Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 3717 in total

  1. Lee CP, Khalid BB
    Oxf Med Case Reports, 2015 Oct;2015(10):330-2.
    PMID: 26568837 DOI: 10.1093/omcr/omv055
    Acquired haemophilia (AH) is a rare bleeding disorder characterized by the presence of acquired inhibitors against Factor VIII causing disruption of coagulation cascade. It has no known genetic inheritance, and diagnosis remains a challenge. The peculiar presentations are later age of onset as acute pain in weight-bearing joints and spontaneous muscle haematoma with isolated prolonged activated partial thrombin time (APTT). Prevalence is 1 per million per year affecting both genders equally where blood product transfusion is seen in almost 87% of cases. The direct cause of AH is still unknown, and autoimmune dysregulation has been postulated, which predisposes to the development of the factor inhibitors. Being extremely rare, we are reporting two consecutive patients diagnosed by unusual bleeding episodes with isolated prolonged APTT due to Factor VIII inhibitors. AH deserves a special mention as high index of suspicion is required. More studies are required to provide better guidance in diagnosis and management of this condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  2. Koh KC, Lau KM, Yusof SA, Mohamad AI, Shahabuddin FS, Ahmat NH, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Dec;70(6):334-40.
    PMID: 26988205 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Misinterpretation of abbreviations by healthcare professionals has been reported to compromise patient safety. This study was done to determine the prevalence of abbreviations usage among medical doctors and nurses and their ability to interpret commonly used abbreviations in medical practice.

    METHODS: Seventy-seven medical doctors and eighty nurses answered a self-administered questionnaire designed to capture demographic data and information regarding abbreviation use in medical practice. Comparisons were made between doctors and nurses with regards to frequency and reasons for using abbreviations; from where abbreviations were learned; frequency of encountering abbreviations in medical practice; prevalence of medical errors due to misinterpretation of abbreviations; and their ability to correctly interpret commonly used abbreviations.

    RESULTS: The use of abbreviations was highly prevalent among doctors and nurses. Time saving, avoidance of writing sentences in full and convenience, were the main reasons for using abbreviations. Doctors learned abbreviations from fellow doctors while nurses learned from fellow nurses and doctors. More doctors than nurses reported encountering abbreviations. Both groups reported no difficulties in interpreting abbreviations although nurses reported often resorting to guesswork. Both groups felt abbreviations were necessary and an acceptable part of work. Doctors outperformed nurses in correctly interpreting commonly used standard and non-standard abbreviations.

