Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 556 in total

  1. Mohamad N, Ubaidillah, Mazlan SA, Choi SB, Abdul Aziz SA, Sugimoto M
    Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Mar 27;20(7).
    PMID: 30934679 DOI: 10.3390/ijms20071525
    The transient response of magnetorheological (MR) materials, in general, is very important for design consideration in MR-based devices. Better response to magnetic fields is beneficial for a better response rate to the electrical current applied in the electromagnetic coil. As a result, MR-based devices would have a high response to external stimuli. In this work, the principal characteristics of magnetorheological greases (MRGs) which have two different particle shapes are experimentally investigated. One type of particle distributed in the grease medium is conventional spherical-shaped carbonyl iron (CI) particles, while the other is plate-like CI particles made using a high-energy rotary ball mill from spherical CI particles. A set of bidisperse MRG samples are firstly prepared by adjusting the weight percentage of the plate-like CI particles and mixing with the spherical CI particles. Subsequently, three important properties of MRGs in terms of their practical application are measured and compared between the two different particle shapes. The field-dependent apparent viscoelastic properties of the prepared MRG samples are measured, followed by the field-dependent storage and loss moduli using an oscillatory shear rheometer. In addition, the transient response time, which indicates the speed in the actuating period of MRGs, is measured by changing the strain amplitude. Then, a comparative assessment on the three properties are undertaken between two different particle shapes by presenting the corresponding results in the same plot. It is shown that the bidisperse MRG with plate-like CI particles exhibits an increase in the initial apparent viscosity as well as stiffness property compared to the MRG with spherical particles only.
  2. Yunus NA, Mazlan SA, Ubaidillah, Abdul Aziz SA, Tan Shilan S, Abdul Wahab NA
    Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Feb 10;20(3).
    PMID: 30744210 DOI: 10.3390/ijms20030746
    Determination of the thermal characteristics and temperature-dependent rheological properties of the magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) is of paramount importance particularly with regards to MRE applications. Hitherto, a paucity of temperature dependent analysis has been conducted by MRE researchers. In this study, an investigation on the thermal and rheological properties of epoxidized natural rubber (ENR)-based MREs was performed. Various percentages of carbonyl iron particles (CIPs) were blended with the ENR compound using a two roll-mill for the preparation of the ENR-based MRE samples. The morphological, elemental, and thermal analyses were performed before the rheological test. Several characterizations, as well as the effects of the strain amplitude, temperature, and magnetic field on the rheological properties of ENR-based MRE samples, were evaluated. The micrographs and elemental results were well-correlated regarding the CIP and Fe contents, and a uniform distribution of CIPs was achieved. The results of the thermal test indicated that the incorporation of CIPs enhanced the thermal stability of the ENR-based MREs. Based on the rheological analysis, the storage modulus and loss factor were dependent on the CIP content and strain amplitude. The effect of temperature on the rheological properties revealed that the stiffness of the ENR-based MREs was considered stable, and they were appropriate to be employed in the MRE devices exposed to high temperatures above 45 °C.
  3. Wsoo MA, Shahir S, Mohd Bohari SP, Nayan NHM, Razak SIA
    Carbohydr Res, 2020 May;491:107978.
    PMID: 32163784 DOI: 10.1016/j.carres.2020.107978
    Cellulose acetate (CA) is a remarkable biomaterial most extensively used in biomedical applications due to their properties. This review highlighted the synthesis and chemical structure of CA polymer as well as focused on the mechanical, chemical, thermal, biocompatible, and biodegradable properties of electrospun CA nanofibers. These properties are essential in the evaluation of the CA nanofibers and provide information as a reference for the further utilization and improvement of CA nanofibers. Moreover, we have summarized the use of electrospun CA nanofibers in the drug delivery system as a carrier for drugs and classify them according to the drug class, including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial agents, vitamins and amino acids. Our review has been concluded that CA nanofibers cannot wholly be biodegraded within the human body due to the absence of cellulase enzyme but degraded by microorganisms. Hence, the biodegradation of CA nanofibers in vivo has addressed as a critical challenge.
