Displaying publications 361 - 380 of 385 in total

  1. Kawai M, Nagao N, Kawasaki N, Imai A, Toda T
    J Environ Manage, 2016 Oct 01;181:838-846.
    PMID: 27449962 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.06.057
    The recalcitrant landfill leachate was anaerobically digested at various mixing ratios with labile synthetic wastewater to evaluate the degradation properties of recalcitrant wastewater. The proportion of leachate to the digestion system was increased in three equal steps, starting from 0% to 100%, and later decreased back to 0% with the same steps. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) for organic carbon and other components were calculated by analyzing the COD and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and the removal efficiencies of COD carbon and COD others were evaluated separately. The degradation properties of COD carbon and COD others shifted owing to changing of substrate degradability, and the removal efficiencies of COD carbon and COD others were improved after supplying 100% recalcitrant wastewater. The UV absorptive property and total organic carbon (TOC) of each molecular size using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with UVA and TOC detectors were also investigated, and the degradability of different molecular sizes was determined. Although the SEC system detected extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which are produced by microbes in stressful environments, during early stages of the experiment, EPS were not detected after feeding 100% recalcitrant wastewater. These results suggest that the microbes had acclimatized to the recalcitrant wastewater degradation. The high removal rates of both COD carbon and COD others were sustained when the proportion of labile wastewater in the substrate was 33%, indicating that the effective removal of recalcitrant COD might be controlled by changing the substrate's degradability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  2. Shukor H, Abdeshahian P, Al-Shorgani NK, Hamid AA, Rahman NA, Kalil MS
    Bioresour Technol, 2016 Oct;218:257-64.
    PMID: 27372004 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.06.084
    Catalytic depolymerization of mannan composition of palm kernel cake (PKC) by mannanase was optimized to enhance the release of mannan-derived monomeric sugars for further application in acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation. Efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of PKC was studied by evaluating effects of PKC concentration, mannanase loading, hydrolysis pH value, reaction temperature and hydrolysis time on production of fermentable sugars using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA results revealed that all factors studied had highly significant effects on total sugar liberated (P<0.01). The optimum conditions for PKC hydrolysis were 20% (w/v) PKC concentration, 5% (w/w) mannanase loading, hydrolysis pH 4.5, 45°C temperature and 72h hydrolysis time. Enzymatic experiments in optimum conditions revealed total fermentable sugars of 71.54±2.54g/L were produced including 67.47±2.51g/L mannose and 2.94±0.03g/L glucose. ABE fermentation of sugar hydrolysate by Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4 resulted in 3.27±1.003g/L biobutanol.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  3. Bajury DM, Rawi MH, Sazali IH, Abdullah A, Sarbini SR
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2017 Nov;68(7):821-828.
    PMID: 28393631 DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2017.1309522
    Red seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) cultivated from Sabah (RSS) and Langkawi (RSL) were digested using in vitro mouth, gastric and duodenal model. The digested seaweed then fermented in a pH-controlled batch culture system inoculated with human faeces to mimic the distal colon. Bacterial enumeration were monitored using fluorescent in situ hybridisation, and the fermentation end products, the short chain fatty acids (SCFA), were analysed using HPLC. Both RSS and RSL showed significant increase of Bifidobacterium sp.; from log10 7.96 at 0 h to log10 8.72 at 24 h, and from log10 7.96 at 0 h to log10 8.60 at 24 h, respectively, and shows no significant difference when compared to the Bifidobacterium sp. count at 24 h of inulin fermentation. Both seaweeds also showed significant increase in total SCFA production, particularly acetate and propionate. Overall, this data suggested that K. alvarezii might have the potential as a prebiotic ingredient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  4. Mahazar, N. H., Sufian, N. F., Meor Hussin, A. S., Norhayati, H., Mathawan, M., Rukayadi, Y.
