Displaying publications 321 - 340 of 1239 in total

    Nature, 1954 Dec 18;174(4442):1147-8.
    PMID: 13223769
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  2. Jones GW, Sidh MS
    Dev Forum, 1979 Dec;9(2):1-21.
    PMID: 12336532
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  3. Idler EL
    Soc Sci Med Med Psychol Med Sociol, 1979 Nov;13A(6):723-31.
    PMID: 538486
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/psychology
  4. Schmidt K, Hill L, Guthrie G
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 1977;23(4):264-74.
    PMID: 608813
    This study examines twenty-four cases of amok, believed the largest number of cases ever collected. They were observed in Sarawak, East Malaysia. They occurred in all indigenous groups in Sarawak, excluding the Chinese, such as Malay, Sea Dayak, Land Dayak, Kayan, Punan and Melanau at frequencies more or less following the proportion of these groups in the total population. No differences were found according to religion, the Malay being Muslim and the other groups either predominantly Christian like the Iban or animistic. Only slight diminution in the frequency was observed from 1954 to 1968. The education level of the amok runners was much lower than that of the average population. The weapons used were those immediately at hand be it parang (short sword), ax, sticks, knives, guns, bare hands or a lorry. The classical four stages were largely present: (a) brooding and withdrawal, (b) homicidal paroxysm, (c) continuation of homicidal behaviour until killed, restrained or falling into stupor of exhaustion, (d) complete or partial amnesia. While in 14 no motive could be ascertained, insult, jealousy and paranoid ideation was present in the others. Both family history of mental illness and personal psychiatric history were predominant. All cases fell into accepted diagnostic categories from organic and endogenous psychosis to neurosis and behaviour disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  5. Saha N, Banerjee B
    Trop Geogr Med, 1971 Jun;23(2):141-4.
    PMID: 5568538
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  6. Uijtdewilligen L, Yin JD, van der Ploeg HP, Müller-Riemenschneider F
    Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 2017 Dec 13;14(1):169.
    PMID: 29237471 DOI: 10.1186/s12966-017-0626-4
    BACKGROUND: Evidence on the health risks of sitting is accumulating. However, research identifying factors influencing sitting time in adults is limited, especially in Asian populations. This study aimed to identify socio-demographic and lifestyle correlates of occupational, leisure and total sitting time in a sample of Singapore working adults.

    METHODS: Data were collected between 2004 and 2010 from participants of the Singapore Multi Ethnic Cohort (MEC). Medical exclusion criteria for cohort participation were cancer, heart disease, stroke, renal failure and serious mental illness. Participants who were not working over the past 12 months and without data on sitting time were excluded from the analyses. Multivariable regression analyses were used to examine cross-sectional associations of self-reported age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education, smoking, caloric intake and moderate-to-vigorous leisure time physical activity (LTPA) with self-reported occupational, leisure and total sitting time. Correlates were also studied separately for Chinese, Malays and Indians.

