Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 76 in total

  1. Nur AM, Aljunid SM, Almari M
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2023 Nov 28;23(1):1314.
    PMID: 38017444 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-10287-z
    BACKGROUND: Among the GCC countries affected by COVID-19 infections, Kuwait has been significantly impacted, with 658,520 cases and 2,563 deaths reported by the WHO on September 30, 2022. However, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Kuwait's economy, especially in the healthcare sector, remains unknown.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the total cost of managing COVID-19 in-patients in Kuwait.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional design was employed for this study. A total of 485 COVID-19 patients admitted to a general hospital responsible for COVID-19 cases management were randomly selected for this study from May 1st to September 31st, 2021. Data on sociodemographic information, length of stay (LOS), discharge status, and comorbidities were obtained from the patients' medical records. The data on costs in this study cover administration, utility, pharmacy, radiology, laboratory, nursing, and ICU costs. The unit cost per admission was calculated using a step-down costing method with three levels of cost centers. The unit cost was then multiplied by the individual patient's length of stay to determine the cost of care per patient per admission.

    FINDINGS: The mean cost of COVID-19 in-patient care per admission was KD 2,216 (SD = 2,018), which is equivalent to USD 7,344 (SD = 6,688), with an average length of stay of 9.4 (SD = 8.5) days per admission. The total treatment costs for COVID-19 in-patients (n = 485) were estimated to be KD 1,074,644 (USD 3,561,585), with physician and nursing care costs constituting the largest share at 42.1%, amounting to KD 452,154 (USD 1,498,529). The second and third-largest costs were intensive care (20.6%) at KD 221,439 (USD 733,893) and laboratory costs (10.2%) at KD 109,264 (USD 362,123). The average cost for severe COVID-19 patients was KD 4,626 (USD 15,332), which is almost three times higher than non-severe patients of KD 1,544 (USD 5,117).

    CONCLUSION: Managing COVID-19 cases comes with substantial costs. This cost information can assist hospital managers and policymakers in designing more efficient interventions, especially for managing high-risk groups.

  2. Ali Jadoo SA, Aljunid SM, Sulku SN, Nur AM
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2014;14:30.
    PMID: 24447374 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-30
    Since 2003, Turkey has implemented major health care reforms to develop easily accessible, high-quality, efficient, and effective healthcare services for the population. The purpose of this study was to bring out opinions of the Turkish people on health system reform process, focusing on several aspects of health system and assessing whether the public prefer the current health system or that provided a decade ago.
  3. Baguma D, Hashim JH, Aljunid SM, Loiskandl W
    Sci Total Environ, 2013 Jan 1;442:96-102.
    PMID: 23178827 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.004
    The need for water continues to become more acute with the changing requirements of an expanding world population. Using a logistical analysis of data from 301 respondents from households that harvest rainwater in Uganda, the relationship between dependent variables, such as water management performed as female-dominated practices, and independent variables, such as years of water harvesting, family size, tank operation and maintenance, and the presence of local associations, was investigated. The number of years of water harvesting, family size, tank operation and maintenance, and presence of local associations were statistically significantly related to adequate efficient water management. The number of years of water harvesting was linked to women's participation in household chores more than to the participation of men, the way of livelihoods lived for many years. Large families were concurrent with a reduction in water shortages, partially because of the availability of active labour. The findings also reveal important information regarding water-related operations and maintenance at the household level and the presence of local associations that could contribute some of the information necessary to minimise water-related health risks. Overall, this investigation revealed important observations about the water management carried out by women with respect to underlying safe-water shortages, gender perspectives, and related challenges in Uganda that can be of great importance to developing countries.
  4. Aung YN, Nur AM, Ismail A, Aljunid SM
    Clinicoecon Outcomes Res, 2019;11:505-513.
    PMID: 31447570 DOI: 10.2147/CEOR.S209108
    Purpose: Care at ICUs is expensive and variable depending on the type of care that the patients received. Knowing the characteristics of the patient and his or her disease is always useful for improving health services and cost containment.

    Patients and methods: An observational study was conducted at four different intensive care units of an academic medical institution. Demographic characteristics, disease-management casemix information, cost and outcome of the high costing decile, and the rest of the cases were compared.