    Two cocoa bean fermentation methods (spontaneous fermentation and the use of starter culture) for 7 days fermentation were compared in terms of safety and quality fermented beans. Candida sp. was used as a starter culture in this study. The safety of the fermented cocoa beans were measured by the growth colonies of pathogenic microorganisms namely Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas sp., on Bacillus cereus agar, eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar, xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar, Baird-Parker agar (BPA), and Pseudomonas agar, respectively. B. cereus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. were early present in both fermentations. Candida sp.-fermentation showed detection of B. cereus at 5.34 log10 CFU/g and absence after 24 hours of fermentation while in spontaneous-fermentation B. cereus was too few to count. Moreover, the log10 E. coli number in Candida sp.-fermentation and spontaneous-fermentation were reduced from 5.72 to 3.66 and from 7.15 to 4.46 on day 1 to day 3, respectively. There were no presences of pathogenic microorganisms on day 5 and day 7 for both fermentations. In term of quality, proximate analysis of spontaneous-fermentation resulted that the content of moisture, ash, fat, crude protein, crude fibre and carbohydrate was 56.47%, 2.32%, 3.17%, 7.02%, 28.14% and 2.88%, meanwhile for the Candida sp.-fermentation was 53.96%, 2.19%, 3.44%, 8.25%, 25.46% and 6.70%, respectively. This study showed that both fermentations are considered to be safe and there is no significant difference in proximate value in fermented cocoa beans from spontaneous-fermentation and Candida sp.-fermentation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  5. Harnentis H, Nurmiati N, Marlida Y, Adzitey F, Huda N
    Vet World, 2019 Aug;12(8):1352-1357.
    PMID: 31641319 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.1352-1357
    Aim: This study aimed at optimizing γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of an Indonesian indigenous fermented buffalo milk (dadih) origin. This study utilized LAB previously cultured from dadih that has the ability to produce GABA.

    Materials and Methods: The study started with the identification of selected LAB by 16S rRNA, followed by optimization of GABA production by culture conditions using different initial pH, temperature, glutamate concentration, incubation time, carbon, and nitrogen sources. 16S rRNA polymerase chain reaction and analysis by phylogenetic were used to identify Lactobacillus plantarum (coded as N5) responsible for the production of GABA.

    Results: GABA production by high-performance liquid chromatography was highest at pH of 5.5, temperature of 36°C, glutamate concentration of 500 mM, and incubation time of 84 h. Peptone and glucose served as the nitrogen and carbon sources, respectively, whereas GABA was produced at optimum fermentation condition of 211.169 mM.

    Conclusion: Production of GABA by L. plantarum N5 was influenced by initial pH of 5.5, glutamic acid concentration, nitrogen source, glucose as carbon source, and incubation temperature and time.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  6. Show PL, Pal P, Leong HY, Juan JC, Ling TC
    Environ Monit Assess, 2019 Mar 18;191(4):227.
    PMID: 30887225 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7380-9
    Landfill application is the most common approach for biowaste treatment via leachate treatment system. When municipal solid waste deposited in the landfills, microbial decomposition breaks down the wastes generating the end products, such as carbon dioxide, methane, volatile organic compounds, and liquid leachate. However, due to the landfill age, the fluctuation in the characteristics of landfill leachate is foreseen in the leachate treatment plant. The focuses of the researchers are keeping leachate from contaminating groundwater besides keeping potent methane emissions from reaching the atmosphere. To address the above issues, scientists are required to adopt green biological methods to keep the environment safe. This review focuses on the assorting of research papers on organic content and nitrogen removal from the leachate via recent effective biological technologies instead of conventional nitrification and denitrification process. The published researches on the characteristics of various Malaysian landfill sites were also discussed. The understanding of the mechanism behind the nitrification and denitrification process will help to select an optimized and effective biological treatment option in treating the leachate waste. Recently, widely studied technologies for the biological treatment process are aerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification (AME-D) and partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A) process, and both were discussed in this review article. This paper gives the idea of the modification of the conventional treatment technologies, such as combining the present processes to make the treatment process more effective. With the integration of biological process in the leachate treatment, the effluent discharge could be treated in shortcut and novel pathways, and it can lead to achieving "3Rs" of reduce, reuse, and recycle approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  7. Zambry NS, Rusly NS, Awang MS, Md Noh NA, Yahya ARM
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2021 Jul;44(7):1577-1592.
