Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 393 in total

  1. Seow A, Lee HP
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1994 May;23(3):342-7.
    PMID: 7944247
    A cross-sectional survey of 568 married women aged 21-65 years in the Pasir Panjang Constituency was conducted to determine the prevalence of cervical cancer screening in the community and the factors affecting acceptance of this screening test. Results show that 309 (54.4%) of the respondents had ever had a Pap smear. The women who reported having had a smear were more likely to be below 45 years of age (prevalence ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.15 to 1.88), Chinese and of a higher socioeconomic status (1.68, 1.33 to 2.12). They were also more likely to have married at a later age (1.68, 1.21 to 2.31) than women who had not had a smear. Age and socioeconomic status remained independent predictors on multivariate analysis. The findings suggest that an important task of public health practitioners is to increase the uptake of screening among older and socially disadvantaged women who are known to be at the highest risk of cervical cancer. In addition, strategies to encourage younger women to continue regular attendance at screening clinics beyond their childbearing years will be important for the future.
  2. Lee HP, Gourley L
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1988 Jul;17(3):431-3.
    PMID: 3265301
    In Singapore, cancer incidence is documented separately for the different Chinese dialect groups, as a means of providing a possible insight into environmental or genetic factors which may be involved in the aetiological process. Thus, it would be useful to determine whether or not the Chinese population in Singapore still comprises distinct dialect groups. In view of this, an investigation into the dialect group of the parents of 792 hospital in-patients (cases and controls) was carried out. It was found that the vast majority of patients (94.2%), most of whom were born before 1940, had parents of the same dialect group. The percentages of within-dialect marriages were only slightly less for offspring born in Singapore or Malaysia as opposed to China, and decreases with time were small. Thus in 1985-87 Chinese cancer patients and controls in Singapore, of the ages represented in this study may indeed be classified according to their father's dialect and this is likely to be the case for at least the next decade or so. This finding will be of use to cancer epidemiologists as well as others studying Chinese dialect group variations in disease patterns.
  3. Gul YA, Lian LH, Jabar FM, Moissinac K
    ANZ J Surg, 2002 Apr;72(4):275-8.
    PMID: 11982514
    Antibiotics are often administered in elective colorectal surgery to prevent wound infection. The tendency for surgeons to prolong the administration of prophylactic antibiotic therapy in the postoperative period is a well-known fact. The aim of this study was to elucidate the pattern of prophylactic antibiotic utilization in elective colorectal surgery and to determine if evidence-based medicine is employed in relation to this practice.
  4. Boo NY, Lee HT
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2002 Apr;38(2):151-5.
    PMID: 12030996
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the rates of decrease in serum bilirubin levels in severely jaundiced healthy term infants given oral or intravenous fluid supplementation during phototherapy.

    METHODS: A randomized controlled study was carried out in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia over a 12-month period. Fifty-four healthy term infants with severe hyperbilirubinemia were randomized to receive either solely enteral feeds (n = 27) or both enteral and intravenous (n = 27) fluid during phototherapy.

    RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the mean birthweight, mean gestational age, ethnic distribution, gender distribution, modes of delivery and types of feeding between the two groups. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the mean indirect serum bilirubin (iSB) level at the time of admission to the NICU between the enteral (359 +/- 69 micromol/L [mean +/- SD]) and intravenous group (372 +/- 59 micromol/L; P = 0.4). The mean rates of decrease in iSB during the first 4 h of phototherapy were also not significantly different between the enteral group (10.4 +/- 4.9 micromol/L per h) and intravenous group (11.2 +/- 7.4 micromol/L per h; P = 0.6). There was no significant difference in the proportion of infants requiring exchange transfusion (P = 0.3) nor in the median duration of hospitalization (P = 0.7) between the two groups. No infant developed vomiting or abdominal distension during the study period.

    CONCLUSION: Severely jaundiced healthy term infants had similar rates of decrease in iSB levels during the first 4 h of intensive phototherapy, irrespective of whether they received oral or intravenous fluid supplementation. However, using the oral route avoided the need for intravenous cannulae and their attendant complications.

