Displaying publications 361 - 380 of 3999 in total

  1. Ruzana Ishak, Noor Hamizah Hussin, Mohd Azri Baharuddin
    Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2017;17 Special(1): 106-114.
    Safety is vital in any industry, including the offshore sector, which is classified as a major hazard industry. Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) identified that the probability of accidents is high while working on the offshore sectors where it will exposed workers to many hazardous work activities. The appropriate measures to prevent accident in this sectors must be laid out clearly. This paper is to identify the effectiveness of safety awareness campaign and the continuity of the awareness among the workers to prevent injuries at offshore. To achieve this, we have identified the level of awareness and propose a guideline on areas of improvement. Prior of embarking to offshore, staff were exposed to safety awareness program for four weeks. After the program, we started with the pretest to all staff. They were posted offshore for 6 weeks. Within the period, the performance awareness of each staff is monitored through observation and interview. During the final week, the posttest questionnaire were administered to all staff. Two instruments were used for the quantitative data collection, which are Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition (UAUC) card; and Behavior Observation Tool (BOT) card. Questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively. Paired-sample t-test was used for analyzing pre and post result. The results show that the mean was increased. Recent studies on the safety briefing highlighted several significant changes in terms of employee understanding toward safety. Safety awareness training has been introduced in the new safety briefing prior to offshore mobilization.
  2. Emynurshiela Anuar, Umarqayum Abu Bakar, Mahanem Mat Noor
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1991-1997.
    Masalah kesuburan disebabkan oleh faktor lelaki semakin meningkat dan setakat ini belum ada rawatan yang berjaya
    menyelesaikan masalah ini. Gynura procumbens adalah antara herba yang dikatakan berpotensi merawat masalah ini.
    Pengambilan G. procumbens sebagai diet telah didapati meningkatkan bilangan dan motiliti sperma, namun kesan G.
    procumbens terhadap integriti DNA sperma masih tidak diketahui. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti
    kesan tindakan ekstrak G. procumbens terhadap integriti DNA dan kualiti sperma mencit jantan. Empat kumpulan mencit
    diberikan suapan paksa ekstrak G. procumbens (100, 200 dan 300 mg/mL) dan air suling selama 28 hari berturut-turut.
    Keputusan kajian menunjukkan ciri-ciri DNA nukleus sperma adalah normal dan nilai peratusan DNA utuh melebihi 92%
    pada semua kumpulan. Bilangan sperma bagi kesemua mencit yang menerima rawatan G. procumbens menunjukkan
    peningkatan yang signifikan (p<0.05) berbanding kawalan (8.14 ± 1.06) × 106
    dan kumpulan 300 mg/mL menunjukkan
    bacaan bilangan sperma tertinggi (16.54 ± 3.2) × 106
    . Kumpulan kepekatan 300 mg/mL ini turut mencatatkan peratus
    jumlah pergerakan progresif sperma yang paling tinggi iaitu sebanyak 49.52% berbanding 27.7% bagi kumpulan kawalan
    serta menunjukkan peringkat perkembangan sel spermatogen yang lengkap dan teratur. Secara kesimpulannya, kajian
    ini mendapati bahawa ekstrak G. procumbens tidak merosakkan DNA sperma serta meningkatkan beberapa parameter
    kesuburan mencit jantan.
  3. Averistusa, Gretha, Noor Hayati Abdul Razaka, Mohammad Khursheed Alam
    The present study aims to investigate and compare the hard and soft tissue cephalometric measurement among Malaysian Malay and Chinese subjects. This study is a cross-sectional study of secondary data. Data consists of 470 standardized lateral cephalometric radiographs of Malaysian Malay and Chinese adults which were picked randomly among orthodontic patients of Hospital USM. The criteria of selection were pre-treatment lateral cephalometric film of Malay and Chinese orthodontic patients aged 18-25 years which has good quality with visible landmarks. All cephalometric landmarks were located and determined and subsequently all measurements were done per COGS analysis using CASSOS software. Independent t-tests were performed for statistical comparison. Out of the 38 measurements, 4 were found significantly different between the sexes for Malaysian Chinese and 18 were found significantly different between the sexes for Malaysian Malay. Statistically significant disparities were also found between Malaysian Malay and Chinese as 16 measurements has p-value of < 0.05. Disparities were observed in COGS values between the two races and each sex group.
  4. Wahida Abdul Rahman, Noor Aishatun Majid, Siti Fatimah Abd Razak
    Science Letters, 2019;13(1):1-7.
    In this study, jackfruit cellulose was extracted by undergoing two steps; bleaching and alkaline treatment. The first step was the production of holocellulose by using bleaching method that removed the lignin from the jackfruit rind (JR). Next step was converting the holocellulose into cellulose by using alkaline treatment at room temperature. The percentage of cellulose extracted from JR in this study was 40% which was higher than the previous research. The characterizations of extracted JR cellulose were investigated by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). FTIR confirmed that the removal of non-cellulosic components in the jackfruit fibre and the micrograph by SEM displayed a rough surface indicated the presence of the cellulose fibre. Based on this study, JR has the potential to be used as a reinforcement element in composite materials.
  5. Suzana Ab Hamid, Muhammad Helmi Muhammad Noor, Khairul Anuar Zainun
