METHOD: A systematic search was conducted employing PubMed, Cochrane and ScienceDirect from inception until May 2021. The quality of four CPGs were evaluated by two appraisers independently using the AGREE II checklist.
RESULTS: Four international CPGs that fulfilled the criteria were included in this review; all scored over 50% according to the AGREE II tool. Applying a modified categorisation standard, CPGs were considered as either 'recommended' or 'recommended with modifications'.
DISCUSSION: The synthesis of all four CPGs suggested similar management strategies for HG, with minor differences. Medical practitioners could use the guiding principles of management on the basis of the needs of individual patients.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 36-year old fifth gravida patient who had a missed abortion was diagnosed as having a molar pregnancy with beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG) level of 509,921 IU/L. Her lung field was clear and she underwent suction and curettage (S & C) procedure. However, after six weeks, AA presented to the emergency department with a massive bleeding, although her βhCG level had decreased to 65,770 IU/L. A trans-abdominal ultrasound indicated the presence of an intra-uterine mass (3.0 × 4.4 cm). Nevertheless, her βhCG continued to show a declining trend (8,426 IU/L). AA was advised to undergo a chemotherapy but she refused, citing preference for alternative medicine like herbs instead. She opted for an "at own risk" (AOR) discharge with scheduled follow up. Subsequently, her condition improved with her βhCG showing a downward trend. Surprisingly, at six months post S & C, her βhCG ameliorated to 0 IU/L with no mass detected by ultrasound.
CONCLUSIONS: Brucea javanica fruits, Pereskia bleo and Annona muricata leaves can potentially be useful alternatives to chemotherapy and need further studies.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 134 postgraduate trainees from the departments of general surgery (Surgical), orthopaedic surgery (Ortho), otorhinolaryngology (ENT), obstetrics and gynaecology (OBGYN), as well as anaesthesiology and intensive care (Anaesth) were recruited. A validated questionnaire was used to assess awareness and knowledge. All participants attended a medical-education session and completed the questionnaire as preassessment and postassessment. Data were analysed, and comparisons between disciplines were conducted.
RESULTS: The trainees' awareness of LAST was overall poor at preassessment which improved almost 6-folds at postassessment. Surprisingly, only 20 (45.5%) participants from the anaesthesiology group had awareness of LAST at preassessment, and none of the participants were from surgical, orthopaedic, and obstetrics and gynaecology departments. Preassessment scores were significantly higher in the anaesth group as compared to all other groups; with a difference in the average score for Anaesth vs Surgical of 3.46 (95%, CI:2.17, 4.74), Anaesth vs Ortho of 3.64 (95%, CI:2.64, 4.64), Anaesth vs ENT of 3.43 (95%, CI:2.20, 4.67), and Anaesth vs OBGYN of 6.93 (95%, CI:5.64, 8.21). However, there was no significant difference of awareness scores between all participants at postassessment scores.
CONCLUSION: The overall level of awareness was poor. However, the implementation of an education session significantly improved the knowledge and awareness across all disciplines.
METHODS: A multi-center study across four teaching hospitals in the Klang Valley, Malaysia was conducted between September 2021 and May 2022. A survey was conducted using a self-administered electronic questionnaire. The survey instruments included; (1) maternal perception and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccination, (2) COVID-19 pregnancy-related anxiety, and 3) generalized anxiety disorder.
RESULTS: The response rate was 96.6%, with a final number for analysis of 1,272. The majority of our women were Malays (89.5%), with a mean age (standard deviation, SD) of 32.2 (4.6). The maternal vaccine acceptance in our study was 77.1%. Household income (p < 0.001), employment status (p = 0.011), and health sector worker (p = 0.001) were independent predictors of maternal willingness to be vaccinated. COVID-19 infection to self or among social contact and greater COVID-19 pregnancy-related anxiety were associated with increased odds of accepting the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Women who rely on the internet and social media as a source of vaccine information were more likely to be receptive to vaccination (adjusted odd ratio, AOR 1.63; 95% CI 1.14-2.33). Strong correlations were observed between maternal vaccine acceptance and the positive perception of (1) vaccine information (p < 0.001), (2) protective effects of vaccine (p < 0.001), and (3) getting vaccinated as a societal responsibility (p < 0.001).
