Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 751 in total

  1. Dev, Roxana Dev Omar, Tengku Fadilah Tengku Kamalden, Soh, Kim Geok, Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub, Ismi Arif Ismail
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(2):53-64.
    University students experience a substantial amount of change where they
    progress from the highly controlled setting of school to the self-motivated
    environment of the university. Many changes which involve social,
    financial, and environment elements, can be a burden to the students putting
    them at risk in negative health behaviours. Negative health behaviours
    among university students are a cause for concern since they have a
    tendency to be carried into adulthood, which may cause the emergence of
    chronic disease at a younger age. Spiritual intelligence together with selfefficacy
    is seen to promote better health behaviour. Therefore, the purpose
    of the study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence
    and self-efficacy on health behaviours among university students in
    Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. A correlational study was conducted
    on 400 undergraduate university students living on campus and were chosen
    through stratified random sampling technique using closed ended
    questionnaires (The Spiritual Self-Report Inventory, General Self Efficacy
    Scale and a modified version of Health Style Questionnaire). Pearson
    correlation and structural equation modelling were used to explore
    association between these aspects. Spiritual intelligence, self-efficacy and
    health behaviour were significantly correlated. Self-efficacy showed a
    partial mediation effect towards the relationship between spiritual
    intelligence and promoting health behaviour (p=0.000). Thus, an association
    was found between spiritual intelligence with health behaviour, and selfefficacy
    with health behaviour. It is interpreted that spiritual intelligence can
    boost positive health behaviour and it is associated with self-efficacy
    relevantly gives benefit to health behaviour. Such data have important
    implications for both health practice and policy, especially in the context of
    higher education institutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  2. Nur Faezah Arfan, Dg Norizah Ag Kiflee @ Dzulkifli
    This concept paper discusses instructional leadership of administrator, school effectiveness and
    organizational culture in inner rural of Sarawak. Instructional leadership is the most reliable in
    education field. Leadership could directly impact the performance of the organization. In the context
    of this study, the organization is a Government-owned school. Thus the effectiveness of a school are
    influenced leadership practiced by administrators and civilization rooted in the school. Instructional
    leadership is given a priority in development plan Education 2013-2025 in five shifts to accommodate
    high-impact leaders in school. Education also did not miss in National Transformation 2020-2050 that
    is access to high quality education. Instructional leadership refers to the practice of administrator in
    giving guidance to teachers and students to improve and enhance the performance of the self and the
    school as a whole, whether in the areas of curriculum and co-curriculum. This performance will lead to school effectiveness from two major areas of the successfulness of students aspiration. However, there
    are other factors that play a role in performance improvements, that is the influence of organization
    culture formed under the leadership of the administrator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  3. Alavi M, Seng JH, Mustaffa MS, Ninggal MT, Amini M, Latif AA
    Percept Mot Skills, 2018 Nov 14.
    PMID: 30426868 DOI: 10.1177/0031512518809163
    Although several studies have examined the relationships among attention, impulse control, gender, and academic achievement, most have focused on clinical samples and have considered only one or two academic subjects. This study investigated these relationships among typically developing children using general achievement measures (academic scores and grades). Our participants were 270 typically developing primary school students (142 boys and 128 girls) of different nationalities living in Malaysia, recruited with purposive sampling with a mean age of 9.75 years. We found that both attention and impulse control significantly predicted academic achievement. Girls had a higher level of attention and impulse control than boys, but gender was not a significant moderator between either attention or impulse control and academic achievement. We discuss the implications of these findings and the need for further research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  4. Brodie M
    DOI: 10.1177/146642403705800505
    Vital statistics in Malaya are of limited value but annual reports show that the infant mortality in Penang Municipality is 125, in Singapore Municipality 172.2, in the Straits Settlements 165.28, and in the State of Kedah 137 per thousand births. The tables show a similarity to those of large English towns fifty years ago.
    Poverty, ignorance and superstition account for many of these deaths and much maternal ill-health. Children are seldom taken out in infancy and houses are frequently dark, stuffy and closely-shuttered. Solid carbohydrate food is given to infants even during the first month. Congenital Syphilis causes a number of deaths and in an investigation in Singapore of mothers whose infants died in the first year of life 30.9 per cent. were Wassermann-positive.
    Increasing use is made of maternity wards in the Hospitals and in Kuala Lumpur there is a Chinese maternity hospital with a Chinese woman doctor on the staff. The infant death-rate among Malays is much higher than that of other races, who are more willing to make use of the hospitals.
    In the rural areas labour commonly takes place under the most primitive conditions with no help except that of an untrained handy-woman (bidan). A better midwifery service for these areas is gradually being developed and Malay women are being trained to replace the old "bidan" in the villages.
    Education is doing something to inculcate modern views on the bringing up of children. The teaching of personal hygiene to teachers and pupils in the vernacular girls' schools is proving of value, and the Girl Guide movement has given an added interest to this.
    Medical inspection of school children is more complete in the towns than in the rural areas. Dental caries, skin conditions, intestinal worms, and enlarged tonsils are common in the junior schools.