    RESULTS: The final sample comprised 9384 participants (54.8% male): 50.5% were Chinese, 24.0% Malay, and 25.5% Indian. For the total sample, mean occupational sitting time was 2.71 h/day, mean leisure sitting time was 2.77 h/day and mean total sitting time was 5.48 h/day. Sitting time in all domains was highest among Chinese. Age, gender, education, and caloric intake were associated with higher occupational sitting time, while ethnicity, marital status and smoking were associated with lower occupational sitting time. Marital status, smoking, caloric intake and LTPA were associated with higher leisure sitting time, while age, gender and ethnicity were associated with lower leisure sitting time. Gender, marital status, education, caloric intake and LTPA were associated with higher total sitting time, while ethnicity was associated with lower total sitting time. Stratified analyses revealed different associations within sitting domains for Indians compared to Chinese and Malays.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the need to focus on separate domains of sitting (occupational, leisure or total) when identifying which factors determine this behavior, and that the content of intervention programs should be tailored to domain-specific sitting rather than to sitting in general. Finally, our study showed ethnic differences and therefore we recommend to culturally target interventions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  7. Mariapun J, Ng CW, Hairi NN
    J Epidemiol, 2018 06 05;28(6):279-286.
    PMID: 29657257 DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20170001
    BACKGROUND: Economic development is known to shift the distribution of obesity from the socioeconomically more advantaged to the less advantaged. We assessed the socioeconomic trends in overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity across a period of significant economic growth.
    METHODS: We used the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey data sets for the years 1996, 2006, and 2011 to analyze the trends among adults aged 30 years and above. The World Health Organization's Asian body mass index cut-off points of ≥23.0 kg/m2 and ≥27.5 kg/m2 were used to define overweight and obesity, respectively. Abdominal obesity was defined as having a waist circumference of ≥90 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women. Household per-capita income was used as a measure of socioeconomic position. As a summary measure of inequality, we computed the concentration index.
    RESULTS: Women in Peninsular Malaysia demonstrated patterns that were similar to that of developed countries in which the distributions for overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity became concentrated among the poor. For women in East Malaysia, distributions became neither concentrated among the rich nor poor, while distributions for men were still concentrated among the rich. Chinese women, particularly from the richest quintile, had the lowest rates and lowest increase in overweight and obesity. All distributions of Chinese women were concentrated among the poor. The distributions of Malay men were still concentrated among the rich, while distributions for Chinese and Indian men and Malay and Indian women were neither concentrated among the rich nor poor.
    CONCLUSION: As the country continues to progress, increasing risks of overweight and obesity among the socioeconomically less advantaged is expected.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996, NHMS-2006, NHMS-2011)
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data
  8. Essiet IA, Baharom A, Shahar HK, Uzochukwu B
    Pan Afr Med J, 2017;26:110.
    PMID: 28533833 DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2017.26.110.10409
    INTRODUCTION: Physical activity among university students is a catalyst for habitual physical activity in adulthood. Physical activity has many health benefits besides the improvement in academic performance. The present study assessed the predictors of physical activity among Nigerian university students using the Social Ecological Model (SEM).

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study recruited first-year undergraduate students in the University of Uyo, Nigeria by multistage sampling. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short-version was used to assess physical activity in the study. Factors were categorised according to the Socio-Ecological Model which consisted of individual, social environment, physical environment and policy level. Data was analysed using the IBM SPSS statistical software, version 22. Simple and multiple logistic regression were used to determine the predictors of sufficient physical activity.

    RESULTS: A total of 342 respondents completed the study questionnaire. Majority of the respondents (93.6%) reported sufficient physical activity at 7-day recall. Multivariate analysis revealed that respondents belonging to the Ibibio ethnic group were about four times more likely to be sufficiently active compared to those who belonged to the other ethnic groups (AOR = 3.725, 95% CI = 1.383 to 10.032). Also, participants who had a normal weight were about four times more likely to be physically active compared to those who were underweight (AOR = 4.268, 95% CI = 1.323 to 13.772).

    CONCLUSION: This study concluded that there was sufficient physical activity levels among respondents. It is suggested that emphasis be given to implementing interventions aimed at sustaining sufficient levels of physical activity among students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data
  9. Barraclough S, Morrow M
    Ethn Health, 2017 04;22(2):130-144.
    PMID: 27892686 DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2016.1244620
    OBJECTIVES: To identify the historical nexus between Malaysia's largest and politically dominant ethnic group and the political economy of tobacco, and to consider the implications of this connection for tobacco control.

    DESIGN: Primary and secondary documentary sources in both English and Malay were analysed to illuminate key events and decisions, and the discourse of industry and government. Sources included: speeches by Malaysian political and industry actors; tobacco industry reports, press releases and websites; government documents; World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco control literature; and press reports.