    Results: A total of 3,220 discharges were included in the study. The high-cost group contributed 35.4% of the ICU stays and 38.8% of the total ICU expenditure. Diseases of the central nervous system had higher odds to be in the top decile of costly patients whereas the cardiovascular system was more likely to be in the non-high cost category. The high-cost patients were more likely to have death as an outcome (19.2% vs 9.3%; p<0.001). The most common conditions that were in the high-cost groups were craniotomy, other ear, nose, mouth, and throat operations, simple respiratory system operations, complex intestinal operations, and septicemia. These five diagnostic groups made up 43% of the high-cost decile.

    Conclusion: High-cost patients utilized almost 40% of the ICU cost although they were only 10% of the ICU patients. The chances of admission to the ICU increased with older age and severity level of the disease. Central nervous system diseases were the major problem of patients aged 46-69 years old. In addition to cost reduction strategies at the treatment level, detailed analysis of these cases was needed to explore and identify pre-event stage prevention strategies.

  5. Nordin NAM, Aziz NA, Sulong S, Aljunid SM
    NeuroRehabilitation, 2019;45(1):87-97.
    PMID: 31450518 DOI: 10.3233/NRE-192758
    BACKGROUND: The benefits of engaging informal carers or family in the delivery of therapy intervention for people with stroke have not been well researched.

    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of a home-based carer-assisted in comparison to hospital-based therapist-delivered therapy for community-dwelling stroke survivors.

    METHODS: An assessor blinded randomised controlled trial was conducted on 91 stroke survivors (mean age 58.9±10.6 years, median time post-onset 13.0 months, 76.5% males) who had completed individual rehabilitation. The control group received hospital-based group therapy delivered by physiotherapists as out-patients and the test group was assigned to a home-based carer-assisted therapy. Targeted primary outcomes were physical functions (mobility, balance, lower limb strength and gait speed). A secondary outcome index was health-related quality of life. An intention-to-treat analysis was used to evaluate outcomes at week 12 of intervention.

    RESULTS: Both therapy groups improved significantly in all the functional measures; mobility (p  0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: The home-based carer-assisted therapy is as effective as the hospital-based therapist-delivered training in improving post-stroke functions and quality of life.

  6. Teng CL, Leong KC, Aljunid SM, Cheah M
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2004;3(1&2):38-45.
    Aims. To document the antibiotic prescribing rate for upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in general practice and its associated factors. Methods. Data extracted from a morbidity survey of 150 general practice clinics in three urban areas in Malaysia. Participating general practitioners recorded demographic, morbidity and process of care data for 30 consecutive adult patients using a structured form. [year of study=1999] Results. URTI contributed 940 (27.0%) of the total of 3481 encounters recorded. Antibiotic was prescribed in 68.4% of encounters with URTI; a significant proportion of the antibiotic choice was inappropriate. Half the antibiotics prescribed in this study were due to URTI. [overall antibiotic prescribing rate for all encounters=33.4%] Conclusions. General practitioners need to re-examine their own prescribing for URTI and decide whether it is consistent with current guidelines. Rational prescribing is not just part of the professional role of doctors, but will go a long way to impede the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
  7. Aung YN, Nur AM, Ismail A, Aljunid SM
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2020 May;21:149-156.
    PMID: 31958748 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2019.09.006
    OBJECTIVES: Escalating healthcare costs calls for the efficiency of health services, especially in the intensive care unit (ICU) where the bulk of resources are used. This study aims to identify the length of stay (LOS) and cost of care at ICUs, which are proxy indicators of efficiency and the factors determining them.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study of patients requiring ICU admissions in a teaching hospital in Malaysia from 2013 to 2015 was conducted. The cost at the ICU was estimated using the step down approach. Factors that determined the cost and LOS at the ICU were also explored by using multivariate regression analysis.

    RESULTS: Each day of stay cost $427 (USD) at the pediatric intensive care unit and $1324 at the general intensive care unit. The mean LOS at the ICU was 5.7 days (standard deviation [SD]: 8.4) with a median of 4 days (95% confidence interval [CI] 1-16.7 days). Average cost of care at the ICU per episode of care was $5473 (SD $6499), and the median was $3463. ICU patients spent 29.3% of the total stay and 47.2% of the cost at ICU units. Upon multivariate regression analysis, severity, case base-group, and type of ICU that the patient was admitted to were associated with the cost and LOS at ICU.

    CONCLUSIONS: Compared with critical care practices in hospitals from more developed nations, a Malaysian teaching hospital required a longer length of ICU stay. Hence, implementations of strategies that can reduce the length of stay and hospital costs without compromising healthcare quality are required.