  4. Ameen SA, Salina H, Zahedi FD, Primuharsa-Putra SH, Masir N
    Iran J Otorhinolaryngol, 2019 May;31(104):191-195.
    PMID: 31223601
    Introduction: Angiomyolipoma (AML), a benign mesenchymal tumor that commonly arises from the kidney, may be associated with tuberous sclerosis complex and perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas). Nasal angiomyolipoma is very rare and usually occurs in elderly individuals with epistaxis and nasal obstruction.

    Case Report: We report a rare case of nasal angiomyolipoma in a young male. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented case of angiomyolipoma originating from the posterior end of the inferior turbinate, clinically mimicking juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). The tumor was removed completely via coblator-assisted endoscopic sinus surgery. The patient was asymptomatic at a 2-year follow-up.

    Conclusion: Nasal AML located in the posterior nasal cavity in a male patient can mimic the presentation of JNA. A computed tomography scan of the paranasal sinuses played an important role in differentiating nasal AML from JNA. The coblator-assisted endoscopic technique is useful in controlling intraoperative hemostasis in the removal of a suspicious vascular tumor.

  5. Palash MAU, Islam MS, Bayero AS, Taqui SN, Koki IB
    Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2020 Nov;80:103440.
    PMID: 32585422 DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103440
    This study is focused on the determination of trace metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and Cd) concentrations of nine different indigenous fish species of Meghna River in Bangladesh to know the possible risk in human consumption. Fishes' wet muscles samples were analyzed to evaluate the level of trace metal concentrations. The concentrations (mg kg-1 w/w) of the six selected trace metals were in the order Zn (1.42 ± 0.12) > Cr (1.31 ± 0.08) > Cu (0.92 ± 0.09) > Pb (0.54 ± 0.07) > Cd (0.51 ± 0.07) > As (0.47 ± 0.02). The results revealed that all the selected trace metals were below the maximum permissible limits recommended by the reference standards. The fish species may pose no risk with respect to the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI). Target hazard quotient (THQ) values for Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in all the fish species were <1.0, except for As which is dominantly organic in fishes. Both adults and children are vulnerable to carcinogenic health threat due to Cd exposure.
  6. Das G, Ahmed S, Ahmed AR, Tirth V, Jamil S, Muhammad AA, et al.
    Work, 2021;70(2):387-393.
    PMID: 34657847 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-213602
    BACKGROUND: Medical professionals, especially dental professionals, have been adversely affected by the pandemic of COVID-19 due to an increased chance of exposure to patients because of close contact during treatments.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate knowledge about the disease and assess ways of precautions to be taken during the pandemic.

    METHODS: A questionnaire was developed and registered at Google Forms. The study population included dental practitioners, working in hospitals and clinics. A total of 495 dental practitioners from 14 different countries across the world responded. Most dentists were aware of the required modifications in the management of patients. The points allotted for each correct/best answer by participants for a group of questions regarding each component (Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices) were added/summed to generate an overall score for each of the three components.

    RESULTS: Both univariate and multivariate analysis employed for the evaluation of results. Moreover, the total practice score was significantly associated with gender and sector of practice. Multivariable analysis model using multiple linear regressions was formulated by including those variables which were significant at the univariate stage. Hence, the practice sector was the only variable found to be significantly associated with the total knowledge score (p-value 

  7. Suhaimi SMI, Muhamad NA, Bashir N, Mohd Jamil MK, Abdul Rahman MN
    Sensors (Basel), 2022 Jan 18;22(3).
