Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 2446 in total

  1. Wafriy CI, Kamsani YS, Nor-Ashikin MNK, Nasir NAA, Hanafiah M
    J Reprod Immunol, 2021 02;143:103240.
    PMID: 33166807 DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2020.103240
    Insufficient experimental studies have reported the effect of ovalbumin (OVA) as an allergen towards embryonic growth in asthma mouse model. The impact of 10 μg/200 μL OVA on maternal inflammatory and oxidative stress (OS) responses, and preimplantation embryonic development was investigated in this study. We first established OVA-induced asthma mouse model, and following superovulation, mated the females and challenged them with Methacholine (Mch) test. Upon embryo retrieval, only those with the highest implantation potential were cultured in vitro. Significant reduction in the number of embryos at each preimplantation stage was noted in the treated group. Uneven sized blastomeres at 2-, 4- and 8-cell stages were also evident in this group. Embryo fragmentation was significant at only 2-, 4- and 8-cell stages. We also found that OVA tended to raise maternal inflammatory and OS biomarker levels as well as to cause inappropriate levels of pregnancy hormones progesterone (P4) and estrogen (E2) although insignificant. The combined results indicate that 10 μg/200 μL OVA had altered both quality and quantity of the embryos in asthma mouse model although its effect on pregnancy hormones, inflammatory and OS responses were non-pathological.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy Complications/blood; Pregnancy Complications/immunology*
  2. Wong ZY, Ou KQ, Prasad A, Say WX, Nalliah S
    Aust J Gen Pract, 2022 10;51(10):758-765.
    PMID: 36184858 DOI: 10.31128/AJGP-01-22-6288
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Nausea, vomiting and hyperemesis in early pregnancy are common in primary care, and hospital care is required in severe cases. The aim of this review is to appraise relevant clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to manage hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) by using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) checklist.

    METHOD: A systematic search was conducted employing PubMed, Cochrane and ScienceDirect from inception until May 2021. The quality of four CPGs were evaluated by two appraisers independently using the AGREE II checklist.

    RESULTS: Four international CPGs that fulfilled the criteria were included in this review; all scored over 50% according to the AGREE II tool. Applying a modified categorisation standard, CPGs were considered as either 'recommended' or 'recommended with modifications'.

    DISCUSSION: The synthesis of all four CPGs suggested similar management strategies for HG, with minor differences. Medical practitioners could use the guiding principles of management on the basis of the needs of individual patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  3. Chan KS, Chuang YC, Lin TY, Shaw SW
    J Formos Med Assoc, 2021 Jun;120(6):1394-1399.
    PMID: 33583701 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfma.2021.01.022
    Acardiac twin or twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence is a rare medical complication of Monozygotic twins. Taiwanese Obstetricians usually treat TRAP sequence conservatively. Occasionally, repeated amnio-reduction is performed to decompress the polyhydramnios caused by the TRAP sequence, even though there was no correction of the pathophysiologic mechanism. Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive, percutaneous technique that can effectively obliterate blood supply to an acardiac twin to preserve and protect the pump twin. This recent technique has never been used before for the treatment of the TRAP sequence in Taiwan. This article reported the first-hand experience of acardiac twin management with RFA in Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  4. Ismail N, Zainudin AM, Hua GS
    J Complement Integr Med, 2021 Apr 02;18(4):859-863.
    PMID: 33818024 DOI: 10.1515/jcim-2019-0091
    OBJECTIVES: Level of βhCG and the presence of any uterine mass of hydatidiform mole need a careful review or monitoring in order to prevent metastasis, provide an early treatment and avoid unnecessary chemotherapy.