    PMID: 33687550 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-021-02543-5
    The present study focused on lipopeptide biosurfactant production by Streptomyces sp. PBD-410L in batch and fed-batch fermentation in a 3-L stirred-tank reactor (STR) using palm oil as a sole carbon source. In batch cultivation, the impact of bioprocessing parameters, namely aeration rate and agitation speed, was studied to improve biomass growth and lipopeptide biosurfactant production. The maximum oil spreading technique (OST) result (45 mm) which corresponds to 3.74 g/L of biosurfactant produced, was attained when the culture was agitated at 200 rpm and aeration rate of 0.5 vvm. The best aeration rate and agitation speed obtained from the batch cultivation was adopted in the fed-batch cultivation using DO-stat feeding strategy to further improve the lipopeptide biosurfactant production. The lipopeptide biosurfactant production was enhanced from 3.74 to 5.32 g/L via fed-batch fermentation mode at an initial feed rate of 0.6 mL/h compared to that in batch cultivation. This is the first report on the employment of fed-batch cultivation on the production of biosurfactant by genus Streptomyces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  8. Rahman RA, Molla AH, Fakhru'l-Razi A
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2014 Jan;21(2):1178-87.
    PMID: 23881591 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1974-5
    Sustainable, environmental friendly, and safe disposal of sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge is a global expectation. Bioremediation performance was examined at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) in 3-10 days and organic loading rates (OLR) at 0.66-7.81 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) per liter per day, with mixed filamentous fungal (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium corylophilum) inoculation by liquid-state bioconversion (LSB) technique as a continuous process in large-scale bioreactor. Encouraging results were monitored in treated sludge by LSB continuous process. The highest removal of total suspended solid (TSS), turbidity, and COD were achieved at 98, 99, and 93%, respectively, at 10 days HRT compared to control. The minimum volatile suspended solid/suspended solid implies the quality of water, which was recorded 0.59 at 10 days and 0.72 at 3 days of HRT. In treated supernatant with 88% protein removal at 10 days of HRT indicates a higher magnitude of purification of treated sludge. The specific resistance to filtration (SRF) quantifies the performance of dewaterability; it was recorded minimum 0.049 × 10(12) m kg(-1) at 10 days of HRT, which was equivalent to 97% decrease of SRF. The lower OLR and higher HRT directly influenced the bioremediation and dewaterability of STP sludge in LSB process. The obtained findings imply encouraging message in continuing treatment of STP sludge, i.e., bioremediation of wastewater for environmental friendly disposal in near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  9. Klaus A, Wan-Mohtar WAAQI, Nikolić B, Cvetković S, Vunduk J
    World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2021 Jan 04;37(1):17.
    PMID: 33394203 DOI: 10.1007/s11274-020-02980-6
    Four types of mycelial extracts were derived from the airlift liquid fermentation (ALF) of Pleurotus flabellatus, namely exopolysaccharide (EX), endopolysaccharide (EN), hot water (WE), and hot alkali (AE) extracts. Such extracts were screened for their active components and biological potential. EN proved to be most effective in inhibition of lipid peroxidation (EC50 = 1.71 ± 0.02 mg/mL) and in Cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) assay (EC50 = 2.91 ± 0.01 mg TE/g). AE exhibited most pronounced ability to chelate ferrous ions (EC50 = 4.96 ± 0.08 mg/mL) and to scavenge ABTS radicals (EC50 = 3.36 ± 0.03 mg TE/g). β-glucans and total phenols contributed most to the chelating ability and quenching of ABTS radicals. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation correlated best with total glucans, total proteins, and β-glucans. Total proteins contributed most to CUPRAC antioxidant capacity. Antifungal effect was determined against Candida albicans ATCC 10231 (MIC: 0.019-0.625 mg/mL; MFC: 0.039-2.5 mg/mL), and towards C. albicans clinical isolate (MIC and MFC: 10.0-20.0 mg/mL). Comparison of cytotoxicity against colorectal carcinoma HCT 116 cells (IC50: 1.8 ± 0.3-24.6 ± 4.2 mg/mL) and normal lung MRC-5 fibroblasts (IC50: 17.0 ± 4.2-42.1 ± 6.1 mg/mL) showed that EN, and especially AE possess selective anticancer activity (SI values 3.41 and 9.44, respectively). Slight genotoxicity was observed only for AE and EX, indicating the low risk concerning this feature. Notable antioxidative and anticandidal activities, selective cytotoxicity against colorectal carcinoma cells, and absence/low genotoxicity pointed out that ALF-cultivated P. flabellatus mycelium could be considered as a valuable source of bioactive substances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors/microbiology*
  10. Fan SP, Jiang LQ, Chia CH, Fang Z, Zakaria S, Chee KL
    Bioresour Technol, 2014 Feb;153:69-78.