    Tables are given of vital statistics and records of school medical inspection from the reports of the health officers of the Straits Settlements, Singapore, and Kedah. W. H. Peacock.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  5. Tamrin SBM, Ai LP, Hamzah R, Abdullah MY, Hanafi SS
    Objective: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine and evaluate the effects of schoolbag load on electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae muscle.
    Methods: Eighty-four primary schoolchildren were selected from two national medium primary schools in Seri Kembangan, 42 from Primary Two (P2) and 42 from Primary Five (PS), aged 8 and 11 respectively. Data were collected through interviews, anthropometries measurements, the weight of schoolbag load and surface electromyography (SEMG) of the erector spinae using Muscle Tester ME3000f'®. SurfaceAg-AgCl electrodes were used to measure: unloaded standing and walking, and loaded standing and walking.
    Results: The study revealed that the erector spinae was found to be more efficient in loaded standing probably due to other trunk muscle co-activity compared to unloaded standing (p<0.05). However, the erector spinae was less efficient when loads were carried on the back while walking, compared to unloaded walking. When the schoolbag was carried over both shoulders, forces generated by the erector spinae were reduced and resulted in a more efficient use of the erector spinae compared to other asymmetrical carrying methods (p<0.05).
    Conclusions: Bending slightly forward when carrying schoolbag was found to reduce the forces generated by the erector spinae compared to normal sagittal posture (p<0.05), however no significant difference was found between the different frontal postures. A significant inverse relationship (p<0.01) between the weight of schoolbag load and the average electromyography (AEMG), showed that the signifieance of the erector spinae muscle was reduced when a heavier schoolbag load was carried, owing to other trunk muscles co-activity. The study also revealed that apart from age of schoolchildren, family history of back pain, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), weight of the schoolbag and method of carrying schoolbag also play important role as risk factors for back pain.
    Keywords: Electromyography, schoolbag, primary school, back pain
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  6. Desa A, Yusooff F
    1Malaysia concept was introduced by Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak on April 3, 2009 with the theme, "People First, Achievement Is Priority", 1Malaysia seen as an attempt to foster unity among the various races in Malaysia with 8 important values as the catalyst for social transformation that leads to the growth and well-being of people. This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the source and extent of the understanding of 1Malaysia concept among the three groups of primary school (n = 100), secondary school (n = 100) and university students (n = 98). Data were collected through a survey method with the use of a set of questionnaires and were then analysed with SPSS software. The results showed that the main source of this concept for all three groups of students is through television, followed by the newspaper. For the understanding of the concept, it was found that almost 70% of the respondents do understand some basic aspects related to it. However, there are still aspects which respondents still do not know about. Thus there is a need for the educators to play an important role to explain in detail to the students so that the concept can be understood and appreciated, and that it is not misinterpreted to cause negative impact on race relations in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  7. Anna F, Sabariah S, Wong WK, Mariappan M
    The purpose of this study is to verify the constructs found in the technological problem solving instrument. The instrument used to measure the technological problem solving is the Technology Problem Solving Inventory (PSI-TECH), derived from the original instrument PSI-PSYCH which consists of three constructs. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA); KaiserMeyer-Olkin (KMO) and Barlett's analysis were applied for factor analysis in the validity and reliability of the PSI-TECH instrument. The minimum weighting factor is 0.60, used as the cut off value for factor loading. Meanwhile, the Cronbach alpha value 0.70 and above is considered reliable in this study. A total of 102 primary school students, 12 years old were randomly selected among Miri district primary school students in Sarawak. After the survey was carried out, the results of the analysis confirmed that there were three constructs that had been successfully extracted as described in the original PSI-TECH. However, 4 items were dropped from the list. The results of the analysis can provide guidance to researchers in developing this technological problem solving questionnaire, since demographics and geographies tested were diverse. As a result, the findings provide guidance to local researchers in using these instruments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  8. Wolfe EDB
    Malayan Medical Journal, 1936;11:224-5.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  9. Jamal F, George J, Aziz AA, Ahmad D
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9(1):38-39.
    Pharyngeal carriage of group A streptococcus was determined in 432 primary school children between the ages of 6 and 8 years. Beta-haemolytic streptococci were isolated from throat swab culture of 71 pupils, with a carrier rate of 16.4% (71/432) of which 9.4% (39/432) belonged to Lancefield's group A. Serogrouping of the isolates was determined by the coagglutination method and Lancefield's hot acid extraction method. 54.9% (39/71) of the total beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated belonged to group A , 25.3% (18/71) to group G, 15.4% (11/71) to group C and 1.4%(1/71) to group F. T typing pattern of group A streptococcus was determined by the standard agglutination method. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the disc diffusion technique (comparative method). All group A streptococcal isolates were sensitive to penicillin and erythromycin, 6 strains (15.4%) were resistant to tetracycline and 1 strain (2.5%) was resistant to cephaloridine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  10. Rasyidah G, Wafa SW
    Heliyon, 2020 Jun;6(6):e04059.
    PMID: 32551377 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04059
    Background: There is evidence suggesting that the school environment does have prominent contributions to the rise of childhood obesity.

    Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the school environment by interviewing the teachers and compare the school environment score between rural and urban schools in Terengganu, Malaysia.

    Methods: Thirty-two teachers from 16 primary schools in Terengganu were interviewed using a set of validated Malay version "School Environmental Mapping" questionnaire. A total of 76 items consisting of four domains of school environment factor: physical (what is available) with 41 items; economic (what the costs are) with nine items; political (what the rules are) with nine items; and socio-cultural (what the attitudes and beliefs are) with 17 items. Every item was questioned using an initial closed question followed by an open question when the criteria were not met or need further information regarding those particular items.

    Results: The present study revealed that the school environment of school in state of Terengganu is still low and not satisfied. Based on the schoolteacher's information and observation, there are significant barriers to promoting healthy eating and physical activity at school e.g. limited financial and budget allocation; lack of school facilities; lack of manpower to organise and monitor the programme; lack of participation and cooperation from parents; and no enforcement and serious action from authorized personnel on street hawkers near the school. This is reflected by the score achieved for 16 schools in Terengganu was only 63.05%. The political environment indicated the highest score among the domains, which was 77.78%, whereas, the lowest score was an economic environment (50.00%). Upon comparing between the urban and rural areas, the present study reported that there was a significant difference between school settings (p < 0.001) for an overall school environment, in which the rural areas had a significantly higher score than urban counterparts (64.86% vs 59.34%, p < 0.001). For each domain of the school environment, the findings showed that only two domains (physical and political environment) were significantly different between school settings.

    Conclusion: This study revealed that the level of a healthy school environment among schools in both settings is still not satisfied. Addressing the obesogenic elements of school environments is one of the strategies in prevention since the school environments exert a great influence on children's behaviour.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  11. Ahmad A, Zulaily N, Shahril MR, Wafa SW, Mohd Amin R, Piernas C, et al.
    BMC Pediatr, 2021 09 23;21(1):418.
    PMID: 34556071 DOI: 10.1186/s12887-021-02899-3
    BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity has been associated with increased odds of adult obesity and co-morbidities in later life. Finding the key determinants may help in designing the most appropriate and effective interventions to prevent obesity. This study aimed to identify the determinants of obesity among school adolescents in a sub-urban state of Malaysia.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 1,404 school adolescents aged 12 years (46% boys and 54% girls). Socio-demographic, dietary and physical activity data were collected using questionnaires whilst body weight and height were measured and body mass index was classified based on WHO BMI-for-age Z-scores cut-off.