    CASE PRESENTATION: A 36-year old fifth gravida patient who had a missed abortion was diagnosed as having a molar pregnancy with beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG) level of 509,921 IU/L. Her lung field was clear and she underwent suction and curettage (S & C) procedure. However, after six weeks, AA presented to the emergency department with a massive bleeding, although her βhCG level had decreased to 65,770 IU/L. A trans-abdominal ultrasound indicated the presence of an intra-uterine mass (3.0 × 4.4 cm). Nevertheless, her βhCG continued to show a declining trend (8,426 IU/L). AA was advised to undergo a chemotherapy but she refused, citing preference for alternative medicine like herbs instead. She opted for an "at own risk" (AOR) discharge with scheduled follow up. Subsequently, her condition improved with her βhCG showing a downward trend. Surprisingly, at six months post S & C, her βhCG ameliorated to 0 IU/L with no mass detected by ultrasound.

    CONCLUSIONS: Brucea javanica fruits, Pereskia bleo and Annona muricata leaves can potentially be useful alternatives to chemotherapy and need further studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  5. Peng TN
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1986 Dec;4(2):91-6.
    PMID: 12314888
    PIP: In Peninsular Malaysia, while the female population aged 15-19 years registered a growth of some 240,000 persons between 1966-1984, the number of births occurring to teenage mothers has decreased by 15,176 from 33,348 to 18,172 during the same period. In 1966, teenage births constituted some 10.8% of the total births but has declined to 4.7% by 1984. A breakdown of the 1984 data by detailed age groups shows that only 0.9% of the teenage births had actually occurred among those below 15 years of age. The declining trend in teenage births, particularly the higher order births among the very young mothers, augurs well for the improvement in family welfare. However, in order to safeguard the health and welfare of mothers and children, concerted efforts should continue to be undertaken to integrate population, family health and family life education into the school curriculum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy*; Pregnancy in Adolescence*
  6. Jamaleddin Surani SA, Budiman M, Azman M, Abdul Rahman R
    Int J Clin Pract, 2022;2022:4090444.
    PMID: 36458263 DOI: 10.1155/2022/4090444
    INTRODUCTION: Although uncommon, local anaesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) may impose fatal risk to the patients. We investigated the awareness of LAST and knowledge on local anaesthetics among our postgraduate trainees.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 134 postgraduate trainees from the departments of general surgery (Surgical), orthopaedic surgery (Ortho), otorhinolaryngology (ENT), obstetrics and gynaecology (OBGYN), as well as anaesthesiology and intensive care (Anaesth) were recruited. A validated questionnaire was used to assess awareness and knowledge. All participants attended a medical-education session and completed the questionnaire as preassessment and postassessment. Data were analysed, and comparisons between disciplines were conducted.

    RESULTS: The trainees' awareness of LAST was overall poor at preassessment which improved almost 6-folds at postassessment. Surprisingly, only 20 (45.5%) participants from the anaesthesiology group had awareness of LAST at preassessment, and none of the participants were from surgical, orthopaedic, and obstetrics and gynaecology departments. Preassessment scores were significantly higher in the anaesth group as compared to all other groups; with a difference in the average score for Anaesth vs Surgical of 3.46 (95%, CI:2.17, 4.74), Anaesth vs Ortho of 3.64 (95%, CI:2.64, 4.64), Anaesth vs ENT of 3.43 (95%, CI:2.20, 4.67), and Anaesth vs OBGYN of 6.93 (95%, CI:5.64, 8.21). However, there was no significant difference of awareness scores between all participants at postassessment scores.