    PMID: 35161466 DOI: 10.3390/s22030722
    Flashover on transmission line insulators is one of the major causes of line outages due to contamination from the environment or ageing. Power utility companies practicing predictive maintenance are currently exploring novel non-contact methods to monitor insulator surface discharge activities to prevent flashover. This paper presents an investigation on the UV pulse signals detected using UV pulse sensor due to the discharges on the insulator surfaces under varying contamination levels and insulator ages. Unaged and naturally aged insulators (0 to >20 years) were artificially contaminated (none, light to heavy contamination). The electrical stresses on the insulator surfaces were varied to generate varying discharge intensity levels on the surfaces of the insulator. The DC and harmonic components of UV pulse signals detected during surface discharges were recorded and analysed. Results show a positive correlation between the discharge intensity level of contaminated and aged transmission insulators with the DC and harmonic components of the UV pulse signals. Furthermore, the study revealed that under dry insulator surface conditions, insulator ageing has a more profound effect during discharges than contamination level. The findings from this study suggest that the use of UV pulse sensors to monitor UV pulse signals emitted during insulator surface discharges can be another novel non-contact method of monitoring transmission line insulator surface conditions.
  8. Khan MUA, Razak SIA, Rehman S, Hasan A, Qureshi S, Stojanović GM
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2022 Dec 01;222(Pt A):462-472.
    PMID: 36155784 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.153
    Globally, people suffering from bone disorders are steadily increasing and bone tissue engineering is an advanced approach to treating fractured and defected bone tissues. In this study, we have prepared polymeric nanocomposite by free-radical polymerization from sodium alginate, hydroxyapatite, and silica with different GO amounts. The porous scaffolds were fabricated using the freeze drying technique. The structural, morphological, mechanical, and wetting investigation was conducted by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, universal tensile machine, and water contact angle characterization techniques. The swelling, biodegradation, and water retention were also studied. The biological studies were performed (cell viability, cell adherence, proliferation, and mineralization) against osteoblast cell lines. Scaffolds have exhibited different pore morphology SAG-1 (pore size = 414.61 ± 56 μm and porosity = 81.45 ± 2.17 %) and SAG-4 (pore size = 195.97 ± 82 μm and porosity = 53.82 ± 2.45 %). They have different mechanical behavior as SAG-1 has the least compression strength and compression modulus 2.14 ± 2.35 and 16.51 ± 1.27 MPa. However, SAG-4 has maximum compression strength and compression modulus 13.67 ± 2.63 and 96.16 ± 1.97 MPa with wetting behavior 80.70° and 58.70°, respectively. Similarly, SAG-1 exhibited the least and SAG-4 presented maximum apatite mineral formation, cell adherence, cell viability, and cell proliferation against mouse pre-osteoblast cell lines. The increased GO amount provides different multifunctional materials with different characteristics. Hence, the fabricated scaffolds could be potential scaffold materials to treat and regenerate fracture bone tissues in bone tissue engineering.
  9. Muhammad Zaki N, Yunus NA, Yusoff MS, Mazlan SA, Abdul Aziz SA, Izni NA, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Nov 19;14(22).
    PMID: 34832425 DOI: 10.3390/ma14227026
    This paper investigated the effects of petroleum-based oils (PBOs) as a dispersing aid on the physicochemical characteristics of natural rubber (NR)-based magnetorheological elastomers (MREs). The addition of PBOs was expected to overcome the low performance of magnetorheological (MR) elastomers due to their inhomogeneous dispersion and the mobility of magnetic particles within the elastomer matrix. The NR-based MREs were firstly fabricated by mixing the NR compounds homogeneously with different ratios of naphthenic oil (NO), light mineral oil (LMO), and paraffin oil (PO) to aromatic oil (AO), with weight percentage ratios of 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, and 30:70, respectively. From the obtained results, the ratios of NO mixed with low amounts of AO improved the material physicochemical characteristics, such as thermal properties. Meanwhile, LMO mixed the AO led to the best results for curing characteristics, microstructure observation, and magnetic properties of the MREs. We found that the LMO mixed with a high content of AO could provide good compatibility between the rubber molecular and magnetic particles due to similar chemical structures, which apparently enhance the physicochemical characteristics of MREs. In conclusion, the 30:70 ratio of LMO:AO is considered the preferable dispersing aid for MREs due to structural compounds present in the oil that enhance the physicochemical characteristics of the NR-based MREs.
  10. Azmi NHS, Ming LC, Uddin ABMH, Sarker ZI, Bin LK
    Int J Pharm Compd, 2022 1 27;26(1):80-87.