    CONCLUSION: The use of standard and non-standard abbreviation in clinical practice by doctors and nurses was highly prevalent. Significant variability in interpretation of abbreviations exists between doctors and nurses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  3. Murtaza G, Khan MY, Azhar S, Khan SA, Khan TM
    Saudi Pharm J, 2016 Mar;24(2):220-5.
    PMID: 27013915 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2015.03.009
    Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) may result in the alteration of therapeutic response. Sometimes they may increase the untoward effects of many drugs. Hospitalized cardiac patients need more attention regarding drug-drug interactions due to complexity of their disease and therapeutic regimen. This research was performed to find out types, prevalence and association between various predictors of potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) in the Department of Cardiology and to report common interactions. This study was performed in the hospitalized cardiac patients at Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Patient charts of 2342 patients were assessed for pDDIs using Micromedex® Drug Information. Logistic regression was applied to find predictors of pDDIs. The main outcome measure in the study was the association of the potential drug-drug interactions with various factors such as age, gender, polypharmacy, and hospital stay of the patients. We identified 53 interacting-combinations that were present in total 5109 pDDIs with median number of 02 pDDIs per patient. Overall, 91.6% patients had at least one pDDI; 86.3% were having at least one major pDDI, and 84.5% patients had at least one moderate pDDI. Among 5109 identified pDDIs, most were of moderate (55%) or major severity (45%); established (24.2%), theoretical (18.8%) or probable (57%) type of scientific evidence. Top 10 common pDDIs included 3 major and 7 moderate interactions. Results obtained by multivariate logistic regression revealed a significant association of the occurrence of pDDIs in patient with age of 60 years or more (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  4. Lim KH, Jasvindar K, Cheong SM, Ho BK, Lim HL, Teh CH, et al.
    Tob Induc Dis, 2016;14:8.
    PMID: 27006650 DOI: 10.1186/s12971-016-0073-z
    BACKGROUND: The determination of smoking prevalence and its associated factors among the elderly could provide evidence-based findings to guide the planning and implementation of policy in order to will help in reducing the morbidity and mortality of smoking-related diseases, thus increase their quality of life. This paper describes the rate of smoking and identifies the factor(s) associated with smoking among the elderly in Malaysia.
    METHODS: A representative sample of 2674 respondents was obtained via a two-stage sampling method in proportion to population size. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a set of standardized validated questionnaire. Data was weighted by taking into consideration the complex sampling design and non-response rate prior to data analysis. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression were used to determine the factor/s associated with smoking.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of non-smokers, ex-smokers and current smokers among Malaysians aged 60 years and above were 36.3 % (95 % CI = 32.7-39.8), 24.4 % (95 % CI = 21.2-27.5) and 11.9 % (95 % CI = 9.5-14.3), respectively. Current smokers were significantly more prevalent in men (28.1 %) than in women (2.9 %), but the prevalence declined with advancing age, higher educational attainment, and among respondents with known diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Multivariable analysis revealed that males (aOR, 18.6, 95 % CI 10.9-31.9) and other Bumiputras (aOR 2.58, 95 % CI 1.29-5.15) were more likely to smoke. in addition, elderly with lower educational attainment (aOR, 1.70, 95 % CI 1.24-7.41) and those without/unknown hypertension also reported higher likelihood to be current smokers (aOR 1.98, 95 % CI 1.35-2.83). However, there were no significant associations between respondents with no/unknown diabetes or hypercholesterolemia with smoking.
    CONCLUSIONS: In short, smoking is common among elderly men in Malaysia. Therefore, intervention programs should integrate the present findings to reduce the smoking rate and increase the smoking cessation rate among the elderly in Malaysia and subsequently to reduce the burden of smoking-related disease.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2011)
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  5. Jatau AI, Aung MM, Kamauzaman TH, Chedi BA, Sha'aban A, Rahman AF
    J Intercult Ethnopharmacol, 2016 Mar 2;5(2):191-7.
    PMID: 27104042 DOI: 10.5455/jice.20160223105521
    Many studies have been conducted in health-care settings with regards to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among patients. However, information regarding CAM use among patients in the emergency department (ED) is scarce. The aim of this article was to conduct a systematic review of published studies with regards to CAM use among the ED patients. A literature search of published studies from inception to September 2015 was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, and manual search of the reference list. 18 studies that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. The prevalence rate of CAM use among ED patients across the studies ranged of 1.4-68.1%. Herbal therapy was the sub-modality of CAM most commonly used and frequently implicated in CAM-related ED visits. Higher education, age, female gender, religious affiliation, and chronic diseases were the most frequent factors associated with CAM use among the ED patients. Over 80% of the ED physicians did not ask the patients about the CAM therapy. Similarly, 80% of the ED patients were ready to disclose CAM therapy to the ED physician. The prevalence rate of CAM use among patients at ED is high and is growing with the current increasing popularity, and it has been a reason for some of the ED visits. There is a need for the health-care professionals to receive training and always ask patients about CAM therapy to enable them provide appropriate medical care and prevent CAM-related adverse events.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  6. Low WY, Lee YK, Samy AL
    PMID: 26159943 DOI: 10.2478/s13382-014-0326-0