    PMID: 24342947 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.11.055
    Recent years, great interest has been devoted to the conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrate into sugars, such as glucose, mannose and fructose. These are important versatile intermediate products that are easily processed into high value-added biofuels. In this work, microwave-assisted dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of deproteinated palm kernel cake (DPKC) was systematically studied using Response Surface Methodology. The highest mannose yield (92.11%) was achieved at the optimized condition of 148°C, 0.75N H2SO4, 10min 31s and substrate to solvent (SS) ratio (w/v) of 1:49.69. Besides that, total fermentable sugars yield (77.11%), was obtained at 170°C, 0.181N H2SO4, 6min 6s and SS ratio (w/v) of 1:40. Ridge analysis was employed to further verify the optimum conditions. Thus, this work provides fundamental data of the practical use of DPKC as low cost, high yield and environmental-friendly material for the production of mannose and other sugars.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  11. Chua GK, Abdul-Rahman B, Chisti Y
    Biotechnol Prog, 2013 Jan-Feb;29(1):154-64.
    PMID: 23125182 DOI: 10.1002/btpr.1656
    The hybridoma 192 was used to produce a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), for possible use in screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). The factors influencing the MAb production were screened and optimized in a 2 L stirred bioreactor. The production was then scaled up to a 20 L bioreactor. All of the screened factors (aeration rate, stirring speed, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, and temperature) were found to significantly affect production. Optimization using the response surface methodology identified the following optimal production conditions: 36.8°C, pH 7.4, stirring speed of 100 rpm, 30% dissolved oxygen concentration, and an aeration rate of 0.09 vvm. Under these conditions, the maximum viable cell density achieved was 1.34 ± 0.21 × 10(6) cells mL(-1) and the specific growth rate was 0.036 ± 0.004 h(-1) . The maximum MAb titer was 11.94 ± 4.81 μg mL(-1) with an average specific MAb production rate of 0.273 ± 0.135 pg cell(-1) h(-1) . A constant impeller tip speed criterion was used for the scale-up. The specific growth rate (0.040 h(-1) ) and the maximum viable cell density (1.89 × 10(6) cells mL(-1) ) at the larger scale were better than the values achieved at the small scale, but the MAb titer in the 20 L bioreactor was 18% lower than in the smaller bioreactor. A change in the culture environment from the static conditions of a T-flask to the stirred bioreactor culture did not affect the specificity of the MAb toward its antigen (17-OHP) and did not compromise the structural integrity of the MAb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  12. Halim AA, Aziz HA, Johari MA, Ariffin KS, Adlan MN
    J Hazard Mater, 2010 Mar 15;175(1-3):960-4.