    RESULTS: A multivariable linear regression model showed that BMI z-score was positively associated with parents' BMI (P<0.001), birth weight (P=0.003), and serving size of milk and dairy products (P=0.036) whilst inversely associated with household size (P=0.022). Overall, 13.1% of the variances in BMI Z-scores were explained by parents' BMI, birth weight, servings of milk and dairy products and household size.

    CONCLUSION: This study found important determinants of body weight status among adolescents mainly associated with family and home environmental factor. This evidence could help to form the effective and tailored strategies at the earliest stage to prevent obesity in this population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  12. Saman ZM, Siti-Azrin AH, Othman A, Kueh YC
    PMID: 34770183 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182111669
    The effect of cyberbullying among adolescents in Malaysia is not much studied. The Cyberbullying Scale (CBS) has been validated to be used among English speaking adolescents to measure cyberbullying but not in Malay language. Therefore, its validity should be established before use in the Malaysian context. Thus, the study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Malay version of the CBS (CBS-M) among secondary school students. The study was cross-sectional and involved a self-administered questionnaire with 16 items from CBS-M, and 21 items from the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Participants were recruited using a multi-stage sampling method. The validity of the CBS-M was tested in two phases, namely, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Spearman's correlation was used to examine the strength of the relationship between the CBS and subscales from DASS-21 to further support the validity of CBS-M. A total of 401 respondents from Muar, Johor, participated. The mean age was 14.6 years (SD = 1.25). EFA results indicated a one-factor model of CBS-M with a total variance extracted of 33.9%. Internal consistency measured by Cronbach's alpha reached 0.87. The model was then tested using CFA. The initial model did not fit the data well. Thus, several model re-specifications were conducted on the initial model. The final measurement model of CBS-M fit the data well with acceptable fit indices (CFI = 0.946, TLI = 0.932, SRMR = 0.055, RMSEA = 0.049). The composite reliability for CBS-M was satisfactory with a value of 0.832. The CBS-M questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for measuring cyberbullying among young adolescents in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  13. Sallehuddin H, Tan MP, Blundell A, Gordon A, Masud T
    Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 2021 04 26;43(4):456-467.
    PMID: 33899702 DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2021.1914027
    Malaysia is becoming an aging nation, with 32 medical schools providing 5,000 graduates every year. The extent these graduates have been trained in core concepts in geriatric medicine remains unclear. This work aims to describe the current state of teaching provision on aging and geriatric medicine to the medical undergraduates in Malaysia. A survey was developed by geriatric medicine experts from the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine (MSGM) to review the teaching provision based on the recommended MSGM Undergraduate Geriatric Medicine Curriculum and was sent to all medical schools across the country. The response rate was 50% (16 out of 32 medical schools). Among 16 medical schools, 10 (62.5%) delivered the learning outcomes as part of an integrated curriculum, and five via a mixed geriatric and integrated curriculum at varying degrees of completeness, ranging from 19% to 94%. One particular medical school did not deliver any of the core topics as part of its undergraduate curriculum. It has been identified that the strongest barrier to delivery was lack of expertise, followed by the fact that the topics were not included in the current curriculum. Improvement in teaching provision should be implemented through a concerted effort to adopt a geriatric medical curriculum nationwide, while future research should aim at the interventions taken to address the barriers in its provision.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  14. Cheah YK, Kee CC, Lim KH, Omar MA
    Pediatr Neonatol, 2021 11;62(6):628-637.
    PMID: 34353744 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2021.05.025
    BACKGROUND: Mental health disorders are highly correlated with risk behaviors. The objective of the present study is to examine the relationship between risk behaviors and mental health among school-going students with a focus on ethnic minorities.