    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) lead to substantial mortality and morbidity worldwide. The most common NCDs are cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. With the rapid increase in NCD-related deaths in Asia Pacific countries, NCDs are now the major cause of deaths and disease burden in the region. NCDs hamper achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). People in the low socio-economic group are most affected by NCDs as they have poor access to policies, legislations, regulations and healthcare services meant to combat NCDs. This results in loss of productivity by a decreasing labor force with implications at the macroeconomic level. The 3 major NCDs in the Asia Pacific region are CVDs, cancer and diabetes due to the increasing loss of disability adjusted life years (DALYs). The 4 major behavioral risk factors for NCDs are: tobacco use, alcohol consumption, inadequate physical activity and unhealthy diet. The underlying risk factors are urbanization, globalization, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and hypertension. Strategies to combat NCDs in the Asia Pacific region are as follows: population-based dietary salt reduction, health education, psychological interventions, i.e., cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational-interviewing, taxation and bans on tobacco-related advertisements, implementing smoke-free zones and surveillance by the World Health Organization. Control measures must focus on prevention and strengthening inter-sectorial collaboration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  7. Masri SN, Noor SM, Nor LA, Osman M, Rahman MM
    Pak J Med Sci, 2015;31(3):658-61.
    PMID: 26150863 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.313.7072
    Pregnant women are susceptible to vaginal colonization and infection by yeast. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of Candida spp in high vaginal swabs of pregnant women and their antifungal susceptibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  8. Salam A, Mahadevan R, Abdul Rahman A, Abdullah N, Abd Harith AA, Shan CP
    Pak J Med Sci, 2015 Jan-Feb;31(1):169-73.
    PMID: 25878637 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.311.6473
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the stress-prevalence and coping-strategies among University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) medical students.
    METHODS: This was an observational study conducted among 234 UKM first and third year medical students. Standardized questionnaire on stress and coping strategies was used. Stress data was related to subjective experiences on some positive and negative adjectives such as tense, relaxed etc. Positive adjectives were measured by sign "++" and "+" scoring "1" while stress-negative adjectives were measured by sign "?" and "-" scoring "0". Forty-eight coping items under task, emotion and avoidance strategies were measured using 5-point Likert-scale.
    RESULTS: Overall stress-prevalence was 49%. Female and Malay respondents were more stressed. Significant differences of stress-level was observed between Malays and non Malays in first year (p=0.04) and in third year (p=0.01). Most common strategies used to cope stress was task-oriented while emotion oriented was least.
    CONCLUSION: Stress-prevalence and stress-level in UKM medical students was high. Most of the respondents coped stress using task-oriented strategies. Stressor and its effective management must be ensured. Educational institutions should act as a creative designer of learning environment to get relieve from educational stressor.
    KEYWORDS: Coping strategies; Medical students; Stress prevalence
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  9. Nik-Hussein NN
    Dent Traumatol, 2001 Aug;17(4):149-52.
    PMID: 11585139
    Evidence of traumatized permanent incisors was recorded as part of a national oral health survey of schoolchildren in Malaysia. A total of 4,085 schoolchildren aged 16 years were examined. The prevalence of injury was 4.1% and it was significantly higher in males than females, with a ratio of 2:1. Almost 75% of the subjects had one tooth affected. Out of a total of 200 fractured teeth, 78.0% involved the maxillary central incisors. A high level of untreated traumatized teeth (89%) was noted. However, of the untreated traumatized teeth, only 9% presented with problems such as discoloration of tooth, sinus or abscess formation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  10. Goh KL, Chang CS, Fock KM, Ke M, Park HJ, Lam SK
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Mar;15(3):230-8.
    PMID: 10764021
    Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) occurs more frequently in Europe and North America than in Asia but its prevalence is now increasing in many Asian countries. Many reasons have been given for the lower prevalence of GORD in Asia. Low dietary fat and genetically determined factors, such as body mass index and maximal acid output, may be important. Other dietary factors appear to be less relevant. Increased intake of carbonated drinks or aggravating medicines may influence the increasing rates of GORD in some Asian countries but no strong evidence links other factors, such as the age of the population, smoking or alcohol consumption, to GORD. The management of GORD in Asia is similar to that in Europe and North America but the lower incidence of severe oesophagitis in Asia may alter the approach slightly. Also, because Asians tend to develop stomach cancer at an earlier age, endoscopy is used routinely at an earlier stage of investigation. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is essentially a motility disorder, so short-term management of the disease can usually be achieved using prokinetic agents (or histamine (H2)-receptor antagonists). More severe and recurrent GORD may require proton pump inhibitors (PPI) or a combination of prokinetic agents and PPI. The choice of long-term treatment may be influenced by the relative costs of prokinetic agents and PPI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  11. Mazlam MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Sep;50(3):205-7.
    PMID: 8926895
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  12. Arumugam K, Welluppilai S
    Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol, 1993 Sep;19(3):231-4.
    PMID: 8250754
    The social class distribution in 147 patients confirmed to have endometriosis at laparoscopy was done to see if the disease was associated with affluence. Two hundred and eighty-one patients confirmed not to have endometriosis was used as controls. The patients were derived from a background population for which the social class characteristics was known. Endometriosis was significantly (p < 0.001) associated with social class 1 and 2. However there was no association between social class distribution and the severity of the disease developed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  13. Deva MP
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Mar;50(1):1-3.
    PMID: 7752959
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  14. Ho J
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Dec;49(4):429.
    PMID: 7674985
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  15. Zain RB, Koh LS
    Dent J Malays, 1988 Nov;10(2):37-40.
    PMID: 3271126
