Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 1818 in total

  1. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff
    Kajian pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) subjek tunggal ini menyelidiki kesan daya dan laju tepikan ke atas sifat pengaktifan korteks berkaitan motor semasa tepikan jari rentak sendiri secara bilateral. Subjek melakukan empat cara tepikan jari rentak sendiri iaitu sentuh-perlahan (SP), sentuh-laju (SL), tekan-perlahan (TP) dan tekan-laju (TL) dalam satu imbasan fMRI. Model linear am (GLM) digunakan dalam penjanaan pengaktifan otak. Pentaakulan statistik kemudiannya dibuat mengenai pengaktifan otak menggunakan teori medan rawak (RFT) Gaussian pada aras keertian diperbetulkan (α = 0.05), dengan andaian tiada pengaktifan berlaku. Keputusan mendapati otak mengkoordinasi tepikan jari bilateral rentak sendiri dengan penglibatan korteks berkaitan motor iaitu girus presentral (PCG) bilateral, serebelum bilateral dan juga kawasan motor tambahan (SMA). Peningkatan daya tepikan menonjolkan pengaktifan yang bererti (p < 0.05 diperbetulkan) pada PCG bilateral (Kawasan Brodmann (BA) 6) sejajar dengan fungsinya dalam mencetus tindakan motor seperti mengawal daya tepikan. Peningkatan laju tepikan pula menyebabkan peningkatan pengaktifan otak secara bererti (p < 0.05 diperbetulkan) hanya pada korteks kesatuan somatoderia iaitu pada lobus parietal superior (SPL) kanan atau BA7 kanan. Ini mencadangkan bahawa SPL memainkan peranan penting dalam mengkoordinasi pergerakan berkemahiran terancang.

  2. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Objective: To determine association between academic performance and absenteeism in classroom among first year medical students.

    Methods: A one-year prospective study was conducted on 196 first year medical students. Academic performance was measured by examination scores at four examinations. Absenteeism score was measured by the cumulative number of absence in an academic session of each student recorded by academic office at the end of the first year of medical training. The academic performance was categorized into pass and fail for analysis purpose. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.

    Results: The independent-t analysis showed that, in all examinations, students who passed the examinations had significantly lower absenteeism scores than those who failed (p < 0.001).