    RESULTS: Malays have the highest smoking prevalence among Malaysia's major ethnic groups. The tobacco industry has consistently been promoted as furthering Malay economic development. Malays play the major role in growing and curing. Government-owned Malay development trusts have been prominent investors in tobacco corporations, which have cultivated linkages with the Malay elite. The religious element of Malay ethnicity has also been significant. All Malays are Muslim, and the National Fatwa Council has declared smoking to be haram (forbidden); however, the Government has declined to implement this ruling.

    CONCLUSION: Exaggerated claims for the socio-economic benefits of tobacco production, government investment and close links between tobacco corporations and sections of the Malay elite have created a conflict of interest in public policy, limited the focus on tobacco as a health policy issue among Malays and retarded tobacco control policy. More recently, ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, regional free trade policies reducing the numbers of growers, concerns about smoking from an Islamic viewpoint, and anxieties about the effects of smoking upon youth have increasingly challenged the dominant discourse that tobacco furthers Malay interests. Nevertheless, the industry remains a formidable political and economic presence in Malaysia that is likely to continue to proclaim that its activities coincide with Malay socio-economic interests.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  10. Goodwin W, Alimat S
    Electrophoresis, 2017 04;38(7):1007-1015.
    PMID: 28008628 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201600383
    The SNPforID consortium identified a panel of 52 SNPs for forensic analysis that has been used by several laboratories worldwide. The original analysis of the 52 SNPs was based on a single multiplex reaction followed by two single-base-extension (SBE) reactions each of which was analyzed using capillary electrophoresis. The SBE assays were designed for high throughput genetic analyzers and were difficult to use on the single capillary ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer and the latest generation 3500 Genetic Analyzer, as sensitivity on the 310 was low and separation of products on the 3500 with POP-7™ was poor. We have modified the original assay and split it into four multiplex reactions, each followed by an SBE assay. These multiplex assays were analyzed using polymer POP-4™ on ABI 310 PRISM® and polymers POP-4™, POP-6™ and POP-7™ on the 3500 Genetic Analyzer. The assays were sensitive and reproducible with input DNA as low as 60 pg using both the ABI 310 and 3500. In addition, we found that POP-6™ was most effective with the 3500, based on the parameters that we assessed, achieving better separation of the small SBE products; this conflicted with the recommended use of POP-7™ by the instrument manufacturer. To support the use of the SNP panel in casework in Malaysia we have created an allele frequency database from 325 individuals, representing the major population groups within Malaysia. Population and forensic parameters were estimated for all populations and its efficacy evaluated using 51 forensic samples from challenging casework.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics
  11. Law LS, Norhasmah S, Gan WY, Siti Nur'Asyura A, Mohd Nasir MT
    Nutrients, 2018 Oct 08;10(10).
    PMID: 30297599 DOI: 10.3390/nu10101455
    Over the course of 16 years, a high percentage of Orang Asli (OA) households in Malaysia has been found to be burdened with food insecurity. Therefore, a study was conducted to improve the understanding of the challenges faced by the OA in Peninsular Malaysia to achieve food security under traditional food systems. In this study, in-depth interview sessions, which were assisted by an interview protocol, were conducted with 61 OA women from nine villages that were selected purposefully across three states (Kelantan, Pahang, and Perak) in Peninsular Malaysia. Furthermore, thematic analysis was performed during data analysis. As a result, four themes were identified, namely (i) the failure in agriculture (sub-themes: threats from wild animals and insufficient land supply), (ii) ineffectiveness of traditional food-seeking activities (sub-themes: exhausting, tiring, dangerous, and time-consuming journey for food-seeking activities, depletion of natural commodities, reduced demands of natural commodities, and lack of equipment), (iii) weather (sub-themes: rainy and dry seasons), and (iv) water issues (subthemes: continuity of water supply and cleanliness of water). The identified modifiable factors of this issue should be incorporated into future schemes of food security intervention in order to efficiently manage the food shortage among the OA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  12. Mat S, Jaafar MH, Ng CT, Sockalingam S, Raja J, Kamaruzzaman SB, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(11):e0225075.
    PMID: 31751378 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225075
    Knee pain is often underreported, underestimated and undertreated. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence, burden and further identify socioeconomic factors influencing ethnic differences in knee pain and symptoms of OA among older adults aged 55 years and over in Greater Kuala Lumpur (the capital city of Malaysia). The sample for the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) was selected using stratified random sampling, by age and ethnicity from the electoral rolls of three parliamentary constituencies. Information on knee pain was available in 1226 participants, mean age (SD) 68.96 (1.57) years (409 Malay, 416 Chinese, 401 Indian). The crude and weighted prevalence of knee pain and self-reported knee OA symptoms were 33.3% and 30.8% respectively. There were significant ethnic differences in knee pain (crude prevalence: Malays 44.6%, Chinese 23.5% and Indians 31.9%, p<0.001). The presence of two or more non-communicable diseases (NCD) attenuated the increased risk of knee pain among the ethnic Indians compared to the ethnic Chinese. The prevalence of knee pain remained significantly higher among the ethnic Malays after adjustment for confounders. While the prevalence of knee pain in our older population appears similar to that reported in other published studies in Asia, the higher prevalence among the ethnic Malays has not previously been reported. Further research to determine potential genetic susceptibility to knee pain among the ethnic Malays is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  13. Jamaluddin J, Mohd Khair NK, Vinodamaney SD, Othman Z, Abubakar S
    BMC Genet, 2020 01 03;21(1):1.
    PMID: 31900126 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-019-0803-3
    BACKGROUND: C-C motif Chemokine Ligand 3 Like 1 (CCL3L1) is a multiallelic copy number variable, which plays a crucial role in immunoregulatory and hosts defense through the production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Variable range of the CCL3L1 copies from 0 to 14 copies have been documented in several different populations. However, there is still lack of report on the range of CCL3L1 copy number exclusively among Malaysians who are a multi-ethnic population. Thus, this study aims to extensively examine the distribution of CCL3L1 copy number in the three major populations from Malaysia namely Malay, Chinese and Indian. A diploid copy number of CCL3L1 for 393 Malaysians (Malay = 178, Indian = 90, and Chinese = 125) was quantified using Paralogue Ratio Tests (PRTs) and then validated with microsatellites analysis.