  8. Abdul Aziz AF, Tan CE, Ali MF, Aljunid SM
    Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2020 Jun 20;18(1):193.
    PMID: 32563246 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-020-01450-9
    BACKGROUND: Satisfaction with post stroke services would assist stakeholders in addressing gaps in service delivery. Tools used to evaluate satisfaction with stroke care services need to be validated to match healthcare services provided in each country. Studies on satisfaction with post discharge stroke care delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) are scarce, despite knowledge that post stroke care delivery is fragmented and poorly coordinated. This study aims to modify and validate the HomeSat subscale of the Dutch Satisfaction with Stroke Care-19 (SASC-19) questionnaire for use in Malaysia and in countries with similar public healthcare services in the region.

    METHODS: The HomeSat subscale of the Dutch SASC-19 questionnaire (11 items) underwent back-to-back translation to produce a Malay language version. Content validation was done by Family Medicine Specialists involved in community post-stroke care. Community social support services in the original questionnaire were substituted with equivalent local services to ensure contextual relevance. Internal consistency reliability was determined using Cronbach alpha. Exploratory factor analysis was done to validate the factor structure of the Malay version of the questionnaire (SASC10-My™). The SASC10-My™ was then tested on 175 post-stroke patients who were recruited at ten public primary care healthcentres across Peninsular Malaysia, in a trial-within a trial study.

    RESULTS: One item from the original Dutch SASC19 (HomeSat) was dropped. Internal consistency for remaining 10 items was high (Cronbach alpha 0.830). Exploratory factor analysis showed the SASC10-My™ had 2 factors: discharge transition and social support services after discharge. The mean total score for SASC10-My™ was 10.74 (SD 7.33). Overall, only 18.2% were satisfied with outpatient stroke care services (SASC10-My™ score ≥ 20). Detailed analysis revealed only 10.9% of respondents were satisfied with discharge transition services, while only 40.9% were satisfied with support services after discharge.

    CONCLUSIONS: The SASC10-My™ questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool to measure caregiver or patient satisfaction with outpatient stroke care services in the Malaysian healthcare setting. Studies linking discharge protocol patterns and satisfaction with outpatient stroke care services should be conducted to improve care delivery and longer-term outcomes.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: No.: ACTRN12616001322426 (Registration Date: 21st September 2016.

  9. Zafirah SA, Nur AM, Puteh SEW, Aljunid SM
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2018 01 25;18(1):38.
    PMID: 29370785 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-2843-1
    BACKGROUND: The accuracy of clinical coding is crucial in the assignment of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) codes, especially if the hospital is using Casemix System as a tool for resource allocations and efficiency monitoring. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential loss of income due to an error in clinical coding during the implementation of the Malaysia Diagnosis Related Group (MY-DRG®) Casemix System in a teaching hospital in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Four hundred and sixty-four (464) coded medical records were selected, re-examined and re-coded by an independent senior coder (ISC). This ISC re-examined and re-coded the error code that was originally entered by the hospital coders. The pre- and post-coding results were compared, and if there was any disagreement, the codes by the ISC were considered the accurate codes. The cases were then re-grouped using a MY-DRG® grouper to assess and compare the changes in the DRG assignment and the hospital tariff assignment. The outcomes were then verified by a casemix expert.

    RESULTS: Coding errors were found in 89.4% (415/424) of the selected patient medical records. Coding errors in secondary diagnoses were the highest, at 81.3% (377/464), followed by secondary procedures at 58.2% (270/464), principal procedures of 50.9% (236/464) and primary diagnoses at 49.8% (231/464), respectively. The coding errors resulted in the assignment of different MY-DRG® codes in 74.0% (307/415) of the cases. From this result, 52.1% (160/307) of the cases had a lower assigned hospital tariff. In total, the potential loss of income due to changes in the assignment of the MY-DRG® code was RM654,303.91.

    CONCLUSIONS: The quality of coding is a crucial aspect in implementing casemix systems. Intensive re-training and the close monitoring of coder performance in the hospital should be performed to prevent the potential loss of hospital income.
  10. Dahlui M, Hishamshah MI, Rahman AJ, Aljunid SM
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Aug;50(8):794-9.
    PMID: 19710979
    The quality of life of transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients is affected by the disease itself and iron overload complications from repeated blood transfusion. Desferrioxamine has been used to remove the excess iron, resulting in decreased mortality and morbidity. In Malaysia, a significant proportion of the transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients are not prescribed desferrioxamine, due to its high cost, especially as it is not subsidized by the government. The aim of this study was to measure the quality of life of thalassaemia patients on desferrioxamine treatment.
  11. Ramli A, Aljunid SM, Sulong S, Md Yusof FA
    Ther Clin Risk Manag, 2013;9:491-504.
    PMID: 24353428 DOI: 10.2147/TCRM.S52078
    PURPOSE: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) are extensively used in treating hypercholesterolemia. The statins available in Malaysia include atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, and fluvastatin. Over the years, they have accumulated in the National Drug Formulary; hence, the need for review. Effective selection of the best drugs to remain in the formulary can become complex due to the multiple drug attributes involved, and is made worse by the limited time and resources available. The multiattribute scoring tool (MAST) systematizes the evaluation of the drug attributes to facilitate the drug selection process. In this study, a MAST framework was developed to rank the statins based on their utilities or benefits.