  5. Tan WF, Lee HG
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):245-247.
    PMID: 33742637
    Melioidosis is endemic in Sabah. It causes significant morbidity and mortality if diagnosis and treatment is delayed. Important risk factors include diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, chronic lung diseases, thalassaemia, immunosuppressive therapy, and hazardous alcohol consumption. Influenza A is usually a self-limiting disease but is associated with high morbidity and mortality in highrisk populations especially during pregnancy. Both melioidosis and influenza A commonly present in patients with pneumonia. Secondary bacterial pneumonia is a known complication in approximately one third of patients with severe pneumonia due to influenza A, resulting in intensive care unit admissions. However, melioidosis is not commonly recognized as an aetiology in secondary bacterial pneumonia complicating influenza A infection. This is important as empirical antibiotics that are used to treat secondary bacterial pneumonia due to influenza A often do not cover melioidosis. Here we report a rare case of concurrent pulmonary melioidosis and influenza A in a 30- year-old primigravida at 27 weeks of pregnancy in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah, Malaysia to highlight the challenge in the recognition and management of both infections in a melioidosis endemic area.
  6. Chen CD, Lee HL
    Trop Biomed, 2006 Dec;23(2):220-3.
    PMID: 17322825 MyJurnal
    The bioefficacy of a commercial formulation of temephos, Creek against Aedes aegypti larvae was studied in the laboratory. Earthen jars were filled with 10 L tap water each. One g of temephos (Creek) sand granule formulation was added into each earthen jar as recommended by the manufacturer. The final test concentration of Creek was 1 mg a.i./L. One earthen jar was filled with 10 L tap water and served as a test control (untreated). Thirty late 3(rd) or early 4(th) instar of lab-bred Ae. aegypti larvae were added into each earthen jar. Mortality of the larvae was recorded after 24 hours and percent mortality was calculated. Test was repeated every week. The results showed that complete larval mortality was achieved after 24 hours. The residual effect lasted 15 weeks (105 days), indicating that Creek is effective at the dosage recommended by the manufacturer which is 1 mg a.i./L.
  7. Lee HL, Krishnasamy M, Jeffery J
    Trop Biomed, 2005 Jun;22(1):81-2.
    PMID: 16880759 MyJurnal
    The hornets are a group of venomous stinging insects that at times cause human death. A fatal case of a child stung by the lesser banded hornet Vespa affinis indosinesis is reported. Though often covered by the mass media, this constitutes the first scientifically reported case.
  8. Lee HT, Soon SK
    Dent J Malaysia Singapore, 1970 May;10(1):39-43.
    PMID: 5271013
  9. CoRe, H. W., Lee, H. L., M. Sofian-Azirun, Nura-Muna, A. H., Chen, C. D., O. Wan-Norafikah
    The efficacy of a 2.15% imidacloprid gel bait against laboratory strain Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica
    was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The susceptibility trend of both species towards imidacloprid was: adult male
    < adult female < nymphs. All stages of both species were dead within 10 days in primary poisoning testing. Periplaneta
    americana adult male (LT50 = 0.47 h; LT95 = 5.24 h) died fastest, while nymphs of B. germanica took the longest time to
    reach 95% mortality (LT95 = 43.84 h). In indirect exposure via secondary poisoning, only adult males of P. americana (LT50
    = 100.63 h) and B. germanica (LT50 = 54.66 h) obtained 50% mortality before the testing ended. No complete mortalities
    were achieved in any stages of both species within 10 days of secondary poisoning testing. Therefore, imidacloprid gel
    bait used in this study was able to cause complete mortalities within less than 2 days of 10-day primary poisoning testing
    but less effective in the 10-day secondary poisoning testing.
  10. O. Wan-Norafikah, CoRe , H. W., Azahari, A. H., K. Kamal-Hidayat, Lee , H. L., I. Saleh
    A preliminary field study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of a mosquito trap; Mosquito Killing System (MKS) in
    capturing mosquitoes and other insects. MKS has an automatic activation by the use of a photocell. It is also supplemented
    with carbon dioxide and heat as attractants for mosquitoes and other insects. Three units of MKS were employed at three
    different locations within two study sites for ten days. The mosquitoes and other insects that were trapped in MKS were
    collected and morphologically identified daily in the laboratory. A total of 1,928 mosquitoes and other insects were
    trapped in all units of MKS. High numbers of mosquitoes (93.05%), particularly Aedes sp. and Culex sp. were captured
    from MKS. Among these, Culex quinquefasciatus (91.81%) was most abundant species collected. Only 0.84% of Aedes