    RESULTS: To our knowledge, this is the first report on the CCL3L1 copy number that has been attempted among Malaysians and the Chinese ethnic group exhibits a diverse pattern of CCL3L1 distribution copy number from the Malay and Indian (p ethnic groups while 0 to 10 copies for the Chinese ethnic. Consequently, the CCL3L1 copy number among major ethnic groups in the Malaysian population is found to be significantly varied when compared to the European population (p ethnicity, and specific geographical region could help in reconstructing human evolutionary history and for the prediction of disease risk related to the CCL3L1 copy number.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
  14. Angeli A, Andrew OS, Qian YZ, Anselm ST, Chang KM, Jameela S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 12;74(6):534-536.
    PMID: 31929481
    Haematological cellular structures may be elucidated using automated full blood count (FBC) analysers such as Unicel DxH 800 via cell population data (CPD) analysis. The CPD values are generated by calculating volume, conductivity, and five types of scatter angles of individual cells which would form clusters or populations. This study considered 126 CPD parameter values of 1077 healthy Malaysian adults to develop reference intervals for each CPD parameter. The utility of the CPD reference interval established may range from understanding the normal haematological cellular structures to analysis of distinct cellular features related to the development of haematological disorders and malignancies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  15. Nur Atikah AH, Wee LH, Nur Zakiah MS, Chan CMH, Mohamed Haniki NM, Swinderjit JS, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Jun 13;19(Suppl 4):579.
    PMID: 31196055 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6857-3
    BACKGROUND: This study focused on the associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and adolescent smoking among secondary school students (13 to 17 years) in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our objective was to evaluate the relationships between adolescent demographics, socioeconomic status and smoking status.

