Diabetes mellitus remains a burden worldwide in spite of the availability of numerous antidiabetic drugs. Honey is a natural substance produced by bees from nectar. Several evidence-based health benefits have been ascribed to honey in the recent years. In this review article, we highlight findings which demonstrate the beneficial or potential effects of honey in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), on the gut microbiota, in the liver, in the pancreas and how these effects could improve glycemic control and metabolic derangements. In healthy subjects or patients with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus, various studies revealed that honey reduced blood glucose or was more tolerable than most common sugars or sweeteners. Pre-clinical studies provided more convincing evidence in support of honey as a potential antidiabetic agent than clinical studies did. The not-too-impressive clinical data could mainly be attributed to poor study designs or due to the fact that the clinical studies were preliminary. Based on the key constituents of honey, the possible mechanisms of action of antidiabetic effect of honey are proposed. The paper also highlights the potential impacts and future perspectives on the use of honey as an antidiabetic agent. It makes recommendations for further clinical studies on the potential antidiabetic effect of honey. This review provides insight on the potential use of honey, especially as a complementary agent, in the management of diabetes mellitus. Hence, it is very important to have well-designed, randomized controlled clinical trials that investigate the reproducibility (or otherwise) of these experimental data in diabetic human subjects.
The global prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer's disease is on the rise. These diseases, which constitute the major causes of death globally, are associated with oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as an "imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the oxidants, potentially leading to damage". Individuals with chronic diseases are more susceptible to oxidative stress and damage because they have elevated levels of oxidants and/or reduced antioxidants. This, therefore, necessitates supplementation with antioxidants so as to delay, prevent or remove oxidative damage. Honey is a natural substance with many medicinal effects such as antibacterial, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, reproductive, antihypertensive and antioxidant effects. This review presents findings that indicate honey may ameliorate oxidative stress in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), liver, pancreas, kidney, reproductive organs and plasma/serum. Besides, the review highlights data that demonstrate the synergistic antioxidant effect of honey and antidiabetic drugs in the pancreas, kidney and serum of diabetic rats. These data suggest that honey, administered alone or in combination with conventional therapy, might be a novel antioxidant in the management of chronic diseases commonly associated with oxidative stress. In view of the fact that the majority of these data emanate from animal studies, there is an urgent need to investigate this antioxidant effect of honey in human subjects with chronic or degenerative diseases.
Honey is a natural substance with many medicinal properties, including antibacterial, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, antioxidant and antihypertensive effects. It reduces hyperglycemia in diabetic rats and humans. However, the mechanism(s) of its hypoglycemic effect remain(s) unknown. Honey comprises many constituents, making it difficult to ascertain which component(s) contribute(s) to its hypoglycemic effect. Nevertheless, available evidence indicates that honey consists of predominantly fructose and glucose. The objective of this review is to summarize findings which indicate that fructose exerts a hypoglycemic effect. The data show that glucose and fructose exert a synergistic effect in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. This synergistic effect might enhance intestinal fructose absorption and/or stimulate insulin secretion. The results indicate that fructose enhances hepatic glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis and storage via activation of hepatic glucokinase and glycogen synthase, respectively. The data also demonstrate the beneficial effects of fructose on glycemic control, glucose- and appetite-regulating hormones, body weight, food intake, oxidation of carbohydrate and energy expenditure. In view of the similarities of these effects of fructose with those of honey, the evidence may support the role of fructose in honey in mediating the hypoglycemic effect of honey.
The gut microbiota plays a number of important roles including digestion, metabolism, extraction of nutrients, synthesis of vitamins, prevention against pathogen colonization, and modulation of the immune system. Alterations or changes in composition and biodiversity of the gut microbiota have been associated with many gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer. Recent evidence suggests that altered composition and diversity of gut microbiota may play a role in the increased prevalence of metabolic diseases. This review article has two main objectives. First, it underscores approaches (such as probiotics, prebiotics, antimicrobial agents, bariatric surgery, and weight loss strategies) and their prospects in modulating the gut microbiota in the management of metabolic diseases. Second, it highlights some of the current challenges and discusses areas of future research as it relates to the gut microbiota and metabolic diseases. The prospect of modulating the gut microbiota seems promising. However, considering that research investigating the role of gut microbiota in metabolic diseases is still in its infancy, more rigorous and well-designed in vitro, animal and clinical studies are needed.