    PMID: 19945216 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.10.103
    The performance of a carbon-mineral composite adsorbent used in a fixed bed column for the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen and aggregate organic pollutant (COD), which are commonly found in landfill leachate, was evaluated. The breakthrough capacities for ammoniacal nitrogen and COD adsorption were 4.46 and 3.23 mg/g, respectively. Additionally, the optimum empty bed contact time (EBCT) was 75 min. The column efficiency for ammoniacal nitrogen and COD adsorption using fresh adsorbent was 86.4% and 92.6%, respectively, and these values increased to 90.0% and 93.7%, respectively, after the regeneration process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  13. Ghafari S, Hasan M, Aroua MK
    Bioresour Technol, 2008 Jul;99(10):3965-74.
    PMID: 17600700
    Nitrates in different water and wastewater streams raised concerns due to severe impacts on human and animal health. Diverse methods are reported to remove nitrate from water streams which almost fail to entirely treat nitrate, except biological denitrification which is capable of reducing inorganic nitrate compounds to harmless nitrogen gas. Review of numerous studies in biological denitrification of nitrate containing water resources, aquaculture wastewaters and industrial wastewater confirmed the potential of this method and its flexibility towards the remediation of different concentrations of nitrate. The denitrifiers could be fed with organic and inorganic substrates which have different performances and subsequent advantages or disadvantages. Review of heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrifications with different food and energy sources concluded that autotrophic denitrifiers are more effective in denitrification. Autotrophs utilize carbon dioxide and hydrogen as the source of carbon substrate and electron donors, respectively. The application of this method in bio-electro reactors (BERs) has many advantages and is promising. However, this method is not so well established and documented. BERs provide proper environment for simultaneous hydrogen production on cathodes and appropriate consumption by immobilized autotrophs on these cathodes. This survey covers various designs and aspects of BERs and their performances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  14. Hosseini SM, Abdul Aziz H
    Bioresour Technol, 2013 Apr;133:240-7.
    PMID: 23428821 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.01.098
    The effects of thermochemical pretreatment and continuous thermophilic conditions on the composting of a mixture of rice straw residue and cattle manure were investigated using a laboratory-scale composting reactor. Results indicate that the composting period of rice straw can be shortened to less than 10 days by applying alkali pre-treatment and continuous thermophilic composting conditions. The parameters obtained on day 9 of this study are similar to the criteria level published by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The moisture content, organic matter reduction, pH level, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon reduction, soluble chemical oxygen demand reduction, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and germination index were 62.07%, 16.99%, 7.30%, 1058 μS/cm, 17.00%, 83.43%, 2.06%, 16.75%, and 90.33%, respectively. The results of this study suggest that the application of chemical-biological integrated processes under thermophilic conditions is a novel method for the rapid degradation and maturation of rice straw residue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  15. Tey BT, Al-Rubeai M
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2005 Sep;100(3):303-10.
    PMID: 16243281
    Chemostat cultures of NS0 cell lines were carried out at dilution rates ranging from 0.8 d(-1) to 0.2 d(-1). Compared with the control, the viable cell density of the Bcl-2 cell line was approximately 10% higher at 0.8 d(-1) and increased to 55% when the dilution rate was reduced to 0.2 d(-1). As the dilution rate was reduced, the viability of the two cultures diverged reaching a difference of 43% at 0.2 d(-1). The specific growth rate of the control cells was the same as the dilution rate down to a value of 0.6 d(-1). By contrast, the specific growth rate of Bcl-2 cells was parallel to the dilution rate down to a value as low as 0.3 d(-1). For both NS0 cell lines, the G1 cell population decreased, while the S and G2/M cell populations increased as the dilution rate was reduced. The antibody titer of the control cells increased from 7 to 21 microg.ml(-1) as the dilution rate was reduced from 0.8 to 0.2 d(-1). With an initial increase from 2 to 15 microg.ml(-1) as the dilution rate was reduced from 0.8 to 0.4 d(-1), the antibody titer of the Bcl-2 cells remained constant as the dilution rate was further reduced to 0.2 d(-1). A good correlation between specific antibody production rate and the percentage of G2/M cells was observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  16. Venil CK, Zakaria ZA, Ahmad WA
    Acta Biochim. Pol., 2015;62(2):185-90.