    PMID: 35081048
    Oral drug delivery has been recognized as the most desirable drug administration method among other drug delivery routes due to its ease of administration, long shelf life, and low cost. Orally disintegrating tablets disintegrate within seconds in the mouth without the need of water for swallowing. This unique feature of orally disintegrating tablets is favorable to special populations such as geriatric and pediatric patients. Formulation optimization is significant to obtain the optimal combination of tablet constituents, as the tablet composition is influential on dosage-form characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different types of fillers and percentage on the physical properties of orally disintegrating tablets by using amlodipine as the model drug. Blank orally disintegrating tablets containing different fillers, namely, Sorbolac 400, Granulac 200, and CombiLac with different percentages, were prepared using the wet granulation method and were evaluated based on weight variation, hardness, thickness, friability, and disintegration time. Formulation 5 that consists of 25% Granulac 200 showed the optimal result among all formulations with the fastest disintegration time (96.17 s Å} 18.40) and sufficient tablet hardness (4.59 kg Å} 0.70). Hence, formulation 5 was selected as the optimal formulation and incorporated with amlodipine. From this study, it can be concluded that excipients have an essential role in determining the physical properties of orally disintegrating tablets.
  11. Farokhi Nejad A, Rahimian Koloor SS, Syed Hamzah SMSA, Yahya MY
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Oct 21;13(21).
    PMID: 34771183 DOI: 10.3390/polym13213627
    As a light structure, composite sandwich panels are distinguished by their significant bending stiffness that is rapidly used in the manufacture of aircraft bodies. This study focuses on the mechanical behaviour of through-thickness polymer, pin-reinforced foam core sandwich panels subjected to indentation and low impact loading. Experimental and computational approaches are used to study the global and internal behaviour of the sandwich panel. The samples for experimental testing were made from glass/polyester laminates as the face sheets and polyurethane foam as the foam core. To further reinforce the samples against bending, different sizes of polymeric pins were implemented on the sandwich panels. The sandwich panel was fabricated using the vacuum infusion process. Using the experimental data, a finite element model of the sample was generated in LS-DYNA software, and the effect of pin size and loading rate were examined. Results of the simulation were validated through a proper prediction compared to the test data. The results of the study show that using polymeric pins, the flexural strength of the panel significantly increased under impact loading. In addition, the impact resistance of the pin-reinforced foam core panel increased up to 20%. Moreover, the size of pins has a significant influence on the flexural behaviour while the sample was under a moderate strain rate. To design an optimum pin-reinforced sandwich panel a "design of experiment model" was generated to predict energy absorption and the maximum peak load of proposed sandwich panels. The best design of the panel is recommended with 1.8 mm face sheet thickness and 5 mm pins diameter.
  12. Wibowo W, Lenggana BW, Ubaidillah U, Ariawan D, Imaduddin F, Mazlan SA, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Oct 25;14(21).
    PMID: 34771915 DOI: 10.3390/ma14216389
    Magnetorheological elastomers (MRE)-based products are usually located in an area directly exposed to sunlight and rain. However, there is no specific research on the behavior of MRE after accelerated weathering. Therefore, in this study, the changes to the chemical and rheological properties of both isotropic and anisotropic MRE after accelerated weathering were examined. Treated and untreated specimens were compared. MRE specimens with 40% by weight CIP were prepared with no current excitation and another sample was prepared with 1.5 T of magnetic flux density. Each specimen was treated in an accelerated weathering machine, Q-Sun Xe-1 Xenon Test Chamber, under a UV light exposure cycle and water spray. A material characterization was carried out using FTIR and a rheometer to determine the changes to the chemical and rheological properties. The morphological analysis results showed that after the weather treatment, the surface was rough and more cavities occurred. The rheometer test results showed a significant decrease in the storage modulus of each treated MRE specimen, unlike the untreated MRE specimens. The decrease in the storage modulus value with currents of 0, 1, 2, and 3 Amperes was 66.67%, 78.9%, 85.2%, and 80.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, FTIR testing showed a change in the wave peak between the untreated and treated MRE specimens. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) also showed a decrease in MRE weight for each specimen. However, for both treated and untreated MRE specimens, the decrease in TGA was not significantly different. In all the tests carried out on the MRE samples, weather acceleration treatment caused significant changes. This is an important consideration for developers who choose silicone as the MRE matrix.