Cardiac arrhythmia is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, with a high fatality rate worldwide. The timely diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, determined by irregular and fast heart rate, may help lower the risk of strokes. Electrocardiogram signals have been widely used to identify arrhythmias due to their non-invasive approach. However, the manual process is error-prone and time-consuming. A better alternative is to utilize deep learning models for early automatic identification of cardiac arrhythmia, thereby enhancing diagnosis and treatment. In this article, a novel deep learning model, combining convolutional neural network and bi-directional long short-term memory, is proposed for arrhythmia classification. Specifically, the classification comprises five different classes: non-ectopic (N), supraventricular ectopic (S), ventricular ectopic (V), fusion (F), and unknown (Q) beats. The proposed model is trained, validated, and tested using MIT-BIH and St-Petersburg data sets separately. Also, the performance was measured in terms of precision, accuracy, recall, specificity, and f1-score. The results show that the proposed model achieves training, validation, and testing accuracies of 100%, 98%, and 98%, respectively with the MIT-BIH data set. Lower accuracies were shown for the St-Petersburg data set. The performance of the proposed model based on the MIT-BIH data set is also compared with the performance of existing models based on the MIT-BIH data set.
Medicinal plants have been discovered and used in traditional medicine and pharmaceutical industries since centuries. In the current study, Ziziphus mauritiana leaves was used as it is rich with many biological active compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenols, sapronins and tanins. Previous studies reported the antibacterial and antifungal effects of Z. mauritiana towards various microorganisms. However, the antifungal activities of Z. mauritiana methanol extracts on Candida albicans (Clinical and American Type Culture Collection Strains) have not been discovered extensively.Objectives:Therefore, the aim of the current study is to investigate the antifungal activity of Z. mauritiana leaves methanol extracts against C. albicans ATCC strain and clinical isolate (from oral cancer patient).Methods:Antifungal susceptibility test (AST) was performed using disc diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) to determine the antifungal activity of methanol leaves extract of Ziziphus mauritiana against C. albicans ATCC and clinical isolates.Results:The results obtained showed that there is no zone of inhibition seen from disk diffusion test for both strains. However, the minimal inhibitory and minimal fungicidal concentration showed that Ziziphus mauritiana methanol extracts was able to inhibit C. albicans clinical isolate but not ATCC strain at 500mg/mL.Conclusion: The finding of this study suggests that that Ziziphus mauritiana leaves methanol extract showed promising results against Candida albicans. Thus, it can be used as a source for functional ingredients for pharmaceutical drug industries in-order to reduce or inhibit oral fungal infection
As physical abilities and health decline with age, older adults tend to lose their driving abilities, which affects their mobility. As mobility is important to older adults' wellbeing, there is a need to explore alternative modes of transportation to increase their ability to actively participate in society. Hence, this paper aims to understand the characteristics of private chauffeuring and companionship services for older adults, and to assess their possible effects on older adults' wellbeing. We gathered the views of transport operators, government agencies, and city councils that offer private chauffeuring and companionship services for older adults. We frame the model of private chauffeuring and companionship services as alternative mobility for older adults and outline a conceptual framework for its possible effects on their wellbeing. The underlying mobility characteristics were availability, accessibility, safety, and affordability-all of which influence wellbeing. The study found that the private chauffeuring and companionship model for older adults includes an additional model of government-to-consumer services in addition to the existing peer-to-peer and business-to-consumer services. While the services are available, the services provided are not standardized, with different operators offering different services and prices, and limiting certain geographical areas. Transport operators perceived that the services they offer promote older adults' physical and mental health, improve their social participation in the community, and empower them in making their travel decisions. The findings of the paper provide insights for policy makers for future planning of alternative transportation for older adults to enhance their mobility.