    METHODS: Published literature on multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) were studied and five sessions of expert group discussions were conducted to build the MAST framework and to review the evidence. The attributes identified and selected for analysis were efficacy (clinical efficacy, clinical endpoints), safety (drug interactions, serious side effects and documentation), drug applicability (drug strength/formulation, indications, dose frequency, side effects, food-drug interactions, and dose adjustments), and cost. The average weights assigned by the members for efficacy, safety, drug applicability and cost were 32.6%, 26.2%, 24.1%, and 17.1%, respectively. The utility values of the attributes were scored based on the published evidence or/and agreements during the group discussions. The attribute scores were added up to provide the total utility score.

    RESULTS: Using the MAST, the six statins under review were successfully scored and ranked. Atorvastatin scored the highest total utility score (TUS) of 84.48, followed by simvastatin (83.11). Atorvastatin and simvastatin scored consistently high, even before drug costs were included. The low scores on the side effects for atorvastatin were compensated for by the higher scores on the clinical endpoints resulting in a higher TUS for atorvastatin. Fluvastatin recorded the lowest TUS.

    CONCLUSION: The multiattribute scoring tool was successfully applied to organize decision variables in reviewing statins for the formulary. Based on the TUS, atorvastatin is recommended to remain in the formulary and be considered as first-line in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