    We report a case of a fatal gunshot injury to the chest which illustrates the compatibility of the Postmortem Multislice Computed Tomography (PMCT) features with that of conventional forensic autopsy findings. This case demonstrates that the PMCT has high potential to enhance the investigation and performance of conventional forensic autopsy.
  6. Christina Malini Christopher, Ahmad Fuad Shamsuddin, Noor Azizah Abdul Wahab
    In Malaysia, drug addiction has been a big threat since 1983. As of by latest statistic by National Anti-Drug Agency in 2016, the number of drug abusers in Malaysia was 30846. Acknowledging the importance of drug abuse and relapse as a public health issue, Malaysian government had implemented Harm Reduction Programme .Under this programme, Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) was launched in Oct 2005. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of MMT programme among opiate dependent individuals in their daily life. In this study, 100 individuals from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Klinik Kesihatan Bayan Lepas (Bayan Lepas Health Clinic) and Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan (National Anti-Drug Agency) in Telok Bahang were involved. The subjects were interviewed with WHOQOL BREF questionnaires before joining the MMT programme and also after minimum 4 months of joining MMT. Results obtained were used for comparing life style implications among methadone patients before and after joining the MMT programme. Subjects were predominantly of Malay ethnicity (82%). Subjects were mostly aged between 51 to 60 years old (34%). Paired t-test was done on the WHOQOL scores at baseline (before MMT) and after minimum of 4 months enrolment for all four domains. Each domain showed significant improvement in QOL (P < 0.05).The highest improvement was shown in the psychology domain with the mean value increment of 15.13 ± 17.49. Physical domain showed the least improvement with the mean value of 9.39 ± 16.21.This study has proven that MMT have highly contributed to improvement of quality of life among MMT clients in Klinik Kesihatan Bayan Lepas and AADK Telok Bahang.
  7. Noor Khairiah A. Karim, Law Kim Sooi, Ernest Mangantig
    Introduction: Breast cancer is globally known to be the commonest cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Screening tools which include breast-self examination (BSE), clinical breast examination and mammography are well-recognised to aid the detection of breast cancer among high risk women. Thus, our study was aimed to evaluate breast cancer and BSE awareness and practice, and to perform mammography screening among women who attend- ed community breast cancer awareness and screening programme. Methods: Data was collected cross-sectionally from 2,021 women during community services from September 2013 until December 2015. Results: Majority of the women had previously attended health education on breast cancer (56.3%) and had been taught BSE techniques (61.4%), but only 38.6% performed BSE monthly. Factors associated with regular BSE practice were older age, higher education level, being married, higher monthly income, had attended health education on breast cancer, and had been taught BSE techniques. A subset of 130 high-risk women had underwent mammography screening and major- ity had heterogenously dense and normal mammogram findings. Conclusion: These findings suggested that regular breast cancer awareness campaigns is needed to strengthen breast cancer knowledge and to emphasise BSE tech- niques. Such campaigns should target younger women and those with low socioeconomic status.
  8. Jaffar Ali, Hamid Arshat, Khalid Hassan, Noor Laily Abu Bakar
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1983 Jan;1(1):60-8.
    PMID: 12279891
  9. Noor Laily Abu Bakar, Prasanta K Majumdar, Tan Boon Ann
    Malays J Reprod Health, 1983 Jan;1(1):1-10.
    PMID: 12279885
  10. Nor-raidah Rahmat, Amira Kamalrudin, Shazrul Fazry, Mahanem Mat Noor
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1109-1115.
    Diabetes melitus telah terbukti mengganggu penghasilan testosteron dan menyebabkan masalah libido dalam kalangan
    lelaki. Sehingga kini, tiada kajian mengenai potensi Lunasia amara dalam membaiki aktiviti seksual tikus jantan teraruh
    diabetes. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti potensi afrodisiak L. amara ke atas tikus jantan teraruh
    diabetes. Empat kumpulan tikus teraruh diabetes masing-masing diberi perlakuan ekstrak L. amara (250 dan 500 mg/
    kg berat tubuh), 500 mg/kg metformin dan air suling. Tikus kumpulan kawalan normal tanpa aruhan diabetes menerima
    perlakuan air suling. Perlakuan diberikan secara suap paksa selama 30 hari untuk melihat kesan L. amara ke atas status
    libido, aras testosteron serum, berat tubuh tikus, morfometri testis dan epididimis kauda serta aktiviti enzim antioksida
    testis tikus teraruh diabetes berbanding kawalan. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan berlaku penurunan libido, aras
    testosteron dan aktiviti khusus enzim antioksida (glutation peroksidase, katalase dan superoksida dismutase) testis tikus
    teraruh diabetes secara signifikan (p<0.05) pada kedua-dua dos tersebut berbanding kawalan normal. Sementara itu,
    perlakuan L. amara didapati tidak menjejaskan morfometri testis, epididimis kauda dan berat tubuh tikus yang menerima
    perlakuan L. amara berbanding kawalan normal. Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa ekstrak akuas batang L. amara pada
    dos 250 dan 500 mg/kg berat tubuh tidak berupaya memperbaiki aktiviti seksual tikus jantan teraruh diabetes.
  11. Sukhvinder Singh Sandhu, Noor Hassim Ismail, Krishna Gopal Rampal
    Int J Public Health Res, 2015;5(1):543-548.
    Introduction Physical activity reduces risk of non-communicable diseases. Physical
    activity prevalence is low due to barriers to physical activity. This study was
    conducted to translate the Barrier to Physical Activity (BPA) questionnaire
    into Malay and assess the reliability and validity of the translated version
    among nurses.