    CONCLUSION: The overall level of awareness was poor. However, the implementation of an education session significantly improved the knowledge and awareness across all disciplines.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  7. Foong SC, Foong WC, Tan ML, Ho JJ, Omer-Salim A
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 01;19(17).
    PMID: 36078639 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710914
    With a focus on traditional practices rather than evidence-based practices, breastfeeding support is sub-optimal in confinement centres (CCs). We used a participatory, needs-based approach to develop a training module for CC staff adopting Kern's six-step approach as our conceptual framework. Of 46 identified CCs, 25 accepted our invitation to a dialogue aimed at establishing relationships and understanding their needs. An interactive training workshop was developed from the dialogue's findings. The workshop, attended by 32 CCs (101 participants), was conducted four times over a four-month period. Questions raised by the participants reflected deficits in understanding breastfeeding concepts and erroneous cultural beliefs. Correct answers rose from 20% pre-test to 51% post-test. Post-workshop feedback showed that participants appreciated the safe environment to ask questions, raise concerns and correct misconceptions. An interview conducted 14 months later showed that while some CCs improved breastfeeding support, others made no change due to conflict between breastfeeding and traditional postnatal practices, which was aggravated by a lack of support due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A participatory approach established a trustful learning environment, helping CCs appreciate the value of learning and adopting new concepts. However, cultural perceptions take time to change, hence continuous training and support are vital for sustained changes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  8. Kalok A, Razak Dali W, Sharip S, Abdullah B, Kamarudin M, Dasrilsyah RA, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1092724.
    PMID: 36908400 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1092724
    INTRODUCTION: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused a global pandemic that resulted in devastating health, economic and social disruption. Pregnant mothers are susceptible to COVID-19 complications due to physiological and immunity changes in pregnancy. We aimed to assess the maternal vaccine acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    METHODS: A multi-center study across four teaching hospitals in the Klang Valley, Malaysia was conducted between September 2021 and May 2022. A survey was conducted using a self-administered electronic questionnaire. The survey instruments included; (1) maternal perception and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccination, (2) COVID-19 pregnancy-related anxiety, and 3) generalized anxiety disorder.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 96.6%, with a final number for analysis of 1,272. The majority of our women were Malays (89.5%), with a mean age (standard deviation, SD) of 32.2 (4.6). The maternal vaccine acceptance in our study was 77.1%. Household income (p < 0.001), employment status (p = 0.011), and health sector worker (p = 0.001) were independent predictors of maternal willingness to be vaccinated. COVID-19 infection to self or among social contact and greater COVID-19 pregnancy-related anxiety were associated with increased odds of accepting the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Women who rely on the internet and social media as a source of vaccine information were more likely to be receptive to vaccination (adjusted odd ratio, AOR 1.63; 95% CI 1.14-2.33). Strong correlations were observed between maternal vaccine acceptance and the positive perception of (1) vaccine information (p < 0.001), (2) protective effects of vaccine (p < 0.001), and (3) getting vaccinated as a societal responsibility (p < 0.001).