    METHODS: The survey data were based on baseline findings from a cross-sectional study (N = 422 adolescents). Chi-square test was used to assess the relationship between demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status (household monthly income and daily allowance) and adolescent smoking status. Exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) reading and the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) were used to evaluate adolescent smoking status. A Multivariate Multinomial Logistic Regression (MMLR) was employed to test selected demographic and socioeconomic predictors of smoking status.

    RESULTS: Of the 422 adolescents (M age = 15.58, SD = 1.24), more than half of the participants initiated smoking between 13 to 17 years old (59.0%). A total of 308 (73.0%) were electronic cigarette users, with more than 50% comprising of single users. The mean CO reading was 2.14 ppm with 78.0% of adolescents scoring more than 0 on the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC). Males and participants aged 15 and 16 years were at increased risks of sole CC smoking. Meanwhile, males, those who are not hooked on smoking and with a non-smoker CO reading were at increased risks of sole EC smoking. Finally, Bumiputeras were at less risk of EC smoking.

    CONCLUSIONS: Demographic variables such as age, gender and ethnicity predicted smoking status predicted smoking risk, but not socioeconomic factors. The findings allow policy makers to target specific high-risk demographic groups when designing smoking cessation programs for adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data
  16. Shaharir SS, Chua SH, Mohd R, Mustafar R, Noh MM, Shahril NS, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(3):e0248845.
    PMID: 33739994 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248845
    Avascular necrosis of bone (AVN) is increasingly being recognized as a complication of SLE and causes significant disability due to pain and mobility limitations. We studied the prevalence and factors associated with avascular necrosis (AVN) in a multiethnic SLE cohort. SLE patients who visited the outpatient clinic from October 2017 to April 2019 were considered eligible. Their medical records were reviewed to identify patients who developed symptomatic AVN, as confirmed by either magnetic resonance imaging or plain radiography. Subsequently, their SLE disease characteristics and treatment were compared with the characteristics of patients who did not have AVN. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the independent factors associated with AVN among the multiethnic SLE cohort. A total of 390 patients were recruited, and the majority of them were females (92.6%); the patients were predominantly of Malay ethnicity (59.5%), followed by Chinese (35.9%) and Indian (4.6%). The prevalence of symptomatic AVN was 14.1%, and the mean age of AVN diagnosis was 37.6 ± 14.4 years. Both univariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that a longer disease duration, high LDL-C (low density lipoprotein cholesterol), positive anti-cardiolipin (aCL) IgG and anti-dsDNA results, a history of an oral prednisolone dose of more than 30 mg daily for at least 4 weeks and osteoporotic fractures were significantly associated with AVN. On the other hand, hydroxychloroquin (HCQ), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and bisphosphonate use were associated with a lower risk of AVN. No associations with ethnicity were found. In conclusion, several modifiable risk factors were found to be associated with AVN, and these factors may be used to identify patients who are at high risk of developing such complications. The potential protective effects of HCQ, MMF and bisphosphonates warrant additional studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  17. Saha N, Tay JS, Low PS, Basair JB
    Ann Hum Biol, 1992 5 1;19(3):277-83.
    PMID: 1616285
    The distribution of plasma coagulation factor XXIIB polymorphism was determined by PAG isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting in a group of 670 subjects comprising 375 Chinese, 110 Malays and 185 Indians. The frequencies of FXIIIB*1, FXIIIB*2, and FXIIIB*3 were found to be 0.27, 0.03 and 0.70 in the Chinese; 0.33, 0.05 and 0.64 in the Malays and 0.58, 0.08 and 0.33 in the Indians. The phenotypic distribution of FXIIIB alleles was at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all three populations. A two-dimensional principal-components analysis on the basis of three common alleles at the FXIIIB locus among 19 populations, so far studied, clearly differentiates the Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid populations into three major groups with the exception of Amerindians (Minnesota) and US Blacks showing some Caucasoid influence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
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