  12. Ali Jadoo SA, Sulku SN, Aljunid SM, Dastan I
    J Health Econ Outcomes Res, 2014;2(1):96-107.
    PMID: 37664081 DOI: 10.36469/9891
    Objectives: This study was aimed to assess validation and reliability of knowledge of, attitude toward and practice (KAP) of a Case-mix and Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) system questionnaire. Methods: A sample of 238 health care providers selected conveniently from three public hospitals in Turkey was enrolled in a cross-sectional study from September 1 until November 30, 2012. The mean age was 38.63 years (standard deviation [SD] 10.52), ranging from age 21 to 60 years. More than one-half were males (52.1%), nearly two-fifths were medical doctors (39.9%), one-third were nurses (33.2%), one-sixth were auxiliary staff (16.4%) and the remaining were coders (10.5%). Only one-third (33.6%) of respondents attended a workshop or training program in the Case-mix or DRG system. After examining content validity, factor analysis was conducted, internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha estimate, and test-retest reliability was evaluated. Results: The sample adequacy for extraction of the factors was confirmed by the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (0.915) and the Bartlett test (1052). Factor analysis showed three factors, including attitude (36.43%), practice (23.39%) and knowledge (17%), with a total variance of 76.82%. The reliability of each section of the questionnaire was as follows: knowledge (0.963), attitude (0.964) and practice (0.973). Cronbach's alpha total was 0.941, which showed excellent internal consistency. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the designed questionnaire provided high construct validity and reliability, and could be adequately used to measure KAP among health care staff of the Case-mix and DRG system in Turkey.
  13. Jamal MH, Abdul Aziz AF, Aizuddin AN, Aljunid SM
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0292516.
    PMID: 37847678 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292516
    This is cross-sectional research done to assess the readiness of the private Malaysian general practitioners (GPs) for the implementation of the national health financing scheme. The study focused on their levels of knowledge and attitudes towards the types of health financing scheme, gatekeeper roles in the health financing scheme, and their participation in the PeKa B40 scheme. Their acceptance and level of participation in the national health financing scheme (NHFS) were also assessed. A set of self-designed and pre-tested questionnaires focusing on the aforementioned objectives were mailed to the respondents. The selection of respondents was done by stratified random sampling of the GPs in all 14 Malaysian states at both urban and rural levels. Out of a calculated number of 362 GPs targeted, 296 responses were received which represented a response rate of 81.7%. The respondents had a mean age of 50.7 years 165 (55.75%) were males and 131 (44.3%) were females. The rural respondents totalled 158 (53.4%) as compared to those from urban 138 (46.6%) areas. The outcomes observed were that GPs with PeKa B40 provider status, positive attitude towards health financing schemes, gatekeeper roles, and PeKa B40, were strongly associated with their acceptance and level of participation in the NHFS. The GPs possessed a positive attitude and were generally ready to participate in the NHFS, but the lower scores in knowledge levels would require definite education and training plans to further enhance their readiness. More incentives should be given to GPs to enrol as PeKa B40 providers. The results of this study should be strongly considered by the government in the efforts to engage the Malaysian private GPs in the forthcoming NHFS. Most importantly, the role of GPs as gatekeepers needed to be implemented, and the PeKa B40 scheme be greatly improved.
  14. Mohd Dom TN, Ayob R, Abd Muttalib K, Aljunid SM
    Int J Dent, 2016;2016:1891074.
    PMID: 27092180 DOI: 10.1155/2016/1891074
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to estimate the economic burden associated with the management of periodontitis in Malaysia from the societal perspective. Methods. We estimated the economic burden of periodontitis by combining the disease prevalence with its treatment costs. We estimated treatment costs (with 2012 value of Malaysian Ringgit) using the cost-of-illness approach and included both direct and indirect costs. We used the National Oral Health Survey for Adults (2010) data to estimate the prevalence of periodontitis and 2010 national census data to estimate the adult population at risk for periodontitis. Results. The economic burden of managing all cases of periodontitis at the national level from the societal perspective was approximately MYR 32.5 billion, accounting for 3.83% of the 2012 Gross Domestic Product of the country. It would cost the nation MYR 18.3 billion to treat patients with moderate periodontitis and MYR 13.7 billion to treat patients with severe periodontitis. Conclusion. The economic burden of periodontitis in Malaysia is substantial and comparable with that of other chronic diseases in the country. This is attributable to its high prevalence and high cost of treatment. Judicious application of promotive, preventive, and curative approaches to periodontitis management is decidedly warranted.
  15. Jamal MH, Abdul Aziz AF, Aizuddin AN, Aljunid SM
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:918188.
    PMID: 36388320 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.918188
    Social health insurance (SHI) is a form of health finance mechanism that had been implemented in many countries to achieve universal health care (UHC). To emulate the successes of SHI in many developed countries, many developing and middle-income countries (MICs) have attempted to follow suit. However, the SHI implementation has problems and obstacles. Many more obstacles were observed despite some successes. This scoping review aimed to study the various developments of SHI globally in its uses, implementation, successes, and obstacles within the last 5 years from 2017 to 2021. Using three databases (i.e., PubMed, EBSCO, and Google Scholar), we reviewed all forms of articles on SHI, including gray literature. The PRISMA-ScR protocol was adapted as the guideline. We used the following search terms: social health insurance, national health insurance, and community health insurance. A total of 57,686 articles were screened, and subsequently, 46 articles were included in the final review. Results showed that the majority of SHI studies were in China and African countries, both of which were actively pursuing SHI programs to achieve UHC. China was still regarded as a developing country. There were also recent experiences from other Asian countries, but only a few from South America. Implementing SHI to achieve UHC was desirable but will need to consider several factors and issues. This was especially the case in developing and MICs. Eventually, full UHC would only be possible with a combination of general taxation and SHI.
  16. Aljunid SM, Rodrigues JM, Best L, Ahmed Z, Reeza Mustaffa H, Trombert B, et al.
    PMID: 26262389
    Casemix grouping using procedures classifications has become an important use case for health care terminologies. There are so many different national procedures classifications used for Casemix grouping that it is not possible to agree on a worldwide standard. ICHI (International Classification of Health Interventions) is proposing an approach that standardises only the terminologies' model structure. The poster shows the use of the ICHI alpha to replace ICD9 CM Volume 3 in the UNU-CBG International Casemix grouper.
  17. Al-Abed AA, Sutan R, Al-Dubai SA, Aljunid SM
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:505474.
    PMID: 24982886 DOI: 10.1155/2014/505474
    Khat chewing is associated with unfavourable health outcomes and family dysfunction. Few studies have addressed the factors associated with khat chewing among Yemeni women. However, the family and husband effects on chewing khat by women have not been addressed. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of khat chewing among Yemeni women and its associated factors, particularly husbands and family factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 692 adult Yemeni women in the city of Sana'a in Yemen using structured "face to face" interviews. Mean (±SD) age of women was 27.3 years (±6.10). The prevalence of chewing khat by women was 29.6%. Factors associated with chewing khat among women were chewing khat by husbands (OR = 1.8; 95% CI: 1.26, 2.53), being married (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.20, 3.37), frequent family social gatherings (OR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.10), high family income (OR = 1.57; 95% CI: 1.12, 2.21), larger house (OR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.16, 2.31), and age of women (OR = 0.64; 95% CI: 0.44, 0.92). It is concluded that khat chewing by women in this study was significantly associated with family factors and with khat chewing by their husbands. Urgent action is needed to control khat chewing particularly among women.
  18. Abdul Aziz AF, Mohd Nordin NA, Abd Aziz N, Abdullah S, Sulong S, Aljunid SM
    BMC Fam Pract, 2014;15:40.
    PMID: 24580779 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-40
    BACKGROUND: Provision of post stroke care in developing countries is hampered by discoordination of services and limited access to specialised care. Albeit shortcomings, primary care continues to provide post-stroke services in less than favourable circumstances. This paper aimed to review provision of post-stroke care and related problems among Family Medicine Specialists managing public primary health care services.
    METHODS: A semi-structured questionnaire was distributed to 121 Family Physicians servicing public funded health centres in a pilot survey focused on improving post stroke care provision at community level. The questionnaire assessed respondents background and practice details i.e. estimated stroke care burden, current service provision and opinion on service improvement. Means and frequencies described quantitative data. For qualitative data, constant comparison method was used until saturation of themes was reached.
    RESULTS: Response rate of 48.8% was obtained. For every 100 patients seen at public healthcentres each month, 2 patients have stroke. Median number of stroke patients seen per month is 5 (IQR 2-10). 57.6% of respondents estimated total stroke patients treated per year at each centre was less than 40 patients. 72.4% lacked a standard care plan although 96.6% agreed one was needed. Patients seen were: discharged from tertiary care (88.1%), shared care plan with specialists (67.8%) and patients who developed stroke during follow up at primary care (64.4%). Follow-ups were done at 8-12 weekly intervals (60.3%) with 3.4% on 'as needed' basis. Referrals ranked in order of frequency were to physiotherapy services, dietitian and speech and language pathologists in public facilities. The FMS' perceived 4 important 'needs' in managing stroke patients at primary care level; access to rehabilitation services, coordinated care between tertiary centres and primary care using multidisciplinary care approach, a standardized guideline and family and caregiver support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Post discharge stroke care guidelines and access to rehabilitation services at primary care is needed for post stroke patients residing at home in the community.
  19. Aziz AF, Aziz NA, Nordin NA, Ali MF, Sulong S, Aljunid SM
    J Neurosci Rural Pract, 2013 Oct;4(4):413-20.
    PMID: 24347948 DOI: 10.4103/0976-3147.120243
    CONTEXT: Poststroke care in developing countries is inundated with poor concordance and scarce specialist stroke care providers. A primary care-driven health service is an option to ensure optimal care to poststroke patients residing at home in the community.