The standard laboratory strain was found to be heterozygous for susceptibility. Hence, an attempt was made to obtain a homozygous susceptible strain in Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) using single raft sib-selection method. Lab-bred females of Cx. quinquefasciatus from insectariums, Unit of Medical Entomology were used in the experiment. After blood feeding Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes laid eggs in raft form, ten rafts selected randomly for the test. Each egg raft was introduced into a plastic tray from number one to number ten. Twenty-five third stage larvae from each tray were exposed to 17.5 microl from 500mg/l malathion in a paper cup label number 1 to number ten. In the bioassay, which had 100% mortality, the respective larva in that particular tray was bred to adult stage for the following generation. Less than 7days old female mosquitoes that emerged from F(0) were used in the test. The F(0) and the subsequent adult and larval stage generations were subjected to adult and larval bioassay. After selection for about 10 generations, a homozygous susceptible strain in Cx. quinquefasciatus was obtained.
Despite increasing use of bone graft in Malaysia, there was still lack of data to quantify knowledge level on bone banking among orthopaedic community who are involved in transplantation related work. Therefore, a survey on awareness in tissue banking specifically bone banking, usage and choice of bone grafts was conducted. From 80 respondents, 82.5% were aware about tissue banking however only 12.5% knew of the existence of tissue banks in Malaysia. Femoral head was the bone allograft most often used as a substitute to autograft. Only 34.8% respondents preferred irradiated bone grafts whilst 46.9% preferred nonirradiated, indicating the need to educate the importance of radiation for sterilising tissues. Exhibition was the most preferred medium for awareness programme to disseminate information about bone banking in the orthopaedic community. The professional awareness is necessary to increase the knowledge on the use of bone graft, hence to increase bone transplantation for musculoskeletal surgeries in the country.
This article shares the findings from survey conducted between November 2021 and April 2022 across the three senatorial districts of Kwara state, Nigeria. The survey was carried out across 1120 households with information on the head of households, individuals in the households, household demographic characteristics, education, work experience, household youth and middle-aged employment status. The survey included both open-ended and close-ended questions, and the resulting data in excel format. The coding explanation/ interpretation is also depicted in a table. This data is valuable for research on employment, empowerment, community development and studies on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, precisely goal eight (UNSDG8).
AIM: The main objective of this study is to elucidate the role of immunoglobulin A (IgA) rheumatoid factor (RF) in predicting the clinical response to tumour necrosis factor α inhibitors (TNFi) among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
METHOD: We recruited all patients with RA who were ever on TNFi for a minimum duration of 3 months at our centre. Based on the European League Against Rheumatism response criteria, subjects were further divided into responders and non-responders. Age-matched RA patients who were on conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and in remission were enrolled as controls. Subjects were tested for quantitative values of IgA, IgM, IgG RF and anti-citrulinated cyclic peptides (CCP). Further, all subjects were assessed for the disease activity score that includes 28 joints (DAS28) and Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) 8-item Disability Index (HAQ-DI).
RESULTS: A total of 31 subjects with RA who had received TNFi and 15 controls were enrolled in this study. There was a trend for the non-responders (n = 10) to have higher levels of all isotypes of RF and anti-CCP. However, only the IgA RF and anti-CCP levels were significantly higher in the non-responder group compared to the responders and controls (P = 0.001, P = 0.034, respectively). On multivariate analysis, only the IgA RF remained significant (OR 0.989; 95% CI 0.980-0.999; P = 0.026).
CONCLUSION: IgA RF is potentially a novel predictor of response to TNFi in RA patients. Testing for pretreatment IgA RF levels could be a reasonable consideration before commencement of TNFi.
Study site: Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AIM: To determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction (FSD) among women with rheumatoid arthritis attending the Rheumatology Clinic in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) and Hospital Putrajaya, Malaysia, and to determine its associations with potential clinical and disease activity factors.
METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study involving women with rheumatoid arthritis between the ages of 20 and 60 years. A validated Malay Version Female Sexual Function Index (MVFSFI) was administered to diagnose FSD. Sociodemographic and disease activity profiles were obtained and those who had and did not have FSD were compared.
RESULTS: Among 63 respondents, 51 patients were included in the analysis for FSD. The prevalence of FSD in women with rheumatoid arthritis attending UKMMC and Hospital Putrajaya Rheumatology Clinic was 29.4%. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS28-ESR) correlates with MVFSFI score with r=-0.364 (P=0.009) and r=-0.268 (P=0.057), respectively. Sociodemographic factors that correlate with MVFSFI score were: patient's age (r=0.520, P<0.001); duration of marriage (r=-0.355, P=0.001); husband's age (r=-0.460, P=0.001); age of oldest child (r=-0.449, P=0.001); and age of youngest child (r=-0.627, P<0.001).
CONCLUSION: We found in this study that the prevalence of FSD in rheumatoid arthritis in our centers was 29.4%. Age and family dynamics appear to be more important predictors compared to disease activity.
Study site: Rheumatology Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) and Hospital Putrajaya, Malaysia
Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis and/or maintenance of elevated blood pressure in hypertension. This study investigated the effect of honey on elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). It also evaluated the effect of honey on the amelioration of oxidative stress in the kidney of SHR as a possible mechanism of its antihypertensive effect. SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were randomly divided into 2 groups and administered distilled water or honey by oral gavage once daily for 12 weeks. The control SHR had significantly higher SBP and renal malondialdehyde (MDA) levels than did control WKY. The mRNA expression levels of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were significantly downregulated while total antioxidant status (TAS) and activities of GST and catalase (CAT) were higher in the kidney of control SHR. Honey supplementation significantly reduced SBP and MDA levels in SHR. Honey significantly reduced the activities of GST and CAT while it moderately but insignificantly upregulated the Nrf2 mRNA expression level in the kidney of SHR. These results indicate that Nrf2 expression is impaired in the kidney of SHR. Honey supplementation considerably reduces elevated SBP via amelioration of oxidative stress in the kidney of SHR.
Neurogenesis involves cell proliferation, cell cycle arrest, differentiation, migration and the natural developmental death of the neural precursors. These processes are highly co-ordinated and governed by cell-cycle genes and neural transcription factors. Zn plays a crucial role as a functional and structural component of enzymes and transcription factors and components of the intracellular signaling pathway associated with the regulation of cell proliferation. The influence of additional Zn intake during pregnancy on the neuronal proliferation at ventricular zone of the developing fetus has been studied. Pups delivered by the group of mice provided with drinking water with 4.0 mM Zn supplement throughout pregnancy contained an increased number of proliferating neurons in the ventricular zone at P0 compared to those delivered by the mice provided with drinking water without any Zn supplement. This finding provides direct evidence to support the notion that maternal Zn levels influence the development of the nervous system of the offspring.
The survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene has been recognized to be responsible for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) because it is homozygously deleted in more than 90% of SMA patients, irrespective of their clinical severity, whereas the neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) gene is now considered to be a modifying factor of the severity of SMA. In Malaysia, it remains to be elucidated whether deletion of the SMN1 gene is also a main cause of SMA or whether deletion of the NAIP gene is found in the SMA patients.
BACKGROUND: Familial hypercholesterolemia and familial defective apo lipoprotein B are genetic disorders caused by defects in the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene and apo lipoprotein B 100 genes, respectively. The clinical phenotype of both diseases is characterized by increased plasma levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, tendinous xanthomata, and premature coronary heart disease.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to perform an association study between different gene sequence variants in low-density lipoprotein and apo lipoprotein B 100 genes to the clinical finding and lipid profile parameters of the study subjects.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A group of 164 familial hypercholesterolemic patients were recruited. The promoter region, exon 2-15 of the low density lipoprotein gene and parts of exon 26 and 29 of apo lipoprotein B 100 gene were screened by Denaturating Gradient High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
RESULTS: For the apo lipoprotein B 100 gene, those with apo lipoprotein B 100 gene mutation have a significantly higher frequency of cardiovascular disease (P = 0.045), higher low density lipoprotein cholesterol and total cholesterol: high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio than those without mutation (P = 0.03 and 0.02, respectively). For the low density lipoprotein gene defect those with frame shift mutation group showed the worst clinical presentation in terms of low density lipoprotein cholesterol level and cardiovascular frequency.