    Methods The Malay version of BPA was developed after translating the English
    version of BPA through back to back translation process. The Malay BPA
    was distributed among 306 volunteered nurses from 5 government hospitals
    in Selangor state. Factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha test and test – retest
    reliability was conducted to determine psychometric properties of BPA.

    Results Chronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.79 for perceived benefits items and 0.51
    for perceived barrier items (overall was 0.73). The ICC was 0.88 (95% CI:
    0.78-0.93) for test-retest testing after 7 days. Two factors components were
    yielded through exploratory factor analysis with eigenvalues of 3.9 and 2.0
    respectively. Both the factors accounts for 31.4 % of the variance. Factor 1
    included 14 items and explained 19.9% of the variance. Factor 2 consisted of
    5 items and explained 11.5% of variance. CFA yielded two factor structures
    with acceptable goodness of fit indices [x2/df = 23.99; GFI = 0.82, SRMR =
    0.09; PNFI = 0.49 and RMSEA = 0.10 (90%CI = 0.09-0.11)].

    Conclusions The Malay version of BPA had demonstrated satisfactory level of validity
    and reliability to assess barriers to physical activity. Therefore, this
    questionnaire is valid in assessing barriers to physical activity among
    working population.
  12. Noor Farhana Yusoff, Nor Zaini Zakaria, Hedzlin Zainuddin, Sulaiman Shaari
    Science Letter, 2017;11(1):1-6.
    This paper presents the findings of a study to determine the effects of immediate built environment (mounting configuration) on output generated by photovoltaic (PV) module for building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) and retrofitted PV systems under Malaysian climate. All the systems under study are gridconnected PV (GCPV) system. Eight GCPV systems used in this study; four for BIPV systems and the other four for retrofitted systems. Data for PV module temperature, ambient temperature, plane-of-array solar irradiance and AC power were logged at 5-min interval for all systems. The operating temperature were analysed as the temperature differential with respect to the ambient temperature. The mounting factor was established for both mounting configuration type.
  13. Sim, S.Y., Noor Aziah, A.A., Teng, T.T., Cheng, L.H.
    The effects of food gums addition on wheat dough freeze-thaw and frozen storage stability were studied. Thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of frozen wheat dough without yeast addition were
    determined by means of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA).
    DSC results revealed that food gums showed the ability to increase freeze-thaw stability in frozen-stored
    samples wherein lower difference in melting enthalpy between first and second freeze-thaw cycle was shown. Based on DMA results, in general, difference between Tg’ and storage temperature (- 18°C) of dough became smaller upon addition of food gums. This may have a practical implication whereby the unfrozen phase could be better protected against physical degradation.
  14. Mohammad Lutfi Othman, Mahmood Khalid Hadi, Noor Izzri Abdul Wahab
    Special Protection Schemes (SPSs), are corrective action schemes that are designed to protect power
    systems against severe contingency conditions. In planning of SPSs, protecting transmission network from
    overloading issue due to critical situations has become a serious challenge which needs to be taken into
    account. In this paper, a Special Protection and Control Scheme (SPCS) based on Differential Evolution
    (DE) algorithm for optimal generation rescheduling has been applied to mitigate the transmission line
    overloading in system contingency conditions. The N-1 contingency has been performed for different
    single line outages under base and increased load in which generation rescheduling strategy has been
    undertaken to overcome the overloading problem. Simulation results are presented for both pre-and
    post system emergency situations. The IEEE 30-bus test system was utilised in order to validate the
    effectiveness of the proposed method.
  15. Noor Izzri Abdul Wahab, Ahmed Sahib Hammadi, Mohammad Lutfi Othman
    An electric power system generate electricity to meet demands. Distributed Generation (DG) allows
    electricity to be generated in a small capacity where the customer is located. In this paper, multi-objective
    functions based on the indices of system performance are formulated and used to determine the best
    location. The Differential Evolution technique (DE) has been employed to calculate optimal sizing for
    each location. Unity power factor DG model have been studied in this work and the problems solved
    with one DG unit. IEEE 14 bus has been used as a test system.
  16. Md. Suffian, I., Nurhafiza, R., Noor Hazwani, M.A.
    This study presents an empirical approach for estimating sea surface salinity (SSS) from remote sensing
    of ocean colour. The analysis is based on two important empirical relationships of in-water optical
    properties. The first involves the behaviour of the optical properties of coloured dissolved organic matter
    (CDOM) under conservative mixing along the salinity gradient. The second is the tight relationship
    between CDOM and water-leaving radiance. Our results showed that CDOM absorption coefficients
    in ultra-violet wavelengths (350 and 380 nm) can be best estimated using the blue-green band ratio
    Rrs(412/547) with a R2
    value of 0.87. It was also found that the absorption coefficient of CDOM in
    the study area was tightly correlated with the salinity (R2
    ≈0.83); however, the data indicate that this
    relationship may be dependent on freshwater flow and the intensity of vertical mixing. During the wet
    and well-mixed season (Northeast monsoon), CDOM was almost conservative with salinity but tended