    Conclusion: This study found significant associations between academic performances and absenteeism scores among first year medical students. Medical schools should pay more attention on this matter since it may result in poor academic performances.
  3. Salah, S., Yusoff, Y.J.
    This paper examines the concept of reform in terms of religious, political and social
    aspects in PB Shelley’s literary works. Selections from Shelley’s poetry, prose, essay
    and drama are reconsidered to show the concept of reform in his works. This paper
    seeks to unravel Shelley’s skeptic revolutionary thoughts that were always
    misunderstood by the critics of his time. Shelley as a poet perpetuated his life as a
    reformer, yet his concept of reform was neglected and often downplayed because of
    his idealistic view of the world. However, the significance of Shelley's concept of reform
    merits, more reverence, or, at least, more critical consideration than any of the Great
  4. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    There are five sources of validity evidence that are content, response process, internal structure, relation to other variables, and consequences. Content validity is the extent of a measurement tool represents the measured construct and it is considered as an essential evidence to support the validity of a measurement tool such as a questionnaire for research. Since content validity is vital to ensure the overall validity, therefore content validation should be performed systematically based on the evidence and best practice. This paper describes a systematic approach to quantify content validity in the form of content validity index based on the evidence and best practice.
  5. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Validity evidence can be supported by five sources that are content, response process, internal structure, relation to other variables, and consequences. Response process validity measures the thought processes of users of the tested inventory as they respond to the assessment tool. These are commonly evaluated in the form of clarity of instructions and language used in the assessment tool, as well as the comprehension of instruction after training or an observation session. Response process validity contributes to the overall validity of an assessment tool; therefore, it should be quantified systematically based on the evidence and best practice. This paper describes a systematic approach to quantify response process validity in the form of face validity index based on the evidence.
  6. Nur Hafizah Yusoff
    Football has a large amount of spectators and fans around the world. The majority of the spectators and fans are male rather than female. But, nowadays e can see the increasing numbers of female fans attending to the stadium. Although Malaysia did not have a strong national football team and not in the best rank in the world, football is still Malaysian most favorite sport. Female fans also show their interested watching the game live in the stadium. They also buy tickets, spending their times to watch the team playing not only at the home but the away game. In fact, the management of the team also realizes that a female fan is increasing and the management provides special counter tickets for female fans. Objectives of this article are to know what are the female fans’ motivation and how do they participate in their team. A total of 112 female football fans were chosen to be the respondents. The output from the survey showed 80.4% respondents said they started to support their team since last ten years, while 19.6% said they started to support the team over the past 10 years. The main motivation for them to go to the stadium are, to support their team (96.5%), meeting their friends (40.2%), release their stress (24.1%) and to watch and support their favourite players (25%). Numbers of 64.3% of respondents watching the game at home stadium, 32.1% watching and support their team in both home and away game.
    This study examined the predictive effect of self – esteem and perfectionism on eating disorders among university students. A total of 327 respondents (15.4% male and 84.6% female) participated in this research, recruited using simple random sampling method. Self – esteem was measured using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, perfectionism was measured using Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and eating disorder was measured using Eating Attitudes Test. There was a significant gender difference in eating disorders, t(376) = -2.909, p
  8. Meor Yusoff, M.S., Masliana Muslimin
    Considerable amount of uranium and thorium are found in our local zircon and the level is much higher than the maximum value adopted by Malaysia and many importing countries. Energy Dispersive X-ray Flourescence (EDXRF) proves to be a very valuable tool in the determination of these radioactive elements as it can perform the analysis simultaneously in shorter time. Quantitative analysis of this mineral involves the use of a fundamental parameter technique developed by National Bureau of Standard, USA and Geological Survey Canada (NBS-GSC FPT). The analysis for tin slag is more challenging as there is no reference standard of similar material. Thus the standard addition method was applied to correct the error from the matrix of the sample.
  9. Meor Yusoff, M.S., Masliana Muslimin
    The paper looks into the possibility of using standard addition method to analyse uranium and thorium in tin slag. Tin slag samples obtained from Butterworth was grind to 180 ȝm and injected with different concentrations of uranium and thorium. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for both these samples with R 2 values for uranium and thorium as 0.9989 and 0.9915 respectively. Based on this graphs, the initial uranium and thorium in the tin slag sample was established as 60 ppm for uranium and 160 ppm for thorium.
  10. Meor Yusoff, M.S., Latifah Amin
    XRF analysis was done on a local zircon samples and the result shows it has a high Fe, Th and U content. The high Fe content in Malaysian zircon had made the mineral to be classified as of a low-grade zircon. Presence of Fe in this mineral may be resulted from clay mineral coating found on the zircon surface. Chemical leaching technique was used for the removal of this Fe and the study also shows that a 600 o C heat pretreatment stage is important for the effectiveness of this process. Other parameters studied are the HCl concentration, leaching temperature and time. By using the optimum leaching parameters, the Fe content had been reduced to 0.049% and thus qualified it to be categorised as a premium grade zircon.
  11. Masliana Muslimin, Meor Yusoff, M.S.
    The experiment aims to investigate the effect of high energy milling to the crystallite size of α-alumina. The starting material used is α-alumina powder with starting crystal size of 86nm. This powder was milled at different time ranges from 0 to 60 minutes and milling speed ranges from 400 rpm to 1100 rpm using a wet milling technique in corundum abrasive materials. The wet milling technique involved the use of water with the alumina to water ratio of 1:6.1. Samples prepared were then examined using the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) to calculate the crystallite size and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was also used to determine changes in the morphology. Results from these analysis showed that the crystallite size will get smaller when milling speed and time of more than 600rpm and 30 minutes respectively were used. Optimum conditions to achieve the smallest crystal size of 79.7nm are 1000 rpm and 60 minutes.
  12. Chee Guan Ng, Sumiani Yusoff
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:517-527.
    The main objective of the present study was to provide a comprehensive LCI of medium scale composting of food waste
    and yard waste at institutional level, based on substance flow analysis (SFA). A secondary objective was to present the
    composition and assess the quality of the final compost product from composting of typical Asian organic waste (food
    waste and yard waste). The experiments were designed to represent a batch situation in an institutional medium size