CONCLUSIONS: There was a statistically significant association between mutations of low density lipoprotein gene and apo lipoprotein B 100 genes and history of cardiovascular disease, younger age of presentation, family history of hyperlipidemia, tendon xanthoma and low density lipoprotein cholesterol level.
Study site: Cardiology Clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
The optical properties of a ZnO photocatalyst were enhanced with various dopant concentrations of Fe(3+). Doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized via a sol-gel method without the use of capping agents or surfactants and was then characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. The results showed that ZnO has a wurtzite, hexagonal structure and that the Fe(3+) ions were well incorporated into the ZnO crystal lattice. As the Fe(3+) concentration increased from 0.25 wt.% to 1 wt.%, the crystal size decreased in comparison with the undoped ZnO. The spectral absorption shifts of the visible light region (red shift) and the band gap decreases for each Fe-ZnO sample were investigated. The photocatalytic activities of the ZnO and Fe-ZnO samples were evaluated based on the degradation of 2-chlorophenol in aqueous solution under solar radiation. The samples with a small concentration of Fe(3+) ions showed enhanced photocatalytic activity with an optimal maximum performance at 0.5 wt.%. The results indicated that toxicity removal of 2-chlorophenol at same line of degradation efficiency. Small crystallite size and low band gap were attributed to high activities of Fe-ZnO samples under various concentrations of Fe(3+) ions compared to undoped ZnO.
Transdermal drug delivery is impeded by the natural barrier of epidermis namely stratum corneum. This limits the route to transport of drugs with a log octanol-water partition coefficient of 1 to 3, molecular weight of less than 500 Da and melting point of less than 200°C. Nanotechnology has received widespread investigation as nanocarriers are deemed to be able to fluidize the stratum corneum as a function of size, shape, surface charges, and hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity balance, while delivering drugs across the skin barrier. This review provides an overview and update on the latest designs of liposomes, ethosomes, transfersomes, niosomes, magnetosomes, oilin- water nanoemulsions, water-in-oil nanoemulsions, bicontinuous nanoemulsions, covalently crosslinked polysaccharide nanoparticles, ionically crosslinked polysaccharide nanoparticles, polyelectrolyte coacervated nanoparticles and hydrophobically modified polysaccharide nanoparticles with respect to their ability to fuse or fluidize lipid/protein/tight junction regimes of skin, and effect changes in skin permeability and drug flux. Universal relationships of nanocarrier size, zeta potential and chemical composition on transdermal permeation characteristics of drugs will be developed and discussed.
Many people suffer from myopia or hyperopia due to the refractive errors of the cornea all over the world. The use of high refractive index (RI), Abbe number (νd), and visible light transmittance (T%) polymeric contact lenses (CLs) holds great promise in vision error treatment as an alternative solution to the irreversible laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) have been suggested as a good candidate to rise the RI and maintain high transparency of a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-TiO2 nanocomposite. This work includes a preparation of TiO2 NPs using the sol gel method as well as a synthesis of pure PMMA by free radical polarization and PMMA-TiO2 CLs using a cast molding method of 0.005 and 0.01 w/v concentrations and a study of their effect on the aberrated human eye. ZEMAX optical design software was used for eye modeling based on the Liou and Brennan eye model and then the pure and doped CLs were applied. Ocular performance was evaluated by modulation transfer function (MTF), spot diagram, and image simulation. The used criteria show that the best vision correction was obtained by the CL of higher doping content (p < 0.0001) and that the generated spherical and chromatic aberrations in the eye had been reduced.