    METHODS: The National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2017 (n = 8230) was used for analyses. It was a nationwide survey conducted in Malaysia. The dependent variables were measured by three risk behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and use of illicit drugs). Probit regressions were utilized to examine the effect of mental health on the probability of smoking, drinking and using illicit drugs. Demographic and lifestyle factors were used as the control variables. Truancy was identified as a mediating variable.

    RESULTS: Anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation affected cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and use of illicit drugs through mediation of truancy. After controlling for demographic and lifestyle factors, students with anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation were more likely to smoke, drink and use illicit drugs compared with their peers without any mental health disorders. Furthermore, the likelihood of consuming cigarettes, alcohol and illicit drugs was found to be higher among students who played truant than those who did not.

    CONCLUSION: Mental health plays an important role in determining participation in risk behaviors among ethnic minority students in Malaysia. Public health administrators and schools have to be aware that students who suffer from mental health disorders are likely to indulge in risk behaviors.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  15. Norlen Mohamed, Lokman Hakim Sulaiman, Thahirahtul Asma Zakaria, Anis Salwa Kamarudin, Daud Abdul Rahim
    Int J Public Health Res, 2016;6(1):685-694.
    Introduction During haze, at what level should Air Pollutant Index (API) showed, public
    or private school be closed is not without controversy and is very much
    debated. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to objectively quantify the
    potential inhaled dose of PM10 associated with exposure at school and home
    microenvironments during haze. The result of the health risk assessment will
    be used to propose the API level for closing the school during haze episode.

    Methods A hypothetical haze exposure scenario was created using the breakpoints of
    PM10 concentration for calculation of API and respective inhaled dose during
    haze. To determine the potential inhaled dose, we have considered many
    factors that include time spent for specific physical intensity at school and
    home microenvironments, age-specific and physical intensity-specific
    inhalation rate (m3/min), and the indoor/outdoor ratio of PM10. To calculate
    risk quotient (RQ), the inhaled dose was compared with the health reference
    dose computed based on the concentration of PM10 in the Malaysian
    Ambient Air Quality Standard.

    Results When considering the specific exposure at each microenvironment (school
    and home), the potential inhaled dose of PM10 was substantially lower when
    school is closed for both primary and secondary school. The calculated risk
    quotient (RQ) indicates that primary school children are likely to be affected
    at slightly lower PM10 concentration (equivalent to API of 197) as compared
    to secondary school children. Short duration of high physical activity
    intensity during school breaks has contributed to a large proportion of inhaled
    dose among school children indicating the important to avoid physical
    activities during haze.