    AIMS: We assessed outcomes of a pilot long-term stroke care clinic which combined secondary prevention and rehabilitation at community level.

    SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A prospective observational study of stroke patients treated between 2008 and 2010 at a primary care teaching facility.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Analysis of patients was done at initial contact and at 1-year post treatment. Clinical outcomes included stroke risk factor(s) control, depression according to Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9), and level of independence using Barthel Index (BI).

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Differences in means between baseline and post treatment were compared using paired t-tests or Wilcoxon-signed rank test. Significance level was set at 0.05.

    RESULTS: Ninety-one patients were analyzed. Their mean age was 62.9 [standard deviation (SD) 10.9] years, mean stroke episodes were 1.30 (SD 0.5). The median interval between acute stroke and first contact with the clinic 4.0 (interquartile range 9.0) months. Mean systolic blood pressure decreased by 9.7 mmHg (t = 2.79, P = 0.007), while mean diastolic blood pressure remained unchanged at 80mmHg (z = 1.87, P = 0.06). Neurorehabilitation treatment was given to 84.6% of the patients. Median BI increased from 81 (range: 2-100) to 90.5 (range: 27-100) (Z = 2.34, P = 0.01). Median PHQ9 scores decreased from 4.0 (range: 0-22) to 3.0 (range: 0-19) though the change was not significant (Z= -0.744, P = 0.457).

    CONCLUSIONS: Primary care-driven long-term stroke care services yield favorable outcomes for blood pressure control and functional level.

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