    to behave non-conservatively during the dry and stratified season (Southwest monsoon). These resulting
    empirical relationships allow CDOM and salinity in the study area to be estimated from satellite ocean
    colour data. Validation using independent datasets showed that the algorithms for CDOM and salinity
    perform relatively well with the RMS error of 0.04 m-1 and 0.30`, respectively, over a range of salinity
    from 30` to 33`. The ability of the algorithm to predict salinity as those presented in this study can be
    further improved using more independent tests with in-situ and satellite bio-optical measurements.
  17. Norliza Othman, Uzer Mohd Noor, Sukreen Hana Herman
    In this work, sensors were prepared by depositing the pH sensitive indicator (bromothymol blue)
    entrapped in polyaniline sol-gel onto the un-cladded middle potion of optical fiber. Polyaniline is sensitive
    to pH. However, it is important to study ways to increase sensitivity of the indicator by improving a
    combination of the materials used and pH sensor fabrication method. The fabrication and characterisation
    of optical fiber pH sensor on absorption intensity in arbitrary unit (a.u) were evaluated and optimised.
    The better sensitivity of the optical pH sensor was used to identify the optimum setting for number of
    layers deposited, coated length, and withdrawal rate. Thickness of the membrane film depends on the
    number of deposited layers and withdrawal speed which mainly affects sensitivity. The sensitivity of
    the optical pH sensor represents the slope (a.u/pH) of the absorbance intensities in pH 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10.
    Results obtained herein suggest that the optimised setting for bromothymol blue sol-gel coated optical
    fiber with thickness of 285.4 nm is 4 deposited layers, 20mm/s withdrawal rate and 0.5 cm coated length.
  18. Mohammad Safwan Mohamed Alias, Ya’akob Yusof, Nurul Muthmainnah Mohd Noor
    Applying an intelligent system means the machine is capable of making its own unique decision.
    Fuzzy logic is a form of logic that acknowledges other forms of true and false values. With fuzzy logic,
    propositions may be diagrammatic with degrees of truthfulness and falsehood. The main aims of this
    study are to demonstrate the method to apply fuzzy logic in a structure that uses Arduino as its brain,
    and apply it in a line follower mobile robot’s decision making algorithm. This mobile robot consists of
    two front wheels and a nub caster at the back. It uses a line follower array that consists of eight infrared
    (IR) sensors. The system control is based on the input from IR sensors, which measures the intensity
    of light reflected by the track. Data were then transmitted to the microcontroller and will then be sent
    the correct command to the motor driver so that the trail can be followed. The performance of the line
    follower robot when using the fuzzy logic algorithm was compared to the line follower algorithm, which
    uses simple if-else commands. Analysis is primarily on the time taken to complete the track, along
    with the behaviour of the robot while manoeuvring. From the results, fuzzy logic is shown to provide a
    better performance in terms of the time taken to complete the track compared to the other set of rules. In
    addition, from the video recordings, fuzzys are moving smoother as compared to the non-fuzzy logics.
  19. Armylisas AHN, Hoong SS, Tuan Ismail TNM
    PMID: 37363204 DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-04003-4
    Crude glycerol (CG) and glycerol pitch (GP) are highly alkaline residues from biodiesel and oleochemical plants, respectively, and have organic content which incurs high disposal cost and poses an environmental threat. Characterization of these residues for composition and properties could provide insight into their quality for proper disposal and can help the biodiesel industry to adopt more sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and improving the efficiency of the production process, hence minimizing the impact of the biodiesel supply chain to the environment. These data also allow the identification and exploration of new ways for their utilization and transformation into highly value-added products. In this study, we evaluated four CG samples (B, C, D, and E) and two GP samples (F and G) obtained from Malaysian palm oil refineries, and the results were compared with pure glycerol (A). Spectroscopic analysis was performed using FTIR, 1H-, and 13C-NMR. All samples had similar density to A (1.26 g/cm3), except for F (1.31 g/cm3), while the density for E and G could not be determined due to their physical states. The pH and viscosity largely varied in the range of 7.26-11.89 and 43-225 cSt, respectively. The glycerol content of CG (B, C, D, and E) was high and consistent (81.7-87.3%) whereas GP F and G had 71.5 and 63.9% glycerol content, respectively. Major contaminants in CG and GP were water and matter organic non-glycerol (MONG), respectively. The water, ash, soap, and salt content were considerably low, which varied from 3.4 to 14.1%, 3.9 to 13.0%, 0.1 to 5.7%, and 4.1 to 9.2% respectively. Thermal analysis of CG and GP exhibited four phases of decomposition attributed to the impurities compared to the single phase in A. All samples had calorific values lower than A (18.1 MJ/kg) between 9.0 and 17.7 MJ/kg. Based on the results, CG and GP have high glycerol content which reveals their potential to be used as feedstock in bioconversion and chemical or thermal treatment while impurities may be removed by pre-treatment if required. As palm oil is one of the main feedstocks for the oleochemical industry, this work underlines the importance of characterization of the residue generated to provide additional data and information on palm-based agricultural industry wastes, minimize the impact of palm oil supply chain on the environment, and explore its potential usage for value-addition.