    PMID: 25979288 DOI: 10.18388/abp.2014_870
    Flexirubins are the unique type of bacterial pigments produced by the bacteria from the genus Chryseobacterium, which are used in the treatment of chronic skin disease, eczema etc. and may serve as a chemotaxonomic marker. Chryseobacterium artocarpi CECT 8497, an yellowish-orange pigment producing strain was investigated for maximum production of pigment by optimizing medium composition employing response surface methodology (RSM). Culture conditions affecting pigment production were optimized statistically in shake flask experiments. Lactose, l-tryptophan and KH2PO4 were the most significant variables affecting pigment production. Box Behnken design (BBD) and RSM analysis were adopted to investigate the interactions between variables and determine the optimal values for maximum pigment production. Evaluation of the experimental results signified that the optimum conditions for maximum production of pigment (521.64 mg/L) in 50 L bioreactor were lactose 11.25 g/L, l-tryptophan 6 g/L and KH2PO4 650 ppm. Production under optimized conditions increased to 7.23 fold comparing to its production prior to optimization. Results of this study showed that statistical optimization of medium composition and their interaction effects enable short listing of the significant factors influencing maximum pigment production from Chryseobacterium artocarpi CECT 8497. In addition, this is the first report optimizing the process parameters for flexirubin type pigment production from Chryseobacterium artocarpi CECT 8497.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  17. Syva SH, Ampon K, Lasimbang H, Fatimah SS
    J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 2017 02;11(2):311-320.
    PMID: 26073746 DOI: 10.1002/term.2043
    Human amnion mesenchymal stem cells (HAMCs) show great differentiation and proliferation potential and also other remarkable features that could serve as an outstanding alternative source of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Recent reports have demonstrated various kinds of effective artificial niche that mimic the microenvironment of different types of stem cell to maintain and control their fate and function. The components of the stem cell microenvironment consist mainly of soluble and insoluble factors responsible for regulating stem cell differentiation and self-renewal. Extensive studies have been made on regulating HAMCs differentiation into specific phenotypes; however, the understanding of relevant factors in directing stem cell fate decisions in HAMCs remain underexplored. In this review, we have therefore identified soluble and insoluble factors, including mechanical stimuli and cues from the other supporting cells that are involved in directing HAMCs fate decisions. In order to strengthen the significance of understanding on the relevant factors involved in stem cell fate decisions, recent technologies developed to specifically mimic the microenvironments of specific cell lineages are also reviewed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  18. Swamy MK, Sinniah UR, Ghasemzadeh A
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2018 Sep;102(18):7775-7793.
    PMID: 30022261 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-018-9223-y
    Rosmarinic acid (RA) is a highly valued natural phenolic compound that is very commonly found in plants of the families Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae, including Coleus blumei, Heliotropium foertherianum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Perilla frutescens, and Salvia officinalis. RA is also found in other members of higher plant families and in some fern and horned liverwort species. The biosynthesis of RA is catalyzed by the enzymes phenylalanine ammonia lyase and cytochrome P450-dependent hydroxylase using the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. Chemically, RA can be produced via methods involving the esterification of 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid and caffeic acid. Some of the derivatives of RA include melitric acid, salvianolic acid, lithospermic acid, and yunnaneic acid. In plants, RA is known to have growth-promoting and defensive roles. Studies have elucidated the varied pharmacological potential of RA and its derived molecules, including anticancer, antiangiogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities. The demand for RA is therefore, very high in the pharmaceutical industry, but this demand cannot be met by plants alone because RA content in plant organs is very low. Further, many plants that synthesize RA are under threat and near extinction owing to biodiversity loss caused by unscientific harvesting, over-collection, environmental changes, and other inherent features. Moreover, the chemical synthesis of RA is complicated and expensive. Alternative approaches using biotechnological methodologies could overcome these problems. This review provides the state of the art information on the chemistry, sources, and biosynthetic pathways of RA, as well as its anticancer properties against different cancer types. Biotechnological methods are also discussed for producing RA using plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures and hairy-root cultures using flasks and bioreactors. The recent developments and applications of the functional genomics approach and heterologous production of RA in microbes are also highlighted. This chapter will be of benefit to readers aiming to design studies on RA and its applicability as an anticancer agent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  19. George M, Farooq M, Dang T, Cortes B, Liu J, Maranga L
    Biotechnol Bioeng, 2010 Aug 15;106(6):906-17.