    composting scenario with input material of food waste mixed with grass clippings and dried leaves. Two composting
    runs were carried out with the intention to showcase the heterogeneity of organic waste and study the effect of windrow
    size on the performance of the process. The input and output material were sampled and characterized in order to
    quantify the substance balance of the process. SFA was performed by means of the mass balance model STAN 2.5 to
    compute unknown parameters (gaseous emissions). SFAs have been performed for C, N, K, P, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb. The
    composting windrows were fed with 212.4 and 393 kg, respectively. VS content reduction is greater in composting pile
    with larger size (Run 2). The loss of C during composting was recorded in the range of 0.146-0.166 kg/kg ww. The C
    losses via leachate were insignificant (0.02% of the total input C). The total N loss during the process was 0.005-0.012
    kg/kg ww. The leachate generation was measured as 0.012-0.013 kg/kg ww. The flows of selected heavy metals were
    assessed. Heavy metals were of minor significance due to low concentrations in the inputs (food waste and yard waste).
    Heavy metals were found to be released to the atmosphere. However, majority of heavy metals remain in the finished
    compost. The C/N reduction during the process was in the range of 10-23%. In general, the compost composition was
    considered to be within the ranges previously reported in literature and thus ready for application in gardening. The LCI
    presented in the present study can be used as a starting point for making environmental assessments of medium-scale
    co-composting of food waste and yard waste in tropical environment. No major environmental problems were identified
    from the process, except for the emissions of GHGs.
  13. Chee GN, Sumiani Yusoff
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:187-192.
    In Malaysia, the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions reduction via composting of source-separated organic waste (SOW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) has not been assessed. Assessment of GHG emissions reduction via composting of SOW is important as environmental impacts from waste management are waste-specific and local-specific. The study presents the case study for potential carbon reduction via composting of SOW in University of Malaya (UM). In this study, a series of calculations were used to evaluate the GHG emission of different SOW management scenarios. The calculations based on IPCC calculation methods (AM0025) include GHGs emissions from landfilling, fuel consumption in transportation and SOW composting activity. The methods were applied to assess the GHG emissions from five alternative SOW management scenarios in UM. From the baseline scenario (S0), a total of 1,636.18 tCO2e was generated. In conjunction with target of 22% recycling rate, as shown in S1, 14% reduction in potential GHG emission can be achieved. The carbon reduction can be further enhanced by increasing the SOW composting capacity. The net GHG emission for S1, S2, S3 and S4 were 1,399.52, 1,161.29, 857.70 and 1,060.48 tCO2e, respectively. In general, waste diversion for composting proved a significant net GHG emission reduction as shown in S3 (47%), S4 (35%) and S2 (29%). Despite the emission due to direct on-site activity, the significant reduction in methane generation at landfill has reduced the net GHG emission. The emission source of each scenario was studied and analysed.
  14. Salehi Z, Yusoff AL
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 2013;154(3):396-9.
    PMID: 23012482 DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncs239
    A femur phantom made of wax and a real human bone was used to study the dose during radiographical procedures. The depth dose inside the phantom was determined using DOSXYZnrc, a Monte Carlo simulation software. The results were verified with measurements using TLD-100H. It was found that for 2.5 mm aluminium filtered 84-kVp X-rays, the radiation dose in the bone reached 57 % higher than the surface dose, i.e. 3.23 mGy as opposed to 2.06 mGy at the surface. The use of real bone introduces variations in the bone density in the DOSXYZnrc model, resulting in a lower attenuation effect than expected from solid bone tissues.
  15. Molouki A, Yusoff K
    Virol J, 2012;9:179.
    PMID: 22935147 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-9-179
    Recently it was shown that following infection of HeLa cells with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), the matrix (M) protein binds to Bax and subsequently the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis is activated. Moreover, there was very little alteration on mRNA and protein levels of Bax and Bcl-2 after infection with NDV.
  16. Chuen OC, Yusoff S
    J Air Waste Manag Assoc, 2012 Mar;62(3):299-306.
    PMID: 22482288
    This study performed an assessment on the beneficial of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) application on waste treatment system in a local palm oil industry in Malaysia. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to assess the environmental impacts of the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction from the CDM application. Calculations on the emission reduction used the methodology based on AM002 (Avoided Wastewater and On-site Energy Use Emissions in the Industrial Sector) Version 4 published by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The results from the studies showed that the introduction of CDM in the palm oil mill through conversion of the captured biogas from palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment into power generation were able to reduce approximate 0.12 tonnes CO2 equivalent concentration (tCO2e) emission and 30 kW x hr power generation per 1 tonne of fresh fruit bunch processed. Thus, the application of CDM methodology on palm oil mill wastewater treatment was able to reduce up to 1/4 of the overall environment impact generated in palm oil mill.
  17. Kamel N, Yusoff MZ
    PMID: 19163891 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2008.4650388
    A "single-trial" signal subspace approach for extracting visual evoked potential (VEP) from the ongoing 'colored' electroencephalogram (EEG) noise is proposed. The algorithm applies the generalized eigendecomposition on the covariance matrices of the VEP and noise to transform them jointly into diagonal matrices in order to avoid a pre-whitening stage. The proposed generalized subspace approach (GSA) decomposes the corrupted VEP space into a signal subspace and noise subspace. Enhancement is achieved by removing the noise subspace and estimating the clean VEPs only from the signal subspace. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed GSA scheme in estimating the latencies of P100's (used in objective assessment of visual pathways) are evaluated using real data collected from Selayang Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. The performance of GSA is compared with the recently proposed single-trial technique called the Third Order Correlation (TOC).
  18. Boonpeng H, Yusoff K
    Mol Cytogenet, 2013;6(1):8.
    PMID: 23448375 DOI: 10.1186/1755-8166-6-8
    The ultimate goal of human genetics is to understand the role of genome variation in elucidating human traits and diseases. Besides single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), copy number variation (CNV), defined as gains or losses of a DNA segment larger than 1 kb, has recently emerged as an important tool in understanding heritable source of human genomic differences. It has been shown to contribute to genetic susceptibility of various common and complex diseases. Despite a handful of publications, its role in cardiovascular diseases remains largely unknown. Here, we deliberate on the currently available technologies for CNV detection. The possible utility and the potential roles of CNV in exploring the mechanisms of cardiac remodeling in hypertension will also be addressed. Finally, we discuss the challenges for investigations of CNV in cardiovascular diseases and its possible implications in diagnosis of hypertension-related left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).
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