  13. Kamaruddin NH, Bakar AAA, Mobarak NN, Zan MSD, Arsad N
    Sensors (Basel), 2017 Oct 06;17(10).
    PMID: 28984826 DOI: 10.3390/s17102277
    The study of binding affinity is essential in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing because it allows researchers to quantify the affinity between the analyte and immobilised ligands of an SPR sensor. In this study, we demonstrate the derivation of the binding affinity constant, K, for Pb2+and Hg2+ions according to their SPR response using a gold/silver/gold/chitosan-graphene oxide (Au/Ag/Au/CS-GO) sensor for the concentration range of 0.1-5 ppm. The higher affinity of Pb2+to binding with the CS-GO sensor explains the outstanding sensitivity of 2.05 °ppm-1against 1.66 °ppm-1of Hg2+. The maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) upon detection of Pb2+is 1.53, and exceeds the suggested logical criterion of an SNR. The Au/Ag/Au/CS-GO SPR sensor also exhibits excellent repeatability in Pb2+due to the strong bond between its functional groups and this cation. The adsorption data of Pb2+and Hg2+on the CS-GO sensor fits well with the Langmuir isotherm model where the affinity constant, K, of Pb2+and Hg2+ions is computed. The affinity of Pb2+ions to the Au/Ag/Au/CS-GO sensor is significantly higher than that of Hg2+based on the value of K, 7 × 10⁵ M-1and 4 × 10⁵ M-1, respectively. The higher shift in SPR angles due to Pb2+and Hg2+compared to Cr3+, Cu2+and Zn2+ions also reveals the greater affinity of the CS-GO SPR sensor to them, thus supporting the rationale for obtaining K for these two heavy metals. This study provides a better understanding on the sensing performance of such sensors in detecting heavy metal ions.
  14. Ranak MSAN, Azad S, Nor NNHBM, Zamli KZ
    PLoS One, 2017;12(10):e0186940.
    PMID: 29084262 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186940
    Due to recent advancements and appealing applications, the purchase rate of smart devices is increasing at a higher rate. Parallely, the security related threats and attacks are also increasing at a greater ratio on these devices. As a result, a considerable number of attacks have been noted in the recent past. To resist these attacks, many password-based authentication schemes are proposed. However, most of these schemes are not screen size independent; whereas, smart devices come in different sizes. Specifically, they are not suitable for miniature smart devices due to the small screen size and/or lack of full sized keyboards. In this paper, we propose a new screen size independent password-based authentication scheme, which also offers an affordable defense against shoulder surfing, brute force, and smudge attacks. In the proposed scheme, the Press Touch (PT)-a.k.a., Force Touch in Apple's MacBook, Apple Watch, ZTE's Axon 7 phone; 3D Touch in iPhone 6 and 7; and so on-is transformed into a new type of code, named Press Touch Code (PTC). We design and implement three variants of it, namely mono-PTC, multi-PTC, and multi-PTC with Grid, on the Android Operating System. An in-lab experiment and a comprehensive survey have been conducted on 105 participants to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
  15. Tan WL, Lee YK, Ho YF, Yusof R, Abdul Rahman N, Karsani SA
    PeerJ, 2018;5:e3939.