    A study has been conducted on 198 employees of a steel-mill industry. These participants were examined for mucosal lesions in the oral cavity and including the commissures and vermillion borders of the lips. The prevalences of 16 types of lesions are reported.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  16. Mohd Tariq Mhd Noor, Hayati Kadir Shahar
    Introduction: Prevalence of physical inactivity in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya on 2015 was 32.5% compared to 2011 with 56.5%, as reported in National Health Morbidity Survey. The public do not use the facilities as much as they should, although various facilities have been provided in Putrajaya and was selected as garden city concept town. The objective of this study was to determine the perceived barriers (personal, environmental, total barriers) of physical activity among Komuniti Sihat Pembina Negara (KOSPEN) community in Putrajaya. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted using adopted self-administered Perceived Barriers questionnaires to assess the per-ceived barriers of physical activity with socio-demographics, economic and personal characteristic. An Independent t-test was used to test the association between independent variables with perceived barriers of physical activity. Re-sults: There were significant association between personal barriers with marital status (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  17. Shahudin NN, Sameeha MJ, Mat Ludin AF, Manaf ZA, Chin KY, Jamil NA
    Nutrients, 2020 Sep 30;12(10).
    PMID: 33007799 DOI: 10.3390/nu12102994
    The prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency is significant even in tropical countries such as Malaysia. Sun exposure is the primary source of vitamin D for most people due to limited intakes of food containing vitamin D and supplements. This study explored the perception of barriers towards sun exposure and strategies to overcome these barriers among vitamin D insufficient women workers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Twenty-five female indoor workers with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D < 50 nmol/L participated in seven focus group discussions (FGDs). Barriers towards sun exposure were lack of accurate knowledge of vitamin D, health concern towards sun exposure, time constraints, desire to have fair and beautiful skin, sedentary lifestyle, indoor workplace, weather, lack of social support, living arrangement, safety concerns, and religious or cultural practices. The improvement strategies were classified into lifestyle changes and workplace opportunity for sun exposure. Public education on safe sun exposure to produce an optimal level of vitamin D is necessary. Future studies should evaluate the effectiveness of sunlight exposure program at workplace for the high-risk vitamin D deficiency group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  18. Faezah Sabirin, Siti Sarah Abdul Ahmad, W. Zahira Akmal W. Kamarudin
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2015;2(1):32-39.
    Background: Muscular pain is the most common symptom associated to muscular skeletal disorders (MSDs). Dentists were exposed to ergonomic hazards while treating the patients. Without proper dental ergonomics, they are predisposed to the MSDs. Objective: This present study was designed to analyse the prevalence of muscular pain among practising dentists in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and it relatedness to ergonomic factors. Methodology: A total of 25 dentists were participated in this pilot study. The inclusion criteria include working experience of at least six months and those who were readily diagnosed with musculoskeletal disorders were excluded. A self-administered questionaire was employed to gather demogaphic informations and close ended (“yes” or “no”) questions were asked to assess the muscular pain experienced in the last 12 months. The collected data were then analysed statistically. Result: The result showed a 100% response rate. 92% of the respondents were reported to experience muscular pain, particularly on the upper body parts. Only maintenance of same postures without microbreaks and performing torsions or cervical flexions to improve vision of oral cavity correlate significantly (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  19. Hiremath VK, Husein A, Mishra N
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2011 Jul;1(2):60-4.
    PMID: 24478956 DOI: 10.4103/2231-0762.97704
    The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence, size, shape, and location of torus palatinus (TP) and torus mandibularis (TM), and to assess their sex-related and age-related differences in the Malay population. Sixty-five subjects were assessed for the presence of both tori at the School of Dental Sciences University Sains Malaysia. The prevalence of TP was 38-63% and that of TM was 1-10%. TP was frequently more common in females than males (90.9% versus 9.1%; P < 0.05) and was frequently found in medium sizes, spindle shaped, and was often located at the combined premolar to molar areas. The prevalence of TM was not significantly different in males and females (33.3% versus 66.7%; P = 0.523), occurred most commonly in bilateral multiple form, and was often located at the canine to premolar area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  20. Kumar V, Goud EVSS, Turagam N, Mudrakola DP, Ealla KKR, Bhoopathi PH
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2019 May;11(Suppl 2):S321-S324.
    PMID: 31198362 DOI: 10.4103/JPBS.JPBS_22_19
    Background: Dental anxiety is one of the prime reasons for discouraging children to receive dental treatment. Measurement of the dental anxiety is very useful to know the prevalence level among 6- to 12-year-old children. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine the dental anxiety among 6- to 12-year-old children using Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) score.

    Materials and Methods: A total of 400 south Indian children in the age group of 6-12 years who had visited Dental College and Hospital were recruited in the study. Dental anxiety was measured before dental treatment using MDAS. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon signed rank test.

    Results: Of the 400 children, 240 (61.5%) had severe dental anxiety, 92 (23%) had mild anxiety, and 78 (17%) had no anxiety. Females had higher anxiety level compared to males. Many study subjects answered that local anesthesia (LA) injection was considered most fearful. Dental anxiety was highest in smaller age groups.

    Conclusion: In our research, high percentage of children had dental anxiety, so counseling before dental visits is very important to reduce the dental anxiety among these 6- to 12-year-old children.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
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