    DISCUSSION: The high maternal vaccine acceptance rate among urban pregnant women in Malaysia is most likely related to their high socio-economic status. Responsible use of the internet and social media, alongside appropriate counseling by health professionals, is essential in reducing vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  9. Raj SM, Lopez D, Thambidorai CR, Kandasamy P, Toufeeq Khan TF, Mohamad H, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 1995 Aug;36(4):371-4.
    PMID: 8919148
    A survey of 142 cases of acute pancreatitis was undertaken in two major hospitals serving the state of Kelantan in Malaysia. Females outnumbered males by a ratio of more than 3:1. The incidence among females peaked in the third decade of life. Twenty-one percent (23/109) of the females were pregnant. Ultrasonography revealed gallstones in only 9.4% (13/138). However, abnormalities of serum transaminases were found in 35% (35/100), suggesting that occult gallstones or microlithiasis may be the cause in a significant proportion of patients. Alcohol was virtually absent as an aetiological factor. There was a higher frequency of Ascaris infection in this group than a control hospital population (11/35 vs 33/242; p < 0.02) suggesting that ascariasis may be an important cause of acute pancreatitis in Kelantan. Only 8.4% fell into the category of severe pancreatitis. The overall mortality rate was 2.1%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy Complications/etiology*; Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology
  10. Sathyamoorthy P
    Singapore Med J, 1994 Feb;35(1):65-6.
    PMID: 8009284
    Four cases of salpingitis isthmica nodosa diagnosed from a total of 82 hysterosalpingograms, over a period of three years at the General Hospital, Kota Bharu, were reviewed. The diagnosis was made based on the radiographic appearance of globules of contrast medium in the periluminal tissues which were in continuity with the lumen of the fallopian tubes. Three of these patients had ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis of salpingitis isthmica nodosa which is readily demonstrated by hysterosalpingogram, is extremely important because of its impact on ectopic pregnancy rates. Hysterosalpingography is indicated following ectopic pregnancy to show whether there is diverticulosis of the contralateral tube. By such knowledge, optimal treatment can be offered to patients wishing to attempt further conception. As the disease is relatively localised it is amenable to resection with reimplantation of the distal portion of the tube.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy, Tubal/radiography; Pregnancy, Tubal/surgery
  11. Wang KW, Balakrishnan V, Liauw PC, Chua EK, Vengadasalam D, Tan YT
    Singapore Med J, 1988 Feb;29(1):53-5.
    PMID: 3406769
    Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic disease in Singapore. Its occurrence in pregnant women was 1.3% in a previous report. In a survey of 145 consecutive pregnant women registered at Alexandra Hospital the incidence of gestational diabetes was 13.1% when a total screen with 75 gm oral glucose challenge was used. The mean age of this sample was 27 years and the mean gestation at screening 33 weeks. There was an excess of Malay and Indian patients. Fifty percent had traditional risk factors tor gestational diabetes. Whether this higher incidence is a result of more stringent screening and/or increased occurrence remains to be confirmed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy in Diabetics/diagnosis; Pregnancy in Diabetics/epidemiology*
  12. Kunasegaran T, Balasubramaniam VRMT, Arasoo VJT, Palanisamy UD, Ramadas A
    Curr Nutr Rep, 2023 Mar;12(1):203-214.
    PMID: 36810808 DOI: 10.1007/s13668-023-00453-4
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Although gut microbiota have been associated with the etiology of some diseases, the influence of foods on gut microbiota, especially among pregnant women, remains unclear. Hence, a systematic review was performed to investigate the association between diet and gut microbiota and their influence on metabolic health in pregnant women.

    RECENT FINDINGS: We performed the systematic review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 protocol to investigate the association between diet and gut microbiota and their influence on metabolic role in pregnant women. Five databases were searched for relevant peer-reviewed articles published in English since 2011. Two-staged screening of 659 retrieved records resulted in the inclusion of 10 studies. The collated findings suggested associations between nutrient intakes and four key microbes: Collinsella, Lachnospira, Sutterella, Faecalibacterium, and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in pregnant women. Dietary intakes in pregnancy were found to modify the gut microbiota and positively influence the cell metabolism in pregnant women. This review, however, emphasizes the importance of conducting well-designed prospective cohorts to investigate the role of changes in dietary intakes within the pregnancy and the influence of such changes on gut microbiota.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  13. Sainuddin SS, Norhayati MN, Abdul Kadir A, Zakaria R
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Sep;78(5):675-686.
    PMID: 37775497
    INTRODUCTION: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a mental and emotional condition that can affect women during their first postnatal year and concern globally. This study aimed to determine the overall prevalence and determinants of postpartum depression (PPD) in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search of observational studies conducted in ASEAN countries between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020 was performed in the Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The quality of studies was evaluated based on The Joanna Briggs Institute Checklist. The analysis was performed with Review Manager software version 5.4. Metaanalysis of the estimates from primary studies was conducted by adjusting for possible publication bias and heterogeneity.

    RESULTS: Twenty-five studies including 19924 postnatal mothers were included in this review. The pooled prevalence of PPD is 22.32% (95% CI: 18.48, 26.17). Thailand has the highest prevalence of PPD with a pooled prevalence of 74.1% (95% CI: 64.79, 83.41). The prevalence of PPD was highest when the assessment for PPD was conducted up to 6 weeks postpartum with a pooled prevalence of 25.24% (95% CI: 14.08, 36.41). The identified determinants of PPD were unplanned pregnancy, term pregnancy, lack of family support and physical violence. There were limited studies done and high heterogeneity in terms of quality, methodology, culture, screening method and time of PPD measurement.

    CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one in five postpartum women in ASEAN countries had PPD. The risk factor that lowers the risk of PPD is unplanned and term pregnancies, while women with a lack of family support and experienced physical violence increase the risk of PPD. Robust prevalence studies are needed to assess the magnitude of this problem in ASEAN countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  14. Perak AM, Ning H, Khan SS, Van Horn LV, Grobman WA, Lloyd-Jones DM
    J Am Heart Assoc, 2020 Feb 18;9(4):e015123.
    PMID: 32063122 DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.119.015123
    Background Pregnancy is a cardiometabolic stressor and thus a critical period to address women's lifetime cardiovascular health (CVH). However, CVH among US pregnant women has not been characterized. Methods and Results We analyzed cross-sectional data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 1999 to 2014 for 1117 pregnant and 8200 nonpregnant women, aged 20 to 44 years. We assessed 7 CVH metrics using American Heart Association definitions modified for pregnancy; categorized metrics as ideal, intermediate, or poor; assigned these categories 2, 1, or 0 points, respectively; and summed across the 7 metrics for a total score of 0 to 14 points. Total scores 12 to 14 indicated high CVH; 8 to 11, moderate CVH; and 0 to 7, low CVH. We applied survey weights to generate US population-level estimates of CVH levels and compared pregnant and nonpregnant women using demographic-adjusted polytomous logistic and linear regression. Among pregnant women, the prevalences (95% CIs) of ideal levels of CVH metrics were 0.1% (0%-0.3%) for diet, 27.3% (22.2%-32.3%) for physical activity, 38.9% (33.7%-44.0%) for total cholesterol, 51.1% (46.0%-56.2%) for body mass index, 77.7% (73.3%-82.2%) for smoking, 90.4% (87.5%-93.3%) for blood pressure, and 91.6% (88.3%-94.9%) for fasting glucose. The mean total CVH score was 8.3 (95% CI, 8.0-8.7) of 14, with high CVH in 4.6% (95% CI, 0.5%-8.8%), moderate CVH in 60.6% (95% CI, 52.3%-68.9%), and low CVH in 34.8% (95% CI, 26.4%-43.2%). CVH levels were significantly lower among pregnant versus nonpregnant women; for example, 13.0% (95% CI, 11.0%-15.0%) of nonpregnant women had high CVH (adjusted, comparison P=0.01). Conclusions From 1999 to 2014, <1 in 10 US pregnant women, aged 20 to 44 years, had high CVH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/diagnosis; Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/epidemiology*
  15. Watts GF, Gidding SS, Hegele RA, Raal FJ, Sturm AC, Jones LK, et al.
    Nat Rev Cardiol, 2023 Dec;20(12):845-869.
    PMID: 37322181 DOI: 10.1038/s41569-023-00892-0
    This contemporary, international, evidence-informed guidance aims to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) across different countries. FH, a family of monogenic defects in the hepatic LDL clearance pathway, is a preventable cause of premature coronary artery disease and death. Worldwide, 35 million people have FH, but most remain undiagnosed or undertreated. Current FH care is guided by a useful and diverse group of evidence-based guidelines, with some primarily directed at cholesterol management and some that are country-specific. However, none of these guidelines provides a comprehensive overview of FH care that includes both the lifelong components of clinical practice and strategies for implementation. Therefore, a group of international experts systematically developed this guidance to compile clinical strategies from existing evidence-based guidelines for the detection (screening, diagnosis, genetic testing and counselling) and management (risk stratification, treatment of adults or children with heterozygous or homozygous FH, therapy during pregnancy and use of apheresis) of patients with FH, update evidence-informed clinical recommendations, and develop and integrate consensus-based implementation strategies at the patient, provider and health-care system levels, with the aim of maximizing the potential benefit for at-risk patients and their families worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  16. Che Mood NA, Mat Yudin Z, Ahmad WMAW, Abdul Kadir A, Norhayati MN, Md Nawawi NH, et al.
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17134.
    PMID: 38549778 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17134
    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy is one of the risks for severe COVID-19 infection, and receiving a vaccination is one of the effective methods to reduce disease severity. However, COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women remains an issue. This study aims to develop and validate the pregnancy Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (pVHS) toward COVID-19 vaccine for Malaysian pregnant women.