    PMID: 20589670 DOI: 10.1002/bit.22753
    The majority of influenza vaccines are manufactured using embryonated hens' eggs. The potential occurrence of a pandemic outbreak of avian influenza might reduce or even eliminate the supply of eggs, leaving the human population at risk. Also, the egg-based production technology is intrinsically cumbersome and not easily scalable to provide a rapid worldwide supply of vaccine. In this communication, the production of a cell culture (Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)) derived live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in a fully disposable platform process using a novel Single Use Bioreactor (SUB) is presented. The cell culture and virus infection was maintained in a disposable stirred tank reactor with PID control of pH, DO, agitation, and temperature, similar to traditional glass or stainless steel bioreactors. The application of this technology was tested using MDCK cells grown on microcarriers in proprietary serum free medium and infection with 2006/2007 seasonal LAIV strains at 25-30 L scale. The MDCK cell growth was optimal at the agitation rate of 100 rpm. Optimization of this parameter allowed the cells to grow at a rate similar to that achieved in the conventional 3 L glass stirred tank bioreactors. Influenza vaccine virus strains, A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1 strain), A/Wisconsin/67/05 (H3N2 strain), and B/Malaysia/2506/04 (B strain) were all successfully produced in SUB with peak virus titers > or =8.6 log(10) FFU/mL. This result demonstrated that more than 1 million doses of vaccine can be produced through one single run of a small bioreactor at the scale of 30 L and thus provided an alternative to the current vaccine production platform with fast turn-around and low upfront facility investment, features that are particularly useful for emerging and developing countries and clinical trial material production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  20. Ong YH, Chua ASM, Fukushima T, Ngoh GC, Shoji T, Michinaka A
    Water Res, 2014 Nov 01;64:102-112.
    PMID: 25046374 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.06.038
    The applicability of the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process for the removal of phosphorus in warm climates is uncertain due to frequent reports of EBPR deterioration at temperature higher than 25 °C. Nevertheless, a recent report on a stable and efficient EBPR process at 28 °C has inspired the present study to examine the performance of EBPR at 24 °C-32 °C, as well as the PAOs and GAOs involved, in greater detail. Two sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated for EBPR in parallel at different temperatures, i.e., SBR-1 at 28 °C and SBR-2 first at 24 °C and subsequently at 32 °C. Both SBRs exhibited high phosphorus removal efficiencies at all three temperatures and produced effluents with phosphorus concentrations less than 1.0 mg/L during the steady state of reactor operation. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) revealed Accumulibacter-PAOs comprised 64% of the total bacterial population at 24 °C, 43% at 28 °C and 19% at 32 °C. Based on fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), the abundance of Competibacter-GAOs at both 24 °C and 28 °C was rather low (<10%), while it accounted for 40% of the total bacterial population at 32 °C. However, the smaller Accumulibacter population and larger population of Competibacter at 32 °C did not deteriorate the phosphorus removal performance. A polyphosphate kinase 1 (ppk1)-based qPCR analysis on all studied EBPR processes detected only Accumulibacter clade IIF. The Accumulibacter population shown by 16S rRNA and ppk1 was not significantly different. This finding confirmed the existence of single clade IIF in the processes and the specificity of the clade IIF primer sets designed in this study. Habitat filtering related to temperature could have contributed to the presence of a unique clade. The clade IIF was hypothesised to be able to perform the EBPR activity at high temperatures. The clade's robustness most likely helps it to fit the high-temperature EBPR sludge best and allows it not only to outcompete other Accumulibacter clades but coexist with GAOs without compromising EBPR activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
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