DISCUSSION: The high maternal vaccine acceptance rate among urban pregnant women in Malaysia is most likely related to their high socio-economic status. Responsible use of the internet and social media, alongside appropriate counseling by health professionals, is essential in reducing vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.
RECENT FINDINGS: We performed the systematic review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 protocol to investigate the association between diet and gut microbiota and their influence on metabolic role in pregnant women. Five databases were searched for relevant peer-reviewed articles published in English since 2011. Two-staged screening of 659 retrieved records resulted in the inclusion of 10 studies. The collated findings suggested associations between nutrient intakes and four key microbes: Collinsella, Lachnospira, Sutterella, Faecalibacterium, and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in pregnant women. Dietary intakes in pregnancy were found to modify the gut microbiota and positively influence the cell metabolism in pregnant women. This review, however, emphasizes the importance of conducting well-designed prospective cohorts to investigate the role of changes in dietary intakes within the pregnancy and the influence of such changes on gut microbiota.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search of observational studies conducted in ASEAN countries between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020 was performed in the Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The quality of studies was evaluated based on The Joanna Briggs Institute Checklist. The analysis was performed with Review Manager software version 5.4. Metaanalysis of the estimates from primary studies was conducted by adjusting for possible publication bias and heterogeneity.
RESULTS: Twenty-five studies including 19924 postnatal mothers were included in this review. The pooled prevalence of PPD is 22.32% (95% CI: 18.48, 26.17). Thailand has the highest prevalence of PPD with a pooled prevalence of 74.1% (95% CI: 64.79, 83.41). The prevalence of PPD was highest when the assessment for PPD was conducted up to 6 weeks postpartum with a pooled prevalence of 25.24% (95% CI: 14.08, 36.41). The identified determinants of PPD were unplanned pregnancy, term pregnancy, lack of family support and physical violence. There were limited studies done and high heterogeneity in terms of quality, methodology, culture, screening method and time of PPD measurement.
CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one in five postpartum women in ASEAN countries had PPD. The risk factor that lowers the risk of PPD is unplanned and term pregnancies, while women with a lack of family support and experienced physical violence increase the risk of PPD. Robust prevalence studies are needed to assess the magnitude of this problem in ASEAN countries.
METHOD: An 8-item Malay language pregnancy Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (pVHS-M) for COVID-19 was adapted from the adult Vaccine Hesitancy Scale and validated using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Six expert panels were involved in content validity, and ten pregnant women were involved in face validity. A cross-sectional study on 200 pregnant women was conducted between October 2022 and March 2023 at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan.
RESULT: The item-level content validity index is 1.00, demonstrating good relevance of the eight items used to assess COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The item-level face validity index obtained is 0.99, indicating that the items were clear and comprehensible. The Cronbach alpha score was 0.944, with factor loadings ranging from 0.79 to 0.89.
CONCLUSION: The pVHS-M demonstrated good internal consistency, indicating that it is a valid and reliable tool for assessing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.
METHODS: A retrospective study involving pregnant women with SLE who had antenatal follow-up and delivery in between 1 January 2007 and 1 January 2017. All participants were retrospectively enrolled and categorized into two groups based on hydroxychloroquine treatment during pregnancy.
RESULTS: There were 82 pregnancies included with 47 (57.3%) in the hydroxychloroquine group and 35 (42.7%) in the non-hydroxychloroquine group. Amongst hydroxychloroquine users, there were significantly more pregnancies with musculoskeletal involvement (p = 0.03), heavier mean neonatal birthweight (p = 0.02), and prolonged duration of pregnancy (p = 0.001). In non-hydroxychloroquine patients, there were significantly more recurrent miscarriages (p = 0.003), incidence of hypertension (p = 0.01) and gestational diabetes mellitus (p = 0.01) and concurrent medical illness (p = 0.005). Hydroxychloroquine use during pregnancy was protective against hypertension (p = 0.001), and the gestational age at delivery had significant effect on the neonatal birthweight (p = 0.001). However, duration of the disease had a significant negative effect on the neonatal birthweight (p = 0.016).
CONCLUSION: Hydroxychloroquine enhanced better neonatal outcomes and reduced adverse pregnancy outcomes and antenatal complications such as hypertension and diabetes.