 05;23(1):719.
    PMID: 37798660 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-023-03470-5
    BACKGROUND: The development and implementation of appropriate strategies to enhance oral health in the community can be aided by an understanding of oral healthcare seeking behavior among urban and rural populations. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with oral healthcare seeking behavior of the Malaysians in urban and rural locations who self-reported dental problems.

    METHODS: The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019, a cross-sectional nationwide household survey that focused on non-institutionalised Malaysians, provided the data for this study on adults in Malaysia who were 18 years of age and older. A two-stage stratified random sampling technique was employed to ensure national representativeness. Data was collected using a multilingual (Malay and English), structured, and validated questionnaire via face-to-face interviews from July to October 2019. The dependent variable was oral healthcare seeking behavior (sought oral healthcare and self-medication). Independent variables were predisposing, enabling and health needs factor based on Andersen's Behavioral Model. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics and oral healthcare seeking behavior of the respondents. The relationship between the independent and dependent variables were investigated using multivariable logistic regression analysis.

    RESULTS: The analysis comprised a total of 10,134 respondents, representing about 18.2 million Malaysian adults aged 18 and above. The overall prevalence of Malaysian adults who self-reported dental problems was low (5.5%) and was slightly higher in the rural than urban population. Almost half sought treatment from healthcare practitioners, and almost a quarter self-medicated. Ethnicity was associated with seeking healthcare and self-medication among urban dwellers. Among the rural population, income level was associated with seeking healthcare while education level was associated with self-medication.

    CONCLUSION: Disparities in oral healthcare seeking behaviors exist between Malaysians living in urban and rural areas. Future policies should adopt focused strategies that concentrate on oral healthcare accessibility and health literacy of the vulnerable and rural populations to achieve the best oral healthcare for this population group.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  13. Al-Ashwal MA, Atroosh WM, Al-Adhroey AH, Al-Subbary AA, Yee-Ling L, Al-Mekhlafi HM
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 2023 Dec 04;117(12):823-838.
    PMID: 37486252 DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trad044
    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a major health problem in Yemen and is endemic in many rural areas across the country.

    METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional survey followed by unmatched case-control comparisons was conducted among 612 participants in Utmah district, western Yemen. A total of 223 participants were included in the case-control analysis to identify the significant risk factors. Skin scrapping samples were examined by microscopy and internal transcribed spacer 1 nested polymerase chain reaction.

    RESULTS: Overall, 33% (202/612) of the participants had active skin lesions and/or scars that met the clinical criteria for CL. A total of 90 (14.7%) participants had suspected active CL lesions; however, a prevalence of 8.7% (53/612) was obtained based on molecular and parasitological examination, with Leishmania tropica being the only causative agent identified. Multivariable logistic regression analyses showed that being ≤10 y old, being female, living in houses with cracked walls, living in the presence of other family members with typical ulcerating skin diseases and sleeping outside were factors significantly associated with an increased likelihood of having CL. Moreover, keeping livestock on the ground floor of the house was significantly associated with a decreased likelihood of having CL.

    CONCLUSION: The study reveals an alarmingly high prevalence of CL among the studied population. Therefore there is an urgent need for effective control measures and improved treatment efforts against this devastating disease.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*
  14. Wahab MSA, Zaini MH, Ali AA, Sahudin S, Mehat MZ, Hamid HA, et al.
    BMC Complement Med Ther, 2021 Apr 01;21(1):110.
    PMID: 33794868 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-021-03287-1
    BACKGROUND: The use of herbal and dietary supplement (HDS) in health and disease management has gained global attention. HDS are generally accepted by the public and are associated with positive health behaviours. However, several reports have been documented with regards to their potential adverse effects and interaction with conventional medicines. Limited data is currently available on the use of HDS among elderly population in Malaysia. This present study aims to investigate the prevalence of and pattern of HDS use among a sample of community-dwelling elderly in a suburban town in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between March and May 2019 among the elderly aged ≥60 years old. The participants with the following criteria were included in the study: aged ≥60 years, residing in Puncak Alam and able to understand Malay or English language. Data were collected using a pre-validated questionnaire. All statistical analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS ver. 23.

    RESULTS: Overall, 336 out of 400 elderly responded to the survey, achieving a response rate of 84%. This study observed that almost 50% of the respondents were using at least one type of HDS in the past one month of the survey. Among HDS non-users, most of them preferred to use modern medicines (62.6%, 114/182). Among the HDS users, 75.3% (116/154) were using at least one type of modern medicine (prescription or over-the-counter medicine). Multivariate analysis showed that having good to excellent perceived health (adjusted OR = 2.666, 95% CI = 1.592-4.464), having felt sick at least once in the past one month (adjusted OR = 2.500, 95% CI = 1.426-4.383), and lower body mass index (adjusted OR = 0.937, 95% CI = 0.887-0.990) were associated with HDS use. It was noted that only a small percentage of HDS users (16.2%, 25/154) had informed healthcare providers on their HDS use.