    Conclusion Based on the assessment, taking into account the uncertainty of risk
    assessment methodology, we proposed school to be closed when API reach
    190 for both primary and secondary schools. These findings and
    recommendations are only valid for naturally ventilated school and applicable
    in the context of the current API calculation system and the existing
    Recommended Air Quality Guideline values in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  16. Fateh Addin Nejm Addin Al-Emad, Zaleha Md. Isa
    Int J Public Health Res, 2017;7(1):783-790.
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of secondary school students in Sana'a Yemen related to exposure to second-hand smoking.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sana'a city. The total sample size was 336 students in which 63 were males and 273 were females. These students were stratified random sampling . Data were collected by using Questionnaire comprising of 3 parts: Part 1- consists of socio-demographic data. Part 2- consists of the knowledge regarding smoking and second-hand smoking and Part 3-consists of adolescents' attitude in relation to second-hand smoking.
    RESULTS: Out of 336 students, majority were between 14-18 years old (75.9%), males (81.2%) , (55.7%)of them was fathers' occupation private employee and low educated mother was (86.3%).The students who do not have smoking habit were (94.3%),and those who do not have friends with the habit of smoking was (57.4%). (57.10) having some one else at home who smokes beside them .The reaction of non printed mass media for SHS warning was (83.3%) . The exposed to smoke out door was (60.1%) . In this study, the majority of students had inadequate knowledge about the second-hand smoke was (52.7%). A higher percentage of students who had unfavorable attitudes toward secondhand smoke was(86.6%).
    CONCLUSION: We concluded that The level of knowledge and attitude about the second-hand smoke is relatively low among the secondary school student in Sana'a Yemen .The finding of this study emphasized the need of effective awareness programs to increase level of consciousness and knowledge regarding SHS. Keywords: Second-hand Smoking, Secondary School, Adolescent, Sana'a .
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  17. Hasamnis AA, Arya A
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2017 Oct-Dec;9(4):282-283.
    PMID: 29456381 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_96_17
    Cardiac arrhythmias are a major cause of morbidity and mortality across the world. Learning the science behind the use of antiarrhythmic drugs is essential for all medical graduates. However, many antiarrhythmic drugs are available, and most of them have complex pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. We tried to improvise our teaching by conducting interactive, worksheet-based, small-group discussion on antiarrhythmic drugs with preclinical students of School of Medicine, Taylor's University, Malaysia. This survey was conducted to analyze the outcomes of worksheet-based, small-group discussion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  18. Tan PY, Mohd Johari SN, Teng KT, Loganathan R, Lee SC, Ngui R, et al.
    Br J Nutr, 2023 Feb 14;129(3):454-467.
    PMID: 35506400 DOI: 10.1017/S0007114522001398
    Childhood malnutrition is known as a public health concern globally. The present study aims to assess the anthropometry and blood biochemical status of rural primary schoolchildren in Malaysia. A total of 776 children (7-11 years old) from ten rural primary schools from five states were included in this study. Nutritional outcomes were assessed based on sex, age group and school categories among the children (median age: 9 years (P25:8, P75:10)). The overall prevalence of malnutrition was 53·4 %. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) was recorded at 20·6 and 39·8 % based on retinol and retinol-binding protein (RBP) levels, respectively. Anaemia, iron deficiency (ID), iron-deficiency anaemia (IDA) and elevated inflammation were found at 14·9, 17·9, 9·1 and 11·5 %, respectively. Malnutrition, VAD, anaemia, ID, IDA and elevated inflammation were more prevalent among Orang Asli (OA) schoolchildren compared with Non-Orang Asli schoolchildren. Higher occurrences of VAD and anaemia were also found among children aged <10 years. Retinol, RBP, α-carotene, ferritin and haemoglobin levels were lower among undernourished children. Besides, overweight/obese children exhibited a higher level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that OA school children (adjusted OR (AOR): 6·1; 95 % CI 4·1, 9·0) and IDA (AOR: 3·6; 95 % CI 1·9, 6·6) were associated with stunting among this population. The present study revealed that malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and anaemia are prevalent among rural primary schoolchildren in Malaysia, especially those from OA schools and younger age children (<10 years). Hence, more appropriate and targeted measures are needed to improve the nutritional status of these children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  19. Ahmed J, Wong LP, Chua YP, Hydrie MZI, Channa N
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Jan;29(1):1259-1277.
    PMID: 34355319 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15681-w
    The United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals include the target of ensuring access to water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for all; however, very few studies have assessed comprehensive school WASH service in Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to identify WASH services in primary schools of Pakistan, and to assess how recent WASH interventions and policies are associated with the school's academic performance. A representative cross-sectional study was conducted in primary schools in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Structured observations and interviews were done to ascertain the schools' WASH conditions. The primary exposures of interest were the implementation of previous WASH interventions and National WASH policy in the school and the WASH coverage. Outcomes of interest included WASH conditions and school performance. The structural equation modeling (SEM) using a bootstrap resampling procedure was employed to characterize how WASH exposures were associated with WASH conditions and school performance. Data were collected from 425 schools. The Basic WASH facilities coverage in the primary schools of Sindh remains overall low according to WHO WASH service ladder criteria. Also, inconsistency in all three inclusive domains of WASH (availability, accessibility, and functionality) facilities were found. The school performance was significantly associated (P<0.001) with the presence of WASH interventions and/or WASH policy, while WASH policy and/or recent WASH intervention at the school were not associated with overall water quality. Our assessment unveiled several WASH gaps that exist, including high heavy metal and fecal contamination. Adoption of national WASH policy and financing of evidence-based WASH interventions are recommended in primary schools to improve educational outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
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