    aegypti and Aedes albopictus trapped in MKS. Female mosquitoes (83.44%) were found to be more attracted to MKS
    compared to male mosquitoes of various species. These findings illustrated the potency of MKS utilization in surveillance
    and control activities of Cx. quinquefasciatus; a nuisance mosquito and also potential vector of urban brancroftian
    filariasis in Malaysia.
  11. Abdul Aris, M. H., Lee, H. Y., Hussain, N., Ghazali, H., Nordin, W. N., Mahyudin, N. A.
    The objective of this study was to determine microbiological quality of gulai tempoyak paste (GTP) added with three different leaf; Vietnamese coriander, turmeric and asam gelugor. The GTP was cooked for 10 minutes with control temperature (60-70°C) and the leaf were added at 2, 5 and 8 minutes during the cooking time to give exposure times of 8, 5 and 2 minutes of the leaf to GTP. GTP without addition of leaf was treated as control and all the prepared GTPs were stored at 30°C for 2 days before analysed using total plate count (TPC) and yeast and mould count (YMC). The addition of asam gelugor leaf to GTP for 5 minutes of the cooking period significantly (p > 0.05) reduced TPC (log10 3.54 CFU/g) compared to Vietnamese coriander (log10 4.67 CFU/g) and turmeric leaf (log10 4.70 CFU/g). Asam gelugor leaf also showed a significant difference in TPC reduction (log10 4.44 CFU/g) when added to GTP for 8 minutes compared to Vietnamese coriander (log10 5.10 CFU/g), but was insignificant to turmeric leaf (log10 4.71 CFU/g). In conclusion, there are significant effects on microbiological quality of GTP when added with Vietnamese coriander, turmeric and asam gelugor leaf at different exposure time based on TPC and YMC.
  12. Saw YT, Lee HG
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 11;76(6):918-920.
    PMID: 34806685
    The current pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) poses a bigger challenge to the population in tropical countries where dengue fever is also endemic as both diseases share similar clinical and laboratory features. In COVID-19, hyperferritinaemia is associated with severe disease and clinical outcome while in dengue fever, hyperferritinaemia is a key feature of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), which is a complication with high mortality. In this case report, we present a case of coinfection of COVID-19 and dengue with hyperferritinaemia in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah, Malaysia.
  13. Chong AYH, Lee HP
    Singapore Med J, 1976 Sep;17(3):181-3.
    PMID: 1019617
    The incidence of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis among 141,215 Chinese, Malay and Indian live births in Singapore from 1972 to 1974 was determined. The incidence per 100,000 live births among these ethnic groups are: Chinese 21.2, Malay 9.7 and Indian 35.0. Pyloric stenosis is not absent although rare in oriental babies.
  14. Lee HL, Chong WL
    PMID: 8525405
    Comparative DDT-susceptibility status and glutathion s-transferase (GST) activity of Malaysian Anopheles maculatus, Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti was investigated to ascertain the role of this enzyme in DDT resistance. The standardised WHO dose-mortality bioassay tests were used to determine DDT susceptibility in these mosquitos, whilst GST microassay (Brogdon and Barber, 1990) was conducted to measure the activity of this enzyme in mosquito homogenate. It appeared that DDT susceptibility status of Malaysian mosquitos was not correlated with GST activity.
  15. Lee HL, Singh KI
    PMID: 7526473
    A novel method for the control of Mansonia larvae was developed and tested. In this method, foliar absorption and translocation of a chemical insecticide, monocrotophos, a known systemic insecticide was studied in the Eicchornia plant. Acetone solution of the insecticide was painted onto leaves of the plant. At daily intervals, stems were severed and divided into equal sections which were introduced into bowls. Larvae of Aedes aegypti were tested for the presence of monocrotophos. It was found that translocation of the insecticide occurred at different rates in the stems and in some plants the chemical was also released into the surrounding water. Based on these results, 2 insecticides namely, monocrotophos and temephos were painted onto leaves of the host plant and their translocation to the root and water environment was examined by testing with Mansonia and Aedes aegypti larvae. The results again confirmed the translocation process and it was found that the insecticides were secreted into the surrounding water, thereby killing the larvae. However, in leaves painted with permethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) or flufenoxuron (chitin synthesis inhibitor), such a process was not detected. The potential of this new concept in Mansonia larval control is examined.
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