    METHOD: An 8-item Malay language pregnancy Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (pVHS-M) for COVID-19 was adapted from the adult Vaccine Hesitancy Scale and validated using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Six expert panels were involved in content validity, and ten pregnant women were involved in face validity. A cross-sectional study on 200 pregnant women was conducted between October 2022 and March 2023 at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan.

    RESULT: The item-level content validity index is 1.00, demonstrating good relevance of the eight items used to assess COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The item-level face validity index obtained is 0.99, indicating that the items were clear and comprehensible. The Cronbach alpha score was 0.944, with factor loadings ranging from 0.79 to 0.89.

    CONCLUSION: The pVHS-M demonstrated good internal consistency, indicating that it is a valid and reliable tool for assessing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  17. Abd Rahman R, Min Tun K, Kamisan Atan I, Mohamed Said MS, Mustafar R, Zainuddin AA
    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 2020 Nov;42(11):705-711.
    PMID: 33254264 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1715140
    OBJECTIVE:  To determine pregnancy outcomes in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who were treated with hydroxychloroquine in a tertiary center.

    METHODS:  A retrospective study involving pregnant women with SLE who had antenatal follow-up and delivery in between 1 January 2007 and 1 January 2017. All participants were retrospectively enrolled and categorized into two groups based on hydroxychloroquine treatment during pregnancy.

    RESULTS:  There were 82 pregnancies included with 47 (57.3%) in the hydroxychloroquine group and 35 (42.7%) in the non-hydroxychloroquine group. Amongst hydroxychloroquine users, there were significantly more pregnancies with musculoskeletal involvement (p = 0.03), heavier mean neonatal birthweight (p = 0.02), and prolonged duration of pregnancy (p = 0.001). In non-hydroxychloroquine patients, there were significantly more recurrent miscarriages (p = 0.003), incidence of hypertension (p = 0.01) and gestational diabetes mellitus (p = 0.01) and concurrent medical illness (p = 0.005). Hydroxychloroquine use during pregnancy was protective against hypertension (p = 0.001), and the gestational age at delivery had significant effect on the neonatal birthweight (p = 0.001). However, duration of the disease had a significant negative effect on the neonatal birthweight (p = 0.016).

    CONCLUSION:  Hydroxychloroquine enhanced better neonatal outcomes and reduced adverse pregnancy outcomes and antenatal complications such as hypertension and diabetes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Pregnancy Complications/drug therapy*; Pregnancy Outcome
  18. Singh H, Almabhouh FA, Alshaikhli HSI, Hassan MJM, Daud S, Othman R, et al.
    Reprod Fertil Dev, 2024 Jul;36.
    PMID: 39038160 DOI: 10.1071/RD24060
    Leptin has important roles in numerous physiological functions, including those in the regulation of energy balance, and in immune and reproductive systems. However, in the recent years, evidence has implicated it in a number of obesity-related diseases, where its concentrations in serum are significantly elevated. Elevated serum leptin concentrations and increased placental leptin secretion have been reported in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Whether leptin is responsible for this disorder remains to be established. Leptin injections in healthy rats and mice during pregnancy result in endothelial activation, increased blood pressure and proteinuria. A potential role for leptin in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia is hypothesised, particularly in women who are overweight or obese where serum leptin concentrations are often elevated. This review summarises pertinent information in the literature on the role of leptin in puberty, pregnancy, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. In particular, the possible mechanism that may be involved in leptin-induced increase in blood pressure and proteinuria during pregnancy and the potential role of marinobufagenin in this disease entity. We hypothesise a significant role for oxidative stress in this, and propose a conceptual framework on the events that lead to endothelial activation, raised blood pressure and proteinuria following leptin administration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy; Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/metabolism; Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/physiopathology
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