    CONCLUSION: The use of HDS is common among the elderly sampled. Hence, healthcare providers should be more vigilant in seeking information of HDS use for disease management in their elderly patients. Campaigns that provide accurate information regarding the appropriate use of HDS among the elderly are pertinent to prevent misinformation of the products.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suburban Population/statistics & numerical data*
  15. Partap U, Young EH, Allotey P, Soyiri IN, Jahan N, Komahan K, et al.
    Int J Epidemiol, 2017 Oct 01;46(5):1370-1371g.
    PMID: 29024948 DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyx113
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods*
  16. Jarrett S, Morgan JA, Wlodek BM, Brown GW, Urech R, Green PE, et al.
    Med Vet Entomol, 2010 Sep;24(3):227-35.
    PMID: 20497318 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2010.00867.x
    The Old World screwworm fly (OWS), Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae), is a myiasis-causing blowfly of major concern for both animals and humans. Surveillance traps are used in several countries for early detection of incursions and to monitor control strategies. Examination of surveillance trap catches is time-consuming and is complicated by the presence of morphologically similar flies that are difficult to differentiate from Ch. bezziana, especially when the condition of specimens is poor. A molecular-based method to confirm or refute the presence of Ch. bezziana in trap catches would greatly simplify monitoring programmes. A species-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was designed to target the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (rDNA ITS1) of Ch. bezziana. The assay uses both species-specific primers and an OWS-specific Taqman((R)) MGB probe. Specificity was confirmed against morphologically similar and related Chrysomya and Cochliomyia species. An optimal extraction protocol was developed to process trap catches of up to 1000 flies and the assay is sensitive enough to detect one Ch. bezziana in a sample of 1000 non-target species. Blind testing of 29 trap catches from Australia and Malaysia detected Ch. bezziana with 100% accuracy. The probability of detecting OWS in a trap catch of 50 000 flies when the OWS population prevalence is low (one in 1000 flies) is 63.6% for one extraction. For three extractions (3000 flies), the probability of detection increases to 95.5%. The real-time PCR assay, used in conjunction with morphology, will greatly increase screening capabilities in surveillance areas where OWS prevalence is low.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods
  17. Jayapalan JJ, Muniandy S, Chan SP
    PMID: 19058590
    Discrepancies in angiotensin-1 converting enzyme (ACE) allele genetic susceptibility with disease etiology have been attributed to ethnic differences. We investigated ACE gene polymorphism of the multiethnic Malaysian population by utilizing nested polymerase chain reaction. Allelic frequency of 0.65 and 0.35 for I and D allele, respectively in the pooled population was comparable with other Asian populations. A significant association was found between the Malaysian ethnic groups and ACE I/D genotype. The II genotype was found at higher frequency among the Malays but a greater frequency of DD genotype among Indians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population; Continental Population Groups
  18. Abuelmaali SA, Mashlawi AM, Ishak IH, Wajidi MFF, Jaal Z, Avicor SW, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Feb 05;14(1):2978.
    PMID: 38316804 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-52591-6
    Although knowledge of the composition and genetic diversity of disease vectors is important for their management, this is limiting in many instances. In this study, the population structure and phylogenetic relationship of the two Aedes aegypti subspecies namely Aedes aegypti aegypti (Aaa) and Aedes aegypti formosus (Aaf) in eight geographical areas in Sudan were analyzed using seven microsatellite markers. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the two subspecies revealed that Aaa deviated from HWE among the seven microsatellite loci, while Aaf exhibited departure in five loci and no departure in two loci (A10 and M201). The Factorial Correspondence Analysis (FCA) plots revealed that the Aaa populations from Port Sudan, Tokar, and Kassala clustered together (which is consistent with the unrooted phylogenetic tree), Aaf from Fasher and Nyala populations clustered together, and Gezira, Kadugli, and Junaynah populations also clustered together. The Bayesian cluster analysis structured the populations into two groups suggesting two genetically distinct groups (subspecies). Isolation by distance test revealed a moderate to strong significant correlation between geographical distance and genetic variations (p = 0.003, r = 0.391). The migration network created using divMigrate demonstrated that migration and gene exchange between subspecies populations appear to occur based on their geographical proximity. The genetic structure of the Ae. aegypti subspecies population and the gene flow among them, which may be interpreted as the mosquito vector's capacity for dispersal, were revealed in this study. These findings will help in the improvement of dengue epidemiology research including information on the identity of the target vector/subspecies and the arboviruses vector surveillance program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  19. Williams MJ
    Ambio, 2002 Jun;31(4):337-9.
    PMID: 12174604
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics*
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