    PMID: 29404200 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3939
    Dengue is endemic throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Currently, there is no clinically approved therapeutic drug available for this acute viral infection. Although the first dengue vaccine Dengvaxia has been approved for use in certain countries, it is limited to those without a previous dengue infection while the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in those elderly and younger children still need to be identified. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to develop therapeutics/drugs to combat dengue virus (DENV) infection. YK51 is a synthetic analogue of 4-Hydroxypandurantin A (a compound found in the crude extract of the rhizomes of Boesenbergia rotunda) that has been extensively studied by our research group. It has been shown to possess outstanding antiviral activity due to its inhibitory activity against NS2B/NS3 DENV2 protease. However, it is not known how YK51 affects the proteome of DENV infected cells. Therefore, we performed a comparative proteomics analysis to identify changes in protein expression in DENV infected HepG2 cells treated with YK51. Classical two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by protein identification using tandem mass spectrometry was employed in this study. Thirty proteins were found to be down-regulated with YK51 treatment. In silico analysis predicted that the down-regulation of eight of these proteins may inhibit viral infection. Our results suggested that apart from inhibiting the NS2B/NS3 DENV2 protease, YK51 may also be causing the down-regulation of a number of proteins that may be responsible in, and/or essential to virus infection. However, functional characterization of these proteins will be necessary before we can conclusively determine their roles in DENV infection.
  16. Hasan M, Mokhtar AS, Mahmud K, Berahim Z, Rosli AM, Hamdan H, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Nov 15;12(1):19602.
    PMID: 36379972 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24144-2
    WeedLock is a broad-spectrum plant-based bioherbicide that is currently on the market as a ready-to-use formulation. In this study, we investigated the physiological and biochemical effects of WeedLock (672.75 L ha-1) on Ageratum conyzoides L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn, Zea mays L., and Amaranthus gangeticus L. at four different time points. WeedLock caused significant reductions in chlorophyll pigment content and disrupted photosynthetic processes in all test plants. The greatest inhibition in photosynthesis was recorded in A. conyzoides at 24 h post-treatment with a 74.88% inhibition. Plants treated with WeedLock showed increased malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline production, which is indicative of phytotoxic stress. Remarkably, MDA contents of all treated plants increased by more than 100% in comparison to untreated. The activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD) was elevated following treatment with WeedLock. Significant increases were observed in the SOD activity of A. conyzoides ranging from 69.66 to 118.24% from 6 to 72 h post-treatment. Our findings confirm that WeedLock disrupts the normal physiological and biochemical processes in plants following exposure and that its mode of action is associated with ROS (reactive oxygen species) production, similar to that of PPO (protoporphyrinogen oxidase) inhibitors, although specific site-of-action of this novel bioherbicide warrants further investigation.
  17. Johari MAF, Mazlan SA, Nordin NA, Choi SB, Aziz SAA, Daud S, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2022 Dec 01;15(23).
    PMID: 36500061 DOI: 10.3390/ma15238565
    Strain localization is a significant issue that poses interesting research challenges in viscoelastic materials because it is difficult to accurately predict the damage evolution behavior. Over time, the damage mechanism in the amorphous structure of viscoelastic materials leads to subsequent localization into a shear band, gradually jeopardizing the materials' elastic sustainability. The primary goal of this study is to further understand the morphological effects and the role of shear bands in viscoelastic materials precipitated by strain localization. The current study aims to consolidate the various failure mechanisms of a sample and its geometry (surface-to-volume ratio) used in torsional testing, as well as to understand their effects on stress relaxation durability performance. A torsional shear load stress relaxation durability test was performed within the elastic region on an isotropic viscoelastic sample made of silicon rubber and a 70% weight fraction of micron-sized carbonyl iron particles. Degradation was caused by a shear band of localized plasticity that developed microscopically due to stress relaxation durability. The failure pattern deteriorated as the surface-to-volume ratio decreased. A field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and a tapping-mode atomic force microscope (AFM) were used for further observation and investigation of the sample. After at least 7500 cycles of continuous shearing, the elastic sustainability of the viscoelastic materials microstructurally degraded, as indicated by a decline in stress performance over time. Factors influencing the formation of shear bands were observed in postmortem, which was affected by simple micromanipulation of the sample geometry, making it applicable for practical implementation to accommodate any desired performance and micromechanical design applications.
  18. Falina S, Anuar K, Shafiee SA, Juan JC, Manaf AA, Kawarada H, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2022 Dec 01;22(23).