    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13399-023-04003-4.

  20. Baharin A, Hashim NE, Sonsudin F, Hashim NH
    J Res Med Sci, 2020;25:20.
    PMID: 32174992 DOI: 10.4103/jrms.JRMS_681_16
    Background: Previous studies have shown that morphine negatively effects male fertility while Phoenix dactylifera (dates) could cure male infertility by the exhibition of antagonist effects. This study was conducted to assess the possible ameliorating effects of dates on the histological features of morphine-induced male rat reproductive organs.

    Materials and Methods: Adult male Sprague Dawley rats age 7-9 weeks old, 200-250 g body weight (BW) were divided into six rats per each group: Group 1, force-fed with distilled water, 1 ml/kg BW for 35 days (control); Group 2, intramuscularly (IM) injected with morphine, 20 mg/kg BW for 7 days followed by force-fed with distilled water for 28 days; Group 3, force-fed with distilled water for 7 days followed by crude P. dactylifera extract, 200 mg/kg for 28 days; Group 4, injected (IM) with morphine, 20 mg/kg BW for 7 days followed by force-fed of crude P. dactylifera extract, 200 mg/kg for 28 days. Rats were sacrificed on day 36. The seminal vesicle (SV) and prostate gland (PG) were removed and fixed before histological processes.

    Results: In morphine-treated rats, the SV showed the absence of honeycomb-like appearance with flattened columnar cells while in the PG, eosinophilic secretion was noted to be absent from glandular lumina as compared to the control group. Administration of P. dactylifera extract in Group 4 showed improvement in histoarchitecture of the SV and PG with complex mucosal infoldings and glands luminal filled with secretion.

    Conclusion: P. dactylifera extract has a protective effect against the adverse effects of morphine on the male rat reproductive organs.

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