    PMID: 36502059 DOI: 10.3390/s22239358
    Recently, there has been increasing interest in electrochemical printed sensors for a wide range of applications such as biomedical, pharmaceutical, food safety, and environmental fields. A major challenge is to obtain selective, sensitive, and reliable sensing platforms that can meet the stringent performance requirements of these application areas. Two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials advances have accelerated the performance of electrochemical sensors towards more practical approaches. This review discusses the recent development of electrochemical printed sensors, with emphasis on the integration of non-carbon 2D materials as sensing platforms. A brief introduction to printed electrochemical sensors and electrochemical technique analysis are presented in the first section of this review. Subsequently, sensor surface functionalization and modification techniques including drop-casting, electrodeposition, and printing of functional ink are discussed. In the next section, we review recent insights into novel fabrication methodologies, electrochemical techniques, and sensors' performances of the most used transition metal dichalcogenides materials (such as MoS2, MoSe2, and WS2), MXenes, and hexagonal boron-nitride (hBN). Finally, the challenges that are faced by electrochemical printed sensors are highlighted in the conclusion. This review is not only useful to provide insights for researchers that are currently working in the related area, but also instructive to the ones new to this field.
  19. Taha BA, Mashhadany YA, Al-Jumaily AHJ, Zan MSDB, Arsad N
    Viruses, 2022 Oct 28;14(11).
    PMID: 36366485 DOI: 10.3390/v14112386
    The SARS-CoV-2 virus is responsible for the rapid global spread of the COVID-19 disease. As a result, it is critical to understand and collect primary data on the virus, infection epidemiology, and treatment. Despite the speed with which the virus was detected, studies of its cell biology and architecture at the ultrastructural level are still in their infancy. Therefore, we investigated and analyzed the viral morphometry of SARS-CoV-2 to extract important key points of the virus's characteristics. Then, we proposed a prediction model to identify the real virus levels based on the optimization of a full recurrent neural network (RNN) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. Consequently, identification of virus levels depends on the size of the morphometry of the area (width, height, circularity, roundness, aspect ratio, and solidity). The results of our model were an error score of training network performance 3.216 × 10-11 at 639 epoch, regression of -1.6 × 10-9, momentum gain (Mu) 1 × 10-9, and gradient value of 9.6852 × 10-8, which represent a network with a high ability to predict virus levels. The fully automated system enables virologists to take a high-accuracy approach to virus diagnosis, prevention of mutations, and life cycle and improvement of diagnostic reagents and drugs, adding a point of view to the advancement of medical virology.
  20. Mohamed Noor NM, Ibrahim MI, Hairon SM, Mohd Zain M, Satiman MSN
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 18;19(20).
    PMID: 36294066 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013486
    BACKGROUND: Compassionate care has been increasingly highlighted in the past few decades worldwide, including in Malaysia. Despite acknowledging its importance, Malaysia still lacks a validated tool that can be used to assess the level of compassionate care from the patient's perspective. Therefore, this study aims to validate and translate the Relational Aspect of Care Questionnaire (RAC-Q) into the Malay language.

    METHODS: Permission to use and translate the original RAC-Q into the Malay language was obtained. The RAC-Q was then translated into the Malay language following the 10 steps proposed for the translation of a patient-reported outcome questionnaire. A pretest was conducted based on 30 inpatients to assess the appropriateness and clarity of the finalized translated questionnaire. A cross-sectional study was performed based on 138 inpatients from six adult wards of a teaching hospital so as to validate the translated questionnaire. The data were analyzed using R software version 4.1.3 (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria, 2020). The results were presented descriptively as numbers and percentages or means and standard deviations. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed using robust estimators.

    RESULTS: The analysis showed that the measurement model of the RAC-Q Malay version (RAC-QM) fits well based on several fit indices: a standardized factor loading range from 0.40 to 0.73, comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.917, Tucker-Lewis fit index (TLI) of 0.904, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.06, and a standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) of 0.073. It has good reliability, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.857 and a composite ratio of 0.857.

    CONCLUSION: The RAC-QM demonstrated good psychometric properties and is valid and reliable based on the confirmatory analysis, and it can thus be used as a tool for evaluating the level of compassionate care in Malaysia.

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